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The development of desiccation tolerance by vegetative tissues was an important step in the plants’ conquest of land. To counteract the oxidative stress generated under these conditions the xanthophyll cycle plays a key role. Recent reports have shown that desiccation itself induces de-epoxidation of xanthophyll cycle pigments, even in darkness. The aim of the present work was to study whether this trait is a common response of all desiccation-tolerant plants. The xanthophyll cycle activity and the maximal photochemical efficiency of PS II (F v/F m) as well as β-carotene and α-tocopherol contents were compared during slow and rapid desiccation and subsequent rehydration in six species pairs (with one desiccation-sensitive and one desiccation-tolerant species each) belonging to different taxa. Xanthophyll cycle pigments were de-epoxidised in darkness concomitantly with a decrease in F v/F m during slow dehydration in all the desiccation-tolerant species and in most of the desiccation-sensitive ones. De-epoxidation was reverted in darkness by re-watering in parallel with the recovery of the initial F v/F m. The stability of the β-carotene pool confirmed that its hydroxylation did not contribute to zeaxanthin formation. The α-tocopherol content of most of the species did not change during dehydration. Because it is a common mechanism present in all the desiccation-tolerant taxa and in some desiccation-sensitive species, and considering its role in antioxidant processes and in excess energy dissipation, the induction of the de-epoxidation of xanthophyll cycle pigments upon dehydration in the dark could be understood as a desiccation tolerance-related response maintained from the ancestral clades in the initial steps of land occupation by plants.  相似文献   

Florigen is a mobile signal released by the leaves that reaching the shoot apical meristem (SAM), changes its developmental program from vegetative to reproductive. The protein FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) constitutes an important element of the florigen, but other components such as sugars, have been also proposed to be part of this signal.1-5 We have studied the accumulation and composition of starch during the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana in order to understand the role of carbon mobilization in this process. In A. thaliana and Antirrhinum majus the gene coding for the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS) is regulated by the circadian clock6,7 while in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the homolog gene CrGBSS is controlled by photoperiod and circadian signals.8,9 In a recent paper10 we described the role of the central photoperiodic factor CONSTANS (CO) in the regulation of GBSS expression in Arabidopsis. This regulation is in the basis of the change in the balance between starch and free sugars observed during the floral transition. We propose that this regulation may contribute to the florigenic signal and to the increase in sugar transport required during the flowering process.  相似文献   

Temperature has dramatic evolutionary fitness consequences and is therefore a major factor determining the geographic distribution and abundance of ectotherms. However, the role that age might have on insect thermal tolerance is often overlooked in studies of behaviour, ecology, physiology and evolutionary biology. Here, we review the evidence for ontogenetic and ageing effects on traits of high- and low-temperature tolerance in insects and show that these effects are typically pronounced for most taxa in which data are available. We therefore argue that basal thermal tolerance and acclimation responses (i.e. phenotypic plasticity) are strongly influenced by age and/or ontogeny and may confound studies of temperature responses if unaccounted for. We outline three alternative hypotheses which can be distinguished to propose why development affects thermal tolerance in insects. At present no studies have been undertaken to directly address these options. The implications of these age-related changes in thermal biology are discussed and, most significantly, suggest that the temperature tolerance of insects should be defined within the age-demographics of a particular population or species. Although we conclude that age is a source of variation that should be carefully controlled for in thermal biology, we also suggest that it can be used as a valuable tool for testing evolutionary theories of ageing and the cellular and genetic basis of thermal tolerance.  相似文献   

