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Hyperthermia induces transient changes in [Na+] i and [K+] i in mammalian cells. Since Cl flux is coupled with Na+ and K+ in several processes, including cell volume control, we have measured the effects of heat on [Cl] i using the chloride indicator, MQAE, with flow cytometry. The mean basal level of [Cl] i in Chinese hamster ovary cells was 12 mm. Cells heated at 42.0° or 45.0°C for 30 min had about a 2.5-fold increase in [Cl] i above unheated control values when measured immediately after heating. There was about a 3-fold decrease in [Na+] i under the same conditions, as measured by Sodium Green. The magnitude of the increase in [Cl] i depended upon time and temperature. The [Cl] i recovered in a time-dependent fashion to control values by 30 min after heating. When cells were heated at 45.0°C for 30 min in the presence of 1.5 mm furosemide, the heat-induced [Cl] i increase was completely blocked. Since furosemide inhibits the Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter, Cl channels, and even ClHCO3 exchange, these ion transporters may be involved in the heat-induced increase in [Cl] i . Received: 15 June 1995/Revised: 9 April 1996  相似文献   

Melanoma cells are transformed melanocytes of neural crest origin. K+ channel blockers have been reported to inhibit melanoma cell proliferation. We used whole-cell recording to characterize ion channels in four different human melanoma cell lines (C8161, C832C, C8146, and SK28). Protocols were used to identify voltage-gated (KV), Ca2+-activated (KCa), and inwardly rectifying (KIR) K+ channels; swelling-sensitive Cl channels (Clswell); voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (CaV) and Ca2+ channels activated by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores (CRAC); and voltage-gated Na+ channels (NaV). The presence of Ca2+ channels activated by intracellular store depletion was further tested using thapsigargin to elicit a rise in [Ca2+] i . The expression of K+ channels varied widely between different cell lines and was also influenced by culture conditions. KIR channels were found in all cell lines, but with varying abundance. Whole-cell conductance levels for KIR differed between C8161 (100 pS/pF) and SK28 (360 pS/pF). KCa channels in C8161 cells were blocked by 10 nm apamin, but were unaffected by charybdotoxin (CTX). KCa channels in C8146 and SK28 cells were sensitive to CTX (K d = 4 nm), but were unaffected by apamin. KV channels, found only in C8146 cells, activated at ∼−20 mV and showed use dependence. All melanoma lines tested expressed CRAC channels and a novel Clswell channel. Clswell current developed at 30 pS/sec when the cells were bathed in 80% Ringer solution, and was strongly outwardly rectifying (4:1 in symmetrical Cl). We conclude that different melanoma cell lines express a diversity of ion channel types. Received: 2 April 1996/Revised: 22 August 1996  相似文献   

The effects of angiotensin II (100 nm) on the electrical membrane properties of zona fasciculata cells isolated from calf adrenal gland were studied using the whole cell patch recording method. In current-clamp condition, angiotension II induced a biphasic membrane response which began by a transient hyperpolarization followed by a depolarization more positive than the control resting potential. These effects were abolished by Losartan (10−5 m), an antagonist of angiotensin receptors of type 1. The angiotensin II-induced transient hyperpolarization was characterized in voltage-clamp condition from a holding potential of −10 mV. Using either the perforated or the standard recording method, a transient outward current accompanied by an increase of the membrane conductance was observed in response to the hormonal stimulation. This outward current consisted of an initial fast peak followed by an oscillating or a slowly decaying plateau current. In Cl-free solution, the outward current reversed at −78.5 mV, a value close to E K. It was blocked by external TEA (20 mm) and by apamin (50 nm). In K+-free solution, the transient outward current, sensitive to Cl channel blocker DPC (400 μm), reversed at −52 mV, a more positive potential than E Cl. Its magnitude changed in the same direction as the driving force for Cl. The hormone-induced transient outward current was never observed when EGTA (5 mm) was added to the pipette solution. The plateau current was suppressed in nominally Ca2+-free solution (47% of cells) and was reversibly blocked by Cd2+ (300 μm) but not by nisoldipine (0.5–1 μm) which inhibited voltage-gated Ca2+ currents identified in this cell type. The present experiments show that the transient hyperpolarization induced by angiotensin II is due to Ca2+-dependent K+ and Cl currents. These two membrane currents are co-activated in response to an internal increase of [Ca2+] i originating from intra- and extracellular stores. Received: 29 May 1997/Revised: 4 November 1997  相似文献   

