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Summary Endocrine-like cells (ELC) scattered in the basal part of the ciliated epithelium were identified in the lungs of the newt, Triturus alpestris. These ELC have a clear cytoplasm containing large amounts of secretory vesicles (69–180 nm in diameter), especially in their basal parts, but do not display formaldehyde-induced fluorescence. The ELC may be associated with nerve fibres.  相似文献   

Summary The lungs of Triturus alpestris Laur. were investigated with the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Dimensions of the cell bodies of pneumocytes and ciliated cells, as well as the thickness of the air-blood barrier, were determined. The lungs of the newt form two simple sacs without septa. A ciliated epithelium containing goblet cells lines the pulmonary vein and partially the pulmonary artery. The remainder of the lung surface is covered internally by respiratory epithelium consisting of one type of cell and only occasionally showing the presence of single ciliated cells. All cells, ciliated, goblet and pneumocytes, contain in their cytoplasm lamellar bodies. Multivesicular bodies and numerous vesicles of variable electron density also occur in the cytoplasm of pneumocytes. Atypical mitochondria can be found in all cell types of the lung. Fixation with addition of tannic acid reveals the surface lining film. Tubular myelin figures were not observed.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has traditionally been investigated assuming that male quality is as skewed as patterns of male reproductive success can sometimes be. Recently, female choice has been investigated under the model of genetic compatibility, which assumes that each individual female has her own 'best' mate and there is no overall optimal choice for all females. We investigated female mate choice in the newt species Triturus alpestris, a member of a genus where female choice has been investigated only within the context of the optimal male (female choice for condition-dependent traits). We provided females with two males that differed in one condition-dependent trait (body size) and overall genetic composition. Both male body size and female body size did not influence paternity, but the degree of genetic relatedness between females and potential mates did. Two components of fitness (fecundity and hatching success) did not differ between singly and multiply sired clutches, indicating that females do not employ polyandry as a means of increasing offspring fitness through genetic bet-hedging. Instead, we hypothesize that females may mate initially for fertility assurance, but prefer less-related males as the most genetically compatible mates.  相似文献   

To increase the number of markers available for study of phylogeny and phylogeography in the newt genus Triturus, we developed and tested 59 primer pairs using three different techniques. Primers were obtained from published sources, by designing exon-primed intron-crossing primers and from randomly cloned anonymous nuclear DNA fragments. Successful polymerase chain reaction products were cloned and sequenced. Five fragments were successfully amplified and sequenced for six species of Triturus: intron 7 of the β-fibrinogen gene (βfibint7), third intron of the calreticulin gene (CalintC), the 11th intron of the α-subunit of the platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGFRα) and two anonymous markers (Cri1 and Cri4). The average percentage species divergence across all the markers is low (c. 3%), compared to what has been found in mitochondrial DNA (25-30%).  相似文献   

Summary Dopaminergic and peptidergic nerve fibers were simultaneously demonstrated with a double-labeling technique at the ultrastructural level. The first antibody, raised against tyrosine hydroxylase, was applied during the preembedding phase and visualized with the peroxidase method. The second antibody, raised against one of the peptides met-enkephalin, somatostatin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), was applied to the ultrathin sections and visualized with gold-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. The fibers of both categories were present in the zona externa of the median eminence, frequently contacting the basal lamina of the portal vessels. In addition, topographical relationships between different types of nerve fibers were observed in the perivascular areas, although there were no morphological signs of synaptic specializations. Using serial sections, it could be established that one GnRH-fiber contacted both a dopaminergic fiber and a fiber immunoreactive for met-enkephalin. The observations support earlier physiological data concerning the regulation of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis, with special emphasis on the release of neurohormones in the median eminence of the newt.  相似文献   

The distribution of melanophores and xanthopores in developing tailbud stages of Triturus alpestris was investigated. In stage 27 embryos (curved tailbuds), melanophores are distributed evenly but sparsely over the entire dorsolateral trunk. With progressive development melanophores arrange themselves into compact dorsal and lateral bands present in stage 34 embryos (9 to 10-mm-long larvae). On the inner surface of detached pieces of skin from early tailbuds which were investigated in the scanning electron microscope xanthophores were discovered in addition to and mixed with melanophores. Unlike melanophores they are invisible from outside. Later in development they occupy the zone between the melanophore bands and also the dorsal fin. Thus, formation of pigment cell patterns in Triturus embryos is a process which seems to depend on the differential sorting out of two populations of neural crest-derived chromatophore cell types.  相似文献   

This study deals with geographical variations in brain-body weight relationships in the alpine newt, Triturus alpestris alpestris. According to the canonical axis, C.A., the mean allometry in this species is 0.473±0.03; an allometry value of 0.5 is considered to be characteristic of Caudata. No significant difference was observed between the four reduced major axes (R.M.A.) of lowland animal samples (mean value of the pooled samples, C.A. = 0.469±0.210). In contrast, between the mountain samples a significant difference exists, the R.M.A. in the sample from l'Alpe d'Huez (Isère, France) being 0.331±0.57 as compared to 0.72±0.18 in the sample from Durmitor (Montenegro, Yugoslavia). In spite of this difference, their encephalisation index (Ie) did not differ significantly, having on average a value of 118.18±8.5, against īe = 93.8±8.0 for lowland samples. A significant difference in encephalisation index between mountain and lowland alpine newts thus exists. This is probably the first observation in vertebrates of an encephalisation index increase with altitude. A biological hypothesis is proposed to explain this peculiar observation.  相似文献   

