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水分胁迫下天然次生灌木山桃和山杏光合气体交换特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
以半干旱黄土丘陵区3年生天然次生灌木山桃(Prunus davidiana)和山杏(Prunus sibirica)为试验材料,采用充分供水、正常供水、轻度胁迫、中度胁迫和重度胁迫5种水分处理,比较了水分胁迫对山桃和山杏光合气体交换参数的影响.结果表明:山桃和山杏的净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)和水分利用效率(WUE)在不同水分处理之间差异显著.随着水分胁迫的缓解,山桃和山杏的Pn日变化曲线逐渐从单峰型转变成不明显的双峰型;重度水分胁迫下,Pn受到明显抑制,一直维持在较低水平;Pn在轻度或中度水分胁迫下出现最大值,且山桃的日均Pn要高于山杏;Pn降低的原因上午表现为气孔限制因素,而下午则以非气孔限制因素为主.山桃和山杏的Ci日变化规律与Pn基本相反,它们的Tr日变化在轻度和中度水分胁迫下为双峰曲线,并以正常供水条件下日均Tr最大;不同程度水分胁迫下,山桃、山杏的Gs日变化表现出相似的变化规律,且气孔都出现了过早关闭的现象.适度的水分胁迫能够提高山桃、山杏的水分利用效率,同时也降低了Pn和Tr.研究发现,山桃和山杏在水分胁迫下能通过较大幅度降低蒸腾速率来提高其水分利用效率,从而增强其适应干旱环境的能力,它们在黄土丘陵区具有较广阔的发展潜力.  相似文献   

当归叶片光合参数日变化及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在当归根茎膨大期,利用CI-310便携式光合仪,田间活体测定了当归的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)等光合生理生态因子,以及光合有效辐射(PAR)、田间CO2浓度(Ca)、相对湿度(RH)、大气温度(Ta)、叶温(TL)等环境因子的日变化。结果表明,当归Pn日变化曲线为"双峰"型,最高峰出现在10:00左右,次高峰出现在16:00左右,午间有明显的"午休"现象,气孔因素是导致其"午休"的主要原因。Tr、Gs和Ci的日变化曲线均为"双峰"型,最高峰出现在10:00,次高峰出现在17:00。当归叶片净光合速率随环境因子日变化最优逐步多元回归方程为yPn=14.3108 0.0076xPAR-0.5271xTL(R2=0.6601,P<0.05),TL和PAR是对光合速率直接影响最大的生态因子,而Ca、RH和Ta主要是通过TL而间接影响光合速率的变化。  相似文献   

凯特杏花粉的离体培养及影响因子分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用离体培养法,在不同培养基组分含量、pH值、温度及植物生长调节物质的培养条件下,对凯特杏(Prunus armeniacaL.cv Katy)花粉的离体萌发和花粉管生长状况进行观察研究。结果表明:(1)凯特杏花粉离体萌发及花粉管生长的适宜培养基为20%蔗糖 0.04%硼酸 0.01?Cl2,最适pH为6.0,最适温度为20℃,培养20 h后,花粉的萌发率达68.76%,花粉管长度达1 083.53μm。(2)不同植物生长调节物质对花粉萌发和花粉管生长作用不同,赤霉素浓度为5~8 mg/L、矮壮素浓度为10~150 mg/L、多效唑浓度为5~10 mg/L时对凯特杏花粉萌发和花粉管生长都有促进作用,但国光丁酰肼对凯特杏花粉萌发和花粉管生长均有抑制作用。  相似文献   

在黄土丘陵区草原带、森林草原带和森林带3个植被带选取成对的刺槐群落和乡土植物群落功能性状值,研究不同植被带刺槐群落、乡土植物群落功能结构的变化,以及同一植被带下刺槐的引入对群落功能结构的影响.结果表明: 刺槐群落和乡土植物群落的叶碳、叶氮、叶磷、比叶面积、叶组织密度等功能性状随植被带的变化规律一致.刺槐群落叶碳、叶氮、比叶面积显著高于乡土植物群落,且2种群落功能多样性指数(FRic、FEve、FDiv、FDis、Rao)随植被带的变化趋势并不完全一致,在森林带刺槐的引入提高了植物群落功能多样性,在草原带降低了植物群落功能多样性.  相似文献   