Collapsed proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) shrink to reach a volume 20% lower than control and do not exhibit regulatory volume increase when submitted to abrupt 150 mOsm/kg hypertonic shock. The shrinking is accompanied by a rapid depolarization of the basolateral membrane potential (V BL) of 8.4 ± 0.5 mV, with respect to a control value of −54.5 ± 1.9 mV (n= 15). After a small and transient hyperpolarization, V BL further depolarizes to reach a steady depolarization of 19.5 ± 1.5 mV (n= 15) with respect to control. In the post-control period, V BL returns to −55.8 ± 1.5 mV. The basolateral partial conductance to K+ (t K ) which is 0.17 ± 0.01 (n= 5) in control condition, decreases rapidly to nonmeasurable values during the hypertonic shock and returns to 0.23 ± 0.03 in the post-control period. The basolateral partial conductance to Cl (t Cl), which is 0.05 ± 0.02 (n= 5) in control, also decreases in hypertonicity to a nonmeasurable value and returns to 0.03 ± 0.01 in post control. The partial conductance mediated by the Na-HCO3 cotransporter (t NaHCO3), which is 0.48 ± 0.06 (n= 5) in control condition, remains the same at 0.44 ± 0.05 (n= 5) during the hypertonic period. Similarly, the membrane absolute conductance mediated by the Na-HCO3 cotransporter (G Na-HCO3) does not vary appreciably. Concomitant with cell shrinkage, intracellular pH (pH i ) decreases from a control value of 7.26 ± 0.01 to 7.13 ± 0.02 (n= 12) and then remains constant. Return to control solution brings back pH i to 7.28 ± 0.03. From these results, we conclude that in collapsed PCT, a sustained decrease in cellular volume leads to cell acidification and to inhibition of K+ and Cl conductances. Received: 6 February 1996/Revised: 10 October 1996  相似文献   

Expression of the protein NaPi-1 in Xenopus oocytes has previously been shown to induce an outwardly rectifying Cl conductance (GCl), organic anion transport and Na+-dependent P i -uptake. In the present study we investigated the relation between the NaPi-1 induced GCl and P i -induced currents and transport. NaPi-1 expression induced P i -transport, which was not different at 1–20 ng/oocyte NaPi-1 cRNA injection and was already maximal at 1–2 days after cRNA injection. In contrast, GCl was augmented at increased amounts of cRNA injection (1–20 ng/oocyte) and over a five day expression period. Subsequently all experiments were performed on oocytes injected with 20 ng/oocytes cRNA. P i -induced currents (Ip) could be observed in NaPi-1 expressing oocytes at high concentrations of P i (≥ 1 mm P i ). The amplitudes of Ip correlated well with GCl. Ip was blocked by the Cl channel blocker NPPB, partially Na+-dependent and completely abolished in Cl free solution. In contrast, P i -transport in NaPi-1 expressing oocytes was not NPPB sensitive, stronger depending on extracellular Na+ and weakly affected by Cl substitution. Endogenous P i -uptake in water-injected oocytes amounted in all experiments to 30–50% of the Na+-dependent P i -transport observed in NaPi-1 expressing oocytes. The properties of the endogenous P i -uptake system (K m for P i > 1 mm; partial Na+- and Cl-dependence; lack of NPPB block) were similar to the NaPi-1 induced P i -uptake, but no Ip could be recorded at P i -concentrations ≤3 mm. In summary, the present data suggest that Ip does not reflect charge transfer related to P i -uptake, but a P i -mediated modulation of GCl. Received: 22 October 1997/Revised: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

The anion conductance of the plasma membrane of Coffea arabica protoplasts was isolated and characterized using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Voltage pulse protocols revealed two components: a voltage-gated conductance (G s ) and a voltage-independent one (G l ). G s is activated upon depolarization (e-fold activation every +36 mV) with time constants of 1 sec and 5 sec at all potentials. G l and G s also differ by their kinetic and biophysical properties. In bi-ionic conditions the current associated with G s shows strong outward rectification and its permeability sequence is F > NO3 > Cl. In the same conditions the current associated with G l does not rectify and its permeability sequence is F≫ NO3 = Cl. Furthermore, at potentials over +50 mV G s , but not G l , increases with a time constant of several minutes. Finally the gating of G s is affected by stretch of the membrane, which leads to an increased activation and a reduced voltage sensitivity. Anion conductances similar to the ones described here have been found in many plant preparations but G l -type components have been generally interpreted as the background activation of the slow voltage-gated channels (corresponding to G s ). We show that in coffee protoplasts G l and G s are kinetically and biophysically distinct, suggesting that they correspond to two different molecular entities. Received: 25 November 1996/Revised: 9 April 1997  相似文献   

