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Improving biomass yield is a major goal of Miscanthus breeding. We conducted a study on one interspecific Miscanthus sinensis × Miscanthus sacchariflorus F1 population and two intraspecific M. sinensis F1 populations, each of which shared a common parent. A field trial was established at Urbana, IL during spring 2011, and phenotypic data were collected in 2012 and 2013 for fourteen yield traits. Six high‐density parental genetic maps, as well as a consensus genetic map integrating M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus, were developed via the pseudotestcross strategy for noninbred parents with ≥1214 single‐nucleotide polymorphism markers generated from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing. We confirmed for the first time a whole‐genome duplication in M. sacchariflorus relative to Sorghum bicolor, similar to that observed previously for M. sinensis. Four quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis methods for detecting marker‐trait associations were compared: (1) individual parental map composite interval mapping analysis, (2) individual parental map stepwise analysis, (3) consensus map single‐population stepwise analysis and (4) consensus map joint‐population stepwise analysis. These four methods detected 288, 264, 133 and 109 total QTLs, which resolved into 157, 136, 106 and 86 meta‐QTLs based on QTL congruency, respectively, including a set of 59 meta‐QTLs common to all four analysis methods. Composite interval mapping and stepwise analysis co‐identified 118 meta‐QTLs across six parental maps, suggesting high reliability of stepwise regression in QTL detection. Joint‐population stepwise analysis yielded the highest resolution of QTLs compared to the other three methods across all meta‐QTLs. Strong, frequently advantageous transgressive segregation in the three populations indicated a promising future for breeding new higher‐yielding cultivars of Miscanthus.  相似文献   

How does range expansion affect genetic diversity in species with different ecologies, and do different types of genetic markers lead to different conclusions? We addressed these questions by assessing the genetic consequences of postglacial range expansion using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing in two congeneric and codistributed rodents with different ecological characteristics: the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti), a sand specialist, and the Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami), a substrate generalist. For each species, we compared genetic variation between populations that retained stable distributions throughout glacial periods and those inferred to have expanded since the last glacial maximum. Our results suggest that expanded populations of both species experienced a loss of private mtDNA haplotypes and differentiation among populations, as well as a loss of nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) private alleles and polymorphic loci. However, only D. deserti experienced a loss of nucleotide diversity (both mtDNA and nuclear) and nuclear heterozygosity. For all indices of diversity and differentiation that showed reduced values in the expanded areas, D. deserti populations experienced a greater degree of loss than did D. merriami populations. Additionally, patterns of loss in genetic diversity in expanded populations were substantially less extreme (by two orders of magnitude in some cases) for nuclear SNPs in both species compared to that observed for mitochondrial data. Our results demonstrate that ecological characteristics may play a role in determining genetic variation associated with range expansions, yet mtDNA diversity loss is not necessarily accompanied by a matched magnitude of loss in nuclear diversity.  相似文献   

