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Climate can greatly affect building design, life style and thermal perception for all groups of people; however, this phenomenon has not yet been rigorously evaluated in China's hot–arid climate. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a thermal comfort survey by evaluating the influence of the hot–arid climate upon the behavioural patterns and thermal comfort responses of 160 residents in 65 traditional vernacular houses in Turfan, China, in 2011. In this survey, there were 206 sets of effective data, and the features of the traditional residential buildings and the human behaviour patterns in Turfan were described and analysed. The results showed that the diversified courtyards and shade spaces were the most obvious features of traditional houses in Turfan. People here typically spend most of their time in one of two spaces for eating, resting, and entertaining. It was found that the preferred temperature was 26.5 °C. The preferred air velocity occurred at 0.62 m/s. A suitable air velocity range of 0.15–1.24 m/s was suggested in Turfan. Moreover, the neutral temperature of the local people was 30.1 °C (tg or to). The upper limits of the 80% acceptable zone by using the direct and indirect acceptability method were 32.7 and 33.8 °C, respectively. The neutral temperature and upper limit of the acceptable zone in Turfan were higher than those of the adaptive standards. Attention should be paid to the role of thermal comfort in influencing building design by using simple passive cooling strategies. The above results are believed to be potentially valuable for the design and evaluation of residential buildings located in hot–arid climate.  相似文献   

Based on results from a field survey campaign conducted in Switzerand, we show that occupants’ variations in clothing choices, which are relatively unconstrained, are best described by the daily mean outdoor temperature and that major clothing adjustments occur rarely during the day. We then develop an ordinal logistic model of the probability distribution of discretised clothing levels, which results in a concise and informative expression of occupants’ clothing choices. Results from both cross-validation and independent verification suggest that this model formulation may be used with confidence. Furthermore, the form of the model is readily generalisable, given the requisite calibration data, to environments where dress codes are more specific. We also observe that, for these building occupants, the prevailing metabolic activity levels are mostly constant for the whole range of surveyed environmental conditions, as their activities are relatively constrained by the tasks in hand. Occupants may compensate for this constraint, however, through the consumption of cold and hot drinks, with corresponding impacts on metabolic heat production. Indeed, cold drink consumption was found to be highly correlated with indoor thermal conditions, whilst hot drink consumption is best described by a seasonal variable. These variables can be used for predictive purposes using binary logistic models.  相似文献   

Farrowing is an intrinsically risky process for both the sow and the piglets that can cause welfare and economic problems. The effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam on post-farrowing behaviour of sows, and the performance of piglets were investigated. A total of 48 sows were randomly allocated at the day of farrowing (day 0) into two homogeneous groups regarding parity, and treated with either meloxicam or saline solution as placebo. For each sow, number of position changes, total time lying and standing or sitting, feed intake and rectal temperature (RT) were recorded during 3 days after farrowing. Piglets were individually weighed at farrowing and at weaning. The number of position changes did not show significant differences between treatments (P = 0.79). Sows spent significantly less time lying during day +3 after farrowing in the meloxicam group than in the placebo group (P = 0.04). Feed intake and RT showed a parity effect (P < 0.001 in both cases); however, no treatment effect was observed (P = 0.67 and P = 0.47, respectively). Pre-weaning mortality rate in piglets was not affected by treatment. In litters from multiparous sows, piglets of low birth weight (defined as percentile 15: BW <1180 g) had an average daily gain significantly higher in the meloxicam group than in the placebo group (196.6 ± 7.2 v. 166.6 ± 9.1 g/day; P = 0.03). Although the administration of meloxicam 90 min after farrowing showed a positive effect on the total time lying of the sows, additional investigations are required to better qualify relevant indicators of pain following farrowing in sows and to specify the analgesic effects of meloxicam on piglet performance.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) regulates responses to chemical or physical stress in part by altering expression of genes involved in proteome maintenance. In this research, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to amplify 766 and 589 bp fragments of intron 3 and 7 of PPARα gene in Chinese Holstein (n = 771). Sequencing results showed that three novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified at position 44087 (G/A), 65550 (G/A), and 65676(G/A) in the PPARα gene. PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism technology was used to genotype the three SNPs. Association analysis showed that cows with H1H8 (P < 0.05), H2H8 (P < 0.01), H5H7 (P < 0.05), H5H8 (P < 0.05), and H8H8 (P < 0.05) haplotype combinations had lower potassium content in erythrocytes than those with H2H6 haplotype combination. Cows with H1H8, and H8H8 haplotype combinations had lower decrease rate of milk yield than those with H2H6 and H6H8 haplotype combinations (P < 0.05). Cows with H2H8 and H8H8 haplotype combinations had lower rectal temperature than those with H5H8 and H7H7 haplotype combinations (P < 0.05). In conclusion, H8H8 haplotype combination may be advantageous for heat resistance traits in Chinese Holstein cattle.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the frequency of conceptions were analysed from the records of 8,971 beef calves born over a period of ten years (1959–1968) in the Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. Mean annual and monthly conception rates were 72 and 6%, respectively. Highly significant changes in conception rates were observed: the highest number of conceptions occurred in April (7.3%) and the lowest in October (4.4%). The cubic function of the curve depicting the monthly conception rate was highly significant (p < 0.001) and parallelled the change in photoperiod (r = +0.39, p < 0.01). Conception rate was not related to either temperature or precipitation. The evidence suggests a photoperiodic influence on conception rates.
Zusammenfassung Saisonale Schwankungen in der Konzeptionsrate von Fleischrindern der Guineasavanne Südnigerias wurden anhand von 8.971 Kalbungen aus zehn Jahren (1959–1968) untersucht. Die durchschnittlichen jährlichen und monatlichen Konzeptionsraten betrugen 72 beziehungsweise 6%; jedoch wurden hochsignifikante Abweichungen (p < 0.001) von dem monatlichen Mittelwert festgestellt: die höchste Konzeptionsrate wurde mit 7,3% für April, die niedrigste mit 4,4% für Oktober errechnet. Die mathematische Funktion der Konzeptionsrate folgt einer Sinuskurve, welche der monatlichen Veränderung der Tageslichtlänge parallel läuft (r = +0,39, p < 0.01). Die Konzeptionsrate war nicht mit der Durchschnittstemperatur oder den Niederschlägen korreliert. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die saisonalen Schwankungen in der Konzeptionsrate zumindest teilweise auf photoperiodische Veränderungen zurückzuführen sind.

