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A set of monoclonal antibodies that recognizes a Trypanosoma cruzi 45-kDa protein was produced and used to characterize this molecule and study its role in trypanosome adhesion to heart myoblasts. We found that the 45-kDa protein is a surface mucin, is expressed only in invasive trypomastigotes, but not in noninvasive epimastigotes or amastigotes, and is released by the trypanosome in culture medium. One of the monoclonal antibodies (Mab B5) from this set inhibits the attachment of trypomastigotes to heart myoblasts preventing trypanosome entry, whereas the others (Mabs B4 and F1) do not. This inhibition was seen with the B5 hybridoma culture supernatant, with the purified Mab B5 IgG or with Mab B5 Fab fragments. These novel findings identify the 45-kDa mucin as a new T. cruzi ligand that is used by invasive forms of this organism to adhere to heart myoblasts.  相似文献   

Intramuscular plasmid DNA electrotransfer: biodistribution and degradation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have studied radiolabelled plasmid DNA biodistribution and degradation in the muscle at different times after injection, with or without electrotransfer using previously defined conditions. Radiolabelled plasmid progressively left the muscle and was degraded as soon as 5 min after plasmid injection, with or without electrotransfer. Autoradiography showed that the major part of injected radioactivity was detected in the interfibrilar space of a large proportion of the muscle. Large zones of accumulation of radioactivity, which seems to be contained in some fibres (more than 20 microm), were identified as soon as 5 min after electrotransfer. Such structures were never observed on slices of non-electrotransferred muscles. However, these structures were not frequent and probably lesional. The surprising fact is that despite the amount of intact plasmid having been greatly reduced between 5 min and 3 h after injection, the level of transfection remains unchanged whether electric pulses were delivered 20 s or 3 h after injection. Such a behavior was similarly observed when injecting 0.3, 3 or 30 microg of plasmid DNA. Moreover, the transfection level was correlated to the amount of plasmid DNA injected. These results suggest that as soon as it is injected, plasmid DNA is proportionally partitioned between at least two compartments. While a major part of plasmid DNA is rapidly cleared and degraded, the electrotransferable pool of plasmid DNA represents a very small part of the amount injected and belongs to another compartment where it is protected from endogenous DNAses.  相似文献   

By combining single-molecule magnetic tweezers and osmotic stress on DNA assemblies, we separate attractive and repulsive components of the total intermolecular interaction between multivalent cation condensed DNA. Based on measurements of several different cations, we identify two invariant properties of multivalent cation-mediated DNA interactions: repulsive forces decay exponentially with a 2.3 ± 0.1 Å characteristic decay length and the attractive component of the free energy is always 2.3 ± 0.2 times larger than the repulsive component of the free energy at force-balance equilibrium. These empirical constraints are not consistent with current theories that attribute DNA-DNA attractions to a correlated lattice of counterions. The empirical constraints are consistent with theories for Debye-Hückel interactions between helical line charges and with the order-parameter formalism for hydration forces. Each of these theories posits exponentially decaying attractions and, if we assume this form, our measurements indicate a cation-independent, 4.8 ± 0.5 Å characteristic decay length for intermolecular attractions between condensed DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) polymorphism was compared with electrophoretic enzyme polymorphism for the intra- and interspecies differentiation of Yersinia enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. intermedia, Y. aldovae, Y. frederiksenii and Y. kristensenii. DNA from 90 strains previously classified into six zymotypes (Y. enterocolitica and Y. frederiksenii) and into distinct enzyme electrophoretic patterns (the four other species) was digested with EcoRI or HindIII and analysed by Southern blotting. The six species were clearly differentiated from each other. In Y. enterocolitica, the subclassification of biotype 1 into zymotypes 1A and 1B was also reflected in the rDNA and the four other bio-zymotypes gave four different classes of restriction pattern. In Y. frederiksenii, both EcoRI and HindIII gave five distinct riboclasses which correlated with the zymotypes. In the four other species, the phenotype polymorphism appeared to be better correlated with the restriction fragment length polymorphism data in some enzymes than others. The data demonstrate that the inter- and intraspecies classification by rDNA polymorphism using two restriction enzymes is similar to that based on electrophoretic enzyme polymorphism. The analysis could be refined for taxonomic and epidemiological purposes by using other restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

In vivo electrotransfer is a physical method of gene delivery in various tissues and organs, relying on the injection of a plasmid DNA followed by electric pulse delivery. The importance of the association between cell permeabilization and DNA electrophoresis for electrotransfer efficiency has been highlighted. In vivo electrotransfer is of special interest since it is the most efficient non-viral strategy of gene delivery and also because of its low cost, easiness of realization and safety. The potentiality of this technique can be further improved by optimizing plasmid biodistribution in the targeted organ, plasmid structure, and the design of the encoded protein. In particular, we found that plasmids of smaller size were electrotransferred more efficiently than large plasmids. It is also of importance to study and understand kinetic expression of the transgene, which can be very variable, depending on many factors including cellular localization of the protein, physiological activity and regulation. The most widely targeted tissue is skeletal muscle, because this strategy is not only promising for the treatment of muscle disorders, but also for the systemic secretion of therapeutic proteins. Vaccination and oncology gene therapy are also major fields of application of electrotransfer, whereas application to other organs such as liver, brain and cornea are expanding. Many published studies have shown that plasmid electrotransfer can lead to long-lasting therapeutic effects in various pathologies such as cancer, blood disorders, rheumatoid arthritis or muscle ischemia. DNA electrotransfer is also a powerful laboratory tool to study gene function in a given tissue.  相似文献   