The effect of cyanide (CN) on voltage-activated or cAMP-induced passive chloride conductance (G Cl ) was analyzed in isolated toad skin. Comparatively low concentrations of CN inhibited G Cl almost completely and fully reversibly, regardless of whether it was applied from the mucosal or serosal side. The IC50 was 180 ± 12 μm for voltage-activated G Cl and 305 ± 30 μm for the cAMP-inducted conductance. At [CN] <100 μm, the initial inhibition frequently declined partly in the continuous presence of CN. Inhibition was independent of the presence of Ca2+. Inhibition was stronger at more alkaline pH, which suggests that dissociated CN is the effective inhibitor. The onset of the inhibition of voltage-activated or cAMP-induced G Cl by CN occurred with half-times of 34 ± 10 sec, whereas reversibility upon washout was twice as fast (18 ± 7 sec). If [CN] <200 μm was applied under inactivating conditions (serosa −30 mV), the reduction of G Cl was stronger upon subsequent voltage-activation than under steady-state activated conditions. This effect was essentially complete less than 30 sec after apical addition of CN, but G t recovered thereafter partially in the continuous presence of CN. Dinitrophenol inhibited G Cl similarly, while omission of oxygen did not affect it. These observations, as well as the time course of inhibition and the full reversibility, suggest that interference of CN with oxidative phosphorylation and subsequent metabolic depletion is not the reason for the inhibition of G Cl . We propose that the inhibition is directly on G Cl , presumably by competition with Cl at a rate-limiting site in the pathway. Location and molecular nature of this site remain to be identified. Received: 8 February 1999/Revised: 22 September 1999  相似文献   

This combined study of patch-clamp and intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+] i ) measurement was undertaken in order to identify signaling pathways that lead to activation of Ca2+-dependent Cl channels in cultured rat retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Intracellular application of InsP3 (10 μm) led to an increase in [Ca2+] i and activation of Cl currents. In contrast, intracellular application of Ca2+ (10 μm) only induced transient activation of Cl currents. After full activation by InsP3, currents were insensitive to removal of extracellular Ca2+ and to the blocker of I CRAC, La3+ (10 μm), despite the fact that both maneuvers led to a decline in [Ca2+] i . The InsP3-induced rise in Cl conductance could be prevented either by thapsigargin-induced (1 μm) depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores or by removal of Ca2+ prior to the experiment. The effect of InsP3 could be mimicked by intracellular application of the Ca2+-chelator BAPTA (10 mm). Block of PKC (chelerythrine, 1 μm) had no effect. Inhibition of Ca2+/calmodulin kinase (KN-63, KN-92; 5 μm) reduced Cl-conductance in 50% of the cells investigated without affecting [Ca2+] i . Inhibition of protein tyrosine kinase (50 μm tyrphostin 51, 5 μm genistein, 5 μm lavendustin) reduced an increase in [Ca2+] i and Cl conductance. In summary, elevation of [Ca] i by InsP3 leads to activation of Cl channels involving cytosolic Ca2+ stores and Ca2+ influx from extracellular space. Tyrosine kinases are essential for the Ca2+-independent maintenance of this conductance. Received: 15 October 1998/Revised: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

