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1. Data from the two multidisciplinary surveys of Lake Kinneret (Israel), including acoustic surveys of fish concentrations and concurrent sampling of plankton at stations, were used to reconstruct fish and plankton distributions. No significant lake-wide correlations for the distribution fields were found. With respect to patchiness of the fish and plankton distributions, we hypothesized that they might be correlated in localized zones. 2. A method is suggested for the identification of areas where there are strong correlations of two distribution fields. The method is based on outlining zones where the gradients of the two fields of interest are in the same direction (or are opposite). Only areas larger than the autocorrelation circles (or ellipses) for the fields are considered. The correlation of the fields is calculated for each of the zones selected. 3. The method was used in analysing data from the multidisciplinary surveys. We were able to detect areas of the lake where there were correlations for fish and plankton distributions. Analysis of specific conditions inside the correlation zones made it possible to construct hypotheses concerning the causes for the observed patterns of fish and plankton distributions.  相似文献   

Plants can stimulate bacterial nitrogen (N) removal by secretion of root exudates that may serve as carbon sources as well as non-nutrient signals for denitrification. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the specific non-nutrient compounds involved in this stimulation. Here, we use a continuous root exudate-trapping system in two common aquatic duckweed species, Spirodela polyrrhiza (HZ1) and Lemna minor (WX3), under natural and aseptic conditions. An activity-guided bioassay using denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens showed that crude root exudates of the two species strongly enhanced the nitrogen-removal efficiency (NRE) of P. fluorescens (P < 0.05) under both conditions. Water-insoluble fractions (F) obtained under natural conditions stimulated NRE to a significant extent, promoting rates by about 30 %. Among acidic, neutral and basic fractions, a pronounced stimulatory effect was also observed for the neutral fractions from HZ1 and WX3 under both conditions, whereas the acidic fractions from WX3 displayed an inhibitory effect. Analysis of the active fractions using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) revealed that duckweed released fatty acid methyl esters and fatty acid amides, specifically: methyl hexadecanoate, methyl (Z)-7-hexadecenoate, methyl dodecanoate, methyl-12-hydroxystearate, oleamide, and erucamide. Methyl (Z)-7-hexadecenoate and erucamide emerged as the effective N-removal stimulants (maximum stimulation of 25.9 and 33.4 %, respectively), while none of the other tested compounds showed stimulatory effects. These findings provide the first evidence for a function of fatty acid methyl esters and fatty acid amides in stimulating N removal of denitrifying bacteria, affording insight into the “crosstalk” between aquatic plants and bacteria in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

王佳文  何萍  徐杰  丁森 《应用生态学报》2021,32(3):1129-1140
水生态系统中宇宙指人工构建的河流、湖泊、湿地、海洋等水生态系统近自然模拟装置,可以控制一定的物理、化学要素和生境条件,开展生物群落响应研究。中宇宙实验可以弥补传统实验室小型装置模拟要素过于简单,而野外现实系统复杂不可控制和难以开展对比实验的局限。本文列举了当前国际上多个科研机构长期运行的水生态系统中宇宙,将其归纳为流水型中宇宙、围隔装置、陆基模拟池、移动式水槽4类,各类中宇宙一般包括物理-生物模拟系统、自动调控系统、监测分析系统、中央控制系统。近年来,我国水生态系统的研究逐渐从单一环境要素向生态系统整体转变,对中宇宙模拟实验的需求愈加迫切。建议我国水生态系统中宇宙建设应提高结构复杂性,并与野外现场监测相结合,共同支撑更大尺度系统的整体模拟。  相似文献   

