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Detection and avoidance of predator cues can be costly, so it is important for prey to balance the benefits of gaining food against the costs of avoiding predators. Balancing these factors becomes more complicated when prey are threatened by more than one type of predator. Hence, the ability to recognize species‐specific predator odours and prioritize behaviours according to the level of risk is essential for survival. We investigated how rock rats, Zyzomys spp. modify their foraging behaviour and giving‐up density (GUD) in the presence of an apex predator, the dingo Canis dingo, a mesopredator, the northern quoll Dasyurus hallucatus, a herbivore, the rock wallaby Petrogale brachyotis as a pungency control and water as a procedural control. Both dingoes and quolls consume rock rats, but because quolls can enter small crevices inhabited by rock rats, they pose a greater threat to rock rats than dingoes. Rock rats demonstrated a stronger avoidance to quoll odour than dingo odour, and no avoidance of the pungency control (rock wallaby) and the procedural control (water). GUD values declined significantly over the duration of the study, but did not differ between odour treatments. Our results support the hypothesis that prey vary behaviour according to perceived predator threat, and show stronger responses to potentially more dangerous predators.  相似文献   

Disruption to species-interaction networks caused by irruptions of herbivores and mesopredators following extirpation of apex predators is a global driver of ecosystem reorganization and biodiversity loss. Most studies of apex predators'' ecological roles focus on effects arising from their interactions with herbivores or mesopredators in isolation, but rarely consider how the effects of herbivores and mesopredators interact. Here, we provide evidence that multiple cascade pathways induced by lethal control of an apex predator, the dingo, drive unintended shifts in forest ecosystem structure. We compared mammal assemblages and understorey structure at seven sites in southern Australia. Each site comprised an area where dingoes were poisoned and an area without control. The effects of dingo control on mammals scaled with body size. Activity of herbivorous macropods, arboreal mammals and a mesopredator, the red fox, were greater, but understorey vegetation sparser and abundances of small mammals lower, where dingoes were controlled. Structural equation modelling suggested that both predation by foxes and depletion of understorey vegetation by macropods were related to small mammal decline at poisoned sites. Our study suggests that apex predators’ suppressive effects on herbivores and mesopredators occur simultaneously and should be considered in tandem in order to appreciate the extent of apex predators’ indirect effects.  相似文献   

Placoderms are a diverse group of armoured fishes that dominated the aquatic ecosystems of the Devonian Period, 415-360 million years ago. The bladed jaws of predators such as Dunkleosteus suggest that these animals were the first vertebrates to use rapid mouth opening and a powerful bite to capture and fragment evasive prey items prior to ingestion. Here, we develop a biomechanical model of force and motion during feeding in Dunkleosteus terrelli that reveals a highly kinetic skull driven by a unique four-bar linkage mechanism. The linkage system has a high-speed transmission for jaw opening, producing a rapid expansion phase similar to modern fishes that use suction during prey capture. Jaw closing muscles power an extraordinarily strong bite, with an estimated maximal bite force of over 4400 N at the jaw tip and more than 5300 N at the rear dental plates, for a large individual (6 m in total length). This bite force capability is the greatest of all living or fossil fishes and is among the most powerful bites in animals.  相似文献   

Most research on the effects of exposure to stressful stimuli during embryonic development has focused on post-embryonic behaviour that appears to be abnormal or maladaptive. Here, we tested whether exposure to some stressful stimuli (predatory cues) can lead to post-embryonic behaviour that is adaptive. When eggs of ringed salamanders (Ambystoma annulatum) were exposed to chemical cues from predators, post-hatching larvae showed reduced activity and greater shelter-seeking behaviour; larvae that had been exposed to control cues did not show these behaviours. In addition, wood frog (Rana sylvatica)tadpoles learned to respond to chemical cues from unfamiliar predators with danger based on embryonic conditioning. Therefore, if embryonic experience is a good predictor of future risk, learning associated with exposure to negative stimuli during development may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Dispersal dynamics have significant consequences for ecological and evolutionary processes. Previous work has demonstrated that dispersal can be context-dependent. However, factors affecting dispersal are typically considered in isolation, despite the probability that individuals make dispersal decisions in response to multiple, possibly interacting factors. We examined whether two ecological factors, predation risk and intraspecific competition, have interactive effects on dispersal dynamics. We performed a factorial experiment in mesocosms using backswimmers (Notonecta undulata), flight-capable, semi-aquatic insects. Emigration rates increased with density, and increased with predation risk at intermediate densities; however, predation had minimal effects on emigration at high and low densities. Our results indicate that factorial experiments may be required to understand dispersal dynamics under realistic ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Colman et al. (2014 Proc. R. Soc. B 281, 20133094. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.3094)) recently argued that observed positive relationships between dingoes and small mammals were a result of top-down processes whereby lethal dingo control reduced dingoes and increased mesopredators and herbivores, which then suppressed small mammals. Here, I show that the prerequisite negative effects of dingo control on dingoes were not shown, and that the same positive relationships observed may simply represent well-known bottom-up processes whereby more generalist predators are found in places with more of their preferred prey. Identification of top-predator control-induced trophic cascades first requires demonstration of some actual effect of control on predators, typically possible only through manipulative experiments with the ability to identify cause and effect.  相似文献   