P2U/2Y-receptors elicit multiple signaling in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, including a transient increase of [Ca2+] i , activation of phospholipases C (PLC) and A2 (PLA2), protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). This study examines the involvement of these signaling pathways in the inhibition of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport in MDCK cells by ATP. The level of ATP-induced inhibition of this carrier (∼50% of control values) was insensitive to cholera and pertussis toxins, to the PKC inhibitor calphostin C, to the cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase inhibitors, H-89 and H-8 as well as to the inhibitor of serine-threonine type 1 and 2A phosphoprotein phosphatases okadaic acid. ATP led to a transient increase of [Ca2+]i that was abolished by a chelator of Ca2+ i , BAPTA. However, neither BAPTA nor the Ca2+ ionophore A231287, or an inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump, thapsigargin, modified ATP-induced inhibition of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport. An inhibitor of PLC, U73122, and an inhibitor of MAPK kinase (MEK), PD98059, blocked ATP-induced inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate production and MAPK phosphorylation, respectively. However, these compounds did not modify the effect of ATP on Na+,K+,Cl cotransport activity. Inhibitors of PLA2 (AACOCF3), cycloxygenase (indomethacin) and lypoxygenase (NDGA) as well as exogenous arachidonic acid also did not affect ATP-induced inhibition of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport. Inhibition of the carrier by ATP persisted in the presence of inhibitors of epithelial Na+ channels (amiloride), Cl channels (NPPB) and Na+/H+ exchanger (EIPA) and was insensitive to cell volume modulation in anisosmotic media and to depletion of cells with monovalent ions, thus ruling out the role of other ion transporters in purinoceptor-induced inhibition of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport. Our data demonstrate that none of the known purinoceptor-stimulated signaling pathways mediate ATP-induced inhibition of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport and suggest the presence of a novel P2-receptor-coupled signaling mechanism. Received: 29 July 1998/Revised: 19 October  相似文献   

Previous squid-axon studies identified a novel K/HCO3 cotransporter that is insensitive to disulfonic stilbene derivatives. This cotransporter presumably responds to intracellular alkali loads by moving K+ and HCO 3 out of the cell, tending to lower intracellular pH (pHi). With an inwardly directed K/HCO3 gradient, the cotransporter mediates a net uptake of alkali (i.e., K+ and HCO 3 influx). Here we test the hypothesis that intracellular quaternary ammonium ions (QA+) inhibit the inwardly directed cotransporter by interacting at the intracellular K+ site. We computed the equivalent HCO 3 influx (J HCO3) mediated by the cotransporter from the rate of pHi increase, as measured with pH-sensitive microelectrodes. We dialyzed axons to pHi 8.0, using a dialysis fluid (DF) free of K+, Na+ and Cl. Our standard artificial seawater (ASW) also lacked Na+, K+ and Cl. After halting dialysis, we introduced an ASW containing 437 mm K+ and 0.5% CO2/12 mm HCO 3, which (i) caused membrane potential to become transiently very positive, and (ii) caused a rapid pHi decrease, due to CO2 influx, followed by a slower plateau-phase pHi increase, due to inward cotransport of K+ and HCO 3. With no QA+ in the DF, J HCO3 was ∼58 pmole cm−2 sec−1. With 400 mm tetraethylammonium (TEA+) in the DF, J HCO3 was virtually zero. The apparent K i for intracellular TEA+ was ∼78 mm, more than two orders of magnitude greater than that obtained by others for inhibition of K+ channels. Introducing 100 mm inhibitor into the DF reduced J HCO3 to ∼20 pmole cm−2 sec−1 for tetramethylammonium (TMA+), ∼24 for TEA+, ∼10 for tetrapropylammonium (TPA+), and virtually zero for tetrabutylammonium (TBA+). The apparent K i value for TBA+ is ∼0.86 mm. The most potent inhibitor was phenyl-propyltetraethylammonium (PPTEA+), with an apparent K i of ∼91 μm. Thus, trans-side quaternary ammonium ions inhibit K/HCO3 influx in the potency sequence PPTEA+ > TBA+ > TPA+ > TEA+≅ TMA+. The identification of inhibitors of the K/HCO3 cotransporter, for which no inhibitors previously existed, will facilitate the study of this transporter. Received: 21 November 2000/Revised: 14 May 2001  相似文献   