Resume Les variations saisonnières du taux de fécondité de bovins de la savanne du sud de la Guinée (Nigéria) ont été étudiées sur la base de 8971 mises bas ayant eu lieu durant une période de 10 ans. Le taux de fécondité moyen fut de 72% pour l'année et de 6% pour chaque mois. On constate pourtant des différences significatives entre les différents mois: le taux le plus élevé se trouve en avril (7,3%) et le plus bas en octobre (4,4%). La fonction du troisième degré du taux de fécondité est hautement significative (p < 0,001). Elle suit une courbe sinusöidale parallèle à celle de la longueur du jour (r = +0,39, p < 0,01). Il n'y a pas de relation entre le nombre de conceptions et la température ou les précipitations. Par conséquent, seul le photopériodisme semble influencer le nombre des conceptions.

The permission of the Western Nigeria Development Corporation to analyse and publish their breeding records is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the effect of rumen-escape starch and coarseness of ingredients in pelleted concentrates on performance, carcass quality and rumen wall characteristics in rosé veal calf production. Two alternative concentrates (Coarse and Slow) were compared with a traditional (Control) concentrate. Control was based on finely ground ingredients, whereas in Coarse, the same ingredients were coarsely ground resulting in a mean particle size before pelleting of 1.5 in Coarse and 0.6 mm in Control. Slow compared with Control and Coarse contained finely ground sorghum and corn instead of barley and wheat which increased the amount of rumen-escape starch to 59 compared with 22 g/kg in Control and Coarse. All concentrates had the same total starch (362 g/kg), NDF (168 g/kg), CP (154 g/kg) and DE (15.5 MJ/kg DM) content and a pellet diameter of 3.5 to 4 mm. Use of an ‘indicator of starch digestibility’ method gave a value of 98.6% for Control and Coarse and 91.1% for Slow (P < 0.001). A total of 57 Holstein bull calves (n = 19 per treatment) were offered one of the three concentrates ad libitum from weaning 2 1/2 months of age) to slaughter (<10 months of age). Concentrate intake was recorded individually. Barley straw was available ad libitum but intake was not recorded. Average daily gain (1.43 kg/day), concentrate conversion efficiency (3.7 kg DM concentrate/kg gain), LW at slaughter (386 kg), carcass weight (194 kg) and EUROP conformation (3.9) were not affected by type of concentrate (P > 0.05). Papillae length and shape evaluated in atrium ruminis and the cranial part of the ventral rumen sac at slaughter were not affected by type of concentrate (P > 0.05). Rumen wall characteristics showed degrees of plaque formation (i.e., papillary aggregation), hyperaemia and necrotic areas in all treatment groups, but with no general difference between type of concentrate (P > 0.05). Incidence of liver abscesses (LAs, 16%) was not affected by type of concentrate (P > 0.05). There were no differences in performance or rumen wall characteristics between liver-abscessed and non-abscessed calves. The results show a high level of production performance with the three types of pelleted concentrates and indicates that neither the more coarse ingredients nor the additional rumen-escape starch tested, when fed ad libitum, could improve rumen wall characteristics or reduce LAs of rosé veal calves.  相似文献   