The ultrastructural indicators of aquatic ecosystem health   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Analyses by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the smallest organisms in surface waters can be used to assess ecosystem health; the evidence for this statement is reviewed and recommendations are made for optimal use of TEM technology in providing such assessments. Those groups of small organisms currently being considered as indicators of ecosystem health (viruses, bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton, and autotrophic nanoplankton) are reviewed briefly as subjects for monitoring by TEM. New information on direct counting by TEM of viral femtoplankton indicates that viruses can be present in numbers 103 to 107 times greater than previously estimated by the traditional counts of plaque-forming units using various host bacteria. Such concentrations indicate that virus infections may exert ecological control over planktonic microbes. Ultrastructural research on prokaryotic picoplankton suggests that TEM analyses of cells in ultra-thin sections can be used to speciate the picoplankton and to diagnose them for cytological modifications related to environmental stress. Considering their great importance, episodically, to primary productivity and to modulating the speciation of higher levels in the food web, such picoplankton ultrastructural analyses could be pursued with profit as a diagnostic tool. For decades, the ultrastructure of some eukaryotic nanoplankton has been known to vary in specific ways to specific stresses in laboratory experiments. An extension of these structure-function correlations is potentially a useful tool to provide indicators of ecosystem health. The barriers to progress in such research are now understood and can be overcome.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the connection between aquatic plant diversity and ecosystem processes is still limited. To examine how plant species diversity affects primary productivity, plant nutrient use, functional diversity of secondary producers and population/community stability, we manipulated submerged angiosperm species diversity in a field experiment lasting 15 weeks. Plant richness increased the shoot density for three of four species. Polyculture biomass production was enhanced by increasing richness, with positive complementarity and selection effects causing positive biodiversity effects. Species richness enhanced the community stability for biomass production and shoot density. Sediment ammonium availability decreased with plant diversity, suggesting improved nutrient usage with increasing plant richness. Interestingly, positive multitrophic effects of plant species richness on structural and functional diversity of macrobenthic secondary producers were recorded. The results suggest that mixed seagrass meadows play an important role for ecosystem functioning and thus contribute to the provision of goods and services in coastal areas.  相似文献   

覃光球  卢豪良  唐振柱  赵鹏  白雪涛  彭亮 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2481-2489
捕食信息素是捕食者释放的,能够引发猎物反捕食反应的化学信号。在水生生态系统中,捕食信息素在捕食者和猎物之间信息传递及协同进化过程中发挥着重要的作用,其生态学效应在国际上受到广泛关注。捕食信息素的来源有多种形式,研究中常使用养殖过捕食者的水溶液作为捕食信息素的来源。捕食信息素的作用效果受到捕食者和猎物的种类、信息素的浓度、观察的指标等多方面因素的影响。捕食信息素可以对水生生物的行为、形态和生活史特征等方面造成影响。水生生物通过感知捕食信息素来提前预知潜在的被捕食风险,并作出适应性调整,以降低被捕食的风险。在某些情况下,捕食信息素可以与污染物产生交互作用,从而干扰污染物对水生生物的毒性。对水生环境中捕食信息素的研究现状做了综述,介绍了当前对捕食信息素来源和理化性质等本质问题的认识,总结捕食信息素对水生生物行为、形态和生活史特征的影响,以及捕食信息素对污染物毒性的干扰,并分析了这一研究领域尚存在的困难和今后的研究方向。加强对捕食信息素的研究,将为解析水生环境中捕食者和猎物的生态关系提供新依据。  相似文献   

Mandal S  Ray S  Roy SK 《Bio Systems》2009,95(1):30-34
The ascendancy concept aims at quantitatively describing the growth and development of an ecosystem as whole. Growth is an increase in the total system throughflow, while development is taken to be a rise in the average mutual information inherent in the network flow structure. As an ecosystem matures and goes through a series of successional stages, its ascendancy exhibits a propensity to increase. In any ecosystem the equilibrium condition may gradually turn into a chaotic situation for different reasons. In this paper a model is proposed of an aquatic ecosystem comprising of three groups, viz., phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. Rate parameters are changed according to the change of the size of the organisms. The model is run in different conditions with gradual decrement of the body sizes of zooplankton. Allometric principle of the relationship of body size of zooplankton and two rate parameters (growth rate and half saturation constant) are incorporated in this model. According to allometric principle gradual decrement of body sizes of zooplankton consequently increases the grazing rate and decreases the half-saturation constant of this organisms. The system exhibits different states (equilibrium point--stable limit cycle--doubling and ultimately chaos) by gradual increase of zooplankton grazing rate and decrease of half-saturation constant. This paper tests the high level of ascendancy of the systems at the edge of oscillation before starting of the chaos. This high level of throughflow and mutual information, i.e. Ascendency supports the hypothesis that the system can coordinate the most complex behavior and shows maximum biocomplexity in this situation.  相似文献   