In frog red blood cells, K-Cl cotransport (i.e., the difference between ouabain-resistant K fluxes in Cl and NO3) has been shown to mediate a large fraction of the total K+ transport. In the present study, Cl-dependent and Cl-independent K+ fluxes via frog erythrocyte membranes were investigated as a function of external and internal K+ ([K+] e and [K+] i ) concentration. The dependence of ouabain-resistant Cl-dependent K+ (86Rb) influx on [K+] e over the range 0–20 mm fitted the Michaelis-Menten equation, with an apparent affinity (K m ) of 8.2 ± 1.3 mm and maximal velocity (V max ) of 10.4 ± 1.6 mmol/l cells/hr under isotonic conditions. Hypotonic stimulation of the Cl-dependent K+ influx increased both K m (12.8 ± 1.7 mm, P < 0.05) and V max (20.2 ± 2.9 mmol/l/hr, P < 0.001). Raising [K+] e above 20 mm in isotonic media significantly reduced the Cl-dependent K+ influx due to a reciprocal decrease of the external Na+ ([Na+] e ) concentration below 50 mm. Replacing [Na+] e by NMDG+ markedly decreased V max (3.2 ± 0.7 mmol/l/hr, P < 0.001) and increased K m (15.7 ± 2.1 mm, P < 0.03) of Cl-dependent K+ influx. Moreover, NMDG+ Cl substitution for NaCl in isotonic and hypotonic media containing 10 mm RbCl significantly reduced both Rb+ uptake and K+ loss from red cells. Cell swelling did not affect the Na+-dependent changes in Rb+ uptake and K+ loss. In a nominally K+(Rb+)-free medium, net K+ loss was reduced after lowering [Na+] e below 50 mm. These results indicate that over 50 mm [Na+] e is required for complete activation of the K-Cl cotransporter. In nystatin-pretreated cells with various intracellular K+, Cl-dependent K+ loss in K+-free media was a linear function of [K+] i , with a rate constant of 0.11 ± 0.01 and 0.18 ± 0.008 hr−1 (P < 0.001) in isotonic and hypotonic media, respectively. Thus K-Cl cotransport in frog erythrocytes exhibits a strong asymmetry with respect to transported K+ ions. The residual, ouabain-resistant K+ fluxes in NO3 were only 5–10% of the total and were well fitted to linear regressions. The rate constants for the residual influxes were not different from those for K+ effluxes in isotonic (∼0.014 hr−1) and hypotonic (∼0.022 hr−1) media, but cell swelling resulted in a significant increase in the rate constants. Received: 19 November 1998/Revised: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP at micro- to millimolar concentrations activates Cl conductance and increases cytosolic calcium ([Ca] i ) in many epithelial cells, including the colonic epithelial cell line HT29-Cl.16E. Therefore, [Ca] i has been postulated to be the intracellular messenger for Cl channel activation. HT29-Cl.16E is a highly differentiated cell line that forms confluent monolayers and secretes mucins and Cl. The involvement of [Ca] i in the purinergically-stimulated Cl secretion was investigated pharmacologically in this cell line by whole-cell patch-clamp and Ussing chamber techniques, as well as [Ca] i measurements in fura-2 loaded cells. The calmodulin inhibitors W13 (5 μm) and chlorpromazine (50 μm) abolished increases in ATP-stimulated [Ca] i -increases by 90% and 80%, respectively. However, these inhibitors had no effect on the ATP-stimulated Cl conductance measured in either individual cells or confluent monolayers. As controls, the effects of W13 and chlorpromazine on Ca2+-ionophore stimulated Cl conductance was measured. In this case, the two compounds inhibited whole cell Cl conductance and monolayer Isc by 90% and 100%, respectively. These data demonstrate: (1) The purinergically-stimulated increase in Cl current does not require an increase in [Ca] i , suggesting the involvement of either another signaling pathway or direct activation of Cl channels by purinergic receptors. (2) A calmodulin or a calmodulinlike binding site that is sensitive to W13 and chlorpromazine participates in the regulation of the [Ca] i increase by purinergic receptors in HT29-Cl.16E. Received: 4 December 1995/Revised: 16 August 1996  相似文献   

Short-circuit current (I sc ), transepithelial conductance (G t ), electrical capacitance (C T ) and the fluctuation in I sc were analyzed in polarized epithelial cells from the distal nephron of Xenopus laevis (A6 cell line). Tissues were incubated with Na+- and Cl-free solutions on the apical surface. Basolateral perfusate was NaCl-Ringer. Agents that increase cellular cAMP evoked increases in G t , C T , I sc and generated a Lorentzian I sc -noise. The responses could be related to active, electrogenic secretion of Cl. Arginine-vasotocin and oxytocin caused a typical peak-plateau response pattern. Stimulation with a membrane-permeant nonhydrolyzable cAMP analogue or forskolin showed stable increases in G t with only moderate peaking of I sc . Phosphodiesterase inhibitors also stimulated Cl secretion with peaking responses in G t and I sc . All stimulants elicited a spontaneous Lorentzian noise, originating from the activated apical Cl channel, with almost identical corner frequency (40–50 Hz). Repetitive challenge with the hormones led to a refractory behavior of all parameters. Activation of the cAMP route could overcome this refractoriness. All agents caused C T , a measure of apical membrane area, to increase in a manner roughly synchronous with G t . These results suggest that activation of the cAMP-messenger route may, at least partly, involve exocytosis of a vesicular Cl channel pool. Apical flufenamate depressed Cl current and conductance and apparently generated blocker-noise. However, blocking kinetics extracted from noise experiments could not be reconciled with those obtained from current inhibition, suggesting the drug does not act as simple open-channel inhibitor. Received: 20 May 1998/Revised: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

