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以来自Polima胞质甘蓝型油菜雄性不育源转育获得的不育白菜'Bpol97-05A'和其回交亲本即保持系'Bajh97-01B'为材料,利用cDNA扩增片段长度多态性(cDNA-AFLP)技术获得一条长约330bp的特异片段P1708,RT-PCR验证确认该序列为不育白菜材料所特有,经测序和BLAST比对,发现该片段除54bp的插入序列外,其余部分与大白菜和甘蓝叶绿体ndhJ-trnF基因之间的一段序列完全一致.根据基因区域两端的保守部位设计引物,以Polima不育白菜DNA和可育甘蓝型油菜的DNA为模板,分别获得了长约1900bp的序列,比较序列发现:不育白菜与可育白菜、甘蓝型油菜的DNA序列存在一定差异,'Bpol97-05A'中除多个位点发生变异外,另有108bp的插入序列,该插入由2个长度为54bp的重复序列组成,重复序列中除5′端3个碱基CTT外,其余部分均与trnF基因3′端51bp完全相同.  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育高粱叶绿体 ndh D 基因的序列变异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
片段SAAU-02 700特异地扩增自7种具可育细胞质的高粱材料的总DNA,含有叶绿体psa C(88bp)和ndh D(192bp)基因的部分序列。该片段与Eco Ri HindⅢ酶切的总DNA,线粒体DNA和叶绿体DNA杂交,在总DNA中获得了0.74kb的杂交带,而在叶绿体中获得0.74kb和0.45kb两条杂交带。与线粒体DNA无杂交;与经Hae Ⅲ酶切的总DNA杂交,在不育系中获得4.9kb的杂交带,而保持系的杂交带为4.45kb。参考GenBank中高粱的近缘物种玉米叶绿体基因组的序列,构建了ndh D基因区的酶切位点图谱,借此分析得出高粱不育系的叶绿体ndh D基因序列已发生改变。这种变异与高粱细胞质雄性不育反生的关系正在探讨中。  相似文献   

应用AFLP分析技术,比较了红莲型水稻雄性不育系和保持系线粒体DNA,找到一不育系特异条带TA1。以该条带DNA为探针与不育系、保持系以及F1杂种线粒体总RNA杂交,结果显示该片段黄化苗期三者均转录一个RNA分子,但转录产物分子量各不相同,说明三者该片段阅读框架不同。经测序,该片段长202bp,序列内含密码子ATG、ATT、AGA、AGG以及正向重复序列5’TGTAC3’、5’ATTATTTT3’和倒重复序列5’GGGAAACA3’。上述特点表明该片段可能是某一蛋白编码序列,并可能与红莲型水稻雄性不育性状形成有关。  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育是小麦杂种优势利用的重要途径,为了鉴定3例小麦雄性不育系的细胞质类型,对其线粒体DNA(mtDNA)进行扩增片段长度多态性(Amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)分析。文中利用差速离心法和不连续蔗糖密度梯度超速离心法提取纯化小麦线粒体。结果表明:通过该提取方法获得的mtDNA,其质量和纯度能够满足PCR反应和遗传学分析。在64对选扩引物中,筛选到了4对特异性引物,其中引物E1/M7在ms(Kots)-90-110不育系扩增出3条特异条带;引物E4/M2在ms(Ven)-90-110不育系扩增出2条特异条带;引物E7/M6在ms(S)-90-110不育系中扩增出2条特异条带;引物E6/M4在ms(Kots)-90-110不育系中扩增出2条特异条带。这些特异引物可以用来作为鉴定具有粘果山羊草Aegilops kotschyi、偏凸山羊草Ae.ventricosa、斯卑尔脱小麦Triticum spelta 3类不育细胞质型小麦雄性不育系的细胞质分子标记,为研究小麦细胞质雄性不育机理奠定了分子基础。  相似文献   

一种新型甜菜胞质雄性不育系的分子生物学鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对通过种间杂交获得的两种胞质雄性不育系甜菜(命名为Cl和M,其细胞质来源分别为Beta cicla Turkey和Beta maritima)和通常的Owen型胞质不育系甜菜(简称作S)以及这3种不育系通用的保持系(简称N)进行了线粒体基因组的RFLP和RAPD对比分析.结果表明Cl与S相比线粒体组织结构具有明显的差别.用6种异源线粒体基因作探针对6种限制性内切酶片段进行Southern杂交分析,发现Cl和S线粒体基因组之间存在明显多态性.但S和M之间却异乎寻常地表现一致.RAPD分析验证了Cl和 S之间的差异,此外,在Cl中发现 3种 4.2 kb大小的特异存在的RNA分子.根据结果认为Cl是一种不同于S的新型细胞质不育系.用RAPD方法也找到了S与M之间差异.酶切结果表明N与3个不育系的mtDNA非常相似.但在杂交和RAPD分析中均找到了N系的特异片段.这些片段是否与育性相关尚有待分析.  相似文献   

