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The eastern arc mountains (EAMs) are a chain of isolated mountains (534,000 ha) in Kenya and Tanzania surrounded by arid woodlands and influenced by the Indian Ocean. In 1900 there was three times the amount of forest cover there is today. Much of the original forests have been converted into agricultural crops. These mountains are recognized as a globally important ‘hot spot’ by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and World Conservation of Union (IUCN) for forest biodiversity and are major national, regional and local sources of hydropower, water and wide array of forest‐based benefits and agricultural production. In February 2000 we began a 3‐year evaluation of forest health, land‐use change and information sharing in the EAMs. Permanent sample plots were used to evaluate forest health. This paper summarizes the baseline data from eighteen permanent sample plots in the east Usambara's and nine in Ulugurus. The eastern arc web site ( http://www.easternarc.org ) was established, continues to expand and contains some detailed information on the project. Information gathered will assist land managers, planners, policy makers, interested communities (villages) and individuals in decision‐making. These data can also provide an early warning system of stresses on forest catchments.  相似文献   

Understanding the recovery dynamics of ecosystems presents a major challenge in the human-impacted tropics. We tested whether secondary forests follow equilibrium or non-equilibrium dynamics by evaluating community reassembly over time, across different successional stages, and among multiple life stages. Based on long-term and static data from six 1-ha plots in NE Costa Rica, we show that secondary forests are undergoing reassembly of canopy tree and palm species composition through the successful recruitment of seedlings, saplings, and young trees of mature forest species. Such patterns were observed over time within sites and across successional stages. Floristic reassembly in secondary forests showed a clear convergence with mature forest community composition, supporting an equilibrium model. This resilience stems from three key factors co-occurring locally: high abundance of generalist species in the regional flora, high levels of seed dispersal, and local presence of old-growth forest remnants.  相似文献   

Forest fires frequently occur in boreal forests,and their effects on forest ecosystems are often significant in terms of carbon flux related to climate changes.Soil respiration is the second largest carbon flux in boreal forests and the change in soil respiration is not negligible.Environmental factors controlling the soil respiration,for example,soil temperature,are altered by such fires.The abnormal increase in soil temperature has an important negative effect on soil microbes by reducing their activities or even by killing them directly with strong heat.On the other hand,although vegetation is directly disturbed by fires,the indirect changes in soil respiration are followed by changes in root activities and soil microbes.However,there is very limited information on soil respiration in the forests of Northeast China.This review,by combining what is known about fire influence on soil respiration in boreal forests from previous studies of post-fire effects on soil conditions,soil microbes,and forest regeneration,presents possible scenarios of the impact of anticipated post-fire changes in forest soil respiration in Northeast China.  相似文献   

Forest fires frequently occur in boreal forests, and their effects on forest ecosystems are often significant in terms of carbon flux related to climate changes. Soil respiration is the second largest carbon flux in boreal forests and the change in soil respiration is not negligible. Environmental factors controlling the soil respiration, for example, soil temperature, are altered by such fires. The abnormal increase in soil temperature has an important negative effect on soil microbes by reducing their activities or even by killing them directly with strong heat. On the other hand, although vegetation is directly disturbed by fires, the indirect changes in soil respiration are followed by changes in root activities and soil microbes. However, there is very limited information on soil respiration in the forests of Northeast China. This review, by combining what is known about fire influence on soil respiration in boreal forests from previous studies of post-fire effects on soil conditions, soil microbes, and forest regeneration, presents possible scenarios of the impact of anticipated post-fire changes in forest soil respiration in Northeast China.  相似文献   

