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Currently, retroviral vector producer cell lines must be established for the production of each gene vector. This is done by transfection of a packaging cell line with the gene of interest. In order to find a high-titer retroviral vector producer clone, exhaustive clone screening is necessary, as the random integration of the transgene gives rise to different expression levels. We established a virus producing packaging cell line, the 293 FLEX, in which the viral vector is flanked by two different FRT sites and a selection trap. Using Flp recombinase mediated cassette exchange; this vector can be replaced by another compatible retroviral vector. The first step was the tagging of 293 cells with a lacZ reporter gene, which allowed screening and choosing a high expressing chromosomal locus. After checking that, a single copy of the construct was integrated, cassette exchangeability was confirmed with a reporter targeting construct. Subsequently gag-pol and GaLV envelope genes were stably transfected. The lacZ transgene was replaced by a GFP transgene and the 293 FLEX producer cell line maintained the titer, thus validating the flexibility and efficacy of this producer cell line. The tagged retroviral producer cell clone should constitute a highly advantageous cell line since it has a predictable titer and can be rapidly used for different therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Using enhancers to improve the transfection efficiency of polyethylenimine (PEI) can circumvent the needs of chemical modifications as well as subsequent purification and characterization of the modified PEI. In this study, we found that incorporating trehalose into the transfection reagent could improve the transgene expression mediated by DNA-PEI complexes. Such enhancements were not observed when trehalose was replaced by other disaccharides. In an effort to explore the mechanisms, we examined how the timing of trehalose treatments and the durations of trehalose affected the percentages of cells expressing green fluorescent protein and the levels of intracellular ethidium monoazide labeled plasmid. Treatments with trehalose for 5-120 min prior to transfection could cause drops in transfection efficiency by 30-50%; such treatments, however, hardly affected the amounts of intracellular plasmid, indicating that the preexistence of intracellular trehalose could reduce transfection efficiency without lowering the endocytic activity. The transfection efficiency remained almost unchanged when the transfected cells were treated with trehalose after the removal of transfection reagents, indicating that trehalose had minimal effects on the machinery of protein synthesis. Despite the enhanced transgene expression, the presence of trehalose during transfection showed inhibitory effects on the internalization of DNA-PEI complexes. Additionally, the extent of enhancement in transgene expression strongly depended on the duration of trehalose. As the above observations suggested, only during the transfection process when complexes and trehalose coexisted, trehalose became an effective enhancer of transgene expression mediated by DNA-PEI complexes possibly by affecting the mechanisms of intracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice are an effective model to study gene function in vivo; however, position effects can complicate tissue-specific transgene analysis. To facilitate precise targeting of a transgenic construct into the mouse genome, we combined the Cre/lox and Flp/FRT recombination systems to allow for rapid transgene replacement and conditional transgene expression from the endogenous beta-actin locus. Flp/FRT recombination was used to rapidly exchange FRT-flanked transgene cassettes by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange in embryonic stem cells, while transgene expression can be activated in mice after Cre-mediated excision of a floxed STOP cassette. To validate our system, we analyzed the expression profile of an EGFP reporter gene after integration into the beta-actin locus and Cre-mediated excision of the floxed STOP cassette. Breeding of EGFP reporter mice with various Cre mouse lines resulted in the expected expression profiles, demonstrating the feasibility of the model to facilitate predictable and strong transgene expression in a spatially and temporally controlled manner.  相似文献   



The ability to regulate transgene expression has many applications, mostly concerning the analysis of gene function. Desirable induction characteristics, such as low un-induced expression, high induced expression and limited cellular heterogeneity, can be seriously impaired by chromosomal position effects at the site of transgene integration. Many clones may therefore need to be screened before one with optimal induction characteristics is identified. Furthermore, such screens must be repeated for each new transgene investigated, and comparisons between clones with different transgenes is complicated by their different integration sites.  相似文献   

