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The molecular structure of chick embryo fibroblast cell surface protein has been investigated by ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism, and fluorescence. Most measurements were restricted to alkaline solutions because of the limited solubility of this protein at more neutral pH values. A very high frictional ratio for the protein suggests an asymmetric structure. However, there are elements of organized structure since typical thermal transition curves were found by several methods. Consequently, a model in which ordered domains are connected by flexible polypeptide chains seems to account for all the hydrodynamic and optical data.  相似文献   

Cell surface glycopeptides were obtained from cultured chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) by digestion with Pronase E, and a fraction exerting growth-inhibitory activity on CEF was isolated by high performance gel permeation chromatography. The active fraction, tentatively termed cell surface glycopeptide-2 (CSGP-2), was soluble in 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or 75% ethanol. It inhibited the growth of CEF reversibly at 10-20 micrograms sugar/ml, but did not inhibit BALB/c mouse 3T3, SV40-transformed 3T3, and human diploid cells at similar concentration. The growth-inhibitory activity of CSGP-2 was reduced or lost after digestion with neuraminidase or oxidation with sodium metaperiodate. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis revealed that CSGP-2 was a mixture of sialoglycopeptides. A similar growth inhibitor was also isolated from chicken embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Several proteolytic enzymes have been studied with regard to their ability to induce DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in resting chick embryo fibroblasts. Of the enzymes examined, thrombin, bromelin, and trypsin exhibit potent mitogenic activity, elastase has significant but less marked activity, whereas thermolysin, papain, and α-protease are inactive. The enzymes were also tested for their ability to induce morphological change or to remove two iodinatable proteins of 250,000 and 205,000 daltons. Although the larger protein is removed by some but not all of the proteases examined, every protease tested removed the smaller cell surface protein. The ability of proteases to stimulate cell growth could not be correlated directly with removal of either of these cell surface proteins; however, loss of the smaller protein does correlate with the reduction of both cytoplasmic spreading and cell-cell interactions observed after protease treatment. A secondary, later event of migration of cells into clumps is observed in those instances when protease treatment did not result in a loss of the 250K protein. A role for each of these proteins in the processes of cellular adhesion is discussed.  相似文献   

K Olden  K M Yamada 《Cell》1977,11(4):957-969
The major cell surface glycoprotein of cultured chick embryo fibroblasts (CSP, a LETS protein) is substantially decreased after neoplastic transformation. We investigated the regulation of this glycoprotein by determining the kinetics of CSP biosynthesis, transit to the cell surface, and degradation before and after transformation by Rous sarcoma virus. CSP synthesis, as measured by immunoprecipitation after pulse-labeling with 14C-leucine, is decreased 3–6 fold after transformation by the Bryan high titer, Schmidt-Ruppin and temperature-sensitive ts68 and T5 strains of Rous sarcoma virus. Steady state quantities of CSP in intracellular pools are also decreased 4–5 fold after transformation. However, the rate at which newly synthesized CSP is processed and exported to the cell surface is similar before and after transformation.Degradation and release of CSP from cells were measured after labeling for 24 hr. The half-life of CSP on normal cells is 36 hr and is decreased to 16–26 hr after transformation. The absolute amount of intact CSP released into the culture medium is decreased 3 fold after transformation; these amounts, however, represent losses of approximately 20 and 40% of the total CSP synthesized by normal and transformed cells, respectively. These results indicate that the major mechanism for the decrease in CSP after transformation is reduction in its biosynthesis, although increased degradation and loss from the cell surface also contribute significantly. These changes can account for the observed 5–6 fold decreases in cell-associated CSP after transformation of chick embryo fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Normal and Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-transformed chick embryo fibroblasts growing on plastic dishes were incubated with ATP (γ32P) in situ to detect external cell surface protein kinase activity. Under the conditions employed, 32P was incorporated exclusively into proteins, specifically those at the external cell surface, as radioactivity was removed by tryspin treatment of labeled whole cells. In addition, exogenous histones were phosphorylated when added to the reaction mixture. Cyclic nucleotides had virtually no effect on 32P incorporation, suggesting that little or no cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activity was present at the external cell surface. Cell surface protein kinase activity was higher in transformed than in normal cells, and, using a temperature-sensitive RSV src mutant, this difference was shown to be transformation-specific. Several differences were observed in the cell surface proteins phosphoryllated in normal and transformed cells and at least two of these were transformation-specific. These data suggest that changes in external cell surface protein physphorylation are associated with RSV transformation and thus could play a role in the formation of the transformed cell phenotype.  相似文献   

