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刘群  彭斌  田长彦  赵振勇  王雷  王守乐 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7284-7293
耐盐植物的选育是盐渍土地生物改良的关键。通过对13个NaCl盐度梯度下,真盐生植物囊果碱蓬、盐地碱蓬、高碱蓬、盐角草、盐爪爪,泌盐植物大叶补血草、耳叶补血草、黄花补血草8种盐生植物的萌发试验,测定其种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和相对盐害率等指标,研究不同NaCl盐度胁迫对其萌发特性的影响。结果表明:低盐度(50 mmol/L)能促进8种盐生植物的萌发;随着盐度的上升,盐角草、盐地碱蓬、囊果碱蓬、高碱蓬表现出较强的萌发耐盐性,发芽势和发芽指数优于其他植物;盐角草的萌发耐盐性最佳,在1000 mmol/L盐度下萌发率仍能达到54.0%。进一步通过S型生长曲线和线性模型分析得出,8种植物为对抗逆境大致分为"快速型"和"缓慢型"两种萌发策略;随盐度的升高,初始萌发时间和萌发高峰时间均不同程度的向后推迟。盐度≤200 mmol/L时,囊果碱蓬的萌发占据优势,其萌发速率大于其他植物,且差异显著;中盐度400 mmol/L左右时,盐地碱蓬和盐角草萌发最快,二者无显著差异;盐度≥600 mmol/L时,盐角草萌发速率较快,相比其他植物差异显著。泌盐植物的萌发耐盐适宜浓度和耐盐极限浓度均低于真盐生植物。8种植物均有作为氯化物为主盐渍土地区生物改良材料的潜力。  相似文献   

储藏条件和时间对六种多年生湿地植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了储藏条件和时间对 6种湿地植物种子萌发的影响 ,以便为采用种子恢复和重建湿地植被提供指导。将新鲜种子在浸泡 -冷、湿 -冷、湿 /干 -冷和干 -冷 4种条件下储藏 3个月后再进行种子萌发 ,结果表明 ,普通野生稻 (Oryza rufipogon)和野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia)在 3种水胁迫冷藏条件下的种子萌发率显著高于干 -冷储藏时的萌发率 ;柳叶箬 (Isachne globosa)和水毛花(Scirpus triangulatus)种子发芽率最高的储藏条件分别是浸泡 -冷或湿 -冷储藏和干 /湿 -冷藏。小慈姑 (Sagittaria potam-ogetifolia)和野荸荠 (Eleocharisplantagineiformis)在 4种储藏条件下的发芽率没有显著差异。将种子在干 -冷条件下分别储藏1个月、6个月、18个月和 30个月后再进行萌发 ,结果显示储藏时间延长显著提高了普通野生稻、柳叶箬、野荸荠和小慈姑的发芽率。野慈姑的发芽率在前 3个储藏期随储藏时间延长而提高 ,但 30个月后发芽率开始下降。水毛花在所有储藏期间的发芽率均小于 2 %。结果建议采用种子恢复和重建湿地植被时 ,将种子水胁迫冷藏利于种子的萌发。同时 ,结果也表明干 -冷储藏 30个月的种子仍可作为湿地恢复的种质资源  相似文献   

盐生植物种子萌发对环境的适应对策   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
渠晓霞  黄振英 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2389-2398
盐生环境是一种严峻的胁迫环境,对植物的生长、发育、繁殖等生活史的各阶段都产生着重要的影响。盐生植物是生长在盐渍土壤上的一类天然植物区系,它们在长期的进化过程中形成了一系列适应盐生生境的特殊生存策略。一般情况下,盐生植物种子对环境的适应能力,是植物对盐生环境适应性的重要体现;而植物发育早期对盐度的适应能力又是决定物种分布和群落组成的关键因素。在对国内外相关文献进行分析归纳的基础上,从盐分对种子萌发的影响机理及植物种子萌发对盐生环境的适应对策两个方面综述了植物种子休眠萌发与盐生环境的关系。  相似文献   

