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Softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) were submerged at 3 degrees C in anoxic or normoxic water. Periodically, blood PO(2), PCO(2), pH, plasma [Cl(-)], [Na(+)], [K(+)], total Ca, total Mg, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and body mass determined; and blood [HCO(3)(-)] calculated. On day 14 of anoxic submergence, five of eight softshell turtles were dead, one died immediately after removal, and the remaining two showed no signs of life other than a heartbeat. After 11 days of submergence in anoxic water, blood pH fell from 7.923 to 7.281 and lactate increased to 62.1 mM. Plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was titrated from 34.57 mM to 4.53 mM. Plasma [Cl(-)] fell, but [K(+)] and total Ca and Mg increased. In normoxic submergence, turtles survived over 150 days and no lactate accumulated. A respiratory alkalosis developed (pH-8.195, PCO(2)-5.49 after 10 days) early and persisted throughout; no other variables changed in normoxic submergence. Softshell turtles are very capable of extrapulmonary extraction of O(2), but are an anoxia-intolerant species of turtle forcing them to utilize hibernacula that are unlikely to become hypoxic or anoxic (e.g., large lakes and rivers).  相似文献   

Map turtles from Wisconsin were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate extremes of potential respiratory microenvironments while hibernating under ice. In predive turtles, and in turtles submerged for up to 150 days, plasma PO2, PCO2) pH, [Cl-], [Na+], [K+], total Mg, total Ca, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and body mass were determined, and plasma [HCO3-] was calculated. Turtles in anoxic water developed a severe metabolic acidosis, accumulating lactate from a predive value of 1.7 to 116 mmol/l at 50 days, associated with a fall in pH from 8.010 to 7.128. To buffer lactate increase, total calcium and magnesium rose from 3.5 and 2.0 to 25.7 and 7.6 mmol/l, respectively. Plasma [HCO3-] was titrated from 44.7 to 4.3 mmol/l in turtles in anoxic water. Turtles in normoxic water had only minor disturbances of their acid-base status and ionic statuses; there was a marked increase in hematocrit from 31.1 to 51.9%. This study and field studies suggest that map turtles have an obligatory requirement for a hibernaculum that provides well-oxygenated water (e.g. rivers and large lakes rather than small ponds and swamps) and that this requirement is a major factor in determining their microdistribution.  相似文献   

We compared the physiological responses of latitudinal pairings of painted turtles submerged in normoxic and anoxic water at 3 degrees C: western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) from Wisconsin (WI) versus southern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta dorsalis) from Louisiana (LA), Arkansas (AR), and Alabama (AL), and eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut (CT) versus C. p. picta from Georgia (GA). Turtles in normoxic water accumulated lactate, with C. p. bellii accumulating less than (20 mmol/L) the other groups (44-47 mmol/L), but with relatively minor acid-base and ionic disturbances. Chrysemys picta bellii had the lowest rate of lactate accumulation over the first 50 d in anoxic water (1.8 mmol/d vs. 2.1 for AR C. p. dorsalis, 2.4 mmol/d for GA C. p. picta, and 2.5 mmol/d for CT C. p. picta after 50 d and 2.6 mmol/d for AL C. p. dorsalis after 46 d). Northern turtles in both groups survive longer in anoxia than their southern counterparts. The diminished viability in C. p. dorsalis versus C. p. bellii can be partially explained by an increased rate of lactate accumulation and a decreased buffering capacity, but for the CT and GA C. p. picta comparison, only buffering capacity differences are seen to influence survivability.  相似文献   

Common map turtles (Graptemys geographica) were collected from a natural underwater hibernaculum in Vermont at monthly intervals during the winter of 1997-1998. Blood was sampled by cardiac puncture and analyzed for pH, PCO(2), PO(2), and hematocrit; separated plasma was tested for Na(+), K(+), Cl(-), total [Ca], total [Mg], [lactate], and osmolality (mOsm kg(-1) H(2)O). Control (eupneic; 1 degrees C) values for pH, PO(2), PCO(2), [HCO(3)(-)], and [lactate] were 7.98 +/- 0.03, 47.4 +/- 18.7, 10.1 +/- 0.7 (mm Hg), 36.1 +/- 0.2 (mmol liter(-1)), and 2.1 +/- 0.1 (mmol liter(-1)), respectively. Between November 1997 and March 1998, ice covered the river and the turtles rested on the substratum, fully exposed to the water, and were apneic. Blood PO(2) was maintained at less than 3 mm Hg (range 0.9 +/- 0.2 to 2.1 +/- 0.7 mm Hg), PCO(2) decreased slightly, plasma [lactate] was <5 mmol liter(-1), and plasma [HCO(3)(-)] decreased significantly. In March [lactate] rose to 7.5 +/- 1.5 mmol liter(-l), but there was no acidemia. Map turtles meet most of their metabolic demand for O(2) via aquatic respiration and tolerate prolonged submergence at 1 degrees C with little change in acid-base or ionic status. The adaptive significance of remaining essentially aerobic during winter is to avoid the life-threatening progressive acidosis that results from anaerobic metabolism. J. Exp. Zool. 286:143-148, 2000.  相似文献   

Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate potential respiratory environments within their hibernacula. Those in normoxic water could survive submergence for at least 150 d, while those in anoxic water could survive for a maximum of about 125 d. Turtles in normoxic water developed a slight metabolic acidosis as plasma lactate accumulated to about 50 mM in 150 d, while anoxic turtles developed a severe lactic acidosis as plasma lactate reached about 200 mM in 125 d; there was no respiratory acidosis in either group. Plasma [Na+] changed little in either group, [Cl-] fell by about one-third in both, and [K+] increased by about fourfold in anoxic turtles but only slightly in those in normoxic water. Total plasma magnesium and calcium increased profoundly in anoxic turtles but moderately in those in normoxic water. Consideration of charge balance indicates that all major ions were measured in both groups. Plasma glucose remained unchanged in anoxic turtles until after about 75 d of submergence, when it increased and continued to increase with the duration of anoxia, with much variation among individuals; glucose remained unchanged throughout in turtles in normoxic water. Hematocrit doubled in 150 d in turtles in normoxic water; in anoxic turtles, an initial increase was no longer significant by day 100. Plasma osmolality increased markedly in anoxic turtles, largely because of accumulation of lactate, but anoxic turtles only gained about half the mass of turtles in normoxic water, who showed no increase in osmolality. The higher weight gain in the latter group is attributed to selective perfusion and ventilation of extrapulmonary gas exchange surfaces, resulting in a greater osmotic influx of water. The physiologic responses to simulated hibernation of C. picta picta are intermediate between those of Chrysemys picta bellii and Chrysemys picta dorsalis, which correlates with the severity of the winter each subspecies would be expected to encounter.  相似文献   

The importance of blood hemoglobin to aquatic oxygen uptake by turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) submerged in aerated water at 3 degrees C was tested by comparing the responses of anemic turtles (hematocrit approximately 6%) to turtles with normal hematocrits (hematocrit approximately 33%). All turtles were submerged for 42 days and blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 21, 32 and 42 days. Blood was analyzed for pH, PCO(2), PO(2), hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and plasma was analyzed for concentrations of lactate, glucose, Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). Plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was calculated. [Hb] correlated closely with hematocrit levels. [Lactate] reached higher final values in anemic turtles (34.5+/-5.3 mmol l(-1)) than in normal turtles (14.5+/-4.6 mmol l(-1)) indicating a greater reliance of the anemic animals on anaerobic metabolism. Both groups compensated for acidosis by reduced PCO(2) and anemic turtles also had increased [Ca(2+)] and [Mg(2+)]. Blood pH fell significantly in the anemic turtles but not in the controls. Although the data indicate that the anemic turtles relied more on anaerobic metabolism than the controls, the effect was much less than expected on the basis of the reduced blood O(2) carrying capacity. Possible compensatory mechanisms utilized by the anemic turtles to minimize anaerobic metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of cold and submergence on blood oxygen transport in common map turtles (Graptemys geographica). Winter animals were acclimated for 6-7 wk to one of three conditions at 3 degrees C: air breathing (AB-3 degrees C), normoxic submergence (NS-3 degrees C), and hypoxic (PO2=49 Torr) submergence (HS-3 degrees C). NS-3 degrees C turtles exhibited a respiratory alkalosis (pH 8.07; PCO2=7.9 Torr; [lactate]=2.2 mM) relative to AB-3 degrees C animals (pH 7.89; PCO2=13.4 Torr; [lactate]=1.1 mM). HS-3 degrees C animals experienced a profound metabolic acidosis (pH 7.30; PCO2=7.9 Torr; [lactate]=81 mM). NS-3 degrees C turtles exhibited an increased blood O2 capacity; however, isoelectric focusing revealed no seasonal changes in the isohemoglobin (isoHb) profile. Blood O2 affinity was significantly increased by cold acclimation; half-saturation pressures (P50's) for air-breathing turtles at 3 degrees and 22 degrees C were 6.5 and 18.8 Torr, respectively. P50's for winter animals submerged in normoxic and hypoxic water were 5.2 and 6.5 Torr, respectively. CO2 Bohr slopes (Delta logP50/Delta pH) were -0.15, -0.16, and -0.07 for AB-3 degrees C, NS-3 degrees C, and HS-3 degrees C turtles, respectively; the corresponding value for AB-22 degrees C was -0.37. The O2 equilibrium curve (O2EC) shape was similar for AB-3 degrees C and NS-3 degrees C turtles; Hill plot n coefficients ranged from 1.8 to 2.0. The O2EC shape for HS-3 degrees C turtles was anomalous, exhibiting high O2 affinity below P50 and a right-shifted segment above half-saturation. We suggest that increases in Hb-O2 affinity and O2 capacity enhance extrapulmonary O2 uptake by turtles overwintering in normoxic water. The anomalous O2EC shape and reduced CO2 Bohr effect of HS-3 degrees C turtles may also promote some aerobic metabolism in hypoxic water.  相似文献   