In cystic fibrosis, the mutation of the CFTR protein causes reduced transepithelial Cl secretion. As recently proposed, beside its role of Cl channel, CFTR may regulate the activity of other channels such as a Ca2+-activated Cl channel. Using a calcium imaging system, we show, in adenovirus-CFTR infected Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell monolayers, that CFTR can act as a regulator of intracellular [Ca2+] i ([Ca2+] i ), involving purino-receptors. Apical exposure to ATP or UTP produced an increase in ([Ca2+] i in noninfected CHO cell monolayers (CHO-WT), in CHO monolayers infected with an adenovirus-CFTR (CHO-CFTR) or infected with an adenovirus-LacZ (CHO-LacZ). The transient [Ca2+] i increase produced by ATP or UTP could be mimicked by activation of CFTR with forskolin (20 μm) in CHO-CFTR confluent monolayers. However, forskolin had no significant effect on [Ca2+] i in noninfected CHO-WT or in CHO-LacZ cells. Pretreatment with purino-receptor antagonists such as suramin (100 μm) or reactive blue-2. (100 μm), and with hexokinase (0.28 U/mg) inhibited the [Ca2+] i response to forskolin in CHO-CFTR infected cells. Taken together, our experiments provide evidence for purino-receptor activation by ATP released from the cell and regulation of [Ca2+] i by CFTR in CHO epithelial cell membranes. Received: 5 April 1999/Revised: 28 June 1999  相似文献   

Single-channel properties of a delayed rectifier voltage-gated K+ channel (I-type) were investigated in peripheral myelinated axons from Xenopus laevis. Channels activated between −60 and −40 mV with a potential of half-maximal activation, E50, at −47.5 mV. Averaged single-channel currents activated with a time delay at all membrane potentials tested. Time to half-maximal activation decreased from 80 to 1.6 msec between −60 and +40 mV. The channel inactivated monoexponentially with a time constant of 10.9 sec at −40 mV. The time constant of deactivation was 126 msec at −80 mV and 16.9 msec at −110 mV. In symmetrical 105 mm K+, the single-channel conductance (γ) was 22 and 13 pS at negative and positive membrane potentials, respectively, at 13–15°C. In Na+-rich solution with 2.5 mm extracellular K+γ was 7 pS and the reversal potential was negative to −80 mV, indicating a high selectivity for K+ over Na+. γ depended on extracellular K+ concentration (K D = 19.6 mm) and temperature (Q 10= 1.45). External tetraethylammonium (TEA) reduced the apparent single-channel current amplitude at all potentials tested with a half-maximal inhibiting concentration (IC50) of 0.6 mm. Open probability of the channel, but not single-channel current amplitude was decreased by extracellular dendrotoxin (DTX, IC50= 6.8 nm) and mast cell degranulating peptide (MCDP, IC50= 41.9 nm). In Ringer solution the membrane potential of macroscopic I-channel patches was about −65 mV and depolarized under TEA and DTX. It is concluded that besides their activation during action potentials, I-channels may also stabilize the resting membrane potential. Received: 2 June 1995/Revised: 13 October 1995  相似文献   

