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Wen  Zhao  Shuang-Lin  Dong 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):181-190
Primary productivity, biomass and chlorophyll-a of size fractionated phytoplankton (<0.22 m, <3 m, <8 m, <10 m, <40 m, <64 m, <112 m and <200 m) were estimated in 6 ponds and 5 experimental enclosures. The results showed that the planktonic algae less than 10 m are important in the biomass and production of phytoplankton in saline–alkaline ponds. The production of size fractionated phytoplankton corresponding to <112 m, <10 m and <3 m in saline–alkaline ponds were 10.5 ± 6.6 , 8.6 ± 5.4 and 0.33 ± 0.1 mgC l–1 d–1, respectively. Mean community respiration rate was 1.80 ± 0.73, 1.69 ± 0.90 and 1.38 ± 1.12 mgC l–1 d–1, respectively. The average production of phytoplankton corresponding to micro- (10–112 m), nano- (3–10 m) and pico- (<3 m) were 1.61, 8.30 and 0.33 mgC l–1 d–1, respectively. The ratio of those to the total phytoplankton production was 15%, 79% and 3%, respectively. The mean respiration rate of the different size groups was 0.11, 0.31 and 1.38 mgC l–1 d–1; the ratio of those to total respiration of phytoplankton was 6%, 17% and 77%, respectively. The production of size-fractionated phytoplankton corresponding to <200 m, <10 m and <3 m in enclosures was 2.19 ± 1.63, 2.08 ± 1.75 and 0.22 ± 0.08 mgC l–1 d-1, respectively. Mean community respiration rates were 1.25 ± 1.55, 1.17 ± 1.42 and 0.47 ± 0.32 mgC l–1 d–1, respectively. The average production of phytoplankton corresponding to micro- (10–200 m), nano- (3–10 m) and pico- (<3 m) plankton was 0.11, 1.86 and 0.22 mgC l–1 d–1, respectively. The ratio of those to the total production of phytoplankton was 5%, 85% and 10%, respectively. The mean respiration rate of different size groups were 0.08, 0.72 and 0.46 mgC l–1 d–1, the ratio of those to total respiration of phytoplankton was 6%, 57% and 37%, respectively. The concentrations of chlorophyll-a of the phytoplankton in the corresponding size of micro- (10–112 m), nano- (3–10 m) and pico- (<3 m) plankton in the experimental ponds were 19.3, 98.2 and 11. 9 g l–1, respectively. The ratio of those to the total chlorophyll-a was 15%, 76% and 9%, respectively. The concentrations of chlorophyll-a of phytoplankton micro- (10–200 m), nano- (3–10 m) and pico- (<3 m) plankton in enclosures were 1.7, 34.3 and 3.0 g l–1, respectively. The ratio of those to the total chlorophyll-a was 4%, 88% and 8%, respectively.  相似文献   

