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Periodic cellwide depolarizations of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΨM) which are triggered by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and propagated by ROS-induced ROS release (RIRR) have been postulated to contribute to cardiac arrhythmogenesis and injury during ischemia/reperfusion. Two different modes of RIRR have been described: ΨM oscillations involving ROS-sensitive mitochondrial inner membrane anion channels (IMAC), and slow depolarization waves related to mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening. In this study, we developed a computational model of mitochondria exhibiting both IMAC-mediated RIRR and MPTP-mediated RIRR, diffusively coupled in a spatially extended network, to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of RIRR on ΨM. Our major findings are: 1), as the rate of ROS production increases, mitochondria can exhibit either oscillatory dynamics facilitated by IMAC opening, or bistable dynamics facilitated by MPTP opening; 2), in a diffusively-coupled mitochondrial network, the oscillatory dynamics of IMAC-mediated RIRR results in rapidly propagating (∼25 μm/s) cellwide ΨM oscillations, whereas the bistable dynamics of MPTP-mediated RIRR results in slow (0.1-2 μm/s) ΨM depolarization waves; and 3), the slow velocity of the MPTP-mediated depolarization wave is related to competition between ROS scavenging systems and ROS diffusion. Our observations provide mechanistic insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics underlying RIRR-induced ΨM oscillations and waves observed experimentally in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

We explore the dynamic behavior of a model of calcium oscillations and wave propagation in the basal region of pancreatic acinar cells [Sneyd, J., et al., Biophys. J. 85: 1392–1405, 2003]. Since it is known that two principal calcium release pathways are involved, inositol trisphosphate receptors (IPR) and ryanodine receptors (RyR), we study how the model behavior depends on the density of each receptor type. Calcium oscillations can be mediated either by IPR or RyR. Continuous increases in either RyR or IPR density can lead to the appearance and disappearance of oscillations multiple times, and the two receptor types interact via their common effect on cytoplasmic calcium concentration and the subsequent effect on the total amount of calcium inside the cell. Increases in agonist concentration can stimulate oscillations via the RyR by increasing calcium influx. Using a two time-scale approach, we explain these complex behaviors by treating the total amount of cellular calcium as a slow parameter. Oscillations are controlled by the shape of the slow manifold and where it intersects the nullcline of the slow variable. When calcium diffusion is included, the existence of traveling waves in the model equation is strongly dependent on the interplay between the total amount of calcium in the cell and membrane transport, a feature that can be experimentally tested. Our results help us understand the behavior of a model that includes both receptors in comparison to the properties of each receptor type in isolation.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes are subject to continuous deformations. Strikingly, some of these transient membrane undulations yield membrane‐associated signaling hubs that differ in composition and function, depending on membrane geometry and the availability of co‐factors. Here, recent advancements on this ubiquitous type of receptor‐independent signaling are reviewed, with a special focus on emerging concepts and technical challenges associated with studying these elusive signaling sites.  相似文献   

Phospholipids were utilized as a membrane marker to test for transformation-induced alteration of cellular membranes of cultured crown gall cells of Vinca rosea L. Fully transformed cells contained less than half the amount of phospholipids (7.8 micrograms lipid P per gram fresh weight) of normal V. rosea cells (21.4 micrograms lipid P per gram fresh weight). The normal V. rosea callus cells were not significantly different (P > 0.05) in phospholipid content from partially transformed crown gall cells (20.7 micrograms lipid P per gram fresh weight). Stimulation to rapid growth of the partially transformed cells by adding higher concentrations of inorganic salts and auxin did not significantly alter their phospholipid content (23.1 micrograms lipid P per gram fresh weight). These findings suggest that the transformation process is directly responsible for an alteration of the cellular membranes and that the membrane alteration cannot be attributed to secondary effects associated with the rapid growth of these neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

In the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum , a membrane-bound cyclic AMP phosphodi-esterase undergoes a tenfold increase in activity when amoebae reach the aggregation stage of development. Our previous studies had shown that when non-aggregating cells, which produce extracellular and intracellular forms of the enzyme, are treated with the lectin Concanavalin A (Con A), they exhibit prematurely high levels of the membrane bound enzyme. The present results indicate that this effect may be largely due not to the induction of the enzyme by Con A but rather to the binding of the intracellular form of the enzyme to membranes by Con A. This conclusion is based on the findings that: a) the enzyme activity associated with membranes from Con A treated cells can be decreased by treatment with the haptenic sugar α-methyl mannoside; b) membranes from untreated cells having only low membrane-bound phosphodiesterase activity can acquire increased activity after incubation with Con A and intracellular phosphodiesterase; c) the intracellular phosphodiesterase binds to Sepharose-Con A and is eluted with α-methyl mannoside. These results raise the possibility that some of the effects attributed to Con A in the literature may not be due directly to Con A but to glycoproteins attached to membranes by Con A.  相似文献   


