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Medical anthropologists often point to the importance of “illness narratives” as emergent or incipient forms in which patients attempt to make sense of the moral dimensions of illness and suffering (Kleinman 1988; Mattingly 1998). In this article I draw upon published accounts, newspapers, and legal documents, supplemented by ethnographic interviews carried out from 1999 to 2001, to show how plaintiffs in the yakugai AIDS trials brought by HIV-infected hemophiliacs against the Japanese government and the pharmaceutical industries that sold them tainted blood products appropriated powerful cultural themes in producing narrative accounts of their suffering. These narratives resonate with themes of lost trust, filial piety, and the desire for a “good death.” In contrast, I show how the neat and tidy narrative that emerged in the course of the yakugai AIDS trial served to impose meaning upon the plaintiffs’ unruly experiences such that, when it was over, the Japanese public was convinced that the “AIDS problem” had been “solved.”  相似文献   

During preclinical stages of cattle orally infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the responsible agent is confined to ileal Peyer’s patches (IPP), namely in nerve fibers and in lymph follicles, before reaching the peripheral and central nervous systems. No infectivity has been reported in other bovine lymphoid organs, including jejunal Peyer’s patches (JPP). To determine the potential sites for prion neuroinvasion in IPP, we analyzed the mucosal innervation and the interface between nerve fibers and follicular dendritic cells (FDC), two dramatic influences on neuroinvasion. Bovine IPP were studied at three ages, viz., newborn calves, calves less than 12 months old, and bovines older than 24 months, and the parameters obtained were compared with those of JPP. No differences in innervation patterns between IPP and JPP were found. The major difference observed was that, in calves of less than 12 months, IPP were the major mucosal-associated lymphoid organ that possessed a large number of follicles with extended FDC networks. Using a panel of antibodies, we showed that PP in 24-month-old bovines were highly innervated at various strategic sites assumed to be involved in the invasion and replication of the BSE pathogen: the suprafollicular dome, T cell area, and germinal centers. In PP in calves of less than 12 months old, no nerve fibers positive for the neurofilament markers NF-L (70 kDa) and NF-H (200 kDa) were observed in contact with FDC. Thus, in view of the proportion of these protein subunits present in neurofilaments, the innervation of the germinal centers can be said to be an age-dependent dynamic process. This variation in innervation might influence the path of neuroinvasion and, thus, the susceptibility of bovines to the BSE agent. This work was supported by the Région Wallonne and by the Leon Frederiq Foundation.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that determine local extinction of populations is crucial to ensure species conservation. Forest-dwelling primates are especially vulnerable to habitat fragmentation, although few studies have provided systematic evidence of local extinctions. Over an 11-year period, approximately 100 remnant populations of the endangered Coimbra Filho’s titi monkey (Callicebus coimbrai) have been found within the geographic range of the species in Bahia and Sergipe, Northeast Brazil. During the present study, extinction of 13 of these populations was recorded through intensive surveys. These extinctions were detected from evidence of intensive logging and clear-cutting, interviews with local residents and systematic searches of the sites where occurrence of the species had been confirmed in previous surveys. These local extinctions represent approximately 10 % of the known populations of C. coimbrai and up to 28.3 % of the area occupied by the species. Comparison of the vegetation structure in fragments where extinction was recorded and where the species still occurs indicated that sparser understorey may be a correlate of extinction, combined with the fact that extinctions occurred within fragments characterised by relatively high levels of anthropogenic disturbance. These findings reinforce the Endangered status of the species and the urgent need for intensification of conservation measures within the most impacted areas of the geographic distribution of C. coimbrai.  相似文献   



