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When comparing previous studies that have measured the three-dimensional moments acting about the lower limb joints (either external moments or opposing internal joint moments) during able-bodied adult gait, significant variation is apparent in the profiles of the reported transverse plane moments. This variation cannot be explained on the basis of adopted convention (i.e. external versus internal joint moment) or inherent variability in gait strategies. The aim of the current study was to determine whether in fact the frame in which moments are expressed has a dominant effect upon transverse plane moments and thus provides a valid explanation for the observed inconsistency in the literature. Kinematic and ground reaction force data were acquired from nine able-bodied adult subjects walking at a self-selected speed. Three-dimensional hip, knee and ankle joint moments during gait were calculated using a standard inverse dynamics approach. In addition to calculating internal joint moments, the components of the external moment occurring in the transverse plane at each of the lower limb joints were calculated to determine their independent effects. All moments were expressed in both the laboratory frame (LF) as well as the anatomical frame (AF) of the distal segment. With the exception of the ankle rotation moment in the foot AF, lower limb transverse plane joint moments during gait were found to display characteristic profiles that were consistent across subjects. Furthermore, lower limb transverse plane joint moments during gait differed when expressed in the distal segment AF compared to the LF. At the hip, the two alternative reference frames produced near reciprocal joint moment profiles. The components of the external moment revealed that the external ground reaction force moment was primarily responsible for this result. Lower limb transverse plane joint moments during gait were therefore found to be highly sensitive to a change in reference frame. These findings indicate that the different transverse plane joint moment profiles during able-bodied adult gait reported in the literature are likely to be explained on this basis.  相似文献   

Hip joint moments are an important parameter in the biomechanical evaluation of orthopaedic surgery. Joint moments are generally calculated using scaled generic musculoskeletal models. However, due to anatomical variability or pathology, such models may differ from the patient's anatomy, calling into question the accuracy of the resulting joint moments. This study aimed to quantify the potential joint moment errors caused by geometrical inaccuracies in scaled models, during gait, for eight test subjects. For comparison, a semi-automatic computed tomography (CT)-based workflow was introduced to create models with subject-specific joint locations and inertial parameters. 3D surface models of the femora and hemipelves were created by segmentation and the hip joint centres and knee axes were located in these models. The scaled models systematically located the hip joint centre (HJC) up to 33.6 mm too inferiorly. As a consequence, significant and substantial peak hip extension and abduction moment differences were recorded, with, respectively, up to 23.1% and 15.8% higher values in the image-based models. These findings reaffirm the importance of accurate HJC estimation, which may be achieved using CT- or radiography-based subject-specific modelling. However, obesity-related gait analysis marker placement errors may have influenced these results and more research is needed to overcome these artefacts.  相似文献   

The forefoot functions as the base of support during late stance, rotating about the dual-axis of the metatarsophalangeal joints. Previous research has shown that joint axis definition affects estimated joint moments about the forefoot. However, little is known about how metatarsophalangeal joint center definition affects estimated joint kinetics. This study compared moments about the metatarsophalangeal joint using four different defined joint centers. There was a significant difference (p < .001) in peak moments between joint center definitions, differing by up to 0.488 N-m/kg for the slow and 0.878 N-m/kg for the fast running speeds tested. Additionally, there was a significant difference (p < .001) for when peak plantar flexor moment occurred during the slower running condition. The more posteriorly oriented joint centers resulted in higher moments and earlier onset of the plantar flexor moment. In addition to careful modeling of the metatarsophalangeal joint axis, it is recommended that joint center definition should be considered as well.  相似文献   

