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Modeling of the Bacterial Growth Curve   总被引:37,自引:12,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
Several sigmoidal functions (logistic, Gompertz, Richards, Schnute, and Stannard) were compared to describe a bacterial growth curve. They were compared statistically by using the model of Schnute, which is a comprehensive model, encompassing all other models. The t test and the F test were used. With the t test, confidence intervals for parameters can be calculated and can be used to distinguish between models. In the F test, the lack of fit of the models is compared with the measuring error. Moreover, the models were compared with respect to their ease of use. All sigmoidal functions were modified so that they contained biologically relevant parameters. The models of Richards, Schnute, and Stannard appeared to be basically the same equation. In the cases tested, the modified Gompertz equation was statistically sufficient to describe the growth data of Lactobacillus plantarum and was easy to use.  相似文献   

Stable microbial communities associated with health can be disrupted by altered environmental conditions. Periodontal diseases are associated with changes in the resident oral microflora. For example, as gingivitis develops, a key change in the microbial composition of dental plaque is the ascendancy of Actinomyces spp. and gram-negative rods at the expense of Streptococcus spp. We describe the use of an in vitro model to replicate this population shift, first with a dual-species model (Actinomyces naeslundii and Streptococcus sobrinus) and then using a microcosm model of dental plaque. The population shift was induced by environmental changes associated with gingivitis, first by the addition of artificial gingival crevicular fluid and then by a switch to a microaerophilic atmosphere. In addition to the observed population shifts, confocal laser scanning microscopy also revealed structural changes and differences in the distribution of viable and nonviable bacteria associated with the change in environmental conditions. This model provides an appropriate system for the further understanding of microbial population shifts associated with gingivitis and for the testing of, for example, antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between microbial communities in differently sized colonies of the massive coral Coelastrea aspera at Phuket, Thailand where colony size could be used as a proxy for age. Results indicated significant differences between the bacterial diversity (ANOSIM, R = 0.76, p = 0.001) of differently sized colonies from the same intertidal reef habitat. Juvenile and small colonies (<6cm mean diam) harboured a lower bacterial richness than medium (~10cm mean diam) and large colonies (>28 cm mean diam). Bacterial diversity increased in a step-wise pattern from juveniles<small<medium colonies, which was then followed by a slight decrease in the two largest size classes. These changes appear to resemble a successional process which occurs over time, similar to that observed in the ageing human gut. Furthermore, the dominant bacterial ribotypes present in the tissues of medium and large sized colonies of C. aspera, (such as Halomicronema, an Oscillospira and an unidentified cyanobacterium) were also the dominant ribotypes found within the endolithic algal band of the coral skeleton; a result providing some support for the hypothesis that the endolithic algae of corals may directly influence the bacterial community present in coral tissues.  相似文献   

A set of PCR primers was designed and validated for specific detection and quantification of Prevotella ruminicola, Prevotella albensis, Prevotella bryantii, Fibrobacter succinogenes, Selenomonas ruminantium-Mitsuokella multiacida, Streptococcus bovis, Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Ruminobacter amylophilus, Eubacterium ruminantium, Treponema bryantii, Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens, and Anaerovibrio lipolytica. By using these primers and the real-time PCR technique, the corresponding species in the rumens of cows for which the diet was switched from hay to grain were quantitatively monitored. The dynamics of two fibrolytic bacteria, F. succinogenes and R. flavefaciens, were in agreement with those of earlier, culture-based experiments. The quantity of F. succinogenes DNA, predominant in animals on the hay diet, fell 20-fold on the third day of the switch to a grain diet and further declined on day 28, with a 57-fold reduction in DNA. The R. flavefaciens DNA concentration on day 3 declined to approximately 10% of its initial value in animals on the hay diet and remained at this level on day 28. During the transition period (day 3), the quantities of two ruminal prevotella DNAs increased considerably: that of P. ruminicola increased 7-fold and that of P. bryantii increased 263-fold. On day 28, the quantity of P. ruminicola DNA decreased 3-fold, while P. bryantii DNA was still elevated 10-fold in comparison with the level found in animals on the initial hay diet. The DNA specific for another xylanolytic bacterium, E. ruminantium, dropped 14-fold during the diet switch and was maintained at this level on day 28. The concentration of a rumen spirochete, T. bryantii, decreased less profoundly and stabilized with a sevenfold decline by day 28. The variations in A. lipolytica DNA were not statistically significant. After an initial slight increase in S. dextrinosolvens DNA on day 3, this DNA was not detected at the end of the experiment. S. bovis DNA displayed a 67-fold increase during the transition period on day 3. However, on day 28, it actually declined in comparison with the level in animals on the hay ration. The amount of S. ruminantium-M. multiacida DNA also increased eightfold following the diet switch, but stabilized with only a twofold increase on day 28. The real-time PCR technique also uncovered differential amplification of rumen bacterial templates with the set of universal bacterial primers. This observation may explain why some predominant rumen bacteria have not been detected in PCR-generated 16S ribosomal DNA libraries.  相似文献   

