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The cosmetic split-thickness skin graft donor site   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Any split-thickness skin graft donor site is obvious to some degree because of pigment alterations and, at the worst, it can develop hypertrophic scarring. A predictably superior aesthetic result is possible if this site is converted to a full-thickness defect followed by primary closure, because a linear scar is the only residuum. Using a modified tumescent technique, the groin can also be readily used as a split-thickness donor site if a thin graft is preferred; it captures the attributes of an ideal donor site in which pain is diminished, healing rapid, and the scar inconspicuous, just as when it is used as a full-thickness skin graft donor site.  相似文献   

Expanded preauricular full-thickness free skin graft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preauricular skin graft with expansion for repair of a facial defect is presented. This technique preserves a more natural appearance in color, texture, and thickness than is otherwise possible and provides a larger graft than the usual preauricular graft method.  相似文献   

Bone graft survival in expanded skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of tissue expansion on iliac bone graft (onlay) survival was studied on the skulls of 35 New Zealand white rabbits. Wet bone weights at the time of grafting and at sacrifice in control animals (group I) were compared to three experimental groups. Histologic sections of the developing and resolving pseudosheath and skin envelope were performed. A self-inflating 5-mil-thick silicone expander was used for soft-tissue expansion over the rabbit snout. Bone grafts were subsequently placed in this site. Elliptical snout excision without expansion (group II) demonstrated no statistically significant difference in bone graft survival when compared to controls (group I) (p = 0.350). Full tissue expansion followed by immediate bone grafting (group III) within the pseudosheath cavity likewise demonstrated no statistically significant difference in bone graft survival when compared to controls (group I) (p = 0.500); however, when full tissue expansion was followed by delayed (2 weeks) bone grafting to allow for resolution of the giant cell inflammatory reaction of the pseudosheath (group IV), a statistically significant increased bone graft survival was achieved (p less than 0.001). The study demonstrates that the increased vascularity in the pseudosheath and in the expanded soft-tissue envelope significantly increased bone graft survival only when bone grafting was delayed.  相似文献   

In the art of plastic surgery, the reconstruction of tissue defects to obtain cosmetic and functional recovery is the major concern. Skin grafting is the most frequently used procedure for reconstructing defects of various size and anatomical localizations. On the other hand, donor-site problems associated with this invaluable procedure are inevitable. Various methods are used in the postoperative management of the partial-thickness donor site created during the harvest of a split-thickness skin graft. Each technique has the potential for complications of fluid loss, excessive pain, prolonged period of healing and immobilization, hypertrophic scarring, and undesirable pigmentation. Donor-site pain is probably the most disturbing complication in the early postoperative period. The aim of this article is to point out the significance of donor-site pain, which has not been emphasized thoroughly in the literature, and to introduce flap skin as a potential graft donor site for patients in whom reduction of donor-site morbidity is of primary concern. The principal goal of the technique described in this article is to eliminate donor-site pain by harvesting the graft from the flap that is insensate after the elevation. In 15 patients, the overlying skin of the flap that had been used for reconstructive purposes was used as the donor site (group I). In the remaining 23 patients, the posterolateral thigh was used as the donor site (group II). Donor-site discomfort was recorded during the first 8 days postoperatively using a visual analogue scale. To analyze the data, we used the Friedman test, Dunn's multiple comparison test, and Mann-Whitney U test. It was observed that the visual analogue scale of both of the groups showed a significant decrease within days (group I, p < 0.0001; group II, p < 0.0001). The mean pain scores were significantly lower in group I than in group II (p < 0.0001). When donor-site pain is of primary concern, this procedure provides uneventful and comfortable healing while avoiding postoperative pain in the donor site. For that reason, this technique might be used in appropriate cases to minimize donor-site pain.  相似文献   

It is extremely important that a donor graft site be selected with attention to the type of graft needed as well as the specific patient's needs and lifestyle. While it is inevitable that any donor site heals with altered pigmentation and texture, we feel that by using a combination of several time-honored techniques in this well-concealed donor site, we have achieved long-term aesthetic results of the transfer of skin grafts from a hair-bearing area.  相似文献   

Surgical vaginal reconstruction was performed by a free skin graft in two patients without a vagina. The postoperative changes in vaginal smears collected from the artificial vaginas were observed for about two years. Marked operation-induced inflammatory changes were observed until the second postoperative month. After the third postoperative month, the background became relatively clear. Cyanophilic and eosinophilic superficial cells, intermediate cells and D?derlein bacilli were observed occasionally in addition to keratotic cells. Six to 12 months after surgery, the vaginal smears showed little abnormality, except for the presence of keratotic cells. The changes in the vaginal smears after the third month show that the artificial vaginal epithelium changed cytologically to an almost normal vaginal mucosa that, although not histologically complete, responded to hormones. The presence of D?derlein bacilli suggests that the regional environment of the artificial vagina was almost the same as that of the normal vagina.  相似文献   

