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廖翔华 《动物学报》2007,53(3):470-480
研究了寄生于鲤鱼及草(鲩)鱼的鱊头槽绦虫(Bothriocephalus acheiloghathi)的多样性.作者在1986-2000年收集材料,遍及中国19个省及自治区.在江苏等5省只收集到其它寄生虫的材料,故结果未列入附录1和2.研究结果表明,鲤鱼及草鱼的寄生鱊头槽绦虫的地理分布截然不同.寄生于鲤鱼的鱊头槽绦虫分布于黄河水系的西北地区及黑龙江水系的东北各省及长江上游的四川、云南和贵州,南方各省的鲤鱼不感染这种绦虫.寄生于草鱼的鱊头槽绦虫分布于沿珠江水系的广东、广西及闽江水系的福建,感染池塘的幼龄草鱼,天然水体中未发现感染阳性的草鱼.交义感染试验表明,寄生在这两种鲤科鱼类的头槽绦虫有极强的宿主特异性,草鱼感染的头槽绦虫一年内大部分时间排出发育完全的胚胎卵,而鲤鱼感染的头槽绦虫排出的虫卵多为早期分裂卵,甚至在盛夏,水温在28℃-30℃的情况下也无例外.虫卵发育程度不同,卵的孵化期也有差异.在同等温度28℃-29℃时,草鱼头槽绦虫虫卵的孵化期为1.69±0.17 d;鲤鱼的头槽绦虫虫卵的孵化期为3.98±0.3 d.此外,种群结构也有明显区别,草鱼的头槽绦虫在繁殖季节,体长<1 cm的幼虫占种群的主体,年终时绦虫全部从宿主体内消失,生活周期从初染至消敛约1年;鲤鱼的头槽绦虫主体全年皆为孕节成虫,在Ⅱ龄商品鱼中继续繁殖.本研究表明,鲤鱼及草鱼的寄生鱊头槽绦虫显示的多样性是因长期适应不同生活环境从而演化为两个不同的亚种[动物学报 53(3):470-480,2007].  相似文献   

鲤鱼肌肉生长抑制素基因(MSTN)的克隆及其组织表达特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肌肉生长抑制素(Myostatin,MSTN)是动物肌肉发育和生长过程中的负调控因子,对MSTN的研究将有助于促进动物生产。鲤鱼是我国的主要淡水养殖对象之一。因此,我们采用RT-PCR方法克隆了鲤鱼MSTN cDNA(No.EF551058)的部分序列,长度为921bp,编码306个氨基酸残基。鲤鱼MSTN具有MSTN的共同特征,有蛋白酶水解位点RIRR和9个保守的半胱氨酸残基。多重序列比较发现其与斑马鱼GDF8有极近的亲缘关系,96.7%的氨基酸序列同源。不同组织的RT-PCR分析发现鲤鱼MSTN主要在肌肉和脑部表达,而其他所检测组织未见表达。鲤鱼MSTN不仅在肌肉生长发育中发挥作用,可能在神经系统发育中也有其作用。  相似文献   

Summary Relative growth rates of six genetic groups of common carp were compared in small netting cages and in earthen ponds. These groups of carp included an isolate of the Chinese Big Belly Carp, its crossbred with a European isolate, and four European progenies, purebreds or crossbreds. Five different environments were produced in the ponds, mainly by varying the stocking rates of carp. Each of the (ten) cages was treated as a different environment. Each cage and each pond were stocked with random samples of each genotype, i.e., communal testing was carried out. The performance of a given genotype in a given environment was estimated from its weight gain in that environment. The mean weight gain of all groups, stocked into a given environment, was taken as an estimate of that environment as it influenced the growth of carp. The characteristics of the regression of growth of a given genotype on the environment in which it grew [i.e., the coefficient of regression (b) and the Y intercept (a)] are taken as measures of its adaptation to that environment. No real differences in adaptation to pond versus cage conditions were isolated for four of the tested groups, the Chinese x European crossbred, the two European crossbreds and one of the European purebreds. The Chinese carp showed a specific adaptation to growth in ponds (or a lack of adaptation to growth in cages), whereas Dor-70 was specifically adapted to cage conditions. These results may be explained by the genetic history of the two lines. The Big Belly Carp was domesticated under conditions of Chinese subsistence aquaculture, which apparently generated an adaptation to gathering and utilizing natural foods. These are prominently absent in cages. Dor-70 was produced in a long-term selection experiment, which apparently generated a response for growth in cages. These results may be of applicative value, if common carp were to be considered as candidates for commercial cage aquaculture. It would then be important to use strains like Dor-70, which are adapted to these conditions, and avoid strains like the Chinese Big Belly carp.  相似文献   

