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The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with arsenic (As) accumulation in rice were mapped using a doubled haploid population established by anther culture of F1 plants from a cross between a Japonica cultivar CJ06 and an Indica cultivar TN1 (Oryza sativa). Four QTLs for arsenic (As) concentrations were detected in the map. At the seedling stage, one QTL was mapped on chromosome 2 for As concentrations in shoots with 24.4% phenotypic variance and one QTL for As concentrations in roots was detected on chromosome 3. At maturity, two QTLs for As concentrations in grains were found on chromosomes 6 and 8, with 26.3 and 35.2% phenotypic variance, respectively. No common loci were detected among these three traits. Interestingly, the QTL on chromosome 8 was found to be colocated for As concentrations in grain at maturity and shoot phosphorus (P) concentrations at seedling stage. These results provide an insight into the genetic basis of As uptake and accumulation in rice, and will be useful in identifying genes associated with As accumulation.  相似文献   

Seed shattering is an important factor causing loss of grain yield before and during rice harvest. In the present study, the quantitative trait loci regarding shattering scale, breaking tensile strength (BTS) and abscission layer (AL), the parameters evaluating seed shattering habit by hand gripping, a digital force gauge and observation on AL, respectively, were identified by using an doubled haploid line (DHL) population from a cross between a loose-shattering type Tongil variety, ‘Samgang’, and a moderately difficult shattering japonica variety, ‘Nagdong’. Eight QTLs consisted in four QTLs for shattering scale, two QTLs for AL, each one QTL for pulling and bending strength were detected on six chromosomes, respectively. Among them, Qss1 with flanking markers RM6696 and RM476 explained 31% of phenotype variation in shattering scale. Furthermore, two new QTLs controlling shattering habit, Qss5-2 and Qal5-1, were located on chromosome 5 at the interval 5028–5037 and 5021-RM289. They explained 10% and 12% of phenotype variations, respectively. A total of eleven digenic epistatic loci were identified for four parameters. The identification of QTLs affecting seed shattering habits is favorable to thoroughly dissect the genetic mechanism of the shattering habit and to apply for marker-assisted selection in rice breeding system of specific regions.  相似文献   

Wheat yellow mosaic (WYM) caused by wheat yellow mosaic bymovirus (WYMV) has been growing as one of the most serious diseases affecting wheat production in China. In this study, the association of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) governing WYMV resistance with molecular markers was established using 164 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from 'Xifeng Wheat' (highly resistant)?×?'Zhen 9523' (highly susceptible). Phenotypic data of WYMV resistance of the RILs were collected from 4-year, two-location replicated field trials. A molecular marker-based linkage map, which was comprised of 273 non-redundant loci and represented all the 21 wheat chromosomes, was constructed with the JoinMap 4.0 software. Using the Windows QTL Cartographer V2.5 software, three QTLs associated with WYMV resistance, QYm.njau-3B.1, QYm.njau-5A.1 and QYm.njau-7B.1, were detected on chromosomes 3BS, 5AL, and 7BS, respectively. The favorable allele effects were all contributed by 'Xifeng Wheat'. Among the three QTLs, QYm.njau-3B.1 and QYm.njau-5A.1 were detected in all the four trials and the overall mean, and could explain 3.3-10.2% and 25.9-53.7% of the phenotypic variation, respectively, while QYm.njau-7B.1 was detected in one trial and the overall mean and explained 4.9 and 3.3% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. A large portion of the variability for WYMV response was explained by a major QTL, QYm.njau-5A.1. The relationship of the molecular markers linked with QYm.njau-5A.1 and the WYMV resistance was further validated using a secondary F(2) population. The results showed that three markers, i.e., Xwmc415.1, CINAU152, and CINAU153, were closely linked to QYm.njau-5A.1 with the genetic distances of 0.0, 0.0, and 0.1?cM, respectively, indicating they should be useful in marker-assisted selection (MAS) wheat breeding for WYMV resistance. A panel of germplasm collection consisting of 46 wheat varieties with known WYMV response phenotypes was further used to validate the presence and effects of QYm.njau-5A.1 and the above three markers. It was found that QYm.njau-5A.1 was present in 12 of the 34 WYMV-resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Net blotch of barley, caused by Pyrenophora teres Drechs., is an important foliar disease worldwide. Deployment of resistant cultivars is the most economic and eco-friendly control method. This report describes mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with net blotch resistance in a doubled-haploid (DH) barley population using diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers. One hundred and fifty DH lines from the cross CDC Dolly (susceptible)/TR251 (resistant) were screened as seedlings in controlled environments with net-form net blotch (NFNB) isolates WRS858 and WRS1607 and spot-form net blotch (SFNB) isolate WRS857. The population was also screened at the adult-plant stage for NFNB resistance in the field in 2005 and 2006. A high-density genetic linkage map of 90 DH lines was constructed using 457 DArT and 11 SSR markers. A major NFNB seedling resistance QTL, designated QRpt6, was mapped to chromosome 6H for isolates WRS858 and WRS1607. QRpt6 was associated with adult-plant resistance in the 2005 and 2006 field trials. Additional QTL for NFNB seedling resistance to the more virulent isolate WRS858 were identified on chromosomes 2H, 4H, and 5H. A seedling resistance QTL (QRpts4) for the SFNB isolate WRS857 was detected on chromosome 4H as was a significant QTL (QRpt7) on chromosome 7H. Three QTL (QRpt6, QRpts4, QRpt7) were associated with resistance to both net blotch forms and lines with one or more of these demonstrated improved resistance. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers tightly linked to QRpt6 and QRpts4 were identified and validated in an unrelated barley population. The major 6H QTL, QRpt6, may provide adequate NFNB field resistance in western Canada and could be routinely selected for using molecular markers in a practical breeding program.  相似文献   