Maritime pine provides essential ecosystem services in the south‐western Mediterranean basin, where it covers around 4 million ha. Its scattered distribution over a range of environmental conditions makes it an ideal forest tree species for studies of local adaptation and evolutionary responses to climatic change. Highly multiplexed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays are increasingly used to study genetic variation in living organisms and for practical applications in plant and animal breeding and genetic resource conservation. We developed a 9k Illumina Infinium SNP array and genotyped maritime pine trees from (i) a three‐generation inbred (F2) pedigree, (ii) the French breeding population and (iii) natural populations from Portugal and the French Atlantic coast. A large proportion of the exploitable SNPs (2052/8410, i.e. 24.4%) segregated in the mapping population and could be mapped, providing the densest ever gene‐based linkage map for this species. Based on 5016 SNPs, natural and breeding populations from the French gene pool exhibited similar level of genetic diversity. Population genetics and structure analyses based on 3981 SNP markers common to the Portuguese and French gene pools revealed high levels of differentiation, leading to the identification of a set of highly differentiated SNPs that could be used for seed provenance certification. Finally, we discuss how the validated SNPs could facilitate the identification of ecologically and economically relevant genes in this species, improving our understanding of the demography and selective forces shaping its natural genetic diversity, and providing support for new breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Salmonid genomes are considered to be in a pseudo‐tetraploid state as a result of a genome duplication event that occurred between 25 and 100 Ma. This situation complicates single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery in rainbow trout as many putative SNPs are actually paralogous sequence variants (PSVs) and not simple allelic variants. To differentiate PSVs from simple allelic variants, we used 19 homozygous doubled haploid (DH) lines that represent a wide geographical range of rainbow trout populations. In the first phase of the study, we analysed SbfI restriction‐site associated DNA (RAD) sequence data from all the 19 lines and selected 11 lines for an extended SNP discovery. In the second phase, we conducted the extended SNP discovery using PstI RAD sequence data from the selected 11 lines. The complete data set is composed of 145 168 high‐quality putative SNPs that were genotyped in at least nine of the 11 lines, of which 71 446 (49%) had minor allele frequencies (MAF) of at least 18% (i.e. at least two of the 11 lines). Approximately 14% of the RAD SNPs in this data set are from expressed or coding rainbow trout sequences. Our comparison of the current data set with previous SNP discovery data sets revealed that 99% of our SNPs are novel. In the support files for this resource, we provide annotation to the positions of the SNPs in the working draft of the rainbow trout reference genome, provide the genotypes of each sample in the discovery panel and identify SNPs that are likely to be in coding sequences.  相似文献   

The large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea, is a commercially important drum fish (Family: Sciaenidae) native to the East and South China Sea. Habitat deterioration and overfishing have led to significant population decline and the collapse of its fishery over the past decades. Today, the market supply of L. crocea depends solely on stocks produced in hatcheries and farms. Common issues that occur in the culture of L. crocea include germplasm degradation, precocious puberty, elevated disease susceptibility and growth retardation. In this study, we employed SLAF‐seq (specific‐locus amplified fragment sequencing) technology to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci across the L. crocea genome. Sixty samples were selected for SLAF analysis out of 1000 progeny in the same cohort of a cultured stock. Our analysis obtained a total of 151 253 SLAFs, of which 65.88% (99 652) were identified to be polymorphic, scoring a total of 710 567 putative SNPs. Further filtration resulted in a final panel of 1782 SNP loci. The data derived from this work could be beneficial for understanding the genetics of complex phenotypic traits as well as for developing marker‐selection‐assisted breeding programs in L. crocea.  相似文献   

Agronomically important traits are frequently controlled by rare, genotype‐specific alleles. Such genes can only be mapped in a population derived from the donor genotype. This requires the development of a specific genetic map, which is difficult in wheat because of the low level of polymorphism among elite cultivars. The absence of sufficient polymorphism, the complexity of the hexaploid wheat genome as well as the lack of complete sequence information make the construction of genetic maps with a high density of reproducible and polymorphic markers challenging. We developed a genotype‐specific genetic map of chromosome 3B from winter wheat cultivars Arina and Forno. Chromosome 3B was isolated from the two cultivars and then sequenced to 10‐fold coverage. This resulted in a single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) database of the complete chromosome. Based on proposed synteny with the Brachypodium model genome and gene annotation, sequences close to coding regions were used for the development of 70 SNP‐based markers. They were mapped on a Arina × Forno Recombinant Inbred Lines population and found to be spread over the complete chromosome 3B. While overall synteny was well maintained, numerous exceptions and inversions of syntenic gene order were identified. Additionally, we found that the majority of recombination events occurred in distal parts of chromosome 3B, particularly in hot‐spot regions. Compared with the earlier map based on SSR and RFLP markers, the number of markers increased fourfold. The approach presented here allows fast development of genotype‐specific polymorphic markers that can be used for mapping and marker‐assisted selection.  相似文献   

