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八倍体小滨麦与缺体小麦杂交的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
傅杰  徐霞 《遗传学报》1997,24(4):350-357
八倍体小滨麦与缺体小麦杂交和回交,其后代BC1F1与F2相比较,染色体分离范围小,有利于41条染色体类型的分离,若用异源双单体附加作父本与缺体回交,41条染色体类型的分离率还会提高2倍左右;单体代换在自交世代的传递率为31.91%,二体代换的分离率为19.37%,异染色体的丢失率为29.34%;二体代换在自交世代的传递率为85.26%,异染色体的丢失率为9.21%;PMCMI染色体构型为20.76”+0.31’+0.03"+0.01””,相对紊乱系数为0.01,2n=21”的细胞占86.09%。选育的二体代换系,不同程度地表现出大穗、多花、优质、抗多种病害等滨麦的优良性状。  相似文献   

六种鸟核型的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道了|HENG|形目和雀形目6种鸟的核型, 并与已报道的近缘种类进行了比较。结果表明,除个别情况外,种间及属间核型差异不大,这些差异主要是由臂间倒位导致着丝点位置的改变而形成的,从而支持了鸟类核型在进化过程中有较强的保守性这一观点。 Abstract:The karyotypes of 6 species in Charadriiformes and Passeriformes birds were studied they were compared with ralative species that were reported before.The results showed that there were no differences of karyotypes among species and genera,except some special species.The differences were mainly due to the change of centrometric position which was caused by the pericertric in version.Therefore,the results again prove the hypothesis that bird karyotype is exceedingly conservative in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

本文系统地介绍了近年来有关标记辅助选择改良数量性状的研究进展,主要包括标记辅助回交、指数选择与最佳线性无偏预测的理论和应用研究概况.理论与计算机模拟表明标记辅助选择比常规表型选择更有效,但在实际育种中并不理想.同时本文还就当前标记辅助选择存在的问题和前景进行了讨论。 Abstract:Recent advances on marker-assisted selection (MAS) in the improvement of quantitative traits are reviewed.These include theoretical researches and applications of marker-assisted backcrossing,index selection,and best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) in animal and plant breeding.Theoretical and simulation studies show that marker-assisted selection can substantially increase the efficiency of selection in comparison to phenotypic selection,but is not yet a proven technology.Problems and prospects in MAS are also discussed.  相似文献   

许明辉XU  Ming-hui 《遗传》1999,21(5):47-551
利用8个数量性状计算了主成分遗传距离,对15个烟草品种进行了聚类,在4.37的阀值下可将15个亲本分为5大类,分类结果与品种地理来源无必然的联系,而与品种的血缘关系有一定的联系,可将烤烟和晒晾烟分开,在一定程度上反映了品种的遗传差异。F1产量杂种优势指数(F1/MP)与亲本间遗传距离(D2)相关系数不显著,二者呈抛物线关系。在D2<5.63的范围内,二者呈一直线关系,二者相关系数为0.511**,达极显著水平,在此范围内随D2增大,优势指数增大,杂种优势增大,当D2>5.63时,亲本间D2增大,优势指数呈下降趋势。建议在杂种优势利用中选择遗传距离中等偏小的品种做亲本。 Abstract:Fifteen tobacco parental cultivars of 24 hybrids were classified into five groups on 4.37 clustering level by the genetic distance calculated on 8 agronomic quantitative characters. The relative cultivars were clustered into the same group. The result of correlation analysis showed that there was a parabola relationship between genetic distance (D2)and yield heterosis (F1/Mp). WhenD2<5.63, the correlative coefficient was significant(r=0.511**), and the heterosis increased with the increasing of genetic distance. When D2>5.63, the heterosis decreased with the increasing of genetic distance. Therefore, in order to obtain higher heterosis of yield in tobacco, it might be better to choose cultivars with small to medium genetic distance as crossing parents.  相似文献   

八倍体小滨麦与普通小麦杂交后代的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文对八倍体小滨麦与普通小麦杂交后代的细胞遗传学及附加染色体的传递及丢失规律进行了研究和讨论。结果表明,BC1F1与F2相比较,染色体分离范围小,并且分离向染色体数目减少偏移,有利于43、44条染色体的分离;双单体附加和单体附加后代异染色体丢失严重,分别为65.79%和61.99%,双单体附加分离出单体附加占10.53%,单体附加的传递率为26.92%,单体附加后代分离出的二体附加为5.56%,二体附加自交世代中,异染色体的丢失率为29.03%,传递率为56.45%;PMCMI染色体构型为21.70Ⅱ+0.05Ⅰ+0.02Ⅲ+0.01Ⅳ,2n=22Ⅱ的细胞占88.96%。选育的附加系及具42条染色体的株系,不同程度地表现出大穗、大粒、优质、抗病等滨麦的优良性状。  相似文献   

