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A. Parket  O. Inbar    M. Kupiec 《Genetics》1995,140(1):67-77
The Ty retrotransposons are the main family of dispersed repeated sequences in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These elements are flanked by a pair of long terminal direct repeats (LTRs). Previous experiments have shown that Ty elements recombine at low frequencies, despite the fact that they are present in 30 copies per genome. This frequency is not highly increased by treatments that cause DNA damage, such as UV irradiation. In this study, we show that it is possible to increase the recombination level of a genetically marked Ty by creating a double-strand break in it. This break is repaired by two competing mechanisms: one of them leaves a single LTR in place of the Ty, and the other is a gene conversion event in which the marked Ty is replaced by an ectopically located one. In a strain in which the marked Ty has only one LTR, the double-strand break is repaired by conversion. We have also measured the efficiency of repair and monitored the progression of the cells through the cell-cycle. We found that in the presence of a double-strand break in the marked Ty, a proportion of the cells is unable to resume growth.  相似文献   

Ectopic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been investigated by examining the effects of mutations known to alter allelic recombination frequencies. A haploid yeast strain disomic for chromosome III was constructed in which allelic recombination can be monitored using leu2 heteroalleles on chromosome III and ectopic recombination can be monitored using ura3 heteroalleles on chromosomes V and II. This strain contains the spo13-1 mutation which permits haploid strains to successfully complete meiosis and which rescues many recombination-defective mutants from the associated meiotic lethality. Mutations in the genes RAD50, SPO11 and HOP1 were introduced individually into this disomic strain using transformation procedures. Mitotic and meiotic comparisons of each mutant strain with the wild-type parental strain has shown that the mutation in question has comparable effects on ectopic and allelic recombination. Similar results have been obtained using diploid strains constructed by mating MATa and MAT alpha haploid derivatives of each of the disomic strains. These data demonstrate that ectopic and allelic recombination are affected by the same gene products and suggest that the two types of recombination are mechanistically similar. In addition, the comparison of disomic and diploid strains indicates that the presence of a chromosome pairing partner during meiosis does not affect the frequency of ectopic recombination events involving nonhomologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Transposon Tagging Using Ty Elements in Yeast   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
We have used the ability to induce high levels of Ty transposition to develop a method for transposon mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To facilitate genetic and molecular analysis, we have constructed GAL1-promoted TyH3 or Ty917 elements that contain unique cloning sites, and marked these elements with selectable genes. These genes include the yeast HIS3 gene, and the plasmid PiAN7 containing the Tn903 NEO gene. The marked Ty elements retain their ability to transpose, to mutate the LYS2, LYS5, or STE2 genes, and to activate the promoterless his3 delta 4 target gene. Ty elements containing selectable genes are also useful in strain construction, in chromosomal mapping, and in gene cloning strategies.  相似文献   

Evidence for Two Types of Allelic Recombination in Yeast   总被引:36,自引:18,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文

M. Lichten  J. E. Haber 《Genetics》1989,123(2):261-268
We have examined the role that genomic location plays in mitotic intragenic recombination. Mutant alleles of the LEU2 gene were inserted at five locations in the yeast genome. Diploid and haploid strains containing various combinations of these inserts were used to examine both allelic recombination (between sequences at the same position on parental homologs) and ectopic recombination (between sequences at nonallelic locations). Chromosomal location had little effect on mitotic allelic recombination. The rate of recombination to LEU2 at five different loci varied less than threefold. This finding contrasts with previous observations of strong position effects in meiosis; frequencies of meiotic recombination at the same five loci differ by about a factor of forty. Mitotic recombination between dispersed copies of leu2 displayed strong position effects. Copies of leu2 located approximately 20 kb apart on the same chromosome recombined at rates 6-13-fold higher than those observed for allelic copies of leu2. leu2 sequences located on nonhomologous chromosomes or at distant loci on the same chromosome recombined at rates similar to those observed for allelic copies. We suggest that, during mitosis, parental homologs interact with each other no more frequently than do nonhomologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Homologous Recombination between Episomal Plasmids and Chromosomes in Yeast   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Falco SC  Rose M  Botstein D 《Genetics》1983,105(4):843-856
We have observed genetic recombination between ura3( -) mutations (among them extensive deletions) carried on "episomal" (i.e., 2micro DNA-containing) plasmids and other ura3( -) alleles present at the normal chromosomal URA3 locus. The recombination frequency found was comparable to the level observed for classical mitotic recombination but was relatively insensitive to sunlamp radiation, which strongly stimulates mitotic recombination. Three equally frequent classes could be distinguished among the recombinants. Two of these are the apparent result of gene conversions (or double crossovers) which leave the URA3(+) allele on the chromosome (class I) or on the plasmid (class II). The third class is apparently due to a single crossover that results in the integration of the plasmid into a chromosome. Plasmid-chromosome recombination can be useful in fine structure genetic mapping, since recombination between a chromosomal point mutation and a plasmid-borne deletion mutation only 25 base pairs distant was easily detected.  相似文献   