The continuing decline in forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) numbers due to poaching and habitat reduction is driving the search for new tools to inform management and conservation. For dense rainforest species, basic ecological data on populations and threats can be challenging and expensive to collect, impeding conservation action in the field. As such, genetic monitoring is being increasingly implemented to complement or replace more burdensome field techniques. Single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are particularly cost‐effective and informative markers that can be used for a range of practical applications, including population census, assessment of human impact on social and genetic structure, and investigation of the illegal wildlife trade. SNP resources for elephants are scarce, but next‐generation sequencing provides the opportunity for rapid, inexpensive generation of SNP markers in nonmodel species. Here, we sourced forest elephant DNA from 23 samples collected from 10 locations within Gabon, Central Africa, and applied double‐digest restriction‐site‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to discover 31,851 tags containing SNPs that were reduced to a set of 1,365 high‐quality candidate SNP markers. A subset of 115 candidate SNPs was then selected for assay design and validation using 56 additional samples. Genotyping resulted in a high conversion rate (93%) and a low per allele error rate (0.07%). This study provides the first panel of 107 validated SNP markers for forest elephants. This resource presents great potential for new genetic tools to produce reliable data and underpin a step‐change in conservation policies for this elusive species.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a native warm‐season perennial grass, is being considered as a feedstock for biofuel production in the United States. To expedite its genetic improvement and enhance genetic gain per selection cycle, application of marker‐assisted selection is indispensable. A high‐density linkage map was constructed in a pseudo‐F1 testcross mapping population of AP13×VS16, consisting of 349 progenies. A total of 8,757 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers generated through genotype‐by‐sequencing (GBS) were used to construct the linkage map. The total map length spans up to 2,540.2 cM with the marker density of one marker in every 0.25–0.34 cM. Spring green‐up (SG), days to flowering (FL), and the vegetative growth period (VP) data were analyzed and used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. The population showed significant variations and exhibited transgressive segregation for SG, FL, and VP. QTL analyses were performed using trait mean of each year and location along with BLUP (best linear unbiased prediction) values of the traits. A total of 35, 37, and 34 QTL for SG, FL, and VP, respectively, were identified. Phenotypic variability explained by each QTL ranged from 11.29% to 27.85%. The additive genetic effects of individual QTL ranged from ?1.81 to 2.40, ?6.12 to 7.58, and ?16.01 to 6.38 for SG, FL, and VP, respectively. Comparing major QTL regions in the switchgrass genome, 20 candidate genes were identified which were reported to be involved in growth‐, development‐, and flowering‐related traits in switchgrass.  相似文献   

Information on genetic relationships among individuals is essential to many studies of the behaviour and ecology of wild organisms. Parentage and relatedness assays based on large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci hold substantial advantages over the microsatellite markers traditionally used for these purposes. We present a double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐seq) analysis pipeline that, as such, simultaneously achieves the SNP discovery and genotyping steps and which is optimized to return a statistically powerful set of SNP markers (typically 150–600 after stringent filtering) from large numbers of individuals (up to 240 per run). We explore the trade‐offs inherent in this approach through a set of experiments in a species with a complex social system, the variegated fairy‐wren (Malurus lamberti) and further validate it in a phylogenetically broad set of other bird species. Through direct comparisons with a parallel data set from a robust panel of highly variable microsatellite markers, we show that this ddRAD‐seq approach results in substantially improved power to discriminate among potential relatives and considerably more precise estimates of relatedness coefficients. The pipeline is designed to be universally applicable to all bird species (and with minor modifications to many other taxa), to be cost‐ and time‐efficient, and to be replicable across independent runs such that genotype data from different study periods can be combined and analysed as field samples are accumulated.  相似文献   

