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Most studies have shown that the immune and inflammatory actions of interleukin-1 alpha and beta exhibit the identical biological spectrums of activity with similar dose-response curves. We have previously demonstrated that interleukin-1 beta suppresses follicle-stimulating hormone-induced differentiation of ovarian granulosa cells. In these experiments, we show that although the human recombinant preparations of interleukin-1 alpha and beta exhibit a similar directional inhibition of ovarian granulosa cell differentiation, there is a significant difference in the dose-response relationships between the two forms. Interleukin-1 beta was 31 times and 18 times more potent than interleukin-1 alpha in suppressing follicle-stimulating hormone-induced luteinizing hormone receptor development and progesterone secretion, respectively, from rat granulosa cells. However, there was no difference in the dose-dependent activities of interleukin-1 alpha and beta in stimulating murine thymocyte proliferation. These results suggest that interleukin-1 beta is more effective in influencing ovarian granulosa cell function than interleukin-1 alpha.  相似文献   

Etodolac is an FDA-approved nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases. The drug is administered as a racemate (50/50 mixture of R- and S- enantiomers), however, studies have shown that the two enantiomers have distinct biologic and pharmacokinetic differences. Wnt signaling, which plays key roles in cell proliferation, polarity, and differentiation, has been shown to be inhibited by R-etodolac; however, comparative analyses of R- and S-etodolac in this function have not been conducted. We used in silico molecular docking and TOPflash functional biologic assays to compare R- and S-enantiomers effect on Wnt signaling inhibition. Further, we used a cultivated limbal stem epithelial cell (cLSCs) model to investigate enantiospecific changes in the colony-forming efficiency (CFE) of cLSCs. The data shows that R-etodolac is a more potent inhibitor of Wnt signaling. In addition, consistently, while both enantiomers demonstrate a dose-dependent decrease in CFE of cLSCs, R-etodolac is a more potent inhibitor.  相似文献   

H P Kosoyan  J Y Wei  Y Taché 《Peptides》1999,20(7):851-858
Consecutive intracisternal (ic) injections of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) (21, 63, and 126 pmol, ic) or sauvagine (2.1, 6.3, and 21 pmol, ic) decreased gastric vagal efferent multiunit discharge (GVED) to 82%, 75% and 69% and 71%, 40% and 21%, respectively, from preinjection basal levels (taken as 100%). The inhibitory action was dose related (magnitude and duration of the response, 7-45 min). The CRF antagonist, [D-Phe12,Nle21,38,Calpha-MeLeu37]-rCRF12-4 1 (6.25 nmol, ic) increased GVED by 43.5+/-4.3% and blocked the decrease in GVED induced by CRF (21 pmol, ic) for >90 min with a complete recovery after 3 h. Vehicles (injected intracisternally) had no effect. These data indicate that: 1) CRF injected intracisternally decreases GVED through the activation of CRF receptors and sauvagine is more potent than CRF to inhibit GVED; and 2) endogenous CRF exerts an inhibitory tone on basal GVED in urethane-anesthetized rats undergoing surgery.  相似文献   

It has been shown in vitro that the lamb ductus arteriosus forms prostaglandins PGE2, PGF2alpha, 6 keto PGF1alpha (and its unstable precursor PGI2). In this study the relative potencies of these endogenous prostaglandins were investigated on isolated lamb ductus arteriosus preparations contracted by exposure to elevated PO2 and indomethacin. All the prostaglandins (except PGF2alpha) relaxed the vessel. This is consistent with the hypothesis that endogenous prostaglandins inhibit the tendency of the vessel to contract in response to oxygen. Only PGE2, however, relaxed the vessel at concentrations below 10(-8)M. PGI2 and 6 keto PGF1alpha had approximately 0.001 and 0.0001 times the activity of PGE2. Although PGE2 has been observed to be a minor product of prostaglandin production in the lamb ductus arteriosus, the tissue's marked sensitivity to PGE2 might make it the most significant prostaglandin in regulating the patency of the vessel.  相似文献   