When bacteria are exposed to osmotic stress, some cells recover and grow, while others die or are unculturable. This leads to a viable count growth curve where the cell number decreases before the onset of the exponential growth phase. From such curves, it is impossible to estimate what proportion of the initial cells generates the growth because it leads to an ill-conditioned numerical problem. Here, we applied a combination of experimental and statistical methods, based on optical density measurements, to infer both the probability of growth and the maximum specific growth rate of the culture. We quantified the growth potential of a bacterial population as a quantity composed from the probability of growth and the “suitability” of the growing subpopulation to the new environment. We found that, for all three laboratory media studied, the probability of growth decreased while the “work to be done” by the growing subpopulation (defined as the negative logarithm of their suitability parameter) increased with NaCl concentration. The results suggest that the effect of medium on the probability of growth could be described by a simple shift parameter, a differential NaCl concentration that can be accounted for by the change in the medium composition. Finally, we highlighted the need for further understanding of the effect of the osmoprotectant glycine betaine on metabolism.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the recovery of bacterial growth after rewetting dry soil was measured in a soil that responded with bacterial growth increasing immediately upon rewetting in a linear fashion (type (i) response sensu Meisner et al. (Soil Biol Biochem 66: 188-192, 2013)). The soil was air-dried for 4 days and then rewetted at different temperatures. Bacterial growth over time was then estimated using the leucine incorporation method. At 25 °C, the recovery of bacterial growth to levels of a wet control soil was rapid, within 6 h, while at 15 °C, recovery time increased to around 60 h, becoming more than a week at 5 °C. The temperature dependency of the recovery time was well modeled by a square root function. Thus, temperature will not only directly affect growth rates but also affect length of transition periods, like resuscitation after a drying event. The temperature during the rewetting event thus has to be taken into consideration when analyzing the microbial response dynamics.  相似文献   