Several biologically significant parameters that are related to rice tillering are closely associated with rice grain yield. Although identification of the genes that control rice tillering and therefore influence crop yield would be valuable for rice production management and genetic improvement, these genes remain largely unidentified. In this study, we carried out functional mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for rice tillering in 129 doubled haploid lines, which were derived from a cross between IR64 and Azucena. We measured the average number of tillers in each plot at seven developmental stages and fit the growth trajectory of rice tillering with the Wang–Lan–Ding mathematical model. Four biologically meaningful parameters in this model––the potential maximum for tiller number (K), the optimum tiller time (t 0), and the increased rate (r), or the reduced rate (c) at the time of deviation from t 0––were our defined variables for multi-marker joint analysis under the framework of penalized maximum likelihood, as well as composite interval mapping. We detected a total of 27 QTLs that accounted for 2.49–8.54% of the total phenotypic variance. Nine common QTLs across multi-marker joint analysis and composite interval mapping showed high stability, while one QTL was environment-specific and three were epistatic. We also identified several genomic segments that are associated with multiple traits. Our results describe the genetic basis of rice tiller development, enable further marker-assisted selection in rice cultivar development, and provide useful information for rice production management.  相似文献   

Root penetration ability is an important factor for rice drought resistance in areas with soils subject to both compaction and periodic water deficits. However, breeding for root penetration ability is inhibited by the difficulties associated with measuring root traits. Our objective was to identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) associated with root penetration ability. Using wax-petrolatum layers as a proxy for compacted soil, we counted the number of vertical root axes penetrating through the layer, the total number of vertical root axes and the number of tillers per plant of 202 recombinant inbred (RI) lines over three replications. As a measure of root penetration ability, we used a root penetration index defined as the percent of the total number of vertical root axes that penetrated through a wax-petrolatum layer. The RI population exhibited a wide range in the number of penetrating roots axes (10–115 roots), the total number of roots axes (74–226 roots), tillers per plant (6–18), and in the root penetration index (0.11–0.71). Single-marker and interval quantitative trait analyses were conducted to identify RFLP loci associated with the number of penetrating roots, total root number, root penetration index, and tiller number. Four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were associated with the number of penetrated roots, 19 with the total root number, six QTLs with the root penetration index and ten with tiller number. Individually, these QTLs accounted for a maximum of 8% of the variation in the number of penetrating roots, 19% of the variation in total root number, 13% of the variation in root penetration index and 14% of the variation in tiller number as estimated from regressions. The multimarker regression model accounting for the greatest proportion of the variation in the root penetration index was a three-marker model that accounted for 34% of the variation. Two-marker models accounted for 13% of the variation in the number of penetrated roots, 25% of the variation in total root number, and 21% of the variation in tiller number. This is the first research paper to apply RFLP quantitative trait analysis to dissect genetic loci associated with the total number of roots, root penetration ability and tiller number.Contribution from the Department of Plant and Soil Science, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409, USA. Journal Number T-4-385  相似文献   