为研究杜鹃属植物的耐盐耐碱性及筛选耐盐耐碱种,在组培条件下观测不同浓度NaCl、NaHCO3处理下对马银花(Rhododendron ovatum)、满山红(R.mariesii)、映山红(R.simsii)和云锦杜鹃(R.fortunei)种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.研究结果表明:盐、碱胁迫对杜鹃花种子萌发和幼苗生长有...  相似文献   

盐旱互作对不同生境盐地碱蓬种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘金萍  高奔  李欣  宋杰  范海  王宝山  赵可夫 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5485-5490
研究了盐旱互作对潮间带和盐碱地生境盐地碱蓬棕色种子萌发、地上部生长和离子积累的影响。不同盐浓度预处理后,未萌发的种子风干后复水,其萌发率与对照相比没有降低,说明两种生境盐地碱蓬种子萌发期间都耐干湿交替。400mmol/LNaCl溶液浇灌的潮间带生境盐地碱蓬幼苗在第3次干旱处理后萎蔫幼苗的百分比高于盐碱地生境的,而复水后正常幼苗的百分比却相反。400mmol/LNaCl溶液处理下,第3次干旱处理复水后,盐碱地生境盐地碱蓬幼苗地上部离子含量(主要是Na+和Cl-)高于潮间带生境的。表明在干旱情况下,盐碱地生境盐地碱蓬幼苗能积累更多的无机离子,降低渗透势,提高根系吸收水分的能力。上述结果说明,盐碱地生境盐地碱蓬幼苗较潮间带生境盐地碱蓬幼苗更耐盐与干旱的交互作用。  相似文献   

研究了盐氮处理条件下盐地碱蓬种子成熟过程中的离子积累以及种子萌发特性,以理解盐地碱蓬在种子发育及萌发过程中对高盐低氮生境的适应性。结果表明,种子成熟过程中,不同浓度盐氮处理下(0.5和5 mmol/L NO3--N;1和500 mmol/L NaCl),与果皮和果枝相比, 胚中Na+、K+、Cl- 和NO3-离子含量几乎没有变化。所有盐氮处理下Na+ 和Cl-都是果皮和果枝中高于胚中,尤其是在高盐处理下。高盐处理下,K+ 和NO3-含量呈现相反的趋势。高氮时无论高盐还是低盐,果皮中NO3-离子含量高于胚中,而果枝中NO3-离子含量低于胚中。而低氮时果皮及果枝中NO3-离子含量均显著低于胚中。与高氮环境下收获的种子相比,低氮环境下收获的种子萌发率,萌发指数,活力指数都要明显高。上述结果说明,盐地碱蓬种子成熟过程中存在完善的离子调控机制,保护胚免受Na+ 和Cl-等有害离子的伤害并且促进K+ 和NO3-等营养离子的积累。低NO3--N下收获的种子对外界的NO3-含量比较敏感,施以较高浓度的NO3-能够促进种子萌发,提高萌发指数和活力指数,可能与盐地碱蓬长期适应高盐低氮生境有关。  相似文献   

用添加与不添加0.1mm01.L^-1NO供体硝普钠(sNP)的800mmol.L^-1NaCl溶液处理盐地碱蓬种子后,800mmol·L^-1NaCl处理下盐地碱蓬种子的萌发率、含水量和吸水速率显著增加,胚中脯氨酸的含量降低,但对Na^+、K^+和可溶性糖含量无显著影响。表明0.1mmol.L^-1SNP缓解800mmol.L^-1NaCl对盐地碱蓬种子萌发抑制的主要原因是盐地碱蓬种子含水量的提高,从而缓解了盐的渗透胁迫。  相似文献   

