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The dlt operon of Gram-positive bacteria comprises four genes (dltA, dltB, dltC and dltD) that catalyse the incorporation of D-alanine residues into the cell wall-associated lipoteichoic acids (LTAs). In this work, we characterized the dlt operon of Listeria monocytogenes and constructed a D-Ala-deficient LTA mutant by inactivating the first gene (dltA) of this operon. The DltA- mutant did not show any morphological alterations and its growth rate was similar to that of the wild-type strain. However, it exhibited an increased susceptibility to the cationic peptides colistin, nisin and polymyxin B. The virulence of the DltA- mutant was severely impaired in a mouse infection model (4 log increase in the LD50) and, in vitro, the adherence of the mutant to various cell lines (murine bone marrow-derived macrophages and hepatocytes and a human epithelial cell line) was strongly restricted, although the amounts of surface proteins implicated in virulence (ActA, InlA and InlB) remains unaffected. We suggest that the decreased adherence of the DltA- mutant to non-phagocytic and phagocytic cells might be as a result of the increased electronegativity of its charge surface and/or the presence at the bacterial surface of adhesins possessing altered binding activities. These results show that the D-alanylation of the LTAs contributes to the virulence of the intracellular pathogen L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Surface capsular polysaccharides play a critical role in protecting several pathogenic microbes against innate host defenses during infection. Little is known about virulence mechanisms of the fish pathogen Streptococcus iniae, though indirect evidence suggests that capsule could represent an important factor. The putative S. iniae capsule operon contains a homologue of the cpsD gene, which is required for capsule polymerization and export in group B Streptococcus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. To elucidate the role of capsule in the S. iniae infectious process, we deleted cpsD from the genomes of two virulent S. iniae strains by allelic exchange mutagenesis to generate the isogenic capsule-deficient DeltacpsD strains. Compared to wild-type S. iniae, the DeltacpsD mutants had a predicted reduction in buoyancy and cell surface negative charge. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed a decrease in the abundance of extracellular capsular polysaccharide. Gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the S. iniae extracellular polysaccharides showed the presence of l-fucose, d-mannose, d-galactose, d-glucose, d-glucuronic acid, N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, and all except mannose were reduced in concentration in the isogenic mutant. The DeltacpsD mutants were highly attenuated in vivo in a hybrid striped bass infection challenge despite being more adherent and invasive to fish epithelial cells and more resistant to cationic antimicrobial peptides than wild-type S. iniae. Increased susceptibility of the S. iniae DeltacpsD mutants to phagocytic killing in whole fish blood and by a fish macrophage cell line confirmed the role of capsule in virulence and highlighted its antiphagocytic function. In summary, we report a genetically defined study on the role of capsule in S. iniae virulence and provide preliminary analysis of S. iniae capsular polysaccharide sugar components.  相似文献   

Yeast-mediated protein delivery to mammalian antigen-presenting cells is a powerful approach for inducing cell-mediated immune responses. We show that coexpression of the pore-forming protein listeriolysin O from Listeria monocytogenes leads to improved translocation of a proteinaceous antigen and subsequent activation of specific T lymphocytes. As the resulting yeast carrier is self-attenuated and killed after antigen delivery without exhibiting any toxic effect on antigen-presenting cells, this novel carrier system suggests itself as promising approach for the development of yeast-based live vaccines.  相似文献   

Most bacteria of the genus Streptococcus are opportunistic pathogens, and some of them produce extracellular DNases, which may be important for virulence. Genome analyses of Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) neonate isolate NEM316 revealed the presence of seven genes putatively encoding secreted DNases, although their functions, if any, are unknown. In this study, we observed that respiration growth of GBS led to the extracellular accumulation of a putative nuclease, identified as being encoded by the gbs0661 gene. When overproduced in Lactococcus lactis, the protein was found to be a divalent cation‐requiring, pH‐stable and heat‐stable nuclease that we named Nuclease A (NucA). Substitution of the histidine148 by alanine reduced nuclease activity of the GBS wild‐type strain, indicating that NucA is the major nuclease ex vivo. We determined that GBS is able to degrade the DNA matrix comprising the neutrophil extracellular trap (NET). The nucAH148A mutant was impaired for this function, implicating NucA in the virulence of GBS. In vivo infection studies confirmed that NucA is required for full infection, as the mutant strain allowed increased bacterial clearance from lung tissue and decreased mortality in infected mice. These results show that NucA is involved in NET escape and is needed for full virulence.  相似文献   