A small or sparse population may suffer a reduction in fitness owing to Allee effects. Here, we explored effects of plant density on pollination, reproduction and predation in the alpine herb Pedicularis rex over two years. We did not detect a significant difference in the pollination rate or fecundity (fruit set and the initial seed set) before predation between sparse and dense patches in either year, indicating no pollination-driven Allee effect. However, dense patches experienced significantly fewer attacks by predispersal seed predators in both years, resulting in a significantly decreased realized fecundity (final seed set), suggesting a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation. Predation-driven Allee effects have been predicted by many models and demonstrated for a range of animals, but there is scant evidence for such effects in plants. Our study provides strong evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predation in a plant species.  相似文献   

Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism have long been of interest in population and evolutionary ecology, but consequences for communities and ecosystems remain untested. Sex ratio could influence ecological conditions whenever sexual dimorphism is associated with ecological dimorphism in species with strong ecological interactions. We tested for ecological implications of sex ratio variation in the sexually dimorphic western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. This species causes strong pelagic trophic cascades and exhibits substantial variation in adult sex ratios. We found that female-biased populations induced stronger pelagic trophic cascades compared with male-biased populations, causing larger changes to key community and ecosystem responses, including zooplankton abundance, phytoplankton abundance, productivity, pH and temperature. The magnitude of such effects indicates that sex ratio is important for mediating the ecological role of mosquitofish. Because both sex ratio variation and sexual dimorphism are common features of natural populations, our findings should encourage broader consideration of the ecological significance of sex ratio variation in nature, including the relative contributions of various sexually dimorphic traits to these effects.  相似文献   

Size-structured predator–prey interactions can be altered by the history of exploitation, if that exploitation is itself size-selective. For example, selective harvesting of larger sized predators can release prey populations in cases where only large individuals are capable of consuming a particular prey species. In this study, we examined how the history of exploitation and recovery (inside marine reserves and due to fisheries management) of California sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher) has affected size-structured interactions with sea urchin prey in southern California. We show that fishing changes size structure by reducing sizes and alters life histories of sheephead, while management measures that lessen or remove fishing impacts (e.g. marine reserves, effort restrictions) reverse these effects and result in increases in density, size and biomass. We show that predation on sea urchins is size-dependent, such that the diet of larger sheephead is composed of more and larger sized urchins than the diet of smaller fish. These results have implications for kelp forest resilience, because urchins can overgraze kelp in the absence of top-down control. From surveys in a network of marine reserves, we report negative relationships between the abundance of sheephead and urchins and the abundance of urchins and fleshy macroalgae (including giant kelp), indicating the potential for cascading indirect positive effects of top predators on the abundance of primary producers. Management measures such as increased minimum size limits and marine reserves may serve to restore historical trophic roles of key predators and thereby enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Detailing the genetic basis of adaptive variation in natural populations is a first step towards understanding the process of adaptive evolution, yet few ecologically relevant traits have been characterized at the genetic level in wild populations. Traits that mediate coevolutionary interactions between species are ideal for studying adaptation because of the intensity of selection and the well-characterized ecological context. We have previously described the ecological context, evolutionary history and partial genetic basis of tetrodotoxin (TTX) resistance in garter snakes (Thamnophis). Derived mutations in a voltage-gated sodium channel gene (Nav1.4) in three garter snake species are associated with resistance to TTX, the lethal neurotoxin found in their newt prey (Taricha). Here we evaluate the contribution of Nav1.4 alleles to TTX resistance in two of those species from central coastal California. We measured the phenotypes (TTX resistance) and genotypes (Nav1.4 and microsatellites) in a local sample of Thamnophis atratus and Thamnophis sirtalis. Allelic variation in Nav1.4 explains 23 per cent of the variation in TTX resistance in T. atratus while variation in a haphazard sample of the genome (neutral microsatellite markers) shows no association with the phenotype. Similarly, allelic variation in Nav1.4 correlates almost perfectly with TTX resistance in T. sirtalis, but neutral variation does not. These strong correlations suggest that Nav1.4 is a major effect locus. The simple genetic architecture of TTX resistance in garter snakes may significantly impact the dynamics of phenotypic coevolution. Fixation of a few alleles of major effect in some garter snake populations may have led to the evolution of extreme phenotypes and an ‘escape’ from the arms race with newts.  相似文献   

