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A characteristic feature of integrin-ligand interactions is the requirement for divalent cations. Putative cation binding sites have been identified in the alpha and beta subunit of the alpha4 integrins, alpha4beta1 and alpha4beta7, and within their ligands which display the tripeptide LDV in fibronectin and homologous motifs in VCAM-1 and MAdCAM-1. The extracellular domain of the murine and human alpha4-subunit contains three conserved LDV motifs, designated LDV-1 to -3. Using site directed mutagenesis and transfection studies, we now examined the functional relevance of the LDV motifs for alpha4beta7 integrins. We present evidence that LDV-1 mutants (D489N) behave like alpha4 wt cells, but LDV-3 mutants (D811N) are impaired in alpha4beta7 integrin-triggered homotypic cell aggregation and in adhesion and spreading on alpha4 specific ligands. Further characterization of LDV-3 mutants revealed a defect in mAb-induced alpha4beta7-cell surface cluster formation. Mutation of the LDV-2 motif (D698N) caused loss of alpha4beta7 integrin cell surface expression. Our results indicate: (i) that LDV-3, located proximal to the cell membrane, is important for alpha4beta7 integrin-triggered functions and for lateral clustering and (ii) that LDV-2 affects alpha4beta7 heterodimer stability.  相似文献   

We recently reported that CD47 (integrin-associated protein) on sickle red blood cells (SS RBCs) activates G-protein-dependent signaling, which promotes cell adhesion to immobilized thrombospondin (TSP) under relevant shear stress. These data suggested that signal transduction in SS RBCs may contribute to the vaso-occlusive pathology observed in sickle cell disease. However, the CD47-activated SS RBC adhesion receptor(s) that mediated adhesion to immobilized TSP remained unknown. Here we demonstrate that the alpha4beta1 integrin (VLA-4) is the receptor that mediates CD47-stimulated SS RBC adhesion to immobilized TSP. This adhesion requires both the N-terminal heparin-binding domain and the RGD site of TSP. CD47 signaling induces an "inside-out" activation of alpha4beta1 on SS RBCs as indicated by an RGD-dependent interaction of this integrin with soluble, plasma fibronectin. However, CD47 engagement also induces an alpha4beta1-mediated, RGD-independent adhesion of SS RBCs to immobilized vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). CD47 signaling in SS RBCs appears to be independent of large scale changes in cAMP formation but nonetheless promotes alpha4beta1-mediated adhesion via a protein kinase A-dependent, serine phosphorylation of the alpha4 cytoplasmic domain. CD47-activated SS RBC adhesion absolutely requires the Src family tyrosine kinases and is also enhanced by treatment of SS RBCs with low concentrations of cytochalasin D, which may release alpha4beta1 from cytoskeletal restraints. In addition, CD47 co-immunoprecipitates with alpha4beta1 in a sickle reticulocyte-enriched fraction of SS RBCs. These studies therefore identify the alpha4beta1 integrin on SS RBCs as a CD47-activated receptor for TSP, VCAM-1, and plasma fibronectin, revealing novel binding characteristics of this integrin.  相似文献   

We have studied the formation of different types of cell matrix adhesions in cells that bind to fibronectin via either alpha5beta1 or alphavbeta3. In both cases, cell adhesion to fibronectin leads to a rapid decrease in RhoA activity. However, alpha5beta1 but not alphavbeta3 supports high levels of RhoA activity at later stages of cell spreading, which are associated with a translocation of focal contacts to peripheral cell protrusions, recruitment of tensin into fibrillar adhesions, and fibronectin fibrillogenesis. Expression of an activated mutant of RhoA stimulates alphavbeta3-mediated fibrillogenesis. Despite the fact that alpha5beta1-mediated adhesion to the central cell-binding domain of fibronectin supports activation of RhoA, other regions of fibronectin are required for the development of alpha5beta1-mediated but not alphavbeta3-mediated focal contacts. Using chimeras of beta1 and beta3 subunits, we find that the extracellular domain of beta1 controls RhoA activity. By expressing both beta1 and beta3 at high levels, we show that beta1-mediated control of the levels of beta3 is important for the distribution of focal contacts. Our findings demonstrate that the pattern of fibronectin receptors expressed on a cell dictates the ability of fibronectin to stimulate RhoA-mediated organization of cell matrix adhesions.  相似文献   