Induced mutants of S. agalactiae which differed in surface structures were used for the study. The aim of using them was to try to correlate the presence of defined structures or surface properties with the ability of group B streptococci to attach to epithelial cells. The presence of protein antigen R conditioned strong binding of S. agalactiae cells to hydrophobic gel. Strains bearing clumping factor (CF) showed high surface hydrophobicity and presented compact growth in serum soft agar. However, there was no correlation between high surface hydrophobicity and the ability to adhere. Fibrinogen binding decreased the attachment to epithelial cells of CF-positive strains. Preincubation of bacterial cells with lectin (ConA) did not influence the attachment of S. agalactiae strains with protein surface antigen but increased the adhesion of the strains with polysaccharide antigen or untypable.  相似文献   

The ability of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to reduce adiposity may be due to changes in energy expenditure and/or direct effects on adipocyte lipid metabolism. The aim of the present work was to analyse if CLA supplementation modifies lipolytic activity in adipose tissue from hamsters fed on high-fat diet. Hamsters were divided into two groups and fed on diets supplemented with either 0.5% linoleic acid (control) or 0.5% trans-10,cis-12 CLA. After 6 weeks, animals were fasted overnight and adipose tissues were dissected and weighed. Adipocytes were isolated by collagenase digestion and incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer with or without several agents acting at different levels of the lipolytic cascade. Adipocyte diameters were measured by microscopy. Adipose tissue DNA content was assessed by spectrophotometry. Animals fed on CLA diet showed significantly reduced adipose tissue mass. No differences between both groups was found for basal lipolysis, lipolytic effects of isoproterenol, forskolin, dibutyryl-cAMP and isobutylmethylxanthine, and pD2 for isoproterenol. A similar total DNA amount was found in adipose tissue of both groups, showing that CLA diet had no effect on total cell number per fat pad. Although DNA content per gram tissue, an indirect reverse index of cell size, was significantly increased in CLA fed hamsters, microscopy did not reveal differences in medium mature adipocyte diameter, nor in cell size distribution between both groups. These results suggest that adipose tissue size reduction induced by trans-10,cis-12 CLA intake is not due to changes in lipolysis. Reduced preadipocyte differentiation into mature adipocytes may account for this fat-lowering effect.  相似文献   

Group B streptococcal (GBS) infections are the most common cause of bacterial sepsis in the immediate newborn period. Apart from the capsule, the factors required for survival of GBS in the host are not well defined. In this study, signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis (STM) was used to identify genes required for growth and survival of GBS in a neonatal rat sepsis infection model. Approximately 1600 transposon mutants were screened in pools of 80 mutants, and approximately 120 mutants defective for survival in the animal host were identified. We successfully cloned and sequenced DNA flanking the transposon insertions from 92 of the mutants. Fifty per cent of the mutants had transposon insertions in genes with homologues in the public databases, whereas the remaining 50% had transposon insertions in genes with unknown function. A significant proportion of the avirulent mutants had transposon insertions in genes encoding transport-associated or regulatory proteins or in genes involved in cell surface metabolism, emphasizing the significance of these functions for in vivo survival of GBS. Overall, STM analysis revealed GBS genomic loci that encode a wide variety of functional gene classes, underscoring the diversity of bacterial processes required for the infection process. Currently, the function of the genes identified during the screening can only be inferred by homology to previously described genes. However, a number of the genes identified in this study have been shown to correlate with virulence in other pathogens. A virulence of a subset of mutants identified during the screening was confirmed by performing competitive index assays and lethal dose assays. This represents the first report of a genome-wide scan for virulence factors in GBS. The identified genes will further our understanding of the pathogenesis of GBS infections and may represent targets for intervention or lead to the development of novel therapies.  相似文献   