胞质雄性不育系冀2658A细胞质对陆地棉主要性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)雄性不育不仅可以培育优质的杂交种,还能提高棉花制种效率并降低制种成本。该研究以冀2658系及其同核异质不育系冀2658A为母本,以6个恢复系为父本配制12个杂交组合。利用F1代研究棉花细胞质对棉花农艺性状、抗病性、种子中粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量、纤维品质及产量性状的影响。结果表明,冀2658A的细胞质主要影响棉花杂交种F1代的产量相关性状、黄萎病抗性及棉籽粗脂肪含量等,表现为衣分显著降低(比对照组低1.61%),黄萎病抗性增强(黄萎病指数比对照组低18.29%),棉籽中的粗脂肪含量降低(比对照组低2.88%)。该研究初步探讨了胞质不育型细胞质对陆地棉主要性状的影响,为陆地棉胞质雄性不育系的利用提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻农垦 5 8S系由正常晚粳品种农垦 5 8自然突变产生 .以农垦 5 8S与农垦 5 8杂交F2 为材料作RFLP分析 ,确定了原始光敏不育基因突变位点为位于第 1 2染色体上的pms3,即由正常品种农垦 5 8变为光敏不育农垦 5 8S是pms3上基因突变的结果 .还对 (农垦 5 8S× 1 5 1 4)群体做了大量的RAPD和AFLP分析 ,找到并定位了 4个与pms3连锁的标记 ,增加了该区间的分子标记密度 .  相似文献   

从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)和黑松(Pinus thunbergiiParl.)等植物的22对叶绿体SSR引物中筛选出 5对能用于柑橘叶绿体SSR分析的引物,应用这5对引物对9个组合的柑橘体细胞杂种的叶绿体遗传进行了分析.结果表明:这些组合再生的杂种中叶绿体都呈现随机分离,该现象与以前报道的RFLP分析结果一致,而且其可靠性已被CAPS分析所证实.表明柑橘叶绿体SSR同RFLP及CAPS一样可靠,并且更简单高效、易于操作,特别适合对柑橘等植物体细胞杂种进行早期胞质遗传组成分析.  相似文献   

使用MseI限制性内切酶对放线菌链霉菌属中的12株菌基因组DNA进行酶切,与接头连接后,引物使用一个选择性碱基对模板进行PCR扩增,PCR产物在琼脂糖凝胶上进行电泳检测.结果表明,对于MseI内切酶产生的模板,选择性碱基采用A、T、C和G都能够获得清晰丰富的条带.MseI内切酶产生的图谱上有72个位点,多态性位点71个,达98.6%.因此,使用MseI内切酶适合构建放线菌的单酶切AFLP指纹图谱.  相似文献   

张战凤  张鲁刚  王绮  惠麦侠  张明科 《遗传》2006,28(10):1280-1286
采用改进的RNA指纹技术(RAP-PCR)对两套大白菜胞质雄性不育材料及其杂种F1花蕾的总RNA进行了分析, 通过对186条随机引物的筛选, 获得4个重复性较好的差异片段S47-412, S93-622, S176-343, S199-904, 并对其克隆、测序。根据各差异条带的测序结果合成长引物进行验证, S47, S93所对应的差异消失, 而S176, S199长引物验证的结果与RAP-PCR相似, 序列分析表明: S176-343, S199-904两差异片段均和油菜Polima不育胞质线粒体基因组orf224/atp6位点有着极高的同源性, 两差异片段序列部分重叠, 这说明两差异片段可能和大白菜胞质雄性不育有很高的相关性。  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜细胞质雄性不育(CMS)系WJS01A是一种稳定不育系,其败育彻底,不受环境条件的影响。该研究从形态、细胞特征、遗传和分子生物学等方面对WJS01A进行鉴定,以揭示其败育机制,为该不育系在油菜育种中的应用提供理论基础。结果表明:(1)不育系WJS01A的花序结构与正常芥菜型油菜差异不大,但在花蕾饱满度、花朵张开度及花瓣长度和宽度方面略低于正常的芥菜型油菜;它的雌蕊发育正常,但花药、花丝缩短,致使雄蕊高度显著低于柱头,花药白化无花粉产生。(2)将WJS01A衍生的甘蓝型油菜背景不育系WNJ01A以及Polima(Pol)、Ogura(Ogu)和Kosena(Kos)不育系分别与其恢复系或保持系测交,结果显示来源于WJS01A的不育类型与Pol、Ogu和Kos等材料的恢保关系明显不同,仅Hui01可以恢复WNJ01A的育性。(3)不育系WJS01A属于无花粉囊型不育,败育时期为花药原基到孢原细胞时期。(4)线粒体不育基因多重PCR可以明显区分WJS01A、WNJ01A与Pol、Ogu、Kos,但是目前的引物组合不能区分WJS01A与正常的芥菜型油菜。(5)线粒体基因组的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析表明,在所检测的8个探针/酶组合中均可以将不育系WJS01A与其他4种细胞质雄性不育系区分开,说明WJS01A是一种显著不同于Pol、Ogu和Kos等的细胞质雄性不育类型。WJS01A的利用可以丰富和拓宽当前油菜杂种优势利用的遗传基础,为缓解当前油菜杂种优势利用中不育胞质单一性问题提供新的种质。  相似文献   

