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Another juvenile specimen of the small carnivoranMiacis?kessleri Springhorn 1982 from the lower Middle Eocene oilshales (MP 11) of Messel near Darmstadt (South Hesse, Germany) is described. The nearly complete skeleton displays characteristics in dentition, skull, and limbs showing additional anatomical details and suggesting a taxonomic revision. Especially the assumption that there exist two molars only in the lower and upper jaw, as well as the trenchant talonid of the lower carnassial contradict the allocation to the genusMiacis. The species consequently is assigned to a new genusMesselogale. The higher taxonomic status of miacids in relation to the system of Carnivora is discussed.Messelogale kessleri shows basicranial characters, which indicate a classification within the Caniformia. On the other hand the loss of M3 suggests a relationship to the Feliformia. The species has an almost completely reduced (cf. holotype) or moderately well-developed dP3-Parastyl (this specimen), but it is not as enlarged as in primitive Feliformia, nor as reduced as in some Caniformia. Moreover, a calcaneal fibular facet cannot be excluded. Both attributes are representing the primitive morphology of the species. That does not ally the species with the Feliformia, but makes it, according toFlynn &; Galiano (1982), a very primitive Caniformia.  相似文献   

One of the liehest oecurrences of the rare glirid genusMyoglis is described from the middle Miocene of the open-cast lignite mine Hambach. Morphological and morpho-metrical investigation of overall 33 cheek teeth admit the attribution toM. meini. The Variation and trends in development of the dental pattern of this large species are analysed and documented. The Hambach 6C speeimens are some of the oldest representants (MN 5) ofM. meini. This is also morphologically confirmed by only few, weak developed accessory ridges which indicate an early evolutionary stage. The comparison of the Hambach speeimens with material ofM. meini from 12 European localities as well as with the other fourMyoglis species verifies a close relationship between the middle MioceneM. meini and the lower MioceneM. antecedens. TheMyoglis speeimens from Hambach 6C are part of a taxonomically diverse and unusually composed vertebrate fauna. The fossil material was aecumulated within a Channel fill (“Mittel 6C”) which is interealated in the Rhenish Main Seam (Ville Series). The estuarine influenced Channel crossed the wide, swampy forests of the Rhenish Tertiary.  相似文献   

A new find of a fossil stalk-eyed fly (Diptera: Diopsidae, Diopsinae) possibly belonging to the generaProsphyracephala orSphyracephala, is described. The specimen has been found in the fossiliferous »oil-shale« sediments of lower oligocene age near Ceresté, Alpes de Haute-Provence, France.  相似文献   

The cricetids are one of the dominating groups of the rodent fauna of Maramena. Among the three described cricetids:Kowalskia browni n. sp.,Allocricetus cf.ehiki andHypsocricetus strimonis n. g. n. sp. two are new.K. browni represents a stage of evolution betweenK. skofleki andK. magna. This gives support to the supposed stratigraphie position (Late Turolian, MN 13) of the Maramena fauna.  相似文献   

One new genus and 11 new species belonging to a group of problematic protozoan forms are described from the Northwest German Tertiary basin. Stratigraphic ranges of the different species are given.  相似文献   

Two new isolated upper anterior premolars (p1–3) of multituberculates are described from the Barremian of Galve in Spain. One specimen is tricuspid and belongs toEobaatar hispanicus Hahn &Hahn, 1992. The other is the first tetracuspid p1–3 known from Galve. It is very similar to respective teeth of the Paulchoffatiidae G.Hahn, 1969 from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal. Therefore, this very small tooth belongs very probably to the paulchoffatiid taxonGalveodon nannothus Hahn &Hahn, 1992 which is also characterized by tiny dimensions  相似文献   

WithAcanthodes bourbonensis n.sp. another acanthodian from Lower Permian basins of Europe is described. The new species is similar toAcanthodes gracilis (Beyrich) from Silesia (Poland), but it differs from this and all other species of the genus in the development of the pectoral fins, dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin. In pectoral fins, dorsal and anal fin there are different ceratotrichia as supporting elements and pectoral fins are attaching along a row of oblonged large scales. In the caudal fin there is an epichoral appendix first found byHeyler (1969).  相似文献   

The hexactinellid sponge fauna, which is described here for the first time, originates from the “Septarienton” (Rupelium, Oligocene) of the “Kirchenziegeleigrube” near Bad Freienwalde (NE Germany). This fauna includes lyssacinosan, as well as hexactinosan species, represented byAsconema oligocaena n. sp. (Hexasterophora, Lyssacinosa), the first occurrence of this genus from the fossil record,Aphrocallistes sp. (Hexasterophora, Hexactinosa), andHyalonema sp. (Amphidiscophora). The three-dimensional, pyritic body-preservation of these non-rigid sponges suggests fossiliyzation by rapid burial. Episodic mudflows are suggested to be responsible for this. The environment of deposition is suggested to have been a moderately shallow shelf, possibly in the distal range of a delta, characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates and no turbulence, except when disturbed by episodic mudflows. Low energy conditions are a precondition for the settlement of the described Hexactinellida.  相似文献   

In a collection of 2000 specimens of the echinoidEchinocorys sulcata from the Danian of Dalbyover, northern Jutland, Denmark, two percent of the coronae investigated show characteristic coronal plate anomalies which are largely missing in other echinoid species. These anomalies are formed by split coronal plates or mosaic-like plate arrangements instead of regularly grown plates. Plate anomalies occurring in ambulacral and interambulacral zones, classified into 14 different types, have been used for a statistical analysis. Data on the relative age of the echinoid animals with anormal coronal plates, and on the most abundant types of plate anomalies are given. Two specimens ofEchinocorys sulcata from the same locality show deviations from the regular pentameric pattern and comparable finds from other localities and of otherEchinocorys species were incorporated in the analysis. The anomalies described here are named forma aegrainconstans n.f. Literature data on echinoid coronal plate anomalies, which have been related to coronal deformations caused by evironmental parameters, are discussed.  相似文献   

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