研究以海南岛尖峰岭21a生的珍贵树种柚木人工林为对象,以邻体干扰指数为干扰强度评价指标,用Li-6400(Li-cor, Inc., USA)便携式光合作用测定系统研究了邻体干扰强度对柚木个体CO2气体交换的日动态和季节变化特性,光合-光响应特性及光合-CO2响应特性的影响.结果表明:邻体干扰并未改变个体叶片光合作用日进程,但对日净光合速率(Pn)的影响差异较大,表现为弱、中、强和极强度干扰下日Pn时段均值比为2.5 : 2.3 : 1.7 : 1.0,弱干扰下日最大净光合速率为极强干扰下的2.8倍;随着干扰强度的增加,柚木叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔导度等特征参数也出现不同程度的下降.邻体干扰对光合-光响应和光合-CO2响应特征参数的影响明显,弱干扰下柚木叶Asat、Qsat 、αA、CE、Vcmax和Jmax分别是极强干扰下的2.7、1.3、1.4、2.7、1.9和2.8倍,Qcomp和Rd则受邻体干扰的影响不明显.干扰强度对光合光响应和光合CO2响应特征的影响随光环境和CO2浓度的改变而有所差异,光环境的改变对弱干扰下柚木个体的影响明显要强于强度以上干扰的个体,而CO2浓度的改变对弱干扰个体的影响则明显要弱于强度干扰以上个体的影响.因此,在林分结构相对单一、经营管理措施基本一致的人工林内,邻体干扰是个体竞争的主要影响因素之一,干扰强度的不同将影响种内个体光合碳同化能力出现差别,导致个体生长差异.可以基于邻体干扰指数评价柚木人工林内种内竞争程度的大小,并以此为依据合理调整柚木人工林的林分结构,达到对环境资源的最合理利用.  相似文献   

2种远志根结构及其皂苷含量的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用植物解剖学、组织化学和植物化学方法对细叶远志和卵叶远志根的结构、皂苷的组织化学定位以及远志皂苷元含量进行了比较研究.结果显示:(1)2种远志根的基本结构相同,都是由周皮和次生维管组织组成,韧皮薄壁细胞为次生韧皮部的主要组成细胞.2种根的主要区别是细叶远志根中次生韧皮部比卵叶远志的次生韧皮部所占比例大.(2)组织化学定位结果显示,远志皂苷主要分布在次生韧皮部薄壁细胞内.(3)植物化学分析结果显示,2种远志根内皮部(包括次生韧皮部和周皮)与木质部的皂苷元含量差异极显著(P<0.01),皮部远大于木质部,与组织化学研究结果一致;细叶远志根的直径、皮部厚度、干重以及远志皂苷元的含量都大于卵叶远志,表明其药用品质优于卵叶远志.(4)不同生长年限栽培细叶远志和不同级别野生细叶远志比较表明,二级野生细叶远志的根中远志皂苷元百分含量显著高于其他6个供试材料,但栽培三年生细叶远志根的干重和远志皂苷元总产量最高,且显著高于其野生种和卵叶远志.结果表明:人工栽培的细叶远志可以代替其野生种,故建议人工栽培时选择细叶远志并于栽培三年后采收.  相似文献   

Chen D X  Ban X Q  Li Y D  Xiao W F  Luo T S  Lin M X  Xu H 《农业工程》2008,28(9):4059-4069
The growth performance of individual plants in a population can be affected by the plant-plant interaction, which has been well recognized and is called neighborhood interference. Though mechanisms are still unclear, the variations in gas exchange parameters in relation to the neighborhood interference between individual plants are crucial for evaluating the effects of plant-plant interaction. CO2 assimilation in leaves of teak under natural conditions of dry seasons and wet seasons as well as its response to variations in light flux density and CO2 concentration in different neighborhood interferences were simultaneously measured with Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system in a 21-year-old tropical plantation forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China. This article dealt with the change rule of neighborhood interference on tree characteristics of gas exchange and its dynamic response to light en-vironments of individual plants. Diurnal courses of photosynthesis of individual leaves were not affected by neighborhood interfer-ence, but net photosynthetic rates showed a negative relationship with the intensity of neighborhood interference. The ratio of daily average Pn in weak, moderate, strong and heavy neighborhood interferences was 2.5:2.3:1.7:1.0, and the daily maximum Pn in weak interference was 2.8 times that in heavy interference. Leaf transpiration and stomatal conductance decreased with the increasing of interference intensity. Characteristics of photosynthetic light response and CO2 response changed with the neighborhood interference, and values of leaf gas exchange parameters including Asat, Qsat, αA, CE, Vcmax and Jmax in weak interference were enhanced by 2.7, 1.3, 1.4, 2.7, 1.9 and 2.8 times, respectively, than those in heavy interference. But changes in those parameters partly depended on light environment and CO2 concentration, and the influence of changes in light environment on weak interference individuals was sig-nificantly stronger than that on heavy interference. Beyond the growth CO2 concentration, the influence resulting from changes in CO2 concentration on heavy interference individuals was obviously stronger than that on weak interference. Neighborhood interference can be described as a major means of intraspecific competition of population in a plantation forest with uniform forest structure and consistent management. Carbon assimilation can be affected by the neighborhood interference, and result in divergence in growth performance. Indices of neighborhood interference can be used to evaluate the intraspecific competition, and based on this point, we can make maximum use of resources after stand structure has been well adjusted.  相似文献   