宁夏沙湖水生生态系统健康评估   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以宁夏沙湖为例,选取pH值、悬浮物、溶解氧、化学耗氧量、生物耗氧量、总磷及铵氮等7项指标进行实测,并计算沙湖水体的综合污染指数,确定了水生环境的外部压力状态。计算并测量了沙湖水生生态系统在宏观尺度上的自由能、结构自由能,群落尺度上的浮游生物生物量、生产量及二者的比例关系,以判定其内部特征的变化情况。综合外部压力状态和内部特征指标体系的计算,结果表明,沙湖水生生态系统活力下降,生物周转速度慢,系统利用外界资源能力下降,种群增长受人为干扰,物种多样性下降,湖泊富营养化严重,并有进一步恶化趋势,目前处于不(或亚)健康状态。  相似文献   

湖泊的水生态模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于城市化进程的不断加快,大量的污染物排放到湖泊中,打破了湖泊的生态平衡.湖泊的水生态模型不仅能够研究湖泊的富营养化现象,而且还可以模拟工业毒物等污染物对湖泊生态系统的影响,是湖泊管理的有力工具.本文从分析湖泊的污染现状以及污染趋势出发,介绍了湖泊水生态模型的研究现状,并根据模型的模拟对象和空间模拟能力对湖泊水生态模型进行了分类.在此基础上介绍了AQUATOX、PAMOLARE、CAEDYM、WASP、OOMAS等比较成熟的模拟湖泊生态系统的模型软件,阐述了它们的产生、发展、主要特点以及应用,总结了当今湖泊水生态模型在模拟过程中遇到的问题,并对水生态模型的发展趋势进行了展望.本文为湖泊水生态模型的选择提供了建议.  相似文献   

A community-based framework for aquatic ecosystem models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Here, we communicate a point of departure in the development of aquatic ecosystem models, namely a new community-based framework, which supports an enhanced and transparent union between the collective expertise that exists in the communities of traditional ecologists and model developers. Through a literature survey, we document the growing importance of numerical aquatic ecosystem models while also noting the difficulties, up until now, of the aquatic scientific community to make significant advances in these models during the past two decades. Through a common forum for aquatic ecosystem modellers we aim to (i) advance collaboration within the aquatic ecosystem modelling community, (ii) enable increased use of models for research, policy and ecosystem-based management, (iii) facilitate a collective framework using common (standardised) code to ensure that model development is incremental, (iv) increase the transparency of model structure, assumptions and techniques, (v) achieve a greater understanding of aquatic ecosystem functioning, (vi) increase the reliability of predictions by aquatic ecosystem models, (vii) stimulate model inter-comparisons including differing model approaches, and (viii) avoid ??re-inventing the wheel??, thus accelerating improvements to aquatic ecosystem models. We intend to achieve this as a community that fosters interactions amongst ecologists and model developers. Further, we outline scientific topics recently articulated by the scientific community, which lend themselves well to being addressed by integrative modelling approaches and serve to motivate the progress and implementation of an open source model framework.  相似文献   

A crescentic Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium motile by a laterally inserted tuft of flagella was isolated from a boggy ditch water habitat. Cells occurred usually singly or in pairs, but sometimes short chains, long helical cells or spheroplasts with flagella still attached were observed. Its metabolism was obligate fermentative. The fermentation of glucose yielded mainly acetate and propionate. It grew with a generation time of 1 h 50 min. The DNA base ratio was found to be 51.6 mol % G+C. The characteristics of this organism indicated that it belongs to the genus Selenomonas closely similar to and by its main characteristics identical with the rumen bacterium Selenomonas ruminantium. The differing characteristics — production of catalase and lower temperature optimum (25°C) — interpretable as the result of adaptation to the specific environmental conditions may justify classification of the isolate into a new subspecies of S. ruminantium named Selenomonas ruminantium subsp. psychrocatalagenes. Additional information on the DNA base composition in strains of Selenomonas ruminantium (GA 192 and HD 1) was obtained.  相似文献   