利用RAPD和ISSR分子标记对K型小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .)雄性不育恢复系LK783的主效恢复基因进行了标记定位。以K冀 5 418A/ / 9112 89/LK783三交F1分离群体的极端不育株和极端可育株分别建立保持池和恢复池 ,利用 418个RAPD和 33个ISSR引物对两池间的多态性进行了研究。分析表明RAPD引物OPK18和ISSR引物UBC_845在两池间扩增出稳定的多态性差异 ,在分离群体上的验证结果表明LK783的育性恢复基因与两个引物的扩增位点有连锁关系 ,在染色体上位于两个引物的扩增位点之间 ,与OPK184 50 的遗传距离为 (15 .0 7± 6 .2 8)cM (cen tiMorgan) ,与UBC_845 80 0 的遗传距离为 (8.2 0± 4.85 )cM。这两个引物可应用于对育性恢复基因的标记辅助选择。最后 ,利用中国春缺体_四体系和双端体系进一步将UBC_845 80 0 定位于 1BS ,表明LK783的育性恢复基因也位于 1BS。  相似文献   

Physical maps of the cobmtDNA region were constructed and compared between sugar beet Beta vulgarisL. plants with normal fertility and with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). A CMS-associated rearrangement did not affect the coding region of coband combined two mtDNA regions which are normally about 150 kb apart. Two point substitutions were found in the 3"-untranslated region of cob.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium (Fisch. ex Trautv.) Makino is a halophyte species that belongs to the Asteraceae family, and the genus Chrysanthemum. It is one of the ancestors of C. × morifolium Ramatella. Understanding the tolerance mechanism associated with salt stress in C. lavandulifolium could provide important information for explaining the salt tolerance of higher plants and could also help enhancing breeding programs of cultivated Chrysanthemum. In this study, cDNA amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) was used to detect differential gene expression in leaves of C. lavandulifolium in response to NaCl treatment. The determination of membrane permeablility, peroxidase activity (POD), malon-dialdehyde (MDA), as well as proline and leaf chlorophyll contents under different NaCl concentrations showed that a 200 mM NaCl treatment was an optimal condition for the cDNA-AFLP experiment. Using this concentration during different times (0, 3 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h), we obtained 1930 cDNA fragments using 64 primers. After sequencing 234 randomly chosen cDNA clones and BLASTx analyzing, we got 129 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) which had no significant homology with other sequences, 85 ESTs were homologous to genes with known functions, whereas the rest of ESTs showed homology to unclassified or putative proteins. 25 ESTs that were similar to known functional genes involved in several abiotic and biotic stresses were confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and qRT-PCR. The expression patterns of these salt-responsive genes not only responded to salt stress but also to plant hormones, such as abscisic acid (ABA), and to other abiotic stresses such as drought and cold. These results indicate an extensive cross-talk among several stresses. Our results provide interesting information for further understanding the molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance in C. lavandulifolium.  相似文献   

利用RAPD和ISSR分子标记对K型小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)雄性不育恢复系LK783的主效恢复基因进行了标记定位.以K冀5418A//911289/LK783三交F1分离群体的极端不育株和极端可育株分别建立保持池和恢复池,利用418个RAPD和33个ISSR引物对两池间的多态性进行了研究.分析表明RAPD引物OPK18和ISSR引物UBC-845在两池间扩增出稳定的多态性差异,在分离群体上的验证结果表明LK783的育性恢复基因与两个引物的扩增位点有连锁关系,在染色体上位于两个引物的扩增位点之间,与OPK18450的遗传距离为(15.07±6.28)cM (centiMorgan),与UBC-845800的遗传距离为(8.20±4.85)cM.这两个引物可应用于对育性恢复基因的标记辅助选择.最后,利用中国春缺体-四体系和双端体系进一步将UBC-845800定位于1BS, 表明LK783的育性恢复基因也位于1BS.  相似文献   