The epicardium of the mammalian heart arises from progenitor cells outside the developing heart. The epicardial progenitor (EPP) cells migrate onto the heart through a cyst-mediated mechanism in which the progenitors are released from the tissue of origin as cysts; the cysts float in the fluid of the pericardial cavity and attach to the naked myocardial surface of the heart, and cells in the cysts then migrate out to form an epithelial sheet. In this paper, we show that the gene encoding the alpha4 subunit of alpha4beta1 integrin (alpha4beta1) is essential for this migratory process. We have generated a knockin mutation in mice replacing the alpha4 integrin gene with the lacZ reporter gene, placing lacZ under the control of the alpha4 integrin promoter. We show that in homozygous mutant embryos, the migration of EPP progenitor cells is impaired due to inefficient budding of the cysts and a failure of the cells in the cysts to migrate on the heart. This study provides direct genetic evidence for essential roles for alpha4beta1 integrin-mediated cell adhesion in the migration of progenitor cells to form the epicardium, in addition to a previous finding that alpha4beta1 is essential for maintaining the epicardium (Yang, J.T., H. Rayburn, and R.O. Hynes. 1995. Development. 121:549-560).  相似文献   

Cell adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1 plays a key role in many biological processes reflecting both the number and functional significance of alpha4beta1 ligands. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor, CD14, is a GPI-linked cell surface glycoprotein with a wide range of reported functions and associations, some of which overlap with that of alpha4beta1. This overlap led us to test the specific hypothesis that alpha4beta1 and CD14 interact directly. Jurkat T cells (alpha4beta1(+)) were found to adhere to a recombinant CD14-Fc protein via alpha4beta1, whilst K562 cells (alpha4beta1(-)) did not. However, stable reexpression of the alpha4-subunit conferred this ability. The adhesion of both cell types to CD14 displayed activation state-dependent binding very similar to the interaction of alpha4beta1 with its prototypic ligand, VCAM-1. In solid-phase assays, CD14-Fc bound to affinity-purified alpha4beta1 in a dose-dependent manner that was induced by activating anti-beta1 mAbs. Finally, in related experiments, JY cells (alpha4beta7(+)) were also found to attach to CD14-Fc in an alpha4-dependent manner. In summary, CD14 is a novel ligand for alpha4beta1, exhibiting similar activation-state dependent binding characteristics as other alpha4beta1 ligands. The biological relevance of this interaction will be the subject of further studies.  相似文献   