经过40多年的扩散,互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)已广泛分布到中国海岸潮间带滩涂,纵跨20个纬度,其入侵已对我国滨海湿地生态系统造成严重威胁.种子萌发是影响互花米草成功入侵不同纬度地理区域的关键阶段,而温度是影响种子萌发的主要因素之一,并可能使得位于分布区域内的高纬度和低纬度互花米草种子萌发特性...  相似文献   

采用高低2个浓度的NaCl、LiCl及等渗甘露醇溶液处理紫红色表型(紫色型)和绿色表型(绿色型)盐地碱蓬种子,通过测定它们的种子萌发率、吸胀速率和胚内离子含量,研究NaCl胁迫对2种表型种子萌发的离子效应和渗透效应.结果表明:(1)2种表型盐地碱蓬种子萌发率在高浓度(300 mmol/L)和低浓度(100 mmol/L)NaCl处理下均显著降低,紫色型种子萌发率在低浓度下显著低于绿色型,而在高浓度下却显著高于绿色型;绿色型种子萌发率在高浓度(30 mmol/L)和低浓度(10 mmol/L)LiCl处理下均未受到显著影响,但紫色型种子萌发率却均极显著降低;2种表型盐地碱蓬种子萌发率在低浓度等渗甘露醇处理下均极显著低于低浓度NaCl处理,而高浓度等渗甘露醇处理却均与高浓度NaCl处理无显著差异.(2)2表型种盐地碱蓬种子的吸胀速率在低浓度NaCl处理下没有受到显著影响,但高浓度NaCl处理及与之等渗的高浓度甘露醇处理下都显著降低,而且紫色型种子的吸胀速率在等渗甘露醇处理时显著高于绿色型.(3)2种表型盐地碱蓬种子胚中的Na 含量和Na /K 在对照和低浓度NaCl处理下无显著差异,但紫色型种子胚中的Na 、K 含量在高浓度NaCl处理时都显著高于对照,且K 含量增加的幅度远大于Na 含量,导致紫色型种子胚中的Na /K 显著低于绿色型.研究发现,盐地碱蓬种子萌发在低浓度NaCl胁迫下主要受离子效应抑制,而高浓度NaCl胁迫下则主要受渗透效应抑制,紫色型种子萌发率在高浓度NaCl胁迫下高于绿色型的原因之一是前者能维持更低的Na /K 比.  相似文献   

通过实验探讨了不同浓度的明矾溶液对植物种子萌发的影响,浓度越高种子萌发率就越低,高度也越低,根的末端干枯,坏死,表明了明矾对种子萌发有很强的毒害作用。  相似文献   

郑琨  赵福庚  张茜  钦佩 《应用生态学报》2009,20(8):1863-1867
以芦苇凋落物为试材,采用溶液浸提法和厌氧腐解法,获得水提物和腐解产物两种浸提物母液;在5‰和10‰盐浓度下以两种浸提物母液和25%母液分别处理互花米草种子、刚萌发的幼苗以及互花米草滩涂中特有的互花米草益生菌,考察盐度变化对互花米草种子的萌发、幼苗生长以及菌落生长的影响.结果表明:盐处理能够显著促进互花米草种子的萌发、幼根以及互花米草益生菌的生长(P<0.05).较高的盐浓度(10‰)下,芦苇水提物对互花米草的萌发、生长和互花米草益生菌的生长呈促进作用;当盐浓度降低至5‰时,该促进作用消失.在较低的盐浓度(5‰)下,芦苇腐解产物对互花米草萌发产生显著的抑制作用;在较高盐浓度(10‰)时,则对互花米草益生菌产生显著促进作用(P<0.05);在试验的任一盐浓度下,芦苇腐解产物对互花米草幼苗和幼根的生长均存在显著的抑制效果(P<0.05).  相似文献   

