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Summary Repeated injection of rats with tunicamycin over two days induced a 1- to 5-fold increase in glycogen. This accumulation occurred in the stratum intermedium of the enamel organ and in young secretory odontoblasts. In rats injected over 3 days, the number of glycogen particles was at least 10 times larger than in control rats, and large glycogen accumulations were observed in the cytosol of these two groups of cells. These results were obtained by staining with periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide and silver proteinate, a specific method for the detection of glycoconjugates containing vic-glycol groups. The existence of a relationship between these local cytosolic accumulations of glycogen and the developmental stage of certain groups of cells was shown by the changes that occurred in glycogen distribution. The present results suggest that the stratum intermedium supplies energy for precursor transport.  相似文献   

Summary The lysosomal systems in maturation-ameloblasts affected by colchicine were examined using trimetaphosphatase cytochemistry. Demineralized segments of rat incisor were incubated for trimetaphosphatase. At all time intervals, lysosomal structures exhibited reduced enzyme reactivity and were clustered in the Golgi region of the cell. Both ruffle-ended and smooth-ended ameloblasts maintained essentially normal morphology up to 4 h after colchicine injection, except for some migration of organelles. After 8 h, the ruffled border was markedly modified and the associated dense granular material was no longer present. Changes in the lysosomal system and ruffled border indicate interference by colchicine with a putative resorptive function of the maturation-ameloblasts.  相似文献   

Summary Rapidly frozen growing rat incisors were freeze fractured and freeze dried in preparation for energy dispersive X-ray emission microanalysis in a scanning electron microscope. Ca levels were found to be elevated in the distal cell body of odontoblasts, whereas Ca was uniformly low over all parts of the cell body of secretory ameloblasts. The results suggest fundamental differences in the mechanisms by which these two cell types process Ca, and that Ca possibly diffuses through the secretory ameloblast layer on its way to the enamel.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the determination of the function of the 68kDa calcium-binding protein, annexin VI. Studies on the structure and regulation of the gene include a detailed analysis of annexin VI expressed heterologously in human A431 carcinoma cells. We have recently discovered that annexin VI is subject to a novel growth dependent post-translational modification. Interestingly, the protein exerts a negative effect on A431 cells. This effect was manifested as a partial reversal of the transformed phenotype. We are currently exploring the hypothesis that the post-translational modification of annexin VI is required for sub-cellular targeting, and that correct localisation within the cell is essential for function.  相似文献   

The exocytotic process in the anterior pituitary secretory cells was studied using quick-freeze deep-etch electron microscopy, fluorescein-isothiocyanate-phalloidin staining, heavy meromyosin decoration, and immuno-electron microscopy. The subcortical actin filaments are distributed unevenly in the peripheral cytoplasm. Few secretory granules are seen beneath the plasma membrane in the region where the peripheral cytoplasm is occupied by numerous subcortical actin filaments. On the contrary, in the region free of the subcortical actin filaments, many secretory granules lie in contact with the plasma membrane. Thus, the subcortical actin filaments may control the approach of the secretory granules to the plasma membrane in these cells. The granule and plasma membranes that lie in close proximity are linked by intervening strands. Unfused portions of both membranes remain linked by these strands during membrane fusion and opening. These strands may be involved in membrane contact, fusion and opening during exocytosis. Annexin II (calpactin I) has been demonstrated immunocytochemically to be localized at the contact sites between the granule and plasma membranes, and is therefore a possible component of the intervening strands. Membrane fusion starts within focal regions of both membranes less than 50 nm in diameter. The plasma membrane shows inward depressions toward the underlying granules immediately before fusion. The disappearance of intramembranous particles from the exocytotic site of the membrane has not been observed.  相似文献   