We explored the hypothesis that the chemotactic migration of carcinoma cells that assemble hemidesmosomes involves the activation of a signaling pathway that releases the alpha6beta4 integrin from these stable adhesion complexes and promotes its association with F-actin in cell protrusions enabling it to function in migration. Squamous carcinoma-derived A431 cells were used because they express alpha6beta4 and migrate in response to EGF stimulation. Using function-blocking antibodies, we show that the alpha6beta4 integrin participates in EGF-stimulated chemotaxis and is required for lamellae formation on laminin-1. At concentrations of EGF that stimulate A431 chemotaxis ( approximately 1 ng/ml), the alpha6beta4 integrin is mobilized from hemidesmosomes as evidenced by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using mAbs specific for this integrin and hemidesmosomal components and its loss from a cytokeratin fraction obtained by detergent extraction. EGF stimulation also increased the formation of lamellipodia and membrane ruffles that contained alpha6beta4 in association with F-actin. Importantly, we demonstrate that this mobilization of alpha6beta4 from hemidesmosomes and its redistribution to cell protrusions occurs by a mechanism that involves activation of protein kinase C-alpha and that it is associated with the phosphorylation of the beta4 integrin subunit on serine residues. Thus, the chemotactic migration of A431 cells on laminin-1 requires not only the formation of F-actin-rich cell protrusions that mediate alpha6beta4-dependent cell movement but also the disruption of alpha6beta4-containing hemidesmosomes by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Coreceptor CD8-driven modulation of T cell antigen receptor specificity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The CD8 coreceptor modulates the interaction between the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and peptide-major histocompatibility class I (pMHCI). We present evidence that CD8 not only modifies the affinity of cognate TCR/pMHCI binding by altering both the association rate and the dissociation rate of the TCR/pMHCI interaction, but modulates the sensitivity (triggering threshold) of the TCR as well, by recruiting TCR/pMHCI complexes to membrane microdomains at a rate which depends on the affinity of MHCI/CD8 binding. Mathematical analysis of these modulatory effects indicates that a T cell can alter its functional avidity for its agonists by regulating CD8 expression, and can rearrange the relative potencies of each of its potential agonists. Thus we propose that a T cell can specifically increase its functional avidity for one agonist, while decreasing its functional avidity for other potential ligands. This focussing mechanism means that TCR degeneracy is inherently dynamic, allowing each TCR clonotype to have a wide range of agonists while avoiding autorecognition. The functional diversity of the TCR repertoire would therefore be greatly augmented by coreceptor-mediated ligand focussing.  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of alpha4beta1 integrin function in melanoma cells and T cells by ligands of CD47. A CD47 antibody (B6H12) that inhibited alphavbeta3-mediated adhesion of melanoma cells induced by CD47-binding peptides from thrombospondin-1 directly stimulated alpha4beta1-mediated adhesion of the same cells to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and N-terminal regions of thrombospondin-1 or thrombospondin-2. B6H12 also stimulated alpha4beta1- as well as alpha2beta1- and alpha5beta1-mediated adhesion of CD47-expressing T cells but not of CD47-deficient T cells. alpha4beta1 and CD47 co-purified as a detergent-stable complex on a CD47 antibody affinity column. CD47-binding peptides based on C-terminal sequences of thrombospondin-1 also specifically enhanced adhesion of melanoma cells and T cells to alpha4beta1 ligands. Unexpectedly, activation of alpha4beta1 function by the thrombospondin-1 CD47-binding peptides also occurred in CD47-deficient T cells. CD47-independent activation of alpha4beta1 required the Val-Val-Met (VVM) motif of the peptides and was sensitive to inhibition by pertussis toxin. These results indicate that activation of alpha4beta1 by the CD47 antibody B6H12 and by VVM peptides occurs by different mechanisms. The antibody directly activates a CD47-alpha4beta1 complex, whereas VVM peptides may target an unidentified Gi-linked receptor that regulates alpha4beta1.  相似文献   

Integrins are cell adhesion molecules pivotal in regulating normal cell behaviour. Ectopic expression of integrins, characteristic of transformed cells, is instrumental in differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, matrix degradation and migration. Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has a propensity to metastasize and hence an extremely poor prognosis. It is shown here that oesophageal SCCs express alpha(v)strongly and that normal oesophageal tissue does not express alpha(v). This makes alpha(v)a significant indicator of the transformed phenotype. alpha(2)and beta(1)integrin subunits are down-regulated in oesophageal SCCs compared to normal oesophagus. Dominance of the alpha(2)beta(1)heterodimer is symptomatic of potential loss of other beta(1)binding integrins in oesophageal SCCs. These results suggest a decrease in rigid cell adhesion possibly increasing migratory potential, whilst simultaneously permitting the adhesion and migration of SCC cells on a large repertoire of ligands due to de novo alpha(v)expression.  相似文献   

Cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions are important physiological determinants of cell growth, survival and transformation. Cell adhesion to the extra cellular matrix (ECM) via integrins also crucially influences the organization of the cytoskeleton. It triggers a cascade of intracellular biochemical events, which regulate cell viability and growth. We have studied the relationship between cell attachment to the substratum and cytoskeletal organization and cell survival and transformation. Our results demonstrate that in the absence of attachment to the substratum, adhesion-dependent fibroblasts exhibit rapid loss of viability. However, a small percentage of cells survive even after remaining non-adherent for 16h. The adherent and non-adherent cells differ from one another both morphologically and physiologically. The latter show a loss of alpha5beta1 integrin expression on their surface and bind non-specifically to the substratum and ECM, thereby activating certain pathways more efficiently than adherent cells. We have also shown that non-adherent cells grow faster and have worse cytoskeletal organization after attachment to the substratum, and do not form focal adhesions or actin stress fibres. Hence, our data suggests that rat fibroblasts in prolonged suspension exhibit some properties that are comparable to cells undergoing transformation, by adapting integrin-dependent or independent signalling pathways for their survival.  相似文献   

The HSG cell line serves as a model for salivary gland epithelial progenitor cell differentiation. In order for a progenitor cell to differentiate, the cell must maintain viability within its niche. Studies were designed to elucidate the mechanism for integrin-mediated HSG cell survival. HSG cells, grown on Matrigel®, were resistant to CD95-mediated apoptosis. Western blot analysis showed that Matrigel® induced the expression of bcl-2, bcl-xL, p63, and ΔNp63. This induction occurred by as early as 2 hrs and remained for 24 hrs. CD95-mediated apoptosis resistance was dependent, however, upon the expression of the bcl-2 family. Furthermore, Matrigel® induced bcl-2 family expression was dependent on the transactivation of the EGF receptor pathway since PD98059 and AG1478 inhibited Matrigel® induced bcl-2 family expression and caused HSG cells to be sensitive to CD95-mediated apoptosis. Activation of the EGF receptor pathway, by itself, however, was not sufficient to inhibit apoptosis. Blocking antibody showed that bcl-2 family expression was mediated through β1 integrin. These studies show that salivary progenitor epithelial cell survival is integrin dependent and involves the transactivation of the EGF receptor pathway.  相似文献   

The interactions of human estrogen receptor subtypes ERalpha and ERbeta with DNA and a 210 amino acid residue fragment of the coactivator protein SRC-1 bearing three nuclear receptor interaction motifs were investigated quantitatively using fluorescence anisotropy in the presence of agonist and antagonist ligands. ERalpha and ERbeta were found to bind in a similar manner to DNA, and both salt and temperature affected the affinity and/or stoichiometry of these interactions. The agonist ligands estradiol, estrone and estriol did not modify the binding of ERalpha to the fluorescein-labeled target estrogen response element. However, in the case of ERbeta, these ligands led to the formation of some higher-order protein-DNA complexes and a small decrease in affinity. The partial agonist 4-hydroxytamoxifen had little effect on either ER subtype, whereas the pure antagonist ICI 182,780 led to the cooperative formation of protein-DNA complexes of higher order than dimer, as further demonstrated by competition experiments and gel mobility-shift assays. In addition to DNA binding, the interaction of both ER subtypes with the Alexa488-labeled SRC-1 coactivator fragment was investigated by fluorescence anisotropy. The agonist ligands estrone, estradiol, estriol, genistein and ethynyl estradiol exhibited distinct capacities for inducing the recruitment of SRC-1 that were not correlated with their affinity for the receptor. Moreover, estrone and genistein exhibited subtype specificity in that they induced SRC-1 recruitment to ERbeta with much higher efficiency than in the case of ERalpha. The differential coactivator recruitment capacities of the ER agonists and their receptor subtype coactivator recruitment specificity may be linked to the molecular structure of the agonists with respect to their interactions with a specific histidine residue located at the back of the ligand-binding pocket. Altogether, these quantitative in vitro studies of ER interactions reveal the complex energetic and stoichiometric consequences of changes in the chemical structures of these proteins and their ligands.  相似文献   