Plant growth plays a key role in the functioning of the terrestrial biosphere, and there have been substantial efforts to understand why growth varies among species. To this end, a large number of experimental analyses have been undertaken; however, the emergent patterns between growth rate and its components are often contradictory. We believe that these conflicting results are a consequence of the way growth is measured. Growth is typically characterized by relative growth rate (RGR); however, RGR often declines as organisms get larger, making it difficult to compare species of different sizes. To overcome this problem, we advocate using nonlinear mixed-effects models so that RGR can be calculated at a standard size, and we present easily implemented methods for doing this. We then present new methods for analyzing the traditional components of RGR that explicitly allow for the fact that (log)(RGR) is the sum of its components. These methods provide an exact decomposition of the variance in (log)(RGR). Finally, we use simple analytical and simulation approaches to explore the effect of size variation on growth and its components and show that the relative importance of the components of RGR is influenced by the extent to which analyses standardize for plant size.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases typically involve deposits of inclusion bodies that contain abnormal aggregated proteins. Therefore, it has been suggested that protein aggregation is pathogenic. However, several lines of evidence indicate that inclusion bodies are not the main cause of toxicity, and probably represent a cellular protective response. Aggregation is a complex multi-step process of protein conformational change and accretion. The early species in this process might be most toxic, perhaps through the exposure of buried moieties such as main chain NH and CO groups that could serve as hydrogen bond donors or acceptors in abnormal interactions with other cellular proteins. This model implies that the pathogenesis of diverse neurodegenerative diseases arises by common mechanisms, and might yield common therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Strong evidence in favor of a direct action of hypothalamic PACAP at the pituitary to modulate gonadotrope function has been acquired mainly by in vitro studies using cultured pituitary cells or gonadotrope cell lines. In particular, PACAP has been shown to cooperate with GnRH, the primary regulator of gonadotropes, to regulate/modulate gonadotropin subunit gene expression, gonadotropin release as well as gonadotrope responsiveness. These effects of PACAP appear to be due essentially to its high potent stimulatory action on the cAMP/protein kinase pathway. Ensuing mechanisms include signaling cross-talk and/or enhanced gene expression within gonadotropes. PACAP may also indirectly operate on these cells through paracrine mechanisms. While PACAP has long been viewed as a hypophysiotropic factor, a locally produced PACAP has also been described. Interestingly, both appear similarly up-regulated at proestrus of the reproductive cycle in female rats. Further in vivo investigation is now necessary to ascertain the physiological relevance of the observed pituitary PACAP effects and especially to evaluate the respective contribution of hypothalamic and pituitary PACAP in the dynamic control of gonadotrope function.  相似文献   

The Quaternary has been described as an important time for genetic diversification and speciation. This is based on the premise that Quaternary climatic conditions fostered the isolation of populations and, in some instances, allopatric speciation. However, the 'Quaternary Ice-Age speciation model' rests on two key assumptions: (i) that biotic responses to climate change during the Quaternary were significantly different from those of other periods in Earth's history; and (ii) that the mechanisms of isolation during the Quaternary were sufficient in time and space for genetic diversification to foster speciation. These assumptions are addressed by examining the plant fossil record for the Quaternary (in detail) and for the past 410 Myr, which encompasses previous intervals of icehouse Earth. Our examination of the Quaternary record indicates that floristic responses to climate changes during the past 1.8 Myr were complex and that a distinction has to be made between those plants that were able to withstand the extremes of glacial conditions and those that could not. Generation times are also important as are different growth forms (e.g. herbaceous annuals and arborescent perennials), resulting in different responses in terms of genetic divergence rates during isolation. Because of these variations in the duration of isolation of populations and genomic diversification rates, no canonical statement about the predominant floristic response to climatic changes during the Quaternary (i.e. elevated rates of speciation or extinction, or stasis) is currently possible. This is especially true because of a sampling bias in terms of the fossil record of tree species over that of species with non-arborescent growth forms. Nevertheless, based on the available information, it appears that the dominant response of arborescent species during the Quaternary was extinction rather than speciation or stasis. By contrast, our examination of the fossil record of vascular plants for the past 410 Myr indicates that speciation rates often increased during long intervals of icehouse Earth (spanning up to 50 Myr). Therefore, longer periods of icehouse Earth than those occurring during the Quaternary may have isolated plant populations for sufficiently long periods of time to foster genomic diversification and allopatric speciation. Our results highlight the need for more detailed study of the fossil record in terms of finer temporal and spatial resolution than is currently available to examine the significance of intervals of icehouse Earth. It is equally clear that additional and detailed molecular studies of extant populations of Quaternary species are required in order to determine the extent to which these 'relic' species have genomically diversified across their current populations.  相似文献   