Summary Common carp of the Chinese and European races and their cross were tested in different environments. The test groups were either stocked together into the same pond, or each group was stocked separately. Mean growth, taken as a measure of the quality of the environment, varied widely between treatments. Genotype-environment interactions were estimated by the regression of growth of different genetic groups on this measure of environment. Proportional growth differences between the European and European X Chinese crossbreds, were several times higher in manured ponds than in ponds with artificial feed. The Chinese fish showed the fastest relative growth in poor conditions, with manure as the major nutrient input, while the European fish showed the fastest relative growth under improved conditions and irrespective of its source of food. The Chinese X European crossbred is heterotic over a range of intermediate conditions with manure as the principal nutrient.  相似文献   

The most commonly encountered difficulties for the quantitative measurement of zinc in biological samples are the limited sample amount, total and effective digestion of connective and fatty residues, and low zinc concentrations. These problems often lead to the determination of lower zinc values than actually present, so that the sample preparation, digestion, and analytical procedure deserve careful attention. In this short communication, a new method for microwave tissue disintegration is described. The authors have obtained consistent and reproducible results with tissue samples of 0.5 g or less.  相似文献   

It has been reported that Zn7-metallothionein (MT), contains one weak binding site for Zn2+. To test this conclusion, rabbit liver MT isolated at pH 7 was reacted with chelating agents of modest affinity for Zn2+. Contrary to the previous study, no evidence was found for Zn2+ stoichiometrically bound to the protein with an apparent stability constant of about 108. Indeed, stability constant measurements based upon competition between Zn7-MT and ligands of known stability with Zn2+ showed that all of the protein bound Zn2+ displayed the same stability constant at pH 7.4 and 25 °C of (1.7 ± 0.6) × 1011. Brief reaction of Zn7-MT with strong acid converted it into MT* and upon reneutralization into Zn7-MT*, which demonstrated reactivity of about 1 Zn2+/mol MT with competing ligands. Acid titration of Zn7-MT to pH 2 or below rapidly resulted in the formation of Zn7-MT* that displayed biphasic titration with base, revealing the rebinding of lower affinity Zn2+ between pH 5 and 7. Since MT is commonly acidified during preparation, care must be taken to document which form of the protein is present in subsequent experiments at pH 7.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Lu CY  Cao DC  Xu P  Wang S  Li HD  Zhao ZX  Sun XW 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):561-564
利用150个微卫星分子标记在F1代家系的基因型分析过程中,共有27600个等位基因从亲本向子代传递,其中在5个微卫星座位上检测到6个突变的等位基因。对突变的等位基因数目进行统计分析后得出:鲤鱼平均每个世代每个微卫星座位的突变速率为2.53×10-4。在发现突变的5个位点中,经测序发现,突变序列中插入1个以上的重复单元就导致了突变的发生。这些突变表明,鲤鱼的微卫星突变没有遵循严格的渐变突变模型(stepwise mutation model,SMM)。该文关于鲤鱼微卫星突变速率和模式的研究将会对统计鲤鱼有效群体的统计提供有效参数。  相似文献   

Several studies have described mercury toxicity and the role of metallothioneins (MT) in the detoxification and regulation of metal homeostasis. However, little data exist on this topic during the specific post-natal developmental phase in young mammals. This developmental phase is particularly important since young animals are more sensitive to toxicants than adults. The objective of this work was to investigate whether MT participates in the mechanism of protection conferred by zinc pre-treatment on the toxic effects induced by mercury in neonate rats. Pups were exposed to ZnCl(2) (5 doses of 27 mg/kg/day, s.c.) and subsequently to HgCl(2) (5 doses of 5 mg/kg/day, s.c.); metal (Zn and Hg) and MT contents were analyzed in the liver, kidney, and blood. MT was induced in the liver and kidney of pups of both Zn-sal and Zn-Hg groups, although the greatest increase was in neonates exposed to Zn only. A direct relationship exists between MT and metals for both hepatic and renal tissues, which indicates that the increase in metal levels occurs in parallel to the increase in MT content. Although the heat-treated cytosolic fraction is rich in MT and metals, higher Zn and Hg contents were detected in the insoluble fraction of all tissues. These results suggest that MT is, at least in part, responsible for preventing Hg accumulation in the liver and blood and decreasing renal toxicity.  相似文献   

