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The course of the total transmembrane ionic current (Ii) during a natural action potential (AP) was reconstructed from a family of current traces recorded for single voltage clamp depolarization steps to various levels. The experiments were performed on 9 papillary cat muscles driven at 0.5 per second in oxygenated 31 degrees C Tyrode. Under varying experimental conditions very good agreement was found between the resulting Ii curve and another indicator of Ii, the first time derivative of the AP (dV/dt). Furthermore, the coefficient needed to adjust dV/dt to reconstructed Ii may serve as an indicator of the membrane capacity. The results suggest the validity of the employed approximation and, in general, the adequacy of the sucrose gap technique applied to cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

During prolonged activity the action potentials of skeletal muscle fibres change their shape. A model study was made as to whether potassium accumulation and removal in the tubular space is important with respect to those variations. Classical Hodgkin-Huxley type sodium and (potassium) delayed rectifier currents were used to determine the sarcolemmal and tubular action potentials. The resting membrane potential was described with a chloride conductance, a potassium conductance (inward rather than outward rectifier) and a sodium conductance (minor influence) in both sarcolemmal and tubular membranes. The two potassium conductances, the Na-K pump and the potassium diffusion between tubular compartments and to the external medium contributed to the settlement of the potassium concentration in the tubular space. This space was divided into 20 coupled concentric compartments. In the longitudinal direction the fibre was a cable series of 56 short segments. All the results are concerned with one of the middle segments. During action potentials, potassium accumulates in the tubular space by outward current through both the delayed and inward rectifier potassium conductances. In between the action potentials the potassium concentration decreases in all compartments owing to potassium removal processes. In the outer tubular compartment the diffusion-driven potassium export to the bathing solution is the main process. In the inner tubular compartment, potassium removal is mainly effected by re-uptake into the sarcoplasm by means of the inward rectifier and the Na-K pump. This inward transport of potassium strongly reduces the positive shift of the tubular resting membrane potential and the consequent decrease of the action potential amplitude caused by inactivation of the sodium channels. Therefore, both potassium removal processes maintain excitability of the tubular membrane in the centre of the fibre, promote excitation-contraction coupling and contribute to the prevention of fatigue. Received: 5 May 1998 / Revised version: 27 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   

Summary Electrical properties of isolated frog primary afferent neurons were examined by suction pipette technique, which combines internal perfusion with current or voltage clamp using a switching circuit with a single electrode. When K+ in the external and internal solutions was totally replaced with Cs+, extremely prolonged Ca spikes, lasting for 5 to 10 sec, and Na spikes, having a short plateau phase of 10 to 15 msec, were observed in Na+-free and Ca2+-free solutions, respectively. Under voltage clamp, Ca2+ current (I Ca) appeared at around –30 mV and maximum peak current was elicited at about 0 mV. With increasing test pulses to the positive side,I Ca became smaller and flattened but did not reverse. Increases of [Ca] o induced a hyperbolic increase ofI Ca and also shifted itsI-V curve along the voltage axis to the more positive direction. Internal perfusion of F blockedI Ca time-dependently. The Ca channel was permeable to foreign divalent cations in the sequence ofI Ca>I Ba>I SrI Mn>I Zn. Organic Ca-blockers equally depressed the divalent cation currents dose- and time-dependently without shifting theI-V relationships, while inorganic blockers suppressed these currents dose-dependently and the inhibition appeared much stronger in the order ofI Ba=I Sr>I Ca>I Mn=I Zn.  相似文献   

Comparisons between electrotronic potentials and certain predicted curves allow the identification of the membrane potential at which the sodium and potassium currents are switched on in frog sartorius. The activation potentials (the membrane potentials at which the ionic currents are great enough to be resolved by the method) are functions of the resting potential and time but not of ionic concentration. In the normal fiber, the activation potential for sodium lies nearer the resting potential and depolarizations set off sodium currents and action potentials. Below a resting potential of 55 to 60 mv. sodium activation is lost and conduction is impossible. A tenfold increase of calcium concentration lowers (moves further from the resting potential) the sodium activation potential by 20 to 25 mv. whereas the potassium activation potential is lowered by only 15 mv. Certain consequences of this are seen in the behavior of the muscle cell when it is stimulated with long duration shock.  相似文献   

