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We have examined patterns of variation of several kinds of molecular markers (isozymes, RFLPs of ribosomal DNA and anonymous low-copy number DNA, RAPDs and microsatellites) and an adaptive trait [date of bud set in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)]. The study included Finnish Scots pine populations (from latitude 60°N to 70°N) which experience a steep climatic gradient. Common garden experiments show that these populations are adapted to the location of their origin and genetically differentiated in adaptive quantitative traits, e.g. the date of bud set in first-year seedlings. In the northernmost population, bud set took place about 21 days earlier than in the southernmost population. Of the total variation in bud set, 36.4% was found among the populations. All molecular markers showed high levels of within-population variation, while differentiation among populations was low. Among all the studied markers, microsatellites were the most variable (He=0.77). Differences between populations were small, GST was less than 0.02. Our study suggests that molecular markers may be poor predictors of the population differentiation of quantitative traits in Scots pine, as exemplified here by bud-set date.  相似文献   

1. Coleoptera species show considerable diversity in life histories and ecological strategies, which makes possible their wide distribution in freshwater habitats, including highly stressed ones such as saline or temporary waterbodies. Explaining how particular combinations of traits allow species to occupy distinctive habitats is a central question in ecology. 2. A total of 212 sites, sampled over a wide range of inland aquatic habitats in the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula, yielded 272 species belonging to 68 genera and 11 families. The affinities of genera for 11 biological and 11 ecological traits, gathered from literature and the authors’ own expertise, were used to assess the degree of congruence between taxonomic, biological and ecological traits. 3. Taxonomic richness was significantly related to the number of both biological and ecological trait categories, with the richest families also showing the highest functional and ecological diversity. A fuzzy correspondence analysis performed on the abundance‐weighed array of biological traits separated genera according to categories of diet, feeding habits, respiration, reproduction and locomotion. A similar analysis of ecological traits revealed that preferences related to longitudinal distribution (headwater to mouth), local habitat and current velocity best discriminated genera. At the family level, there was a distinctive functional grouping of genera based on biological traits. Only Elmidae showed noticeable homogeneity across genera for both biological and ecological traits. 4. Co‐inertia analysis demonstrated a significant match between biological and ecological traits (Rv‐correlation = 0.35, P < 0.001). Elmidae genera displayed the highest concordance, whereas Hydraenidae demonstrated the lowest. 5. These results indicate that the predominance of habitat filtering processes in headwater streams yields biological trait conservatism (as shown by Elmidae genera), as well as trait convergence for some specific traits (for instance, respiration) among certain Dytiscidae genera and other typical rheophilic taxa, whereas other biotic factors, such as competition among species, appear more prominent in less stressed habitats. Further knowledge of traits, especially regarding physiological capabilities, is needed to better understand water beetle life history strategies.  相似文献   

  • One of the most important threats to peatland ecosystems is drainage, resulting in encroachment of woody species. Our main aim was to check which features – overstorey or understorey vegetation – are more important for shaping the seedling bank of pioneer trees colonising peatlands (Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens). We hypothesised that tree stand parameters will be more important predictors of natural regeneration density than understorey vegetation parameters, and the former will be negatively correlated with species diversity and richness and also with functional richness and functional dispersion, which indicate a high level of habitat filtering.
  • The study was conducted in the ‘Zielone Bagna’ nature reserve (NW Poland). We assessed the structure of tree stands and natural regeneration (of B. pubescens and P. sylvestris) and vegetation species composition. Random forest and DCA were applied to assess relationships between variables studied.
  • Understorey vegetation traits affected tree seedling density (up to 0.5‐m height) more than tree stand traits. Density of older seedlings depended more on tree stand traits. We did not find statistically significant relationships between natural regeneration densities and functional diversity components, except for functional richness, which was positively correlated with density of the youngest tree seedlings.
  • Seedling densities were higher in plots with lower functional dispersion and functional divergence, which indicated that habitat filtering is more important than competition. Presence of an abundant seedling bank is crucial for the process of woody species encroachment on drained peatlands, thus its dynamics should be monitored in protected areas.