The joint forces and moments are commonly used in gait analysis. They can be computed by four different 3D inverse dynamic methods proposed in the literature, either based on vectors and Euler angles, wrenches and quaternions, homogeneous matrices, or generalized coordinates and forces. In order to analyze the influence of the inverse dynamic method, the joint forces and moments were computed during gait on nine healthy subjects. A ratio was computed between the relative dispersions (due to the method) and the absolute amplitudes of the gait curves. The influence of the inverse dynamic method was negligible at the ankle (2%) but major at the knee and the hip joints (40%). This influence seems to be due to the dynamic computation rather than the kinematic computation. Compared to the influence of the joint center location, the body segment inertial parameter estimation, and more, the influence of the inverse dynamic method is at least of equivalent importance. This point should be confirmed with other subjects, possibly pathologic, and other movements.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of body segment parameter (BSP) perturbations on joint moments calculated using an inverse dynamics procedure and muscle forces calculated using computed muscle control (CMC) during gait. BSP (i.e. segment mass, center of mass location (com) and inertia tensor) of the left thigh, shank and foot of a scaled musculoskeletal model were perturbed. These perturbations started from their nominal value and were adjusted to ±40% in steps of 10%, for both individual as well as combined perturbations in BSP. For all perturbations, an inverse dynamics procedure calculated the ankle, knee and hip moments based on an identical inverse kinematics solution. Furthermore, the effect of applying a residual reduction algorithm (RRA) was investigated. Muscle excitations and resulting muscle forces were calculated using CMC. The results show only a limited effect of an individual parameter perturbation on the calculated moments, where the largest effect is found when perturbing the shank com (MScom,shank, the ratio of absolute difference in torque and relative parameter perturbation, is maximally −7.81 N m for hip flexion moment). The additional influence of perturbing two parameters simultaneously is small (MSmass+com,thigh is maximally 15.2 N m for hip flexion moment). RRA made small changes to the model to increase the dynamic consistency of the simulation (after RRA MScom,shank is maximally 5.01 N m). CMC results show large differences in muscle forces when BSP are perturbed. These result from the underlying forward integration of the dynamic equations.  相似文献   

Measuring individual variation in colour: a comparison of two techniques   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective and reliable assessment of animal colouration is of great value to workers in the biological sciences. We present the results of a comparison between two colour measurement techniques: Munsell colour standard matching and spectroradiometry. As part of ongoing research on sexual selection in red jungle fowl ( Gallus gallus ), eather and comb colour of 49 roosters was measured using both techniques. Previous research showed that hens use variation in feather and comb colour in mate choice, and we allowed hens to choose between paired roosters. Colour matching and spectroradiometry scores were generally correlated, but spectroradiometry was more sensitive in detecting variation and also provided a better estimate of the role of secondary sexual characters in male mating success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and train a Neural Network (NN) that uses barbell mass and motions to predict hip, knee, and ankle Net Joint Moments (NJM) during a weightlifting exercise. Seven weightlifters performed two cleans at 85% of their competition maximum while ground reaction forces and 3-D motion data were recorded. An inverse dynamics procedure was used to calculate hip, knee, and ankle NJM. Vertical and horizontal barbell motion data were extracted and, along with barbell mass, used as inputs to a NN. The NN was then trained to model the association between the mass and kinematics of the barbell and the calculated NJM for six weightlifters, the data from the remaining weightlifter was then used to test the performance of the NN – this was repeated 7 times with a k-fold cross-validation procedure to assess the NN accuracy. Joint-specific predictions of NJM produced coefficients of determination (r2) that ranged from 0.79 to 0.95, and the percent difference between NN-predicted and inverse dynamics calculated peak NJM ranged between 5% and 16%. The NN was thus able to predict the spatiotemporal patterns and discrete peaks of the three NJM with reasonable accuracy, which suggests that it is feasible to predict lower extremity NJM from the mass and kinematics of the barbell. Future work is needed to determine whether combining a NN model with low cost technology (e.g., digital video and free digitising software) can also be used to predict NJM of weightlifters during field-testing situations, such as practice and competition, with comparable accuracy.  相似文献   