Canadian northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) were acclimated to 3 degrees C and submerged in anoxic (0-5 mmHg) and normoxic (Po(2) approximately 158 mmHg) water. Periodic measurements of blood Po(2), Pco(2), and pH were made on samples taken anaerobically from subsets of each species. Blood plasma was analyzed for [Na(+)], [K(+)], [Cl(-)], [lactate], [glucose], total calcium, total magnesium, and osmolality. Blood hematocrit was determined, and plasma bicarbonate concentration was calculated. Both species died within 4 d of anoxic submergence. Anoxia intolerance would rule out hibernation in mud, which is anoxic. Both species survived long periods of normoxic submergence (R. pipiens, 125 d; R. catesbeiana, 150 d) with minimal changes in acid-base and ionic status. We conclude that ranid frogs require a hibernaculum where the water has a high enough Po(2) to drive cutaneous diffusion, allowing the frogs to extract enough O(2) to maintain aerobic metabolism, but that an ability to tolerate anoxia for several days may still be ecologically meaningful.  相似文献   

Overwintering habits of hatchling Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) are unknown. To determine whether these turtles are able to survive winter in aquatic habitats, we submerged hatchlings in normoxic (155 mmHg Po2) and hypoxic (6 mmHg Po2) water at 4 degrees C, recording survival times and measuring changes in key physiological variables. For comparison, we simultaneously studied hatchling softshell (Apalone spinifera) and snapping (Chelydra serpentina) turtles, which are known to overwinter in aquatic habitats. In normoxic water, C. serpentina and A. spinifera survived to the termination of the experiment (76 and 77 d, respectively). Approximately one-third of the E. blandingii died during 75 d of normoxic submergence, but the cause of mortality was unclear. In hypoxic water, average survival times were 6 d for A. spinifera, 13 d for E. blandingii, and 19 d for C. serpentina. Mortality during hypoxic submergence was probably caused by metabolic acidosis, which resulted from accumulated lactate. Unlike the case with adult turtles, our hatchlings did not increase plasma calcium and magnesium, nor did they sequester lactate within the shell. Our results suggest that hatchling E. blandingii are not particularly well suited to hibernation in hypoxic aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

Arterial blood Po/, Pco2, lactate levels and Cl- ion concentration as well as pH were measured on the time course in chickens (Gallus domesticus) as they settled in normoxic conditions and during exposure to acute hypobaric hypoxia (Pb = 450 Torr). Hypoxia provoked at first a CO2 increased output from blood and a brief stage of deep metabolic acidosis during which lactate levels suddenly increased. This acidosis was then compensated producing a return to the initial pH and a decrease in [HCO3-] + [CO3(2-)] after 60 min. Subsequently respiratory alkalosis associated with an increase in [HCO-3] + [CO3(2-)], a decrease in cl- ion concentration and a small decrease in lactate levels were observed. Prolonged exposure to hypoxia (16 h) resulted in a new return to the initial pH, a decrease in concentration of [HCO3-] + [CO3(2-)] and a high lactate level. The hematocrit value, the Hb concentration, and the plasma Na+, K+, Ca++ and Mg++ ion concentration did not change significantly.  相似文献   

Painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) survive months of anoxic submergence, which is associated with large changes in the extracellular milieu where pH falls by 1, while extracellular K+, Ca++, and adrenaline levels all increase massively. While the effect of each of these changes in the extracellular environment on the heart has been previously characterized in isolation, little is known about their interactions and combined effects. Here we examine the isolated and combined effects of hyperkalemia, acidosis, hypercalcemia, high adrenergic stimulation, and anoxia on twitch force during isometric contractions in isolated ventricular strip preparations from turtles. Experiments were performed on turtles that had been previously acclimated to warm (25 degrees C), cold (5 degrees C), or cold anoxia (submerged in anoxic water at 5 degrees C). The differences between acclimation groups suggest that cold acclimation, but not anoxic acclimation per se, results in a downregulation of processes in the excitation-contraction coupling. Hyperkalemia (10 mmol L(-1) K+) exerted a strong negative inotropic effect and caused irregular contractions; the effect was most pronounced at low temperature (57%-97% reductions in twitch force). Anoxia reduced twitch force at both temperatures (14%-38%), while acidosis reduced force only at 5 degrees C (15%-50%). Adrenergic stimulation (10 micromol L(-1)) increased twitch force by 5%-19%, but increasing extracellular [Ca++] from 2 to 6 mmol L(-1) had only small effects. When all treatments were combined with anoxia, twitch force was higher at 5 degrees C than at 25 degrees C, whereas in normoxia twitch force was higher at 25 degrees C. We propose that hyperkalemia may account for a large part of the depressed cardiac contractility during long-term anoxic submergence.  相似文献   