Amylin is a 37 amino-acid peptide secreted from the pancreatic beta-cells. It has actions on carbohydrate metabolism in vivo, including elevation of blood glucose. In this study, the hyperglycemic effect of intravenous bolus injections of amylin was compared with similar injections of glucagon in 20-hour fasted rats lightly anesthetized with halothane. Administered doses ranged from 0.01 micrograms to 1000 micrograms (about 7 pmol/kg--750 nmol/kg for amylin and 8 pmol/kg--800 pmol/kg for glucagon). Control animals received an equal volume of saline. A single intravenous injection of amylin or glucagon led to an increase of plasma glucose levels, which peaked approximately at 1 hour after treatment. The calculated ED50 for amylin was 1.48 nmol whereas that for glucagon was 7.46 nmol; the maximum glucose increment was 4.3 mM for amylin, and 2.9 mM for glucagon. These results show that amylin is a more potent and more effective hyperglycemic agent than glucagon under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The melanocortin receptor MC1 is expressed on melanocytes and is an important control point for melanogenesis and other responses. Alpha-MSH, which is considered to be the major ligand at the human melanocortin (MC)1 receptor (hMC1R), is produced from proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in the pituitary and in the skin by melanocytes and keratinocytes. Other POMC peptides are also produced in the skin and their concentrations exceed those of alpha-MSH by several fold. One of the most abundant is ACTH1-17. We have shown that adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)1-17 is more potent than alpha-MSH in stimulating melanogenesis in human melanocytes and unlike alpha-MSH produces a biphasic dose response curve. In this study we have examined the ability of ACTH1-17 to function as a ligand at the hMC1R. Competitive binding assays with [125I]Nle4 DPhe7 alpha-MSH as labelled ligand were carried out in HEK 293 cells transfected with the hMC1R. ACTH1-17 showed high affinity for the hMC1R with a Ki value of 0.21 +/- 0.03 nM which was slightly higher than that of 0.13 +/- 0.005 nM for alpha-MSH. ACTH1-17 was, however, more potent than alpha-MSH in increasing cAMP and IP3 production in the transfected cells. Our results demonstrate that ACTH1-17 is a potent agonist at the hMC1R. It is therefore possible that ACTH1-17, which is found in the skin in greater concentrations than alpha-MSH, has an important role in the regulation of human melanocytes and other cell types that express the hMC1R.  相似文献   

There has been a strong interest in searching for natural therapies for osteoporosis. Genistein, an isoflavone abundant in soy, and icariin, a prenylated flavonol glycoside isolated from Epimedium Herb, have both been identified to exert beneficial effects in preventing postmenopausal bone loss. However, the relative potency in osteogenesis between the individual phytoestrogen flavonoids remains unknown. The present study compared ability of genistein and icariin in enhancing differentiation and mineralization of cultured rat calvarial osteoblasts in vitro. Dose-dependent studies in osteoblast differentiation measuring alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity revealed optimal concentrations of genistein and icarrin for stimulating osteogenesis to be both at 10(-5) M. Time course studies comparing the two compounds both at 10(-5) M demonstrated that icariin treatment always produced higher ALP activity, more and larger areas of CFU-F(ALP) colonies and mineralized nodules, more osteocalcin secretion, and calcium deposition, and a higher level of mRNA expression of osteogenesis-related genes COL1α2, BMP-2, OSX, and RUNX-2. However, they inhibited the proliferation of osteoblasts to a similar degree. In conclusion, although future in vivo studies are required to investigate whether icariin is more efficient in improving bone mass and/or preventing bone loss, our in vitro studies have demonstrated that icariin has a stronger osteogenic activity than genistein. In addition, while the prenyl group on C-8 of icariin could be the active group that takes part in osteoblastic differentiation and explains its greater potency in osteogenesis, mechanisms of action, and reasons for the relative potency of icariin versus genistein need to be further studied.  相似文献   