森林损失和破碎化一直是国际社会普遍关注的重大环境问题之一。根据Forman景观变化包括穿孔、分割、破碎化、收缩和消失5种空间过程的理论,利用ArcGIS Modeler建立森林破碎化过程模型用以明确描述森林景观破碎化的空间过程和生态进程。基于NLCD2001、2006、2011 3期数据,以美国华盛顿州和密西西比州为研究区,利用森林破碎化过程模型,将森林损失斑块分为4种破碎化过程(分割类型因其线状特征被归入破碎化类型),对比分析天然林和人工林的破碎化过程在时空上的差异性。研究表明天然林破碎化斑块多分布于城市/森林、耕地/森林、以及灌木/森林的交界处,而人工林破碎化斑块分布格局较为零散;天然林中破碎化斑块和收缩斑块大多发生在上阶段收缩、破碎化以及穿孔斑块的边缘,而人工林中4种空间过程的承接关系不像天然林那么明显,但两者整体上都呈现相似的"收缩-消失-穿孔/破碎化"变化规律,主要表现为收缩类型占主导然后慢慢消退,穿孔和破碎化逐渐增多占据新的主导。  相似文献   

Abstract Calculations relating the input of litterfall to litter or forest floor mass in forests generally assume that the forest floor reaches an equilibrium state. Based on this assumption, a decomposition factor (k) can be calculated. In the present paper, this basic assumption is questioned and the implications considered. Data on litterfall and forest floor from blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis) regrowth forests and plantations were collated from publications and the authors' studies to evaluate both assumptions and relationships. Blackbutt grows over a wide environmental range but its main distribution is in mild temperate to subtropical conditions. Data were from single‐plot studies, sequential studies and chronosequences in both plantations and native regrowth forests. Stands ranged in age from 3 years to maturity in the case of pure, or almost pure blackbutt stands. The forest floor biomass increased up to 12.3 tha?1 at 33 years of age with no evidence of steady state. Litterfall increased up to 7.8 t ha?1 year?1 and was correlated with crown biomass. Regrowth stands were relatively undisturbed and more than 20 years of age, and litterfall ranged from 4.1 to 11.6 tha?1 year?1 and was correlated with stand basal area. Forest floor mass in regrowth forests was variable between the different aged stands but did not exceed 18 tha?1, and there was no evidence that steady state was achieved. The forest floor mass was related to, and approximately 1.7 times the input of litterfall. Although the assumption of steady state was not valid, a k' factor was estimated that related input to forest floor mass and this was relatively constant across all stands and correlated with generalized environmental data. Although assumptions of forest floor equilibrium cannot be supported for E. pilularis, it still should be possible to predict forest floor mass and decomposition from stand conditions and general environmental data.  相似文献   

浙江省常绿阔叶生态公益林生物量   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
由解析木资料用维量分析法建立浙江省各地区样木的D2H与地上生物量(B)的回归方程在浙江全省具有普适性。根据模型及样地调查结果发现50林龄前的浙江省常绿阔叶生态公益林群落生物量基本随林龄线性增加。与其他同区域的类似林型比较发现,常绿阔叶林在80林龄前群落生物量与林龄正相关,100a后则增长十分缓慢。根据浙江省公益林大多为幼中龄林的现状,预测当前的常绿阔叶林生物量在未来30a中将呈线性增加。随着多幼中龄林的常绿阔叶生态公益林的发展成熟,我省森林将是一个潜在的巨大碳汇。与针阔混交生态公益林比较,常绿阔叶生态公益林生物量在10~25a阶段没有明显优势,到25~50a则明显高于针阔混交生态公益林。由此可见亚热带的地带性植被常绿阔叶林作为生态公益林在碳积累方面具有优势。常绿阔叶林作为高碳储量森林,将会是浙江省甚至整个亚热带东部地区的森林碳储量的主要贡献者。  相似文献   