Obligate pollination mutualisms (OPMs) are specialized interactions in which female pollinators transport pollen between the male and female flowers of a single plant species and then lay eggs into those same flowers. The pollinator offspring hatch and feed upon some or all of the developing ovules pollinated by their mothers. Strong trait matching between plants and their pollinators in OPMs is expected to result in reciprocal partner specificity i.e., a single pollinator species using a single plant species and vice versa, and strict co-speciation. These issues have been studied extensively in figs and fig wasps, but little in the more recently discovered co-diversification of Epicephala moths and their Phyllanthaceae hosts. OPMs involving Epicephala moths are believed occur in approximately 500 species of Phyllanthaceae, making it the second largest OPM group after the Ficus radiation (>?750 species). In this study, we used a mixture of DNA barcoding, genital morphology and behavioral observations to determine the number of Epicephala moth species inhabiting the fruits of Breynia oblongifolia, their geographic distribution, pollinating behavior and phylogenetic relationships.


We found that B. oblongifolia hosts two species of pollinator that co-occurred at all study sites, violating the assumption of reciprocal specificity. Male and female genital morphologies both differed considerably between the two moth species. In particular, females differed in the shape of their ovipositors, eggs and oviposition sites. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the two Epicephala spp. on B. oblongifolia likely co-exist due to a host switch. In addition, we discovered that Breynia fruits are also often inhabited by a third moth, an undescribed species of Herpystis, which is a non-pollinating seed parasite.


Our study reveals new complexity in interactions between Phyllantheae and Epicephala pollinators and highlights that host switching, co-speciation and non-pollinating seed parasites can shape species interactions in OPMs. Our finding that co-occurring Epicephala species have contrasting oviposition modes parallels other studies and suggests that such traits are important in Epicephala species coexistence.

Adipose tissue remodeling in obesity involves macrophage infiltration and chronic inflammation. NF-kB-mediated chronic inflammation of the adipose tissue is directly implicated in obesity-associated insulin resistance. We have investigated the effect of growth hormone (GH) on NF-kB activity in preadipocytes (3T3-F442A) and macrophages (J774A.1). Our studies indicate that whereas GH increases NF-kB activity in preadipocytes, it decreases NF-kB activity in macrophages. This differential response of NF-kB activity to GH correlates with the GH-dependent expression of a cadre of NF-kB-activated cytokines in these two cell types. Activation of NF-kB by GH in preadipocytes heightens inflammatory response by stimulating production of multiple cytokines including TNF-α, IL-6, and MCP-1, the mediators of both local and systemic insulin resistance and chemokines that recruit macrophages. Our studies also suggest differential regulation of miR132 and SIRT1 expression as a mechanism underlying the observed variance in GH-dependent NF-kB activity and altered cytokine profile in preadipocytes and macrophages. These findings further our understanding of the complex actions of GH on adipocytes and insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is evidence vitamin A plays a role in neuroblastoma. Not only is 13-cis-retinoic acid used as maintenance therapy for high-risk cases, but prenatal vitamin intake use may decrease neuroblastoma risk. We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in vitamin A-related genes are may be associated with neuroblastoma risk and potentially be modified by vitamin A intake.MethodsThe Neuroblastoma Epidemiology in North America (NENA) study recruited 563 case-parent sets through the Children’s Oncology Group’s Childhood Cancer Research Network. We ascertained dietary nutrient intake through questionnaires and genotyped 463 SNPs in vitamin A-related genes from saliva DNA. Offspring and maternal log-additive risk ratios (RR) and stratum-specific RR for gene-environment interaction were estimated with a log-linear model. We avoided false positives due to multiple testing by using the false discovery rate (FDR).ResultsWhen all neuroblastoma cases were considered together, no offspring variants met the significance criteria (FDR Q-value < 0.2). One maternal SNP (rs12442054) was associated with decreased risk of neuroblastoma (RR: 0.61; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.47–0.79, Q = 0.076). When the cases were categorized according to prognostic risk category and age at onset, nine offspring SNPs were significantly associated with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma. Maternal rs6776706 was associated with (RR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.33–0.72, Q = 0.161) high-risk neuroblastoma and maternal rs11103603 (RR: 0.60; 95% CI: 0.45–0.79, Q = 0.127) was associated with neuroblastoma aged <1 year. For gene-environment interaction, maternal rs729147 was associated with decreased risk of neuroblastoma among mothers with vitamin A consumption above the recommendation.ConclusionsAlthough there is biologic plausibility for the role of vitamin A in neuroblastoma, we found weak evidence of a relationship between vitamin A related genes and neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - SHANK- associated RH domain-interacting protein (SHARPIN) is a multifunctional protein associated with numerous physiological functions and many diseases. The...  相似文献   