通用线性模型筛选家禽生化多态遗传标记的探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本研究首次采用线性模型估计生化基因(表)型对产蛋量相关性状的效应,排除环境和遗传背景的差异,检测出效应显著的3种生化基因(表)型。Akp座位F型和Es-1座位AB型的开产蛋重显著降低, 效应的遗传本质有待于深入研究确认。 Tf位点对于36周龄体重的影响不属于基因多效或紧密连锁效应, 可能是距离较远基因连锁的结果,效应随基因间连锁与交换会在品系和世代间产生较大波动;或可能源于非控制误差。本研究还表明生化基因座位与数量性状基因位点(QTL)间的非紧密基因连锁可能大量存在, 但育种意义不大。 Abstract:The literature on associations between biochemical polymorphisms with a Mendelian basis and quantitative traitsis abundant,but it is often difficult to draw conclusions from results that vary in statistical significance and that are sometimes conflicting.Linear models were found capable in estimating associated effects of biochemical genes,precluding deviations due to environmental and population differences.Three biochemical gene- or phenotypes were detected to be significantly associated with laying-related traits.F of Akp locus and AB of Es-1 locus showed large associated effects on egg weight at onset of lay as the result of pleiotrophy or close linkage,or caused by heterogeneity,whereas association of BB at Tf locus with body weight at 36 weeks of age could be due to loose linkage or non-controlled errors which exhibited large variations between populations and possibly through generations Many biochemical loci were also revealed to be occasionally associated with laying-related traits,but few of them could be of breeding importance.  相似文献   

羊草+杂类草群落数量特征季节动态的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
多立安  田德昌 《植物研究》1996,16(2):235-241
本文对肇州羊草+杂类草群落主要种群、种组及群落数量特征季节动态进行了探讨。结果表明,在生长季内,羊草、蔓委陵菜群种及丛生禾草种组高度和盖度,群落的盖度及密度特征呈单峰型变化,群落最大地上生物量出现在8月5日,其值为1973g/m2干物质,而后下降;在生长季内,符合拓广了的Logistic模型增长,其模型为:B=22460381+e5.9289-5.5388×102·t-4.8484×104·t2+3.5365×10-6·t3  相似文献   

畜禽粪便堆肥过程中酶活性及微生物数量的变化研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实验选取鸡粪和猪粪进行好氧堆肥发酵,研究畜禽粪便腐熟过程中酶活性和微生物的变化趋势以及相互联系。结果表明:过氧化氢酶活性和纤维素酶活性在堆肥初期较高,随后迅速降低,最终过氧化氢酶维持在9~12ml/g之间,纤维素酶维持在12.37~15.07mg/(kg·h)之间,而脲酶活性变化趋势为"升高-降低-升高"。细菌数量变化趋势为"低-高-低";放线菌为"高-低";真菌为"高-低-高"。通过相关分析发现,放线菌可能是影响堆肥中过氧化氢酶和纤维素酶的关键因素。鸡粪中放线菌与过氧化氢酶呈极显著正相关;猪粪中放线菌与过氧化氢酶和纤维素酶呈显著正相关;鸡粪+猪粪中放线菌与过氧化氢酶和纤维素酶呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

Animal personalities have been a major focus of behavioral ecology over the past decade. Consistent individual dif ferences in behavior have been found across taxa, and have been shown to influence a range of ecological processes. The role of personalities in sexual selection has been considered, and examples exist that show selection for personality traits with both assortative and disassortative mating patterns between personality types. One overlooked aspect of the personality and sexual se lection literature is the potential for personalitysignaling interactions, specifically with complex signaling. Complex signaling is a diverse topic in itself, and in short, consists of multiple signals within one or more modalities that interact to elicit a receiver response. Research into complex signaling has been thorough, although at times studies discover complex signaling systems that fail to fit into one of the existing hypotheses in the literature. Here, we argue that personalities may interact with complex signal ing, which should be considered by researchers of both personality and sexual selection and communication. We describe several ways in which personalitycomplex signaling interactions could affect both the signaler and receiver, and the way in which they may drive personalityspecific signals as well as receiver preferences. Finally, we discuss how considering personality in com plex signaling studies may inform theory as well as improve the ability of researchers to accurately describe its function.  相似文献   