Life history evolution spurred by post‐Pleistocene climatic change is hypothesized to be responsible for the present diversity in periodical cicadas (Magicicada), but the mechanism of life cycle change has been controversial. To understand the divergence process of 13‐year and 17‐year cicada life cycles, we studied genetic relationships between two synchronously emerging, parapatric 13‐year periodical cicada species in the Decim group, Magicicada tredecim and M. neotredecim. The latter was hypothesized to be of hybrid origin or to have switched from a 17‐year cycle via developmental plasticity. Phylogenetic analysis using restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequences for all Decim species and broods revealed that the 13‐year M. tredecim lineage is genomically distinct from 17‐year Magicicada septendecim but that 13‐year M. neotredecim is not. We detected no significant introgression between M. tredecim and M. neotredecim/M. septendecim thus refuting the hypothesis that M. neotredecim are products of hybridization between M. tredecim and M. septendecim. Further, we found that introgressive hybridization is very rare or absent in the contact zone between the two 13‐year species evidenced by segregation patterns in single nucleotide polymorphisms, mitochondrial lineage identity and head width and abdominal sternite colour phenotypes. Our study demonstrates that the two 13‐year Decim species are of independent origin and nearly completely reproductively isolated. Combining our data with increasing observations of occasional life cycle change in part of a cohort (e.g. 4‐year acceleration of emergence in 17‐year species), we suggest a pivotal role for developmental plasticity in Magicicada life cycle evolution.  相似文献   

Yak is an important livestock animal for the people indigenous to the harsh, oxygen‐limited Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau and Hindu Kush ranges of the Himalayas. The yak genome was sequenced in 2012, but its assembly was fragmented because of the inherent limitations of the Illumina sequencing technology used to analyse it. An accurate and complete reference genome is essential for the study of genetic variations in this species. Long‐read sequences are more complete than their short‐read counterparts and have been successfully applied towards high‐quality genome assembly for various species. In this study, we present a high‐quality chromosome‐scale yak genome assembly (BosGru_PB_v1.0) constructed with long‐read sequencing and chromatin interaction technologies. Compared to an existing yak genome assembly (BosGru_v2.0), BosGru_PB_v1.0 shows substantially improved chromosome sequence continuity, reduced repetitive structure ambiguity, and gene model completeness. To characterize genetic variation in yak, we generated de novo genome assemblies based on Illumina short reads for seven recognized domestic yak breeds in Tibet and Sichuan and one wild yak from Hoh Xil. We compared these eight assemblies to the BosGru_PB_v1.0 genome, obtained a comprehensive map of yak genetic diversity at the whole‐genome level, and identified several protein‐coding genes absent from the BosGru_PB_v1.0 assembly. Despite the genetic bottleneck experienced by wild yak, their diversity was nonetheless higher than that of domestic yak. Here, we identified breed‐specific sequences and genes by whole‐genome alignment, which may facilitate yak breed identification.  相似文献   

Meiotic drive, the class of meiotic mechanisms that drive unequal segregation of alleles among gametes, may be an important force in karyotype evolution. Its role in holocentric organisms, whose chromosomes lack localized centromeres, is poorly understood. We crossed two individuals of Carex scoparia (Cyperaceae) with different chromosome numbers (2n = 33II = 66 × 2n = 32II = 64) to obtain F1 individuals, which we then self‐pollinated to obtain second‐generation (F2) crosses. RAD‐seq was performed for 191 individuals (including the parents, five F1 individuals and 184 F2 individuals). Our F2 linkage map based on stringent editing of the RAD‐seq data set yielded 32 linkage groups. In the final map, 865 loci were located on a linkage map of 3966.99 cM (linkage groups ranged from 24.39 to 193.31 cM in length and contained 5–51 loci each). Three linkage groups exhibit more loci under segregation distortion than expected by chance; within linkage groups, loci exhibiting segregation distortion are clustered. This finding implicates meiotic drive in the segregation of chromosome variants, suggesting that selection of chromosome variants in meiosis may contribute to the establishment and fixation of chromosome variants in Carex, which is renowned for high chromosomal and species diversity. This is an important finding as previous studies demonstrate that chromosome divergence may play a key role in differentiation and speciation in Carex.  相似文献   