Bryophytes, which include mosses, liverworts and hornworts, indeed play a significant role in the natural dynamics of native forests. They contribute to fundamental ecological processes such as tree regeneration. In this context, the objective was to analyse the association of bryophytes with Nothofagus seedlings, as well as whether the substrates where bryophytes grew influenced bryophyte-tree seedling association, in sub-Antarctic forests at two contrasting landscapes (coastal and mountain) of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), to better understand their impacts on the natural regeneration processes. We hypothesized that bryophytes act as a substrate for seed germination and initial regeneration growth in pure and mixed forests of N. pumilio and N. betuloides, resulting in widespread tree seedlings–bryophyte associations in all landscapes. In each forest and landscape location, 60 transects were established (10 m in length) to evaluate bryophyte cover (by point intercept method) and substrate type (bare soil, decaying wood and litter cover) where they were growing. An adaptation of the relative interaction index (RII) based on tree seedling cover associated with bryophyte species (%) and tree seedling cover in the absence of bryophytes (%) was calculated and analysed to assess competition or facilitation between bryophytes and tree seedlings. Nothofagus pumilio seedlings were less abundant in bryophytes compared to other substrates, suggesting an inhibitory effect on the germination and/or survival of N. pumilio. In contrast, the seedlings of N. betuloides, in both pure and mixed forests, exhibited higher abundance on bryophyte substrates, particularly in mosses at mountain landscape (RII = 0.83 ± 0.08 in litter and 0.62 ± 0.11 in decaying wood). These findings suggest that bryophytes play a facilitating role for N. betuloides seedlings during germination and initial phases of growth, mainly in the mountain. Therefore, their conservation promotes N. betuloides forest continuity, both in pure and mixed structures.  相似文献   

Liana dynamics in secondary and mature forests are well known in tropical areas dominated by native tree species. Outside the tropics and in secondary forests invaded by exotic species, knowledge is scarce. In this study, we compare liana communities between secondary and mature forests dominated by native species in a subtropical montane area of Sierra de San Javier, Tucuman, Argentina. Additionally, we evaluate changes of liana communities in secondary forests with increasing densities of Ligustrum lucidum and Morus alba, two of the most invasive exotic trees of the area. We surveyed liana species richness and density in three 30-year secondary patches, four 60-year secondary patches, and four mature patches dominated by native tree species, to analyze changes in liana communities with forest age. Within each patch, we sampled 10–25 20 × 20 m quadrats. Additionally, we surveyed liana density and species richness in secondary forest patches with different densities of L. lucidum and M. alba. In native-dominated forests, liana species richness increased and showed a tendency of increasing basal area from 30-year secondary forests to mature forests. Liana density was highly variable, and most of the species were shared between native-dominated secondary and mature forests. Liana density and species richness decreased with L. lucidum density, whereas in secondary forests highly dominated by M. alba, lianas increased in density. Overall, lianas followed different pathways influenced by native forest succession and exotic tree invasions.  相似文献   

The distribution area of the deciduous Nothofagus pumilio is outlined in a map and divided into 5 areas. By means of an example from the northern Lenga forest area, the Nothofagus pumilio community-types dependant on altitude are described as regards their floristic composition, structure and soil characteristics. The stands belong to 2 associations with together 4 sub-units.The synsystematic compilation of the phytosociological material available uptil now enables a classification of the class in two orders: one covers the South Patagonian Lenga forests and the other the Central and North Patagonian ones. The North Patagonian area which has been investigated the most thouroughly uptil now is characterized by two sub-alliances with together 6 associations; one sub-alliance covers the distribution areas in the dryer eastern part, the other the areas on the humid west side of the Andes. Only investigation in those Lenga forest areas which have hardly or not yet been investigated uptil now offer answers to the questions concerning synsytematics and distribution areas which were posed at the end of the above report.
Zusammenfassung Das Wuchsgebiet der sommergrünen Baumart Nothofagus pumilio wird in einer Übersichtskarte umrissen und in 5 Regionen untergliedert.An einem Beispiel aus dem nördlichen Lenga-Wald-Areal wird die höhenabhängige Ausprägung des Nothofagus pumilio-Waldes hinsichtlich dessen floristischer Zusammensetzung, Struktur und Boden-charakteristik beschrieben. Die Bestände gehören zu 2 Assoziationen mit insgesamt 4 Untereinheiten.Aus der synsystematischen Zusammenstellung des bisher vorliegenden pflanzensoziologischen Materials ergibt sich bis jetzt eine Gliederung der Klasse in 2 Ordnungen, von denen eine die südpatagonischen und die andere die mittel- und nordpatagonischen Lenga-Wälder umfasst. Das bisher am intensivsten untersuchte nordpatagonische Areal wird durch 2 Unterverbände mit insgesamt 6 Assoziationen charackterisiert; ein Unterverband umfaßt die Wuchsgebiete im trockeneren Ostteil, der andere die Gebiete der humiden Andenwestseite. Erst Arbeiten aus den noch wenig oder gar nicht untersuchten Lenga-Wald-gebieten werden die abschließend angerissenen synsystematischen und arealkundlichen Fragen klären können.