The proximate functions of animal skin colour are difficult to assign as they can result from natural selection, sexual selection or neutral evolution under genetic drift. Most often colour patterns are thought to signal visual stimuli; so,their presence in subterranean taxa is perplexing. We evaluate the adaptive nature of colour patterns in nearly a third of all known species of caecilians, an order of amphibians most of which live in tropical soils and leaf litter. We found that certain colour pattern elements in caecilians can be explained based on characteristics concerning above-ground movement. Our study implies that certain caecilian colour patterns have convergently evolved under selection and we hypothesize their function most likely to be a synergy of aposematism and crypsis, related to periods when individuals move overground. In a wider context, our results suggest that very little exposure to daylight is required to evolve and maintain a varied array of colour patterns in animal skin.  相似文献   

Prevalence of parasites in wild animals may follow ecogeographic patterns, under the influence of climatic factors and macroecological features. One of the largest scale biological patterns on Earth is the latitudinal diversity gradient; however, latitudinal gradients may also exist regarding the frequency of interspecific interactions such as the prevalence of parasitism in host populations. Dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) are hosts of a wide range of ecto- and endoparasites, interactions that can be affected by environmental factors that shape their occurrence and distribution, such as climatic variation, ultraviolet radiation and vegetation structure. Here, we retrieved data from the literature on parasites of Odonata, represented by 90 populations infected by ectoparasites (water mites) and 117 populations infected by endoparasites (intestinal gregarines). To test whether there is a latitudinal and bioclimatic gradient in the prevalence of water mites and gregarines parasitizing Odonata, we applied Bayesian phylogenetic comparative models. We found that prevalence of ectoparasites was partially associated with latitude, showing the opposite pattern from our expectations – prevalence was reduced at lower latitudes. Prevalence of endoparasites was not affected by latitude. While prevalence of water mites was also positively associated with vegetation biomass and climatic stability, we found no evidence of the effect of bioclimatic variables on the prevalence of gregarines. Our study suggests that infection by ectoparasites of dragonflies and damselflies is driven by latitudinal and bioclimatic variables. We add evidence of the role of global-scale biological patterns in shaping biodiversity, suggesting that parasitic organisms may prove reliable sources of information about climate change and its impact on ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Cavefishes represent one of the most bizarre and intriguing life forms inhabiting groundwater environments. One‐third of the known cavefishes worldwide is endemic to China, and almost half of those belongs to a single genus, Sinocyclocheilus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Analyzing the morphometrics of three Sinocyclocheilus species, we aimed to assess whether variability among conspecific populations exists. We predict that populations inhabiting different subterranean habitats (shallow vs. deep) show divergences in specific morphological traits to better cope with the local ecological conditions. Our results showed that the populations showing bigger eyes and reduced humpback were those occurring close to the cave entrance (habitats with light and high food availability), while specimens with smaller eyes and increased humpback were collected from deeper groundwater areas (habitats laying in darkness with food scarcity). This explorative study paves the way for further researches aiming to collect novel data on Chinese cavefishes and highlights the usefulness of these species in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Deletions in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have long been suspected to be involved in mammalian aging, but their role remains controversial. Recent research has demonstrated that relatively higher levels of mtDNA deletions correlate with premature aging in mtDNA mutator mice, which led to the conclusion that premature aging in these mice is driven by mtDNA deletions. However, it is reported here that the absolute level of deletions in mutator mice is quite low, especially when compared with the level of point mutations in these mice. It is thus argued that the available data are insufficient to conclude that mtDNA mutations drive premature aging in mtDNA mutator mice. It remains possible that clonal expansion of mtDNA deletions may result in sufficiently high levels to play a role in age-related dysfunction in some cells, but assessing this possibility will require studies of the distribution of these deletions among different cell types and in individual cells.  相似文献   

Do infectious diseases drive MHC diversity?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The primary function of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is to allow the immune system to identify infectious pathogens and eliminate them. Infectious diseases are now thought to be the main selection force that drives and maintains the extraordinary diversity of the MHC.  相似文献   

Razgour O  Korine C  Saltz D 《Oecologia》2011,167(2):493-502
Bodies of water are a key foraging habitat for insectivorous bats. Since water is a scarce and limiting resource in arid environments, bodies of open water may have a structuring effect on desert bat communities, resulting in temporal or spatial partitioning of bat activity. Using acoustic monitoring, we studied the spatial and temporal activity patterns of insectivorous bats over desert ponds, and hypothesised that sympatric bat species partition the foraging space above ponds based on interspecific competitive interactions. We used indirect measures of competition (niche overlap and competition coefficients from the regression method) and tested for differences in pond habitat selection and peak activity time over ponds. We examined the effect of changes in the activity of bat species on their potential competitors. We found that interspecific competition affects bat community structure and activity patterns. Competing species partitioned their use of ponds spatially, whereby each species was associated with different pond size and hydroperiod (the number of months a pond holds water) categories, as well as temporally, whereby their activity peaked at different hours of the night. The drying out of temporary ponds increased temporal partitioning over permanent ponds. Differences in the activity of species over ponds in response to the presence or absence of their competitors lend further support to the role of interspecific competition in structuring desert bat communities. We suggest that habitat use and night activity pattern of insectivorous bats in arid environments reflect the trade-offs between selection of preferred pond type or activity time and constraints posed by competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that influence population connectivity and the spatial distribution of genetic variation is a major goal in molecular ecology. Improvements in the availability of high-resolution geographic data have made it increasingly possible to quantify the effects of landscape features on dispersal and genetic structure. However, most studies examining such landscape effects have been conducted at very fine (e.g. landscape genetics) or broad (e.g. phylogeography) spatial scales. Thus, the extent to which processes operating at fine spatial scales are linked to patterns at larger scales remains unclear. Here, we test whether factors impacting wood frog dispersal at fine spatial scales are correlated with genetic structure at regional scales. Using recently developed methods borrowed from electrical circuit theory, we generated landscape resistance matrices among wood frog populations in eastern North America based on slope, a wetness index, land cover and absolute barriers to wood frog dispersal. We then determined whether these matrices are correlated with genetic structure based on six microsatellite markers and whether such correlations outperform a landscape-free model of isolation by resistance. We observed significant genetic structure at regional spatial scales. However, topography and landscape variables associated with the intervening habitat between sites provide little explanation for patterns of genetic structure. Instead, absolute dispersal barriers appear to be the best predictor of regional genetic structure in this species. Our results suggest that landscape variables that influence dispersal, microhabitat selection and population structure at fine spatial scales do not necessarily explain patterns of genetic structure at broader scales.  相似文献   