Wang JH  Nie HL  Tam SC  Huang H  Zheng YT 《FEBS letters》2002,531(2):295-298
Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type I ribosome inactivating (RI) protein possessing anti-tumor and antiviral activity, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The mechanism of these actions is not entirely clear, but is generally attributed to its RI property. In order to study the relationship between the anti-HIV-1 activity of TCS and its RI activity, three TCS mutants with different RI activities were constructed by using site-directed mutagenesis. The anti-HIV-1 activities of the three mutants were tested in vitro. Results showed that two TCS mutants, namely TCS(M(120-123)), TCS(E160A/E189A), with the greatest decrease in RI activity, lost almost all of the anti-HIV activity and cytopathic effect. Another mutant TCS(R122G), which exhibited a 160-fold decrease in RI activity, retained some anti-HIV activity. The results from this study suggested that RI activity of TCS may have significant contribution to its anti-HIV-1 property.  相似文献   

Most metazoan cells are 'polarized'. A crucial aspect of this polarization is that the plasma membrane is divided into two or more domains with different protein and lipid compositions or example, the apical and basolateral domains of epithelial cells or the axonal and somatodendritic domains of neurons. This polarity is established and maintained by highly specific vesicular membrane transport in the biosynthetic, endocytic and transcytotic pathways. Two important concepts, the 'SNARE' and the 'raft' hypotheses, have been developed that together promise at least a partial understanding of the underlying general mechanisms that ensure the necessary specificity of these pathways.  相似文献   

Synthesis of bile salts is regulated through negative feedback inhibition by bile salts returning to the liver. Individual bile salts have not been distinguished with regard to inhibitory potential. We assessed inhibition of bile salt synthesis by either cholate or its taurine conjugate in bile fistula rats. After allowing synthesis to maximize, baseline synthesis was determined by measuring bile salt output in four consecutive 6-hr periods. Next, sodium cholate (+[(14)C]cholate) or taurocholate (+[(14)C]taurocholate) was infused into the jugular vein for 36 hr and bile was collected in 6-hr aliquots. Hepatic flux of exogenous bile salt was determined by measuring output of radioactivity in bile divided by specific activity of the infusate. Synthesis was determined during the last four 6-hr periods of infusion by subtracting exogenous bile salt secretion from the total bile salt output. Thirteen studies using cholate and 13 using taurocholate were performed. Hepatic flux of infused bile salt varied from 1 to 12 micro mol/100 g per rat per hr. Percent suppression of synthesis varied directly with hepatic flux of exogenous bile salt for both cholate and taurocholate in a linear fashion (r = 0.66, P < 0.01 and r = 0.87, P < 0.0005, respectively). Slope of the taurocholate line was 7.82 (% suppression/ micro mol per 100 g per hr), while slope of the cholate line was 3.66 (P < 0.05), indicating that taurocholate was approximately twice as potent as cholate in suppression of synthesis. At fluxes of 10-12 micro mol/100 g per hr, taurocholate suppressed synthesis 84 +/- 8 (SEM) % while cholate suppressed synthesis only 42 +/- 12% (P < 0.02). The x-intercept of the taurocholate line was 0.65 ( micro mol/100 g per hr), while that of the cholate line was -1.01 (NS) suggesting that the threshold for initial suppression of synthesis did not differ for these two bile salts. We conclude that taurocholate is a more effective inhibitor of hepatic bile salt synthesis than cholate, and that intestinal deconjugation of bile salts may play a role in the regulation of synthesis.-Pries, J. M., A. Gustafson, D. Wiegand, and W. C. Duane. Taurocholate is more potent than cholate in suppression of bile salt synthesis in the rat.  相似文献   

