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The Janzen–Connell hypothesis proposes that specialized herbivores maintain high numbers of tree species in tropical forests by restricting adult recruitment so that host populations remain at low densities. We tested this prediction for the large timber tree species, Swietenia macrophylla, whose seeds and seedlings are preyed upon by small mammals and a host‐specific moth caterpillar Steniscadia poliophaea, respectively. At a primary forest site, experimental seed additions to gaps – canopy‐disturbed areas that enhance seedling growth into saplings – over three years revealed lower survival and seedling recruitment closer to conspecific trees and in higher basal area neighborhoods, as well as reduced subsequent seedling survival and height growth. When we included these Janzen–Connell effects in a spatially explicit individual‐based population model, the caterpillar's impact was critical to limiting Swietenia's adult tree density, with a > 10‐fold reduction estimated at 300 years. Our research demonstrates the crucial but oft‐ignored linkage between Janzen–Connell effects on offspring and population‐level consequences for a long‐lived, potentially dominant tree species.  相似文献   

Herbivores, seed banks and seedling recruitment in mesic grassland   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

In the ectomycorrhizal caesalpiniaceous groves of southern Korup National Park, the dominant tree species, Microberlinia bisulcata, displays very poor in situ recruitment compared with its codominant, Tetraberlinia bifoliolata. The reported ex situ experiment tested whether availabilities of soil potassium and magnesium play a role. Seedlings of the two species received applications of K and Mg fertilizer in potted native soil in a local shade house, and their responses in terms of growth and nutrient concentrations were recorded over 2 years. Amended soil concentrations were also determined. Microberlinia responded strongly and positively in its growth to Mg, but less to K; Tetraberlinia responded weakly to both. Added Mg led to strongly increased Mg concentration for Microberlinia while added K changed that concentration only slightly; Tetraberlinia strongly increased its concentration of K with added K, but only somewhat its Mg concentration with added Mg. Additions of Mg and K had small but important antagonistic effects. Microberlinia is Mg‐demanding and apparently Mg‐limited in Korup soil; Tetraberlinia, whilst K‐demanding, appeared not to be K‐limited (for growth). Added K enhanced plant P concentrations of both species. Extra applied Mg may also be alleviating soil aluminum toxicity, and hence improving growth indirectly and especially to the benefit of Microberlinia. Mg appears to be essential for Microberlinia seedling growth and its low soil availability in grove soils at Korup may be an important contributing factor to its poor recruitment. Microberlinia is highly shade‐intolerant and strongly light‐responding, whilst Tetraberlinia is more shade‐tolerant and moderately light‐responding, which affords an interesting contrast with respect to their differing responses to Mg supply. The study revealed novel aspects of functional traits and likely niche‐partitioning among ectomycorrhizal caesalps in African rain forests. Identifying the direct and interacting indirect effects of essential elements on tropical tree seedling growth presents a considerable challenge due the complex nexus of causes involved.  相似文献   

Abstract. As part of a wider study examining regeneration pathways in monsoon rain forest vegetation in northern Australia, a one-off, dry season census of saplings was undertaken along transects sampled at each of 33 relatively undisturbed sites broadly representative of the range of regional monsoon rain forest vegetation. Four floristic quadrat groups were derived through TWINSPAN classification. Subsequent analyses involved: (1) comparison of mean dry season stockings of juveniles occurring in different rain forest types, and their structural and environmental correlates; (2) comparison of the contributions of different life forms, and the influence of clonal reproduction in the sapling regeneration banks of different forest types; and (3) exploration of relationships between the distributions of saplings of common tree species with respect to seed bank, floristic, structural, and environmental variables. While data presented here require cautious interpretation given that processes of seedling/sapling recruitment and mortality are highly dynamic, sapling banks were found to be most dense on coarse-textured, moist soils, and least dense on coarse-textured, seasonally dry soils. Canopy cover and fire impact were shown to be highly influential on sapling distribution, especially for saplings of tree species and those growing on seasonally dry sites. Sapling densities were little influenced by proximity to rain forest margins, except for shrubs. The potential for clonal reproduction was significantly greater on dry sites, especially for trees. The majority of saplings sampled were derived from relatively few common, non-clonal, canopy tree species. Sapling distributions of 20 out of 23 common tree species were clumped in the vicinity of conspecific adults; for most species the strength of this relationship was greater than that for any other variable. These data support observations in the literature concerning the distribution of sapling banks in moist and dry tropical forests.  相似文献   