Rather than acting by modifying van der Waals or electrostatic double layer interactions or by directly bridging neighboring molecules, polyvalent ligands bound to DNA double helices appear to act by reconfiguring the water between macromolecular surfaces to create attractive long range hydration forces. We have reached this conclusion by directly measuring the repulsive forces between parallel B-form DNA double helices pushed together from the separations at which they have self organized into hexagonal arrays of parallel rods. For all of the wide variety of "condensing agents" from divalent Mn to polymeric protamines, the resulting intermolecular force varies exponentially with a decay rate of 1.4-1.5 A, exactly one-half that seen previously for hydration repulsion. Such behavior qualitatively contradicts the predictions of all electrostatic double layer and van der Waals force potentials previously suggested. It fits remarkably well with the idea, developed and tested here, that multivalent counterion adsorption reorganizes the water at discrete sites complementary to unadsorbed sites on the apposing surface. The measured strength and range of these attractive forces together with their apparent specificity suggest the presence of a previously unexpected force in molecular organization.  相似文献   

The assembly of double stranded DNA helices with divalent manganese ion is favored by increasing temperature. Direct force measurements, obtained from the osmotic stress technique coupled with x-ray diffraction, show that the force characteristics of spontaneously precipitated Mn(2+)-DNA closely resemble those observed previously by us for other counterion condensed DNA assemblies. At temperatures below the critical one for spontaneous assembly, we have quantitated the changes in entropy and manganese ion binding associated with the transition from repulsive to attractive interactions between helices mediated by osmotic stress. The release of structured water surrounding the DNA helix to the bulk solution is the most probable source of increased entropy after assembly. Increasing the water entropy of the bulk solution by changing the manganese salt anion from CI- to ClO4- predictably and quantitatively increases the transition entropy. This is further evidence for the dominating role of water in the close interaction of polar surfaces.  相似文献   

Self-assembly is the autonomous organization of constituents into higher order structures or assemblages and is a fundamental mechanism in biological systems. There has been an unfounded idea that self-assembly may be used in the sensing and pairing of homologous chromosomes or chromatin, including meiotic chromosome pairing, polytene chromosome formation in Diptera and transvection. Recent studies proved that double-stranded DNA molecules have a sequence-sensing property and can self-assemble, which may play a role in the above phenomena. However, to explain these processes in terms of self-assembly, it first must be proved that nucleosomes retain a DNA sequence-sensing property and can self-assemble. Here, using atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based analyses and a quantitative interaction assay, we show that nucleosomes with identical DNA sequences preferentially associate with each other in the presence of Mg2+ ions. Using Xenopus borealis 5S rDNA nucleosome-positioning sequence and 601 and 603 sequences, homomeric or heteromeric octa- or tetranucleosomes were reconstituted in vitro and induced to form weak intracondensates by MgCl2. AFM clearly showed that DNA sequence-based selective association occurs between nucleosomes with identical DNA sequences. Selective association was also detected between mononucleosomes. We propose that nucleosome self-assembly and DNA self-assembly constitute the mechanism underlying sensing and pairing of homologous chromosomes or chromatin.  相似文献   

The interaction forces between a platinum dichloride complex and DNA molecules have been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The platinum dichloride complex, di-dimethylsulfoxide-dichloroplatinum (II) (Pt(DMSO)2Cl2), was immobilized on an AFM probe by coordinating the platinum to two amino groups to form a complex similar to Pt(en)Cl2, which is structurally similar to cisplatin. The retraction forces were measured between the platinum complex and DNA molecules immobilized on mica plates using force curve measurements. The histogram of the retraction force for λ-DNA showed several peaks; the unit retraction force was estimated to be 130 pN for a pulling rate of 60 nm/s. The retraction forces were also measured separately for four single-base DNA oligomers (adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine). Retraction forces were frequently observed in the force curves for the DNA oligomers of guanine and adenine. For the guanine DNA oligomer, the most frequent retraction force was slightly lower than but very similar to the retraction force for λ-DNA. A higher retraction force was obtained for the adenine DNA oligomer than for the guanine oligomer. This result is consistent with a higher retraction activation energy of adenine with the Pt complex being than that of guanine because the kinetic rate constant for retraction correlates to exp(FΔx – ΔE) where ΔE is an activation energy, F is an applied force, and Δx is a displacement of distance.  相似文献   