The development of diagnostic factors for such neurodegenerative disorders as Alzheimer’s disease is hindered by several limitations that are often witnessed in the early detection of biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and bio-fluids in clinical contexts. Therefore, here, we suggest a highly sensitive plasmonics nanobiosensor for detection of Alzheimer on one nanodevice through the excitation of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) depending on graphene chemical potential, called a nanobiosensor. This plasmonic nanobiosensor consists of only graphene metasurfaces and samples but does not need extra approaches for the exact analysis of the sample refractive index. Under FDTD simulation, we analyze the sensitivity of 3900 l/RIU for amyloid-beta (Aβ) and figure of merit of 138. This is the first high-performance plasmonics nanobiosensor to monitoring of Alzheimer samples which can be used to detect Alzheimer easily in the future.


Swainson’s Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) are large raptors with a breeding distribution extending across much of western North America where they were historically considered one of the most abundant raptors. Swainson’s Hawks have declined precipitously in many parts of their range during the 20th century, and the historical range in California has been much reduced. In the Central Valley of California (CV), Swainson’s Hawks exhibit behavioral and morphological characteristics apparently different from other regions. To describe the genetic diversity and population structure of Swainson’s Hawks throughout their range, 19 microsatellite loci and 416 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region were analyzed. Microsatellite diversity appears high throughout the contemporary range. A Bayesian model-based analysis of microsatellite genotypes revealed clusters associated with the CV and the Great Basin/Great Plains region of North America (GBGP) with overlap between regions. F ST estimates suggest limited differentiation among Swainson’s Hawks with isolation by distance. A heterozygote excess indicated a recent reduction in effective population size of Swainson’s Hawks across all regions. Control region data revealed no population structure and provided evidence of historic population expansion in the GBGP. In the CV a weaker signature of population expansion was detected, possibly altered by recent declines. While genetic data suggests recent gene-flow across regions, apparent differences between the CV and GBGP in traits with potential fitness consequences (migratory behavior and morphology) along with marked decline in numbers in California call for careful conservation, management, and monitoring of Swainson’s Hawks in the CV.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake which was missed during typesetting. The caption to Fig.&nbsp;5 was...  相似文献   

Plants with extrafloral nectaries attract a variety of ant species, in associations commonly considered mutualistic. However, the results of such interactions can be context dependent. Turnera subulata is a shrub widely distributed among disturbed areas which has extrafloral nectaries at the base of leaves. Here, we evaluated whether the ants associated with T. subulata (i) vary in space and/or time; (ii) respond to simulated herbivory, and (iii) reduce herbivory rates. For this, we quantified the abundance and species richness of ants associated with T. subulata throughout the day in six different sites and the defensive capability of these ants under simulated herbivory in the leaves and stems of T. subulata plants (N = 60). We also checked the proportion of the lost leaf area and quantified leaf damage by chewing herbivores in the host plant. We found that a total of 21 ant species associated with the host plant. Species composition showed significant variation across the sampled sites and throughout the day. Visitation rates and predation by ants were higher in plant stems than in leaves. In general, herbivory rates were not correlated with ant association or activity, with the exception of the proportion of leaf area consumed; there was a significant lower herbivory rate on plants in which ants defended the leaves. Our results suggest that the benefits of association may depend on the ecological context. This context dependence may mask the correlation between the defense of ants and herbivory rates.  相似文献   



To evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention implementing best practice guidelines recommending clinicians screen and counsel young people across multiple psychosocial risk factors, on clinicians’ detection of health risks and patients’ risk taking behaviour, compared to a didactic seminar on young people’s health.