Fungal species richness and abundance were compared in leaf litter of two tree species,Guarea guidonia andManilkara bidentata, in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Four litter samples yielded a total of 3337 isolates, ranging from 591 to 1259 isolates/sample. The number of species/sample ranged from 134 to 228. Many uncommon litter hyphomycetes were recovered as well as coelomycetes, sterile strains, endophytes, and phytopathogens. Species-abundance distributions revealed a typical pattern of a few abundant species and a high proportion of rare species. Similarities in fungal species composition were not correlated with host species or with the site. Replicate samples examined by the moist chamber technique yielded a total of 24 species among the four litter samples. The particle filtration method indicated that leaves ofG. guidonia were more species-rich, while moist chambers indicated leaves ofM. bidentata were more species-rich. The moist chamber technique underestimated the number and species of viable fungi.  相似文献   

Summary The crown light environments of saplings of two Costa Rican rain forest tree species were simultaneously compared. The species, Dipteryx panamensis (Pitt.) Record & Mell., a relatively shade-intolerant species, and Lecythis ampla Miers, a shade-tolerant species, have contrasting growth and branching patterns. Quantum sensors were placed throughout the crowns of saplings up to 2.5 m tall and quantum fluxes were recorded with microloggers for seven-day periods. The shade-intolerant species had total quantum flux densities 35% larger than those of the shade-tolerant species, but totals for both species were less than 2% of full sun. More than 90% of the quantum flux densities measured within the crowns of both species were less than 25 mol m-2s-1. Lateral light was an important component of daily quantum flux totals; for saplings of both species, the half-hour with the maximum average irradiance for the day frequently occurred in mid-morning or midafternoon. Despite dissimilar crown and leaf display, there was no difference in the overall variability of irradiance within the crowns of the two species. However, quantum fluxes received within the crowns differed substantially in both species. Within-crown locations differed significantly from day to day because of variation in weather conditions. Daily total quantum flux densities and totals expressed as a percent of full sun were significantly correlated with height growth over the previous 12 months.  相似文献   

. On low fluvial terraces of the Caquetá River, Araracuara region, Colombia, tree root systems were examined with regard to their structure, underground stratification and biomass distribution. Excavations of skeleton roots and microscopic observation of terminal fine roots included ten species belonging to the Cecropia, Vismia, Miconia, Goupia, Clathrotropis and Brosimum genera. Roots of particular species varied in the external features of their periderm and structure of freshly cut slash. Coarse skeleton roots differed in the shape and position of the plagiotropic branches and positively geotropic taproots or sinkers. None of the observed species could be identified as a shallow-rooted tree, in spite of the general fine root concentration in the upper soil horizon. In the two seasons of study, the terminal roots displayed prevailingly secondary anatomical structure and did not maintain much primary anatomical tissue in their apices. Neither ectomycorrhizas nor endomycorrhizas were detected in the samples. In a set of regeneration stages the amount of tree roots linearly increased with the age of growth. However, fine roots below 2 mm in diameter shared 80-90% of all roots in the upper 20 cm layer of all sample plots. In an old-growth forest, the total tree root biomass amounted to 39 ton/ha, thus being comparable to the underground biomass observed in similar tropical forests.  相似文献   

Seed predation and seedling mortality can act as strong demographic “bottlenecks” to sapling recruitment in African savanna woodlands. Fire also limits tree recruitment from saplings by suppressing their growth. I conducted field experiments with 13 woody plant species to assess the effects of seed burial on seedling emergence rates and effects of fire on seedling and sapling survival and growth rates over a period of 8 years at a savanna plot in central Zambia, southern Africa. Seed removal rates by small rodents varied among years and buried seeds had significantly higher emergence rates than seeds exposed to predators in most but not all the species. Annual burning reduced sapling growth in some species but in other species saplings experienced successive shoot die back even in the absence of fire. The findings show that for some woody species, seed predation is an important constraint to seedling recruitment but not for others and annual fires are important hindrances to demography and growth for some species but not others. Thus, demographic “bottlenecks” occur at different life history stages in different savanna woody species and these have the potential to alter woody tree competitive relationships and ultimately savanna structure.  相似文献   

Arthropod faunal similarity of Bornean rain forest trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. 1. Arthropod samples, collected by insecticide fogging ten Bornean lowland rain forest trees, were sorted to species and used to study some of the determinants of faunal similarity of these trees.
2. Similarity indices were calculated between pairs of trees for guilds of beetles, beetle families and for different orders and other families of insects.
3. Multiple regression analyses of five independent variables of the trees (taxonomic similarity, distance apart, vertical canopy overlap, similarity in tree height, epiphytic load) were carried out against these similarity indices.
4. In eight of the eighteen insect groups analysed, taxonomic similarity of the trees is the most important variable affecting their species composition, accounting for a maximum of 29.4% of the variation.
5. For the Homoptera, Gryllidae, Anthicidae, Chrysomeloidea and scavengers, distance between the trees and the similarity of the trees'epiphyte load have a greater effect on their faunal similarities than taxonomic similarity of the trees.
6. The maximum variation accounted for by variables with significant T ratios was 38.6% in the Anthicidae. In four groups, the Formicidae, Heteroptera, Galerucinae and Corylophidae, none of the variables was significant.
7. These data may support the view that for many insect groups there is less host-specificity in the tropics than in temperate regions.  相似文献   