Flooding is a major disturbance that impacts aquatic ecosystems and the ecosystem services that they provide. Predicted increases in global flood risk due to land use change and water cycle intensification will likely only increase the frequency and severity of these impacts. Extreme flooding events can cause loss of life and significant destruction to property and infrastructure, effects that are easily recognized and frequently reported in the media. However, flooding also has many other effects on people through freshwater aquatic ecosystem services, which often go unrecognized because they are less evident and can be difficult to evaluate. Here, we identify the effects that small magnitude frequently occurring floods (<?10-year recurrence interval) and extreme floods (>?100-year recurrence interval) have on ten aquatic ecosystem services through a systematic literature review. We focused on ecosystem services considered by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment including: (1) supporting services (primary production, soil formation), (2) regulating services (water regulation, water quality, disease regulation, climate regulation), (3) provisioning services (drinking water, food supply), and (4) cultural services (aesthetic value, recreation and tourism). The literature search resulted in 117 studies and each of the ten ecosystem services was represented by an average of 12?±?4 studies. Extreme floods resulted in losses in almost every ecosystem service considered in this study. However, small floods had neutral or positive effects on half of the ecosystem services we considered. For example, small floods led to increases in primary production, water regulation, and recreation and tourism. Decision-making that preserves small floods while reducing the impacts of extreme floods can increase ecosystem service provision and minimize losses.  相似文献   

Quan-Guo Zhang  Da-Yong Zhang 《Oikos》2006,112(1):218-226
The relationship between species diversity and ecosystem stability has long interested ecologists, yet no consensus has been reached and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We used five unicellular algal species, cultured in all possible combinations, to assemble microcosms containing 1 to 5 algal species, on which a cold perturbation was imposed. Our aim was to find whether and how species richness begets ecosystem resistance and resilience. In the experiment, the species-rich communities produced more biomass than the species-poor ones, either in pre-, under- or post-perturbation conditions. The positive diversity–biomass relationship was weakened by the perturbation, and fully restored one week after the perturbation. The diverse communities showed greater absolute biomass reduction during the perturbation than did species-poor systems. Resistance of community, measured by the relative change in biomass from pre- to under-perturbation, decreased with species richness. All the species showed significant reduction in biomass when stressed, without any density compensation among species in diverse communities; and the ratio of biomass change in each species was independent of diversity. The overyielding effect, measured as relative yield total, remained constant from pre- to under-perturbation; and the selection and complementarity effects played equal roles for the biodiversity effect on biomass production, and their relative importance was not altered by the perturbation. These results suggest that similar responses of different species to environmental perturbations may limit the insurance effect of biodiversity, and lead to an inverse diversity–resistance relationship.  相似文献   

1. Many studies indicate that biodiversity in ecosystems affects stability, either by promoting temporal stability of ecosystem attributes or by enhancing ecosystem resistance and resilience to perturbation. The effects on temporal stability are reasonably well understood and documented but effects on resistance and resilience are not. 2. Here, we report results from an aquatic mesocosm experiment in which we manipulated the species richness and composition of aquatic food webs (macrophytes, macro‐herbivores and invertebrate predators), imposed a pulse disturbance (acidification), and monitored the resistance (initial response) and resilience (recovery) of ecosystem productivity and respiration. 3. We found that species‐rich macroinvertebrate communities had higher resilience of whole‐ecosystem respiration, but were not more resistant to perturbations. We also found that resilience and resistance were unaffected by species composition, despite the strong role composition is known to play in determining mean levels of function in these communities. 4. Biodiversity’s effects on resilience were probably mediated through complex pathways affecting phytoplankton and microbial communities (e.g. via changes in nutrient regeneration, grazing or compositional changes) rather than through simpler effects (e.g. insurance effects, enhanced facilitation) although these simpler mechanisms probably played minor roles in enhancing respiration resilience. 5. Current mechanisms for understanding biodiversity’s effects on ecosystem stability have been developed primarily in the context of single‐trophic level communities. These mechanisms may be overly simplistic for understanding the consequences of species richness on ecosystem stability in complex, multi‐trophic food webs where additional factors such as indirect effects and highly variable life‐history traits of species may also be important.  相似文献   