Permeabilising electric pulses can be advantageously used for DNA electrotransfer in vivo for gene therapy, as well as for drug delivery. In both cases, it is essential to know the electric field distribution in the tissues: the targeted tissue must be submitted to electric field intensities above the reversible permeabilisation threshold (to actually permeabilise it) and below the irreversible permeabilisation threshold (to avoid toxic effects of the electric pulses). A three-dimensional finite element model was built. Needle electrodes of different diameters were modelled by applying appropriate boundary conditions in corresponding grid points of the model. The observations resulting from the numerical calculations, like the electric field distribution dependence on the diameter of the electrodes, were confirmed in appropriate experiments in rabbit liver tissue. The agreement between numerical predictions and experimental observations validated our model. Then it was possible to make the first precise determination of the magnitude of the electric field intensity for reversible (362+/-21 V/cm, mean +/- S.D.) and for irreversible (637+/-43 V/cm) permeabilisation thresholds of rabbit liver tissue in vivo. Therefore the maximum of induced transmembrane potential difference in a single cell of the rabbit liver tissue can be estimated to be 394+/-75 and 694+/-136 mV, respectively, for reversible and irreversible electroporation threshold. These results carry important practical implications.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic method for mapping DNA replicons.   总被引:18,自引:12,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
We describe in detail a method which allows determination of the directions of replication fork movement through segments of DNA for which cloned probes are available. The method uses two-dimensional neutral-alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis followed by hybridization with short probe sequences. The nascent strands of replicating molecules form an arc separated from parental and nonreplicating strands. The closer a probe is to its replication origin or to the origin-proximal end of its restriction fragment, the shorter the nascent strands that are detected by the probe. The use of multiple probes allows determination of directions of replication fork movement, as well as locations of origins and termini. In this study, we used simian virus 40 as a model to demonstrate the feasibility of the method, and we discuss its applicability to other systems.  相似文献   

Modern DNA sequencing 'factories' have revolutionized biology by completing the human genome sequence, but in the race to completion we are left with inefficient, cumbersome, and costly macroscale processes and supporting facilities. During the same period, microfabricated DNA sequencing, sample processing and analysis devices have advanced rapidly toward the goal of a 'sequencing lab-on-a-chip'. Integrated microfluidic processing dramatically reduces analysis time and reagent consumption, and eliminates costly and unreliable macroscale robotics and laboratory apparatus. A microfabricated device for high-throughput DNA sequencing that couples clone isolation, template amplification, Sanger extension, purification, and electrophoretic analysis in a single microfluidic circuit is now attainable.  相似文献   

The neurodegenerative illness Familial Danish Dementia (FDD) is linked to formation and aggregation of the 34-residue ADan peptide, whose cytotoxicity may be mediated by membrane interactions. Here we characterize the derived peptide SerADan, in which the two cysteines found in ADan have been changed to serines to emulate the reduced peptide. SerADan aggregates rapidly at pH 5.0 and 7.5 in a series of conformational transitions to form beta-sheet rich fibril-like structures, which nevertheless do not bind amyloid-specific dyes, probably due to the absence of organized beta-sheet contacts. Aggregation is prevented at neutral/acidic pH and low ionic strength by anionic lipid vesicles. These vesicles are permeabilized by monomeric SerADan assembling on the membrane to form stable beta-sheet structures which are different from the solution aggregates. In contrast, solution ageing of SerADan first reduces and then abolishes permeabilization properties. The competition between lipid binding and aggregation may reflect bifurcating pathways for the ADan peptide in vivo between accumulation of inert aggregates and formation of cytotoxic permeabilizing species. Our work demonstrates that non-fibrillar aggregates can assemble in a series of steps to form a hierarchy of higher-order assemblies, where rapid formation of stable local beta-sheet structure may prevent rearrangement to amyloid proper.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurement of DNA migration in gel electrophoresis requires precisely controlled homogeneous electric fields. A new electrophoresis system has allowed us to explore several parameters governing DNA migration during homogeneous field pulsed field gel (PFG) electrophoresis. Migration was measured at different switch times, temperatures, agarose concentrations, and voltage gradients. Conditions which increase DNA velocities permit separation over a wider size range, but reduce resolution. We have also varied the angle between the alternating electric fields. Reorientation angles between 105 degrees and 165 degrees give equivalent resolution, despite significant differences in DNA velocity. Separation of DNA fragments from 50 to greater than 7000 kilobases (Kb) can easily be optimized for speed and resolution based on conditions we describe.  相似文献   

D Roth  M L Manjon 《Biopolymers》1969,7(5):695-705
The nature of a specific association between acriflavine and cellular DNA was investigated by subjecting the DNA of intact cells to denaturation, ultraviolet radiation, and base analog substitution. The predictable modifications of DNA structure were then correlated with the quantitative alterations in dye adsorption by the cells. It was concluded that, under experimental conditions of limited dye availability, the bonding of dye was restricted to sites of highest bonding affinity. These were shown to be situated between adjacent thymine molecules on a single strand of DNA. The 5-methyl groups of thymine may endow the bond with its specificity.  相似文献   

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