Salinity and nitrogen are two important environmental factors that affect the distribution of halophytes in their natural saline habitats. Seeds of the euhalophyte Suaeda salsa L. were harvested from plants that had been treated with 1 or 500 mm NaCl combined with 0.5 or 5 mm NO3?‐N (nitrate) for 115 days in a glasshouse. Germination was evaluated under different concentrations of NaCl and nitrate. Plants exposed to high salinity (500 mm ) and low nitrate (0.5 mm ) tended to produce heavy seeds. Either high salinity (500 mm ) or high nitrate (5 mm ) increased the brown/black seed ratio. The concentrations of Na+, K+, and Cl? were higher in brown than in black seeds, and NO3? concentrations were higher in black than in brown seeds, regardless of NaCl and nitrate treatments during plant culture. Regardless of NaCl and nitrate concentrations during germination, seeds from plants grown with 0.5 mm nitrate generally germinated more rapidly than seeds from plants grown with 5 mm nitrate, and the difference was greater for black than for brown seeds. Exogenous nitrate during germination enhanced the germination of brown seeds less than that of black seeds. Producing more brown seeds and heavy black or brown seeds appears to be an adaptation of S. suaeda to saline environments. Producing more black seeds, which tend to remain dormant, should reduce competition for nitrogen and appears to be an adaptation to nitrogen‐limited environments. In conclusion, nitrate provided exogenously or by mother plants to black seeds may act as a signal molecule that enhances the germination of black S. suaeda seeds.  相似文献   

Gradients in oxygen availability and salinity are among the most important environmental parameters influencing zonation in salt marsh communities. The combined effects of oxygen and salinity on the germination of two salt marsh grasses, Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis, were studied in growth chamber experiments. Germination of both species was initiated by emergence of the shoot and completed by root emergence. Percentage S. alterniflora germination was reduced at high salinity (40 g NaCl/L) and in decreased oxygen (5 and 2.5%). In 0% oxygen shoots emerged, but roots did not. P. australis germination was reduced at a lower salinity (25 g NaCl/L) than S. alterniflora, and inhibited at 40 g NaCl/L and in anoxia. However, a combination of hypoxia (10 and 5% O2) and moderate salinity (5 and 10 g NaCl/L) increased P. australis germination. When bare areas in the salt marsh are colonized, the different germination responses of these two species to combinations of oxygen and salt concentrations are important in establishing their initial zonation. In high salinity wetlands S. alterniflora populates the lower marsh and P. australis occupies the high marsh at the upland boundary.  相似文献   

种间相互作用是影响湿地植物群落构建的关键因子,其形式、强度和机制可能随着生长发育的过程而发生改变。种子萌发是植物生命周期的关键环节,一定程度上决定了植物种群分布和群落结构。野外种子萌发过程受到邻近同种或异种种子间相互作用的影响,但对于种子萌发过程中种内、种间相互作用强度及其影响因素的了解仍十分有限。该研究通过培养皿萌发实验探讨了种子密度(每皿80粒、每皿160粒)及比例(单种、3:1混种、2:2混种、1:3混种)对互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)、海三棱藨草(Scirpus×mariqueter)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)种子萌发率、平均萌发时间的影响,并采用相对邻株效应(RNE)评估了这3个物种的种内、种间相互作用强度。结果表明,密度对互花米草、海三棱藨草、芦苇种子的萌发率均有一定的促进作用。与互花米草混种时,芦苇种子在占比最低(25%)处理下的平均萌发时间显著长于单种及其他混种比例处理。3种植物种子的竞争能力没有明确的等级关系,存在非传递性竞争,萌发时海三棱藨草相对互花米草具有一定的竞争优势,互花米草相对芦苇具有一定优势,而芦苇的竞争能...  相似文献   