For the sake of providing some important information relevant to the study of the molecular mechanism of genic male sterility in plants, gene differential expression in flower buds at different developmental stages, as well as in rosette leaves, florescence leaves, and scapes was analyzed using cDNA amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) in the genic male sterile A and fertile B line of Chinese cabbage pak-choi. Following amplification of 125 pairs of primer combinations, 11 differential fragments were obtained, of which eight were from the B line and the other three were from the A line. Of 11 differential fragments, four were verified by Northern hybridization that were expressed preferentially in fertile flower buds. Results of GenBank BLAST showed that one fragment was with unknown function, whereas the other fragments have strong nucleotide sequence similarities with the polygalacturonase (PG) gene, the pectinesterase (PE) gene, and the polygalacturonase inhibitory protein (PGIP4) gene. Only fulllength cDNA from the differential fragment BcMF-A 18T 16-1 was amplified by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and Northern analysis showed that this fragment was expressed only in medium and largesized flower buds of the B line. The full-length cDNA, designated as BcMF2 (Brassica campestris Male Fertile 2), was 1 485 bp long and was composed ofa 1 263-bp open reading frame, which had 83% nucleotide similarity to a PG gene from Arabidopsis encoding polygalacturonase. Analysis of the basic structure of the protein revealed that it had one polygalacturonase active site (RVTCGPGHGLSVGS) at 256th site of amino acids and was classified as being a member of family 28 of the glycosyl hydrolases. The role of the BcMF2gene on microspore development is discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

For the sake of providing some important information relevant to the study of the molecular mechanism of genic male sterility in plants, gene differential expression in flower buds at different developmental stages, as well as in rosette leaves, florescence leaves, and scapes was analyzed using cDNA amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) in the genic male sterile A and fertile B line of Chinese cabbage pak-choi. Following amplification of 125 pairs of primer combinations, 11 differential fragments were obtained, of which eight were from the B line and the other three were from the A line. Of 11 differential fragments, four were verified by Northern hybridization that were expressed preferentially in fertile flower buds. Results of GenBank BLAST showed that one fragment was with unknown function,whereas the other fragments have strong nucleotide sequence similarities with the polygalacturonase (PG)gene, the pectinesterase (PE) gene, and the polygalacturonase inhibitory protein (PGIP4) gene. Only fulllength cDNA from the differential fragment BcMF-A18T16-1 was amplified by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and Northern analysis showed that this fragment was expressed only in medium and largesized flower buds of the B line. The full-length cDNA, designated as BcMF2 (Brassica campestris Male Fertile 2), was 1 485 bp long and was composed of a 1 263-bp open reading frame, which had 83% nucleotide similarity to a PG gene from Arabidopsis encoding polygalacturonase. Analysis of the basic structure of the protein revealed that it had one polygalacturonase active site (RVTCGPGHGLSVGS) at 256th site of amino acids and was classified as being a member of family 28 of the glycosyl hydrolases. The role of the BcMF2 gene on microspore development is discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

Male sterile cytoplasm plays an important role in hybrid wheat, and three-line system including male sterile (A line), its maintainer (B line) and restoring (R line) has played a major role in wheat hybrid production. It is well known that DNA methylation plays an important role in gene expression regulation during biological development in wheat. However, no reports are available on DNA methylation affected by different male sterile cytoplasms in hybrid wheat. We employed a methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism technique to characterize nuclear DNA methylation in three male sterile cytoplasms. A and B lines share the same nucleus, but have different cytoplasms which is male sterile for the A and fertile for the B. The results revealed a relationship of DNA methylation at these sites specifically with male sterile cytoplasms, as well as male sterility, since the only difference between the A lines and B line was the cytoplasm. The DNA methylation was markedly affected by male sterile cytoplasms. K-type cytoplasm affected the methylation to a much greater degree than T-type and S-type cytoplasms, as indicated by the ratio of methylated sites, ratio of fully methylated sites, and polymorphism between A lines and B line for these cytoplasms. The genetic distance between the cytoplasm and nucleus for the K-type is much greater than for the T- and S-types because the former is between Aegilops genus and Triticum genus and the latter is within Triticum genus between Triticum spelta and Triticum timopheevii species. Thus, this difference in genetic distance may be responsible for the variation in methylation that we observed.  相似文献   

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