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Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing number of controlled‐manipulative experiments to investigate how plants and soils might respond to global change. These experiments typically examined the effects of each of three global change drivers [i.e., nitrogen (N) deposition, warming, and elevated CO2] on primary productivity and on the biogeochemistry of carbon (C), N, and phosphorus (P) across different terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we capitalize on this large amount of information by performing a comprehensive meta‐analysis (>2000 case studies worldwide) to address how C:N:P stoichiometry of plants, soils, and soil microbial biomass might respond to individual vs. combined effects of the three global change drivers. Our results show that (i) individual effects of N addition and elevated CO2 on C:N:P stoichiometry are stronger than warming, (ii) combined effects of pairs of global change drivers (e.g., N addition + elevated CO2, warming + elevated CO2) on C:N:P stoichiometry were generally weaker than the individual effects of each of these drivers, (iii) additive interactions (i.e., when combined effects are equal to or not significantly different from the sum of individual effects) were more common than synergistic or antagonistic interactions, (iv) C:N:P stoichiometry of soil and soil microbial biomass shows high homeostasis under global change manipulations, and (v) C:N:P responses to global change are strongly affected by ecosystem type, local climate, and experimental conditions. Our study is one of the first to compare individual vs. combined effects of the three global change drivers on terrestrial C:N:P ratios using a large set of data. To further improve our understanding of how ecosystems might respond to future global change, long‐term ecosystem‐scale studies testing multifactor effects on plants and soils are urgently required across different world regions.  相似文献   

景观生态学:海洋生态系统研究的一个新视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球海洋生态系统作为异质性的复杂巨系统是一类景观生态系统 ,具有明显的等级结构 ,因此 ,景观生态学的原理和方法完全可以应用到海洋生态学的研究中来。生态系统的尺度限制了海洋生态学向更加宏观的方向进一步发展 ,在景观的水平上 ,运用景观生态学的理论和方法可以更好地在多个尺度上开展深入广泛的研究。本文不仅讨论了海洋景观的空间异质性 ,而且就海洋景观生态学的若干研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In urbanized areas, habitat loss and fragmentation resulting from urban growth and human activities may threaten the biological diversity. It is essential to maintain the connectivity in some isolated and fragmented habitat patches. In 2005, the orchard-based conservation with the legal binding was implemented in Shenzhen to mitigate the ecological threats from forest destruction and to protect the ecological diversity. It is critical to evaluate the efficiency of orchard habitat from the species’ perspective for providing the reference for the habitat management. Based on graph-theoretic methods, we compared the habitats with or without orchards and evaluated the contribution of orchards to the whole network connectivity and its three fractions (intra, flux and connector), and then analyzed the species that could benefit the most from the habitat supplement. We identified the important landscape elements for serving the prioritized conservation. The results showed that orchard-based conservation was an efficient way in maintaining the functional connectivity, which mainly contributed to the intrapatch connectivity and species dispersal flux. The value of orchard incorporation was strongly related with the dispersal ability of threatened species. Our findings indicated that the orchard conservation would be more valuable for species with relatively weak dispersal abilities. We showed the key patches and links that most contribute to uphold functional connectivity in the reserve network. We believe that the assessment based on habitat functional connectivity can effectively serve the practical guidelines of habitat conservation and management in urban areas.  相似文献   

Seascapes are complex environments, and populations are often isolated by factors other than distance. Here we investigate the role of coastal habitat preference and philopatry in shaping the distribution and population structure of lemon sharks. The genus Negaprion comprises the amphiatlantic lemon shark (N. brevirostris), with a relict population in the eastern Pacific, and its Indo‐West Pacific sister species, the sicklefin lemon shark (N. acutidens). Analyzing 138 individuals throughout the range of N. brevirostris (N = 80) and N. acutidens (N = 58) at microsatellite loci (nine and six loci, respectively) and the mitochondrial control region, we find evidence of allopatric speciation corresponding to the Tethys Sea closure (10–14 million years ago) and isolation of the eastern Pacific N. brevirostris population via the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama (~3.5 million years ago). There is significant isolation by oceanic distance (R2 = 0.89, P = 0.005), defined as the maximum distance travelled at depths greater than 200 m. We find no evidence for contemporary transatlantic gene flow (m, M = 0.00) across an oceanic distance of ~2400 km. Negaprion acutidens populations in Australia and French Polynesia, separated by oceanic distances of at least 750 km, are moderately differentiated (FST = 0.070–0.087, P≤ 0.001; ΦST = 0.00, P = 0.99), with South Pacific archipelagos probably serving as stepping stones for rare dispersal events. Migration between coastally linked N. brevirostris populations is indicated by nuclear (m = 0.31) but not mitochondrial (m < 0.001) analyses, possibly indicating female natal site fidelity. However, philopatry is equivocal in N. acutidens, which has the lowest control region diversity (h = 0.28) of any shark yet studied. Restricted oceanic dispersal and high coastal connectivity stress the importance of both local and international conservation efforts for these threatened sharks.  相似文献   