Genetic relatedness of 24 animals belonging to seven Indian cattle breeds was studied using high throughput genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) markers. GBS produced 93.6 million reads with an average of about 3.9 million reads per animal. A total of 107 488 SNPs were identified in these individuals. When only one SNP per read was considered, a total of 60 261 SNPs representing independent reads were identified with an average SNP‐to‐SNP distance of 45 kb across the bovine reference genome. About 24% of the GBS‐SNP markers were more than 100 kb apart. Of these, 58 322 SNPs mapped to autosomes, 1645 to the X chromosome and 28 to the Y chromosome. The average SNP‐to‐SNP distance on the X chromosome was 91.3 kb, whereas on the Y chromosome it was 1546.4 kb. The minor allele frequency within the Indian cattle varied from 0.103 (Ongole) to 0.177 (Siri), whereas Holstein cattle had the lowest value of 0.089. This is the first application of GBS in cattle of South Asia. The baseline information generated in this study might prompt implementation of GBS in breeding of cattle belonging to this region.  相似文献   

In wheat, a lack of genetic diversity between breeding lines has been recognized as a significant block to future yield increases. Species belonging to bread wheat's secondary and tertiary gene pools harbour a much greater level of genetic variability, and are an important source of genes to broaden its genetic base. Introgression of novel genes from progenitors and related species has been widely employed to improve the agronomic characteristics of hexaploid wheat, but this approach has been hampered by a lack of markers that can be used to track introduced chromosome segments. Here, we describe the identification of a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms that can be used to genotype hexaploid wheat and to identify and track introgressions from a variety of sources. We have validated these markers using an ultra‐high‐density Axiom® genotyping array to characterize a range of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat accessions and wheat relatives. To facilitate the use of these, both the markers and the associated sequence and genotype information have been made available through an interactive web site.  相似文献   

Restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) is one of the most effective high‐throughput sequencing technologies for SNP development and utilization and has been applied to studying the origin and evolution of various species. The domestic Bactrian camels play an important role in economic trade and cultural construction. They are precious species resources and indispensable animals in China's agricultural production. Recently, the rapid development of modern transportation and agriculture, and the deterioration of the environment have led to a sharp decline in the number of camels. Although there have been some reports on the evolution history of the domestic Bactrian camel in China, the origin, evolutionary relationship, and genetic diversity of the camels are unclear due to the limitations of sample size and sequencing technology. Therefore, 47 samples of seven domestic Bactrian camel species from four regions (Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang) were prepared for RAD‐seq analysis to study the evolutionary relationship and genetic diversity. In addition, seven domestic Bactrian camel species are located in different ecological zones, forming different characteristics and having potential development value. A total of 6,487,849 SNPs were genotyped. On the one hand, the filtered SNP information was used to conduct polymorphism mapping construction, LD attenuation analysis, and nucleotide diversity analysis. The results showed that the number of SNPs in Dongjiang camel was the highest, the LD coefficient decayed the fastest, and the nucleotide diversity was the highest. It indicates that Dongjiang camel has the highest genetic diversity. On the other hand, the filtered SNPs information was used to construct the phylogenetic tree, and FST analysis, inbreeding coefficient analysis, principal component analysis, and population structure analysis were carried out. The results showed that Nanjiang camel and Beijiang camels grouped together, and the other five Bactrian camel populations gathered into another branch. It may be because the mountains in the northern part of Xinjiang and the desert in the middle isolate the two groups from the other five groups.  相似文献   

There has been remarkably little attention to using the high resolution provided by genotyping‐by‐sequencing (i.e., RADseq and similar methods) for assessing relatedness in wildlife populations. A major hurdle is the genotyping error, especially allelic dropout, often found in this type of data that could lead to downward‐biased, yet precise, estimates of relatedness. Here, we assess the applicability of genotyping‐by‐sequencing for relatedness inferences given its relatively high genotyping error rate. Individuals of known relatedness were simulated under genotyping error, allelic dropout and missing data scenarios based on an empirical ddRAD data set, and their true relatedness was compared to that estimated by seven relatedness estimators. We found that an estimator chosen through such analyses can circumvent the influence of genotyping error, with the estimator of Ritland (Genetics Research, 67, 175) shown to be unaffected by allelic dropout and to be the most accurate when there is genotyping error. We also found that the choice of estimator should not rely solely on the strength of correlation between estimated and true relatedness as a strong correlation does not necessarily mean estimates are close to true relatedness. We also demonstrated how even a large SNP data set with genotyping error (allelic dropout or otherwise) or missing data still performs better than a perfectly genotyped microsatellite data set of tens of markers. The simulation‐based approach used here can be easily implemented by others on their own genotyping‐by‐sequencing data sets to confirm the most appropriate and powerful estimator for their data.  相似文献   