Resumen La área de distribución de Nothofagus pumilio está representada en un mapa indicando 5 sectores principales. Como ejemplo, una investigación en la parte notre del área de los bosques de Lenga muestra un transecto altitudinal con respecto a la composición florística de estos bosques deciduos, su estructura y los suelos. Fitosociologicamente se distinguen 2 asociaciones con 4 unidades menores. Según la tabla sinóptica, presentada aquí, la clase Nothofagetea pumilionis se divide en dos órdenes, que comprenden los bosques del norte y del centro de la Patagonia el uno y del sur de la Patagonia el orto. En el notre, en la Regíon de los Lagos, que es la mejor estudiada, se distinguen 2 subalianzas con 6 asociaciones de todo: una caracteriza la parte oriental, mas continental de dicha región, la otra el lado occidental con su clima oceánico y muy humedo.Terminando se hacen preguntas con respecto a la fitosociología y a la distribución de las especies características de estos bosques, que solo se podrian responder con mas investigaciones en las amplias zonas de los bosques del suroeste de la Patagonia.

Comparisons between two forest localities were undertaken to assess the potential availability of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) within the low-diversity forests of Guyana. Information on the abundance and distribution of tree species, and local and national ethnobotanical surveys were used classifying species into five categories (timber, construction, technological, edible and medicinal). A total of 152 species were recorded from the two localities; covering 236 different uses, 33 known commercial timber species and 106 species with potential non-timber product utilization. The most important plant families with the highest number of uses at both localities were Leguminosae (sub-families Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae), Arecaceae, Bombacaceae and Chrysobalanaceae, although these families were not the most abundant families at both localities. At both forest localities eight tree species represented over 50% of all the trees. At Kurupukari three species, each with more than three identified NTFPs, represented over 20% of the trees.Potential utilization of NTFPs are discussed in accordance with species richness, tree density, the number of different uses per species, and the percentage of trees represented by each utilizable species. Considering the constraints on the future potential commercialization of NTFPs, two scenarios for the extraction of NTFPs are discussed. Within relatively species-rich forest types the high diversity of products provides potentially viable multiple-species extractionism. In contrast, in low-diversity forest types, typical of the Guiana Shield, one or two NTFP species frequently represent over 50% of the canopy trees, and therefore substantially increase the potential sustainable extraction for single-species harvesting. It is suggested that these low-diversity types of forest are prioritized for conservation on the basis of ensuring future utilization, refuge, of non-timber forest products.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between species richness and numbers and types of individuals and species present in forests with different physiognomies in the southern Cape Province, South Africa. Data were collected from three different ‘plot’ types: 400 m2, canopy‐scaled (plot length is directly proportional to canopy height) and per 100 individuals closest to a point. Plots were designed to control for the effect of scale on local richness. Canopy species richness was inversely proportional to the abundance of resprouting species. The strength of the relationship between the abundance of resprouters and canopy species richness increased progressively from the 400 m2 plots to the canopy‐scaled plots and finally to the plots of 100 individuals. Resprouter abundance decreased, while canopy species richness increased, with increasing canopy height. Resprouters are able to retain their in situ position in the forests for longer periods of time than do reseeders. This reduces individual and species turnover, thus reducing species richness in resprouter‐dominated forests.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of tropical forest alters community composition as a result of changes in forest shape. This paper uses 22 hypotheses to test the effect of fragment shape on tree species composition in Ghana, West Africa, within biological categories of regeneration guild, rarity, phenology and dispersal. For both regenerating and mature trees, relationships between species composition and the shape of forest fragments were complex; almost half were significant but many failed to support the established hypotheses. Irregular shaped fragments had high proportions of regenerating, light‐demanding pioneers and mature, animal‐dispersed species. Species common to Ghana formed the foundation of communities in fragments of all shapes. Investigation at the landscape level indicated broad patterns of species change. Rigorous hypothesis testing is needed, following extensive demographic work on the ground, before population dynamics within tropical forest fragments can be comprehended fully and applied to conservation management.  相似文献   