 A double cable model of the myelinated human motor nerve fibre is presented. The model is based on the nodal and internodal channels in a previous, two-component model of human motor axons (Bostock et al. 1991), added to a complex extended cable structure of nodal, paranodal and internodal segments. The model assumes a high-resistance myelin sheath and a leakage pathway to the internodal axolemma via the paranodal seal resistance and periaxonal space. The parameter values of the model were adjusted to match the recordings of threshold electrotonus in human motor fibres from Bostock et al. (1991). Kirchoff ’s current law was used to derive a system of partial differential equations for the electrical equivalent circuit, and numerical integration was performed with a fixed time increment and non-uniform spatial step sizes, in accordance with the complex structure of the fibre. The model calculations provide estimates of the spatial and temporal distributions of action potentials and their transaxonal and transmyelin components, both in different segments of the fibre and at different moments during action potential propagation. The distribution of transaxonal and transmyelin currents along the fibre and their contributions from different ionic channels are also explored. Received: 14 July 1994/Accepted in revised form: 4 April 1995  相似文献   

Chloride-dependent action potentials were elicited from embryonic skeletal muscle fibers of the chick during the last week of in ovo development. The duration of the action potentials was extremely long (greater than 8 sec). The action potentials were reversibly blocked by the stilbene derivative, SITS, a specific blocker of chloride permeability. Using patch clamp pipettes, in which the intracellular chloride concentration was controlled and with other types of ion channels blocked, the membrane potential at the peak of the action potential closely coincided with the chloride equilibrium potential calculated from the Nernst equation. These data indicate that activation of a chloride-selective conductance underlies the long duration action potential. The occurrence of the chloride-dependent action potential was found to increase during embryonic development. The percentage of fibers that displayed the action potential increased from approximately 20% at embryonic day 13 to approximately 70% at hatching. Chloride-dependent action potentials were not found in adult fibers. The voltage and time-dependent currents underlying the action potential were recorded under voltage clamp using the whole-cell version of the patch pipette technique. The reversal potential of the currents was found to shift with the chloride concentration gradient in a manner predicted by the Nernst equation, and the currents were blocked by SITS. These data indicate that chloride ions were the charge carriers. The conductance was activated by depolarization and exhibited very slow activation and deactivation kinetics.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate fatigue-induced changes in the spectral parameters of slow (SMF) and fast fatigable muscle fiber (FMF) action potentials using discrete wavelet (DWT) and fast Fourier (FFT) transforms. Intracellular potentials were recorded during repetitive stimulation of isolated muscle fibers immersed in Ca2+-enriched medium, while extracellular potentials were obtained from muscle fibers pre-exposed to electromagnetic microwaves (MMW, 2.45 GHz, 20 mW/cm2). The changes in the frequency distribution of the action potentials during the period of uninterrupted fiber activity were used as criteria for fatigue assessment. The wavelet coefficients’ changes in the calculated frequency scales demonstrated a contribution of the increased [Ca2+]0 to an earlier compression of the frequency spectrum towards lower ranges. Root mean square (RMS) analysis of the wavelet coefficients calculated from SMF potentials showed a reduction of the higher frequencies (scale 1) by 90% in elevated [Ca2+]0 vs. 55% in controls and an increase of low frequencies (scale 5) by 323% vs. 187%, respectively. For FMF potentials a decrease of 71% vs. 59% for high frequencies (scale 1, elevated [Ca2+]0 vs. control) and an increase of 386% vs. 295% in scale 5, respectively, were observed. MMW pre-exposure resulted in increased muscle fiber resistance to fatigue. The fatigue-induced decrease of potential high frequencies (SMF: 59% vs. 96%, MMW vs. control; FMF: 30% vs. 92%, respectively), and the increase of low frequencies (SMF: 200% vs. 207%, MMW vs. control; FMF: 93% vs. 314%, respectively) were significantly smaller and delayed in exposed muscle fibers. Data from RMS analysis indicate that DWT provides a reliable method for estimation of muscle fatigue onset and progression.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological charact eristics of frog intrafusal muscle fibers were studied by means of the intracellular potential recording. Analysis of distribution of the amplitude of miniature postsynaptic potentials suggests the nonuniformity of the intrafusal muscle fibers. A conclusion was drawn on the presence of three types of intrafasal muscle fibers in frog muscle spindle: single-innervated, multiple innervated, and fibers with both types of innervation.  相似文献   