For half a century population genetics studies have put type II restriction endonucleases to work. Now, coupled with massively‐parallel, short‐read sequencing, the family of RAD protocols that wields these enzymes has generated vast genetic knowledge from the natural world. Here, we describe the first software natively capable of using paired‐end sequencing to derive short contigs from de novo RAD data. Stacks version 2 employs a de Bruijn graph assembler to build and connect contigs from forward and reverse reads for each de novo RAD locus, which it then uses as a reference for read alignments. The new architecture allows all the individuals in a metapopulation to be considered at the same time as each RAD locus is processed. This enables a Bayesian genotype caller to provide precise SNPs, and a robust algorithm to phase those SNPs into long haplotypes, generating RAD loci that are 400–800 bp in length. To prove its recall and precision, we tested the software with simulated data and compared reference‐aligned and de novo analyses of three empirical data sets. Our study shows that the latest version of Stacks is highly accurate and outperforms other software in assembling and genotyping paired‐end de novo data sets.  相似文献   

Historically our ability to identify genetic variants underlying complex behavioral traits in mice has been limited by low mapping resolution of conventional mouse crosses. The newly developed Diversity Outbred (DO) population promises to deliver improved resolution that will circumvent costly fine‐mapping studies. The DO is derived from the same founder strains as the Collaborative Cross (CC), including three wild‐derived strains. Thus the DO provides more allelic diversity and greater potential for discovery compared to crosses involving standard mouse strains. We have characterized 283 male and female DO mice using open‐field, light–dark box, tail‐suspension and visual‐cliff avoidance tests to generate 38 behavioral measures. We identified several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these traits with support intervals ranging from 1 to 3 Mb in size. These intervals contain relatively few genes (ranging from 5 to 96). For a majority of QTL, using the founder allelic effects together with whole genome sequence data, we could further narrow the positional candidates. Several QTL replicate previously published loci. Novel loci were also identified for anxiety‐ and activity‐related traits. Half of the QTLs are associated with wild‐derived alleles, confirming the value to behavioral genetics of added genetic diversity in the DO. In the presence of wild‐alleles we sometimes observe behaviors that are qualitatively different from the expected response. Our results demonstrate that high‐precision mapping of behavioral traits can be achieved with moderate numbers of DO animals, representing a significant advance in our ability to leverage the mouse as a tool for behavioral genetics .  相似文献   

Species delimitation is fundamental to conservation and sustainable use of economically important forest tree species. However, the delimitation of two highly valued gold‐thread nanmu species (Phoebe bournei (Hemsl.) Yang and P. zhennan S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei) has been confusing and debated. To address this problem, we integrated morphology and restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) to define their species boundaries. We obtained consistent results from the two datasets, supporting two distinct lineages corresponding to P. bournei and P. zhennan. In P. bournei, higher order leaf venation is more prominent, petioles are thicker, and leaf apex angle is narrower, compared to P. zhennan. Both datasets also revealed that the former putative P. bournei populations from northeastern Guizhou belong to P. zhennan. The two species are now distinct in distributions except in the Wuling Mountains, where they overlap. Phoebe bournei occurs mainly in central Fujian, southern Jiangxi, the Nanling Mountains, and the Wuling Mountains, whereas P. zhennan is found in the adjoining eastern regions of the Qionglai Mountains, the southern Sichuan hills, and the Wuling Mountains. The re‐delimitation of P. bournei and P. zhennan and clarification of their ranges provide a better scientific basis guiding the conservation and sustainable utilization of these tree species.  相似文献   

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