苑泽宁  石福臣 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2466-2470
在3种条件即不同萌发温度和光照、不同贮藏温度和时间、不同盐浓度下,研究了互花米草种子萌发及胚生长特性.结果表明:在相同温度下,种子的萌发不受光照或黑暗条件影响,最适萌发温度为16/26℃(夜/昼)和25℃,萌发率高于90%;在-5℃、0℃、5℃、10℃的贮藏温度下,贮藏120 d的种子萌发率高于74%,表明种子能够安全越冬;当盐浓度为75~225 mmol·L~(-1)时,萌发率高于90%,150 mmol·L~(-1)的盐浓度较适宜胚的生长,胚芽鞘和胚轴的生长先于胚芽和胚根,盐溶液对胚轴、胚芽鞘的生长所产生的抑制作用小于胚根、胚芽,有利于已萌发的幼苗快速出土,适应多变的潮间带环境.  相似文献   

Suaeda aegyptiaca is a facultative halophyte found in saline and non‐saline habitats of the Arab Gulf desert, which produces small‐sized undispersible seeds. The interactive effects of maternal salinity and other environmental conditions, such as salinity, light and temperatures, that are prevailing during seed germination have received little attention for a facultative halophyte. This study tested the effects of maternal salinity on salt tolerance during seed germination of S. aegyptiaca under different light and temperature regimes. Seeds collected from both saline and non‐saline habitats of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were germinated in 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mM NaCl, and incubated at 15/25°C, 20/30°C and 25/35°C in both 12‐h light/12‐h dark regimes and continuous darkness. Generally, seeds of the non‐saline habitat were 56% heavier and attained greater germination at the lower temperatures than seeds of the saline habitat. Seeds of the saline habitat germinated better in saline solutions at higher temperatures and in light. Germination was faster for seeds of the saline habitat than for seeds of non‐saline habitats. Germination recovery after transfer to distilled water was significantly greater for seeds from the non‐saline habitat, compared with seeds from saline habitats. Recovery was greater at lower and/or moderate temperatures, compared with at higher temperatures. Germination was significantly faster during recovery, compared with in the saline solutions. The study indicates that the maternal effect of salinity was confounded with the seed‐size effect and it cannot be conclusively confirmed.  相似文献   

莫莫格国家级自然保护区位于松嫩平原西部, 以保护白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)等珍稀水禽及其栖息地为主要目的。扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculmis)是莫莫格湿地的重要植物, 也是白鹤在该区停栖的主要食源植物。莫莫格湿地水文恢复后, 芦苇(Phragmites australis)等高大挺水植物大量出现, 阻碍了扁秆藨草的恢复。种子萌发是植物生活史的重要阶段, 对于认识野外植物群落动态和植被管理十分重要。该研究在人工气候箱模拟野外环境条件, 分析了光照(全光、遮阴、黑暗)、水深(0、5、15和30 cm)及其交互作用对芦苇种子萌发的影响。结果表明: 光照和水深变化明显影响芦苇种子的萌发; 最终萌发比例在遮阴和黑暗条件下明显比在全光下高, 在3种光照处理下较深水位(5-30 cm)均抑制了芦苇种子的萌发。芦苇种子萌发也明显受光照和水深交互作用的影响; 在全光条件下, 萌发比例在0 cm水深(86.67% ± 2.36%)显著高于其他较深水位; 在遮阴和黑暗环境下, 0 cm水深与其他水深处理间的差异明显缩小, 这应是在遮阴和黑暗条件下(不考虑水深)萌发比例较高的重要原因。因此, 在芦苇建群初期, 及时进行清除处理并保持一定地表水位可以限制芦苇通过有性繁殖更新, 同时改善地表光辐射等生境条件, 促进扁秆藨草恢复。  相似文献   