The Cre‐loxP system is frequently used for site‐specific recombination in animal cells. The equilibrium and specificity of the recombination reaction can be controlled using mutated loxPs. In the present study, we designed an accumulative site‐specific gene integration system using Cre recombinase and mutated loxPs in which the Cre‐mediated cassette exchange reaction is infinitely repeatable for target gene integration into loxP target sites. To evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of this system, a series of integration reactions were repeated and confirmed in vitro using Cre recombinase protein and plasmids. Accumulative gene integration was also performed on the genome of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The results indicated that the system was applicable for repeated gene integration of multiple genes to the target sites on both plasmids and CHO cell genomes. This gene integration system provides a novel strategy for gene amplification and for biological analyses of gene function through the genetic modification of cells and organisms. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 1106–1114. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We developed a site-directed integration (SDI) system for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to precisely integrate a single copy of a desired gene into a predefined target locus by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE). We produced site-specific transgenic tobacco plants from four target lines and examined expression of the transgene in T1 site-specific transgenic tobacco plants, which were obtained by backcrossing. We found that site-specific transgenic plants from the same target lines showed approximately the same level of expression of the transgene. Moreover, we demonstrated that site-specific transgenic plants showed much less variability of transgene expression than random-integration transgenic plants. Interestingly, transgenes in the same direction at the same target locus showed the same level of activity, but transgenes in different directions showed different levels of activity. The expression levels of transgene did not correlate with those of the target gene. Our results showed that the SDI system could benefit the precise comparisons between different gene constructs, the characterization of different chromosomal regions and the cost-effective screening of reliable transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) is a process in which site-specific recombinases exchange one gene cassette flanked by a pair of incompatible target sites for another cassette flanked by an identical pair of sites. Typically one cassette is present in the host genome, whereas the other gene cassette is introduced into the host cell by chemical or biological means. We show here that the frequency of cassette exchange is dependent on the relative and absolute quantities of the transgene cassette and the recombinase. We were able to successfully modify genomic targets not only by electroporation or chemically mediated gene transfer but also by using an adenovirus vector carrying both the transgene cassette to be inserted and the recombinase coding region. RMCE proceeds efficiently in cells in which the adenovirus vector is able to replicate. In contrast, insufficient quantities of the transgene cassette are produced in cells in which the virus cannot replicate. Additional transfection of the transgene cassette significantly enhances the RMCE frequency. This demonstrates that an RMCE system in the context of a viral vector allows the site directed insertion of a transgene into a defined genomic site.  相似文献   

Current techniques for genetic engineering of the silkworm Bombyx mori genome utilize transposable elements, which result in positional effects and insertional mutagenesis through random insertion of exogenous DNA. New methods for introducing transgenes at specific positions are therefore needed to overcome the limitations of transposon-based strategies. Although site-specific recombination systems have proven powerful tools for genome manipulation in many organisms, their use has not yet been well established for the integration of transgenes in the silkworm. We describe a method for integrating target genes at pre-defined chromosomal sites in the silkworm via phiC31/att site-specific recombination system-mediated cassette exchange. Successful recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) was observed in the two transgenic target strains with an estimated transformation efficiency of 3.84–7.01%. Our results suggest that RMCE events between chromosomal attP/attP target sites and incoming attB/attB sites were more frequent than those in the reciprocal direction. This is the first report of in vivo RMCE via phiC31 integrase in the silkworm, and thus represents a key step toward establishing genome manipulation technologies in silkworms and other lepidopteran species.  相似文献   

High-capacity "gutless" adenovirus vectors (HC-AdV) mediate long-term transgene expression in resting cells in vitro and in vivo because of low toxicity and immunogenicity. However, in proliferating cells, expression is transient since HC-AdV genomes do not possess elements that allow for replication and segregation of the replicated genomes to daughter cells. We developed a binary HC-AdV system that, under certain conditions, allows for significantly prolonged episomal maintenance of HC-AdV genomes in proliferating tissue culture cells, resulting in sustained transgene expression. After transduction of target cells the linear HC-AdV genomes were circularized by the DNA recombinase FLPe, which was expressed from the second HC-AdV. The oriP/EBNA-1 replication system derived from Epstein-Barr virus, as well as the human replication origin from the lamin B2 locus, were used as cis elements to test for replication of the 28-kb circular vector genomes with or without selective pressure. Depending on the system, up to 98% of the circularized genomes were replicated and segregated to daughter cells, as demonstrated by Southern assays and as confirmed by monitoring EGFP transgene expression. Surprisingly, in the absence of FLPe recombinase, a small but significant number of HC-AdV genomes spontaneously circularized after transduction of target cells. These circles, found to contain end-to-end joined adenovirus termini, replicated with increased efficiency compared to vectors circularized by FLPe. After further improvements, this HC-AdV system might be suitable for gene therapy applications requiring long-term transgene expression.  相似文献   