In a space environment such as Space Shuttle or Space Station, animal experiments with aquatic species in a closed system pose a crucial problem in maintaining their water quality for a long term. In nature, ammonia as an animal wastes is converted by nitrifying bacteria to nitrite or nitrate compounds, which usually become nitrogen sources for plants. Thus an application of the biological reactor with such bacteria attached on some filters has been suggested and experimentally studied for efficient waste managements of ammonia. Although some successful results were reported (Kozu et al. 1995, Nagaoka et al. 1998, Nakamura et al. 1997, 1998) in the space applications, purely empirical approaches have so far been taken to develop a biological filter having a stable nitrifying activity. In this study, we constructed a mathematical model to deal with the dynamics of the ammonia nitrifying processes in a biological reactor. The model describes population dynamics of the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria cultivated on the same filter. We estimated parameters involved in the model using the experimental data. The result shows that these estimated parameters could be applied to general cases and that the two bacteria are in a symbiotic relationship; they can better perform when both coexist, as has been empirically recognized. Based on the model analysis, we discuss how to prepare a high performance biological filter.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)不仅具有"三致"效应(致癌、致畸、致突变)和遗传毒性,而且对内分泌系统、神经系统、免疫系统等具有毒害作用。再加上自身具有难降解、易蓄积、可长距离运输等特点,给水生生态系统以及人类带来极大危害。结合当前的研究趋势,围绕水生生物中持久性有机污染物的免疫毒性进行了介绍,同时回顾了近年来该类污染物的污染状况及各方面毒性效应,并对目前该领域中存在的问题及下一步需要关注的热点进行了讨论和总结。  相似文献   

太湖流域圩区水生态系统服务功能价值   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以遥感图像、气象水文资料和实地水生态状况调查数据为基础,利用构建的评价指标体系对太湖流域圩区的水生态系统服务功能进行了评价,并分析其空间差异性。结果表明:太湖流域的圩区水生态系统服务功能价值为325.93×108元,以对生态系统的调节、维持功能等间接使用价值为主,是直接使用价值的6.18倍。主要受水域分布面积大小的影响,圩区水生态系统服务功能价值总量呈现出杭嘉湖区阳澄淀泖区湖西区浙西区武澄锡虞区浦西区太湖区浦东区的特点。太湖流域单位面积圩区水生态系统服务功能的平均价值为22.73元m-2a-1,整体表现为南高北低,西高东低的空间分布格局。  相似文献   

辽宁省辽河水生态系统健康评价   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
2009年6-8月,在对辽宁省辽河铁岭段、沈阳段、盘锦段20个断面水文、水质、着生藻类、栖息地状况实地调查的基础上,采用主成分分析方法,进行指标的筛选与指标权重的确定,构建了该河流水生态系统健康评价指标体系和健康评价标准体系,并用改进的灰色关联度法对辽河6个断面的水生态系统健康状况进行了评价.结果表明:辽宁省辽河3个评价断面的水生态系统健康程度一般,2个评价断面分别为较差和极差,仅有1个评价断面达到了亚健康程度,说明辽河河流水生态系统生态退化严重,需要进一步加强辽河水系的生态恢复及水环境污染综合治理.  相似文献   

天然水体中生物膜及悬浮颗粒物的元素含量研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用一种简便的生物膜采样装置 ,分别于 1999年 7和 10月在北京颐和园昆明湖水体中采集生物膜、悬浮颗粒物和湖水样品 ,研究了天然水体中生物膜及悬浮颗粒物的元素含量 .用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)观察生物膜的形态和结构表明 ,生物膜内存在着棒形或球形的细菌、藻类、有机碎屑、原生动物和甲壳类动物等 .对生物膜样品的重量分析表明 ,在实验期间 ,随着生长时间的延长 ,生物膜样品的干重明显增加 .生长 78d时 ,1m水深处的生物膜样品干重可达 5 .19mg·cm-2 .用电感藕合等离子体发射光谱仪 (ICP AES)测定了生物膜、悬浮颗粒物和湖水中元素含量 .结果表明 ,实验期间生物膜中元素含量高于悬浮颗粒物 .同一时间、相同地点、不同水层深度生物膜样品中的元素含量无明显的规律性 .在 3个采样点 ,1及 1.5m水深处的生物膜样品中Ca、Mg、K、Na、Al、Fe和S的含量基本相近 ,Mn、Sr、Ti、P、La、Co、Cu、Pb、Li、Ni、B、Ce、V、Be和Cr的含量存在差异 .生长时间越长 ,生物膜样品的元素含量相对较高  相似文献   

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