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The prevalence, natural history, and genetic characteristics of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections in most feral African monkey species are presently unknown, yet this information is essential to elucidate their origin and relationship to other simian and human immunodeficiency viruses. In this study, a combination of classical and molecular approaches were used to identify and characterize SIV isolates from West African green monkeys (Cercopithecus sabaeus) (SIVagm isolates). Four SIVagm viruses from wild-caught West African green monkeys were isolated and analyzed biologically and molecularly. Amplification, cloning, and sequencing of a 279-bp polymerase fragment directly from uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells was facilitated by the use of nested polymerase chain reaction. The results indicated that West African green monkeys are naturally infected with SIVs which are closely related to East African SIVagm isolates. However, structural, antigenic, and genetic differences were observed which strongly suggest that the West African green monkey viruses comprise a phylogenetically distinct subgroup of SIVagm. These findings support our previous hypothesis that SIVagm viruses may have evolved and diverged coincident with the evolution and divergence of their African green monkey host. In addition, this study describes a polymerase chain reaction-based approach that allows the identification and molecular analysis of divergent SIV strains directly from primary monkey tissue. This approach, which does not depend on virus isolation methods, should facilitate future studies aimed at elucidating the origins and natural history of SIVs in feral African green monkey populations.  相似文献   

Serological surveys have revealed that 30 to 50% of wild-caught African green monkeys have antibodies reactive to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a retrovirus related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Although the nucleotide sequence of one SIVagm isolate, Tyo1, was recently reported, the extent of genetic variability among SIVagm isolates remains to be determined. Restriction endonuclease mapping of infectious molecular clones of two SIVagm isolates (266 and 385), described in this note, revealed conservation of only 4 of 39 sites across the genome. Partial sequence analysis of the molecular clones revealed only 80% amino acid sequence conservation in the pol gene. Although the three Kenyan SIVagm isolates, Tyo1, 385, and 266, are more closely related to each other than to other primate lentiviruses, genetic variation among these three isolates is much greater than that observed previously among individual HIV type 1 (HIV-1), HIV-2, or SIVmac isolates. Less variability among HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates could be explained by recent entry into the human population. The extensive genetic variation in these Kenyan SIVagm isolates should prompt continued examination of SIVagm variability from dispersed geographic regions; SIVagm strains much more closely related to HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac which would be reasonable candidates for recent cross-species transmission may be found.  相似文献   

We constructed ten mutants of simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from African green monkey (SIVAGM), and nine mutants of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) in vitro. Their infectivity, cytopathogenicity, transactivation potential, virus RNA, and protein synthesis were examined by transfection and infection experiments. Mutations in three structural (gag, pol, env) and two regulator (tat, rev) genes abolished the infectivity of both viruses, but vpx, vpr (HIV-2), and nef were dispensable and mutant viruses were indistinguishable phenotypically from wild type virus. A vif mutant of HIV-2 showed poor infectivity in cell-free condition, whereas SIVAGM mutants grew equally well with wild type virus. In transient transfection assays, rev mutants derived from both viruses produced mainly small mRNA species and no detectable virus proteins and particles. Transactivation potential of tat mutants originated from both viruses was about three- to ten-fold less than that of respective wild type DNAs, generating small amounts of virus.  相似文献   