Do changes in rainfall patterns affect semiarid annual plant communities?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Question: Climate change models forecast a reduction in annual precipitation and more extreme events (less rainy days and longer drought periods between rainfall events), which may have profound effects on terrestrial ecosystems. Plant growth, population and community dynamics in dry environments are likely to be affected by these changes since productivity is already limited by water availability. We tested the effects of reduced precipitation and fewer rain events on three semiarid plant communities dominated by annual species. Location: Three semiarid plant communities from Almería province (SE Spain). Methods: Rain‐out shelters were set up in each community and watering quantity and frequency were manipulated from autumn to early summer. Plant productivity, cover and diversity were measured at the end of the experimental period. Results: We found that a 50% reduction in watering reduced productivity, plant cover and diversity in all three communities. However, neither the 25% reduction in watering nor changes in the frequency of watering events affected these parameters. Conclusions: The lack of response to small reductions in water could be due to the identity and resistance of the plant communities involved, which are adapted to rainfall variability characteristic of arid environments. Therefore, a rainfall reduction of 25% or less may not affect these plant communities in the short term, although higher reductions or long‐term changes in water availability would probably reduce productivity and diversity in these communities.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating, known as polyandry, is ubiquitous and occurs in a wide variety of taxa. Polyandry varies greatly from species in which females mate with one or two males in their lifetime to species in which females may mate with several different males on the same day. As multiple mating by females is associated with costs, numerous hypotheses attempt to explain this phenomenon. One hypothesis not extensively explored is the possibility that polyandrous behavior is captured and “fixed” in populations via genetic processes that preserve the behavior independently of any adaptive benefit of polyandry. Here, we use female isolines derived from populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura from three locations in North America to examine whether different female remating levels are associated with patterns of chromosome inversions, which may explain patterns of polyandry across the geographic range. Populations differed with respect to the frequency of polyandry and the presence of inversion polymorphisms on the third chromosome. The population with the lowest level of female remating was the only one that was entirely comprised of homokaryotypic lines, but the small number of populations prevented us investigating this relationship further at a population level. However, we found no strong relationship between female remating levels and specific karyotypes of the various isolines.  相似文献   

A reverence for ancestors that has pre-occupied humans since time immemorial persists to the present. Reconstructing ancestry is the focus of many biological studies but failure to distinguish between present-day descendants and long-dead ancestors has led to incorrect interpretation of phylogenetic trees. This has resulted in erroneous reconstruction of traits such as morphology and ancestral areas. Misinterpretation becomes evident when authors use the terms 'basal' or 'early diverging' to refer to extant taxa. Here, we discuss the correct interpretation of trees and methods for reconstructing the ancestral features of organisms using recently developed statistical models. These models can be inaccurate unless they use information that is independent of phylogenies, such as genetics, molecular and developmental biology, functional morphology, geological and climatic processes, and the fossil record.  相似文献   

The plasmodesmal (PD) network in the cambial zone of Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls was analysed using electron microscopy and dye-coupling studies and compared to those of internodes of Populus nigra and Solanum lycopersicum. In all species, PD densities and frequencies undergo alterations in topologically successive cambial walls reflecting species-specific patterns of PD degradation and PD insertion during cell development. Longitudinal PD fission is responsible for an abrupt increment of PD numbers in specific walls of the youngest derivatives at the xylem and/or phloem side. Here, PDs seem to mediate positional signalling to control tissue fate and early cell determination. PD numbers at all cambial interfaces of A. thaliana correspond to those of the herbaceous tomato, but are higher with the woody poplar. This suggests a positive correlation between PD frequencies and the rapidity of cell division activity. Photoactivated green fluorescent protein (26 kDa) did not diffuse through cambial PDs of A. thaliana. This is in keeping with the common size exclusion limit (SEL) of 8–10 kDa observed for PDs at the youngest interfaces of tomato and poplar which may mediate diffusive exchange of developmental signals of equal molecular size. The regular growth patterns in internodal cambial zones of poplar and tomato result from synchronized cell division activity of neighbouring initials. A. thaliana hypocotyls have an irregular mode of secondary growth. Here, signalling through PDs in misaligned radial walls between non-homologous derivatives may control tissue development. The observed organizational differences between the cambia cast doubts on the suitability of A. thaliana as a model plant for cambial research.  相似文献   

