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River flow regulation by dams for hydroelectric generation has been a common practice worldwide for centuries, with diverse ecological impacts. We studied upstream and downstream reaches of three British Columbia Hydro reservoirs on the Allouette, Coquitlam, and Cheakamus Rivers to determine if riparian plant communities were affected by the dams. We determined cover of all plants in consecutive 1 m2 quadrats along five to six 14 m-long belt transects in each 300 m upstream and downstream sections of these rivers. We encountered 166 plant species in a total of 448 quadrats. Differences in plant communities (abundance, species richness, diversity) amongst rivers were larger than that between the upstream versus downstream of the rivers. This suggests that any difference caused by reservoir management was within the natural range of variation found across the rivers. We found significant reductions in the occurrences of red alder and western red cedar downstream of reservoirs. The lack of regeneration of these two species may be attributable to the reduction in extremes of flow variation and lack of sediment transport due to the reservoirs. Coordinated flow management can help mitigate these downstream impacts.  相似文献   

A survey of fluvial landforms was conducted at Widden Brook, an unregulated sand‐bed stream in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, to investigate the physical factors associated with vegetation pattern in Riverine Oak Forest. Groundwater depth and chemistry (pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity) were measured using piezometers and submersible data loggers on three fluvial landforms (i.e. toe of bank, top of bank and floodplain) along five transects. Floristic composition, canopy cover, bare ground and leaf litter were assessed within 45 quadrats on the three landforms along the five transects. Elevation above the bed and flood return period were determined by cross‐sectional survey and flood frequency analysis, while flow duration was determined from the gauge record. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that vegetation composition was associated with average watertable depth and flood variables to a similar extent. The relative importance of these factors would be expected to vary with flood‐ and drought‐dominated climatic periods on a scale of several decades. Floristic composition was moderately associated with the canopy cover of the dominant woody species, Casuarina cunninghamiana (Miq.), but weakly correlated with bare ground and groundwater chemistry. Suites of species were associated with particular fluvial landforms and their corresponding flood and watertable conditions. The reach examined has characteristics similar to both the semi‐arid and mesic riparian ecosystems of the USA. The coarse sediments, high flood variability, short flood duration and dominance by a pioneer tree that relies on groundwater are similar to riparian ecosystems in the western USA, while the relatively broad floodplain and the development of a forest canopy that is associated with the distribution of understorey plants are similar to the mesic riparian systems in the eastern USA.  相似文献   

Abstract Riparian environments are subject to the scouring and depositional effects of floods. Riparian vegetation and substrates are scoured during high flows, while litter and sediment is deposited downstream. In the Prosser and Little Swanport River catchments in south‐east Tasmania, vascular plant species were surveyed in large riparian relevés. Within these relevés, 1 × 1 m subplots were placed in both flood‐scoured and depositional environments. Species composition was compared between these three datasets, to investigate the importance of floods in determining species richness and species composition of riparian vegetation. Species richness and diversity were highest in areas experiencing flood scour. Herbs appear particularly reliant on the creation of gaps for colonization, and some major riparian shrub species may also require disturbance to maintain their abundance. The depositional environment tended to favour shrubs and graminoids. Given that differences in species composition are related to flood‐induced features of the riparian environment, the regulation of these rivers might reduce the diversity of the riparian vegetation downstream of dams.  相似文献   

In many countries buffer strips have become an important management tool widely accepted for controlling the diffuse pollution and supporting the development of more sustainable agriculture. However, there is the need to investigate their role in intensive farming systems where a realistic and shareable proposal to realize buffer strips can only foresee the use of a limited space. We evaluated the nitrogen buffering capacities of two narrow riparian strips (5-8 m) along irrigation ditches located in a typical flat agricultural watershed of the alluvial plain of the River Po (Northern Italy). Subsurface water level and nutrient concentrations were monitored along transects of piezometers installed from crop fields to ditches in two different areas. Spatial and temporal variation in water chemistry and hydrology were investigated to individuate the main processes (biological or physical) leading to groundwater nitrate depletion related to fertilization, pluviometric regime and seasonal variation. The results obtained indicate an elevated nitrate removal efficiency in both riparian areas. Compared to the high mean concentrations measured at the exit of the crop fields (10-90 mg l−1 N-NO3), nitrate levels within riparian sites can be very low, completely disappearing below the ditches. The patterns of some chemical species (O2, SO42− and HCO3) and the potential denitrification rates suggest that denitrification plays a predominant role in the N-NO3 depletion observed in the first few meters of the herbaceous strip. The key factors in the system are the elevated groundwater residence time and the effect of the evapotranspiration. The water uptake by woody vegetation affects the subsurface water to flow through the riparian zone and, at the same time, it contributes to completely remove the nitrate from the groundwater.Our findings also suggest the double role of riparian vegetation both in ecohydrological and biological terms. In fact the water uptake by trees affects the subsurface flow pattern and contributes to completely remove the nitrate in the riparian zone.  相似文献   