At self-selected walking speeds, elderly compared with young adults generate decreased joint torques and powers in the lower extremity. These differences may be actual gait-limiting factors and neuromuscular adaptations with age or simply a consciously selected motor pattern to produce a slower gait. The purpose of the study was to compare joint torques and powers of young and elderly adults walking at the same speed. Twelve elderly and fourteen young adults (ages 69 and 21 yr) walked at 1.48 m/s over a force platform while being videotaped. Hip, knee, and ankle torques and powers were calculated from the reaction force and kinematic data. A support torque was calculated as the sum of the three joint torques. Extensor angular impulse during stance and positive work at each joint were derived from the torques and powers. Step length was 4% shorter and cadence was 4% higher in elderly adults (both P < 0.05) compared with young adults. Support angular impulse was nearly identical between groups, but elderly adults had 58% greater angular impulse and 279% more work at the hip, 50% less angular impulse and 39% less work at the knee, and 23% less angular impulse and 29% less work at the ankle compared with young adults (t-test, all P < 0.05). Age caused a redistribution of joint torques and powers, with the elderly using their hip extensors more and their knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors less than young adults when walking at the same speed. Along with a reduction in motor and sensory functions, the natural history of aging causes a shift in the locus of function in motor performance.  相似文献   

Usually the measurement of multi-segment foot and ankle complex kinematics is done with stationary motion capture devices which are limited to use in a gait laboratory. This study aimed to propose and validate a wearable system to measure the foot and ankle complex joint angles during gait in daily conditions, and then to investigate its suitability for clinical evaluations. The foot and ankle complex consisted of four segments (shank, hindfoot, forefoot, and toes), with an inertial measurement unit (3D gyroscopes and 3D accelerometers) attached to each segment. The angles between the four segments were calculated in the sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes using a new algorithm combining strap-down integration and detection of low-acceleration instants. To validate the joint angles measured by the wearable system, three subjects walked on a treadmill for five minutes at three different speeds. A camera-based stationary system that used a cluster of markers on each segment was used as a reference. To test the suitability of the system for clinical evaluation, the joint angle ranges were compared between a group of 10 healthy subjects and a group of 12 patients with ankle osteoarthritis, during two 50-m walking trials where the wearable system was attached to each subject. On average, over all joints and walking speeds, the RMS differences and correlation coefficients between the angular curves obtained using the wearable system and the stationary system were 1 deg and 0.93, respectively. Moreover, this system was able to detect significant alteration of foot and ankle function between the group of patients with ankle osteoarthritis and the group of healthy subjects. In conclusion, this wearable system was accurate and suitable for clinical evaluation when used to measure the multi-segment foot and ankle complex kinematics during long-distance walks in daily life conditions.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized study was performed in 87 patients to compare the safety, efficacy and dose requirements of two sedation techniques for stereotactic headframe application. Sedation administration and headframe application averaged 30 min. Fifty patients weighing 76 +/- 13 kg (mean +/- SD) received mean doses of 154 micrograms fentanyl plus 5.5 mg droperidol i.v. (FD group). An additional 37 patients weighing 76 +/- 19 kg received mean doses of 127 micrograms fentanyl plus 6.7 mg Valium (diazepam; FV group). Both treatments provided excellent hemodynamic stability and a low incidence of adverse side effects while providing adequate analgesia and sedation. The incidence of anesthetist-assessed patient anxiety and discomfort was more favorable in the FD group.  相似文献   

The rat is of increasing importance for experimental studies on fracture healing. The healing outcome of long bone fractures is strongly influenced by mechanical factors, such as the interfragmentary movement. This movement depends on the stability of the fracture fixation and the musculoskeletal loads. However, little is known about these loads in rats.The musculoskeletal loads during gait were estimated using an inverse-dynamic musculoskeletal model of the right hindlimb of the rat. This model was based on a micro-CT scan of the lower extremities and an anatomical study using 15 rat cadavers. Kinematics were reconstructed from X-ray movies, taken simultaneously from two perpendicular directions during a gait cycle. The ground reaction forces were taken from the literature. The muscle forces were calculated using an optimization procedure.The internal forces and moments varied over the gait cycle and along the femoral axis. The greatest internal force (up to 7 times bodyweight) acted in the longitudinal direction. The greatest internal moment (up to 13.8 bodyweight times millimeter) acted in the sagittal plane of the femur. The validity of the model was corroborated by comparing the estimated strains caused by the calculated loads on the surface of the femoral mid-shaft with those from the literature.Knowledge of the internal loads in the femur of the rat allows adjustment of the biomechanical properties of fixation devices in fracture healing studies to the desired interfragmentary movement.  相似文献   