Integrins, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), and the cytokine TGF-beta have each been implicated in homeostatic cell behaviors such as cell growth and matrix remodeling. TGF-beta exists mainly in a latent state, and a major point of homeostatic control is the activation of TGF-beta. Because the latent domain of TGF-beta1 possesses an integrin binding motif (RGD), integrins have the potential to sequester latent TGF-beta (SLC) to the cell surface where TGF-beta activation could be locally controlled. Here, we show that SLC binds to alpha(v)beta8, an integrin expressed by normal epithelial and neuronal cells in vivo. This binding results in the membrane type 1 (MT1)-MMP-dependent release of active TGF-beta, which leads to autocrine and paracrine effects on cell growth and matrix production. These data elucidate a novel mechanism of cellular homeostasis achieved through the coordination of the activities of members of three major gene families involved in cell-matrix interactions.  相似文献   

T cell activation by nonself peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigenic complexes can be blocked by particular sequence variants in a process termed T cell receptor antagonism. The inhibition mechanism is not understood, although such variants are encountered in viral infections and may aid immune evasion. Here, we study the effect of antagonist peptides on immunological synapse formation by T cells. This cellular communication process features early integrin engagement and T cell motility arrest, referred to as the "stop signal." We find that synapses formed on membranes presenting antagonist-agonist complexes display reduced MHC density, which leads to reduced T cell proliferation that is not overcome by the costimulatory ligands CD48 and B7-1. Most T cells fail to arrest and crawl slowly with a dense ICAM-1 crescent at the leading edge. Similar aberrant patterns of LFA-1/ICAM-1 engagement in live T-B couples correlate with reduced calcium flux and IL-2 secretion. Hence, antagonist peptides selectively disable MHC clustering and the stop signal, whereas LFA-1 valency up-regulation occurs normally.  相似文献   

In the host defense mechanism against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection, CD8(+) T cells specifically attack virus-infected cells and suppress the replication of the virus in a non-cytolytic manner by secreting soluble factors. In this study, we measured CD8(+) T cell anti-FIV activity in 30 FIV-infected cats. We investigated its relationship with the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes, particularly the CD4(+) T cell and CD8(+) T cell counts, and the relationship between anti-FIV activity and the number of T cells of CD8alpha(+)beta(lo) and CD8alpha(+)beta(-) phenotypes. A clearly significant correlation was observed between anti-FIV activity and the number of CD4(+) T cells. A weaker anti-FIV activity was associated with a greater decrease in the number of CD4(+) T cells. However, there was no significant correlation between anti-FIV activity and the number of B or CD8(+) T cells. Compared with SPF cats, FIV-infected cats had significantly higher CD8alpha(+)beta(lo) T cell and CD8alpha(+)beta(-) T cell counts, but, no significant correlation was observed between these cell counts and anti-FIV activity. This anti-FIV activity significantly correlated with plasma viremia, which was detected in cats with a weak anti-FIV activity. These results suggest that the anti-FIV activity of CD8(+) T cells plays an important role in plasma viremia and the maintenance of CD4(+) T cells in the body. It is unlikely that CD8alpha(+)beta(lo) or CD8alpha(+)beta(-) T cells appearing after FIV infection represent a phenotype of CD8(+) cells with anti-FIV activity.  相似文献   

Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) has become a therapy of choice for the treatment of certain malignancies and hematopoietic disorders. However, immunodeficiencies following BMT continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality. We have compared the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of BMT patients and healthy control individuals by staining peripheral blood mononuclear cells with fluorochrome-labeled TCR-specific antibodies. Several patients exhibited a biased pattern of TCR expression atypical of the healthy controls, yet no particular TCR bias characterized all patients. For example, we found that 2%–8% of T cell from healthy individuals expressed the V19 TCR. One BMT patient exhibited V19 expression on more than 60% of peripheral T cells, while additional patients expressed V19 on less than 1% of T cells. The patients with the most extreme skewing of TCR types suffered from graft-versus-host disease. The causes of skewed TCR V expression patterns in BMT patients are not fully understood, yet some researchers have suggested that an oligoclonal expansion of CD8+ T cell populations may be largely responsible. To test this hypothesis, we examined the TCR V repertoire of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. We found that biased V expression characterized both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations, sometimes within a single individual. Thus, therapies directed toward CD8+ T cells alone may not fully correct repertoire abnormalities following BMT.  相似文献   