Nonreef habitats such as mangroves, seagrass, and macroalgal beds are important for foraging, spawning, and as nursery habitat for some coral reef fishes. The spatial configuration of nonreef habitats adjacent to coral reefs can therefore have a substantial influence on the distribution and composition of reef fish. We investigate how different habitats in a tropical seascape in the Philippines influence the presence, density, and biomass of coral reef fishes to understand the relative importance of different habitats across various spatial scales. A detailed seascape map generated from satellite imagery was combined with field surveys of fish and benthic habitat on coral reefs. We then compared the relative importance of local reef (within coral reef) and adjacent habitat (habitats in the surrounding seascape) variables for coral reef fishes. Overall, adjacent habitat variables were as important as local reef variables in explaining reef fish density and biomass, despite being fewer in number in final models. For adult and juvenile wrasses (Labridae), and juveniles of some parrotfish taxa (Chlorurus), adjacent habitat was more important in explaining fish density and biomass. Notably, wrasses were positively influenced by the amount of sand and macroalgae in the adjacent seascape. Adjacent habitat metrics with the highest relative importance were sand (positive), macroalgae (positive), and mangrove habitats (negative), and fish responses to these metrics were consistent across fish groups evaluated. The 500‐m spatial scale was selected most often in models for seascape variables. Local coral reef variables with the greatest importance were percent cover of live coral (positive), sand (negative), and macroalgae (mixed). Incorporating spatial metrics that describe the surrounding seascape will capture more holistic patterns of fish–habitat relationships on reefs. This is important in regions where protection of reef fish habitat is an integral part of fisheries management but where protection of nonreef habitats is often overlooked.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are linked by the movement of organisms across habitat boundaries and the arrangement of habitat patches can affect species abundance and composition. In tropical seascapes many coral reef fishes settle in adjacent habitats and undergo ontogenetic habitat shifts to coral reefs as they grow. Few studies have attempted to measure at what distances from nursery habitats these fish migrations (connectivity) cease to exist and how the abundance, biomass and proportion of nursery species change on coral reefs along distance gradients away from nursery areas. The present study examines seascape spatial arrangement, including distances between habitats, and its consequences on connectivity within a tropical seascape in Mozambique using a seascape ecology approach. Fish and habitat surveys were undertaken in 2016/2017 and a thematic habitat map was created in ArcGIS, where cover and distances between habitat patches were calculated. Distance to mangroves and seagrasses were significant predictors for abundance and biomass of most nursery species. The proportions of nursery species were highest in the south of the archipelago, where mangroves were present and decreased with distance to nurseries (mangroves and seagrasses). Some nursery species were absent on reef sites farthest from nursery habitats, at 80 km from mangroves and at 12 km from seagrass habitats. The proportion of nursery/non-nursery snapper and parrotfish species, as well as abundance and biomass of seagrass nursery species abruptly declined at 8 km from seagrass habitats, indicating a threshold distance at which migrations may cease. Additionally, reefs isolated by large stretches of sand and deep water had very low abundances of several nursery species despite being within moderate distances from nursery habitats. This highlights the importance of considering the matrix (sand and deep water) as barriers for fish migration.  相似文献   

1.  The challenge of climate change forces us to re-examine the assumptions underlying conservation planning.
2.  Increasing 'connectivity' has emerged as the most favoured option for conservation in the face of climate change.
3.  We argue that the importance of connectivity is being overemphasized: quantifying the benefits of connectivity per se is plagued with uncertainty, and connectivity can be co-incidentally improved by targeting more concrete metrics: habitat area and habitat quality.
4.   Synthesis and applications . Before investing in connectivity projects, conservation practitioners should analyse the benefits expected to arise from increasing connectivity and compare them with alternative investments, to ensure as much biodiversity conservation and resilience to climate change as possible within their budget. Strategies that we expect to remain robust in the face of climate change include maintaining and increasing the area of high quality habitats, prioritizing areas that have high environmental heterogeneity and controlling other anthropogenic threatening processes.  相似文献   