Large‐scale planted forests (PF) have been given a higher priority in China for improving the environment and mitigating climate change relative to natural forests (NF). However, the ecological consequences of these PF on water resource security have been less considered in the national scale. Moreover, a critically needed comparison on key ecological effects between PF and NF under climate change has rarely been conducted. Here, we compare carbon sequestration and water consumption in PF and NF across China using combination of remote sensing and field inventory. We found that, on average, NF consumed 6.8% (37.5 mm per growing season) less water but sequestered 1.1% (12.5 g C m?2 growing season?1) more carbon than PF in the period of 2000–2012. While there was no significant difference in water consumption (p = 0.6) between PF and NF in energy‐limited areas (dryness index [DI] < 1), water consumption was significantly (p < 0.001) higher in PF than that in NF in water‐limited regions (DI > 1). Moreover, a distinct and larger shift of water yield was identified in PF than in NF from the 1980s to the 2000s, indicating that PF were more sensitive to climate change, leading to a higher water consumption when compared with NF. Our results suggest NF should be properly valued in terms of maximizing the benefits of carbon sequestration and water yield. Future forest plantation projects should be planned with caution, particularly in water‐limited regions where they might have less positive effect on carbon sequestration but lead to significant water yield reduction.  相似文献   

人工林碳汇潜力新概念及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
定量确定森林碳汇潜力有助于科学地评估森林对碳汇的潜在贡献及制定实现这种潜力所需要的经营管理措施。目前,国内外有关森林碳汇潜力缺乏统一的概念及计量方法。在综述国内外有关固碳潜力概念的基础上,引入时间动态构架和可持续性的概念,提出了针对人工林的固碳潜力概念并利用FORECAST模型以杉木人工林为例阐明此概念的实际意义与应用。  相似文献   

Secondary forests constitute a substantial proportion of tropical forestlands. These forests occur on both public and private lands and different underlying environmental variables and management regimes may affect post‐abandonment successional processes and resultant forest structure and biodiversity. We examined whether differences in ownership led to differences in forest structure, tree diversity, and tree species composition across a gradient of soil fertility and forest age. We collected soil samples and surveyed all trees in 82 public and 66 private 0.1‐ha forest plots arrayed across forest age and soil gradients in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We found that soil fertility appeared to drive the spatial structure of public vs. private ownership; public conservation lands appeared to be non‐randomly located on areas of lower soil fertility. On private lands, areas of crops/pasture appeared to be non‐randomly located on higher soil fertility areas while forests occupied areas of lower soil fertility. We found that forest structure and tree species diversity did not differ significantly between public and private ownership. However, public and private forests differed in tree species composition: 11 percent were more prevalent in public forest and 7 percent were more prevalent in private forest. Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata, and Astronium graveolens were more prevalent in public forests likely because public forests provide stronger protection for these highly prized timber species. Guazuma ulmifolia was the most abundant tree in private forests likely because this species is widely consumed and dispersed by cattle. Furthermore, some compositional differences appear to result from soil fertility differences due to non‐random placement of public and private land holdings with respect to soil fertility. Land ownership creates a distinctive species composition signature that is likely the result of differences in soil fertility and management between the ownership types. Both biophysical and social variables should be considered to advance understanding of tropical secondary forest structure and biodiversity.  相似文献   

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