1. Riparian vegetation in dry regions is influenced by low‐flow and high‐flow components of the surface and groundwater flow regimes. The duration of no‐flow periods in the surface stream controls vegetation structure along the low‐flow channel, while depth, magnitude and rate of groundwater decline influence phreatophytic vegetation in the floodplain. Flood flows influence vegetation along channels and floodplains by increasing water availability and by creating ecosystem disturbance. 2. On reference rivers in Arizona's Sonoran Desert region, the combination of perennial stream flows, shallow groundwater in the riparian (stream) aquifer, and frequent flooding results in high plant species diversity and landscape heterogeneity and an abundance of pioneer wetland plant species in the floodplain. Vegetation changes on hydrologically altered river reaches are varied, given the great extent of flow regime changes ranging from stream and aquifer dewatering on reaches affected by stream diversion and groundwater pumping to altered timing, frequency, and magnitude of flood flows on reaches downstream of flow‐regulating dams. 3. As stream flows become more intermittent, diversity and cover of herbaceous species along the low‐flow channel decline. As groundwater deepens, diversity of riparian plant species (particularly perennial species) and landscape patches are reduced and species composition in the floodplain shifts from wetland pioneer trees (Populus, Salix) to more drought‐tolerant shrub species including Tamarix (introduced) and Bebbia. 4. On impounded rivers, changes in flood timing can simplify landscape patch structure and shift species composition from mixed forests composed of Populus and Salix, which have narrow regeneration windows, to the more reproductively opportunistic Tamarix. If flows are not diverted, suppression of flooding can result in increased density of riparian vegetation, leading in some cases to very high abundance of Tamarix patches. Coarsening of sediments in river reaches below dams, associated with sediment retention in reservoirs, contributes to reduced cover and richness of herbaceous vegetation by reducing water and nutrient‐holding capacity of soils. 5. These changes have implications for river restoration. They suggest that patch diversity, riparian plant species diversity, and abundance of flood‐dependent wetland tree species such as Populus and Salix can be increased by restoring fluvial dynamics on flood‐suppressed rivers and by increasing water availability in rivers subject to water diversion or withdrawal. On impounded rivers, restoration of plant species diversity also may hinge on restoration of sediment transport. 6. Determining the causes of vegetation change is critical for determining riparian restoration strategies. Of the many riparian restoration efforts underway in south‐western United States, some focus on re‐establishing hydrogeomorphic processes by restoring appropriate flows of surface water, groundwater and sediment, while many others focus on manipulating vegetation structure by planting trees (e.g. Populus) or removing trees (e.g. Tamarix). The latter approaches, in and of themselves, may not yield desired restoration outcomes if the tree species are indicators, rather than prime causes, of underlying changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

We studied riparian forests along mountain streams in four large watersheds of western Oregon and far northern California, USA, to better understand the multiscale controls on woody riparian vegetation in a geographically complex region. In each of the four-study watersheds, we sampled woody riparian vegetation in161-ha sampling reaches that straddled the stream channel. Within each hectare, we sampled riparian vegetation and local environmental factors in 40 m2 sampling plots arrayed along topographic transects. We also surveyed natural disturbance gaps in 6 ha in each watershed to explore the effects of fine scale disturbance on species distributions. We compared species composition across our study watersheds and used Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) and chi-squared analyses to compare the relative importance of landscape scale climate variables and local topographic and disturbance variables in explaining species distributions at sampling plot and hectare scales. We noted substantial turnover in the riparian flora across the region, with greatest numbers of unique species in watersheds at the ends of the regional gradient. In NMS ordinations at both scales, variation in woody riparian species composition showed strongest correlations with climatic variables and Rubus spectabilis cover, but the latter was only an important factor in the two northern watersheds. At the smaller scale, topographic variables were also important. Chi-squared analyses confirmed that more species showed landscape scale habitat preferences (watershed associations) than associations with topographic position (94.7% vs. 42.7% of species tested) or gap versus forest setting (94.7% vs. 24.6% of species tested). The woody riparian flora of western Oregon shows important biogeographic variation; species distributions showed strong associations with climatic variables, which were the primary correlates of compositional change between riparian sites at both scales analyzed. Additional local variation in composition was explained by measures of topography and disturbance.  相似文献   