In the ascophoran bryozoanCryptosula pallasiana (Moll) many examples of regenerative growth and of abnormal zooids have been observed. Most of the different forms of monsters are caused by fusion of zooids or zooid buds respectively. Zooids may often fuse laterally but in a few cases also distally. Some monster zooids have two polypides and combined opercula caused by various degrees of fusion of the apertures. Lack of sufficient space may lead to the formation of dwarf zooids or remainder cystids.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Enchytraeus albidus aus dem Anwurf mariner Algen an der Kieler Förde (Ostsee) erträgt als Nahrung die folgenden dort vorkommenden Pflanzen (Reihenfolge mit abnehmender Verträglichkeit): Fucus — Grünalgen —Seegras (Zostera) — Rotalgen (Delesseria). Diese Reihenfolge gilt für Nahrungsaufnahme, Fortpflanzungsrate und Überlebensdauer.Mit zunehmender Fäulnis des Nahrungssubstrates steigt die Zahl der Tiere, die aus ihm fliehen. Ihre Anzahl wird außerdem bestimmt durch den Salzgehalt des Substrates: Von 15–45 ist sie proportional der Substratsalinität. Bei 60 ist die Aktivität der Tiere bereits stark eingeschränkt.Bei Fucus-Nahrung ertragen auf Sand gehaltene Tiere eine Salinität von 60–70 länger als 4 Wochen, auf Filtrierpapier dagegen nur 50 für durchschnittlich 1 Woche. Die obere Fortpflanzungsgrenze liegt bei 40 Salzgehalt im Substrat. Bei 5 werden die meisten Kokons abgelegt. Die Sterblichkeit im Kokon ist bei 15 am geringsten. Auf den Substratsalinitäten 0–15 ist die Entwicklungsdauer im Kokon signifikant kürzer als auf Substraten von 30 und 40. Enchytraeus hat sich als Rückwanderer zum Meer mit einer sekundär erweiterten Poikilosmotie an den neuen Lebensraum angepaßt. Er kann eine Binnenkonzentration entsprechend etwa 72 längere Zeit ertragen. Auf niedrigen Salzgehalten besitzt er eine ausgeprägte Hypertonieregulation.
Summary Enchytraeus albidus was fed with Fucus, green algae, Zostera marina and Delesseria. Judging from absorption of food, rate of reproduction and duration of life, the animals preferred the plants in the sequence given above.As the putrefaction of a Fucus substrate advances, more and more enchytraeids leave it. A changing salinity of the substrate also influences the number of emigrating worms, increasing it from 15–45, but decreasing it towards 60. Fed with Fucus E. albidus tolerates a salinity of 60–70 on sand for more than 4 weeks, on filter paper only 50 for about one week.Reproduction is possible at salinities up to 40. Cocoon production is most frequent at 5. The mortality of young worms within the cocoons is lowest at 15. The incubation period is significantly shorter at salinities of 0–15 than at 30 and 40.As a terrestrial immigrant to the seashore Enchytraeus albidus secondarily enlarged its range of poikilosmosis, tolerating a concentration of 72 in its coelomic fluid for some time. At low salinities it maintains a remarkable degree of hyperosmosis.

Summary In a population of Great Reed Warbler (42–53 stationary males) the sex ratio was balanced and occurence of polygynous males (on average 15 % of the males) was more or less compensated by respective number of unmated males. Prospective polygynists arrived earlier in spring on average than monogamists, and got the first female quicker. Their territories were larger (statistically insignificant) and more often situated close to good foraging grounds. The reeds around primary female nests were on average thicker (and taller) and not so dense as in the case of monogamous, secondary and tertiary females. The intensity of nestling feeding (no. of visits per nestling per hour) was higher in the nests of monogamous females, than in primary females, and lowest in secondary and tertiary females nests. Nestlings in secondary and tertiary female broods were on average lighter than in monogamous and primary female broods. The male helped feed nestlings in secondary female nest only exceptionally. In monogamous situation their share in feeding was ca. 50%, and less so in primary female nests. Production of fledglings per female was highest in primary females and lowest in secondary and tertiary females, mainly due to the high starvation rate in the nests of secondary and tertiary females. Generally, collected data strongly suggest that female choice is determined by territory quality, and polygyny threshold hypothesis cannot be rejected. The deception hypothesis cannot be rejected as well in some observed special situations (disruptive territories or polyterritoriality; four cases).
Voraussetzungen für fakultative Polygynie beim Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Zusammenfassung Das Geschlechterverhältnis in der untersuchten Drosselrohrsänger-Population von 42 bis 53 war ausgeglichen. Das Auftreten polygyner (durchschnittlich 15 % der ) wurde mehr oder weniger durch eine entsprechende Anzahl unverpaarter kompensiert. Prospektiv polygyne kamen durchschnittlich früher an als monogame und waren schneller verpaart. Ihre Reviere waren (statistisch nicht signifikant) größer und lagen näher zu günstigen Nahrungsgebieten. Das Schilf in der Nähe der Nester von Erst- war durchschnittlich dicker (und höher) als und nicht so dicht wie bei Einzel- oder Zweit- und Dritt- . Die Fütterungsfrequenz der Nestlinge (Anzahl der Besuche beider Altvögel mit Futter pro Nestling pro Stunde) war bei Nestern von Einzel- höher als bei Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Nestern von Zweit- und Dritt-. Nestlinge von Zweit- und Dritt- waren durchschnittlich leichter als solche von Einzel-und Erst- . halfen nur ausnahmsweise bei der Fütterung von Nestlingen von Zweit- . Bei monogamen Paaren beteiligten sich die ungefähr zur Hälfte an der Fütterung der Nestlinge, bei Nestern von Erst- in geringerem Umfang. Der Ausfliegeerfolg war am höchsten beim Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Zweit- und Dritt- , hauptsächlich bedingt durch Verhungern der Nestlinge. Allgemein legen die Daten nahe, da\ die die nach der Revierqualität auswählen und daß das Polygynieschwellenmodell vonOrians undVerner nicht abgelehnt werden kann. Einige Beobachtungen stützen die Hypothese, daß in bestimmten Situationen (unübersichtliche Reviere, Polyterritorialität) durch Täuschung polygyn werden.

