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Pahl Bernier 《Geobios》1979,12(6):839-861
The genus Petrascula has not been reviewed since J. Pia in 1920. At present, seven species are attributed to this genus. Different characteris have been used to define it by the authors. After abundant sampling in the Upper Kimmeridgian or the Southern Jura Mountains, the species-type has been reviewed and divided in two species, the second one named: Petrascula guembeli nov. sp.An other level of Portlandian age, in the same azea, is very rich in Petrascula piaiBachmayer, 1944. This species which has not been observed since that time is here reviewed. Associated with this species, a new one was found and described Petrascula? bugesiaca nov. sp., in spite a doubtful genus attribution.So many different species allow the review and emendation of the genus Petrascula. Then, the other species of the genus: P. globosa (Alth) P. herakiSokac & Nikler, P. illyricaSokac & Nikler, are discussed using the new definition.  相似文献   

Simone Pouyet 《Geobios》1978,11(5):611-621
The bryozoa described by de Lamarck in 1816 are not well known. Four types of the Cellepora group have been found in the zoological collections of Museum d'Histoire naturelle in Paris: Celleporaria oculata, C. cristata, C. oliva and C. endivia. C. oculata is the type-species of the genus CelleporariaLamouroux, 1821. This revision confirms the synonymy of some species described subsequently.  相似文献   

Christian Gaillard 《Geobios》1978,11(4):439-455
Coprulus, described by R. Richter & E. Richter (1939a) is very abundant in the Oxfordian marls and muddy limestones of the French Jura Mountains. These small cylindrical calcareous bodies are characterised by longitudinal grooves. They have been often found in washings but are also visible in thin sections. Coprulus is rarely mentioned by micropaleontologists but its stratigraphical and geographical range is certainly very extended. Often considered as Problematica, this trace fossil has been differently interpreted. This work confirms and specifies the results of F. Gramann (1966): Coprulus represents a fecal pellet of a deposit-feeder mollusc (Nuculidae?). Three new ichnospecies are described herein and the ichnogenus Coprulus is compared with Bactryllium, Coptocampylodon and Tomaculum.  相似文献   

The present study consisted in a global interpretation of the allelic variation of transferrin between the different asiatic Macaca species in a biogeographical context. Results concern: (i) geographical isolation of some particular alleles in insular species (fuscata in Japan, fascicularis in Philippines, and maura and niger in Celebes); (ii) a quasi-elliptic clinal variation focused in Sumatra and Java for other Macaca species.  相似文献   

Four new species of Splendidofilariinae from different families of lizards are described: Thamugadia wertheimae n. sp., from Acanthodactylus b. boskianus from Israel, Madathamugadia versterae n. sp., from Mabuya capensis from the Northern Transvaal; M. bissani n. sp., from Mabuya quinquetaeniata from Mali; and M. ineichi n. sp., from Pseudocordylus microlepidotus melanotus from the Orange Free State. The life-cycle of M. ineichi is described. It occurs in a Phlebotomus species and is similar to the two known life-cycles in the genus. The new combination Madathamugadia huambensis (Petit, Bain, Gomes & Touratier, 1983) is proposed for the filarial worm from Mabuya aff. quinquetaeniata in Angola, previously placed in the genus Piratuboides (Oswaldofilariinae). Pseudothamugadia physignathi, from Physignathus lesueurii in Australia, is redescribed. In New Guinea, this filarid, or a closely related species, is a parasite of Chlamydosaurus kingii. The presence of splendidofilariines in lizards from southern and western Africa is a new finding. These Ethiopian species show several original characteristics but exhibit affinities with the two Madathamugadia spp. from Malagasy. M. ineichi appears to be a primitive form with a well-developed buccal capsule and well-developed pre- and post-cloacal papillae. Two lines appear to derive from this group: the first is characterised by the reduction of the post-cloacal papillae and comprises the eight species of Madathamugadia in the Ethiopian and Mediterranean regions; the second line is characterised by a reduction of the pre-cloacal papillae and includes the four species of Thamugadia in the Mediterranean region. Morphologically, Pseudothamugadia appears to be closely related to Madathamugadia.  相似文献   

Trois espèces nouvelles de Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858, parasites de Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) sont décrites du Brésil: P. euzeti n. sp., P. azevedoi n. sp. et P. catzeflisi n. sp. Ces trois espèces, ainsi que P. jarara (Fuhrmann, 1927), ont été comparées entre elles par leur caractéres morpho-anatomiques et biologiques. Leur appartenance à des populations isolées génétiquement a été démontré par électrophorèse des protéines (isoenzymes) sur gel d'amidon. Parmi les douze enzymes testées, six d'entre elles ont fourni des zymogrammes interprétables génétiquement; les loci AAT, GPI, MDH, MPI présentent différents allèles pour chacune des quatre espèces.Three new species of Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858, parasites of Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824), are described from Brazil: P. euzeti n. sp., P. azevedoi n. sp. et P. catzeflisi n. sp. The three species and P. jarara (Fuhrmann, 1927) are compared morpho-anatomically and biologically. Electrophoresis of proteins (isoenzymes) on starch gel shows that the four taxa belong to genetically isolated populations. Twelve enzymes were analysed of which six produced genetically interpretable zymograms; the four species differ in the alleles of the loci AAT, GPI, MDH and MPI.Três novas especies de Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858, parasitos de Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) do Brasil foram descritas: P. euzeti n. sp., P. azevedoi n. sp. et P. catzeflisi n. sp. Estas três espécies, asim como P. jarara (Fuhrmann, 1927), foram comparadas por seus caracteres morfo-anatômicos e biológicos. Sua colocaçâo em populações isoladas genéticamente, foi demostrada por eletroforese das proteinas (isoenzimas) em gel de amido. Entre as doze enzimas interpretáveis geneticamente, os loci AAT, GPI, MDH, MPI apresentam diferentes alelos para cada uma das quatro espécies.  相似文献   