Summary Iljin's experiments withRhoeo discolor, cabbage and red beet which seemed to demonstrate increased drought resistance of plasmolysed tissue have been repeated, but his results could not be confirmed. The tissue plasmolysed in sucrose solutions, died either during stepwise plasmolysis and deplasmolysis or else later on, during exposure to unsaturated air within one or two days, even at the highest humidities. Iljin's error was apparently produced by a wrong interpretation of his tests of viability: the plasma of his dead cells did not disintegrate and retained anthocyanin by tonoplast plasmolysis.Plasmolysis proved harmful to all three objects investigated.In view of these results and earlier criticism of Iljin's analogous experiments on frost resistance by others, all experimental evidence produced in support of Iljin's mechanical theory of drought resistance should be reexamined.  相似文献   

Astrocytes comprise approximately half of the volume of the adult mammalian brain and are the primary neuronal structural and trophic supportive elements. Astrocytes are organized into distinct nonoverlapping domains and extend elaborate and dense fine processes that interact intimately with synapses and cerebrovasculature. The recognition in the mid 1990s that astrocytes undergo elevations in intracellular calcium concentration following activation of G protein-coupled receptors by synaptically released neurotransmitters demonstrated not only that astrocytes display a form of excitability but also that astrocytes may be active participants in brain information processing. The roles that astrocytic calcium elevations play in neurophysiology and especially in modulation of neuronal activity have been intensely researched in recent years. This review will summarize the current understanding of the function of astrocytic calcium signaling in neurophysiological processes and discuss areas where the role of astrocytes remains controversial and will therefore benefit from further study.  相似文献   

Bryophytes are a non-monophyletic group of three major lineages (liverworts, hornworts, and mosses) that descend from the earliest branching events in the phylogeny of land plants. We postulate that desiccation tolerance is a primitive trait, thus mechanisms by which the first land plants achieved tolerance may be reflected in how extant desiccation-tolerant bryophytes survive drying. Evidence is consistent with extant bryophytes employing a tolerance strategy of constitutive cellular protection coupled with induction of a recovery/repair mechanism upon rehydration. Cellular structures appear intact in the desiccated state but are disrupted by rapid uptake of water upon rehydration, but cellular integrity is rapidly regained. The photosynthetic machinery appears to be protected such that photosynthetic activity recovers quickly. Gene expression responds following rehydration and not during drying. Gene expression is translationally controlled and results in the synthesis of a number of proteins, collectively called rehydrins. Some prominent rehydrins are similar to Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins, classically ascribed a protection function during desiccation. The role of LEA proteins in a rehydrating system is unknown but data indicates a function in stabilization and reconstitution of membranes. Phylogenetic studies using a Tortula ruralis LEA-like rehydrin led to a re-examination of the evolution of desiccation tolerance. A new phylogenetic analysis suggests that: (i) the basic mechanisms of tolerance seen in modern day bryophytes have changed little from the earliest manifestations of desiccation tolerance in land plants, and (ii) vegetative desiccation tolerance in the early land plants may have evolved from a mechanism present first in spores.  相似文献   

A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plant material (stem, leaf or reproductive structure). This is basic knowledge and may be crucial for the concept of competition for space. We sampled two grassland communities and two shrublands in both Italy and New Zealand. The height of the canopy was measured by a point quadrat method, and the volume of plant material, after cutting, by displacement of water. From 0.5% to 2.9% of the canopy was occupied by plant material. Occupancy was lower in the Italian communities, which we tentatively attribute to the climate. It did not differ significantly between grasslands and shrublands. Our data suggest that physical space is probably never limiting by itself in terrestrial higher-plant communities, so that competition for space, distinct from competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, is not likely to exist.  相似文献   

Li  Zhaojia  Zhang  Mengmeng  Chow  Wah Soon  Chen  Fangqing  Xie  Zongqiang  Fan  Dayong 《Photosynthesis research》2021,149(1-2):155-170
Photosynthesis Research - It is hypothesized that plant submergence tolerance could be assessed from the decline of plant biomass due to submergence, as biomass integrates all eco-physiological...  相似文献   