Asymptomatic infection with simian lentiviruses (also called simian immunodeficiency viruses, or SIV) is common among feral African green monkeys. To characterize the range of SIV genetic diversity among infected African green monkeys, we have determined nucleotide sequences from complete or partial molecular clones of four distinct SIVagm isolates from Kenya and Ethiopia. The nucleotide and amino acid variability we observed among the SIVagm isolates was greater than the variability within any other group of primate lentiviruses. These data suggest that: a) African green monkeys have been infected with simian lentiviruses for many years; and b) novel and uncharacterized primate lentiviruses may exist in the feral African green monkey population in other parts of Africa.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/Mne has been inoculated into three species of macaques and into baboons. Virus was isolated from all the macaques who subsequently died at 15 to 120 weeks (mean 80 weeks) with various manifestations of immune deficiency. Individual animals varied in their viral antibody profile as a function of time after infection. Independent SIV isolates obtained from African green monkeys and magabeys were compared to SIV/Mne for their ability to replicate in lymphocytes and macrophages and with respect to the immunological relatedness of their viral proteins. Antibodies present in human immunodeficiency virus-2 (HIV-2)-infected individuals were readily detected by the virus produced by a single-cell clone of SIV/Mne.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the phylogenetic origins of simian and human immunodeficiency viruses (SIV and HIV) is fundamental to the understanding of HIV pathogenesis and the spread of AIDS worldwide. In this study, we molecularly characterized multiple SIVAGM isolates from four different African green monkey species (vervet, grivet, sabaeus and tantalus monkeys). Phylogenetic analysis of partial (1 kb) env sequences indicated that all SIVAGM strains cluster together, and that they fall into four distinct sequence sub-groups according to their species of origin. However, alignment of long terminal repeat sequences revealed that SIVs from West African sabaeus monkeys contain a structural feature (a duplication of the transactivation response element) thus far only found in otherwise highly divergent lentiviruses infecting sooty mangabeys (SIVSM) and humans (HIV-2). To determine whether there were additional similarities with the SIVSM/HIV-2 group, a full-length replication competent sabaeus provirus was cloned and sequenced. In phylogenetic trees derived from the central and 3' coding regions, the sabaeus virus clustered with SIVAGM isolates from other African green monkey species. However, in trees derived from the 3' half of gag and the adjacent 5' region of pol, the sabaeus virus grouped with the SIVSM/HIV-2 lineage. These results indicated that the sabaeus virus comprised a mosaic genome which must have resulted from recombination of divergent lentiviruses in the distant past. A second, independent sabaeus isolate exhibited similar phylogenetic relationships, suggesting that all West African green monkey viruses share this complex evolutionary history. Taken together, these results indicate that African green monkeys have been infected with SIVAGM for very long periods of time, and that recombination and cross-species transmission in the wild have contributed to the genetic complexity of primate lentiviruses.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys.   总被引:10,自引:14,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) was isolated from the total peripheral blood mononuclear cell population and the monocyte-macrophage adherent cell population of three seropositive green monkeys originating from Kenya. SIV from these African green monkeys (SIVagm) was isolated and continuously produced with the MOLT-4 clone 8 (M4C18) cell line but not with a variety of other cells including HUT-78, H9, CEM, MT-4, U937, and uncloned MOLT-4 cells. Once isolated, these SIVagm isolates were found to replicate efficiently in M4C18, SupT1, MT-4, U937, and Jurkat-T cells but much less efficiently if at all in HUT-78, H9, CEM, and MOLT-4 cells. The range of CD4+ cells fully permissive for replication of these SIVagm isolates thus differs markedly from that of previous SIV isolates from macaques (SIVmac). These SIVagm isolates had a morphogenesis and morphology like that of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other SIV isolates. Antigens of SIVagm and SIVmac cross-reacted by comparative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay only with reduced efficiency, and optimal results were obtained when homologous antibody and antigen were used. Western blotting (immunoblotting) of purified preparations of SIVagm isolate 385 (SIVagm385) revealed major viral proteins of 120, 27, and 16 kilodaltons (kDa). The presumed major core protein of 27 kDa cross-reacted antigenically with the corresponding proteins of SIVmac (28 kDa) and HIV-1 (24 kDa) by Western blotting. Hirt supernatant replicative-intermediate DNA prepared from cells freshly infected with SIVagm hybridized to SIVmac and HIV-2 DNA probes. Detection of cross-hybridizing DNA sequences, however, required very low stringency, and the restriction endonuclease fragmentation patterns of SIVagm were not similar to those of SIVmac and HIV-2. The nucleotide sequence of a portion of the pol gene of SIVagm385 revealed amino acid identities of 65% with SIVmac142, 64% with HIV-2ROD, and 56% with HIV-1BRU; SIVagm385 is thus related to but distinct from previously described primate lentiviruses SIVmac, HIV-1, and HIV-2. Precise information on the genetic makeup of these and other SIV isolates will possibly lead to better understanding of the history and evolution of these viruses and may provide insight into the origin of viruses that cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in humans.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have demonstrated that the genetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVagm) is much greater than that observed previously for individual HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac isolates. Extensive genetic variation among SIVagm isolates and the high prevalence of green monkey infection without disease suggest that the virus has been in the green monkey population for a long time. We have also demonstrated that SIV from a sooty mangabey monkey (isolate SMM-7) is closer to SIVmac and HIV-2 than to HIV-1 and SIVagm. The extensive genetic diversity of SIVagm and the relatedness of SIVsmm to HIV-2 warrant continued examination of SIVagm and SIVsmm isolates from dispersed geographic regions. SIV strains much more closely related to HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac may be found which would be reasonable candidates for recent cross-species transmission.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of biologically-active proviral molecular clones of SIVsm and SIVagm to infect rhesus macaques, pig-tail macaques, and African green monkeys. Two clones of SIVsm were individually inoculated into four rhesus and four pig-tail macaques. All eight macaques became infected, and two have experienced a significant decline in absolute numbers of circulating CD4+ cells. None of three African green monkeys were infected by an SIVsm molecular clone. However, one of four African green monkeys did become infected by SIVsm after receiving lymphocytes directly from an SIVsm-infected rhesus macaque. A molecular clone of SIVagm infected three of four macaques and three of three African green monkeys. None of the three infected macaques had a significant decline in circulating CD4+ cells. Interestingly, infection of pig-tail macaques (but not rhesus macaques) with uncloned SIVagm induced a significant drop in circulating CD4+ cells. These data suggest that molecular clones of SIVsm and SIVagm can be used in experimental models of AIDS for the evaluation of viral gene functions and for the study of in vivo genetic variation.  相似文献   