We investigated aspects of the foraging behaviour and activity patterns of free‐ranging common duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia) within the Soutpansberg, South Africa. We used giving‐up densities (GUD) and camera traps to test for habitat selection and patch‐use behaviour by common duikers inhabiting a grassland containing distinct ‘islands' of woody vegetation. Foraging in or around a wooded island was affected by its surrounding vegetation. GUDs were significantly lower in portions dominated by tall grass and scattered ferns and highest in areas with open short grass and thick fern. Using grids of 5 × 5 stations, we mapped the duikers' foraging on a larger scale that incorporated neighbouring rocky hillsides. The duikers preferred feeding in areas with tall grass and scattered fern (sufficient cover and escape routes), followed by the wooded islands and thick fern (lack of sightlines/escape routes and presence of predator‐ambush sites), whereas little foraging occurred at the edges and rocky areas (hard substrate that impede escape potential). Photos (total 873) revealed solitary activity, highest in the late afternoon. Photos of vigilant individuals were mostly from rocky and fern habitats. Our results suggest that the duikers allocated their feeding efforts, activity and vigilance patterns to attune to their perceived risk of predation within their heterogeneous environment.  相似文献   

The ability of prey to detect and adequately respond to predation risk influences immediate survival and overall fitness. Chemical cues are commonly used by prey to evaluate risk, and the purpose of this study was to elicit the nature of cues used by prey hunted by generalist predators. Nucella lapillus are common, predatory, intertidal snails that evaluate predatory risk using chemical cues. Using Nucella and a suite of its potential predators as a model system, we explored how (1) predator type, (2) predator diet, and (3) injured conspecifics and heterospecifics influence Nucella behavior. Using laboratory flumes, we determined that Nucella responded only to the invasive green crab (Carcinus maenas), the predator it most frequently encounters. Nucella did not respond to rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) or Jonah crabs (Cancer borealis), which are sympatric predators but do not frequently encounter Nucella because these crabs are primarily subtidal. Predator diet did not affect Nucella responses to risk, although starved predator response was not significantly different from controls. Since green crabs are generalist predators, diet cues do not reflect predation risk, and thus altering behavior as a function of predator diet would not likely benefit Nucella. Nucella did, however, react to injured conspecifics, a strategy that may allow them to recognize threats when predators are difficult to detect. Nucella did not react to injured heterospecifics including mussels (Mytilus edulis) and herbivorous snails Littorina littorea, suggesting that they are responding to chemical cues unique to their species. The nature of cues used by Nucella allows them to minimize costs associated with predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the most commercially important fiber crops in the world. Compared with other crops, cotton represents a recalcitrant species for regeneration protocols. The development of efficient and rapid regeneration protocol for elite Indian cotton variety could help improve the quality characteristics and biotic or abiotic stress tolerance. Here we report a novel regeneration protocol in Indian cotton cultivar Narashima. The maximum number of multiple shoots obtained was 16 per explants, performance which has never been achieved in any prior reports. The embryo apex explants were isolated from 2 d old in vitro growing seedlings. Explants were cultured on MS medium containing different plant growth regulator combinations in order to induce multiple shoots. Among the tested combinations, the 2 mg/l of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 2 mg/l kinetin (KIN) proved to be most suited for achieving the maximum number of multiple shoots. The elongation of multiple shoots was obtained in media supplemented with gibberellic acid (GA3). The regenerated plants were successfully hardened in earthen pots after adequate acclimatization. This method avoids callus tissue, the stage of regeneration which may lead to somaclonal variation. The important feature of the presented method is shortening of regeneration time, as well as the induction of a high number of multiple shoots per explants. The present protocol may provide an efficient and rapid regeneration tool for obtaining more stable transformants from embryo apex explants of Indian cotton cultivar Narashima.  相似文献   

Babesiosis is a parasitic infection due to the multiplication of tick borne parasite, Babesia sp., in erythrocytes of host, which includes a wide variety of vertebrates including small ruminants causing decreased livestock output and hence economic losses. The objective of the present study was to establish a PCR based method for the detection of Babesia sp. in small ruminant population in Southern Punjab and to determine the risk factors involve in the spread of babesiosis. A total of 107 blood samples were collected from 40 sheep and 67 goats in seven districts of Southern Punjab from randomly selected herds. Data on the characteristics of the animals and the herd were collected through questionnaires. 36 blood samples (34% of total) produced the DNA fragment specific for 18S rRNA gene of Babesia sp., by PCR amplification, of which 20 were sheep and 16 were goats. Samples from all seven district contained Babesia positive samples and prevalence varied between 18 to 68%. It was observed that male animals (P = 0.009) and young animals under one year of age (P = 0.01) were more prone to the parasite. It was observed that herds consist of more than 15 animals (P = 0.007), composed of mixed species of small ruminants (P = 0.022), associated with dogs (P = 0.003) and dogs having ticks on their bodies (P = 0.011) were among the major risk factors for the spread of babesiosis in small ruminants.  相似文献   

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