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The autofluorescence of tissue components in Epon semithin sections depends on the exciting wavelength, section thickness, and the structure under observation. The degree of autofluorescence emission of a given component affects the fluorescence reaction induced by fluorochromes, a feature which must be taken into account when fluorescence microscopy is applied to the study of Epon sections.  相似文献   

A standard immunofluorescent method was modified for the staining of leptospires in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues. Routine histologic sections were deparaffinized and treated with pepsin prior to staining. Pepsin treatment greatly enhanced subsequent staining of leptospires in naturally infected bovine and porcine tissues as well as in artificially infected tissues. Leptospires in naturally infected bovine tissues were usually undetectable in untreated sections but clearly visible in stained pepsin-treated sections. Naturally infected porcine kidney usually contained high levels of leptospiral antigen which could be stained without prior pepsin treatment. However, pepsin treatment of porcine tissues greatly increased the amount of leptospiral antigen detectable and made individual leptospires more conspicuous. The staining method could employ a single antiserum for the staining of leptospires from 13 serogroups. Also, leptospires could be stained in tissues stored in formalin for more than 14 months and in 26-year-old paraffin embedded tissues.  相似文献   

The present communication deals with a technique developed for the selective staining of neural tissue in thick (10 micron) Epon sections. A new adhesive method was needed, because the known techniques are only applicable to 0.5-2 micron thin sections. The critical step in the procedure is the adhesion of the sections onto the slides. This is accomplished by heating the sections on top of a uniform layer of albumin glycerol on the slide followed by coating with celloidin. The results after deplasticizing and coagulation with this technique are comparable to those obtained by paraffin or frozen section techniques, but in addition have the advantage of Epoxy resin embedding e.g. the possibility of cutting undecalcified hard tissues and sections for serial reconstruction.  相似文献   

Kidney biopsies can be examined in Epon sections for comparison of immunofluorescence and histology. This is possible by an incubation method which has now been modified to allow simultaneous localization of two antigens using fluorescein and rhodamine-conjugated antibodies on the same semithin sections of formalin fixed tissue. Consecutive sections from the same blocks can also be cut for electron microscopy. The method is now used in our immunopathological diagnostic procedures for examination of kidney biopsies.  相似文献   

The critical-electrolyte-concentration staining method using Alcian blue (AB) was applied to etched semithin Epon-embedded sections. The distribution of various glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) was studied in hyaline, elastic, cellular and fibrous cartilage obtained from humans and rodents. The staining patterns in semithin sections were found to correspond to those obtained using paraffin-embedded material. Lectin histochemistry was performed on consecutive sections. The following peroxidase-labelled lectins were used: Ricinus communis A I, Arachis hypogaea, Ulex europaeus A I, Triticum vulgaris, Helix pomatia, Limax flavus, and concanavalin A. The lectin-binding capacity of cartilaginous ground substance was found to be low, as was expected on account of the few free sugar residues of GAGs. Chondroitin sulphate, the most widely distributed GAG, did not exhibit lectin staining. The lectin-binding sites (positive staining for all lectins tested except H. pomatia) observed corresponded to areas positive for keratan sulphate, as shown by AB staining in preceding or following sections. The pronounced lectin binding seen in cellular structures and the inner territorial matrix regions is considered to be due to higher concentrations of oligosaccharides involved in the metabolism of GAGs.  相似文献   

The usual HCl-toluidine blue staining of different endocrine cells is applicable to paraffin embedded material. A modification for Epon embedded tissue suitable for consecutive light and electron microscopic studies is described which makes it possible to find the same stained cell, both in a semithin section and in subsequent ultrathin sections. This method facilitates the search for scattered specific endocrine cells. Without removing the resin, sections of Epon embedded tissues were hydrolyzed for 17 hr in 1% HCl at 65 C and stained for 2 hr in 0.1% toluidine blue in McIlvaine buffer, pH 5.8. The following cells were stained: C cells in thyroid glands; A and D cells in pancreatic islets; B cells in anterior pituitary; G, D and Ec cells in the gastrointestinal tract; Ad cells of the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Staining plastic sections with the Romanowsky-Giemsa method is both time-consuming and difficult. This paper reports how the staining time can be reduced to 25 min using microwave irradiation of the staining solution. It is shown that staining results depend on the fixative used, staining temperature, dye concentration and pH of the staining solution as well as on several parameters of the microwave irradiation technique. The staining patterns are improved when compared with those obtained by conventional staining of plastic sections. The colors are more brilliant and greater contrasts are observed. Basophilia, polychromasia, and orthochromasia accompanying red cell maturation are more pronounced. For white cell maturation the initial appearance of specific granules (neutrophil, basophil, and eosinophil) is more evident. Thus, cell classification is easily accomplished using the described technique. It is suggested that microwave-stimulated staining be considered for routine use.  相似文献   