Aims We investigated the impact of salinity on seed germination, chlorophyll content, chloroplast structure and photosynthesis of the green embryos in desiccated seeds of the xerophyte Haloxylon persicum, xero-halophyte Haloxylon ammodendron and euhalophyte Suaeda physophora.Methods Seeds of H. persicum, H. ammodendron and S. physophora were collected from natural environment in Fukang, Xinjiang province. Pretreatment with 700 mM NaCl was carried out to stimulate the natural 'seed priming'; we analyzed the joint effect of salinity and different species on germination physiology and cotyledonal structure and photosynthetic function changes during germination and recovery stage.Important findings We found that seeds did not suffer ion toxicity for the two halophytes H. ammodendron and S. physophora, as evidenced by the high final germination after ungerminated seeds pretreated with 700 mM NaCl were transferred to distilled water, but the final germination of the xerophyte H. persicum was significantly lower than that of control. The Na + concentration in embryos increased under salinity for all species, while K + concentration decreased by salinity only for H. persicum and H. ammodendron, i.e. the concentration of K + in embryos of H. persicum and H. ammodendron decreased by 36% and 46%, respectively. For all species, whether dry intact seeds or cotyledons of dry seeds imbibed in deionized water and NaCl solution, had high chlorophyll content. Treatment with NaCl also caused chloroplast thylakoids to swell and chlorophyll content to decrease in seeds of H. persicum, but no significant change was observed in the more salt-tolerant species S. physophora and H. ammodendron. Fluorescence measurement showed that 700 mM NaCl decreased the Fv/Fm ratio of cotyledons in seeds for all species, especially for H. persicum and H. ammodendron. Photosynthetic oxygen releasing was detected from the seeds that were moistened with distilled water and 700 mM NaCl for 6 or 24 h and from the seeds that were initially moistened with 700 mM NaCl in darkness for 10 days, then transferred to distilled water for another 6 and 24 h. The results indicated that the chlorophyll in cotyledon of desiccated seed had photosynthetic function in early germination stage, even under high-saline condition. In addition, the photosynthesis of chlorophyll in the embryonic cotyledons of desiccated seeds during germination was similar to that in leaves of young seedlings for all species. In conclusion, the chloroplasts of the two halophytes were more salt resistant compared with the xerophyte H. persicum. The photosynthetic function of chlorophyll in cotyledons of mature seeds may be ecologically important for seedling development in early stage for plants growing in extremely saline or arid environments.  相似文献   

丛枝真菌对互花米草和芦苇氮磷吸收的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李敏  陈琳  肖燕  甘琳  胡秋香  安树青 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3960-3969
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel.)是我国海滨盐沼的入侵植物,与土著种芦苇(Phragmites australis)形成了广泛的竞争;已知丛枝菌根(AMF)对不同植物的生长存在差异性影响;但其对互花米草与芦苇之间的种间关系,是否对互花米草入侵芦苇群体产生作用值得探讨.研究对两物种进行了丛枝菌根接种处理,种植模式处理和盐度处理的三因素实验.结果表明:盐度增加使得单种时芦苇、混种时互花米草的AMF侵染率显著下降(p<0.05),而混种时芦苇和单种时的互花米草AMF侵染率受盐度影响不显著(p>0.05).混种时,两种植物的丛枝菌根形成均受对方影响,并且盐度升高使两种植物之间对AMF侵染率的影响发生变化,在淡水生境下混种时,芦苇的AMF侵染率比单种时降低40.5%,互花米草的AMF侵染率比单种时提高了86.9%,均差异显著(p<0.05);在低盐度下混种时芦苇的AMF侵染率比单种时降低24.7%,差异显著(p<0.05),而对互花米草的影响不显著;在高盐度下混种对芦苇的AMF侵染率影响不显著,而使互花米草的AMF侵染率显著降低,降低率比例达78.7%.在淡水生境下,丛枝菌根对芦苇和互花米草的N、P吸收均有显著的促进作用;但是在咸水生境下生长时芦苇的N、P含量主要受盐度的显著影响(p<0.05),随盐度增加而增加;虽然在咸水生境下丛枝菌根仍旧促进芦苇的N、P吸收,但其影响远小于盐度的影响,并且促进效果受到盐度的抑制;但互花米草的N、P含量不受盐度影响.由此可见,接种AMF对这两种植物的氮磷吸收有着不同程度的促进,其作用大小与侵染程度有关,且受到盐度和种植模式的影响.  相似文献   

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