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作者对当前植物形态学中与维管植物的形态演化和起源有着十分密切关系的顶枝学说,中柱学说与子叶节区学说进行了全面研究。并结合半个多世纪以来国际上著名的植物系统学家的维管植物分类系统,反复进行了比较和研究,对其中认为不妥之处提出了我们的见解,具体反映在文后的“维管植物系统的系统发育图”中。  相似文献   

The colors observed by the human eye after a short flash of light of different spectral compositions were studied experimentally. The successive images and changes in their color with time confirm the opponent theory of human color vision.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence for declines in fitness components (survival and reproductive performance) with age has recently accumulated in wild populations, highlighting that the process of senescence is nearly ubiquitous in the living world. Senescence patterns are highly variable among species and current evolutionary theories of ageing propose that such variation can be accounted for by differences in allocation to growth and reproduction during early life. Here, we compiled 26 studies of free-ranging vertebrate populations that explicitly tested for a trade-off between performance in early and late life. Our review brings overall support for the presence of early-late life trade-offs, suggesting that the limitation of available resources leads individuals to trade somatic maintenance later in life for high allocation to reproduction early in life. We discuss our results in the light of two closely related theories of ageing—the disposable soma and the antagonistic pleiotropy theories—and propose that the principle of energy allocation roots the ageing process in the evolution of life-history strategies. Finally, we outline research topics that should be investigated in future studies, including the importance of natal environmental conditions in the study of trade-offs between early- and late-life performance and the evolution of sex-differences in ageing patterns.  相似文献   

生物组织光传输理论概论   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
组织光学是一个光学与生命科学相互交叉相互渗透的新兴研究领域,其根本任务是为医用光子技术的发展提供理论基础。本文集中介绍了现有的生物组织光传输理论,它是组织光学研究的基本内容:同时评述了现有光传输理论,如漫射近似,Monte Carlo模拟等的优缺点及适用条件;最后,探讨了处理实际光传输问题时近似理论的合理选择问题。  相似文献   

Weak links, in the form of inadequacies in both reasoning and supporting evidence, exist at several critical steps in the derivation of an hierarchical concept of evolution from punctuated equilibria. Punctuation itself is predicated on a distorted reading of phyletic change as phyletic gradualism, and of allopatric speciation as the instantaneous formation of unchanging typological taxa. The concept of punctuation is further confounded by the indescriminate employment of the same term to denote both a causal explanation for evolutionary change and an outcome of substantiated evolutionary processes. Even when the intended usage for the term is specified, each denotation of punctuation entails respective drawbacks. As a causal explanation, punctuation clearly belongs to the class of quantum theories with all their attendant impedimenta, including special salsatory non-adaptive mechanisms of evolutionary change. Redefinition of punctuation as a pattern of morphologic change reduces it to one possible outcome of known microevolutioanry processes, thus obviating any need for an hierarchical explanation of macroevolution. While vacillation between usages has preserved the term in the literature, the end result of this obfuscation has been a circle of faulty reasoning in which the pattern of punctuation is invoked as its own proof. Widespread confusion concerning what constitutes an adequate test of punctuation is directly attributable to imprecision in both the original and revised formulations of the concept.The argument for species-level selection is based on the typological and philosphically flawed premise of species as individuals, and further requires the hypothesis of heritable emergent properties, for which empirical evidence is lacking.Extrapolation of hierarchy to higher taxonomic levels depends on the unproven assumption that mass extinction constitutes a causal mechanism for macroevolution which is qualitatively distinct from, and not reducible to, the causes of microevolution.Because key elements of hierarchical theory depend upon misrepresentations of the synthetic theory, semantic circumvention, and questionable reasoning, and because its central assertions remain unsubstantiated by empirical evidence, the derivation of an hierarchical theory of evolution from punctuation constitutes an exercise an futility and should be abandoned.  相似文献   

The process of recognition or isolation of one or several entities from among many possible entities is termed intellego perception. It is shown that not only are many of our everyday percepts of this type, but perception of microscopic events using the methods of quantum mechanics are also intellego in nature. Information theory seems to be a natural language in which to express perceptual activity of this type. It is argued that the biological organism quantifies its sensations using an information theoretical measure. This, in turn, sets the stage for a mathematical theory of sensory perception.  相似文献   