In tropical landscapes, forest remnants have been reduced to narrow strips of vegetation along rivers and streams surrounded by agricultural land that affects biodiversity, depending on the habitat and landscape characteristics. To assess the effect of riparian forest loss on the diversity of Staphylininae predatory rove beetles, we considered two habitat conditions (river sites with riparian vegetation and sites with heterogeneous pastures) within two micro-basin types (with >70% and <40% forest cover) in a tropical montane cloud forest landscape, Mexico. Beetles were collected using baited pitfall traps during the rainy season of 2014. No differences were found between micro-basin types and, although species richness (0D) was similar between habitat conditions, when the diversity of common (1D) and dominant (2D) species was considered, sites with heterogeneous pastures were almost twice as diverse as those with riparian vegetation. All diversity measurements were greater in sites with heterogeneous pastures of either micro-basin type. Air temperature and canopy cover were the environmental variables that best explained the variation in beetle species composition. The greatest environmental differences related to species composition were detected between habitat conditions and were more evident in sites with heterogeneous pastures and low forest cover in the surroundings. The results suggest that replacing riparian vegetation with heterogeneous pastures, within micro-basins that lost between 30% and 60% of their forest cover, does not significantly reduce the diversity of predatory rove beetle but rather modifies the beetle composition. Effective formulation of management strategies to mitigate the impact of land use modification therefore requires an understanding of the interaction between vegetation remnants and landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

Allochthonous (e.g., riparian) plant litter is among the organic matter resources that are important for wetland ecosystems. A compact canopy of free‐floating vegetation on the water surface may allow for riparian litter to remain on it for a period of time before sinking to the bottom. Thus, we hypothesized that canopy of free‐floating vegetation may slow decomposition processes in wetlands. To test the hypothesis that the retention of riparian leaf litter on the free‐floating vegetation in wetlands affects their subsequent decomposition on the bottom of wetlands, a 50‐day in situ decomposition experiment was performed in a wetland pond in subtropical China, in which litter bags of single species with fine (0.5 mm) or coarse (2.0 mm) mesh sizes were placed on free‐floating vegetation (dominated by Eichhornia crassipes, Lemna minor, and Salvinia molesta) for 25 days and then moved to the pond bottom for another 25 days or remained on the pond bottom for 50 days. The leaf litter was collected from three riparian species, that is, Cinnamomum camphora, Diospyros kaki, and Phyllostachys propinqua. The retention of riparian leaf litter on free‐floating vegetation had significant negative effect on the carbon loss, marginal negative effects on the mass loss, and no effect on the nitrogen loss from leaf litter, partially supporting the hypothesis. Similarly, the mass and carbon losses from leaf litter decomposing on the pond bottom for the first 25 days of the experiment were greater than those from the litter decomposing on free‐floating vegetation. Our results highlight that in wetlands, free‐floating vegetation could play a vital role in litter decomposition, which is linked to the regulation of nutrient cycling in ecosystems.  相似文献   


Invasion of the riparian zone by alien vegetation is recognised as a serious problem in many areas of South Africa. Vegetation is a dynamic component of river channels. It is an important control variable affecting channel form whereas the flow and sediment regime influences vegetation growth. Wherever alien vegetation invades the riparian zone it can be expected that there will be some impact on the physical structure of the riparian habitat. This paper reviews the effect of riparian vegetation on channel processes and channel form and discusses the implications of the invasion of riparian zones by alien vegetation. Woody species in particular are seen as having a significant potential for inducing channel modification, whilst their removal could lead to significant channel instability and mobilisation of sediment. The need for further research into the impact of alien vegetation on the geomorphology of South African river channels is stressed.  相似文献   