While studies have highlighted the role of HOXA9-13 and PBX1 homeobox genes during the development of the female genital tract, the molecular mechanisms triggered by these genes are incompletely elucidated. In several developmental pathways, PBX1 binds to MEINOX family members in the cytoplasm to be imported into the nucleus where they associate with HOX proteins to form a higher complex that modulates gene expression. This concept has been challenged by a recent report showing that in some cell cultures, PBX1 nuclear localization might be regulated independently of MEINOX proteins (Kilstrup-Nielsen et al., 2003). Our work gives the first illustration of this alternative mechanism in an organogenesis process. Indeed, we show that PBX1 is mostly cytoplasmic in epithelial endometrial cells of the developing female genital tract despite the nuclear localization of MEIS1. We thus provide evidence for a control of PBX1 intracellular distribution which is independent of MEINOX proteins, but is cell cycle correlated.  相似文献   

17-beta estradiol (17-beta E(2)) attenuates the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) in vivo at physiological levels (pg/ml), whereas supraphysiological concentrations of 17-beta E(2) (ng/ml) are required in vitro. We assessed whether a metabolite of estrogen, which could only be generated in vivo, might be a more potent inhibitor of VCAM-1 expression and thereby explain this discrepancy. We report here that 17-epiestriol, an estrogen metabolite and a selective estrogen receptor (ER) beta agonist, is approximately 400x more potent than 17-beta E(2) in suppressing tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha-induced VCAM-1 mRNA as well as protein expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Genistein, an ERbeta agonist, at low concentrations (1 and 10 nm) also suppressed TNFalpha-induced VCAM-1 mRNA expression. These actions of 17-epiestriol and genistein were significantly attenuated in the presence of the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI-182780. Other estrogenic compounds such as ethinyl estradiol and estrone did not have any effect on TNFalpha-induced VCAM-1 expression at the concentrations tested. We further show that, 1) 17-epiestriol induces the expression of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase mRNA and protein, 2) 17-epiestriol prevents TNFalpha-induced migration of NFkappaB into the nucleus, 3) N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, an inhibitor of NO synthesis, abolishes 17-epiestriol-mediated inhibition of TNFalpha-induced VCAM-1 expression and migration of NFkappaB from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Our results indicate that 17-epiestriol is more potent than 17-beta E(2) in suppressing TNFalpha-induced VCAM-1 expression and that this action is modulated at least in part through NO.  相似文献   

Despite tremendous advances in our understanding of HIV/AIDS since the first cases were reported 30 years ago, we are still a long way from understanding critical steps of HIV acquisition, pathogenesis and correlates of protection. Our new understanding of the importance of the mucosa as a target for HIV infection, as well as our recent observations showing that altered expression and responses of innate pattern recognition receptors are significantly associated with pathogenesis and resistance to HIV infection, indicate that correlates of immunity to HIV are more likely to be associated with mucosal and innate responses. Most of the heterosexual encounters do not result in productive HIV infection, suggesting that the female genital tract is protected against HIV by innate defence molecules, such as antiproteases, secreted mucosally. The present review highlights the role and significance of the serine protease inhibitors SLPI (secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor), trappin-2, elafin and ps20 (prostate stromal protein 20 kDa) in HIV susceptibility and infection. Interestingly, in contrast with SLPI, trappin-2 and elafin, ps20 has been shown to enhance HIV infectivity. Thus understanding the balance and interaction of these factors in mucosal fluids may significantly influence HIV infection.  相似文献   