Osikowski A 《Folia biologica》2007,55(3-4):109-114
The goal of this study was to test if sperm transport to the spermathecae in the Alpine newt (Triturus alpestris) requires active co-operation of the female. Artificial insemination of anaesthetised female newts was conducted using spermatophores collected from courting males and with sperm duct contents collected from sacrificed males. Sperm was present in the spermathecae of 9 out of 10 females inseminated with the spermatophores but in only 1 out of 8 females inseminated with sperm duct contents. The females of both groups laid some eggs after insemination, and a portion of these eggs in group of females inseminated with spermatophores were fertilized. However, the number of eggs produced by the females was much lower than typical egg-production in newts. The presence of sperm in the spermathecae of females inseminated with spermatophores and lack of sperm in the spermathecae of females inseminated with sperm duct contents suggests that sperm transport is either induced by the substances present in spermatophores and/or that sperm from the sperm duct is not fully mobile in comparison with sperm from the spermatophores.  相似文献   

Pabijan M  Babik W 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(9):2397-2407
Genetic variation in 13 populations of the Alpine newt, Triturus alpestris, was assessed at the northeastern margin of its range (southern Poland). Variation at six microsatellite loci was scored in 354 newts, and two mitochondrial DNA fragments (c. 2000 bp) were sequenced in a subset of 27 individuals. Significant differences in allele frequencies and the presence of private alleles determined genetic units corresponding to three separate mountain ranges, i.e. the Carpathian, Sudetes and Holy Cross Mountains. F(ST)'s were three times greater in among than in within mountain range pairwise comparisons. An assignment test and pairwise F(ST)'s suggested relatively high levels of gene flow at the local level, although the Sudetes populations revealed some subtle structuring. Genetic variation was lower in the Carpathians and Holy Cross Mountains. The geographic pattern of mitochondrial DNA variation indicated that these newt populations originated from a single glacial refugium/founder population, and that the colonization of southern Poland took place in an easterly direction. The data show that substantial neutral variation and between group divergence has accumulated relatively quickly in these low-vagility organisms. The Alpine newt case exemplifies species history as a factor determining patterns of genetic diversity in marginal populations.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of serotonin (5-HT) immunoreactive structures has been investigated in the brain of the crested newt by means of indirect immunofluorescence, and unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase-complex (PAP) or biotin-avidin-system (BAS) techniques. In the newt, the bulk of the serotoninergic system extends from the raphe region of the medulla oblongata, through the isthmus, toward the mesencephalic tegmentum, and is characterized by pyriform neurons mainly located in a subependymal position, close to the midline. Also in the caudal hypothalamus, in addition to some 5-HT-positive adenohypophysial cells, many immunoreactive CSF-contacting neurons are found lining the paraventricular organ and the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis. A rich serotoninergic innervation was observed in the preoptic area and in the habenular complex. Concerning the telencephalon, immunopositive nerve fibers are encountered in the dorsal pallium, primordium hippocampi, striatum and olfactory bulbs. The general organization of serotoninergic systems in the newt brain exhibit close similarities to that described in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Mapping of monoaminergic systems in the brain of the newt Triturus alpestris was achieved with antisera against (1) thyrosine hydroxylase (TH), (2) formaldehyde-conjugated dopamine (DA), and (3) formaldehyde-conjugated serotonin (5-HT). In the telencephalon, the striatum was densely innervated by a large number of 5-HT-, DA-and TH-immunoreactive (IR) fibers; IR fibers were more scattered in the amygdala, the medial and lateral forebrain bundles, and the anterior commissure. In the anterior and medial diencephalon, TH-IR perikarya contacting the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-C perikarya) were located in the preoptic recess organ (PRO), the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Numerous TH-IR perikarya, not contacting the CSF, were present in the posterior preoptic nucleus and the ventral thalamus. At this level, DA-IR CSF-C neurons were only located in the PRO. In the posterior diencephalon, large populations of 5-HT-IR and DA-IR CSF-C perikarya were found in the paraventricular organ (PVO) and the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis (NID); the dorsal part of the NID additionally presented TH-IR CSF-C perikarya. Most regions of the diencephalon showed an intense monoaminergic innervation. In addition, numerous TH-IR, DA-IR and 5-HT-IR fibers, orginating from the anterior and posterior hypothalamic nuclei, extended ventrally and reached the median eminence and the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland. In the midbrain, TH-IR perikarya were located dorsally in the pretectal area. Ventrally, a large group of TH-IR cell bodies and some weakly stained DA-IR and 5-HT-IR neurons were observed in the posterior tuberculum. No dopaminergic system equivalent to the substantia nigra was revealed. The possible significance of the differences in the distribution of TH-IR and DA-IR neurons is discussed, with special reference to the CSF-C neurons.Abbreviations AM amygdala - CAnt commissura anterior - CH commissura hippocampi - CP commissura posterior - Ctm commissura tecti mesencephali - DH dorsal hypothalamus - DTh dorsal thalamus - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - Fsol fasciculus solitarius - H habenula - LFB lateral forebrain bundle - ME median eminence - MFB medial forebrain bundle - NID nucleus infundibularis dorsalis - nIP neuropil of nucleus interpeduncularis - NPOP nucleus preopticus posterior - NS nucleus septi - OVLT organum vasculosum laminae terminalis - PD pars distalis - Pdo dorsal pallium - PHi primordium hippocampi - PI pars intermedia - Pl lateral pallium - PN pars nervosa - PRO preoptic recess organ - Ptec pretectal area - PVO paraventricular organ - Ra nucleus raphe - Rm nucleus reticularis medius - SCO subcommisural organ - ST striatum; strm stria medullaris thalami - strt stria terminalis thalami - TM tegmentum mesencephali - TO tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - trch tractus cortico-habenularis - trmp tractus mamillopeduncularis - VH ventral hypothalamus - Vm nucleus motorius nervi trigemini - VTh ventral thalamus - II optic nerve  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the present investigation was to provide and apply a methodological manual with which the distribution, patterning and relationship of melanophores and xanthophores can be analyzed during early amphibian development. For demonstration of the methods, which include ultrastructural, histochemical and biochemical approaches, Triturus alpestris and Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl) embryos are used. These two species differ conspicuously in their larval pigment patterns, showing alternating melanophore bands in horizontal (T. alpestris) and vertical (axolotl) arrangements. With transmission- and scanning electron microscopy melanophores and xanthophores were distinguished by their different pigment organelles and surface structures. The presence of phenol oxidase (tyrosinase) was used to reveal externally invisible or faintly visible melanophores by applying an excess of 3,4 dihydroxy-phenylalanine (dopa). Xanthophores were made visible in fixed and living embryos by demonstrating their pterin fluorescence. In addition, pterins were analyzed by HPLC in embryos before and after pigmentation was visible.Abbreviations DOPA dihydroxy-phenylalanine - FCS fetal calf serum - FIF formaldehyde-induced fluorescence - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Michael Claviez  相似文献   