Among birds, northern temperate species generally have larger clutches, shorter development periods and lower adult survival than similarly‐sized southern and tropical species. Even though this global pattern is well accepted, the driving mechanism is still not fully understood. The main theories are founded on the differing environmental seasonality of these zones (higher seasonality in the North). These patterns arise in cross‐species comparisons, but we hypothesized that the same patterns should arise among populations within a species if different types of seasonality select for different life histories. Few studies have examined this. We estimated survival of an azonal habitat specialist, the African reed warbler, across the environmentally diverse African subcontinent, and related survival to latitude and to the seasonality of the different environments of their breeding habitats. Data (1998–2010) collected through a public ringing scheme were analyzed with hierarchical capture‐mark‐recapture models to determine resident adult survival and its spatial variance across sixteen vegetation units spread across four biomes. The models were defined as state‐space multi‐state models to account for transience and implemented in a Bayesian framework. We did not find a latitudinal trend in survival or a clear link between seasonality and survival. Spatial variation in survival was substantial across the sixteen sites (spatial standard deviation of the logit mean survival: 0.70, 95% credible interval (CRI): 0.33–1.27). Mean site survival ranged from 0.49 (95% CRI: 0.18–0.80) to 0.83 (95% CRI: 0.62–0.97) with an overall mean of 0.67 (95% CRI: 0.47–0.85). A hierarchical modeling approach enabled us to estimate spatial variation in survival of the African reed warbler across the African subcontinent from sparse data. Although we could not confirm the global pattern of higher survival in less seasonal environments, our findings from a poorly studied region contribute to the study of life‐history strategies.  相似文献   

The breakdown of species integrity was studied in three sympatricSatyrium (Orchidaceae) species at a site in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Hybrids with intermediate morphology were identified using multivariate analysis.Satyrium erectum ×S. bicorne andS. erectum ×S. coriifolium hybrids were common, while only oneS. bicorne ×S. coriifolium hybrid was found (a new record). Reciprocal artificial crossing experiments confirmed that genetic compatibility exists between all three species. However, the species have different pollinators: moths inS. bicorne, bees inS. erectum and sunbirds inS. coriifolium. Pollinators, rather than genetic factors, therefore, appear to be responsible for reproductive isolation between these species. Breakdown in pollinator specificity results in interspecific pollen transfer and the formation of hybrids. Overlap in floral signals, including nocturnal scent in bothS. erectum andS. bicorne, and bright coloration in bothS. erectum andS. coriifolium, facilitates the formation of hybrids between these species pairs. The brown, scented flowers ofS. bicorne, on the other hand, share no obvious floral signals with the bright orange, unscented flowers ofS. coriifolium, accounting for the rarity of hybrids between this species pair. Differences in floral morphology also result in mechanical isolation between these two species. Since the three species are sympatric in a very small part of their geographic ranges, it is unlikely that avoidance of hybridization has been an important selective factor in the evolution of specialized pollination systems.  相似文献   

The frequency and outcome of biotic interactions commonly vary with environmental conditions, even without changes to community composition. Yet the drivers of such environmentally-mediated change in biotic interactions are poorly understood, limiting our ability to predict how environmental change will impact communities. Studying nectar robbery by stingless bees of Odontonema cuspidatum (Acanthaceae) in a coffee agroecosystem, we documented a temporally consistent difference in nectar robbing intensity between anthropogenic and seminatural habitats. Plants growing in coffee fields (anthropogenic habitat) experienced significantly more nectar robbery than plants growing in forest fragments (seminatural habitat). Using a combination of field surveys and manipulative experiments, we found that nectar robbery was higher in coffee fields primarily due to environmental effects on a) neighborhood floral context and b) O. cuspidatum floral traits. This led to both preferential foraging by nectar robbers in coffee fields, and to changes in foraging behavior on O. cuspidatum that increased robbery. Nectar robbery significantly reduced fruit set in O. cuspidatum. These results suggest that the effects of anthropogenic environmental change on species traits may be more important than its effect on species density in determining how interaction frequency and outcome are affected by such environmental change.  相似文献   

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