Trypsin and protease V (pronase) were studied for their ability to enhance immunofluorescent labelling of papovavirus antigens in glycol methacrylate embedded sections of organs infected with murine K-papovavirus. Treatment of Bouin's fixed sections with 0.4% trypsin for 30 minutes resulted in specific immunofluorescent staining equal to that seen in frozen sections and produced little if any loss of histological detail. Treatment with protease V resulted in less brilliant fluorescence and less satisfactory tissue preservation. Studies were then conducted to determine the fluorescence and less satisfactory tissue preservation. Studies were then conducted to determine the fixative which would produce brightest specific fluorescent antibody staining of papovavirus-infected cells while providing clearest definition of intranuclear inclusions and best morphological detail in histologically stained adjacent sections. Brightest immunofluorescence staining was accomplished on material fixed in 96% ethanol/1% glacial acetic acid or Bouin's solution. These fixatives also gave clear definition of intranuclear inclusions with histological stains and provided excellent morphological detail. Phosphate buffered paraformaldehyde/picric acid and 3.7% formalin gave less satisfactory fluorescence and obscured intranuclear inclusions in histological preparations. Sections fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde/1% glutaraldehyde, and 0.5 M p-toluenesulfonic acid were negative for specific fluorescence. Glycol methacrylate, used with proper fixation and trypsin pretreatment of sections, provides a useful embedding medium for immunofluorescent identification of virus-infected cells, and the 1.0-2.0 micron sections routinely obtainable with GMA permit study of individual infected cells by fluorescent antibody and histological staining of adjacent sections.  相似文献   

Acid-fast bacilli can be stained in tissue embedded in glycol methacrylate. Modification of the Ziehl-Neelsen technique, along with changes in the formula of the plastic embedding medium, allow production of 1 to 2 micron sections which retain their integrity throughout the procedure, and within which the bacilli are clearly visible.  相似文献   

Two different anti-somatostatin antisera, R-101 and OAL-273, cross-react with rat calcitonin gene-related peptide (1-37) (CGRP). CGRP amounts, in excess of 6.25 x 10(-9) M, cross-react with R-101 in the somatostatin radioimmunoassay. CGRP amounts, in excess of 1.6 x 10(-9) M, cross-react with OAL-273. Both CGRP displacement curves are parallel to that of synthetic somatostatin (1-14). Comparison of ID50's shows that the cross-reactivity of CGRP with R-101 and OAL-273 are 0.02 and 0.1% of somatostatin, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary We recently described a nonradioactive method for in situ hybridization with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelled oligonucleotide probes. An antibody to BrdU and immunocytochemistry were used in order to detect the hybridization signal. We have now applied this method to semithin Epon sections, in order to hybridize consecutive sections through single cells with different probes and to stain them with antibodies to neuropeptides. It could be shown that Epon embedding preserves mRNA well. In the present study we used a BrdU labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probe complementary to a fragment of the vasopressin precursor and an antibody to Arg-vasopressin. Vasopressin mRNA was demonstrable in a fraction of the vasopressin immunoreactive neurons in the magnocellular nuclei. In addition some of the magnocellular neurons showed either hybridization or vasopressin immunostaining only, perhaps indicating different stages of synthetic and secretory activity. The method described seems to be a valuable tool for studying synthetic activity in peptidergic neurons on a single cell level. The method might also have potential for in situ hybridization on the electronmicroscopical level.  相似文献   

Movat's pentachrome I stain has been adapted and modified as a stain for undecalcified bone sections. After embedding in methyl methacrylate, this procedure yields consistently good results, with an excellent and colorful contrast between mineralized and unmineralized compartments of both cartilage and bone. In addition, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and other cells and tissue components can easily be differentiated. The staining properties of the lacunar wall surrounding the osteocytes are considered to reflect various states of osteocytic activity. The method is especially useful for the study of bone growth and bone repair, and as a stain for conventional histomorphometry and computer-assisted image analysis in bone biopsies.  相似文献   

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