The synthesis of a new fluorescently labeled medium-sensitive lipophilic oligonucleotide is reported. A fluorescent chalcone chromophore was introduced between the 5′ end of the nucleic acid and the fatty hydrocarbon chains. A blue shift of both absorption and emission wavelength maxima results from a transfer of the chromophore to a more hydrophobic medium or upon binding of the conjugate to unilamellar vesicles of egg phosphatidyl choline. These conjugates could be used as markers for cell uptake studies of lipophilic nucleic acid derivatives.  相似文献   

In the present study, the membrane lipid composition of corals from a region with tidally induced upwelling was investigated. The coral community is subject to strong temperature oscillations yet flourishes as a result of adaptation. Glycerophosphocholine profiling of the dominant pocilloporid coral, Seriatopora caliendrum, was performed using a validated method. The coral inhabiting the upwelling region shows a definite shift in the ratio of lipid molecular species, covering several subclasses. Mainly, the coral possesses a higher percentage of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated plasmanylcholines and a lower percentage of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholines. Higher levels of lyso–plasmanylcholines containing saturated or monounsaturated fatty acid chains were also revealed in coral tissue at the distal portion of the branch. Based on the physicochemical properties of these lipids, we proposed mechanisms for handling cellular membrane perturbations, such as tension, induced by thermal oscillation to determine how coral cells are able to spontaneously maintain their physiological functions, in both molecular and physical terms. Interestingly, the biochemical and biophysical properties of these lipids also have beneficial effects on the resistance, maintenance, and growth of the corals. The results of this study suggest that lipid metabolic adjustment is a major factor in the adaption of S. caliendrum in upwelling regions.  相似文献   

The group of Howard Petty has claimed exotic metabolic wave phenomena together with mutually phase-coupled NAD(P)H- and calcium-oscillations in human neutrophils. At least parts of these phenomena are highly doubtful due to extensive failure of reproducibility by several other groups and hints that unreliable data from the Petty lab are involved in publications concerning circular calcium waves. The aim of our theoretical spatiotemporal modeling approach is to propose a possible and plausible biochemical mechanism which would, in principle, be able to explain metabolic oscillations and wave phenomena in neutrophils. Our modeling suggests the possibility of a calcium-controlled glucose influx as a driving force of metabolic oscillations and a potential role of polarized cell geometry and differential enzyme distribution for various NAD(P)H wave phenomena. The modeling results are supposed to stimulate further controversial discussions of such phenomena and potential mechanisms and experimental efforts to finally clarify the existence and biochemical basis of any kind of temporal and spatiotemporal patterns of calcium signals and metabolic dynamics in human neutrophils. Independent of Petty's observations, they present a general feasibility study of such phenomena in cells.  相似文献   

Sultanova  G. G.  Kasumov  Kh. M. 《Biophysics》2021,66(2):255-263
Biophysics - Red blood cell hemolysis induced by ultrasound and alkyl derivatives of amphotericin B and levorin modified by the amine and carboxyl groups has been studied. A kinetic method has been...  相似文献   

The conformations of two peptides produced by the combinations of a nuclear localization sequence and a sequence issued from the fusion protein gp41 of HIV 1 have been analyzed both in solution and in membranes or in membrane mimicking environments. Both are shown to be nonordered in water, α-helical when incorporated into SDS micelles where the helical domain concerns the hydrophobic part of the peptides. Interactions with lipids induce the formation of β-sheet and the lipid-peptide interactions are governed by the nature of the lipid polar headgroups. A monolayer study shows that replacement of the sequence separating the two sequences with an arginine favors the lipid-peptide interactions which may contribute to the understanding of the different, nuclear and membrane associated, cellular localizations of the peptides. Received: 10 October 1997/Revised: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

Sphingolipids are highly enriched in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane lipid bilayer. However, the first glycolipid, glucosylceramide, is synthesized in the opposite, cytosolic leaflet of the Golgi membrane. This has led us to experiments which suggest that the level of glucosylceramide in the cytosolic surface is carefully regulated both by the balance between synthesis and hydrolysis and by transport away from this surface through translocators, multidrug transporters, the same molecules that make cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy. Our data suggest a role for newly synthesized glucosylceramide not only in the formation of domains in the luminal leaflet of the Golgi but also on the cytosolic surface of this organelle.  相似文献   