The marine life of Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystems, adjacent to the province of British Columbia, may be relatively responsive to rapid oceanographic and environmental change associated with global climate change due to uniquely evolved plasticities and resiliencies as well as particular sensitivities and vulnerabilities, given this dynamic and highly textured natural setting. These marine ecosystems feature complex interfaces of coastal geomorphology, climate, and oceanography, including a dynamic oceanographic and ecological transition zone formed by the divergence of the North Pacific Current into the Alaskan coastal current and the California Current, and by currents transporting warm tropical waters from the south. Despite long-term warming in the region, sea surface temperatures in Canada’s Pacific have been anomalously cool since 2007 with La Niña-type conditions prevailing as we enter a cool phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, possibly masking future warming. When warmer El Niño conditions prevail, many southern species invade, strongly impacting local species and reorganizing biological communities. Acidification and deoxygenation are anomalously high in the region due to the weakening ventilation of subsurface waters resulting from increased stratification. A broad spectrum of biological responses to these changes are expected. Non-climate anthropogenic stressors affect the capacity of biota to adapt to climate changes. It will be challenging to forecast the responses of particular species, and to map climate vulnerabilities accurately enough to help prioritize and guide adaptation planning. It will be more challenging to develop forecasts that account for indirect effects within biological communities and the intricate and apparently non-deterministic behaviours of highly complex and variable marine ecosystems, such as those of Canada’s Pacific. We recommend and outline national and regional climate assessments in Canada and adaptation planning and implementation including integrated coastal management and marine spatial planning and management.  相似文献   

The metabolic state of pregnant mammals influences the offspring’s development and risk of metabolic disease in postnatal life. The metabolic state in a lactating dairy cow differs immensely from that in a non-lactating heifer around the time of conception, but consequences for their calves are poorly understood. The hypothesis of this study was that differences in metabolic state between non-lactating heifers and lactating cows during early pregnancy would affect insulin-dependent glucose metabolism and development in their neonatal calves. Using a mixed linear model, concentrations of glucose, IGF-I and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) were compared between 13 non-lactating heifers and 16 high-yielding dairy cows in repeated blood samples obtained during the 1st month after successful insemination. Calves born from these dams were weighed and measured at birth, and subjected to intravenous glucose and insulin challenges between 7 and 14 days of age. Eight estimators of insulin-dependent glucose metabolism were determined: glucose and insulin peak concentration, area under the curve and elimination rate after glucose challenge, glucose reduction rate after insulin challenge, and quantitative insulin sensitivity check index. Effects of dam parity and calf sex on the metabolic and developmental traits were analysed in a two-way ANOVA. Compared with heifers, cows displayed lower glucose and IGF-I and higher NEFA concentrations during the 1st month after conception. However, these differences did not affect developmental traits and glucose homeostasis in their calves: birth weight, withers height, heart girth, and responses to glucose and insulin challenges in the calves were unaffected by their dam’s parity. In conclusion, differences in the metabolic state of heifers and cows during early gestation under field conditions could not be related to their offspring’s development and glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

Using a multilevel approach, we estimated the effects of classroom ventilation rate and temperature on academic achievement. The analysis is based on measurement data from a 70 elementary school district (140 fifth grade classrooms) from Southwestern United States, and student level data (N = 3109) on socioeconomic variables and standardized test scores. There was a statistically significant association between ventilation rates and mathematics scores, and it was stronger when the six classrooms with high ventilation rates that were indicated as outliers were filtered (> 7.1 l/s per person). The association remained significant when prior year test scores were included in the model, resulting in less unexplained variability. Students’ mean mathematics scores (average 2286 points) were increased by up to eleven points (0.5%) per each liter per second per person increase in ventilation rate within the range of 0.9–7.1 l/s per person (estimated effect size 74 points). There was an additional increase of 12–13 points per each 1°C decrease in temperature within the observed range of 20–25°C (estimated effect size 67 points). Effects of similar magnitude but higher variability were observed for reading and science scores. In conclusion, maintaining adequate ventilation and thermal comfort in classrooms could significantly improve academic achievement of students.  相似文献   

The global trend of the phenomenon of population ageing has dramatic consequences on public health and the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases. Physiological changes that occur during normal ageing of the brain may exacerbate and initiate pathological processes that may lead to neurodegenerative disorders, especially Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hence, the risk of AD rises exponentially with age. While there is no cure currently available, sufficient intake of certain micronutrients and secondary plant metabolites may prevent disease onset. Polyphenols are highly abundant in the human diet, and several experimental and epidemiological evidences indicate that these secondary plant products have beneficial effects on AD risks. This study reviews current knowledge on the potential of polyphenols and selected polyphenol-rich diets on memory and cognition in human subjects, focusing on recent data showing in vivo efficacy of polyphenols in preventing neurodegenerative events during brain ageing and in dementia. Concentrations of polyphenols in animal brains following oral administration have been consistently reported to be very low, thus eliciting controversial discussion on their neuroprotective effects and potential mechanisms. Whether polyphenols exert any direct antioxidant effects in the brain or rather act by evoking alterations in regulatory systems of the brain or even the body periphery is still unclear. To understand the mechanisms behind the protective abilities of polyphenol-rich foods, an overall understanding of the biotransformation of polyphenols and identification of the various metabolites arising in the human body is also urgently needed.  相似文献   