Ivanova E  Ball M  Lu H 《Proteins》2008,71(1):467-475
Zinc-finger proteins are among the most abundant proteins in eukaryotic genomes. Tim10 and all the small Tim proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space contain a consensus twin CX(3)C zinc-finger motif. Zn(2+) can bind to the reduced Tim10, but not disulphide bonded (oxidized) protein. However, the zinc-binding reaction of Tim10 and of zinc-finger proteins, in general, is ill-defined. In this study, the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of zinc-binding to reduced Tim10 were investigated using circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence spectrometry, and stopped-flow fluorescence techniques. At equilibrium, coupled with the use of protein fluorescence and metal chelators, the zinc-binding affinity was determined for Tim10 to be about 8 x 10(-10)M. Then, far UV CD was used to investigate the secondary structure change upon zinc-binding of the same set of protein samples at various free Zn(2+) concentrations. Comparison between the results of CD and fluorescence studies showed that the zinc-binding reaction is not a simple one-step process. It involves formation of a binding intermediate that is structurally as unfolded as the apoTim10; subsequently, a degree of folding is induced at increased zinc concentrations in the final complex. Next, the stopped-flow fluorescence technique was used to investigate the kinetic process of the binding reaction. Data analysis shows that the reaction has a single kinetic phase at a low free Zn(2+) concentration ( approximately 1 nM), and a double kinetic phase at a high free Zn(2+) concentration. The kinetic result is consistent with that of the studies at equilibrium. Therefore, a two-step reaction model mechanism is proposed, in which zinc-binding is regulated by the initial selective-binding of Zn(2+) to Cys followed by folding. Implication of the two-step zinc-binding mechanism for Zn(2+) trafficking in the cell is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, it was investigated by autoradiography with radioactive cadmium after Western blotting of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, to which proteins cadmium is mainly bound in plasma of common carp Cyprinus carpio. The obtained results demonstrate that in carp plasma, cadmium is primarily bound to two high molecular weight proteins. Relative small amounts are bound to a protein with M(r) approximately 60000. The other metal-binding protein, with M(r) approximately 70000 and pI approximately 6.7 was identified as transferrin. The conditional equilibrium constants for the binding of cadmium ions to the two metal-binding sites of this protein were calculated as logK(1)=5.40+/-0.12 and logK(2)=4.66+/-0.21, which are comparable to those of human transferrin under the same experimental conditions. Transport of cadmium in plasma of carp was found to be different from that of brown trout Salmo trutta and man, where cadmium is mainly bound to albumin and transferrin. The prominent binding of cadmium to transferrin can be explained by the absence or at least the very low concentrations in which albumin is present in carp plasma.  相似文献   

Du WD  Bao YD 《生理学报》1999,51(3):279-283
本文应用neo-Timm染色法,观察了鲫鱼视网膜内锌离子的分布情况以及明,暗适应条件下鲫鱼视网膜内锌离子分布的变化。结果发现,明适应条件下,外网层、部分光感受器、双极细胞、无长突细胞以及神经节细胞胞体锌离子着色明显,含锌光感受器和双极细胞的突起伸入外网层,暗适应条件下,外网层锌离子染色减弱或消失(P〈0.01)。外核层胞体锌离子染色阴性,少数散在分布的视锥细胞呈锌离子阳性,上述资料提示,明适应条件  相似文献   