Endogenous cardiotonic steroids (ECS) are putative ligands of the inhibitory binding site of the membrane sodium pump (Na+, K+-ATPase). There is growing evidence that cardiotonic steroids may promote the growth of cardiac and vascular myocytes, including evidence indicating growth stimulation at concentrations in the same range as circulating ECS concentrations. We investigated four parameters to determine whether ouabain, a proposed ECS, promotes growth of immortalized rat proximal tubule epithelial cells: cell count by hemocytometer; metabolic activity as reflected in the mitochondrial conversion of the tetrazolium salt, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, to its formazan product (MA); DNA synthesis reflected as bromodeoxyuridine incorporation (DNA); and mitosis reflected as histone phosphorylation state detected using anti-phosphohistone 3 antibody (HP). Maximum stimulatory responses were observed at 1 nm ouabain (MA, 20.3% increase, p < 0.01; DNA, 28.4% increase, p < 0.001; HP, maximum response at 0.5 h, 50% increase, p < 0.001). We observed that growth stimulation was associated with stimulation of ERK1/2 phosphorylation (ERK-P), and both growth and ERK-P could be blocked by the MEK inhibitor (U0126, 100 nm). Western blot analysis revealed that the only alpha isoform of Na+, K+-ATPase that could be detected in these cultures was the highly ouabain-resistant alpha1 isoform. Measurement of ouabain inhibition of ion transport in these cultures using 86Rb+ uptake revealed the predominance of the expected ouabain-resistant isoform (IC50 = 24 microm) and an additional minor ( approximately 15%) ouabain-sensitive inhibition with IC50 approximately 30 pm. Similar bimodal transport inhibition curves were obtained in freshly dissected rat proximal tubules. These results indicate that renal epithelial cells may be a sensitive target of the ERK1/2-activating and growth-promoting effects of ouabain even in the presence of ouabain-resistant Na+, K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

During fracture healing and microfracture treatment of cartilage defects mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) infiltrate the wound site, proliferate extensively and differentiate along a cartilaginous or an osteogenic lineage in response to local environmental cues. MSCs may be able to directly sense their mechanical environment or alternatively, the mechanical environment could act indirectly to regulate MSC differentiation by inhibiting angiogenesis and diminishing the supply of oxygen and other regulatory factors. Dynamic compression has been shown to regulate chondrogenesis of MSCs. In addition, previous studies have shown that a low oxygen environment promotes in vitro chondrogenesis of MSCs. The hypothesis of this study is that a low oxygen environment is a more potent promoter of chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs embedded in agarose hydrogels compared to dynamic compression. In MSC-seeded constructs supplemented with TGF-β3, GAG and collagen accumulation was higher in low oxygen conditions compared to normoxia. For normoxic and low oxygen culture GAG accumulation within the agarose hydrogel was inhomogeneous, with low levels of GAG measured in the annulus of constructs maintained in normoxic conditions. Dynamic compression did not significantly increase GAG or collagen accumulation in normoxia. However under low oxygen conditions, dynamic compression reduced GAG accumulation compared to free-swelling controls, but remained higher than comparable constructs maintained in normoxic conditions. This study demonstrates that continuous exposure to low oxygen tension is a more potent pro-chondrogenic stimulus than 1 h/day of dynamic compression for porcine MSCs embedded in agarose hydrogels.  相似文献   