Riparian or streamside zones support dynamic ecosystems with three interacting components: flowing water, alluvia (river-transported sediments), and vegetation. River damming influences all three, and subsequent responses can provide insight into underlying processes. We investigated these components along the 315-km Hells Canyon corridor of the Snake River that included reaches upstream, along, and downstream from three large dams and reservoirs, and along the Salmon River, a free-flowing tributary. Sandbar willow was generally the woody plant at the lowest bank position and was abundant along upstream reaches (53, 45, 67% of transects), sparse along reservoirs (11, 12, 0%), and sparse along the Snake River downstream (11%). It was prolific along the undammed Salmon River (83%) and intermediate along the Snake River below the Salmon inflow (27%), indicating partial recovery with the contribution of water and sediments. Along these rivers, it commonly occurred on sandy substrates, especially on shallow-sloped surfaces, and emerged from interstitial sands between cobbles on steeper surfaces. However, along the Snake River below the dams, sandbars have eroded and willows were sparse on remnant, degrading sand surfaces. We conclude that a feedback loop exists between sands and sandbar willow. Sand favors willow colonization and clonal expansion, and reciprocally the extensively branched willows create slack-water zones that protect and trap sands. This feedback may sustain surface sands and sandbar willows along free-flowing river systems and it amplifies their mutual vulnerability to river damming. Following damming, sediment-depleted water is released downstream, eroding surface sands and reducing willow colonization and expansion. With willow decline, sands are further exposed and eroded, compounding these impacts. From this feedback, we predict the coordinated depletion of surface sands and riparian willows along dammed rivers throughout the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Restoring degraded lands in rural environments that are heavily managed to meet subsistence needs is a challenge due to high rates of disturbance and resource extraction. This study investigates the efficacy of erosion control structures (ECSs) as restoration tools in the context of a watershed rehabilitation and wet meadow (bofedal) restoration program in the Bolivian Andes. In an effort to enhance water security and increase grazing stability, Aymara indigenous communities built over 15,000 check dams, 9,100 terraces, 5,300 infiltration ditches, and 35 pasture improvement trials. Communities built ECSs at different rates, and we compared vegetation change in the highest restoration management intensity, lowest restoration management intensity, and nonproject control communities. We used line transects to measure changes in vegetation cover and standing water in gullies with check dams and without check dams, and related these ground measurements to a time series (1986–2009) of normalized difference vegetation index derived from Landsat TM5 images. Evidence suggests that check dams increase bofedal vegetation and standing water at a local scale, and lead to increased greenness at a basin scale when combined with other ECSs. Watershed rehabilitation enhances ecosystem services significant to local communities (grazing stability, water security), which creates important synergies when conducting land restoration in rural development settings.  相似文献   

The sources of groundwater and the patterns in groundwater dissolved N and DOC concentration in the floodplain of a subtropical stream (Wollombi Brook, New South Wales) were studied over a 2-year period using three piezometer transects. While the stream was generally a discharge area for regional groundwater, this source represented only a small contribution to either the water or N budget of the alluvial aquifer. Groundwater–surface water interactions appeared mostly driven by cycles of bank recharge and discharge between the stream and the alluvial aquifer. DON and NH4+ were the principal forms of dissolved N in groundwater, consistent with the primarily suboxic to anoxic conditions in the alluvial aquifer. A plume of groundwater NO3 was found at one transect where oxic conditions persisted within the riparian zone. The origin of the NO3 plume was hypothesized to be soil NO3 from the riparian zone flushed to the water table during recharge events. When present, NO3 did not reach surface water because conditions in the alluvial aquifer in the vicinity of the stream were always reduced. The concentration of groundwater DOC was variable across the floodplain and may be related to the extent of the vegetation cover. Overall, transformation and recycling of N during lateral exchange processes, as opposed to discharge of new N inputs from regional groundwater, appears to primarily control N cycling during groundwater–surface water interactions in this subtropical floodplain.  相似文献   

We explored how a woody plant invader affected riparian bird assemblages. We surveyed 15 200‐m‐long transects in riparian zones in a much‐changed landscape of eastern Victoria, Australia. Abundance, species‐richness, foraging‐guild richness and composition of birds were compared in transects in three habitat types: (i) riparian zones dominated by the invasive willow Salix × rubens; (ii) riparian zones lined with native woody species; and (iii) riparian zones cleared of almost all woody vegetation. We also measured abundance and richness of arthropods and habitat structure to explore further the effects of food resources and habitat on the avifauna. We observed 67 bird species from 14 foraging guilds. Native riparian transects had more birds, bird species and foraging guilds than willow‐invaded or cleared transects. Habitat complexity increased from cleared to willow‐invaded to native riparian transects, as did abundance of native and woodland‐dependent birds. Native shrub and trees species had more foliage and branch‐associated arthropods than did willows, consistent with a greater abundance and variety of foraging guilds of birds dependent on this resource. Willow spread into cleared areas is unlikely to facilitate greatly native bird abundance and diversity even though habitat complexity is increased. Willow invasion into the native riparian zone, by decreasing food resources and altering habitat, is likely to reduce native bird biodiversity and further disrupt connectivity of the riparian zone.  相似文献   