Integrative gene transfer is widely used for bioproduction, drug screening, and therapeutic applications but usual viral methods lead to random and multicopy insertions, contribute to unstable transgene expression and can disturb endogenous gene expression. Homologous targeting of an expression cassette using rare‐cutting endonucleases is a potential solution; however the number of studied loci remains limited. Furthermore, the behavior and performance of various types of gene cassettes following gene targeting is poorly defined. Here we have evaluated three loci for gene targeting, including one locus compatible with the proposed Safe Harbor criteria for human translational applications. Using optimized conditions for homologous gene targeting, reporter genes under the control of different promoters were efficiently inserted at each locus in both sense and antisense orientations. Sustainable expression was achieved at all three loci without detectable disturbance of flanking gene expression. However, the promoter, the integration locus and the cassette orientation have a strong impact on transgene expression. Finally, single targeted integrations exhibited greatly improved transgene expression stability versus multicopy or random integration. Taken together, our data suggest a potential set of loci for site‐specific transgene integration, suitable for a variety of biotechnological applications. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2225–2235. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the male germ cell-specific phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (Pgk2) promoter to generate Pgk2Cre transgenic mice to allow investigation of genes critically involved in meiosis. The Pgk2 promoter had been used previously to target transgene expression to spermatocytes and spermatids in several laboratories including ours. In several Cre targeting experiments using other promoters, ectopic Cre expression had been observed, but the timing and extent of this expression was not analyzed. We demonstrate that in adult mice the Pgk2Cre transgene is expressed specifically in spermatocytes and spermatids, as expected. However, in offspring from matings of Pgk2Cre mice and an H19loxP indicator strain, we discovered that recombination events had occurred in several, but not all, tissues to varying extents. The lacZ-loxP transgenic indicator strain was next used to uncover ectopic Cre expression even in single cells, which indicated that the Pgk2Cre transgene is expressed between days 11 and 15 during embryogenesis in several tissues and organs. Using an RT PCR assay we were unable to detect endogenous Pgk2 mRNA during embryogenesis or in adult tissues other than testis. In conclusion, the Pgk2 promoter is a valid choice for targeting gene expression to meiotic male germ cells, since transient ectopic expression is unlikely to have a discernable effect in most studies, but it may be inappropriate for utilization with Cre recombinase.  相似文献   

Previous reports described the rat synapsin 1 promoter as primarily neuron selective. However, ectopic expression of a transgene under the rat synapsin 1 promoter was also detected in testis from some transgenic mouse lines. Here we investigate which cells within the testis express a transgene consisting of the rat synapsin 1 promoter fused with luciferase. Synapsin 1-luciferase expression vectors were introduced into HeLa cells, into TM3 cells derived from mouse testicular Leydig cells, and into one-cell embryos to make transgenic mice. Indirect immunofluorescence suggests that nontransfected TM3 cells do not express endogenous synapsin 1. TM3 stable transfectants, however, expressed luciferase under the direction of the synapsin 1 promoter, in both promoter orientations. HeLa cells displayed only low levels of activity. Transgenic mice carrying the synapsin 1-luciferase construct displayed high levels of luciferase activity in the brain, spinal cord, and testis. Enriched populations of prepuberal types A and B spermatogonia and adult Leydig cells, pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids prepared from transgenic mice all displayed substantial luciferase activity. Thus, the rat synapsin 1 promoter can mediate reporter gene expression in neurons and testicular cell types.  相似文献   

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