A new technique of labelling, based on making series of microscars on the compound eye of immature insects, allows to recognize individual specimens, even after several moults.
Une nouvelle méthode de marquage pour certains groupes d'Insectes et de Crustacés

Une nouvelle espèce du genre Pseudamaurops Jeannel, 1948, récoltée dans une grotte à proximité de Virpazar, au Monténégro, et décrite et illustrée. Il s’agit là du troisième représentant du genre, deux autres espèces ayant été décrites d’Albanie. La position taxonomique de la nouvelle espèce est discutée, quelques remarques sur le genre et deux genres apparentés, Bergrothia Reitter, 1884 et Zoufalia Reitter, 1918, sont fournies.  相似文献   

P. Rodriguez  N. Giani 《Hydrobiologia》1986,139(3):269-276
Three new species of aquatic oligochaetes (Annelida, Oligochaeta) collected in Spain are described. Two are Enchytraeids (Henlea andreae n.sp. and Enchytraeus thomasi n.sp.) and one is a Lumbriculid (Trichodrilus diversisetosus n.sp.).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):211-220
New Giraffidae specimens discovered from the Late Miocene fossiliferous sector of Toros-Menalla (northern Chad) are described. These specimens are assigned to Bohlinia, a genus known so far only in some Late Miocene localities of Eurasia. This is the first occurrence of the genus in Africa. Analysis of the material allows us to describe a new species of giraffid, Bohlinia adoumi n. sp., probably close to the Eurasian forms.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Apodemus,A. agustii, a Middle Pliocene Muridae from the Guadix-Baza basin. Its morphology is far from that postulated as more frequent in Apodemus: its molars crowns are relatively high: there is no connection between t6 and t9 in M1 and M2. Taking in account this and its age, it is placed in an evolutionary branch, convergent with “Rhagapodemus” morphotype.  相似文献   

Résumé Le pouvoir larvicide des cultures totales de 22 variétés deBacillus thuringiensis Berliner représentant 15 sérotypes H a été testé sur larves L4 d'Aedes aegypti (L.)Culex pipiens pipiens (L.) etAnopheles stephensi (Liston). Seul le sérotype H 14, variétéisraelensis, est réellement actif, provoquant 100% de mortalité à la dilution 10−5. Avec des doses beaucoup plus fortes, 10−2, une certaine toxicité peut être manifestée par les variétésentomocidus, galleriae etkyushuensis en ce qui concerneAe. aegypti etC. pipiens pipiens, ou par les variétésentomocidus, tolworthi, kyushuensis etaizawai, pourAn. stephensi. Cependant cette activité n'a rien de comparable avec celle de la variétéisraelensis.
Summary We have studied the 15 H serotypes ofBacillus thuringiensis Berliner including 22 varieties. The larvicidal potency of the whole cultures of these varieties is evaluated on 4th instar larvae ofAedes aegypti (L.),Culex pipiens pipiens (L.) andAnopheles stephensi (Liston). The H-14 serotype, varietyisraelensis is the only one to show a true toxicity at 10−5 dilution on larvae of the 3 mosquito species. A low mortality at 10−2 dilution is observed onAe. aegypti andCx. pipiens pipiens larvae withentomocidus, galleriae andkyushuensis varieties; onAn. stephensi withentomocidus, tolworthi, kyushuensis andaizawa? varieties. Nevertheless, this activity cannot be compared to the extremely high toxicity of theisraelensis variety.

In Corsica, the first standing stones are related to Middle Neolithic. Later, during the Bronze Age, appear characteristic massive steles with arm figurations. Between those two limits, well settled, the chronology of other megalithic monuments remains much uncertain. The Sardinian chronology, proposed by E. Atzeni showed that in this island, the evolution from “aniconic menhirs” to “statues-menhirs” with dagger was related to Middle to Final Neolithic (Vth and IVth millenniums). Some examples taken in Europe confirm this chronology. In Corsica, we consider that a metamorphosis might have happen to Aravina stele (Lévie) showing that secondary transformation may have occurred on Neolithic steles. In the first stage, the monument is characterized by its apical rostrum, the engraving of the outline of the face and the “eyes”. During Bronze Age, it was modified by the carving of a sword. The comparison with other Sardinian and Maltese steles suggests a middle Neolithic age. This phase could correspond to an ancient phase of anthropomorphism of standing stones before the emergence of Final Neolithic statues-menhirs.  相似文献   

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