Primary cultures of sea bass gill cells grown on permeable membranes form a confluent, polarized, functional tight epithelium as characterized by electron microscopy and electrophysiological and ion transport studies. Cultured with normal fetal bovine serum (FBS) and mounted in an Ussing chamber, the epithelium presents a small short-circuit current (I sc : 1.4 ± 0.3 μA/cm2), a transepithelial voltage (V t ) of 12.7 ± 2.7 mV (serosal positive) and a high transepithelial resistance (R t : 12302 ± 2477 Ω× cm2). A higher degree of differentiation and increased ion transport capacities are observed with cells cultured with sea bass serum: numerous, organized microridges characteristic of respiratory cells are present on the apical cell surface and there are increased I sc (11.9 ± 2.5 μA/cm2) and V t (25.9 ± 1.7 mV) and reduced R t (4271 ± 568 Ω× cm2) as compared with FBS-treated cells. Apical amiloride addition (up to 100 μm) had no effect on I sc . The I sc , correlated with an active Cl secretion measured as the difference between 36Cl unidirectional fluxes, was partly blocked by serosal ouabain, bumetanide, DIDS or apical DPC or NPPB and stimulated by serosal dB-cAMP. It is concluded that the chloride secretion is mediated by a Na+/K+/2Cl cotransport and a Cl/HCO3 exchanger both responsible for Cl entry through the basolateral membrane and by apical cAMP-sensitive Cl channels. This study gives evidence of a functional, highly differentiated epithelium in cultures composed of fish gill respiratorylike cells, which could provide a useful preparation for studies on ion transport and their regulation. Furthermore, the chloride secretion through these cultures of respiratorylike cells makes it necessary to reconsider the previously accepted sea water model in which the chloride cells are given the unique role of ion transport through fish gills. Received: 12 July 1996/Revised: 5 November 1996  相似文献   

We demonstrated recently that in renal epithelial cells from collecting ducts of Madin-Darby canine kidneys (MDCK), Na+,K+,Cl cotransport is inhibited up to 50% by ATP via its interaction with P2Y purinoceptors (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1998. 1369:233–239). In the present study we examined which type of renal epithelial cells possesses the highest sensitivity of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport to purinergic regulation. We did not observe any effect of ATP on Na+,K+,Cl cotransport in renal epithelial cells from proximal and distal tubules, whereas in renal epithelial cells from rabbit and rat collecting ducts ATP decreased the carrier's activity by ∼30%. ATP did not affect Na+,K+,Cl cotransport in C7 subtype MDCK cells possessing the properties of principal cells but led to ∼85% inhibition of this carrier in C11-MDCK cells in which intercalated cells are highly abundant. Both C7- and C11-MDCK exhibited ATP-induced IP3 and cAMP production and transient elevation of [Ca2+] i . In contrast to the above-listed signaling systems, ATP-induced phosphorylation of ERK and JNK MAP kinases was observed in C11-MDCK only. Thus, our results reveal that regulation of renal Na+,K+,Cl cotransport by P2Y receptors is limited to intercalated cells from collecting ducts and indicate the involvement of the MAP kinase cascade in purinergic control of this ion carrier's activity. Received: 10 June 1999/Revised: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

Stimulation with leukotriene D4 (LTD4) (3–100 nm) induces a transient increase in the free intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ) in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. The LTD4-induced increase in [Ca2+] i is, however, significantly reduced in Ca2+-free medium (2 mm EGTA), and under these conditions stimulation with a low LTD4 concentration (3 nm) does not result in any detectable increase in [Ca2+] i . Addition of LTD4 (3–100 nm) moreover accelerates the KCl loss seen during Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD) in cells suspended in a hypotonic medium. The LTD4-induced (100 nm) acceleration of the RVD response is also seen in Ca2+-free medium and also at 3 nm LTD4, indicating that LTD4 can open K+- and Cl-channels without any detectable increase in [Ca2+] i . Buffering cellular Ca2+ with BAPTA almost completely blocks the LTD4-induced (100 nm) acceleration of the RVD response. Thus, the reduced [Ca2+] i level after BAPTA-loading or buffering of [Ca2+] i seems to inhibit the LTD4-induced stimulation of the RVD response even though the LTD4-induced cell shrinkage is not necessarily preceded by any detectable increase in [Ca2+] i . The LTD4 receptor antagonist L649,923 (1 μm) completely blocks the LTD4-induced increase in [Ca2+] i and inhibits the RVD response as well as the LTD4-induced acceleration of the RVD response. When the LTD4 receptor is desensitized by preincubation with 100 nm LTD4, a subsequent RVD response is strongly inhibited. In conclusion, the present study supports the notion that LTD4 plays a role in the activation of the RVD response. LTD4 seems to activate K+ and Cl channels via stimulation of a LTD4 receptor with no need for a detectable increase in [Ca2+] i . Received: 25 September 1995/Revised: 25 January 1996  相似文献   