The major pentasaccharides Fuc(1-2)[GalNAc(1-3)]Gal(1-4)[Fuc(1-3)]Glc and Fuc(1-2) [Gal(1-3)]Gal(1-4)[Fuc(1-3)]Glc, which are normally present in the urine of bloodgroup A Leb and B Leb healthy subjects, were each found to be contaminated by a minor component when analysed by1H-NMR. The determination of these structures, Fuc(1-2) [GalNAc(1-3)]Gal(1-3)[Fuc(1-4)]Glc and Fuc(1-2) [Gal(1-3)]Gal(1-3)[Fuc(1-4)]Glc, was based on the results of methylation analysis and1H/13C-NMR spectroscopy.Abbreviations HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - GLC gas liquid chromatography - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - COSY correlation spectroscopy - Gal d-galactopyranose - GalNAc 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-galactopyranose - Glc d-glucopyranose - Fuc l-fucopyranose - LNDFH I lacto-N-difucohexaose I (Leb determinant  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings from the antennae of a highly specialized phytophagous species — the oak flea weevil, Rhynchaenus quercus L. — revealed two general properties of its antennal olfactory system: (1) a high and to some extent selective sensitivity to chemotaxonomically nonspecific compounds, namely the so-called general green leaf volatiles as well as to geraniol and linalool, (2) a lack of marked differences in the general excitation level caused by stimulation with vapours from leaves of both host plants and non-host plants. It was also observed, that the shapes of EAG's evoked by vapours from cut leaves and general green leaf volatiles differed from those elicited by corresponding concentrations of geraniol and linalool, where recovery was distinctly slower.The results of EAG tests suggest that the general green leaf volatile complex is important in host-odour perception by the oak flea weevil. A possible function of these compounds in host-plant odour discrimination is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Elektroantennographische Aufzeichnungen an Fühlern einer hochspezialisierten phytophagen Art, des Eichenblattflohs Rhynchaenus quercus L. zeigten zwei allgemeine Eigenschaften des Geruchsystems der Antennen:Erstens ist eine hohe und teilweise selektive Empfindlichkeit auf chemotaxonomisch nicht spezifische Verbindungen, besonders auf die allgemeinen Blattgründämpfe wie auch auf Geraniol und Linalool vorhanden.Zweitens fehlen ausgeprägte Unterschiede im allgemeinen Erregungsniveau hervorgerufen durch flüchtige Stoffe von Wirtspflanzen einerseits und Nichtwirtspflanzen andererseits. Es wurde auch beobachtet, dass die Form der EAGs hervorgerufen durch zerschnittene Blätter oder allgemeine Blattgründämpfe verschieden war von denjenigen verursacht durch Geraniol und Linalool, wo die Erholung eindeutig langsamer war.Die Resultate der EAG deuten darauf hin, dass der Komplex der allgemeinen Blattgründämpfe wichtig ist bei der Wahrnehmung der Wirtspflanzengerüche durch Rhynchaenus quercus. Eine mögliche Funktion dieser Verbindungen bei der Erkennung der Wirtspflanzen wird diskutiert.