A. W. Segal 《Protoplasma》1995,184(1-4):86-103
Summary Phagocytic cells of the immune system contain an oxidase that is important for the killing and digestion of engulfed microbes. This is an electron transport chain that transfers electrons from NADPH in the cytosol to oxygen to form superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the phagocytic vacuole. Absence or abnormality of this oxidase results in the syndrome of CGD, characterised by a profound predisposition to infection. The electron transport chain consists of a flavocytochrome b located in the plasma membrane and membrane of the specific granules. It is composed of a and b-subunits, with apparent molecular masses of 23 kDa and 76–92 kDa, respectively. The b-subunit is a member of the FNR family of reductases with FAD and NADPH binding sites. Based upon the crystal structure of FNR we have constructed a model of the more hydrophilic C terminal half of this b-subunit, which acts as a guide to the organisation of the molecule, and provides a template on which to map mutations in CGD. The location of the heme is uncertain. Electron transport is dependent upon an activation complex of cytosolic proteins including p40 phox , p47 phox , and p67 phox , and the small GTP binding protein, p21 rac . This oxidase system is important for the killing and digestion of bacteria and fungi. This might be accomplished in a number of ways. The oxidase produces superoxide and hydrogen which might be toxic themselves. The hydrogen peroxide can act as substrate for myeloperoxidase which can oxidise chloride and iodide to chlorine and iodine and their hypohalous acids. The proteins contained within the cytoplasmic granules are also very important in the killing process. These are neutral proteinases that require a neutral or slightly alkaline pH for optimal activity. The oxidase transports electrons, unaccompanied by protons, across the wall of the phagocytic vacuole, resulting in an elevation of the vacuolar pH, thereby optimising conditions for killing and digestion of engulfed organisms by these neutral proteinases.  相似文献   

We recently isolated a Chinese hamster ovary cell line which grows well without serum but requires the exogenous polyamines putrescine, spermidine or spermine for continuous replication. Here we show that these cells are defective in the arginase-catalyzed synthesis of ornithine, the precursor of polyamines, and that ornithine can replace polyamines in the medium for supporting growth of the cells. The activities of two other key enzymes of polyamine biosynthesis, ornithine decarboxylase and adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, are clearly detectable and show increase during polyamine starvation. In ornithine- and polyamine-free medium cellular putrescine and spermidine are rapidly depleted while the concentration of spermine decreases only moderately. We show further that the cells are able to grow in serum-containing medium without added ornithine or polyamines. This is explained by our finding that serum contains arginase which synthesizes ornithine from arginine in the medium. All the sera from different animal species tested contained arginase activity although in greatly varying amounts. Serum-free medium is therefore essential for expression of arginase deficiency in cells in tissue culture. The eventual importance of polyamines for serum-free cultures in general is discussed.  相似文献   

D-Alanyl-lipoteichoic acid (D-alanyl-LTA) from Lactobacillus casei ATCC 7469 contains a poly(glycerophosphate) moiety that is acylated with D-alanyl ester residues. The physiological function of these residues is not well understood. Five mutant strains of this organism that are deficient in the esters of this amphiphile were isolated and characterized. When compared with the parent, strains AN-1 and AN-4 incorporated less than 10% of D-[14C]alanine into LTA, whereas AN-2, AN-3, and AN-5 incorporated 50%. The synthesis of D-[14C]alanyl-lipophilic LTA was virtually absent in the first group and was approximately 30% in the second group. The mutant strains synthesized and selected the glycolipid anchor for LTA assembly. In addition, all of the strains synthesized the poly(glycerophosphate) moiety of LTA to the same extent as did the parent or to a greater extent. It was concluded that the membranes from the mutant strains AN-1 and AN-4 are defective for D-alanylation of LTA even though acceptor LTA is present. Mutant strains AN-2 and AN-3 appear to be partially deficient in the amount of the D-alanine-activating enzyme. Aberrant morphology and defective cell separation appear to result from this deficiency in D-alanyl ester content.  相似文献   

