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城市河流的景观生态学研究:概念框架   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
岳隽  王仰麟  彭建 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1422-1429
城市河流作为城市景观中一种重要的生态廊道,其功能的正常实现与否关系到整个城市的可持续发展。通过分析当前城市河流的研究概况,发现应用景观生态学原理对城市河流展开多尺度、多学科的综合研究是实现“自然-人类-水体”可持续发展的必然趋势。从景观生态学的角度出发,结合城市河流的特点,提出了更为综合的、景观水平上的城市河流研究的概念框架。特别针对景观生态学研究的核心问题,对城市河流的研究尺度、格局分析、干扰程度等重要方面进行了详细论述,以期在景观水平上构建城市河流的可持续发展预案。  相似文献   

景观生态网络研究进展   总被引:14,自引:19,他引:14  
作为生态学重要的概念与方法,生态网络是景观生态学研究的热点问题,也是耦合景观结构、生态过程和功能的重要途径。景观生态网络对于保护生物多样性、维持生态平衡、增加景观连接度具有重要意义。从景观生态网络的相关理论、研究进展、研究方法模型等进行分析,并对其应用前景进行展望,主要介绍了传统景观格局分析、网络分析、模型模拟等方法的适用性与特点,并分析了景观生态网络在城市景观格局优化、自然保护区规划、生物多样性保护、土地规划等领域的应用,最后提出了研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

沈阳西郊景观格局变化的研究   总被引:100,自引:19,他引:100  
景观格局变化的主要原因在于外界的干扰作用,其显著变化具有3种典型类型。本文对景观格局的研究,采用了几种计测指标:(1)各类嵌块体的数目和面积大小;(2)嵌块体的转移矩阵;(3)嵌块体的优势度指数;(4)景观的多样性指数。研究结果表明,沈阳西部景观在经历了30年的变化后,变得更加破碎,出现了较多的块状和岛状嵌块体。景观基质发生了改变,城市化现象较为明显,土地利用的经济效益也有所提高。但由于人口的剧增,人均土地面积在不断减少,荒地开发殆尽,这预示着土地承载能力的饱和与危机的开端。  相似文献   

漫湾库区景观破碎化对区域生境质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利工程的建设不仅改变了库区的景观格局,还会导致区域生物生境质量的变化。以澜沧江漫湾库区为例,在综合海拔高度、植被类型和水源地距离生境因子的基础上,考虑生物扩散过程,研究了建坝前后整个库区以及典型研究小区(库首、库中、库尾、对照)的重要生境斑块空间分布变化。结果表明:漫湾水电站建成后库区的猕猴总体生境破碎化程度增加,景观连接度减少且重要生境斑块的比例也有所降低,生境质量整体下降;4个研究小区的景观格局变化情况同整个库区相一致。空间上,生境质量明显退化的地区主要分布在库区的西部和南部,尤其是库尾地区,其生境斑块数量相较于建坝前增长了9倍,而景观连接度指数下降了81.48%。回归分析结果表明景观连接度指数与占景观面积百分比指数(PLAND)呈显著正相关(R~2=0.973),与斑块数(NP)呈显著负相关(R~2=-0.611);肯德尔系数表明斑块数(NP)、最大斑块指数(LPI)、占景观百分比指数(PLAND)、相似邻近百分比指数(PLADJ)、连通度指数(CONNECT)和香农多样性指数(SHDI)7个景观格局指数与景观连接度指数均表现出显著一致性。由此看出,库区景观破碎化越严重、区域景观连接度越低生境质量退化越明显;而提高生境主要植被类型的覆盖率、保护连接度贡献大的重要斑块和建设生态廊道,可以有效恢复库区生物生境质量。  相似文献   

基于景观生态学的鞍山市生态网络构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化使得生境斑块日益破碎,连接性不断降低,严重威胁区域的生态环境,生态网络的构建为生态环境保护提供了良好的空间保障。针对辽宁省鞍山市的实际情况,选取有利于生物多样性保护、人文建设等生态功能节点,利用熵权法综合评价不同景观类型结构和功能对生态功能流的影响,在GIS技术支撑下,采用最小耗费距离模型进行潜在廊道模拟,基于重力模型和网络结构指数对生态网络结构进行定量分析。结果表明:最小路径生态网络的连接度和闭合度最高,而网络连接度和闭合度水平越高,对物质循环和能量流动越有利,其可作为最优构建的网络;环形生态网络是根据廊道的重要性构建的,成本较适中,综合生态学和经济学的相关原理,其可作为生态网络的核心框架;随着经济水平和人文环境要求的提高,可适当增加廊道数量,逐渐构建最小路径生态网络,改善生态斑块间的连接度,增加区域的可持续发展能力。本研究结果可为鞍山市生态景观建设提供科学依据与参考。  相似文献   