Zusammenfassung Pantothensäurebedürftige Hefezellen können ihren Bedarf an diesem Vitamin nicht allein aus -Alanin decken, sondern auch aus Benzoyl--Alanin, -Alanyl-d,l-Norleucin und -Alanyl-l-Histidin. Der Antagonist Asparagin hemmt die Verwertung dieser Peptide genauso wie diejenige der freien Aminosäure. Durch höhere Konzentrationen an -Alanin oder -Alanyl-d,l-Norleucin läßt sich die Hemmwirkung nicht allein kompensieren, es kommt sogar zu einer Förderung des Hefewachstums. Der Antagonist wird dann zum Synergisten.
Summary The -alanine containing peptides benzoyl--alanine, -alanyl-d,l-norleucine and -alanyl-l-histidine can substitute for the amino acid -alanine in a pantothenic acid requiring yeast. Asparagine, an antagonist of -alanine, affects these peptides in a similar manner. In combination with an overdose of -alanine or -alanyl-d,l-norleucine, asparagine is no longer an antagonist but becomes a synergist.

As part of a program to explore the structural requirement of N-glycans in the carbohydrate-mediated biological interactions, N-linked pentasaccharide core structure was stereochemically modified in terms of glycosidic linkage. Three isomers, -D-Man-(13)-[-D-Man-(16)]--D-Man-(14)--D-GlcNAc-(14)--D-GlcNAc-L-Asn, -D-Man-(13)-[-D-Man-(16)]--D-Man-(14)--D-GlcNAc-(14)--D-GlcNAc-L-Asn, and -D-Man-(13)-[-D-man-(16)]--D-Man-(14)--D-GlcNAc-(14)--D-GlcNAc-L-Asn, were synthesized. Synthesis of the pentasaccharide with natural linkage is also described.  相似文献   

Summary Daytime numbers of pineal synaptic ribbons higher than reported in the pineal gland of any other mammalian species were observed in two diurnal rodents, the eastern chipmunk and Richardson's ground squirrel. The number of synaptic ribbons was lower during the daytime and higher at night in both of these species.  相似文献   

A system for in vitro clonal propagation has been developed in tea plants. Shoots obtained from primary explants were induced from terminal buds and axillary buds of mature field-grown plants. Cultures were initiated from both types of explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 10% coconut milk (CM), 200 mg l-1 of yeast extract (YE), 1.4 M indoleacetic acid (IAA) and 17.8 M benzyladenine (BA). The shoot tips were multiplied on 1/2 strength MS medium containing 10% CM, 2.9 M IAA and 17.8 M BA. The larger shoots were separated after multiplication and rooted on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 11.4 M ascorbic acid and 34.5 M indolebutyric acid (IBA). A pretreatment of the plants with an aqueous solution of 493 M IBA greatly increased the frequency of rooting. More than 60% of the rooted plants have been transferred to soil successfully.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - IAA indoleacetic acid - IBA indolebutyric acid - YE yeast extract - CM coconut milk - MS Murashige and Skoog medium (1962)  相似文献   