A recent study provided genetic and morphological evidence that rat autosomal-recessive mutation, whitish chalk-like teeth (wct), induced tooth enamel defects resembling those of human amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). The wct locus maps to a specific interval of rat chromosome 14 corresponding to human chromosome 4q21 where the ameloblastin and enamelin genes exist, although these genes are not included in the wct locus. The effect of the wct gene mutation on the enamel matrix synthesis and calcification remains to be elucidated. This study clarifies how the wct gene mutation influences the synthesis of enamel matrix and its calcification by immunocytochemistry for amelogenin, ameloblastin and enamelin, and by electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). The immunoreactivity for enamel proteins such as amelogenin, ameloblastin, and enamelin in the ameloblasts in the homozygous teeth was the same as that in the heterozygous teeth from secretory to transitional stages, although the homozygous ameloblasts became detached from the enamel matrix in the transitional stage. The flattened ameloblasts in the maturation stage of the homozygous samples contained enamel proteins in their cytoplasm. Thus, the wct mutation was found to prevent the morphological transition of ameloblasts from secretory to maturation stages without disturbing the synthesis of enamel matrix proteins, resulting in the hypo-mineralization of incisor enamel and cyst formation between the enamel organ and matrix. This mutation also prevents the transfer of iron into the enamel.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of the heart muscle cell and its underlying cytoskeleton are vitally important to the function of the heart. Annexin A6 is a major cellular calcium and phospholipid binding protein. Here we show that annexin A6 copurifies with sarcolemma isolated from pig heart. Two pools of annexin A6 are present in the sarcolemma fraction, one dependent on calcium and one that resists extraction by the calcium chelator EGTA. Potential annexin A6 binding proteins in the sarcolemma fraction were identified using Far Western blotting. Two major annexin A6 binding proteins were identified as actin and annexin A6 itself. Annexin A6 bound to itself both in the presence and in the absence of calcium ions. Sites for self association were mapped by performing Western blots on proteolytic fragments of recombinant annexin A6. Annexin A6 bound preferentially not only to the N terminal fragment (domains I-IV, residues 1-352) but also to C-terminal fragments corresponding to domains V+VI and domains VII+VIII. Actin binding to annexin A6 was calcium-dependent and exclusively to the N-terminal fragment of annexin A6. A calcium-dependent complex of annexin A6 and actin may stabilize the cardiomyocyte sarcolemma during cell stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary Developing rat incisors were treated with malachite green-aldehyde fixative solution (MGA), which retains and stains lipids. We observed positive staining occurring as dots in the basement membrane. Most of these dots (2–3.5 nm in diameter) were grouped in the lamina densa but some were also present in the lamina lucida and the lamina fibroreticularis. These data provide evidence for the existence of lipids in the dental basement membrane and suggest that they are distributed together with the various groups of proteins so far detected.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between odontoblasts and pulp capillaries in the process of dentinogenesis was studied in rat lower incisors, both on the labial and lingual sides, using light and transmission electron microscopy. The odontoblasts showed remarkable differences from the apical to the incisal end. Near the apical end of the tooth, immature odontoblasts, which were thought to be involved in the formation of the mantle dentin, were arranged in a single layer, and continuous capillaries were located just beneath the odontoblasts. In the middle of the tooth, mature odontoblasts with highly developed cell organelles and notable processes formed a pseudostratified layer; fenestrated capillaries were found between these cells close to the predentin. The height of the odontoblast layer and the rate of dentin deposition on the labial (enamel-related) side was significantly greater than that on the lingual (cementum-related) side. Near the incisal end, cementum-related odontoblasts gradually decreased in height and number to become post-odontoblasts that produced atubular dentin; continuous capillaries were located subjacent to the post-odontoblasts. On the labial (enamel-related) side, however, odontoblasts retained their pseudostratification; fenestrated capillaries were still observed in the odontoblast layer. No atubular dentin was formed on the labial side.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic regulation of arginine vasopressin (AVP)-containing neurons by neuropeptide Y (NPY)-containing monoaminergic neurons was demonstrated in the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus. NPY and AVP were immunolabeled in the pre- and the post-embedding procedures, respectively, and monoaminergic fibers were marked by incorporating 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OHDA), a false neurotransmitter. The immunoreaction for NPY was expressed by diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogen, and that for AVP by gold particles. The DAB chromogen was localized on the surface of the membrane structures, such as vesicles or mitochondria, and on the core of large cored vesicles. Gold particles were located on the core of the secretory granules within the AVP cell bodies and processes. The incorporated 5-OHDA was found as dense cores within small or large vesicular structures. From these data, three types of nerve terminals were discernible: NPY-containing monoaminergic, NPY-containing non-aminergic, and monoaminergic fibers. The AVP cell bodies appeared to have synaptic junctions formed by these nerve terminals as well as by the unlabeled nerve terminals which have small clear vesicles and large cored vesicles. These different types of nerve terminals were frequently observed in a closely apposed position on the same AVP cell bodies. The functional relationships of these three types of neuronal terminals are discussed.  相似文献   

H S Sandhu 《Acta anatomica》1987,129(3):254-256
Actin has been localized in Tomes' processes of the ameloblasts by the immunoperoxidase method using antiserum against purified rat actin. The zone of initial mineralization in dentin also gave a positive reaction. The possibility exists that actin may have a role in local accumulation of calcium during mineralization of various calcified tissues.  相似文献   