Selenium is essential for many organisms, but is toxic at higher levels. To investigate the genetic basis of selenate tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana, quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with selenate tolerance in accessions Landsberg erecta and Columbia were mapped using recombinant inbred lines (RILs). The selenate tolerance index (TI(D10) = root growth + 30 microm selenate/root growth control x 100%) was fourfold higher for parental line Col-4 (59%) than for parent Ler-0 (15%). Among the 96 F8 RILs, TI(D10) ranged from 11 to 75% (mean 37%). Using composite interval mapping, three QTL were found on chromosomes 1, 3 and 5, which together explained 24% of variation in TI(D10) and 32% of the phenotypic variation for the difference in root length +/- Se (RL(D10)). Highly significant epistatic interactions between the QTL and markers on chromosome 2 explained additional variation for both traits. Potential candidate genes for Se tolerance in each of the QTL regions are discussed. These results offer insight into the genetic basis of selenate tolerance, and may be useful for identification of selenate-tolerance genes.  相似文献   

Leaf pubescence in cotton have a potential for insect pest management. Varying degrees of leaf trichome density in Gossypium species and cultivars have been associated to a series of five genes, referred to as t(1)-t(5). We used two segregating interspecific G. hirsutum x G. barbadense backcross populations developed in our laboratory to assess qualitatively and quantitatively leaf and stem pubescence. QTL analyses were performed using simple and composite interval mapping. Based on both types of measurements and under both types of QTL analyses, nine QTLs met permutation-based thresholds. The nine QTLs mapped to four different chromosome regions. Highest LOD values corresponded to the QTLs detected on c6 (four colocalized QTLs) and on D03 (two QTLs) for which the higher pubescence in the progeny derived from the pubescent G. hirsutum parent alleles. Conversely, on c17 (one QTL) and A01 (two QTLs), the G. hirsutum parental alleles affected negatively pubescence. These results combined with another published study confirm (1) the location in a center region of chromosome 6 of the t(1) locus as a major locus/gene determining leaf pubescence, and (2) additional genes located on seven additional chromosomes have been shown to impart trichome density either positively or negatively. The existence of a high density of PCR-based loci in most of the regions identified as harboring leaf pubescence QTLs, particularly that on chromosome 6, will facilitate future efforts for map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci for seedling vigor in rice using RFLPs   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Improving seedling vigor is an important objective of modern rice (Oryza saliva L.) breeding programs. The purpose of this study was to identify and map quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying seedling vigor-related traits using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). An F2 population of 204 plants was developed from a cross between a low-vigor japonica cultivar Labelle (LBL) and a high-vigor indica cultivar Black Gora (BG). A linkage map was constructed of 117 markers spanning 1496 Haldane cM and encompassing the 12 rice chromosomes with an average marker spacing of 14 cM. The length of the shoots, roots, coleoptile and mesocotyl were measured on F3 families in slantboard tests conducted at two temperatures (18° and 25°C). By means of interval analysis, 13 QTLs, each accounting for 7% to 38% of the phenotypic variance, were identified and mapped in the two temperature regimes at a log-likelihood (LOD) threshold of 2.5. Four QTLs controlled shoot length, 2 each controlled root and coleoptile lengths and 5 influenced mesocotyl length. Single-point analysis confirmed the presence of these QTLs and detected additional loci for shoot, root and coleoptile lengths, these latter usually accounting for less than 5% of the phenotypic variation. Only 3 QTLs detected both by interval and singlepoint analyses were expressed under both temperature regimes. Additive, dominant and overdominant modes of gene action were observed. Contrary to what was predicted from parental phenotype, the low-vigor LBL contributed 46% of the positive alleles for shoot, root and coleoptile lengths. Positive alleles from the high-vigor parent BG were identified for increased root, coleoptile and mesocotyl lengths. However, BG contributed alleles with only minor effects for shoot length, the most important determinant of seedling vigor in water-seeded rice, suggesting that it would not be an ideal donor parent for introducing faster shoot growth alleles into temperate japonica cultivars.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci with censored observations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diao G  Lin DY  Zou F 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1689-1698
The existing statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) assume that the phenotype follows a normal distribution and is fully observed. These assumptions may not be satisfied when the phenotype pertains to the survival time or failure time, which has a skewed distribution and is usually subject to censoring due to random loss of follow-up or limited duration of the experiment. In this article, we propose an interval-mapping approach for censored failure time phenotypes. We formulate the effects of QTL on the failure time through parametric proportional hazards models and develop efficient likelihood-based inference procedures. In addition, we show how to assess genome-wide statistical significance. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated through extensive simulation studies. An application to a mouse cross is provided.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci with epistatic effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yi N  Xu S 《Genetical research》2002,79(2):185-198
Epistatic variance can be an important source of variation for complex traits. However, detecting epistatic effects is difficult primarily due to insufficient sample sizes and lack of robust statistical methods. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian method to map multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with epistatic effects. The method can map QTLs in complicated mating designs derived from the cross of two inbred lines. In addition to mapping QTLs for quantitative traits, the proposed method can even map genes underlying binary traits such as disease susceptibility using the threshold model. The parameters of interest are various QTL effects, including additive, dominance and epistatic effects of QTLs, the locations of identified QTLs and even the number of QTLs. When the number of QTLs is treated as an unknown parameter, the dimension of the model becomes a variable. This requires the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The utility of the proposed method is demonstrated through analysis of simulation data.  相似文献   