Sperm storage in cloacal spermathecae was studied in females of Triturus v. vulgaris from southern England killed at the end of the breeding season in June. This species mates and oviposits eggs in ponds from March to June. Included in the sample were 12 unmated females collected in terrestrial situations in March and mated in the laboratory. Some of these females oviposited viable eggs in the laboratory whereas others did not oviposit after mating. In addition, we examined five females with unknown mating histories that were collected from a breeding pond in June. We found that all of the specimens contained some stored sperm and were similar in spermathecal ultrastructure. The spermathecae exhibited characteristics of secretory epithelium at the end of a cycle, including irregular heterochromatic nuclei surrounded by scant cytoplasm, absence of organelles involved in synthetic activities, few secretory vacuoles, and wide intercellular canaliculi. Spermiophagy by the spermathecal epithelium was extensive. In contrast, spermathecae from females at the beginning of the breeding season as reported in our previous study were actively producing a PAS+ secretion and did not exhibit spermiophagy. Spermiophagy is a means of eliminating sperm prior to the next breeding season.  相似文献   

Summary The 4 animal and 4 vegetal blastomeres of the eight-cell-stage ofTriturus alpestris were isolated and cultured for up to 12 days. Because of the difficulty of obtaining intact animal and vegetal blastomeres of the same embryo, we either cut off the vegetal blastomeres or sucked off the animal blastomeres. The culture of early embryonic amphibian cells is improved by the use of 50% Leibovitz-medium with added fetal calf serum providing a stable pH and optimal osmotic pressure.Isolated animal blastomeres differentiated to irregularly shaped ciliated epidermis. 30% of the cases showed small amounts of myotomes, notochord and neuroid cells in addition to irregular epidermis. The vegetal blastomeres formed trunk and tail structures but only 6% of all cases formed nearly complete head structures in addition.From the results we conclude that the vegetal blastomeres as well as the animal blastomeres of the eight-cell-stage are already determined as to their future fate. The possibility of partial regulation and the influence of asymmetric or irregular cleavage on the further development of isolated blastomeres is discussed.  相似文献   

Castration significantly lowers serum testosterone in sexually active male Triturus cristatus. Replacement therapy by implants of testosterone in silastic capsules elevates the serum testosterone level to higher values than normal. Sex behavior is depressed by castration and partially reinstated by replacement therapy with testosterone. 5α-dihydrotestosterone was the only testosterone metabolite showing some behavioral effectiveness in castrates; estradiol and 5β-dihydrotestosterone failed to elicit sex behavior.  相似文献   

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