道路网络对物种迁移及景观连通性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
道路对区域景观产生破碎化及阻碍效应,使得生态过程发生受阻、景观功能受损。科学评估道路的生态效应对指导道路选线、生态恢复工程及景观规划有重要价值。本文采用阻力面概念和最小耗费模型,实现了景观阻力、斑块质量、廊道畅通性和景观连通性的计算,定量分析了物种迁移过程中道路网的干扰程度。结果表明:道路引起生态廊道长度平均增加30%,廊道曲率平均增加0.19;道路也使廊道通畅性平均降低90%,影响程度与廊道耗费值呈线性相关,系数为0.76;整体景观连通性下降30.8%,扩散能力越弱的廊道所受道路阻碍效应越强。本文建立的模拟评价方法可用于确定景观尺度上特定生态过程的关键格局,同时也可为景观生态规划中生态廊道设计及景观连通性定量分析提供科学依据。  相似文献   

国际景观生态学研究新进展   总被引:26,自引:13,他引:26  
20世纪90年代中期以来,国际景观生态学发展迅速.景观生态学研究最为活跃的地区集中在北美、欧洲、大洋洲(澳大利亚)、东亚(中国),表明景观生态学理论、方法和应用的广泛性和越来越高的认知度.从研究内容上看,景观生态评价、规划和模拟一直占居主导地位,其次是景观生态保护与生态恢复、景观生态学的理论探讨.随着景观生态学研究的深入,以科学和实践问题为导向的学科交叉与融合不断加强,促进了景观生态学新的学科生长点的形成和发展,主要包括水域景观生态学、景观遗传学、多功能景观研究、景观综合模拟、景观生态与可持续性科学.在全球化背景下,中国的景观生态学研究也已经取得了长足进展,国际同行开始关注并在重要学术刊物上评介中国的景观生态学研究,标志着中国景观生态学已逐步走上国际舞台.然而,中国景观生态学进一步发展的挑战和机遇并存.中国科学家需要抓住人类对可持续发展和可持续性科学的共同夙求,放眼国际前沿、服务本土需求,从中国自身的特色出发,关注受人类干扰的和以人为主导的景观,以景观格局与生态过程的多尺度、多维度耦合研究为核心,区域综合与区内分异并重,推动综合整体性景观生态学的建立和完善.  相似文献   

农田景观格局变化对昆虫的生态学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳芳  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1177-1183
景观格局变化是全球变化的一个重要内容。农田是由人类赖以生存所种植的人工栽培作物组成的生态系统。在该景观系统中,多种植物-害虫-天敌相互作用、相互制约,形成有机整体。研究农田景观格局对害虫和天敌种群动态影响,不仅在害虫生物防治的实践中有重要意义,而且对于揭示人类活动对生物多样性结构与功能的影响,阐明农田景观中生物多样性整合、维持机理有重大的理论意义。本文从农田景观格局的"质、量、形、度"4个方面,系统地论述了农田景观格局变化对害虫和天敌的作用,分析了农田景观的生物控制服务功能,指出了未来研究发展的方向。  相似文献   

基于景观空间指标与移动窗口的济南城市空间格局变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
应用高分辨率遥感数据,基于ArcGIS、FRAGSTATS软件平台,采用移动窗口、转移矩阵和梯度分析结合的方法,定量分析了1996—2009年济南市城市土地利用景观空间指标,特别是建设用地的空间格局及其变化特征。结果表明,移动窗口方法能更好地挖掘城市土地利用变化过程,并将其更加准确地与土地利用格局变化相连接;在研究时段内,济南市城市建设用地迅速增加,而城市绿地和农业用地明显减少;该市建设用地的空间发展不均匀,城市发展呈现不规则同心圆结构,这与济南城市发展的政策导向、城市绿地空间的宜人性以及特殊的地理形态紧密相关。研究结果将有利于指导城市土地利用的规划和城市自然资源的管理与保护。  相似文献   