Grain chalkiness is a highly undesirable trait affecting rice grain quality and milled rice yield. In order to clarify the genetic basis of chalkiness, a recombinant inbred line population (RIL) derived from a cross between Beilu130 (a japonica cultivar with high chalkiness) and Jin23B (an indica cultivar with low chalkiness) was developed for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. A total of 10 QTLs for white belly rate (WBR) and white core rate (WCR) were detected on eight different chromosomes over 2 years. Two QTLs for WBR (qWBR2 and qWBR5) showed similar chromosomal locations with GW2 and qSW5/GW5, which have been cloned previously to control the grain width and should be the right candidate genes. Three novel minor QTLs controlling WCR, qWCR1, qWCR3, and qWCR4 were further validated in near isogenic F2 populations (NIL-F2) and explained 26.1, 18.3, and 21.1% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. These QTLs could be targets for map-based cloning of the candidate genes to elucidate the molecular mechanism of chalkiness and for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in rice grain quality improvement.  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling the regeneration ability of rice seed callus were detected using 245 RFLP markers and 98 BC1F5 lines derived from two varieties, ‘Nipponbare’ and ‘Kasalath’. Regeneration ability was evaluated by two indices: average number of regenerated shoots per callus (NRS) and regeneration rate (RR). The BC1F5 lines showed continuous segregation for both indices. Five putative QTL for NRS (tentatively named qRg1, qRg2, qRg4a, qRg4b and qRg4c) located on chromosomes 1, 2 and 4 were detected. Digenic interaction among these detected QTL was not significant (P<0.01). Among the five QTL detected, four ‘Kasalath’ alleles and one ‘Nipponbare’ allele increased NRS. According to an estimate based on the nearest marker loci, the five QTL accounted for 38.5% of the total phenotypic variation of the BC1F5 lines. For RR, four putative QTL were detected on chromosomes 2 and 4, and all of these were in the same chromosomal regions as the NRS QTL. The four RR QTL accounted for 32.6% of the total phenotypic variation. Received: 7 November 1996 / Accepted: 25 April 1997  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is an important cereal crop grown for both the feed and malting industries. Hence, there is great interest to gain deeper insight into the determinants of grain nutritional quality in order to improve the assessment of new traits. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was employed for the characterization of the grain proteome of doubled-haploid introgression lines (IL) representing a wild barley genome (Hordeum spontaneum Hs213) within a modern cultivar background (H. vulgare cv. Brenda). Proteome maps were subjected to differential cluster analysis and revealed ILs with similar or different protein expression patterns compared to the Brenda parent. A total of 51 quantitative trait loci for protein expression (pQTL) were detected, and proteins underlying these pQTL were further examined by mass spectrometry. Identification was successful for 49 of the segregating spots and functional annotation of proteins revealed that most proteins are involved in metabolism and disease/defence-related processes. Among those, multigene families of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases, heat shock proteins, peroxidases, and serpins were identified. Overall, eight pQTL signals were discovered in two independently grown sets of plants. The mapped spots included protein disulfide isomerase, α-amylase inhibitor BDAI, NADP malic enzyme, adenosine kinase and peroxidase BP1. Specific marker information of proteins involved in developmental events and protein storage as well as in disease- and defence-related processes now allows for targeted breeding approaches to improve the grain quality in barley.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with six physical traits of cooked rice and seven chemical properties of rice grain were identified using a recombinant inbred (RI) population of rice evaluated over 3 years at the National Honam Agricultural Research Institute in Korea. The RI population consisted of 164 lines derived from a cross between Milyang23 and Gihobyeo, and the genetic map consisted of 414 molecular markers. A total of 49 QTL were identified for the 13 physico-chemical properties using composite interval mapping. Of these, 13 QTL were identified for 2 or more years, while 36 were detected in only 1 year. Five QTL were identified over all 3 years and will be useful for marker-assisted improvement of rice grain quality in Korea. The two QTL with the highest LOD scores, adhesiveness1.2 and potassium content7.1, provide a valuable starting point for positional cloning of genes underlying these QTL.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to identify putative quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with days to flowering (DTF) and photoperiod response in rice. A population of 143 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between CO39 and Moroberekan was grown under greenhouse conditions and exposed to two different photoperiod regimes. DTF of individual plants was evaluated under 10 h and 14 h day lengths, and loci associated with photoperiod sensitivity were identified based on the delay in flowering under the 14 h photoperiod (DTF at 14 h minus DTF at 10 h). An RFLP data set consisting of 127 markers provided the basis for the QTL analysis. Both single marker and interval analysis were used and interactions between putative QTLs were estimated based on two-way ANOVA. Out of 15 QTLs associated with DTF, only 4 were identified as influencing the response to photoperiod. Interactions between flowering QTLs indicated the complex nature of the control of flowering in rice. The effectiveness of using a single recombinant inbred population to study a variety of complex phenotypes is discussed in relation to practical plant breeding.  相似文献   