李宇亮  刘恒  陈克亮 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8346-8356
在提炼生态保护补偿概念内涵的基础上,综合考虑政策目标、海洋环境自然属性、自然保护区区域特殊性以及我国制度环境,明确了海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿的思路;根据相关法律法规,结合生态系统服务分析,对海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿机制的主体、客体和补偿标准进行了讨论。研究结果表明,海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿应该以持续的生态效益供给为目标,以正外部性内部化为基本原理;海洋自然保护区生态保护补偿的主体是国家,由相关政府部门代表国家履行补偿责任;补偿客体为保护区周边居民和保护区管理机构,对周边居民的补偿标准以其为保护区牺牲的生态效益价值来确定,对管理机构的补偿标准以其使保护区增加的生态效益价值来确定。在构建补偿机制框架后,探讨了保护区运营资金支持和补偿标准公信力等问题,为后续的研究实践提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

International treaties call for the protection of biodiversity in all its manifestations, including ecosystem and species diversities. The selection of most priority area networks focuses, however, primarily on species richness and occurrence. The effectiveness of this approach in capturing higher order manifestations of biodiversity, that is ecosystem and environmental diversity patterns, remains poorly understood. Using a case study of birds and environmental data from South Africa and Lesotho, we test how complementary networks that maximise species diversity perform with regard to their representation of ecosystem and environmental diversity, and vice versa. We compare these results to the performance of the existing reserve network. We conclude that focusing on any single biodiversity component alone is insufficient to protect other components. We offer explanations for this in terms of the autocorrelation of species diversity in environmental space.  相似文献   

As defaunation spreads through the world, there is an urgent need for restoring ecological interactions, thus assuring ecosystem processes. Here, we define the new concept of credit of ecological interactions, as the number of interactions that can be restored in a focal area by species colonization or reintroduction. We also define rewiring time, as the time span until all the links that build the credit of ecological interactions of a focal area have become functional again. We expect that the credit will be gradually cashed following refaunation in rates that are proportional to (1) the abundance of the reintroduced species (that is expected to increase in time since release), (2) the abundance of the local species that interact with them, and (3) the traits of reintroduced species. We illustrated this approach using a theoretical model and an empirical case study where the credit of ecological interactions was estimated. This new conceptual framework is useful for setting reintroduction priorities and for evaluating the success of conservation initiatives that aim to restore ecosystem services.  相似文献   

近海海洋生态连通性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态连通性是空间生态学和保护生物学的重要概念和研究手段。国外越来越多的研究表明,开展近海海洋生态连通性研究对促进海洋生态系统保护和修复具有十分重要的现实意义。阐述了近海海洋生态连通性的概念与机制,回顾了目前近海海洋连通性的研究进展并分析了存在的问题,总结了近海海洋生态连通性研究的框架和具体方法,最后提出我国开展近海海洋生态连通性研究的建议,以期对今后国内开展海洋生态连通性相关研究工作有所启示。  相似文献   

The Hondo River is the natural border between Mexico and Belize, and it is part of the distribution area of the Endangered Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus manatus. Currently, the Hondo River does not have any special protection. Employing qualitative research methods, we documented the social perception and local knowledge from riverside communities to assess conservation status and trends of manatees in the area. Fifty semi-structured interviews were carried out to river users in 16 Mexican communities, distributed in six segments along the riverbed. The claims of the inhabitants agree with boat-based surveys: most of the current and historical manatee sightings were reported in segments of the main watercourses, but also in small tributaries, which are usually shallow and rich in aquatic vegetation. Additionally, the local perception about manatee conservation status can be helpful to understand population trends and threats: 48 % of the interviewees claimed that nowadays the number of sighted manatees is less than that observed 10 years ago. The responders identified water pollution due to cane cultivation practices, motorized vessels traffic, and presence of fishing nets as potential threats to manatees. This study provides evidence of relevant local knowledge about the manatee ecology and its habitat, critical in the construction of binational conservation strategies for the species. Therefore, local resources users may play an increasingly significant role in manatee management and monitoring. Although manatees are poached for their meat in several areas of their distribution, the most common value attributed to manatees in Hondo River was non-use existence values. Local people recognize the challenges to observe this cryptic species in this river, but also identified manatees as potential flag species, suggesting that it may represent a valuable resource for ecotourism. We suggest that the non-extractive use of manatees has the potential for promoting species conservation and local economic growth.  相似文献   