Within the scope of a seagrass monitoring program in the Novigrad Sea, Central Croatian Adriatic, we predicted that the annual variability in coverage of seagrasses (Zostera marina, Zostera noltii, and Cymodocea nodosa) can be partially explained by the annual variability in sediment translocation. From 23 fixed DGPS-referenced monitoring video transects followed over three years (June 2007-2009), we calculated annual (i) changes in interior bed seagrass coverage, (ii) gain in seagrass at the lower edge of the bed and seagrass bed expansion, and (iii) accumulation of sediment, its depth dependence, and the associated changes in transect slope. We found that in 2007 to 2008, the year with net sediment accumulation, seagrass coverage increased and the bed expanded. In both years seagrass cover within the seagrass bed increased with increasing sediment accumulation, while seagrass bed expansion was highest under intermediate sedimentation rates. Boat-based videographic monitoring can document both natural sediment movement along the depth gradient, and species-specific responses necessary for informed management of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal controls on soil CO2 production and surface CO2 efflux have been identified as outstanding gaps in our understanding of carbon cycling. We investigated both across two riparian-hillslope transitions in a subalpine catchment, northern Rocky Mountains, Montana. Riparian-hillslope transitions provide ideal locations for investigating the controls on soil CO2 dynamics due to strong, natural gradients in the factors driving respiration, including soil water content (SWC) and soil temperature. We measured soil air CO2 concentrations (20 and 50 cm), surface CO2 efflux, soil temperature, and SWC at eight locations. We investigated (1) how soil CO2 concentrations differed within and between landscape positions; (2) how the timing of peak soil CO2 concentrations varied across riparian and hillslope zones; and (3) whether higher soil CO2 concentrations necessarily resulted in higher efflux (i.e. did surface CO2 efflux follow patterns of subsurface CO2)? Soil CO2 concentrations were significantly higher in the riparian zones, likely due to higher SWC. The timing of peak soil CO2 concentrations also differed between riparian and hillslope zones, with highest hillslope concentrations near peak snowmelt and highest riparian concentrations during the late summer and early fall. Surface CO2 efflux was relatively homogeneous at monthly timescales as a result of different combinations of soil CO2 production and transport, which led to equifinality in efflux across the transects. However, efflux was 57% higher in the riparian zones when integrated to cumulative growing season efflux, and suggests higher riparian soil CO2 production.  相似文献   

  1. Flow regulation is a prolific and growing influence on rivers world-wide. Nine cascade hydropower dams were constructed along the 1,150-km Wujiang River in China over the past 30 years, disrupting longitudinal continuity. Water level fluctuations in the associated reservoirs range between daily, weekly, seasonal, and annual, depending on the type of regulation, but the comparative impacts of these regimes on plant growth strategies, or the extent of their downstream influence, is unknown.
  2. Competitor, stress-tolerator, and ruderal (CSR) plant strategies were used to assess the impact of reservoir regulation type on the riparian herbaceous plant community based on sampling the inundation zone of nine reservoirs and their downstream river reaches during 2017 and 2018.
  3. Our results revealed profound differences in CSR plant strategies of the dominant vegetation with respect to water level regime. While ruderal plants dominated (45%–60% of species), irrespective of regulation type, vegetation in reservoirs exhibited a strong shift from stress-tolerators (e.g., Cynodon dactylon, C-11.9:S-41.5:R-46.5%) to competitors (e.g., Reynoutria japonica, C-77.9:S-0:R-22.0%) with increasing intensity of water level fluctuation, reflecting the shift from annual to daily regulation. The width of the inundation zone was the best overall variable in explaining the CSR strategies of riparian vegetation, both in the reservoir inundation zone (r2-adj = 15.4%) and the downstream river (r2-adj = 7.3%). Retention time significantly explained variation in CSR plant strategies in the reservoir inundation zone (r2-adj = 3.7%, p = 0.002) but not downstream (p > 0.01). There was also a clear scale dependency of CSR plant strategies, with an increase in stress tolerators (average slope = 0.7%/km) and decline of competitor (average slope = −0.3%/km) and ruderal plants (average slope = −0.9%/km) with increasing distance downstream from dams.
  4. The growth strategies of the dominant riparian vegetation changed with the magnitude and frequency of water level fluctuations caused by differences in regulation type, and local environmental conditions. Clear scale dependency in the CSR plant strategies was observed with distance from the dam, with ruderals dominating closest to the reservoirs and declining gradually downstream as stress tolerators increased.
  5. Our study helps to evaluate the impact of river damming on the functional traits of riparian vegetation and to predict the resilience and restoration potential of riparian vegetation under different forms of human disturbance.

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