J Kruh  Y Courtois  L Tichonicky 《Biochimie》1975,57(11-12):1323-1329
Confluent chick embryo fibroblasts were cultured in vitro in (i) medium which prevented the cells from dividing, (ii) medium which stimulated the cells to divide synchronously, (iii) medium without lysine in which the cells were blocked in G1. Chromosomal non histone proteins (NHP) were extracted from cells pulse labelled with 32P phosphate, and the radioactivity analyzed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Several radioactive peaks were found all along the gel in the NHP from confluent and stimulated cells. The highest phosphorylation was found in the fast moving proteins, but the stimulation of the cells increases the phosphorylation of the slower moving proteins. In the NHP from cells cultured in the medium without lysine only the slow migrating proteins were phosphorylated. NHP were extracted from unlabelled cell cultures in the three different media, incubated with [gamma-32P] ATP and analyzed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Highly labelled peaks were observed in the fast moving proteins from stimulated cells and from cells cultured in a medium deprived from lysine. By comparing in vivo and in vitro phosphorylation, it can be concluded that in confluent cells the turnover of bound phosphate is slow. In stimulated cells there is a fast turnover of the phosphate bound to fast turnover of the phosphate bound to a small group of fast migrating proteins and very little turnover of the phosphate bound to slow migrating proteins. The cells were incubated with labelled lysine and NHP analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The radioactivity of individual NHP varied with the culture conditions, but in all cases, there was little radioactivity in the fast moving proteins. The phosphate groups submitted to a fast turnover are bound to stable proteins. Phosvitin and casein kinase activities were measured in the NHP fractions. Nine-ten peaks of activities were observed with each substrate. Some variations were observed which apparently correlate with the culture conditions.  相似文献   

Neuraminidase activity of Rous sarcoma virus transformed chick embryo fibroblasts (RSV-CEF) was assayed using an exogenous substrate, neuraminlactitol-[3H], and endogenous, cell surface [14C]-N]-acetyl-neuraminic acid. RSV-CEF had higher neuraminidase activity toward both substrates than did chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) or nontransformed, Rous associated virus infected CEF (RAV-CEF). The total sialic acid content of RSV-CEF was lower than CEF or RAV-CEF, and more of the total sialic acid was accessible to extracellular Clostridium perfringens neuraminidase. Activity of the enzymes synthesizing and degrading the substrate for sialyltransferase, cytidine-5'-monophosphate-N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (CMP-AcNeu) was measured in order to determine whether control of substrate levels for sialyltransferase might contribute to the decreased levels of glycoprotein bound sialic acid. No change in activity of these enzymes was found in RSV-CEF as compared to CEF or RAV-CEF.  相似文献   