We discuss strategies for mapping quantitative trait loci with emphasis on certain issues of study design that have recently received attention: e.g. genotyping only selected pedigrees and the comparative value of large pedigrees versus sib pairs. We use a standard variance components model and a parametrization of the genetic effects in which the 'segregation' parameters are locally orthogonal to the 'linkage' parameters. This permits simple explicit expressions for the expectation of the score statistic, which we use to compare the power of different strategies. We also discuss robustness of the score statistic.  相似文献   

Xie C  Xu S 《Genetical research》2000,76(1):105-115
Knowledge of quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in polyploids is almost void, albeit many exquisite strategies of QTL mapping have been proposed and extensive investigations have been carried out in diploid animals and plants. In this paper we develop a simple algorithm which uses an iteratively reweighted least square method to map QTLs in tetraploid populations. The method uses information from all markers in a linkage group to infer the probability distribution of QTL genotype under the assumption of random chromosome segregation. Unlike QTL mapping in diploid species, here we estimate and test the compound 'gametic effect', which consists of the composite 'genic effect' of alleles and higher-order gene interactions. The validity and efficiency of the proposed method are investigated through simulation studies. Results show that the method can successfully locate QTLs and separates different sources (e.g. additive and dominance) of variance components contributed by the QTLs.  相似文献   

以2004年构建并保存在种质库10年的186个单株组成的湘743/Katy F2:3群体为材料,在发芽的第5天和第9天统计亲本和各株系的发芽率和成苗率,应用由129个标记组成的连锁图谱检测与种子活力相关的QTL,一共检测到12个QTLs,共分布在6条染色体的6个区间,单个QTLs对群体性状表型变异的贡献率为5.73%~47.53%,联合贡献率都是50%。其中,在第8染色体RM152~RM310区间检测到一个主效的QTL,对第5天发芽率和第9天发芽率和第9天成苗率的贡献率分别为12.02%、47.53%、38.64%,来自于湘743的基因增加发芽率和成苗率;在第9染色体RM444~RM219区间检测到一个稳定表达的QTL,对第5天发芽率和第9天发芽率和第9天成苗率的贡献率分别为8.85%、7.49%、10.36%,来自于Katy的基因增加发芽率和成苗率;此外,没有检测到显著的上位性互作。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the genetic basis for variation in root penetration ability and associated traits in the mapping population derived from the Australian bread wheat cultivars Halberd and Cranbrook in soil columns containing wax layers grown in controlled conditions and to compare this with performance in the field. Root and shoot traits of the doubled haploid line (DHL) from a cross of Halberd and Cranbrook were evaluated in soil columns containing wax layers. Contrasting DHLs that varied in the ability to penetrate a wax layer in soil columns were then evaluated for maximum root depth in the field on contrasting soils at Merredin, Western Australia. Genetic control was complex, and numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL) (53 in total) were located across most chromosomes that had a small genetic effect (LOD scores of 3.2–9.1). Of these QTL, 29 were associated with root traits, 37 % of which were contributed positively by the Halberd with key traits being located on chromosomes 2D, 4A, 6B, and 7B. Variation in root traits of DHL in soil columns was linked with field performance. Despite the complexity of the traits and a large number of small QTL, the results can be potentially used to explore allelic diversity in root traits for hardpan penetration.  相似文献   

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