The virulence of three isolates of simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVagm) was studied in rhesus and pigtailed macaques. None of 15 rhesus monkeys and one of four pigtailed monkeys died from infection during the time they were studied (up to 33 months). SIVagm was only isolated from rhesus monkeys for up to 2 months after inoculation. However, when these animals were secondarily infected with Simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome retrovirus type 1 (SRV-1), SIVagm was activated and isolated. Dual infection caused increased mortality.  相似文献   

High simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) seroprevalence rates have been reported in the different African green monkey (AGM) subspecies. Genetic diversity of these viruses far exceeds the diversity observed in the other lentivirus-infected human and nonhuman primates and is thought to reflect ancient introduction of SIV in the AGM population. We investigate here genetic diversity of SIVagm in wild-living AGM populations from the same geographical locale (i.e., sympatric population) in Senegal. For 11 new strains, we PCR amplified and sequenced two regions of the genome spanning the first tat exon and part of the transmembrane glycoprotein. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences shows that viruses found in sympatric populations cluster into distinct lineages, with at least two distinct genotypes in each troop. These data strongly suggest an ancient introduction of these divergent viruses in the AGM population.  相似文献   

随着人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者逐渐进入获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)期,我国HIV感染者病死人数逐渐增加,已超过结核病与狂犬病的病死人数,位居第1.如何降低HIV/AIDS患者的病死率是我国目前亟待解决的重要课题.针对我国HIV/AIDS患者的特点,应采用多种措施.其中关键为:落实患者对药物的依从性,优化抗病毒治疗方案;扩大抗病毒治疗覆盖面,以增加接受抗病毒治疗的患者;加大检测力度,早诊断和早治疗以延长患者寿命,改善预后;注意对患者并发症的治疗,并科学分析病死原因.这些措施的实施需要社会各界共同参与和努力.  相似文献   

Three infectious molecular clones of SIVmac and one of HIV-2 exhibit remarkable variation in their biological properties despite similarities in genome organization and sequence relatedness. Cloned viruses differed in their ability to grow in various cultured cells, in their ability to infect macaques, and in the location of the env stop codon. Sequences from the 3' end predict that at least three of the four clones do not have an intact, functional nef gene. All four cloned viruses yield infectious virus in HUT-78 and all four cloned viruses are cytopathic.  相似文献   

Simian varicella virus (SVV) infection of primates shares clinical, pathological, immunological, and virological features with varicella-zoster virus infection of humans. Natural varicella infection was simulated by exposing four SVV-seronegative monkeys to monkeys inoculated intratracheally with SVV, in which viral DNA and RNA persist in multiple tissues for more than 1 year (T. M. White, R. Mahalingam, V. Traina-Dorge, and D. H. Gilden, J. Neurovirol. 8:191-205, 2002). The four naturally exposed monkeys developed mild varicella 10 to 14 days later, and skin scrapings taken at the time of the rash contained SVV DNA. Analysis of multiple ganglia, liver, and lung tissues from the four naturally exposed monkeys sacrificed 6 to 8 weeks after resolution of the rash revealed SVV DNA in ganglia at multiple levels of the neuraxis but not in the lung or liver tissue of any of the four monkeys. This animal model provides an experimental system to gain information about varicella latency with direct relevance to the human disease.  相似文献   

African green monkeys are asymptomatic carriers of simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV), commonly called SIVagm. As many as 50% of African green monkeys in the wild may be SIV seropositive. This high seroprevalence rate and the potential for genetic variation of lentiviruses suggested to us that African green monkeys may harbor widely differing genotypes of SIVagm. To investigate this hypothesis, we determined the entire nucleotide sequence of an infectious proviral molecular clone of SIVagm (155-4) and partial sequences (long terminal repeat and Gag) of three other distinct SIVagm isolates (90, gri-1, and ver-1). Comparisons among the SIVagm isolates revealed extreme diversity at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. Long terminal repeat nucleotide sequences varied up to 35% and Gag protein sequences varied up to 30%. The variability among SIVagm isolates exceeded the variability among any other group of primate lentiviruses. Our data suggest that SIVagm has been in the African green monkey population for a long time and may be the oldest primate lentivirus group in existence.  相似文献   