To investigate the existence of coordinated sets of seedling traits adapted to contrasting establishment conditions, we examined evolutionary convergence in seedling traits for 299 French Guianan woody plant species and the stress response in a shadehouse of species representing seed size gradients within five major cotyledon morphology types. The French Guianan woody plant community has larger seeds than other tropical forest communities and the largest proportion of hypogeal cotyledon type (59.2%) reported for tropical forests. Yet the community includes many species with intermediate size seeds that produce seedlings with different cotyledonal morphologies. A split-plot factorial design with two light levels (0.8% and 16.1% PAR) and four damage treatments (control, seed damage, leaf damage, stem damage) was used in the shadehouse experiment. Although larger-seeded species had higher survival and slower growth, these patterns were better explained by cotyledon type than by seed mass. Even larger-seeded species with foliar cotyledons grew faster than species with reserve-type cotyledons, and survival after stem grazing was five times higher in seedlings with hypogeal cotyledons than with epigeal cotyledons. Thus, to predict seedling performance using seed size, seedling morphology must also be considered.  相似文献   

The growth and physiological characteristics of canopy trees are expected to differ systematically from those of understory trees on the basis of size-dependent aspects of biomechanics, resource availability, and life history. Although such differences have previously been noted, there has been relatively little effort to quantify these in terms of interspecific allometric relationships. Asymptotic maximal height (Hmax) is advocated as a measure of the size of dicotyledonous woody plants for this purpose. Height diameter (H–D) relationships in 38 species within six genera of Malaysian rain forest trees are well described by an asymptotic model, and thus provide a basis for estimating Hmax using static observational data. Three important aspects of tree growth strategies are shown to be predictable on the basis of these values: average tree growth rates are positively related to Hmax, while wood density and the initial allometric slope of (species-specific) H–D relationships are negatively related to Hmax. These patterns may be explained by an association of low light levels with slow growth and high density wood in understory species; the latter property may in turn allow for relatively high allometric slopes of H–D relationships in saplings of small-statured species. Analyses that control for phylogenetic differences provide evidence that such interspecific allometric patterns are the product of convergent evolution. These results are consistent with the idea that much ecological variation within species-rich taxa of southeast Asian rain forest trees is related to differentiation along a vertical axis of tree size.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution of adult trees in a forest community is determined by patterns of both seed dispersal and seedling recruitment. The objectives of our study were to understand the processes of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of dominant tree species in a temperate forest of northeastern China and to identify the factors constraining seed dispersal and seedling establishment at different stages of forest succession.Methods During three summer and autumn sessions between 2006 and 2008, altogether 113080 seeds from 22 different tree species were collected in three large field plots representing different forest types in the Changbai Mountain region of northeastern China. The spatial distribution of seed abundance was analyzed using a Syrjala test. Regeneration success of nine major tree species was assessed using variables defining 'limitations' in 'seeds' and 'seedling establishment'.Important findings We found that seed production fluctuated between years and varied greatly with forest types. Four tree species, Acer spp., Fraxinus mandshurica, Tilia amurensis and Betula spp., had the greatest seed production and the widest range of seed dispersal, whereas Quercus mongolica showed the most sustained seed production pattern. The spatial patterns of seed abundance differed significantly among forest types and years. The tree species investigated in this study differed in the degree of seed limitation, as well as in limitation of seedling establishment. There were both negative and positive correlations between seed density and seedling density, depending on site and parental tree density. Seeds of 16 tree species were found in the Populus davidiana–Betula platyphylla forest (PBF) plot, 11 in the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest (CBF) plot but only 8 in the broad-leaved-Korean pine mixed forest (BKF) plot. The number of seed-contributing species was not only greater in the secondary forests (CBF and PBF plots) than in the primary forest (BKF plot) but was also more variable during the 3 years of assessment. Results from the correlations between seed density and seedling occurrence and that between parental tree density or seed weight and dispersal limitation confirm our intuitive expectations, i.e. heavy seeds had greater dispersal limitation but higher establishment success than light seeds.  相似文献   