Local mate competition (LMC) may involve some amount of inbreeding between siblings. Because sib-mating is generally accompanied by inbreeding depression, natural selection may favor a reduced rate of sib-mating, possibly affecting the evolution of sex ratio and reproductive group size. The present study theoretically investigated the evolution of these traits under LMC in the presence of inbreeding depression. When the reproductive group size evolves, the determination mechanism of sex ratio is important because the timescale of the sex ratio response to reproductive group size can affect the evolutionary process. We consider a spectrum of sex ratio determination mechanisms from purely unconditional to purely conditional, including intermediate modes with various relative strengths of unconditional and conditional effects. This analysis revealed that both the evolutionarily stable reproductive group size and ratio of males increase with higher inbreeding depression and with a larger relative strength of an unconditional effect in sex ratio determination. Unexpectedly, when the sex ratio is controlled purely conditionally, the reproductive group size cannot exceed three even under the severest level of inbreeding depression (i.e., lethal effect). The present study reveals the conditions for LMC to evolve through the analysis of the joint evolution of reproductive group size and sex ratio.  相似文献   

The philosophical and interdisciplinary debate about the nature of social cognition, and the processes involved, has important implications for psychiatry. On one account, mindreading depends on making theoretical inferences about another person''s mental states based on knowledge of folk psychology, the so-called “theory theory” (TT). On a different account, “simulation theory” (ST), mindreading depends on simulating the other''s mental states within one''s own mental or motor system. A third approach, “interaction theory” (IT), looks to embodied processes (involving movement, gesture, facial expression, vocal intonation, etc.) and the dynamics of intersubjective interactions (joint attention, joint action, and processes not confined to an individual system) in highly contextualized situations to explain social cognition, and disruptions of these processes in some psychopathological conditions. In this paper, we present a brief summary of these three theoretical frameworks (TT, ST, IT). We then focus on impaired social abilities in autism and schizophrenia from the perspective of the three approaches. We discuss the limitations of such approaches in the scientific studies of these and other pathologies, and we close with a short reflection on the future of the field. In this regard we argue that, to the extent that TT, ST and IT offer explanations that capture different (limited) aspects of social cognition, a pluralist approach might be best.  相似文献   

Published in 2001, The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography (UNTB) emphasizes the importance of stochastic processes in ecological community structure, and has challenged the traditional niche‐based view of ecology. While neutral models have since been applied to a broad range of ecological and macroecological phenomena, the majority of research relating to neutral theory has focused exclusively on the species abundance distribution (SAD). Here, we synthesize the large body of work on neutral theory in the context of the species abundance distribution, with a particular focus on integrating ideas from neutral theory with traditional niche theory. First, we summarize the basic tenets of neutral theory; both in general and in the context of SADs. Second, we explore the issues associated with neutral theory and the SAD, such as complications with fitting and model comparison, the underlying assumptions of neutral models, and the difficultly of linking pattern to process. Third, we highlight the advances in understanding of SADs that have resulted from neutral theory and models. Finally, we focus consideration on recent developments aimed at unifying neutral‐ and niche‐based approaches to ecology, with a particular emphasis on what this means for SAD theory, embracing, for instance, ideas of emergent neutrality and stochastic niche theory. We put forward the argument that the prospect of the unification of niche and neutral perspectives represents one of the most promising future avenues of neutral theory research.  相似文献   

Chinese traditional bioethics is based on the life origin theory of “Qi (vital force) permeates everything under heaven”, the attitude towards life theory of “loving people” and “loving things”, and the life transcendence theory of “eternity” and “immortality”. The life origin theory answers the question of how life comes into being, which is the basis for exploring the mystery of life. The attitude towards life theory gives answers to the question of how to treat life properly and establishes the basic requirements and criteria for treating life. The life transcendence theory responds to the question of how to make life more meaningful. Those three thoughts support each other and explain each other with the inner logical band between these three basic thoughts, and tentatively offers a reasonable way for the reconstruction of traditional Chinese bioethics, which can be a special theoretical resource for today's bioethical research.  相似文献   