Steady-state fluorescence polarization measurements with l,6-diphenyl-l,3,5-hexatriene(DPH) were used to monitor thermotropic transitions in microsomalfractions and plasma membrane vesicles isolated from barnyardgrass[Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.] seeds during the transititionfrom dormancy to germination. The effect of dormancy-relievingor inactive alcohols on the thermotropic properties of the cellularmembranes was determined both in vivo and in vitro. Membranefractions isolated from dormant seeds showed some discontinuitiesin the Arrhenius plots. In non-dormant or germinating seedscellular membranes showed linear Arrhenius plots over the entirerange of temperature examined. Membrane preparations from imbibedseeds showed a similar pattern in their Arrhenius plots upontreatment with the various alcohols in vitro. The results suggestthat the release from dormancy in seeds is associated with somechanges in their cellular membranes. Key words: Germination, alcohols, thermotropic transition  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) accumulate in cholesterol-enriched cell membrane domains and provide receptors for protein ligands. Lipid-based “aglycone” interactions can influence GSL carbohydrate epitope presentation. To evaluate this relationship, Verotoxin binding its receptor GSL, globotriaosyl ceramide (Gb3), was analyzed in simple GSL/cholesterol, detergent-resistant membrane vesicles by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. Vesicles separated into two Gb3/cholesterol-containing populations. The lighter, minor fraction (<5% total GSL), bound VT1, VT2, IgG/IgM mAb anti-Gb3, HIVgp120 or Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin. Only IgM anti-Gb3, more tolerant of carbohydrate modification, bound both vesicle fractions. Post-embedding cryo-immuno-EM confirmed these results. This appears to be a general GSL-cholesterol property, because similar receptor-inactive vesicles were separated for other GSL-protein ligand systems; cholera toxin (CTx)-GM1, HIVgp120-galactosyl ceramide/sulfatide. Inclusion of galactosyl or glucosyl ceramide (GalCer and GlcCer) rendered VT1-unreactive Gb3/cholesterol vesicles, VT1-reactive. We found GalCer and GlcCer bind Gb3, suggesting GSL-GSL interaction can counter cholesterol masking of Gb3. The similar separation of Vero cell membrane-derived vesicles into minor “binding,” and major “non-binding” fractions when probed with VT1, CTx, or anti-SSEA4 (a human GSL stem cell marker), demonstrates potential physiological relevance. Cell membrane GSL masking was cholesterol- and actin-dependent. Cholesterol depletion of Vero and HeLa cells enabled differential VT1B subunit labeling of “available” and “cholesterol-masked” plasma membrane Gb3 pools by fluorescence microscopy. Thus, the model GSL/cholesterol vesicle studies predicted two distinct membrane GSL formats, which were demonstrated within the plasma membrane of cultured cells. Cholesterol masking of most cell membrane GSLs may impinge many GSL receptor functions.  相似文献   

Two cell lines of Eucalyptus gunnii have been shown to keep their differential frost tolerance at the cellular level after long-term culture. They have been used to investigate the fluidity of specific cell membranes in relation with frost tolerance. Protoplasts and isolated vacuoles were obtained from both cell lines. In addition, purified plasma membrane and tonoplast (the vacuolar membrane) were separated from a crude microsomal fraction through free-flow electrophoresis. The lateral and rotational mobilities of lipids in these different membranes were studied by two biophysical techniques: fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence polarization. After labeling the vacuoles isolated from the frost-sensitive cells with 1-oleoyl-2-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benz-oxadiazol-4-yl)aminocaproyl phosphatidylcholine, a single mobile component was observed with a diffusion coefficient of 2.4 × 10−9 cm2 s−1 and a mobile fraction close to 100% at a temperature of 23°C. When using isolated vacuoles from the frost tolerant line, a higher lateral diffusion of tonoplast lipids was found with a diffusion coefficient of 3.2 × 10−9 cm2 s−1, still with a mobile fraction close to 100%. No convincing data were obtained when performing fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments on protoplasts. Fluorescence polarization experiments confirmed the differential behavior of the two cell lines for tonoplast and also for plasma membrane. In addition, they showed that intrinsically tonoplast exhibited a higher fluidity than plasma membrane. Our results provide the first information on the fluidity of tonoplast and on the compared properties of two important plant membranes—tonoplast and plasma membrane—through the use of two complementary biophysical approaches. In addition, they suggest there is a correlation between membrane fluidity and cold tolerance. The potential interest of plant vacuole as a natural model system in membrane studies is emphasized.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from HEp-2 cells infected with herpes simplex virus and free from soluble proteins, virus, ribosomes, and other cellular constituents were solubilized and subjected to electrophoresis on acrylamide gels. The electropherograms showed the following. (i) The synthesis of host proteins and glycoproteins ceases after infection. However, the spectrum of host proteins in membranes remains unaltered. (ii) Between 4 and 22 hr postinfection, at least four glycoproteins are synthesized and bound to the smooth cytoplasmic membranes. On electrophoresis, these glycoproteins form two major and two minor bands in the gel and migrate with proteins ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 daltons in molecular weight. (iii) The same glycoproteins are present in all membranes fractionated by density and in partially purified virus. The implications of the data are discussed.  相似文献   

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