In gait analysis, the concepts of Euler and helical (screw) angles are used to define the three-dimensional relative joint angular motion of lower extremities. Reliable estimation of joint angular motion depends on the accurate definition and construction of embedded axes within each body segment. In this paper, using sensitivity analysis, we quantify the effects of uncertainties in the definition and construction of embedded axes on the estimation of joint angular motion during gait. Using representative hip and knee motion data from normal subjects and cerebral palsy patients, the flexion-extension axis is analytically perturbed +/- 15 degrees in 5 degrees steps from a reference position, and the joint angles are recomputed for both Euler and helical angle definitions. For the Euler model, hip and knee flexion angles are relatively unaffected while the ab/adduction and rotation angles are significantly affected throughout the gait cycle. An error of 15 degrees in the definition of flexion-extension axis gives rise to maximum errors of 8 and 12 degrees for the ab/adduction angle, and 10-15 degrees for the rotation angles at the hip and knee, respectively. Furthermore, the magnitude of errors in ab/adduction and rotation angles are a function of the flexion angle. The errors for the ab/adduction angles increase with increasing flexion angle and for the rotation angle, decrease with increasing flexion angle. In cerebral palsy patients with flexed knee pattern of gait, this will result in distorted estimation of ab/adduction and rotation. For the helical model, similar results are obtained for the helical angle and associated direction cosines.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Farm youth often carry loads that are proportionally large and/or heavy, and field measurements have determined that these tasks are equivalent to industrial jobs with high injury risks. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of age, load amount, and load symmetry on lower extremity joint moments during carrying tasks. Three age groups (8-10 years, 12-14 years, adults), three load amounts (0%, 10%, 20% BW), and three load symmetry levels (unilateral large bucket, unilateral small bucket, bilateral small buckets) were tested. Inverse dynamics was used to determine maximum ankle, knee, and hip joint moments. Ankle dorsiflexion, ankle inversion, ankle eversion, knee adduction, and hip extension moments were significantly higher in 8-10 and 12-14 year olds. Ankle plantar flexion, ankle inversion, knee extension, and hip extension moments were significantly increased at 10% and 20% BW loads. Knee and hip adduction moments were significantly increased at 10% and 20% BW loads when carrying a unilateral large bucket. Of particular concern are increased ankle inversion and eversion moments for children, along with increased knee and hip adduction moments for heavy, asymmetrical carrying tasks. Carrying loads bilaterally instead of unilaterally avoided increases in knee and hip adduction moments with increased load amount.  相似文献   

Joint reaction forces, moments and powers are important in interpreting gait mechanics and compensatory strategies used by patients walking with above-knee prostheses. Segmental anthropometrics, required to calculate joint moments, are often estimated using data from cadaver studies. However, these values may not be accurate for patients following amputation as prostheses are composed of non-biologic material. The purpose of this study was to compare joint moments using anthropometrics calculated from cadaver studies versus direct measurements of the residual limb and prosthesis for children with an above-knee amputation. Gait data were collected for four subjects with above-knee prostheses walking at preferred and fast speeds. Joint moments were computed using anthropometrics from cadaver studies and direct measurements for each subject. The difference between these two methods primarily affected the inertia couple (Ialpha term) and the inertial effect due to gravity, which comprised a greater percentage of the total joint moment during swing as compared to stance. Peak hip and knee flexor and extensor moments during swing were significantly greater when calculated using cadaver data (p<0.05). These differences were greater while walking fast as compared to slow speeds. A significant difference was not found between these two methods for peak hip and knee moments during stance. A significant difference was found for peak ankle joint moments during stance, but the magnitude was not clinically important. These results support the use of direct measurements of anthropometry when examining above-knee prosthetic gait, particularly during swing.  相似文献   