Six different proteins are found to be reproducibly exposed on the cell surface of chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) by the criterion of lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination (250,000, 185,000, 130,000, 100,000, 87,000, and 75,000 daltons). We wondered whether cell enucleation might lead to a differential partition of these surface proteins with the karyoplast or cytoplast membrane. We found that there is a marked enrichment of most iodinatable cell surface proteins in the cytoplast after cytochalasin-mediated enucleation of cell monolayers. Nearly all the iodinatable fibronectin remains with the cytoplast. Of the six labeled proteins, the karyoplast membrane contains a small amount of the 130 kdalton protein as well as trace levels of the 100-, 85-, and 75-kdalton proteins. Proteolysis or selective shedding of membrane proteins were not significant factors in the relative exclusion of iodinatable membrane proteins from the karyoplast. The cytoplast could replace some exposed membrane proteins after removal by trypsinization; however, fibronectin was not detectable within 10 h. That the karyoplast was not capable of membrane protein synthesis and/or insertion was suggested by the lack of any change in the labeling pattern of karyoplasts up to 8-h incubation after enucleation. A variety of control studies indicated that the surface proteins identified in this report were cell-derived and not adsorbed serum components. That some of the iodinatable proteins are intrinsic membrane proteins was suggested by their resistance to removal by conditions thought to extract extrinsic membrane proteins (i.e., low salt, high salt, and NaOH washes). lack of effect of cytoskeletal disrupting agents (preliminary evidence) suggests the nonrandom partition of membrane proteins may depend on anchoring of membrane proteins by a system(s) in the cytoplast other than intact microtubules and microfilaments.  相似文献   

The accumulation of polyploid cells during the lifespan of chick embryo fibroblasts was examined. The nuclear area of each stained nucleus in the chick cells is virtually proportional to its relative DNA content. Changes in mean nuclear area of the cells with advancing aging were observed. The mean nuclear area increases at the latest culture stage when growth rate notably declines, and their increase follows an increase in multinuclear cells. In the senescent cells, there are the ploidy classes of 2C, 4C, 8C, 16C, 32C and 64C, being defined as 2nC. The mechanism of age-dependent polyploidization is also discussed.  相似文献   

1. Two forms of beta-hexosaminidase, similar to hexosaminidase A and hexosaminidase C, were separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in chick embryo skin fibroblasts in vitro. 2. beta-Hexosaminidase specific activity increases during development in cultured chick embryo skin fibroblasts in vitro. 3. Concanavalin-A treatment determines the increase of the neutral form, hexosaminidase C, during development. 4. Concanavalin-A reduces the specific activity of beta-hexosaminidase during development.  相似文献   

Confluent chick embryo fibroblasts were cultured in vitro in (i) medium which prevented the cells from dividing, (ii) medium which stimulated the cells to divide synchronously, (iii) medium without lysine in which the cells were blocked in G1.Chromosomal non histone proteins (NHP) were extracted from cells pulse labelled with 32P phosphate, and the radioactivity analyzed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Several radioactive peaks were found all along the gel in the NHP from confluent and stimulated cells. The highest phosphorylation was found in the fast moving proteins, but the stimulation of the cells increases the phosphorylation of the slower moving proteins. In the NHP from cells cultured in the medium without lysine only the slow migrating proteins were phosphorylated.NHP were extracted from unlabelled cell cultures in the three different media, incubated with [γ-32P] ATP and analyzed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Highly labelled peaks were observed in the fast moving proteins from stimulated cells and from cells cultured in a medium deprived from lysine.By comparing in vivo and in vitro phosphorylation, it can be concluded that in confluent cells the turnover of bound phosphate is slow. In stimulated cells there is a fast turnover of the phosphate bound to fast migrating proteins and a slow turnover of the phosphate bound to slow migrating proteins. In cells cultured in a medium without lysine there is a very fast turnover of the phosphate bound to a small group of fast migrating proteins and very little turnover of the phosphate bound to slow migrating proteins.The cells were incubated with labelled lysine and NHP analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The radioactivity of individual NHP varied with the culture conditions, but in all cases, there was little radioactivity in the fast moving proteins. The phosphate groups submitted to a fast turnover are bound to stable proteins.Phosvitin and casein kinase activities were measured in the NHP fractions. Nine-ten peaks of activities were observed with each substrate. Some variations were observed which apparently correlate with the culture conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of 5'-deoxy-5'-S-isobutylthioadenosine (SIBA) on polyamine biosynthesis has been studied by using cultured chick embryo fibroblasts. It has been shown that the drug inhibits the uptake of [14C]putrescine and its conversion into labelled spermidine or spermine. The inhibitory effect is reversed by removing the inhibitor after exposing the cells to the drug for 24 h. SIBA also caused a significant decrease in cellular spermine levels and an accumulation of putrescine. These changes are reversed by removing the inhibitor. SIBA had the same effect on chick embryo fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus; a decrease in cellular spermine levels in SIBA-treated cells was observed. In all the experiments SIBA caused a reduction in the spermine/putrescine and spermidine/putrescine ratios. It is suggested that SIBA is not only an inhibitor of transmethylation but also interferes with polyamine biosynthesis, probably by blocking aminopropyltransferase.  相似文献   