南亚热带两种优势树种叶凋落物分解对模拟酸雨的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对模拟酸雨处理下鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林优势树种锥栗(Castanopsis chinensis)和木荷(Schima superba)叶凋落物分解的研究,试图探讨南亚热带区域日益严重的酸雨对森林凋落物分解的影响规律以及可能的机制。试验应用分解袋法进行,并设计4个模拟酸雨强度处理:CK(p H值4.5左右的天然湖水)、T1(p H值4.0)、T2(p H值3.5)和T3(p H值3.0)。21个月的分解结果表明,模拟酸雨抑制了两种优势树种叶凋落物的分解。CK、T1、T2和T3 4个处理下的分解速率常数k值分别为:锥栗(1.18、0.93、0.94和0.86)和木荷(1.10、0.97、0.88和0.94),与CK相比,k值在T1、T2和T3均有下降的趋势。同时,模拟酸雨下两种优势树种叶凋落物的质量残留率均为:T3T2T1CK。酸雨对凋落物分解的抑制作用可能与酸雨胁迫下土壤酸化从而导致土壤微生物活性下降有关。  相似文献   

Seiwa K 《Annals of botany》2007,99(3):537-544
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In spatially heterogeneous environments, a trade-off between seedling survival and relative growth rate may promote the coexistence of plant species. In temperate forests, however, little support for this hypothesis has been found under field conditions, as compared with shade-house experiments. Performance trade-offs were examined over a large resource gradient in a temperate hardwood forest. METHODS: The relationship between seedling survival and seedling relative growth rate in mass (RGR(M)) or height (RGR(H)) was examined at three levels of canopy cover (forest understorey, FU; small gap, SG; and large gap, LG) and at two microsites within each level of canopy cover (presence or absence of leaf litter) for five deciduous broad-leaved tree species with different seed sizes. KEY RESULTS: Within each species, both RGR(M) and RGR(H) usually increased with increasing light levels (in the order FU < SG < LG), whereas little difference was observed based on the presence or absence of litter. Seedling survival in FU was negatively correlated with both RGR(M) and RGR(H) in both LG and SG. The trade-off between high-light growth and low-light survival was more evident in the relationship with LG as compared with SG. An intraspecific trade-off between survival and RGR was observed along environmental gradients in Acer mono, whereas seedlings of Betula platyphylla var. japonica survived and grew better in LG. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented here strongly support the idea of light gradient partitioning (i.e. species coexistence) in spatially heterogeneous light environments in temperate forests, and that further species diversity would be promoted by increased spatial heterogeneity. The intraspecific trade-off between survival and RGR in Acer suggests that it has broad habitat requirements, whereas Betula has narrow habitat requirements and specializes in high-light environments.  相似文献   

Andresen E  Levey DJ 《Oecologia》2004,139(1):45-54
Seeds dispersed by tropical, arboreal mammals are usually deposited singly and without dung or in clumps of fecal material. After dispersal through defecation by mammals, most seeds are secondarily dispersed by dung beetles or consumed by rodents. These post-dispersal, plant-animal interactions are likely to interact themselves, as seeds buried by dung beetles are less likely to be found by rodents than unburied seeds. In a series of three experiments with seeds of 15 species in central Amazonia (Brazil), we determined (1) how presence and amount of dung associated with seeds influences long-term seed fate and seedling establishment, (2) how deeply dung beetles bury seeds and how burial depth affects seedling establishment, and (3) how seed size affects the interaction between seeds, dung beetles, and rodents. Our overall goal was to understand how post-dispersal plant-animal interactions determine the link between primary seed dispersal and seedling establishment. On average, 43% of seeds surrounded by dung were buried by dung beetles, compared to 0% of seeds not surrounded by dung (n=2,156). Seeds in dung, however, tended to be more prone than bare seeds to predation by rodents. Of seeds in dung, probability of burial was negatively related to seed size and positively related to amount of dung. Burial of seeds decreased the probability of seed predation by rodents three-fold, and increased the probability of seedling establishment two-fold. Mean burial depth was 4 cm (0.5–20 cm) and was not related to seed size, contrary to previous studies. Probability of seedling establishment was negatively correlated with burial depth and not related to seed size at 5 or 10 cm depths. These results illustrate a complex web of interactions among dung beetles, rodents, and dispersed seeds. These interactions affect the probability of seedling establishment and are themselves strongly tied to how seeds are deposited by primary dispersers. More generally, our results emphasize the importance of looking beyond a single type of plant-animal interaction (e.g., seed dispersal or seed predation) to incorporate potential effects of interacting interactions.  相似文献   

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