The eukaryotic guanine-nucleotide exchange factor commonly called elongation factor-1 (EF-1), comprises four different subunits including valyl-tRNA synthetase (EF-1/ValRS). The factor is multiply-phosphorylated by three different protein kinases, protein kinase C, casein kinase II and cyclin dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). EF-1/ValRS is organized as a macromolecular complex for which we propose a new structural model. Evidence that EF-1/ValRS is a sophisticated supramolecular complex containing many phosphorylation sites, makes it a potential regulator of any of the functions of its partner EF-1, not only involved in protein synthesis elongation, but also in many other cellular functions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Waldschäden als Folge des Sauren Regens sind in den Hochlagen des Harzes sehr deutlich sichtbar und spürbar. Diese (Zer-)Störung des Waldökosystems trifft auch die sehr häufige und sonst wenig empfindliche Kohlmeise. In zwei Nistkasten-Untersuchungsflächen von zusammen 25 ha in 800–920 m Höhe hat 1969–1997 der Bestand um 50% abgenommen, die Gelegegröße um 8%, der Bruterfolg erfolgreicher Paare um 18%, der Bruterfolg bei Berücksichtigung auch der erfolglosen Paare um 30% und der Gesamtbruterfolg auf der Gesamtfläche um 50%. Die Zahl von Brüten auf leerem Nest ist höher als in anderen Regionen. 1971–1987 betrug das durchschnittlich Mindestalter der brütenden Weibchen gleichmäßig 2,2–2,4 Jahre, 1993–1997 nur noch 1,15 Jahre. Als Hauptursache für diese Entwicklung wird die Änderung des Bodenchemismus durch den Sauren Regen mit seinen Folgen für die Bäume (Waldsterben), die Fauna (Nahrungsverknappung vor allem im Winter durch Abnahme der Spinnen) und die Physiologie der Vögel (Kalkmangel) diskutiert.
Effects of acid rain on a population of Great Tit(Parus major) in the higher regions of the Harz Mountains
Summary The damage to forests through acid rain is patently obvious in the higher regions of the Harz Mountains. This disturbance in the forest's ecological system has also affected the frequently found and otherwise robust Great Tit. In two study areas with nest boxes (together covering 25 hectars at a height of 800–920 m a.s.l.) the population has been halved in the period between 1969 and 1997. The clutch-size has declined by 8%, the breeding results of successful pairs by 18% and the nesting success when unsuccessful pairs are included by 30%. The total nesting success of the whole area has declined by 50%. The number of birds breeding on empty nests is higher than in other regions. Between 1971 and 1987, the average minimum age of nesting females was constant 2.2–2.4 years. Between 1993 and 1997, however, the average minimum age was only 1.15 years. The changes in the chemistry of the soil due to acid rain with its consequences for the trees (forest damage Waldsterben), the fauna (reduction in food abundancy, particulary in winter due to a decrease in the number of spiders) and the physiology of the birds (lack of calcium) are discussed as the main reasons for this development.

Deposition of amyloid peptide in human brain in the form of senile plaques is a neuropathological hallmark of Alzheimers disease (AD). Levels of a phospholipid breakdown product, glycerophosphocholine (GPC), also increase in AD brain. The effect of GPC on amyloid (1–40) peptide (A) aggregation in PBS buffer was investigated by circular dichroism and fluoresence spectroscopy; interactions of A and GPC with the intact erythrocyte membrane was examined by fluoresence spectroscopy. Fluorescamine labeled A studies indicate GPC enhances A aggregation. CD spectroscopy reveals that A in the presence of GPC adopts 14% more -sheet structure than does A alone. Fluorescamine anisotropy measurements show that GPC and A interact in the phospholipid head-group region of the erythrocyte membrane. In summary, both soluble A and GPC insert into the phospholipid head-group region of the membrane where they interact leading to -sheet formation in soluble A which enhances A aggregation.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatases play a major role in the regulation of L-type calcium current (ICa) in heart cells. We previously showed developmental differences in the effects of inhibitors of protein phosphatases (PP's) on the modulation of ICa, with greater stimulatory effects on ICa observed in newborn than in adult ventricular cells. We hypothesized that this developmental difference might be due to greater expression and levels of PP 1 and PP 2A in newborn than in adult ventricular cells. We thus determined the mRNA expression of and subunits of PP 1 and the subunit of PP 2A in adult and newborn rabbit ventricles and levels of PP 1 and PP 2A in total homogenates, particulate membranes, and in soluble fraction prepared from isolated ventricular myocytes from adult and newborn rabbits. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of mRNA of these subunits of PP's in both newborn and adult ventricles. Northern blot analysis using 32P labeled cDNA probes specific for PP 1, PP 1 and PP 2A showed that the expression of steady state mRNA levels for PP 1, PP 1 and PP 2A were much higher in newborn compared to adult rabbit ventricles. mRNA for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) in rabbit ventricles were measured as controls. GAPDH did not show significant developmental changes while mRNA for SERCA was higher in adult compared to newborns. Western blot analysis showed that PP 1 and PP 2A protein levels were also much higher in newborn compared to adult rabbit ventricular cells. Immunoblot analysis in particulate membranes and soluble fraction showed that PP1 was mainly membrane bound while PP 2 was present only in soluble fraction. These findings suggest that the two major protein phosphatases (PP 1 and PP 2A) in heart are expressed at much higher levels in newborn and decline to lower levels in adult ventricular myocytes. The presence of high levels of PP's and particularly PP 1 in newborn cells may be responsible for the greater dependence of newborn cells on the inhibition of PP as a mechanism of action of -agonist isoproterenol on ICa.  相似文献   