To give information about intracellular Ca2+ translocation during and after K-contractures in vertebrate skeletal muscle fibers, we examined recovery of action potentials and twitches after interruption and spontaneous relaxation of K-contractures at low temperature (3 degrees C) that greatly reduced the rate of Ca2+ reuptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. On membrane repolarization interrupting K-contractures, the amplitude of both action potentials and twitches recovered quickly, while the falling phase of action potential was markedly slowed at first to prolong its refractory period, so that repetitive stimulation (20 Hz) did not produce a complete tetanus. Meanwhile, on membrane repolarization after spontaneous relaxation of K-contractures, the action potentials were markedly reduced in amplitude and prolonged in duration at first, also resulting in prolonged refractory period. These results are discussed in connection with Ca2+ absorption to the surface and transverse tubule membranes, producing changes in action potential kinetics.  相似文献   

Ionic selectivity of sodium channels was examined under voltage clamp conditions in normal and denervated twitch fibres and denervated tonic fibres isolated from m. ileofibularis of the frog (R. temporaria). Membrane currents were recorded by means of the Hille-Campbell vaseline-gap voltage clamp method from muscle fibre segments exposed to a potassium-free artificial internal solution. Permeability ratio (PS/PNa) were determined from changes in the reversal potential after replacing all Na ions in the solution bathing the voltage clamped external membrane area with sodium substituting ions (S). The permeability sequence was: Na+ greater than Li+ greater than NH4+ greater than K+. No inward currents were observed for Ca2+. The permeability ratios were as follows. Denervated tonic fibres: 1:0.88:0.23:0.012; control twitch fibres: 1:0.94:0.22:0.076; denervated twitch fibres: 1:0.91:0.14:0.082. The permeability to Li+ ions deviates from independence to a greater extent in tonic than in phasic fibres. Our results are consistent with the Hille model of sodium channel selectivity, and they support the hypothesis that sodium channels formed in denervated tonic muscle fibres of the frog are of the same genetic origin as Na channels expressed under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of cortisone on the mechanical and electrical activity of frog auricular fibres was investigated under voltage clamp conditions. 1. Cortisone exerted in vitro an inotropic action depending on concentration; a maximal positive inotropic effect was observed with 2 x 10(-4) g/ml of cortisone. 2. The positive inotropic effect of cortisone might be either an indirect sympathomimetic effect or an adrenaline-like effect. 3. The positive inotropic action of cortisone was correlated with modifications of the cardiac action potential: the amplitude of the action potential was enhanced while the resting membrane potential was unchanged; the amplitude and duration of the plateau were increased and the duration of the action potential was lengthened. 4. The electrical changes were related to an increase in the slow calcium current intensity resulting from an increase in the slow calcium conductance.  相似文献   

In situ recording of the intracellular action potential (IAP) of human muscle fibres is not yet feasible, and consequently, knowledge about certain IAP characteristics of these IAPs is still limited. The ratio between the amplitudes of the second and first phases (the so-called peak-to-peak ratio, PPR) of a single fibre action potential (SFAP) is known to be closely related to the IAP profile. The PPR of experimentally recorded SFAPs has been found to be largely independent of changes in the fibre-to-electrode (radial) distance. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the effect of changes in different aspects of the IAP spike on the relationship between PPR and radial distance. Based on this analysis, we hypothesize about the characteristics of IAPs obtained experimentally. It was found that the sensitivity of the SFAP PPR to changes in radial distance is essentially governed by the duration of the IAP spike. Assuming that, for mammals, the duration of the IAP rising phase lies within the range 0.2-0.4 ms, we tentatively suggest that the duration of the IAP spike should be over approximately 0.75 ms, with the shape of the spike strongly asymmetric. These IAP characteristics broadly coincide with those observed in mammal IAPs.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of locust leg muscle fibers were studied by means of intracellular electrodes. In most fibers, a depolarizing current pulse initiated a local response. A delayed decrease in membrane resistance appeared with more than about 10 mv depolarization. In some fibers a regenerative response also was found. Membrane constants were measured, applying the short cable model. The value of the space constant λ was 1.6 mm and the calculated value of Rm was about 1750 ohm cm2. Action potentials could be elicited when the bathing fluid contained more than 2–5 mM Ba or Sr. Similar responses were seen with 2 mM Ca in the presence of tetraethylammonium (TEA). The overshoot of these action potentials increased with increasing [Ca++]o, [Sr++]o, or [Ba++]o, the increment for a 10-fold increase being about 29 mv for Ca and Sr and between 40 and 50 mv for Ba. These action potentials were inhibited by Mn ions but were not affected by tetrodotoxin or procaine. In solutions containing Ba or Sr, action potentials generated were suppressed by addition of Ca. The removal of Na ions did not change the configuration of the action potential. The results suggest that an increase in permeability to Ca, Ba, or Sr ions makes a major contribution to the initiation of action potentials in this tissue.  相似文献   

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