The degradation of ssrA(AANDENYALAA)-tagged proteins in the bacterial cytosol is carried out by the ClpXP protease and is markedly stimulated by the SspB adaptor protein. It has previously been reported that the amino-terminal zinc-binding domain of ClpX (ZBD) is involved in complex formation with the SspB-tail (XB: ClpX-binding motif). In an effort to better understand the recognition of SspB by ClpX and the mechanism of delivery of ssrA-tagged substrates to ClpXP, we have determined the structures of ZBD alone at 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 A resolution in each different crystal form and also in complex with XB peptide at 1.6 A resolution. The XB peptide forms an antiparallel beta-sheet with two beta-strands of ZBD, and the structure shows a 1:1 stoichiometric complex between ZBD and XB, suggesting that there are two independent SspB-tail-binding sites in ZBD. The high-resolution ZBD:XB complex structure, in combination with biochemical analyses, can account for key determinants in the recognition of the SspB-tail by ClpX and sheds light on the mechanism of delivery of target proteins to the prokaryotic degradation machine.  相似文献   

Free zinc ions are potent effectors of proteins. Their tightly controlled fluctuations ("zinc signals") in the picomolar range of concentrations modulate cellular signaling pathways. Sulfur (cysteine) donors generate redox-active coordination environments in proteins for the redox-inert zinc ion and make it possible for redox signals to induce zinc signals. Amplitudes of zinc signals are determined by the cellular zinc buffering capacity, which itself is redox-sensitive. In part by interfering with zinc and redox buffering, reactive species, drugs, toxins, and metal ions can elicit zinc signals that initiate physiological and pathobiochemical changes or lead to cellular injury when free zinc ions are sustained at higher concentrations. These interactions establish redox-inert zinc as an important factor in redox signaling. At the center of zinc/redox signaling are the zinc/thiolate clusters of metallothionein. They can transduce zinc and redox signals and thereby attenuate or amplify these signals.  相似文献   

The effects of sublethal waterborne Zn (2·28 μmol l−1) on Zn binding kinetics to the apical gill surface were studied in juvenile rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). Two separate radiotracer techniques were employed to ascertain this information. First, in vitro binding kinetic experiments were performed at extremely elevated zinc concentrations (up to 20 mmol l−1) to measure relatively low-affinity binding sites at the gill epithelium. There were no differences in Zn binding parameters ( Km and B max) for fish sublethally exposed to Zn for 21 days and their simultaneous controls. Nevertheless, Ca did have an increased inhibitory effect on Zn binding in Zn-exposed fish suggesting that the anionic groups on the gill epithelium of these fish had been altered in some manner. Additionally, in vivo Zn binding kinetics were investigated using environmentally relevant waterborne Zn concentrations (low μmol l−1 range) to isolate high-affinity Zn binding sites (Ca transporters). No appreciable alterations in the Km and B max values for Zn binding were seen between the Zn-exposed group and its simultaneous control following 15 days of exposure. Furthermore, no significant differences in CC morphometry were observed between treatments. Despite these lack of treatment effects, there were temporal alterations in Km , B max and CC fractional surface area in both groups. It is proposed that these fluctuations are controlled by hormonal factors (such as stanniocalcin), believed to play a role in Ca influx.  相似文献   

Tim10 and all the small Tim proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space contain a consensus twin CX3C Zn2+-finger motif. While disulphide bond formation between the Cys residues of this motif is essential for complex formation by the small Tim proteins, the specific role of Zn2+-binding during the import and assembly of these proteins is not clear. In this study, we investigated the effects of the biologically relevant thiol-disulphide redox molecule, glutathione, and Zn2+-binding on the oxidative folding of yeast mitochondrial Tim10 using both biochemical and biophysical methods in vitro. We show that, whilst oxidized Tim10 cannot be reduced by reduced glutathione, reduced Tim10 is effectively oxidized at levels of glutathione comparable to those found in the cytosol. The oxidized Tim10 generated in the presence of glutathione is competent for complex formation with its partner protein Tim9, confirming it has a native fold. The standard redox potential of Tim10 at pH 7.4 was determined to be -0.32 V, confirming that Tim10 is a much stronger reductant than glutathione (-0.26 V, at pH 7.4) and could therefore be oxidized rapidly by oxidized glutathione in the cytosol. However, we found that Zn2+-binding can stabilize the reduced Tim10, decreasing the rate of the oxidative folding more than tenfold. In addition, we show that protein disulphide isomerase can catalyse the oxidative folding of Tim10 provided that Zn2+ was removed. We propose that Zn2+-binding is essential to maintain the protein in a reduced and import-competent state in the cytosol, and that zinc has to be removed after the protein is imported into mitochondria to initiate protein oxidative folding and assembly.  相似文献   