Summary The informational content of genomes of nuclear and mitochondrial origin is examined. By using the parameters of Shannon's information theory the language of mitochondrial DNA is shown to be more similar to the language of bacterial DNA than to that of nuclear DNA in more evolutionarily advanced animals. Moreover, using the parameters of Kolmogorov's theory on randomness, genes of different organisms (Neurospora crassa andSaccharomyces cerevisiae) coding for the same protein (subunit 9 of ATPase) are shown to have, if both of mitochondrial origin, a similar degree of randomness, whereas genes coding for the same protein, both belonging to the same organisms, exhibit a quite different degree of randomness when one is of mitochondrial origin and the other of nuclear origin. These results are in favor of the symbiotic origin of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Theory of mind (ToM) is a great evolutionary achievement. It is a special intelligence that can assess not only one''s own desires and beliefs, but also those of others. Whether it is uniquely human or not is controversial, but it is clear that humans are, at least, significantly better at ToM than any other animal. Economists and game theorists have developed sophisticated and powerful models of ToM and we provide a detailed summary of this here. This economic ToM entails a hierarchy of beliefs. I know my preferences, and I have beliefs (a probabilistic distribution) about your preferences, beliefs about your beliefs about my preferences, and so on. We then contrast this economic ToM with the theoretical approaches of neuroscience and with empirical data in general. Although this economic view provides a benchmark and makes useful suggestions about empirical tendencies, it does not always generate a close fit with the data. This provides an opportunity for a synergistic interdisciplinary production of a falsifiable theory of bounded rationality. In particular, a ToM that is founded on evolutionary biology might well be sufficiently structured to have predictive power, while remaining quite general. We sketch two papers that represent preliminary steps in this direction.  相似文献   

One of the central goals of community ecology is to understand the forces that maintain species diversity within communities. The traditional niche-assembly theory asserts that species live together in a community only when they differ from one another in resource uses. But this theory has some difficulties in explaining the diversity often observed in specie-rich communities such as tropical forests. As an alternative to the niche theory, Hubbell and other ecologists introduced a neutral model. Hubbell argues that the number of species in a community is controlled by species extinction and immigration or speciation of new species. Assuming that all individuals of all species in a trophically similar community are ecologically equivalent, Hubbell’s neutral theory predicts two important statistical distributions. One is the asymptotic log-series distribution for the metacommunities under point mutation speciation, and the other is the zero-sum multinomial distribution for both local communities under dispersal limitation and metacommunities under random fission speciation. Unlike the niche-assembly theory, the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a starting point for investigating species diversity. Based on the fundamental processes of birth, death, dispersal and speciation, the neutral theory provided the first mechanistic explanation of species abundance distribution commonly observed in natural communities. Since the publication of the neutral theory, there has been much discussion about it, pro and con. In this paper, we summarize recent progress in the assumption, prediction and speciation mode of the neutral theory, including progress in the theory itself, tests about the assumption of the theory, prediction and speciation mode at the metacommunity level. We also suggest that the most important task in the future is to bridge the niche-assembly theory and the neutral theory, and to add species differences to the neutral theory and more stochasticity to the niche theory. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2006, 30(5): 868–877 [译自:植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Intelligence is considered as one level in a multiple level model of evolution, each level being defined by its own units of selection and by the capacity to furnish adaptations to environmental events that occur within particular frequency bands. The specific implications for intelligence are that it is never an across-species generalist capacity but always focussed around species-typical adaptive behaviours; and that it interacts with evolution at other levels, notably at the sociocultural level in the case of Humans.  相似文献   