Pragmatic cluster randomised trial where volunteer general practices were stratified by postcode advantage or disadvantage score and billing type (private, free national health, community health centre), then randomised into either intervention or comparison arms using a computer generated random sequence. Three months post-intervention, patients were recruited from all practices post-consultation for a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview and followed up three and 12 months later. Researchers recruiting, consenting and interviewing patients and patients themselves were masked to allocation status; clinicians were not.


General practices in metropolitan and rural Victoria, Australia


General practices with at least one interested clinician (general practitioner or nurse) and their 14–24 year old patients.


This complex intervention was designed using evidence based practice in learning and change in clinician behaviour and general practice systems, and included best practice approaches to motivating change in adolescent risk taking behaviours. The intervention involved training clinicians (nine hours) in health risk screening, use of a screening tool and motivational interviewing; training all practice staff (receptionists and clinicians) in engaging youth; provision of feedback to clinicians of patients’ risk data; and two practice visits to support new screening and referral resources. Comparison clinicians received one didactic educational seminar (three hours) on engaging youth and health risk screening.

Outcome Measures

Primary outcomes were patient report of (1) clinician detection of at least one of six health risk behaviours (tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use, risks for sexually transmitted infection, STI, unplanned pregnancy, and road risks); and (2) change in one or more of the six health risk behaviours, at three months or at 12 months. Secondary outcomes were likelihood of future visits, trust in the clinician after exit interview, clinician detection of emotional distress and fear and abuse in relationships, and emotional distress at three and 12 months. Patient acceptability of the screening tool was also described for the intervention arm. Analyses were adjusted for practice location and billing type, patients’ sex, age, and recruitment method, and past health risks, where appropriate. An intention to treat analysis approach was used, which included multilevel multiple imputation for missing outcome data.


42 practices were randomly allocated to intervention or comparison arms. Two intervention practices withdrew post allocation, prior to training, leaving 19 intervention (53 clinicians, 377 patients) and 21 comparison (79 clinicians, 524 patients) practices. 69% of patients in both intervention (260) and comparison (360) arms completed the 12 month follow-up. Intervention clinicians discussed more health risks per patient (59.7%) than comparison clinicians (52.7%) and thus were more likely to detect a higher proportion of young people with at least one of the six health risk behaviours (38.4% vs 26.7%, risk difference [RD] 11.6%, Confidence Interval [CI] 2.93% to 20.3%; adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.7, CI 1.1 to 2.5). Patients reported less illicit drug use (RD -6.0, CI -11 to -1.2; OR 0·52, CI 0·28 to 0·96), and less risk for STI (RD -5.4, CI -11 to 0.2; OR 0·66, CI 0·46 to 0·96) at three months in the intervention relative to the comparison arm, and for unplanned pregnancy at 12 months (RD -4.4; CI -8.7 to -0.1; OR 0·40, CI 0·20 to 0·80). No differences were detected between arms on other health risks. There were no differences on secondary outcomes, apart from a greater detection of abuse (OR 13.8, CI 1.71 to 111). There were no reports of harmful events and intervention arm youth had high acceptance of the screening tool.


A complex intervention, compared to a simple educational seminar for practices, improved detection of health risk behaviours in young people. Impact on health outcomes was inconclusive. Technology enabling more efficient, systematic health-risk screening may allow providers to target counselling toward higher risk individuals. Further trials require more power to confirm health benefits.