Voluntary movements of the upper body are accompanied by anticipatory postural adjustments to the lower body in a standing subject. The long-standing hypothesis is that these anticipatory adjustments serve to counteract the perturbation to the body's center of gravity caused by the voluntary arm movement. This paper presents model simulations investigating the possible roles of anticipatory postural activity that accompanies a rapid, upward arm swing. The model encorporates two (idealized) antagonistic muscle pairs controlling the movements of a double-joint system, with a shoulder joint between the arm and stiff body links, and an ankle joint between the stiff body-leg segment and the ground. Each muscle is represented by a nonlinear viscoelastic element and also includes proprioceptive feedback. Four inputs to the model define the motor control signals for muscle force generation in both the arm and the postural muscle pairs. The neurological component of the model describes consequences of alternate strategies for cocontractions, stretch reflex activity, and anticipatory and synchronous postural activities (or combinations thereof). Simulations with this model show that: (1) none of the postural maintenance schemes considered in these simulations (including varying anticipation) could suppress the initial backward thrust on the body link; (2) the more important destabilizing perturbation is a subsequent forward sway that, left uncountered by postural activity, would eventually leave the body to fall flat on its face; and (3) anticipatory silencing of the postural extensor followed by a brief period of extensor activation (descending control) and synchronous reflex activity (feedback control) appears to be the most likely postural stabilizing strategy that inhibits the continuous forward sway and is consistent with the experimental evidence.  相似文献   

Analysing spectral data: comparison and application of two techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compares two different methods of condensing complex spectral data into interpretable indices or metrics of colour. Colour spectra were measured on standardized Munsell colour paint chips and estimates of the three fundamental components of colour (brightness, chroma and hue) were generated using principal component analysis (PCA) and segment classification (SC). We tested the accuracy of these techniques for generating colour component estimates from spectral data in four different 'colour classes' (red/orange, yellow/ green, green/blue, and blue/purple) and in an aggregate data set containing all measured spectra. We conclude that both analysis techniques will generally provide more information than more conventional colour assessment techniques. Neither technique was superior under all conditions; appropriateness of each technique depends on the system under study. Efficacy of both techniques depends on the variability present in the data set; greater variance in colour tends to reduce overall resolution. An application of tfiese techniques is also presented in which we characterize sex-specific differences in colour between different populations of the poecilliid fish, Limia perugia.  相似文献   

Low-density quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) arrays are often used to profile expression patterns of microRNAs in various biological milieus. To achieve accurate analysis of expression of miRNAs, non-biological sources of variation in data should be removed through precise normalization of data. We have systematically compared the performance of 19 normalization methods on different subsets of a real miRNA qPCR dataset that covers 40 human tissues. After robustly modeling the mean squared error (MSE) in normalized data, we demonstrate lower variability between replicates is achieved using various methods not applied to high-throughput miRNA qPCR data yet. Normalization methods that use splines or wavelets smoothing to estimate and remove Cq dependent non-linearity between pairs of samples best reduced the MSE of differences in Cq values of replicate samples. These methods also retained between-group variability in different subsets of the dataset.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine two hypotheses: (a) during voluntary and electrically induced isometric contractions the moments measured at the dynamometer are different from the resultant moments in the same plane around the ankle joint and (b) at a given resultant moment during electrically induced isometric contractions the ankle angle while loading is different from the ankle angle while unloading. Twenty-seven long distance runners participated in the study. All subjects performed isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) and contractions induced by electrostimulation at four different ankle-knee angle combinations on a Biodex-dynamometer. The kinematics of the leg were recorded using the vicon 624 system with eight cameras operating at 120 Hz. The main findings were: (a) the resultant moment at the ankle joint and the moment measured by the Biodex-dynamometer during isometric contractions are different, (b) during a plantar flexion effort the ankle angle changes significantly, whereas the knee angle shows only small and in most cases not significant changes, and (c) at identical resultant ankle joint moments the ankle angles are different between the loading and the unloading phases. The observed differences may lead to erroneous conclusions concerning the following: (a) diagnostic of muscle architecture, (b) estimation of the moment-ankle angle relationship and (c) estimation of the strain and hysteresis of tendons and aponeuroses.  相似文献   

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