Chick embryo fibroblasts were plated on Petri dishes that had not been treated for use in tissue culture (bacteriological dishes). On these dishes the cells grow at the same exponential rate as cells plated on tissue culture dishes, but their growth becomes inhibited sooner after plating, and therefore at a lower cell number per dish. The inhibition of cell growth on bacteriological dishes is correlated with the formation of cell clumps. Clump formation is reversible by mechanical transfer of the clumps to a tissue culture dish: the cells migrate out of the clumps, form a monolayer, and cell growth resumes.Clump formation was studied by time-lapse cinematography, and was found to be due to reduced adhesion of the cells to the bacteriological dish surface. This reduced adhesiveness of the substratum is due to a lower number of negatively-charged residues on the bacteriological dish surface, which can be measured by the binding of crystal violet. The number of negatively-charged residues, and therefore the adhesiveness of the substratum can be altered by treatment of the dishes with sulfuric acid. Serum components of the medium were found to affect cell adhesion to the bacteriological dishes, consequently altering the efficiency of cell attachment, the extent of cell growth and the pattern of clump formation.The cells in clumps were compared with those in confluent monolayers on tissue culture dishes. Growth-inhibited cells on both types of dish were found to be equally viable. Cells in clumps on bacteriological dishes were found to be inhibited in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, as are cells in density-inhibited monolayers. Infection by the oncogenic virus, Rous sarcoma virus, can release the cells from growth-inhibition on both types of dish. Cell-induced alterations of the medium are not involved in the growth inhibition of cells on bacteriological dishes.  相似文献   

Chick embryo fibroblasts were transformed by the Bryan high-titer strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BH), or a mutant (RSV-BH-Ta) inducing temperature-dependent transformation. Surface membranes from normal and transformed cells were isolated as membrane vesicles by differential centrifugation, and as cell ghosts after ZnCl2 treatment and separation in an aqueous two-phase system. These preparations were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or phenol/urea/acetic acid. In general a greater resolution of individual bands was found in gels containing phenol/urea/acetic acid, which separates polypeptides on the bases of size and charge. Electrophoresis of preparations from nontransformed cells showed that two polypeptides (molecular weights 200 000 and 250 000) found in cell ghosts were missing in membrane vesicles. In cell ghosts, transformation by RSV-BH resulted in a significant decrease of the 250 000 molecular weight complex. Also a polypeptide (molecular weight 73 000) prominent in membrane vesicles from nontransformed cells was decreased in transformed cells. Surfaces from cells transformed by RSV-BH-Ta at 37 degrees C presented patterns similar to those for RSV-BH infected cells. Shifting these cells to 41 degrees C resulted in an increase in the 250 000 molecular weight complex, although the amount of this protein(s) never reached that found in noninfected cells. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis failed to block the morphological changes occurring in RSV-BH-Ta cells after temperature shifts from 41 degrees C to 37 degrees C or vice-versa. The same inhibitors caused a reduction in the levels of the 250 000 molecular weight complex at both temperatures. These data indicate that these large membrane-associated polypeptides play little or no role in the morphological changes associated with transformation and its reversal.  相似文献   

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