Summary The eye lens-crystallins in cow and chicken are encoded by a family of at least six genes. In order to assess the distribution of the corresponding genes among other vertebrates we hybridized -crystallin sequences (A2, A3/A1, A4, B1, B2, B3), isolated from a bovine lens cDNA library, to Southern blots on whichEcoR1-digested chromosomal DNA was blotted from different vertebrate species. These included human, chimpanzee, calf, rat, pigeon, duck, monitor lizard, toad, trout, and lamprey. Positive hybridization signals were found in the representatives of virtually all classes of vertebrates. The basic B-crystallins gave hybridization signals in more species than the acidic A ones. In monitor lizard and toad the weakest hybridization signals for basic crystallin probes were found. For acidic crystallin probes the distribution pattern was more simple; among cold-blooded vertebrates a signal for A2 was found in trout and lamprey, for A4 in trout, and for A3/A1 only in toad. The results demonstrate that the duplications leading to the -crystallin gene family occurred before or during the earliest stages of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Four types of striated muscle fibers with distinctive ultrastructure were defined in the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.): white, intermediate, and red fibers of m. parietalis, and red fibers of m. craniovelaris.White fibers are thick, contain very few mitochondria and fat vacuoles, and possess distinct and separate myofibrils with thin Z-disks and distinct M-lines. Intermediate fibers are thinner, possess largely similar myofibrils that often are even better separated due to a higher content of fat vacuoles and especially mitochondria and glycogen granules. Red fibers of m. parietalis contain large amounts of mitochondria, fat vacuoles, and glycogen granules. Their myofibrils possess M-lines, and although branching more, the myofibrils of red fibers conform with a Fibrillenstruktur pattern like those of white and intermediate fibers. Red fibers of m. craniovelaris are very thin, possess many smaller fat vacuoles, and large amounts of mitochondria and glycogen granules. The myofibrils are significantly thinner than in m. parietalis fibers, run as quite independent well separated units, possess thicker Z-disks, and lack M-lines. Large amounts of myosatellite cells are associated with these red fibers.Triads are located near A/I-junctions in all four fiber types and occur irregularly, the density of triads being different in the various fiber types.We are indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes, and we also wish to thank Dr. Jan K. S. Jansen, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo, for valuable suggestions during this study.  相似文献   

Summary Endo--galactosidase from Escherichia freundii cleaves polylactosaminyl structures as follows: R-GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-R + H2O R-GlcNAc1–3Gal + GlcNAc1-R. By staining with Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin-II following the enzyme digestion, the distribution of R-GlcNAc1–3Gal1–4GlcNAc can be demonstrated in tissue sections. This carbohydrate chain is one of the backbone structures carrying the blood-group-related antigens and, thus, localization of this structure may provide detailed information about the distribution of variants with different backbone structures. Various formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections were stained by Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin-II with or without prior enzyme digestion and the reactivity of the agglutinin imparted by enzyme digestion was studied in the following tissues and cells: pancreatic acinar cells, gastric surface mucosae, duct cells and mucous cells of salivary glands and tracheal glands, surface epithelium of trachea, goblet cells of large intestine, columnar epithelium of uterine cervical glands, distal and collecting tubules of kidney, certain cells of anterior lobe and colloid of middle lobe of pituitary glands, epithelial reticular cells and Hassall's corpuscles of thymus and Kupffer cells of liver. In gastric surface mucosae, the reactivity of the agglutinin appeared in non-secretor individuals but not in the secretor individuals, and in mucous cells of salivary and tracheal glands the reactivity appeared in Le(a - b -) non-secretor individuals but not in Le(a + b -) non-secretor or secretor individuals. In pancreatic acinar cells and duct cells of salivary glands from fetuses and newborn infants, prior fucosidase digestion markedly enhanced the Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin-II reactivity elicited by endo--galactosidase digestion. Prior fucosidase digestion was also a prerequisite for revealing the reactivity of this agglutinin by endo--galactosidase digestion in gastric surface mucosae from secretor individuals. -Galactosidase digestion disclosed reactivity of this agglutinin in pancreatic acinar cells and duct cells of salivary glands even after the removal of endo--galactosidase-labile lactosamine structures by sequential digestion with endo--galactosidase and -N-acetylhexosaminidase. These results demonstrate that the procedures developed in this study provide a useful means for detecting different types of lactosamine structures which carry blood-group antigens in humans tissues.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung EineArthrobacter-Species, die 4-Chlorobenzoesäure als einzige Kohlenstoffquelle verwerten kann, gibt beim Wachstum auf dieser Verbindung 4-Hydroxybenzoesäure und Protocatechusäure ins Medium ab. Der weiter Abbau des aromatischen Ringes erfolgt durch meta-Spaltung. Beim Wachstum derArthrobacter-Species auf Benzoesäure trit im Medium cis,cis-Muconsäure auf. In diesem Fallewird also der ortho-Weg eingeschlagen. Die Enzyme für beide Abbauwege sind induzierbar.
Degradation of 4-Chlorobenzoic acid by anArthrobacter species
AnArthrobacter sp. growing on 4-Chlorobenzoic acid as its sole source of carbon excretes 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and protocatechuic acid into the culture medium. Protocatechuic acid is further attacked by meta-cleavage. During growth of theArthrobacter sp. on benzoic acid cis-cis muconic acid can be isolated from the medium, suggesting the involvement of the ortho-cleavage pathway. The enzymes both for the meta- and the ortho-cleavage pathway are inducible.
Dem Andenken an Professor Bernhauer gewidmet  相似文献   