目的:研究一种对家兔血压影响小于常用麻醉剂,适用于家兔动脉血压实验的一种全身麻醉复合剂。方法:将氯胺酮、乌拉坦、戊巴比妥钠和水合氯醛有序分组,按不同比例配置麻醉复合剂对家兔进行耳缘静脉注射,观察记录并比较给药前后动脉血压的变化、麻醉维持时间、痛觉、角膜反射、肌张力、呼吸、心率变化。结果:①氯胺酮、水合氯醛、乌拉坦和戊巴比妥钠四种药物联合给药时家兔颈总动脉血压122±3mmHg,波动范围在开口时血压的5mmHg内,是整个实验过程中血压波动最小的,对动脉血压的影响小于常用麻醉剂25%乌拉坦(10mmHg左右)。②麻醉后生理状态平稳,角膜反射消失,肌张力明显减弱,呼吸频率减慢,骨痛反应消失,麻醉持续时间大于90min,降低了每种药物的用药量从而增加了麻醉药物的安全性。结论:1.35%氯胺酮(0.4mL/kg)、25%乌拉坦(0.8mL/kg)、5%水合氯醛(0.3mL/kg)和3%戊巴比妥钠(0.2mL/kg)复合给药时对家兔血压影响最小、麻醉维持时间长、麻醉效果理想,是一种适合于家兔血压实验的复合麻醉剂。  相似文献   

A large body of studies has investigated the capacity of non-human primates, dogs, birds and lower vertebrates to estimate different quantities of objects or events. Little attention, however, has been devoted to felines, and no study has specifically concentrated on cats’ numerical cognition. The present study aims to investigate the capacity of domestic cats to distinguish between two and three dots in order to obtain food; results showed that cats can be trained to discriminate between the two quantities. Furthermore our research suggests that cats do not spontaneously use numerical information, but rather seem to make use of visual cues that co-vary with numerosity in order to solve the task.  相似文献   

Nonhuman animal welfare education aims to promote positive relationships between children and animals and thus improve animal welfare, yet few scientific evaluations of these programs exist. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an education program developed by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) that included 4 interventions focusing on pets (companion animals), wild animals, farm animals, and general animal rescues. Knowledge, attachment to pets, and attitudes and beliefs about animal minds were assessed at pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest using a questionnaire administered to 1,217 Scottish children aged 7 to 13 years old. Results showed a significant positive impact of the program on knowledge about animals and the Scottish SPCA for all interventions. The pet and farming interventions significantly impacted children’s beliefs about animal minds. There were trends toward improvements in a range of other measures. This study highlights the importance of teaching animal welfare education to children for early prevention of animal cruelty, discusses the need to base this education on theory and research to find effective change, and demonstrates how evidence-based practice can inform future education programs.  相似文献   

本文总结了在临床医学八年制的实验动物学科教学中的一些体会,提出了有关教学方法、教学内容、教学重点等方面的建议。希望为八年制医学生未来的科研工作搭建一座有效的桥梁,培养他们出色的科研创新能力。  相似文献   

本文总结了在八年制医学生实验动物学实验课教学中的一些体会,研究了教学过程中出现的某些不良心理特征,并提出了相应的解决方法及对策,以提高实验课的教学效果。希望为医学生未来科研工作的顺利进行搭建一座有效的桥梁。  相似文献   

Since tenascin C is a factor expressed highly in the tumor-associated matrix, it would be a desirable first step for targeting the tumor-specific microenvironment. In fact, a high level of tenascin C expression has been reported in most solid tumors, including lung cancer, colon cancer and glioblastoma. Therefore, the targeted binding of tenascin C in tumor stroma would inhibit tumor metastasis by modulating cancer cell growth and migration. We isolated a peptide that bound to tenascin C by phage display peptide library selection, and the selected peptide specifically recognized tenascin C protein in xenograft mouse tissue. We also observed exclusive staining of tenascin C by the selected peptide in tumor patient tissues. Moreover, the peptide reduced tenascin C-induced cell rounding and migration. We propose that the tenascin C targeting peptide may be useful as a specific anti-cancer diagnostic and therapeutic tool for most human solid tumors.  相似文献   

为选择短枝木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)的优良家系,对来自10个国家23个种源109个家系的短枝木麻黄生长性状进行综合选择。结果表明,造林42个月后短枝木麻黄的树高、胸径、单株材积、抗虫性、健康状况和保存率在种源和家系间均存在极显著或显著差异。印度种源(18118)、中国种源(18267、18268和18586)、泰国种源(21199、18299和18297)在生长速度上表现较好;肯尼亚种源(18144、18142、18135)、澳大利亚种源(17862)、瓦努阿图种源(18312和18565)的抗虫性较好;瓦努阿图种源(18312)和肯尼亚种源(18142)的健康状况表现较好;中国种源(18586)、越南种源(18128)和肯尼亚种源(18144)的保存率较高。单株材积的遗传力最高,保存率和抗虫性的较低,健康状况的最低。利用单株材积、抗虫性、健康状况和保存率进行指数选择,按25%的入选率,28个综合性状优良的家系可作为下一步杂交育种的遗传材料。  相似文献   

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