Valitutti S  Coombs D  Dupré L 《FEBS letters》2010,584(24):4851-4857
The selective recognition of antigenic peptides by T cells requires the spatio/temporal integration of a panoply of molecular triggers. The space frame of T cell antigen receptors (TCR) interaction with peptide/MHC complexes (pMHC) displayed by antigen presenting cells is delineated by the micrometer-scale area of the immunological synapse. The time frame of T cell stimulation is governed by a series of short TCR-pMHC interactions that are integrated into sustained signaling leading to productive activation. We discuss here how approaching antigen recognition from the time and space angles is key to the comprehension of the puzzling process of T cell activation.  相似文献   

The extravasation and sequestration of Ag-reactive T lymphocytes into vascularized organ allografts depend on a cascade of complex interactions among circulating lymphocytes, endothelial cells, and extracellular matrix proteins. Ag-activated donor-specific CD4 T cells are major initiators and effectors in the allograft rejection response. Interfering with the intragraft homing of activated CD4 T cells may represent a novel therapeutic approach in transplant recipients. We have developed a FACS-based short-term homing assay that allows tracing in vitro-generated Ag-reactive CD4 T cells after adoptive transfer in test rat recipients. Allospecific cell lines were preincubated with anti-alpha(4)beta(1) or anti-alpha(L)beta(2) mAb, because of enhanced expression of both integrin receptors after alloactivation. The pretreated Lewis(BN) lymphocytes were carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester labeled and adoptively transferred into Lewis rat recipients of Brown Norway kidney allografts. The injection of equal numbers of PKH-26-labeled untreated cells allowed quantitative comparison of both populations in the same animal. Ex vivo treatment with anti-alpha(4)beta(1) mAb diminished intragraft infiltration of adoptively transferred T cells by 85% in a donor-specific fashion. In contrast, treatment with anti-alpha(L)beta(2) mAb did not affect intragraft cell sequestration. Hence, blocking alpha(4)beta(1) integrin interactions represents a novel strategy in preventing local intragraft recruitment of Ag-reactive CD4 T cells in transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Integrins coordinate spatial signaling events essential for cell polarity and directed migration. Such signals from alpha4 integrins regulate cell migration in development and in leukocyte trafficking. Here, we report that efficient alpha4-mediated migration requires spatial control of alpha4 phosphorylation by protein kinase A, and hence localized inhibition of binding of the signaling adaptor, paxillin, to the integrin. In migrating cells, phosphorylated alpha4 accumulated along the leading edge. Blocking alpha4 phosphorylation by mutagenesis or by inhibition of protein kinase A drastically reduced alpha4-dependent migration and lamellipodial stability. alpha4 phosphorylation blocks paxillin binding in vitro; we now find that paxillin and phospho-alpha4 were in distinct clusters at the leading edge of migrating cells, whereas unphosphorylated alpha4 and paxillin colocalized along the lateral edges of those cells. Furthermore, enforced paxillin association with alpha4 inhibits migration and reduced lamellipodial stability. These results show that topographically specific integrin phosphorylation can control cell migration and polarization by spatial segregation of adaptor protein binding.  相似文献   

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) has been extensively used to boost the body's immune cells, especially T cells. IL-2 is a cytokine that for many years was used to activate and amplify T cells. Due to its potent T cell growth-inducing functions in vitro, for many years, IL-2 was used for the culture and expansion of various T cell products, including tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), T cell receptors T cells (TCR T), or genetically engineered cells with chimeric antigen receptors T cells (CAR T). Despite its positive effect on T cell production, the side-effect is not well studied. Here, we reported that long-term culture with IL-2 promotes terminal differentiation and impairs rather than boosts the function of chimeric antigen receptor T cells. However, short-term culture with IL-2 predominantly generates memory CAR T cell favorable for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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