The PCR-RFLP technique was used to detect chloroplast DNA diversity in wild populations of Prunus avium from five European deciduous forests and some cultivars. A study of 10.8% of the total chloroplast genome detected eight insertion-deletion (indel) mutations, distributed over 12 haplotypes. Six haplotypes (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) were found in wild populations and eight (H2, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11 and H12) in the cultivars. Only two haplotypes (H2 and H6) are shared by the wild populations and the cultivars. The most-abundant and frequent haplotype in wild populations is H2 (frequency=78%). The wider geographical distribution along with the high frequency reflects its ancient origin. Of the five populations, three are polymorphic. Populations GA (Scotland) and KE (Germany) have unique haplotypes. The total cpDNA diversity in wild populations is hT=0.40, and a major portion of it is within populations (hS=0.37). The genetic differentiation among populations was low (GSTC=0.08) and no genetic structure among wild populations was observed. A minimum-length spanning tree, demonstrating relationships among the haplotypes in wild populations, indicated two possible chloroplast lineages. The ten identified cultivars were represented by seven haplotypes; this result proposes the possible utilisation of the PCR-RFLP technique for the characterisation of sweet cherry cultivars. The cpDNA diversity in P. avium should be considered carefully for phylogenetic studies involving this species. Received: 10 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the mechanism of formation of triose phosphates and 3-phosphoglycerate during photosynthetic induction in leaves of Zea mays. Simultaneous measurements of gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and metabolite contents of maize leaves were made. Leaves illuminated in the absence of CO2 showed a build-up of triose phosphates during the first 2 min of illumination which was comparable to the build-up observed in the presence of CO2. Isolated mesophyll protoplasts, which lack the Calvin cycle, also showed a build-up of triose phosphates upon illumination. Leaves contained amounts of phosphoglycerate mutase and enolase adequate to account for the formation of triose phosphates and 3-phosphoglycerate from intermediates of the C4 cycle and their precursors.  相似文献   

半干旱黄土丘陵区沙棘的光合特性及其影响因子   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
结合1998年半干旱黄土丘陵区安塞的观测资料,对沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.)的光合特性及影响因子进行了分析,结果表明(1)沙棘光合速率具有明显的日变化和季节变化,月均值为11.64 CO2μmol/m2·s.(2)沙棘光合速率与环境因子(气温、相对湿度、光合有效辐射及CO2浓度)间有显著的相关关系,复相关系数为0.716 8~0.874 5;沙棘光合速率与林地土壤水分间有极显著的相关关系,复相关系数达0.992 5,且沙棘光合速率的季节动态滞后于土壤水分的月变化.(3)沙棘光合速率与植物因子(气孔导度及细胞间CO2浓度)间有十分显著的相关关系,气孔导度或细胞间CO2浓度增大,沙棘光合速率增大,反之则减小,复相关系数达0.971 5和0.970 8.这为分析沙棘光合作用对环境因子的响应程度,分析沙棘最适生理生态条件,提高沙棘生产力提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Zea mays is cultivated in the Mediterranean regions where summer drought may lead to photoinhibition when irrigation is not available. In this work the response of maize to water stress was evaluated by gas exchange measurements at the canopy and leaf level. Leaf gas exchange was assessed before, during and after water stress, while canopy turbulent fluxes of mass and energy were performed on a continuous basis. In the early growth period, a linear increment of net ecosystem photosynthetic rate (P NE) to incoming of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was found and net leaf photosynthetic rate (P NL) showed the tendency to saturate under high irradiance. During water stress, the relationship between P NE and PPFD became curvilinear and both P NE and P NL saturated in a range between 1,000 and 1,500 μmol (photons) m−2 s−1. Leaf water potential (ψl) dropped from −1.50 to −1.88 MPa during water stress, indicating that leaf and canopy gas exchanges were limited by stomatal conductance. With the restoration of irrigation, P NE, P NL and ψl showed a recovery, and P NE and P NL reached the highest values of whole study period. Leaf area index (LAI) reached a value of 3.0 m2 m−2. The relationship between P NE and PPFD remained curvilinear and P NE values were lower than those of a typical well-irrigated maize crop. The recovery in P NE and P NL after stress, and ψl values during stress indicate that the photosynthetic apparatus was not damaged while soil moisture stress after-effects resulted in a sub-optimal LAI values, which in turn depressed P NE.  相似文献   

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