The effects of endogenous and synthetic peptides containing GABA or its analogues on the GABA/benzodiazepine/chloride ionophore, complex, GABAB receptor, Cl fluxes, GABA release and GABA uptake were studied using synaptic membranes, crude synaptoneurosomal preparations and slices prepared from the rat and mouse brain. The sodium-independent binding of GABA was strongly inhibited by GABA-histidine, followed by -glutamyl-homotaurine, GABA-glycine and -glutamyl-GABA. The binding of diazepam was slightly enhanced by the same peptides. The peptides alone had no effect on the chloride fluxes, but GABA-histidine, -glutamyl-GABA and GABA-glycine enhanced while -glutamyl-homotaurine and GABA-taurine inhibited GABA-stimulated chloride uptake. GABA-histidine was the most effective displacer of baclofen binding, but -glutamyl-homotaurine was entirely ineffective. The uptake of GABA was markedly inhibited in synaptosomal preparations by GABA-histidine, while all other peptides were less effective. -Glutamyl-taurine attenuated but -glutamyl-homotaurine and GABA-glycine enhanced the potassium-stimulated release of GABA. The present actions of GABA-histidine in vitro may be of significance for GABAergic neurotransmission in vivo.  相似文献   

A neural network model for a mechanism of visual pattern recognition is proposed in this paper. The network is self-organized by learning without a teacher, and acquires an ability to recognize stimulus patterns based on the geometrical similarity (Gestalt) of their shapes without affected by their positions. This network is given a nickname neocognitron. After completion of self-organization, the network has a structure similar to the hierarchy model of the visual nervous system proposed by Hubel and Wiesel. The network consits of an input layer (photoreceptor array) followed by a cascade connection of a number of modular structures, each of which is composed of two layers of cells connected in a cascade. The first layer of each module consists of S-cells, which show characteristics similar to simple cells or lower order hypercomplex cells, and the second layer consists of C-cells similar to complex cells or higher order hypercomplex cells. The afferent synapses to each S-cell have plasticity and are modifiable. The network has an ability of unsupervised learning: We do not need any teacher during the process of self-organization, and it is only needed to present a set of stimulus patterns repeatedly to the input layer of the network. The network has been simulated on a digital computer. After repetitive presentation of a set of stimulus patterns, each stimulus pattern has become to elicit an output only from one of the C-cell of the last layer, and conversely, this C-cell has become selectively responsive only to that stimulus pattern. That is, none of the C-cells of the last layer responds to more than one stimulus pattern. The response of the C-cells of the last layer is not affected by the pattern's position at all. Neither is it affected by a small change in shape nor in size of the stimulus pattern.  相似文献   

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