The MgATPase activity of the rabbit skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1), in the steady state, was measured by means of the intrinsic fluorescence of tryptophan. This technique gave results similar to those obtained by other methods (linked or radioactive assays). The activity was measured under conditions that effect the monomer/dimer ratio. It is shown that there is a close correlation between MgATPase activity and the proportion of dimer. At 20 degrees C, for pH 6.9 to 8.1 and for [KCl] less than or equal to 1 M, the observed activity (kobs) can be linearly related to the proportion of dimer (Ed/Eo) by: kobs(s-1) = 0.016-7 X 10(-3)[KCl] + 0.031(Ed/Eo), where [KCl] is expressed in M. We deduce that, at 20 degrees C and for [KCl] = 0 M, the activity of the monomer is kmobs = 0.016 s-1 (Ed/Eo = 0) and that of the dimer kdobs = 0.047 s-1 (Ed/Eo = 1), i.e. a ratio kdobs/kmobs approximately equal to 3. Beyond pH approximately equal to 8.3, the activities of both the monomer and the dimer increased steeply with increasing pH value. In the standard conditions (pH 8.0, [KCl] = 0 to 100 mM), S1 is mainly in the form of a dimer, and such conditions are not appropriate for study of the S1 monomer. For studying the pure monomer, the conditions required at 20 degrees C and in bis-Tris-propane are: S1 concentration approximately equal to 0.2 mg/ml, pH 6.9 to 7.8, [KCl] approximately equal to 300 mM. For studying the pure dimer, the conditions required are: S1 concentration greater than or equal to 0.2 mg/ml, pH 7.8 to 8.1 and [KCl] approximately equal to 0. In both cases the MgATP concentration is about 50 microM. Finally, if great care is taken concerning the age of the S1 solutions and the evaluation of the proportion of dimer, the values of kobs are extremely precise: the uncertainty regarding the values of kobs, as determined by means of intrinsic fluorescence, does not exceed +/- 0.001 s-1. Beyond this error bar conditions are uncontrolled.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that in culture, rabbit serum inhibits the growth of the epithelial cell line from Buffalo rat liver (BRL) lower than that of the tumorigenic one transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BRL). Here, the serum was fractionated by several different methods. The findings are: 1) the growth inhibitor present (GI) existed as large complexes with non-inhibitory proteins; 2) the complexes were dissociated by 1 M NaCl plus 6 M urea; 3) the dissociated GI did not pass through membrane filter with Mr cutoff 10k; 4) it was stable in 8.5 M urea and 1 M acetic acid (pH 2.5), but labile against either dithiothreitol and trypsin; 5) it was separable into two species with pI 7.5 and 9.5; 6) both species were more effective on RSV-BRL than on BRL.  相似文献   

Trappin-2 (SKALP/elafin), an elastase inhibitor, belongs to a unique family of proteinase inhibitors that are covalently anchored at the site of action through their transglutaminase substrate domain and are collectively called trappins. The transglutaminase substrate domain is therefore called "cementoin moiety". Currently, human, porcine, and bovine trappin-2 (SKALP/elafin) have been characterized. Previously, we showed that porcine trappin-2 (SKALP/elafin) occurs mainly in the trachea and large intestine. To determine the localization of trappin-2 (SKALP/elafin) at the cellular level, we carried out in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry using the porcine trachea and large intestine and found that trappin-2 (SKALP/elafin) is produced in the goblet cells of the tracheal epithelium and of the large intestinal crypts. These locations suggest that trappin-2 (SKALP/elafin) is secreted onto the luminal surface of the trachea and crypts of Lieberkuhn and plays a protective role against destructive bacterial proteinases.  相似文献   

Elafin and its precursor, trappin-2 or pre-elafin, are specific endogenous inhibitors of human neutrophil elastase and proteinase 3 but not of cathepsin G. Both inhibitors belong, together with secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, to the chelonianin family of canonical protease inhibitors of serine proteases. A cDNA coding either elafin or its precursor, trappin-2, was fused in frame with yeast alpha-factor cDNA and expressed in the Pichia pastoris yeast expression system. Full-length elafin or full-length trappin-2 were secreted into the culture medium with high yield, indicating correct processing of the fusion proteins by the yeast KEX2 signal peptidase. Both recombinant inhibitors were purified to homogeneity from concentrated culture medium by one-step cationic exchange chromatography and characterized by N-terminal amino acid sequencing, Western blot and kinetic studies. Both recombinant elafin and trappin-2 were found to be fast-acting inhibitors of pancreatic elastase, neutrophil elastase and proteinase 3 with k(ass) values of 2-4 x 10(6) m(-1).s(-1), while dissociation rate constants k(diss) were found to be in the 10(-4) s(-1) range, indicating low reversibility of the complexes. The equilibrium dissociation constant K(i) for the interaction of both recombinant inhibitors with their target enzymes was either directly measured for pancreatic elastase or calculated from k(ass) and k(diss) values for neutrophil elastase and proteinase 3. K(i) values were found to be in the 10(-10) molar range and virtually identical for both inhibitors. Based on the kinetic parameters determined here, it may be concluded that both recombinant elafin and trappin-2 may act as potent anti-inflammatory molecules and may be of therapeutic potential in the treatment of various inflammatory lung diseases.  相似文献   

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