Clinical observations and experimental data show that zinc (Zn) plays a role in regulating arterial blood pressure and in arterial hypertension etiopathogenesis. To determine the direction of changes in Zn metabolism in primary arterial hypertension, Zn absorption from the alimentary tract, Zn levels in blood serum, its content in lymphocytes, Zn efflux rate constants from lymphocytes, and urinary Zn excretion in patients with hypertension and in healthy subjects were studied. In this article, Zn levels in blood serum, its content in lymphocytes, and Zn efflux rate constants from lymphocytes are presented. In primary arterial hypertension, on the basis of this study, decreasing Zn levels in blood serum and its decreasing content in lymphocytes were found. The Zn efflux rate constants from lymphocytes increased at the initial stage of hypertension (mild arterial hypertension) and decreased in the late stage of the hypertension disease (severe arterial hypertension). Taking into consideration all of the directions of changes and the fact that Zn can be a factor that increases arterial blood pressure, the changes in Zn distribution can be regarded as having, to a certain extent, a protective character leading to weakening of the pressor reaction, assuming a genetic existence of relative or absolute Zn excess in the body. The changes of Zn distribution can lead, after some time, to Zn deficiency and the resulting metabolic changes (e.g., carbohydrate intolerance).  相似文献   

In addition to its critical role in normal cell function, growth, and metabolism, zinc is implicated as a major factor in the development and progression of many pathological conditions and diseases. Despite this importance of zinc, many important factors, processes, and mechanisms of the physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of zinc remain unknown. Especially important is the unresolved issue regarding the mechanism and process of the trafficking, transport, and reactivity of zinc in cells; especially in mammalian cells. This presentation focuses on the concept that, due to the existence of a negligible pool of free Zn2+ ions in the mammalian cell environment, the trafficking, transport and reactivity of zinc occurs via a direct exchange of zinc from donor Zn-ligands to acceptor ligands. This Zn exchange process occurs without the requirement for production of free Zn2+ ions. The direct evidence from mammalian cell studies is presented in support of the operation of the direct Zn-ligand exchange mechanism. The paper also provides important information and conditions that should be considered and employed in the conduct of studies regarding the role and effects of zinc in biological/biomedical research; and in its clinical interpretation and application.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the possibility of spontaneous carp spermatozoa activation by freeze-thawing. To evaluate this, the parameters of spermatozoa motility percentage, velocity, ATP content level and fertility rate of sperm were used. The motility and velocity of spermatozoa activated by freeze-thawing were characterized by motile spermatozoa with a median value of 16% and a velocity of 98 μm/s. In addition, the motility and velocity of sperm from the thawed samples were significantly lower than in the control (median value of 100% for sperm motility and 175 μm/s for sperm velocity). Furthermore, a spontaneously activated spermatozoa motility terminated within five minutes post-thaw time. After freeze-thawing the ATP level significantly decreased with post-thaw time (46 nmol ATP/109 and 10 nmol ATP/109 at 25 s and 10 min after thawing, respectively). Fertility of spermatozoa was not significantly affected within 10 min post-thaw. On the other hand, the fertility of frozen-thawed sperm was significantly lower if compared to fresh sperm. We conclude that the freeze-thawing procedure spontaneously activated spermatozoa motility in common carp. However, this activation did not negatively affect the fertility of frozen-thawed sperm.  相似文献   

Oxidation is a leading cause for quality deterioration during processing and storage of food. The objective of the present study was to examine the sensitivity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) myofibrillar protein (MP) to oxidising radicals produced by a hydroxyl radical-generating system. Both structural and functional changes of common carp MP were evaluated. With increasing H2O2 concentrations and oxidation time, the protein carbonyl content, surface hydrophobicity and turbidity of MP increased (P < 0.05), while total sulfhydryl groups decreased (P < 0.05). Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed protein polymerisation in oxidised MP. The oxidative process destroyed (P < 0.05) the texture (springiness and hardness) of MP gels and decreased their water-binding capacity and whiteness. The thermal gelation profile analysis indicated that oxidation led to a great reduction in the elasticity of samples. Taken together, proteins are susceptible to free radical attack, and oxidative stress had a detrimental effect on protein structure and the general functionality of MP.  相似文献   

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