Summary  A framework is presented for terrestrial conservation assessment that has been developed for Bush Heritage, an Australian non-profit organisation that manages land of outstanding conservation value through acquisition or working in partnership with other landowners. The framework is called Biodiversity Prediction using Ecological Processes and comprises seven conservation goals, with a set of candidate criteria and indicators for each goal. Particular emphasis is given to criteria that relate to habitat quality in addition to the more conventional focus on land quantity. The MCAS-S graphic user interface is used to help analyse the indicators and visualise the results in a transparent way that assists the decision-making process. The interface also allows indicators to be weighted differently, which among other things, allows analyses to reflect inter-regional differences in what represents high quality land. The framework was tested in a case study region (the Woodland region of south-eastern Australia), and the results reveal land that is potentially a priority for conservation investments. While the framework and case study results are indicative, and further analyses are required before they can be considered operational, the approach has potential application to other organisations in the private conservation sector.  相似文献   

A global synthesis of plant extinction rates in urban areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant extinctions from urban areas are a growing threat to biodiversity worldwide. To minimize this threat, it is critical to understand what factors are influencing plant extinction rates. We compiled plant extinction rate data for 22 cities around the world. Two-thirds of the variation in plant extinction rates was explained by a combination of the city's historical development and the current proportion of native vegetation, with the former explaining the greatest variability. As a single variable, the amount of native vegetation remaining also influenced extinction rates, particularly in cities > 200 years old. Our study demonstrates that the legacies of landscape transformations by agrarian and urban development last for hundreds of years, and modern cities potentially carry a large extinction debt. This finding highlights the importance of preserving native vegetation in urban areas and the need for mitigation to minimize potential plant extinctions in the future.  相似文献   

Farmland birds belong to the most endangered group of vertebrates in Europe. They are an important component of farmland biodiversity considering the numerous functions they perform (e.g. seed dispersal, improving germination, increasing gene flow, nutrient recycling, and pest control). Therefore, their decline imposes substantial risks on agricultural ecosystems. In general, farmland bird conservation includes land-use and management alterations leading to less-intensive farming and land-sparing for breeding habitats (e.g. agri-environment-climate schemes, and organic farming). However, theoretical concepts describing farmland biodiversity maintenance and applied conservation measures usually ignore the role of singular, often very small, natural or man-made elements in an agricultural landscape. These elements play a role in the populations of certain species, their biology and in the general species richness of farmland. Furthermore, the importance of these elements has never been empirically tested, which means that conservationists and practitioners are not aware of their measurable value for birds. Herein, we define and identify singular point elements in the agricultural landscape (SPELs) which are potentially important for breeding farmland birds. We also describe each SPEL and evaluate its importance for birds in farmland based on a systematic review of the available literature. Using a horizon-scanning technique, we then polled field ornithologists about their personal observations of birds in relation to SPELs and the evaluation of the potential roles of such structures for birds. We identified 17 SPELs that vary in naturalness and age: singular trees, singular shrubs, erratic boulders, puddles, electricity pylons, wind turbines, spiritual sites, hunting platforms, fence and border posts, wells, road signs, scarecrows, piles of manure, piles of brushwood/branches, piles of stones/debris, piles of lime, and haystacks. Analysis of the literature revealed knowledge gaps, because some SPELs are frequently mentioned in ecological studies (e.g. trees, shrubs, pylons), but others such as spiritual sites, stones, hunting platforms, wells, road signs, or piles of lime are ignored. Despite the fact that some authors incorporate the effects of some SPELs in their studies, little research to date has aimed to assess the impact of various SPELs on farmland bird species numbers and distribution. Horizon scanning revealed that ornithologists often observe birds on various SPELs and thus, attribute to SPELs many functions that are important for maintaining bird populations. Horizon scanning also highlighted the importance of SPELs for many declining bird species and suggested possible mitigation of negative changes in the agricultural landscape by retaining SPELs within fields. We suggest that a better understanding of the role of SPELs for farmland birds is required. We also recommend that SPELs are considered as a potential tool for the conservation of birds, and existing conservation programs such as agri-environment-climate schemes and organic farming should be updated accordingly. Finally, we suggest that SPELs are included in predictive models that evaluate habitat suitability for farmland biodiversity.  相似文献   