Transplantation of a muscle flap with free skin graft for wound coverage is a common procedure in reconstructive microsurgery. However, the grafted skin has little or no sensation. Restoration of the sensibility of the grafted skin on the transferred muscle is critically important, especially in palmar hand, plantar foot, heel, and oral cavity reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of sensory restoration of the grafted skin on a trimmed muscle surface that has been sensory neurotized after sensory nerve-to-motor nerve transfer, using the rabbit gracilis muscle as an animal model. The ipsilateral saphenous nerve (sensory) was transferred to the motor nerve of the gracilis muscle for sensory neurotization. A 4 x 4-cm2 area of skin island over the midportion of the gracilis muscle was harvested as a full-thickness skin graft. The upper half of the gracilis muscle was then excised, becoming a rough surface. The harvested skin was reapplied on the trimmed rough surface of the muscle. After 6 months, retrograde and antegrade horseradish peroxidase labeling studies were performed through skin and muscle injection. The group with a free skin graft was compared with the group with an intact surface of the gracilis muscle. This study clearly shows that sensory nerves can regenerate and penetrate into the trimmed muscle surface and grow into the overlying grafted skin. However, if the muscle surface is intact as with the compared group, sensory reinnervation of the grafted skin is not possible.  相似文献   

Severe burn patients lack adequate skin donor sites to resurface their burn wounds. Patients with severe burn injuries to areas such as an entire face are presently reconstructed with skin grafts that are inferior to normal facial skin. This study was designed in part to determine whether human skin allografts would survive, repopulate, and persist on patients with immunosuppression and after discontinuation of immunosuppression. Small split-thickness skin grafts were synchronously transplanted at the time of renal transplantation from six renal transplant donors to recipients. All six patients were immunosuppressed with the usual doses of renal transplant immunosuppressants (methylprednisolone, cyclosporine, prednisone, and azathioprine). The skin allografts were biopsied when rejection was suspected and at various intervals. Special histologic studies were performed on skin biopsy specimens. Class II DNA tissue typing was performed on transplanted and autogenous skin biopsy specimens of four patients. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed successfully on skin biopsies of four patients' transplanted skin and on two of these four patients' autogenous skin. All six human skin allografts sustained a 100 percent take and long-term clinical survival. DNA tissue typing performed on skin allograft biopsy specimens from patients taking immunosuppressants all revealed donor and recipient cells. DNA tissue typing performed on autogenous skin biopsies from the same patients all revealed only recipient cells. Fluorescent in situ hybridization performed on allograft and autogenous specimens from patients taking immunosuppressants revealed transplanted donor cells with rare recipient cells in the allograft and only recipient cells in the autogenous skin. This study of six patients proves that it is possible for human skin allografts to survive indefinitely on patients taking the usual dosages of immunosuppressants used for renal transplantation. There was minimal repopulation of skin allografts by autogenous keratinocytes and fibroblast while patients were taking immunosuppressants. Immunosuppression was discontinued in two patients after renal transplant rejection after 6 weeks and 5 years. When immunosuppression was discontinued after 5 years in one patient, the skin allograft cells were destroyed and replaced with autogenous cells, but the skin graft did not reject acutely and persisted clinically. It is hypothesized that the acellular portion of the skin allograft was not rejected acutely because of relatively low antigenicity and because it acted as a lattice for autogenous cells to migrate into and replace rejected allograft skin cells. No chimerism was seen in autogenous skin in the skin-renal transplant patients in this study.  相似文献   

The effect of local anesthesia containing epinephrine on the survival of split- and full-thickness skin grafts remains unclear. In this blinded study, Xylocaine with or without epinephrine was injected subdermally prior to harvesting of split-thickness and full-thickness skin grafts on the dorsum of rabbits. After procurement, the grafts were placed back into their original donor sites. Statistical analysis of graft survival 7 days postoperatively revealed a significant decrease in survival for the full-thickness skin grafts treated with Xylocaine with epinephrine as compared with similar grafts without epinephrine (p less than 0.0005). No significant difference was noted for split-thickness skin-graft survival in grafts treated with Xylocaine with and without epinephrine (p greater than 0.1).  相似文献   

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