This study aims to model the effects of acid and osmotic shifts on the intermediate lag time of Listeria monocytogenes at 10°C in a growth medium. The model was developed from data from a previous study (C. I. A. Belessi, Y. Le Marc, S. I. Merkouri, A. S. Gounadaki, S. Schvartzman, K. Jordan, E. H. Drosinos, and P. N. Skandamis, submitted for publication) on the effects of osmotic and pH shifts on the kinetics of L. monocytogenes. The predictive ability of the model was assessed on new data in milk. The effects of shifts were modeled through the dependence of the parameter h0 (“work to be done” prior to growth) induced on the magnitude of the shift and/or the stringency of the new environmental conditions. For shifts across the boundary, the lag time was found to be affected by the length of time for which the microorganisms were kept at growth-inhibiting conditions. The predicted concentrations of L. monocytogenes in milk were overestimated when the effects of this shift were not taken into account. The model proved to be suitable to describe the effects of osmotic and acid shifts observed both within the growth domain and across the growth boundaries of L. monocytogenes.The lag phase of a microorganism is usually seen as a period of transition from an initial physiological state to the state of balanced growth. The duration of the lag phase, denoted by lag in what follows, depends on the amount of work to be carried out by the cells prior to exponential growth and the rate at which this work is undertaken (6, 13). According to Baranyi and Roberts (2), the “work to be done” is proportional to h0, the product of the lag time and the rate at which the work is carried out. Robinson et al. (13) pointed out that there is no direct way to measure this rate, and it is often assumed that it is equal to the specific growth rate characteristic of the growth conditions (2). Some authors use the relative lag time (RLT) (7, 8) as a replacement for the “work to be done” h0 parameter. In fact the two concepts appear to be very similar, RLT and h0 being proportional to each other.The transient phase following inoculation is commonly called the initial lag phase. Many authors (6, 7, 14, 17) observed that subsequent abrupt changes in the environmental conditions (temperature, pH, and water activity [aw]) during the growth phase were able to induce a so-called “intermediate” lag phase. In other words, abrupt changes cause extra “work to be done” that cells have to perform before reinitiating their growth. Most of the studies on intermediate lag times have focused on abrupt thermal changes. For example, some authors have proposed models for the effects of temperature shifts on the lag time of Escherichia coli (14) and Lactobacillus plantarum (17). Using the data of Whiting and Bagi (15), for Listeria monocytogenes, Delignette-Muller et al. (3) highlighted a linear relationship between the “work to be done” and the magnitude and direction of the temperature shifts. Less attention has been given to the effects of acid and osmotic shifts, although such shifts pose a higher energetic burden to the cells than temperature shifts, especially around the growth boundaries (C. I. A. Belessi, Y. Le Marc, S. I. Merkouri, A. S. Gounadaki, S. Schvartzman, K. Jordan, E. H. Drosinos, and P. N. Skandamis, submitted for publication). Generally, the “work to be done” increases with the magnitude of the shifts applied (3, 7) and the cells in exponential phase are more sensitive to abrupt shifts than those in stationary phase (7). Muñoz-Cuevas et al. (9) proposed a model for the lag time of L. monocytogenes induced by temperature and water activity downshifts within the growth region. For osmotic shifts, the authors found that the “work to be done” was related not only to the magnitude of the shift and but also to the level of the environmental factors (temperature and water activity) after the shift.In most of the available modeling packages, predictions in dynamic environments are based on the assumption that when the environmental conditions change, the specific growth rate changes instantaneously relative to the new conditions. The intermediate lag times caused by abrupt changes in the environmental conditions are commonly neglected in the models. Besides, the models usually ignore the effects of shifts across the growth boundary and the duration of the period the cells spend above the growth/no-growth boundary on the physiological state of the cells. However, such abrupt shifts are important, as they may occur for example during fermentation and ripening of dairy products (10, 11) or during cross-contamination (e.g., when L. monocytogenes is accidently transferred to a different environment). The aim of this work was to develop a model to describe the effects of such abrupt shifts (within the growth range or across the growth boundary) on the possibly induced intermediate lag time of L. monocytogenes. The analysis here is based on the data from a previous study (Belessi et al., submitted) on the effects of acid and osmotic shifts on the kinetics of L. monocytogenes at 10°C. We also used new data in milk to explore the possibility of integrating the proposed approach in a generic growth model.  相似文献   

We monitored the dynamic changes in the bacterial population in milk associated with refrigeration. Direct analyses of DNA by using temporal temperature gel electrophoresis (TTGE) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) allowed us to make accurate species assignments for bacteria with low-GC-content (low-GC%) (<55%) and medium- or high-GC% (>55%) genomes, respectively. We examined raw milk samples before and after 24-h conservation at 4°C. Bacterial identification was facilitated by comparison with an extensive bacterial reference database (~150 species) that we established with DNA fragments of pure bacterial strains. Cloning and sequencing of fragments missing from the database were used to achieve complete species identification. Considerable evolution of bacterial populations occurred during conservation at 4°C. TTGE and DGGE are shown to be a powerful tool for identifying the main bacterial species of the raw milk samples and for monitoring changes in bacterial populations during conservation at 4°C. The emergence of psychrotrophic bacteria such as Listeria spp. or Aeromonas hydrophila is demonstrated.  相似文献   