Summary A scanning electron microscopic technique was used to investigate the surface structure of dentinogenically active odontoblasts.Thin pieces of rat incisors were fixed, rapidly frozen, freezedried at -70° C and fractured to expose new surfaces prior to examination in the SEM. Differences in the appearance of odontoblastic cell surfaces were seen, with the most extensive ridge formations at the distal part of the sides of the odontoblasts. The predentine area displayed a spongy structure which contrasted to the compact appearance of dentine. Results are discussed in relation to previous studies at the light microscopic and transmission electron microscopic levels.This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council and the Faculty of Odontology, University of Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden.  相似文献   

Summary Maturation ameloblasts of developing molar teeth of the rat were studied by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. After fixation, teeth were frozen and split. One face of the fractured tooth was used for SEM, the other for TEM.It was found that in some regions proximal junctional complexes separate the interameloblast space from the intercellular space of the papillary layer. Thereby an intercellular ameloblastic compartment is delineated which in some specimens contains a substance interpreted to be colloidal. Elsewhere the proximal junctions of ameloblasts are not present and free communication between the extracellular spaces is evident. The apical pole of ameloblasts varies in structure. Over some areas there is a distinct distal border zone with membranous infoldings which in some regions resembles a striated or ruffled border, but in other regions the membranes show whorl configurations. The distal border zone also contains granules with flocculent material. Elsewhere the ameloblasts display no distal border zone and the cells show a smooth membrane (except for pinocytotic vesicles and hemidesmosomes) facing the enamel surface. The lateral surface of ameloblasts exhibits a variety of surface configurations similar to but not as pronounced as those reported previously in rat incisor maturation ameloblasts.The authors wish to thank Pauletta Sanders and Helen Ruane for technical assistance. This project was supported in part by USPHS NIH Grant DE04059-03 and by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain  相似文献   

Two weeks after a single injection of suramin, the secretory and post-secretory ameloblasts of the rat incisor were filled with large lysosome-like vacuoles. At the light-microscope level, these vacuoles were positively stained with Alcian blue when MgCl2 was used at a critical electrolyte concentration varying between 0.1 and 0.3 M, whereas no staining appeared when MgCl2 varied between 0.7 and 0.9 M. Hyaluronidase digestion markedly reduced but did not totally abolish the staining, indicating that glycosaminoglycans were accumulated inside these vacuoles. Examination of these cells with the electron microscope revealed a polymorphic population of large vesicles, filled to various degrees with cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC)-positive and malachite green aldehyde (MGA)-positive material. The same pattern was observed in secretory odontoblasts but to a lesser extent. In the extracellular matrix, suramin-induced alterations appeared as large defects occurring during enamel formation. In predentin and dentin, the number and/or size of electron-dense aggregates resulting from CPC and MGA fixation, were enhanced in the suramin-injected rats. These aggregates were largely reduced or suppressed respectively by hyaluronidase digestion and chloroform/methanol treatment of the sections. The accumulation of glycosaminoglycans and phospholipids reported here inside ameloblasts and odontoblasts and in predentin and dentin supports the occurrence of suramin-induced mucopolysaccharidosis and lipidosis in this experimental animal model.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristic ultrastructure of thyrotrophs of the rat anterior pituitary was observed by immuno-electron microscopy and enzyme cytochemistry with increasing time after thyroidectomy (TX). The rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) became dilated, the intracisternal granules reacted to serum raised against thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) around 21 days after TX, and lysosomes and peculiar structures with positive acid phosphatase activity were present. The administration of thyroxine (T4) to the thyroidectomized rats resulted in the reformation of secretory granules, a reduction of dilated cisternae of rough ER and the activation of the lysosomal systems. Morphological features indicating that the TX-cells might be derived from growth hormone (GH) cells or cells other than TSH cells, previously suggested by some researchers, were not recognized in the present study. The amount of serum and pituitary TSH was measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA), and correlated well with the morphological changes. These results indicate that the TX-cells are hypertrophied hyperfunctioning TSH cells that have been affected by the lack of negative feedback of thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Postnatal change in the distribution of actin filaments in endothelial cells was studied in the rat aorta by use of rhodamine-phalloidin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Endothelial cells of the rat aorta possessed two populations of actin filament bundles, namely, peripheral bands at the cell border and stress fibers running longitudinally in the cytoplasm. Aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat contained only stress fibers, whereas those of the 10-day-old rat developed both peripheral bands and stress fibers. After 20 days of age, aortic endothelial cells had predominantly peripheral bands with occasional stress fibers around the branch orifices. During postnatal development the length density of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells decreased, whereas individual stress fibers in endothelial cells were shortened. Electron-microscopic observation revealed that the high intercellular boundaries of aortic endothelial cells at birth decreased in height and developed cytoplasmic interdigitations after 20 days of age. The occurrence of peripheral bands at the cell border is thought to be closely related to formation of cytoplasmic interdigitation which strengthens the mechanical connection between endothelial cells against increasing transmural pressure. Expression of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat is supposed to be affected by longitudinal elongation of the developing aorta, whereas their postnatal decrease is though to be correlated with the change of fluid shear stress loaded in the aortic endothelium.  相似文献   