构建良好的生态网络是国土空间生态修复的重要内容,对保障区域生态安全,提高景观连通性、保护生物多样性具有重要意义。基于景观生态学原理,遵循“生态源地识别-综合阻力面构建-生态网络生成”基本模式构建区域生态网络是相关研究的主流做法。但该模式内部各环节所依赖的理论基础差异较大,相应的细化思路方法多元,考虑到尺度特征和景观的空间异质性,综合评估不同方法组合下研究结果的差异对深化原理认知和有效指导实践都具有重要意义。考虑到采用景观生态学原理构建生态网络中各环节技术方法的差异性,选取生态源地识别的4种方法、综合阻力面构建的2种方法以及生态网络生成的2种方法,分别基于最小累积阻力模型和电路理论对比两个视角,通过方法组合形成相应的生态网络并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:(1)由于原理差异,各环节下不同方法的分析结果具有显著差异,主要表现在生态源地的数量、面积和空间分布;阻力面高阻力值分布状况;以及生态廊道、生态节点的数量与格局特征等方面;(2)在基于最小累积阻力模型原理的对比方案中,构建包含Harary指数、整体连通性指数、可能连通性指数、成本比、网络密度、效能鲁棒性和廊道密度7个指标的评价体系,对该方...  相似文献   

山地景观生态学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
王根绪  刘国华  沈泽昊  王文志 《生态学报》2017,37(12):3967-3981
山地环境对全球变化的高度敏感性及其在陆地淡水资源与生物资源方面的巨大影响,推动山地景观生态学迅猛发展。在系统分析2000年以来山地景观生态学文献计量基础上,针对山地景观生态学主要学科方向与科学问题,以山地垂直带谱结构分布模式与形成机制,山地景观生态功能的分布格局与驱动因素,山地景观生态结构与格局对全球变化的响应等三大领域为重点,综述了自2000年以来的主要研究进展和取得的新认识,归纳了每个领域现阶段存在的主要前沿问题。围绕上述山地景观生态学重点领域,提出了山地景观生态学未来重点发展的6个研究方向:全球山地环境变化综合观测网络与方法、山地多维景观生态格局与时空变化规律及其驱动机制、整合景观生态学方法的林线动态与机制研究、山地生物生产力和物种多样性变化与模拟、景观生态水碳耦合循环变化与影响、山地垂直带谱结构理论与模式等,为进一步推动山地景观生态学发展、准确理解山地环境对全球变化的响应规律及其影响提供理论参考。  相似文献   

In the spirit of the theory of biocomplexity and of the non-linear emergent characters of ecological systems, the eco-field is a new paradigm that integrates the vision of the landscape as a neutral matrix (like a habitat) in which organisms are living, and contemporarily as a product of the human mind. Eco-field is defined a cognitive field created by the interference between functional traits and the real world. Species-specific environmental suitability is the result of the quality of the different eco-fields and the landscape becomes a cognitive entity. The eco-field paradigm can be extended to the emergent properties of the systems. The eco-field of emergences is the geographic space in which the emergent properties appear. The eco-field of organisms and the eco-field of emergences, like results of aggregated entities, have in common the multidimensionality of landscapes, refusing the vision of landscape like a neutral geographic matrix for organisms and processes.  相似文献   

Landscape changes can alter pollinator movement and foraging patterns which can in turn influence the demographic processes of plant populations. We leveraged social network models and four fixed arrays of five hummingbird feeders equipped with radio frequency identification (RFID) data loggers to study rufous hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) foraging patterns in a heterogeneous landscape. Using a space-for-time approach, we asked whether forest encroachment on alpine meadows could restrict hummingbird foraging movements and impede resource discovery. We fit social network models to data on 2221 movements between feeders made by 29 hummingbirds. Movements were made primarily by females, likely due to male territoriality and early migration dates. Distance was the driving factor in determining the rate of movements among feeders. The posterior mean effects of forest landscape variables (local canopy cover and intervening forest cover) were negative, but with considerable uncertainty. Finally, we found strong reciprocity in hummingbird movements, indicative of frequent out and back movements between resources. Together, these findings suggest that reciprocal movements by female hummingbirds could help maintain bidirectional gene flow among nearby subpopulations of ornithophilous plants; however, if the distance among meadows increases with further forest encroachment, this may limit foraging among progressively isolated meadows.  相似文献   

The analysis of animal tracking data provides important scientific understanding and discovery in ecology. Observations of animal trajectories using telemetry devices provide researchers with information about the way animals interact with their environment and each other. For many species, specific geographical features in the landscape can have a strong effect on behavior. Such features may correspond to a single point (eg, dens or kill sites), or to higher dimensional subspaces (eg, rivers or lakes). Features may be relatively static in time (eg, coastlines or home‐range centers), or may be dynamic (eg, sea ice extent or areas of high‐quality forage for herbivores). We introduce a novel model for animal movement that incorporates active selection for dynamic features in a landscape. Our approach is motivated by the study of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) movement. During the sea ice melt season, polar bears spend much of their time on sea ice above shallow, biologically productive water where they hunt seals. The changing distribution and characteristics of sea ice throughout the year mean that the location of valuable habitat is constantly shifting. We develop a model for the movement of polar bears that accounts for the effect of this important landscape feature. We introduce a two‐stage procedure for approximate Bayesian inference that allows us to analyze over 300 000 observed locations of 186 polar bears from 2012 to 2016. We use our model to estimate a spatial boundary of interest to wildlife managers that separates two subpopulations of polar bears from the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.  相似文献   

