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Three types of density gradients - neutral metrizamide, alkaline NaOH-metrizamide and alkaline triethanolamine-metrizamide - were used for studying the distribution of histones between the two DNA strands in alkali-denatured chromatin. It was found possible to avoid both protein redistribution and dissociation by using triethanolamine-metrizamide density gradients at pH 10.5. Under these conditions an alkali-denatured mixture of DNA and chromatin was well separated into the original DNA and DNP. When native or sonicated chromatin was denatured at pH 12.2 and centrifuged in a triethanolamine-metrizamide density gradient at pH 10.5 no peak of free DNA appeared. These results show that both DNA strands remain associated with histone molecules upon alkaline denaturation of chromatin.  相似文献   

Isopycnic sedimentation in metrizamide gradients has shown that mouse-liver histones bind co-operatively to both homologous and bacterial DNA's. However, at low input ratios of histone to DNA, two types of stable complex are formed, depending on the histone concentration. One complex contains half as much histone as DNA while the other contains approximately equal amounts of histone and DNA. At high input ratios of histone to DNA extra histone is bound giving complexes containing up to twice as much histone as DNA. Poly-L-lysine and protamine were also found to bind co-operatively to DNA.  相似文献   

A preparation, similar to the light mitochondrial fraction of rat liver (L fraction of de Duve et al, (1955, Biochem. J. 60: 604-617), was subfractionated by isopycnic centrifugation in a metrizamide gradient and the distribution of several marker enzymes was established. The granules were layered at the top or bottom of the gradient. In both cases, as ascertained by the enzyme distributions, the lysosomes are well separated from the peroxisomes. A good separation from mitochondria is obtained only when the L fraction if set down underneath the gradient. Taking into account the analytical centrifugation results, a procedure was devised to purify lysosomes from several grams of liver by centrifugation of an L fraction in a discontinuous metrizamide gradient. By this method, a fraction containing 10--12% of the whole liver lysosomes can be prepared. As inferred from the relative specific activity of marker enzymes, it can be estimated that lysosomes are purified between 66 and 80 times in this fraction. As ascertained by plasma membrane marker enzyme activity, the main contaminant could be the plasma membrane components. However, cytochemical tests for 5'AMPase and for acid phosphatase suggest that a large part of the plasma membrane marker enzyme activity present in the purified lysosome preparation could be associated with the lysosomal membrane. The procedure for the isolation of rat liver lysosomes described in this paper is compared with the already existing methods.  相似文献   

Complexes of mouse main band DNA with a fraction of non-histone proteins (NHP), having a high affinity for DNA, in the absence or presence of histones have been investigated by gradient centrifugation in metrizamide. Two types of complexes were formed at an input ratio of NHP to DNA between 1 and 2.5. In metrizamide gradients a majority of DNA was found in the light complex (at the density of 1.14-1.16 g/cm3) even at the very high NHP to DNA ratio. When histones were present in the reaction mixture, most of the DNA was found in the heavy complex (1.19-1.21 g/cm3). The electrophoretic profiles of the proteins recovered from the heavy and light complexes were different; some fractions of nonhistone proteins were present only in the heavy component.  相似文献   

Human endothelial cells from the umbilical vein and skin fibroblasts can be separated by means of centrifugation in a density gradient of Percoll. Cells show a good recovery in culture. Viability is not impaired.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from potato tubers have been separated from contaminating organelles and membrane vesicles on self-generated Percoll gradients and in a relatively short time. The Percoll-purified mitochondria devoid of carotenoids and galactolipids showed no contamination with intact plastids, microbodies, or vacuolar enzymes. Percoll-purified mitochondria exhibited intact membranes and a dense matrix. The intactness of purified mitochondrial preparations was ascertained by the measurement of KCN-sensitive ascorbate cyt c-dependent O2 uptake. When compared with washed mitochondria, Percoll-purified mitochondria showed improved rates of substrate oxidation, respiratory control, and ADP:O ratios. The recovery of the cyt oxidase was 70–90% and on a cyt oxidase basis the rate of succinate oxidation by unpurified mitochondria was equal to that recorded for Percoll-purified mitochondria. The great flexibility of purification procedure involving silica sols was extended from mitochondria to the isolation of intact peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Mouse testis cells have been separated by equilibrium density centrifugation in gradients of Renografin. Intact testis cells were not damaged by the separation procedure provided that, following separation, the osmolarity was reduced gradually. The various cell types were identified microscopically and by 3H-thymidine labelling with similar results. The present technique has demonstrated that significant variations in cell density occur during spermatogenesis. Approximately ten-fold enrichments of nearly all testis cell types were achieved by equilibrium density separation of testis cell suspensions. More homogeneous cell populations were prepared by density gradient centrifugation of cell fractions obtained from velocity sedimentation separations. Overall enrichments of spermatogonia, by 29-fold; pachytene spermatocytes, 45-fold; dividing meiotic cells, 170-fold; round spermatids, 30-fold; step 11–13 elongating spermatids, 12-fold; Leydig cells, 70-fold; and cytoplasmic fragments, 55-fold, were obtained. In this study, a method for preparation of cell suspensions was also developed to produce higher yields of spermatogonia and young primary spermatocytes; however, the density distribution of these cells was altered.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (HnRNP) were separated in metrizamide density gradients, into two fractions migrating to 1.31 g ml-1 and 1.18 g ml-1, respectively. Proteins associated with each of these fractions were analysed by SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. It is shown that the whole proteins extracted from these two metrizamide fractions exhibit clearly different electrophoretic patterns: 1.31 HnRNP particles contain as major polypeptide chains molecules with molecular weights ranging from 40 000 to 65 000, while major polypeptides of 1.18 HnRNP are banding in the 30 000–40 000 molecular weight region of the gels. Both fractions contain numerous other associated polypeptide chains whose molecular weights are above 65 000. A possible kinetic relationship between these two HnRNP classes was investigatedin vivo by performing chase experiments. No clear evidence for a precursor-product relationship was found. Implications arising from these structural and kinetic observations, and problems relating to nuclear maturation of pre-messenger RNA, are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for isolation of substantial amounts of pure and enzymatically active nuclei from whole calf uterus. The technique involves a multistep sequential homogenization of the tissue and a zonal centrifugation of the crude nuclear preparation in a reorienting density gradient rotor. Electron and phase contrast microscopic observations show that the nuclei are intact and practically free from cytoplasmic contamination. Based on DNA recovery, the purified fraction contains 9% of the nuclei of the total tissue and more than 19% of the filtered homogenate. The pure nuclear fraction consists of 29% DNA, 7% RNA, and 64% protein, which parallels the composition of purified nuclei from other mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