Shnerb T  Lin N  Shurki A 《Biochemistry》2007,46(38):10875-10885
Structural analysis of Gsalpha shows that it is composed of two domains: the ras-like domain (RD) that is conserved in all members of the GTPase superfamily and is homologous to the monomeric G-proteins (e.g., p21ras) and an alpha-helical domain (HD) that is unique to heterotrimeric G-proteins. Little is known about the function of the HD. Recent experiments by Bourne and co-workers, who expressed both the RD and the HD of Gsalpha separately and found that GTP hydrolysis is very slow if only recombinant RD is present but is accelerated when the HD is added, suggest that the HD serves as an intrinsic GTPase-activating protein (GAP). In this work, the GTP hydrolysis in Gsalpha was studied. The results obtained by calculating catalytic effects with and without the HD provide evidence for the role of the HD as a GAP. It is demonstrated that a major part of the catalysis is obtained because of an allosteric influence of the HD on the RD. Structural as well as energetic considerations suggest that the HD confines the RD to a more compact conformation, pushing the phosphate into an orientation where it is further stabilized, thus lowering the overall reaction barrier. The resemblance between the behavior of rasGAP and the HD suggests that the conclusion may be a general conclusion, applicable for all of the G-protein members.  相似文献   


Desiccation sensitive (DS) seeds are shed at high water contents (WC) and metabolically active, but WC thresholds vary broadly among species even in the same genus. Eugenia is an important ecological genus that has high occurrence in several Brazilian morphoclimatic domains. In this study, we assessed seed desiccation tolerance of five Eugenia species collected in specific meteorological conditions. We reported the species geographical ranges and verified the rainfall and temperature of species sites in the year prior to seed collection. We also assessed initial WC, seed germination and vigor and seedling growth upon desiccation. Eugenia uniflora was the widest spread among the five species, while E. astringens was the most restricted. In this specific study, widespread species showed a higher WC threshold than restricted species. In the same way, the WC of fresh seeds was not correlated to the desiccation tolerance threshold. Seed desiccation tolerance was species dependent and correlated with the environmental status of seed collection sites. Wetter and warmer conditions were correlated to the E. uniflora higher DS threshold. Low rainfall and temperature corresponded to a lower desiccation sensitivity of E. astringens seeds. Seeds of the five species lost half viability between 0.44 and 0.25 g H2O g DW??1 and after 65–270 h of desiccation. Our results indicate that abiotic factors impact plant populations during the seed production season and can drive seed desiccation tolerance threshold and physiological behavior. These results should be taken into account in ex-situ plant conservation programs and tropical species management.


An idea underlying a great deal of research and discussion in plant cell and developmental biology is that the spatial regulation of cell division plays a key role in plant development. In this article, the role of cell division in two aspects of leaf development is analysed: morphogenesis (leaf initiation, growth, and the generation of leaf shape) and histogenesis (the differentiation of leaf cells to form the various cell types that make up a functional leaf). The point of view that emerges from this analysis is that the rate and pattern of cell division is important for leaf development, but does not dictate leaf size, shape, or cell fate.  相似文献   

As part of a programme to optimize the use of archaeal-lipid liposomes (archaeosomes) as vaccine adjuvants, we present the synthesis and immunological testing of an oligomeric series of mannose glycolipids (Manp(1-5)). To generate the parent archaeol alcohol precursor, the polar lipids extracted from the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum were hydrolyzed to remove polar head groups, and the archaeol so generated partitioned into diethyl ether. This alcohol was then iteratively glycosylated with the donor 2-O-acetyl-3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-alpha/beta-d-mannopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate to yield alpha-Manp-(1-->2) oligomers. A starch-derived trimer was also synthesized as a control. To promote hydration and form stable archaeosomes, an archaeal anionic lipid archaetidylglycerol (AG) was included in a 4:1 molar ratio. Archaeosomes prepared from Manp(1-2)-AG were recovered at only 34-37%, whereas Manp(3-4)-AG recoveries were 72-77%. Lipid recovery following hydration of Manp(5)-AG archaeosomes declined to 34%, indicating an optimum of 3-4 Manp units for bilayer formation. The CD8(+) T cell response in mice immunized with Manp(3-5) archaeosomes containing ovalbumin was highest for Manp(4) and declined for Manp(3) and Manp(5), revealing an optimum length of four unbranched units. The starch-derived trimer was more active than the Manp oligomers, suggesting the involvement of either a general binding lectin on antigen-presenting cells with highest affinity for triglucose or multiple lectin receptors.  相似文献   

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