运用系统保护规划方法,进行了黄淮海地区湿地生态系统保护多预案分析研究.研究中以集水区为保护规划单元,综合考虑河流湿地生态系统、非河流湿地生态系统、保护物种、地下水等生物信息和路网、居民分布、水坝等社会经济信息,以及已有湿地保护区信息,以二维(2D)连接性(横向连接性、纵向连接性)和三维(3D)连接性(横向连接性、纵向连接性、垂向连接性)为原则,模拟研究了不同保护目标和不同保护格局聚集性的湿地保护预案.结果表明:基于2D连接性的研究,对河流湿地、非河流湿地和物种设定30%的保护目标,选取边界长度调节(BLM)值为0.36的保护格局聚集性,以此得到的保护方案相对合理;而基于3D连接性时,对河流湿地、非河流湿地和保护物种设定30%的保护目标,地下水设定55%的保护目标,选取0.06边界长度调节值的保护格局聚集性,得到的保护方案相对合理;基于3D连接性保护方案的效率要比基于2D连接性的高.对于严重缺水的黄淮海地区来说,3D连接性的考虑不仅必要,而且可行,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

Characterizing patterns of larval dispersal is essential to understanding the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of marine metapopulations. Recent research has measured local dispersal within populations, but the development of marine dispersal kernels from empirical data remains a challenge. We propose a framework to move beyond point estimates of dispersal towards the approximation of a simple dispersal kernel, based on the hypothesis that the structure of the seascape is a primary predictor of realized dispersal patterns. Using the coral reef fish Elacatinus lori as a study organism, we use genetic parentage analysis to estimate self‐recruitment at a small spatial scale (<1 km). Next, we determine which simple kernel explains the observed self‐recruitment, given the influx of larvae from reef habitat patches in the seascape at a large spatial scale (up to 35 km). Finally, we complete parentage analyses at six additional sites to test for export from the focal site and compare these observed dispersal data within the metapopulation to the predicted dispersal kernel. We find 4.6% self‐recruitment (CI95%: ±3.0%) in the focal population, which is explained by the exponential kernel y = 0.915x (CI95%: y = 0.865x, y = 0.965x), given the seascape. Additional parentage analyses showed low levels of export to nearby sites, and the best‐fit line through the observed dispersal proportions also revealed a declining function y = 0.77x. This study lends direct support to the hypothesis that the probability of larval dispersal declines rapidly with distance in Atlantic gobies in continuously distributed habitat, just as it does in the Indo‐Pacific damselfishes in patchily distributed habitat.  相似文献   

Undertaking climate vulnerability assessments (CVAs) on marine fisheries is instrumental to the identification of regions, species, and stakeholders at risk of impacts from climate change, and the development of effective and targeted responses for fisheries adaptation. In this global literature review, we addressed three important questions to characterize fisheries CVAs: (i) what are the available approaches to develop CVAs in various social–ecological contexts, (ii) are different geographic scales and regions adequately represented, and (iii) how do diverse knowledge systems contribute to current understanding of vulnerability? As part of these general research efforts, we identified and characterized an inventory of frameworks and indicators that encompass a wide range of foci on ecological and socioeconomic dimensions of climate vulnerability on fisheries. Our analysis highlighted a large gap between countries with top research inputs and the most urgent adaptation needs. More research and resources are needed in low-income tropical countries to ensure existing inequities are not exacerbated. We also identified an uneven research focus across spatial scales and cautioned a possible scale mismatch between assessment and management needs. Drawing on this information, we catalog (1) a suite of research directions that could improve the utility and applicability of CVAs, particularly the examination of barriers and enabling conditions that influence the uptake of CVA results into management responses at multiple levels, (2) the lessons that have been learned from applications in data-limited regions, particularly the use of proxy indicators and knowledge co-production to overcome the problem of data deficiency, and (3) opportunities for wider applications, for example diversifying the use of vulnerability indicators in broader monitoring and management schemes. This information is used to provide a set of recommendations that could advance meaningful CVA practices for fisheries management and promote effective translation of climate vulnerability into adaptation actions.  相似文献   

杨海乐  陈家宽 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4537-4555
集合生态系统(meta-ecosystem)由法国的Loreau教授等于2003年提出,是指"由跨生态系统边界的物质流、能量流和生物体流所连接起来的一系列生态系统的集合",是对只关注生物体(organism)迁移交换的集合种群(meta-population)和集合群落(meta-community)概念的外推,也是为了给生态系统空间异质性研究提供一个重要的分析路径,对研究和理解生态系统的结构、过程、功能和异质性具有重要意义。通过对相关文献的梳理分析,简述了集合生态系统研究的基本状况,分析了对集合生态系统概念的狭义和广义两种理解,指出了探讨集合生态系统结构的两个方向,构建了分析集合生态系统研究的六维整体框架,综述了研究集合生态系统的两类方法,探讨了经验化的集合生态系统(empirical meta-ecosystem)的3种空间结构和两种构建路径。将集合生态系统概念和理论引入流域复合生态系统(integrated watershed ecosystem)的分析,为流域生态学研究提供新的概念框架。  相似文献   

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