由于人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)储存库的存在,获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)患者即便接受高效抗反转录病毒治疗也无法完全清除体内的潜伏病毒.本文就HIV在人体内可能存在的解剖学储存库、病毒储存库...  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying the lack of disease progression in natural simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) hosts are still poorly understood. To test the hypothesis that SIV-infected African green monkeys (AGMs) avoid AIDS due to virus replication occurring in long-lived infected cells, we infected six animals with SIVagm and treated them with potent antiretroviral therapy [ART; 9-R-(2-phosphonomethoxypropyl) adenine (tenofovir) and beta-2,3-dideoxy-3-thia-5-fluorocytidine (emtricitabine)]. All AGMs showed a rapid decay of plasma viremia that became undetectable 36 h after ART initiation. A significant decrease of viral load was observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and intestine. Mathematical modeling of viremia decay post-ART indicates a half-life of productively infected cells ranging from 4 to 9.5 h, i.e., faster than previously reported for human immunodeficiency virus and SIV. ART induced a slight but significant increase in peripheral CD4(+) T-cell counts but no significant changes in CD4(+) T-cell levels in lymph nodes and intestine. Similarly, ART did not significantly change the levels of cell proliferation, activation, and apoptosis, already low in AGMs chronically infected with SIVagm. Collectively, these results indicate that, in SIVagm-infected AGMs, the bulk of virus replication is sustained by short-lived cells; therefore, differences in disease outcome between SIVmac infection of macaques and SIVagm infection of AGMs are unlikely due to intrinsic differences in the in vivo cytopathicities between the two viruses.  相似文献   

We have examined the viral load in the peripheral blood of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected African green monkeys with a view to the unexplained apathogenicity of African green monkey SIV (SIVagm) in its natural host. By using polymerase chain reaction, viral DNA was detected in fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of each of nine seropositive animals. The virus DNA load was variable among the monkeys tested, ranging from 5 to 50 (mean = 15) copies per 10(5) PBMC, which is comparable to that of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in humans. The level of infectious SIVagm in PBMC was measured by endpoint dilution cultures. SIVagm was recovered from PBMC from 14 of 17 antibody-positive monkeys (82%), and the mean SIVagm titer in PBMC of seropositive African green monkeys was 10 tissue culture infectious doses per 10(6) cells, similar to the titer shown for HIV in asymptomatic carriers. Free infectious virus was isolated from the plasma of 4 of 17 monkeys (24%), and SIVagm expression in peripheral blood in vivo, as demonstrated by in situ hybridization, was detectable only in those animals which were viremic. SIVagm replication is therefore not totally suppressed in vivo, and SIVagm has a viral load equivalent to that seen for HIV-1 in asymptomatic humans.  相似文献   

African green monkeys (AGMs) infected by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIVagm are resistant to AIDS. SIVagm-infected AGMs exhibit levels of viremia similar to those described during pathogenic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and SIVmac infections in humans and macaques, respectively, but contain lower viral loads in their lymph nodes. We addressed the potential role of dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN; CD209) in viral dissemination. In previous studies, it has been shown that human DC-SIGN and macaque DC-SIGN allow transmission of HIV and SIVmac to T cells. Here, we looked at the ability of DC-SIGN derived from AGM lymph nodes to interact with SIVagm. We show that DC-SIGN-expressing cells are present mainly in the medulla and often within the cortex and/or paracortex of AGM lymph nodes. We describe the isolation and characterization of at least three isoforms of dc-sign mRNA in lymph nodes of AGMs. The predicted amino acid sequence from the predominant mRNA isoform, DC-SIGNagm1, is 92 and 99% identical to the corresponding human and rhesus macaque DC-SIGN amino acid sequences, respectively. DC-SIGNagm1 is characterized by the lack of the fourth motif in the repeat domain. This deletion was also detected in the dc-sign gene derived from thirteen animals belonging to five other African monkey species and from four macaques (Macaca fascicularis and M. mulatta). Despite three- to seven-amino-acid modifications compared to DC-SIGNmac, DC-SIGNagm1 allows transmission of SIVagm to T cells. Furthermore, AGM monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) expressed at least 100,000 DC-SIGN molecules and were able to transmit SIVagm to T cells. At a low multiplicity of infection (10(-5) 50% tissue culture infective doses/cell), viral transmission by AGM MDDC was mainly DC-SIGN dependent. The present study reveals that DC-SIGN from a natural host species of SIV has the ability to act as an efficient attachment and transmission factor for SIVagm and suggests the absence of a direct link between this ability and viral load levels in lymph nodes.  相似文献   

自从对感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的妊娠妇女实施抗反转录病毒治疗(ART)以预防母婴垂直传播以来,HIV母婴阻断成功率明显上升。而部分抗病毒药物,如依非韦伦和替诺福韦,也逐渐被证实用于妊娠期妇女对胎儿是安全的,这增加了HIV母婴阻断药物的选择范围。  相似文献   

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