In the present study, immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections of rat small intestine and liver has been used to obtain insights into the ultrastructural localization and possible functions of annexins. In enterocytes, annexins II, IV, and VI are found at the periphery of the core of each microvillus and of the rootlets, but are absent from the interrootlet space. Annexins II, IV, and VI are also observed close to the interdigitated plasma membrane. In hepatocytes, only annexin VI is found to be concentrated within the microvilli in the bile canaliculi, on the inner face of the sinusoidal cell surface, particularly in the space of Disse, and all along the plasma membrane. Annexin VI is also detected in mitochondria of enterocytes and hepatocytes. These localizations are in agreement with the concept of a close calcium-dependent association of annexins with membranes and cytoskeletal proteins, particularly with actin. Moreover, they support the hypothesis of an involvement of annexins in exocytotic and endocytotic processes, which take place in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary Cationic ferritin was used as a marker to reveal the processes of endocytosis and intracellular transport in bronchiolar and alveolar epithelia. The marker was injected into the lung via the trachea, and ultrastructural observation of the distribution of ferritin particles in bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells was carried out at intervals of 5, 15, 30 and 60 min after the injection. The luminal surface of the airway and the alveolar epithelium showed diffuse labeling with cationic ferritin. In general, ferritin particles were observed in vesicles and vacuoles of the bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells within 5 min of injection; they appeared in multivesicular bodies within 15 min. Multivesicular bodies and secondary lysosomes containing ferritin particles, some of which showed a positive reaction for acid phosphatase, were seen in the basal cytoplasm within 30 min; ferritin particles appeared in the basal lamina below the Clara cells, ciliated cells and type 2 alveolar cells within 30 min. Ferritin particles were seen in ovoid granules of some Clara cells and in lamellar inclusion bodies of many type 2 alveolar cells. Brush cells and type 1 alveolar cells took up only a small quantity of ferritin particles.  相似文献   

Summary N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) were localised histochemically in fixed cells from the 37-day-old rat epididymis grown in static monolayer culture for 2–8 days. ACP and NAG were cytosolic enzymes found in perinuclear positions, whereas staining of AKP was consistent with a membranous position. These enzymes were also examined in frozen tissue sections of the epididymis, from rats of the equivalent age, where NAG had intense activity in both supra- and infra-nuclear cytoplasm and ACP was more active apically. For the first time AKP was localised along basolateral membranes of the epithelium and in the lumen of the mid-caput region. The monolayer in culture was of principal cells only and they maintained their polarity and ultrastructural characteristics, but the height of the cells was reduced compared to that obtained in situ.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural appearances of axonal terminals containing corticoliberin (CRF) were examined in the rat median eminence prepared by a freeze-drying procedure. Immunolabeling was performed by using 5-, 8-, or 15-nm gold-antibody complexes for CRF, arginine vasopressin (VP) and methionine-enkephalin-octapeptide (Enk-8), singly or in combination. In intact animals, the CRF-containing secretory granules were only slightly labeled with goldanti-VP or -Enk-8. In adrenalectomized rats, granules within single axons appeared to be labeled with all the immunogold complexes. This intragranular colocalization of the three antigens was confirmed by using three neighboring sections of the same axon terminals which were stained separately with each one of the antibodies and visualized with the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. The granules labeled for CRF had decreased 9 days after adrenalectomy but had increased again by day 21, while those labeled for VP steadily increased after adrenalectomy. However, this did not correspond with the appearances of cell bodies in the paraventricular nucleus; the cell bodies labeled for both CRF and VP steadily increased in number and in stainability. By contrast, Enk-8 immunoreactivity in the axonal terminals and cell bodies was not affected by adrenalectomy. These findings suggest that although the three peptides could be released simultaneously from the axonal terminals, VP may play some special role in the expression of CRF activity.  相似文献   

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