In this work, we perform a systematic study on the vapour-to-liquid nucleation in a cone pore by using comparatively the classical nucleation theory (CNT) and the constrained lattice density functional theory (constrained LDFT). Three different nucleation scenarios are observed depending on the contact angle θ and apex angle α: the spontaneous phase transition, nucleation with a critical nucleus in Cassie state and nucleation with a critical nucleus in Wenzel state. We also found that both the diagram for nucleation mechanisms and the reduced nucleation barriers with respect to the homogeneous nucleation given by the CNT are at least qualitatively consistent with those from the constrained LDFT. For an increasingly small critical nucleus, the difference between nucleation behaviours from two methods becomes significant due to the macroscopic approximations embedded in CNT, which fails to describe the curvature dependence of surface tension, the line tension effect and the space confinement effect.  相似文献   

Some have argued that the major contribution of anthropology to science is the concept of culture. Until very recently, however, evolutionary anthropologists have largely ignored culture as a topic of study. This is perhaps because of the strange bedfellows they would have to maintain. Historically, anthropologists who claimed the focus of cultural anthropology tended to be anti‐science, anti‐biology, or both. Paradoxically, a segment of current mainstream cultural anthropology has more or less abandoned culture as a topic. It is particularly ironic that in spite of a growing awareness among evolutionary anthropologists that culture is critical for understanding the human condition, the topic of culture has fallen out of favor among many “cultural” anthropologists. 1,2  相似文献   

Competition in plant communities is often a contentious issue because the mechanisms of competitive interactions are not obvious. We sought evidence that Proteaceae communities are competing along two leaf niche axes as observed in a previous study. Two functional characters, leaf size and leaf shape were measured on numerous individuals per species per plot of six communities from two different regions. Patterns of overdispersion along these leaf trait axes between species were observed, similar to the earlier study. The observed results were compared with the patterns expected under a null model using standard and novel indices to test the significance of trait dispersion between species within a plot. Competition and niche differentiation in the observed plots were not supported as the observed trait overlaps were not significantly different from the null expectation. Our results do not support the theory that Proteaceae communities compete along the two proposed functional leaf traits.  相似文献   

One of the central goals of community ecology is to understand the forces that maintain species diversity within communities. The traditional niche-assembly theory asserts that species live together in a community only when they differ from one another in resource uses. But this theory has some difficulties in explaining the diversity often observed in specie-rich communities such as tropical forests. As an alternative to the niche theory, Hubbell and other ecologists introduced a neutral model. Hubbell argues that the number of species in a community is controlled by species extinction and immigration or speciation of new species. Assuming that all individuals of all species in a trophically similar com-munity are ecologically equivalent, Hubbell's neutral theory predicts two important statistical distributions. One is the asymptotic log-series distribution for the metacommunities under point mutation speciation, and the other is the zero-sum multinomial distribution for both local communities under dispersal limitation and metacommunities under random fission speciation. Unlike the niche-assembly theory, the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a starting point for investigating species diversity. Based on the fundamental processes of birth, death, dispersal and spe-ciation, the neutral theory provided the first mechanistic explanation of species abundance distribution commonly observed in natural communities. Since the publication of the neutral theory, there has been much discussion about it, pro and con. In this paper, we summarize recent progress in the assumption, prediction and speciation mode of the neutral theory, including progress in the theory itself, tests about the assumption of the theory, prediction and speciation mode at the metacommunity level. We also suggest that the most important task in the future is to bridge the niche-assembly theory and the neutral theory, and to add species differences to the neutral theory and more stochasticity to the niche theory.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that public or collective goods, such as resource conservation or pollution reduction, will not be created or maintained since rational actors in the international system will choose to consume these goods while avoiding the cost of preserving them. I argue that on the contrary private and public goods are so interrelated that cooperative coalition behavior over their generation is possible. The problem of the maintenance of such cooperative coalitions, via an internal bargaining process, is considered. It is suggested that local optimizing behavior by a coalition may bring about qualitative change in the system, to the extent that the stability of the coalition is destroyed. Such a catastrophic change could lead to entirely new patterns of cooperation, and hence to qualitatively different development paths for the economic and ecological system.An earlier version of this paper, entitled The Logic of Collective Action and the Law of the Commons, was presented at the XIX International Meeting of the Institute of Management Science, on Management Science and the Quality of Life, Houston, Texas, April, 1972.  相似文献   

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