针对细菌潜生体胞内节律性振动对温度的反应性进行实验,以认识环境因素对波源(CelWaveOrigin)的影响,并进一步分析波源运动的机制。用相差显微镜油镜观察奇异变形杆菌(ProteusMirabilis)潜生体(CrypticGrowthCel,CGC)菌落边缘,见到沿多个潜生体细胞长轴方向进行的快速黑白交替流动,温度升高时消失,温度降低时加剧。这种群体细胞在原位的同步节律性振荡是细胞在低温下发生胞内分子节律性凝结-溶解交替过程形成的,为一种胞内前分子马达的运动,我们称之为细胞波源  相似文献   

Models that describe the effect of acidity, temperature, and the combined effect of these variables on the growth parameters of Lactobacillus curvatus are developed and validated. Growth parameters (lag time, specific growth rate, and maximum population density) were calculated from growth data at different temperature-acidity combinations. Experiments were set up to assess the quantitative effects of temperature and acidity on the growth parameters rather than for parameter estimation solely. The effect of acidity is monitored at several constant temperature values. Models are set up and fitted to the data. The same procedure is used at constant acidity values to model the effect of temperature. For lag time, specific growth rate, and maximum population density, the effect of temperature could be multiplied with the effect of acidity to obtain combinatory models that describe the effect of both controlling factors on the growth parameters. Lag time measurements showed large deviations, and therefore the lag time models developed can only be used to estimate the order of magnitude of lag time.  相似文献   

Inorganic nutrient availability and temperature are recognized as major regulators of organic carbon processing by aquatic bacteria, but little is known about how these two factors interact to control bacterial metabolic processes. We manipulated the temperature of boreal humic stream water samples within 0–25°C and measured bacterial production (BP) and respiration (BR) with and without inorganic nitrogen?+?phosphorus addition. Both BP and BR increased exponentially with temperature in all experiments, with Q 10 values varying between 1.2 and 2.4. The bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) showed strong negative relationships with temperature in nutrient-enriched samples and in natural stream water where community-level BP and BR were not limited by nutrients. However, there were no relationships between BGE and temperature in samples where BP and BR were significantly constrained by the inorganic nutrient availability. The results suggest that metabolic responses of aquatic bacterial communities to temperature variations can be strongly dependent on whether the bacterial metabolism is limited by inorganic nutrients or not. Such responses can have consequences for both the carbon flux through aquatic food webs and for the flux of CO2 from aquatic systems to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In a two-stage continuous-flow system, we studied the impacts of different protozoan feeding modes on the morphology and taxonomic structure of mixed bacterial consortia, which were utilizing organic carbon released by a pure culture of a Rhodomonas sp. grown on inorganic medium in the first stage of the system. Two of three second stages operated in parallel were inoculated by a bacterivorous flagellate, Bodo saltans, and an algivorous ciliate, Urotricha furcata, respectively. The third vessel served as a control. In two experiments, where algal and bacterial populations grew at rates and densities typical for eutrophic waters, we compared community changes of bacteria, algae, and protozoa under quasi-steady-state conditions and during the transient stage after the protozoan inoculation. In situ hybridization with fluorescent oligonucleotide probes and cultivation-based approaches were used to tentatively analyze the bacterial community composition. Initially the cell size distribution and community structure of all cultivation vessels showed similar patterns, with a dominance of 1- to 2.5-(mu)m-long rods from the beta subdivision of the phylum Proteobacteria ((beta)-Proteobacteria). Inoculation with the ciliate increased bacterial growth in this substrate-controlled variant, seemingly via a recycling of nutrients and substrate released by grazing on algae, but without any detectable effect on the composition of bacterial assemblage. In contrast, an inoculation with the bacterivore, B. saltans, resulted in a decreased proportion of the (beta)-Proteobacteria. One part of the assemblage (<4% of total bacterial numbers), moreover, produced large grazing-resistant threadlike cells. As B. saltans ingested only cells of <3 (mu)m, this strategy yielded a refuge for (symbl)70% of total bacterial biomass from being grazed. Another consequence of the heavy predation in this variant was a shift to the numerical dominance of the (alpha)-Proteobacteria. The enhanced physiological status of the heavily grazed-upon segment of bacterial community resulted in a much higher proportion of CFU (mean, 88% of total bacterial counts) than with other variants, where CFU accounted for (symbl)30%. However, significant cultivation-dependent shifts of the bacterial community were observed toward (gamma)-Proteobacteria and members of the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium group, which demonstrated the rather poor agreement between cultivation-based approaches and oligonucleotide probing.  相似文献   