Trial Registration

ISRCTN.com ISRCTN16059206.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are colored pigments forming the basis of many avian social traits. Before their utilization carotenoids must be acquired through diet and mobilized for specific uses. The relationships between carotenoid-based coloration, circulating carotenoids and body condition have been well studied in adult birds, but little is known in nestlings. Here, we investigated variations in carotenoid-based coloration in a raptor nestling, the Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus), both in captivity and in natural conditions, and within a vole (poor-carotenoid source and cyclic prey) specialist population. We studied these variations according to nestling age and sex, and possible limitations in carotenoid availability by comparing years of contrasted prey abundance and using carotenoid supplementation experiments. Captive nestlings, fed only with mice, were strongly carotenoid limited. Wild nestlings were also carotenoid limited, especially in a year of high vole abundance. Nestlings were in better condition but less colored during a peak vole abundance year than during a low vole abundance year, when harriers targeted more alternative preys (birds, insects). Thus, variation in vole abundance resulted in a de-coupling of body condition and carotenoid-based coloration in this population. This suggested that the positive relation between the body condition and carotenoid-based traits, typically found in adult birds, could be restricted to adults or nestlings of species that feed on carotenoid-rich food. Our results should stimulate more work on the functions and mechanisms of carotenoid-based traits in nestlings, which deserve more attention and most likely differ from those of adult birds.  相似文献   


Cryopreservation is a valuable tool that could potentially create an alternate plant preservation strategy for species at risk such as Hill’s thistle. The present study is focused on a successful paradigm involving conservation, propagation and redistribution (CPR), emaphasizing the usefulness of cryopreservation techniques for plant conservation using Hill’s thistle (Cirsium hillii. (Canby) Fernald). A cryopreservation protocol was established using the droplet-vitrification method for 5-week-old shoot tips of in vitro grown cultures. More than 90% of shoot tips showed regrowth and nearly all regenerated plants were able to survive in the greenhouse. The survival, growth, and development of plants from cryopreserved shoot buds and their performance in field conditions were all comparable or better than the plants from non-cryopreserved buds. Reintroduced plants flowered following overwintering and the magnitude of flowering was site dependent with ca. 80% flowering observed in one site. The site dependent flowering patterns were assessed using phytohormone profiling and compared to herbivory, a common biotic stressor of these plants. Lower tryptophan concentrations led to higher flowering except in alvars, where the limestone resisted root penetration resulting in poor flowering. The presence of tryptamine in the greenhouse acclimatized or alvar field leaves suggested the preparedness of the plants for herbivory/grazing. Serotonin and melatonin concentrations were lower in flowering plants and in sites where the biotic/abiotic stress was minimal. This study provides evidence of the effectiveness of the CPR model in species recovery programs for endangered species. Physiological characterization of plants developed from cryopreserved tissues can be useful for fundamental and applied research in stress adaptation and reproductive biology of plants.


Sandflies associated with opossum nests are reported for the first time in the yards of residences located in the urban area of the municipality of Monte Mor, situated in the metropolitan region of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Eleven specimens of Evandromyia cortelezzii and one of Evandromyia lenti were captured in two Didelphis albiventris nests. Ev. cortelezzii is considered a secondary vector species for the transmission of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in the Neotropics. This association may contribute to the introduction, establishment and maintenance of urban and periurban zoonotic transmission outbreaks of Leishmania and should therefore be investigated further.  相似文献   

Inflammatory process has a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and insoluble amyloid beta deposits and neurofibrillary tangles provide the obvious stimuli for inflammation. The present study demonstrate the effect of pretreatment of 1,8-cineole (Cin) on inflammation induced by Aβ(25–35) in differentiated PC12 cells. The cells were treated with Cin at different doses for 24 h and then replaced by media containing Aβ(25–35) for another 24 h. The cell viability was decreased in Aβ(25–35) treated cells which was significantly restored by Cin pretreatment. Cin successfully reduced the mitochondrial membrane potential, ROS and NO levels in Aβ(25–35) treated cells. Cin also lowered the levels of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 in Aβ(25–35) treated cells. Moreover, Cin also succeeded in lowering the expression of NOS-2, COX-2 and NF-κB. This study suggests the protective effects of Cin on inflammation and provides additional evidence for its potential beneficial use in therapy as an anti-inflammatory agent in neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

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