The recent completion of the sequencing of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome provides a unique opportunity to analyze the evolutionary relationships existing among the entire complement of retrotransposons residing within a single genome. In this article we report the results of such an analysis of two closely related families of yeast long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, Ty1 and Ty2. In our study, we analyzed the molecular variation existing among the 32 Ty1 and 13 Ty2 elements present within the S. cerevisiae genome recently sequenced within the context of the yeast genome project. Our results indicate that while the Ty1 family is most likely ancestral to Ty2 elements, both families of elements are relatively recent components of the S. cerevisiae genome. Our results also indicate that both families of elements have been subject to purifying selection within their protein coding regions. Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, our results indicate that a relatively recent recombination event has occurred between Ty2 and a subclass of Ty1 elements involving the LTR regulatory region. We discuss the possible biological significance of these findings and, in particular, how they contribute to a better overall understanding of LTR retrotransposon evolution. Received: 30 September 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Intermolecular recombination between two IS5 elements was measured, using bacteriophage lambda recombination vectors, and was compared to recombination between two copies of an SV40 segment cloned into the same vectors. Experiments were conducted in the presence and in the absence of RecA and Red functions, and with the recombining inserts in the same or in reversed orientation. Under all conditions, IS5 elements recombined in a manner similar to the SV40 inserts, indicating that IS-encoded functions did not confer measurable additional intermolecular recombination ability to IS5 in E. coli K-12. Bacteriophages containing reversed IS5 inserts, for which the 16 base pair (bp) termini are identical in 15 positions and which display 12 bp of uninterrupted homology, recombined at approximately the same low frequency under Rec+ and Rec- conditions, indicating that these short homologies were not good substrates for the Rec system. Bacteriophages having reversed inserts recombined better under Red+ than under Red- conditions, but the crossovers were located in nonhomologous regions flanking the element termini. This suggests that 12-bp homologies are not good substrates for the Red system.  相似文献   

Recombination of Allelic Cysteine Mutants in Neurospora   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
D. R. Stadler  Agnes M. Towe 《Genetics》1963,48(10):1323-1344

We have studied the meiotic recombination behavior of strains carrying two types of duplications of an 18.6-kilobase HIS4 Bam HI fragment. The first type is a direct duplication of the HIS4 Bam HI fragment in which the repeated sequences are separated by Escherichia coli plasmid sequences. The second type, a tandem duplication, has no sequences intervening between the repeated yeast DNA. The HIS4 genes in each region were marked genetically so that recombination events between the duplicated segments could be identified. Meiotic progeny of the strains carrying the duplication were analyzed genetically and biochemically to determine the types of recombination events that had occurred. Analysis of the direct vs. tandem duplication suggests that the E. coli plasmid sequences are recombinogenic in yeast when homozygous. In both types of duplications recombination between the duplicated HIS4 regions occurs at high frequency and involves predominantly interchromosomal reciprocal exchanges (equal and unequal crossovers). The striking observation is that intrachromosomal reciprocal recombination is very rare in comparison with interchromosomal reciprocal recombination. However, intrachromosomal gene conversion occurs at about the same frequency as interchromosomal gene conversion. Reciprocal recombination events between regions on the same chromatid are the most infrequent exchanges. These data suggest that intrachromosomal reciprocal exchanges are suppressed.  相似文献   

Q. Q. Fan  F. Xu  M. A. White    T. D. Petes 《Genetics》1997,145(3):661-670
In a wild-type strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a hotspot for meiotic recombination is located upstream of the HIS4 gene. An insertion of a 49-bp telomeric sequence into the coding region of HIS4 strongly stimulates meiotic recombination and the local formation of meiosis-specific double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs). When strains are constructed in which both hotspots are heterozygous, hotspot activity is substantially less when the hotspots are on the same chromosome than when they are on opposite chromosomes.  相似文献   

P element dysgenesis associated male recombination in Drosophila was examined with a selective system focused upon 5% of the standard female genetic map divided into eight recombination segments. We found no correspondence between P element mobilization events and recombination in males in the intervals monitored. We defined two adjacent short genetic and molecular regions, one devoid of male recombination and the other acting as a "hot spot" for exchange in the absence of supporting P element insertion and excision activity. These data suggest that, even in the presence of mobilizing P elements, transposase may be active at non-P element sites, and that the genome may harbor sequences ranging from highly responsive to completely unresponsive to transposase action. A viewpoint is presented wherein P elements, with sequences that bind transposase, serve to focus the recombination action of transposase to encompass a region of DNA radiating outward from the initial binding site. We suggest that this region is measured in terms of chromosomal segments rather than limited to P element sequences.  相似文献   