Norway spruce is one of the economically most important tree species in Central European forestry. However, its high susceptibility to droughts poses a strong challenge to its cultivation under future conditions with likely more frequent and prolonged droughts and shifts in the seasonal climate. To compensate for expected losses of forest areas suitable for the cultivation of spruce, more drought-tolerant species are required. Silver fir and Douglas fir are two potential candidates, which promise lower drought susceptibility and equal or even higher yield when compared to Norway spruce.Using the Black Forest as a regional case study, we assessed the effects of seasonal climate change, including drought stress, on tree-ring width formation of these three economically relevant conifer species over the last 60 years. In addition, we projected potential species-specific growth changes under different climate change scenarios until 2100.Our results suggest that both silver fir and Douglas fir will possibly experience growth increases in a warmer future climate, as predicted under the 4.5 and 8.5 Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) climate change scenarios, whereas growth of spruce is expected to decline. Moreover, drought susceptibility in silver fir and Douglas fir is lower than in spruce, as shown for past drought events, and their ability to benefit from milder winters and springs could play a major role in their capacity to compensate for drier summers in the near to mid-term future. This study highlights the need to advance our understanding of the processes that drive drought resistance and resilience in tree species to guide management strategies in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

The starch binding domain of α-amlylase from moderate halophile was expressed in E. coli with His tag (His- SBD12) and characterized for its halophilic properties. His-SBD12 was stable up to 35°C and showed binding activity, although at reduced level, to amylose even in the absence of NaCl. Both NaCl and specific ligands exhibited insignificant influence on the secondary structure of His-SBD12, but showed significant stabilization effects against thermal unfolding concentration-dependently, showing its halophilic properties. NaCl increased thermal stability of His-SBD12 by 4°C at 0.2 M and 15°C at 2 M, and enhanced refolding rate by ~7-fold at 0.2 M and ~170-fold at 2 M. Its specific ligands, β- cyclodextrin (at 3 mM) and maltose (at 470 mM), also stabilized the protein by 11° C, most likely reflecting affinity difference between these two ligands. However, they showed marginal effects on refolding rate. These observations suggest that although binding of NaCl and specific ligands to the native structure can explain their stabilization effects on His- SBD12, it is not a sole factor for modulating their effects on folding of His-SBD12.  相似文献   

The combined effects of grazing and nutrient regeneration by Daphnia and Eudiaptomus on the growth of Rhodomonas and heterotrophic bacteria was assessed experimentally. The responses of Rhodomonas and bacteria to the grazers were measured as net specific growth rate over the entire experimental periods, as well as production and specific production at the end of the experiments. Both zooplankton species had a negative effect on Rhodomonas net specific growth rate due to grazing and a positive effect on specific primary production due to nutrient regeneration. Daphnia had no effect on bacterial net specific growth rate, bacterial production or specific bacterial production in one of two experiments. In the other experiment, however, both bacterial growth rate and production decreased as a result of grazing. Furthermore, Daphnia had a negative effect on specific bacterial production, but Eudiaptomus had a positive effect on all bacterial parameters due to nutrient regeneration, probably of phosphorus. Positive effects of copepods on bacterial growth has previously been attributed to trophic cascades via protozoa. However, the present experiments show that regeneration of nutrients, especially phosphorus, may account for a large part of the stimulation of bacterial growth.  相似文献   

Silber  A.  Ganmore-Neumann  R.  Ben-Jaacov  J. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(2):205-211
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to establish the optimal fertilization management for Leucadendron Safari Sunset (Leucadendron salignum × L. laureolum). Addition of NPK and micronutrient fertilizer or raising phosphorus concentration by itself increased total fresh weight and improved plant growth. Elevating the total nutrients or P concentration increased N and P concentrations. Clusters of proteoid roots were present along the root system of plants irrigated with tap-water, whereas few proteoid roots developed on plants irrigated with complete nutrient solution when only P was omitted, and none developed in any of the other treatments with P present.The pH in leachate of plants irrigated with tap water or with high nutrient levels (100, 20 and 100 mg L-1 of N, P and K, respectively) was consistently lower compared with leachate without plants. Increasing concentration resulted in a significant change in the pH values (pH in leachate with plant – pH in leachate without plant) from negative to positive. This phenomenon is probably related to rhizosphere effects due to plant and microbial activity.  相似文献   

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