Streptococcus agalactiae (S. agalactiae) can cause severe pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis in neonates and remains one of the most prevalent causes of invasive neonatal infections. During the course of infection, S. agalactiae colonizes and invades a number of host compartments, thereby interacting with different host tissues. Deletion of the scpB-lmb region, coding for the C5a peptidase and the laminin-binding protein Lmb, respectively, resulted in a 64% decreased invasion of S. agalactiae into human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC). Decreased invasion was also seen in lmb mutant strains lmb-k1 and lmb-k2 (74% and 69% reduction, respectively). Finally, host cell invasion was significantly reduced in competition experiments with either purified recombinant laminin-binding protein by 46% or a polyclonal antibody directed against the laminin-binding protein of S. agalactiae by 45%. The S. agalactiae scpB-lmb mutant induced an equal amount of the neutrophil chemoattractant interleukin (IL)-8 release in comparison to the wild-type. Taken together, our studies support the conclusion that Lmb promotes invasion of S. agalactiae into HBMEC but does not play a role in IL-8 release from HBMEC.  相似文献   

In the polyclonal rat pancreatic beta-cell line INS-1, immunoreactive insulin (IRI, insulin and its precursors) and C-peptide (surrogate marker for mature insulin) were quantified after a 1-h incubation at 16.7 mM glucose with or without oleate. Oleate caused a 20% decrease (P 相似文献   

In this report, we show that biofilm formation by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 19 gives rise to variants (the small mucoid variant [SMV] and the acapsular small-colony variant [SCV]) differing in capsule production, attachment, and biofilm formation compared to wild-type strains. All biofilm-derived variants harbored SNPs in cps19F. SCVs reverted to SMV, but no reversion to the wild-type phenotype was noted, indicating that these variants were distinct from opaque- and transparent-phase variants. The SCV-SMV reversion frequency was dependent on growth conditions and treatment with tetracycline. Increased reversion rates were coincident with antibiotic treatment, implicating oxidative stress as a trigger for the SCV-SMV switch. We, therefore, evaluated the role played by hydrogen peroxide, the oxidizing chemical, in the reversion and emergence of variants. Biofilms of S. pneumoniae TIGR4-ΔspxB, defective in hydrogen peroxide production, showed a significant reduction in variant formation. Similarly, supplementing the medium with catalase or sodium thiosulfate yielded a significant reduction in variants formed by wild-type biofilms. Resistance to rifampin, an indicator for mutation frequency, was found to increase approximately 55-fold in biofilms compared to planktonic cells for each of the three wild-type strains examined. In contrast, TIGR4-ΔspxB grown as a biofilm showed no increase in rifampin resistance compared to the same cells grown planktonically. Furthermore, addition of 2.5 and 10 mM hydrogen peroxide to planktonic cells resulted in a 12- and 160-fold increase in mutation frequency, respectively, and gave rise to variants similar in appearance, biofilm-related phenotypes, and distribution of biofilm-derived variants. The results suggest that hydrogen peroxide and environmental conditions specific to biofilms are responsible for the development of non-phase-variable colony variants.  相似文献   

James F. Flood  John E. Morley   《Peptides》1991,12(6):1329-1332
Neuropeptide Y (NPY), administered intracerebroventricularly, is a potent orexigenic agent. To determine if NPY-induced eating represented an increase in motivation to eat (e.g., hunger) rather than pathological or stimulus-bound eating, we determined its effect on eating in three paradigms, including lever press, appetitive passive avoidance and quinine-adulterated milk. NPY-injected mice consumed more milk when required to work for it in a lever press apparatus and tolerated shock to the tongue for drinking milk. Increasing the dose of NPY also allowed mice to overcome a taste aversion for quinine-adulterated milk. Overall, these studies support the hypothesis that NPY causes a specific increase in the motivation to eat, rather than nonspecific or stimulus-bound behavior.  相似文献   

The core PI-2b pilus present in “hypervirulent” ST-17 Streptococcus agalactiae strains consists of three pilin subunits (Spb1, Ap1 and Ap2) assembled by sortase SrtC1 and cell-wall anchored by Srt2. Spb1 was shown to be the major pilin and Ap2 the anchor pilin. Ap1 is a putative adhesin. Two additional genes, orf and lep, are part of this operon. The contribution of Lep and Ap1 to the biogenesis of the PI-2b pilus was investigated. Concerning the role of PI-2b, we found that higher PI-2b expression resulted in higher adherence to human brain endothelial cells and higher phagocytosis by human THP1 macrophages.  相似文献   

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