刘佳妮  李伟强  包志毅 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4352-4362
随着道路的不断建设,道路网络对自然生态环境的影响效应日益显著,众多生态学家开始从道路网络与自然景观的空间位置入手,研究不同组织形式的道路网络对自然生态系统产生的不同影响,从而探讨生态最优化的道路网络组织模式.旨在研究浙江省的干线公路网络对自然生态环境造成的影响,从而探讨生态最优化的道路网络组织模式.总结了道路网路理论的最新研究进展,介绍了由R. T. T. Forman和J. A. G. Jaeger提出的两个道路网络影响模型;随后运用Forman教授的道路网络理论分析了浙江省干线公路网络对森林景观的破碎化影响,并运用公路影响阈值分析方法对破坏较为严重的森林景观斑块进行了更为深入的分析,结果表明:国道、省道网络侵占的森林面积较大,对森林生态服务功能的发挥有着较大的影响;高速公路网络则使得森林景观斑块严重降级和破碎,极大地影响着生物多样性的保护.若按照目前的公路规划,到2020年底,由国道、省道和高速公路共同形成的道路网络将对浙江省的森林景观系统造成严重破坏;最后,对浙江省公路网络的布局提出了5点调整建议.  相似文献   

Fire regimes are changing dramatically worldwide due to climate change, habitat conversion, and the suppression of Indigenous landscape management. Although there has been extensive work on plant responses to fire, including their adaptations to withstand fire and long-term effects of fire on plant communities, less is known about animal responses to fire. Ecologists lack a conceptual framework for understanding behavioural responses to fire, which can hinder wildlife conservation and management. Here, we integrate cue-response sensory ecology and predator-prey theory to predict and explain variation in if, when and how animals react to approaching fire. Inspired by the literature on prey responses to predation risk, this framework considers both fire-naïve and fire-adapted animals and follows three key steps: vigilance, cue detection and response. We draw from theory on vigilance tradeoffs, signal detection, speed-accuracy tradeoffs, fear generalization, neophobia and adaptive dispersal. We discuss how evolutionary history with fire, but also other selective pressures, such as predation risk, should influence animal behavioural responses to fire. We conclude by providing guidance for empiricists and outlining potential conservation applications.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal in animal ecology is to quantify how environmental (and other) factors influence individual movement, as this is key to understanding responsiveness of populations to future change. However, quantitative interpretation of individual-based telemetry data is hampered by the complexity of, and error within, these multi-dimensional data. Here, we present an integrative hierarchical Bayesian state-space modelling approach where, for the first time, the mechanistic process model for the movement state of animals directly incorporates both environmental and other behavioural information, and observation and process model parameters are estimated within a single model. When applied to a migratory marine predator, the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), we find the switch from directed to resident movement state was associated with colder water temperatures, relatively short dive bottom time and rapid descent rates. The approach presented here can have widespread utility for quantifying movement–behaviour (diving or other)–environment relationships across species and systems.  相似文献   

A cost or resistance surface is a representation of a landscape's permeability to animal movement or gene flow and is a tool for measuring functional connectivity in landscape ecology and genetics studies. Parameterizing cost surfaces by assigning weights to different landscape elements has been challenging however, because true costs are rarely known; thus, expert opinion is often used to derive relative weights. Assigning weights would be made easier if the sensitivity of different landscape resistance estimates to relative costs was known. We carried out a sensitivity analysis of three methods to parameterize a cost surface and two models of landscape permeability: least cost path and effective resistance. We found two qualitatively different responses to varying cost weights: linear and asymptotic changes. The most sensitive models (i.e. those leading to linear change) were accumulated least cost and effective resistance estimates on a surface coded as resistance (i.e. where high-quality elements were held constant at a low-value, and low-quality elements were varied at higher values). All other cost surface scenarios led to asymptotic change. Developing a cost surface that produces a linear response of landscape resistance estimates to cost weight variation will improve the accuracy of functional connectivity estimates, especially when cost weights are selected through statistical model fitting procedures. On the other hand, for studies where cost weights are unknown and model selection is not being used, methods where resistance estimates vary asymptotically with cost weights may be more appropriate, because of their relative insensitivity to parameterization.  相似文献   

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