Plasmid-Mediated Induction of Recombination in Yeast   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
R. Silberman  M. Kupiec 《Genetics》1994,137(1):41-48
Diploid yeast cells heteroallelic at the HIS3 locus were transformed with a minichromosome (centromeric plasmid) carrying homology to the HIS3 region and containing the same two mutations as were present in the chromosomes. When a double-strand break (DSB) was introduced in the region of homology, an increase in the recombination frequency between heteroalleles (leading to His(+) cells) was observed, although the plasmid was unable to donate wild-type information. This induction of recombination was dependent on the presence of homology between the plasmid sequences and the chromosomes. We show evidence for the physical involvement of the plasmid in tripartite recombination events, and we propose models that can explain the interactions between the plasmid-borne and chromosomal-borne alleles. Our results suggest that the mitotic induction of recombination by DNA damage is due to localized initiation of recombination events, and not to a general induction of recombination enzymes in the cell.  相似文献   

Mitotic recombination is increased when cells are treated with a variety of physical and chemical agents that cause damage to their DNA. We show here, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that carry marked Ty elements, that recombination between members of this family of retrotransposons is not increased by UV irradiation or by treatment with the radiomimetic drug methyl methanesulfonate. Both ectopic recombination and mutation events were elevated by these agents for non-Ty sequences in the same strain. We discuss possible mechanisms that can prevent the induction of recombination between Ty elements.  相似文献   

N. Ke  D. F. Voytas 《Genetics》1997,147(2):545-556
Retroelement cDNA can integrate into the genome using the element-encoded integrase, or it can recombine with preexisting elements using the recombination system of the host. Recombination is a particularly important pathway for the yeast retrotransposon Ty5 and accounts for ~30% of the putative transposition events when a homologous substrate is carried on a plasmid and ~7% when the substrate is located at the chromosomal URA3 locus. Characterization of recombinants revealed that they are either simple replacements of the marker gene or tandem elements. Using an assay system in which the donor element and recombination substrates are separated, we found that the long terminal repeats (LTRs) are critical for tandem element formation. LTR-containing substrates generate tandem elements at frequencies more than 10-fold higher than similarly sized internal Ty5 sequences. Internal sequences, however, facilitate tandem element formation when associated with an LTR, and there is a linear relationship between frequencies of tandem element formation and the length of LTR-containing substrates. We propose that recombination is initiated between the LTRs of the cDNA and substrate and that internal sequences promote tandem element formation by facilitating sequence alignment. Because of its location in subtelomeric regions, recombinational amplification of Ty5 may contribute to the organization of chromosome ends.  相似文献   

B. Liefshitz  A. Parket  R. Maya    M. Kupiec 《Genetics》1995,140(4):1199-1211
The presence of repeated sequences in the genome represents a potential source of karyotypic instability. Genetic control of recombination is thus important to preserve the integrity of the genome. To investigate the genetic control of recombination between repeated sequences, we have created a series of isogenic strains in which we could assess the role of genes involved in DNA repair in two types of recombination: direct repeat recombination and ectopic gene conversion. Naturally occurring (Ty elements) and artificially constructed repeats could be compared in the same cell population. We have found that direct repeat recombination and gene conversion have different genetic requirements. The role of the RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, RAD55, and RAD57 genes, which are involved in recombinational repair, was investigated. Based on the phenotypes of single and double mutants, these genes can be divided into three functional subgroups: one composed of RAD52, a second one composed of RAD51 and RAD54, and a third one that includes the RAD55 and RAD57 genes. Among seven genes involved in excision repair tested, only RAD1 and RAD10 played a role in the types of recombination studied. We did not detect a differential effect of any rad mutation on Ty elements as compared to artificially constructed repeats.  相似文献   

We have examined meiotic and mitotic recombination between repeated genes on nonhomologous chromosomes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The results of these experiments can be summarized in three statements. First, gene conversion events between repeats on nonhomologous chromosomes occur frequently in meiosis. The frequency of such conversion events is only 17-fold less than the analogous frequency of conversion between genes at allelic positions on homologous chromosomes. Second, meiotic and mitotic conversion events between repeated genes on nonhomologous chromosomes are associated with reciprocal recombination to the same extent as conversion between allelic sequences. The reciprocal exchanges between the repeated genes result in chromosomal translocations. Finally, recombination between repeated genes on nonhomologous chromosomes occurs much more frequently in meiosis than in mitosis.  相似文献   

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