The outer sulcus epithelium was recently shown to absorb cations from the lumen of the gerbil cochlea. Patch clamp recordings of excised apical membrane were made to investigate ion channels that participate in this reabsorptive flux. Three types of channel were observed: (i) a nonselective cation (NSC) channel, (ii) a BK (large conductance, maxi K or K Ca ) channel and (iii) a small K+ channel which could not be fully characterized. The NSC channel found in excised insideout patch recordings displayed a linear current-voltage (I-V) relationship (27 pS) and was equally conductive for Na+ and K+, but not permeable to Cl or N-methyl-d-glucamine. Channel activity required the presence of Ca2+ at the cytosolic face, but was detected at Ca2+ concentrations as low as 10−7 m (open probability (P o ) = 0.11 ± 0.03, n= 8). Gadolinium decreased P o of the NSC channel from both the external and cytosolic side (IC50∼ 0.6 μm). NSC currents were decreased by amiloride (10 μm− 1 mm) and flufenamic acid (0.1 mm). The BK channel was also frequently (38%) observed in excised patches. In symmetrical 150 mm KCl conditions, the I-V relationship was linear with a conductance of 268 pS. The Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation for current carried solely by K+ could be fitted to the I-V relationship in asymmetrical K+ and Na+ solutions. The channel was impermeable to Cl and N-methyl-d-glucamine. P o of the BK channel increased with depolarization of the membrane potential and with increasing cytosolic Ca2+. TEA (20 mm), charybdotoxin (100 nm) and Ba2+ (1 mm) but not amiloride (1 mm) reduced P o from the extracellular side. In contrast, external flufenamic acid (100 μm) increased P o and this effect was inhibited by charybdotoxin (100 nm). Flufenamic acid inhibited the inward short-circuit current measured by the vibrating probe and caused a transient outward current. We conclude that the NSC channel is Ca2+ activated, voltage-insensitive and involved in both constitutive K+ and Na+ reabsorption from endolymph while the BK channel might participate in the K+ pathway under stimulated conditions that produce an elevated intracellular Ca2+ or depolarized membrane potential. Received: 14 October 1999/Revised: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

The transport mechanisms of Ambystoma proximal tubule that mediate transcellular Cl absorption linked to Na+ were investigated in isolated perfused tubules using Cl-selective and voltage-recording microelectrodes. In control solutions intracellular activity of Cl (a i Cl ) is 11.3 ± 0.5 mm, the basolateral (V 1 ), apical (V 2 ), and transepithelial (V 3 ) potential differences are −68 ± 1.2 mV, +62 ± 1.2 mV and −6.4 ± 0.3 mV, respectively. When Na+ absorption is decreased by removal of organic substrates from the lumen, a i Cl falls by 1.3 ± 0.3 mm and V 2 hyperpolarizes by +11.4 ± 1.7 mV. Subsequent removal of Na+ from the lumen causes a i Cl to fall further by 2.3 ± 0.4 mm and V 2 to hyperpolarize further by +15.3 ± 2.4 mV. The contribution of transporters and channels to the observed changes of a i Cl was examined using ion substitutions and inhibitors. Apical Na/Cl or Na/K/2Cl symport is excluded because bumetanide, furosemide or hydrochlorothiazide have no effect on a i Cl . The effects of luminal HCO 3 removal and/or of disulfonic stilbenes argue against the presence of apical Cl-base exchange such as Cl-HCO3 or Cl-OH. The effects of basolateral HCO 3 removal, of basolateral Na+ removal and/or of disulfonic stilbenes are compatible with presence of basolateral Na-independent Cl-base exchange and Na-driven Cl-HCO3 exchange. Several lines of evidence favor conductive Cl transport across both the apical and basolateral membrane. Addition of the chloride-channel blocker diphenylamine-2-carboxylate to the lumen or bath, increases the a i Cl by 2.4 ± 0.6 mm or 2.9 ± 1.0 mm respectively. Moreover, following inhibition by DIDS of all anion exchangers in HCO 3-free Ringer, the equilibrium potential for Cl does not differ from the membrane potential V 2 . Finally, the logarithmic changes in a i Cl in various experimental conditions correlate well with the simultaneous changes in either basolateral or apical membrane potential. These findings strongly support the presence of Cl channels at the apical and basolateral cell membranes of the proximal tubule. Received: 14 November 1997/Revised: 6 July 1998  相似文献   

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