1. Purified liver nuclei from adult rats separate into two main zones when centrifuged in the slow-speed zonal rotor. One zone contains diploid nuclei, the other tetraploid. 2. The effect of age on the pattern of rat liver ploidy was examined. Tetraploid nuclei are virtually absent from young animals. They increase in proportion steadily with age. Partial hepatectomy disturbs the pattern of ploidy. 3. The zonal centrifuge permits the separation of diploid, tetraploid, octaploid and hexadecaploid nuclei from mouse liver. 4. Rat liver nuclei are isopycnic with sucrose solutions of density 1.35 at 5 degrees .  相似文献   

Preparative separations of plant cell organelles (glyoxysomes, proplastids, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum) in an ordinary refrigerated centrifuge were obtained by sucrose density gradient centrifugation in a zonal rotor loaded and unloaded in the static manner. The quality of the separation which was monitored by marker enzymes and electron microscopy compares to analytical separations in swinging-bucket rotors. Membrane alterations observed in glyoxysomes and mitochondria are traced back to sucrose as a major component of the homogenization and density gradient medium.  相似文献   

Density-gradient centrifugation in metrizamide gradients has been used to study the binding of nuclear proteins to DNA. The unique advantage of this method is that the nucleoprotein complexes can be isolated free of non-complexed DNA and proteins. The chromatin non-histone proteins bound to native DNA in a non-random manner. The extent of binding was dependent on the ionic strength of the medium and was decreased in the presence of RNA.  相似文献   

Counterflow centrifugation with continuous monitoring of the output for cell number and cell scatter was used to separate low density (d less than 1.070 g/ml) human bone marrow cells in two fractions: one containing the majority of small size lymphocytes and the other the majority of the larger sized committed progenitor cells. The recovery of the pluripotent stem cells (CFU-GEMM) in the large cell fraction was complete. The mitogenic reactivity of this putative stem cell fraction had decreased to 6% and 11%, of the original value as measured with phytohemagglutinin stimulation and one way mixed lymphocytic culture respectively. Counterflow centrifugation offers a physical separation technique, by which the majority of the immunoreactive cells can be separated from the pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells.  相似文献   

The ribonucleoprotein particles released from isolated nuclei of regenerating rat liver in two in vitro systems were studied and the following results were obtained. 1. When the isolated nuclei of regenerating rat liver labeled in vivo with [14C] orotic acid were incubated in medium containing ATP and an energy-regenerating system (medium I) release of labeled 40-S particles was observed. Analysis of these 40-S particles showed that they contained heterogeneous RNA but no 18 S or 28 S ribosomal RNAs and their buoyant density in CsCl was 1.42-1.45 g/cm3, suggesting that they were nuclear informosome-like particles released during incubation. 2. When the same nuclei were incubated in the same medium fortified with dialyzed cytosol, spermidine and yeast RNA (medium II), release of labeled 60-S and 40-S particles was observed. Using CsCl buoyant density gradient centrifugation, two components were found in the labeled ribonucleoprotein particles released from nuclei in this medium. The labeled 60-S particles were found to contain 28-S RNA as the main component and their buoyant density in CsCl was 1.61 g/cm3, suggesting that they were labeled large ribosomal subunits. The labeled 40-S particles contained both 18 S RNA and heterogeneous RNA and they formed two discrete bands in CsCl, at 1.40 and 1.56 g/cm3, suggesting that they contained small ribosomal subunits and nuclear informosome-like particles. 3. These results clearly indicate that addition of dialyzed cytosol, spermidine and low molecular yeast RNA to medium I causes the release of ribosomal subunits or their precursors from isolated nuclei in the in vitro system.  相似文献   

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