We computationally study genetic circuits in bacterial populations with heterogeneities in the growth rate. To that end, we present a stochastic simulation method for gene circuits in populations of cells and propose an efficient implementation that we call the “Next Family Method”. Within this approach, we implement different population setups, specifically Chemostat-type growth and growth in an ideal Mother Machine and show that the population structure and its statistics are different for the different setups whenever there is growth heterogeneity. Such dependence on the population setup is demonstrated, in the case of bistable systems with different growth rates in the stable states, to have distinctive signatures on quantities including the distributions of protein concentration and growth rates, and hysteresis curves. Applying this method to a bistable antibiotic resistance circuit, we find that as a result of the different statistics in different population setups, the estimated minimal inhibitory concentration of the antibiotic becomes dependent on the population setup in which it is measured.  相似文献   



Bacterial communities that are associated with tropical reef-forming corals are being increasingly recognized for their role in host physiology and health. However, little is known about the microbial diversity of the communities associated with temperate gorgonian corals, even though these communities are key structural components of the ecosystem. In the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, gorgonians undergo recurrent mass mortalities, but the potential relationship between these events and the structure of the associated bacterial communities remains unexplored. Because microbial assemblages may contribute to the overall health and disease resistance of their host, a detailed baseline of the associated bacterial diversity is required to better understand the functioning of the gorgonian holobiont.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The bacterial diversity associated with the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata was determined using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism and the construction of clone libraries of the bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA. Three study sites were monitored for 4 years to assess the variability of communities associated with healthy colonies. Bacterial assemblages were highly dominated by one Hahellaceae-related ribotype and exhibited low diversity. While this pattern was mostly conserved through space and time, in summer 2007, a deep shift in microbiota structure toward increased bacterial diversity and the transient disappearance of Hahellaceae was observed.


This is the first spatiotemporal study to investigate the bacterial diversity associated with a temperate shallow gorgonian. Our data revealed an established relationship between P. clavata and a specific bacterial group within the Oceanospirillales. These results suggest a potential symbiotic role of Hahellaceae in the host-microbe association, as recently suggested for tropical corals. However, a transient imbalance in bacterial associations can be tolerated by the holobiont without apparent symptoms of disease. The subsequent restoration of the Hahellaceae-dominated community is indicative of the specificity and resilience of the bacteria associated with the gorgonian host.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and temperature on bacterial production was examined in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Addition of glucose, glucose plus ammonium, or free amino acids stimulated bacterial production ([3H]thymidine incorporation), whereas changes in bacterial abundance were either negligible or much less than changes in bacterial production. The average bacterial growth rate also greatly increased following DOM additions, whereas in contrast, addition of ammonium alone never affected production, bacterial abundance, or growth rates. Since the large glucose effect was not observed in previous studies of cold oceanic waters, several experiments were conducted to examine DOM-temperature interactions. These experiments suggest that bacteria respond more quickly and to a greater extent to DOM additions at higher temperatures, which may explain apparently conflicting results from previous studies. We also examined how temperate affects the kinetic parameters of sugar uptake. Maximum uptake rates (Vmax) of glucose and mannose increased with temperature (Q10= 2.4), although the half-saturation constant (Km) was unaffected; Km+ S was roughly equal to glucose concentrations (S) measured by a high pressure liquid chromographic technique. Bacterial production and growth rates appear to be limited by DOM in the equatorial Pacific, and thus bacterial production follows primary production over large spatial and temporal scales in this oceanic regime, as has been observed in other aquatic systems. Although temperature may not limit bacterial growth rates in the equatorial Pacific and similar warm waters, it could still affect how bacteria respond to changes in DOM supply and help set steady-state DOM concentrations. Received: 26 July 1995; Revised: 19 January 1996  相似文献   

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