The adequacy of intestinal perfusion during shock and resuscitation might be estimated from intestinal tissue acid-base balance. We examined this idea from the perspective of conventional blood acid-base physicochemistry. As the O(2) supply diminishes with failing blood flow, tissue acid-base changes are first "respiratory, " with CO(2) coming from combustion of fuel and stagnating in the decreasing blood flow. When the O(2) supply decreases to critical, the changes become "metabolic" due to lactic acid. In blood, the respiratory vs. metabolic distinction is conventionally made using the buffer base principle, in which buffer base is the sum of HCO(3)(-) and noncarbonate buffer anion (A(-)). During purely respiratory acidosis, buffer base stays constant because HCO(3)(-) cannot buffer its own progenitor, carbonic acid, so that the rise of HCO(3)(-) equals the fall of A(-). During anaerobic "metabolism," however, lactate's H(+) is buffered by both A(-) and HCO(3)(-), causing buffer base to decrease. We quantified the partitioning of lactate's H(+) between HCO(3)(-) and A(-) buffer in anoxic intestine by compressing intestinal segments of anesthetized swine into a steel pipe and measuring PCO(2) and lactate at 5- to 10-min intervals. Their rises followed first-order kinetics, yielding k = 0. 031 min(-1) and half time = approximately 22 min. PCO(2) vs. lactate relations were linear. Over 3 h, lactate increased by 31 +/- 3 mmol/l tissue fluid (mM) and PCO(2) by approximately 17 mM, meaning that one-half of lactate's H(+) was buffered by tissue HCO(3)(-) and one-half by A(-). The data were consistent with a lumped pK(a) value near 6.1 and total A(-) concentration of approximately 30 mmol/kg. We conclude that the respiratory vs. metabolic distinction could be made in tissue by estimating tissue buffer base from measured pH and PCO(2).  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that submergence temperature affects the distribution of the lactate load and glycogen utilization during anoxia in turtles, we sampled a variety of tissues after 7 days, 24 h, and 4 h of anoxic submergence at 5, 15, and 25 degrees C, respectively. These anoxic durations were chosen because we found that they produced similar decreases in plasma HCO(3)(-) ( approximately 18-22 meq/l). The sampled tissues included ventricle, liver, small intestine, carapace, and the following muscles: flexor digitorum longus, retrahens capitis, iliofibularis, and pectoralis. Shell and skeleton sequestered 41.9, 34.1, and 26.1% of the estimated lactate load at 5, 15, and 25 degrees C. The changes in plasma Ca(2+) and Mg(2+), relative to the estimated lactate load, decreased with increased temperature, indicating greater buffer release from bone at colder temperatures. Tissue lactate contents, relative to plasma lactate, increased with the temperature of the submergence. Glucose mobilization and tissue glycogen utilization were more pronounced at 15 and 25 degrees C than at 5 degrees C. We conclude that, in slider turtles, the ability of the mineralized tissue to participate in the buffering of lactic acid during anoxia is inversely related to temperature, causing the lactate burden to shift to the tissues at warmer temperatures. Muscles utilize glycogen during anoxia more at warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

The naked carp is an endangered cyprinid that migrates annually between freshwater rivers, where it spawns, and Lake Qinghai, where it feeds and grows. Lake Qinghai is a high-altitude lake (3,200 m) in western China that currently exhibits the following composition (in mmol L(-1): [Na(+)] 200, [Cl(-)] 173, [Mg(2+)] 36, [Ca(2+)] 0.23, [K(+)] 5.3, total CO(2) 21, titration alkalinity 29; osmolality 375 mOsm kg(-1); pH 9.3), but concentrations are increasing because of water diversion and climate change. We studied the physiology of river water to lake water transfer. When river fish are transferred to lake water, there is a transitory metabolic acidosis followed by a slight respiratory alkalosis, and hemoconcentration occurs. All plasma electrolytes rise over the initial 48 h, and final levels in lake water-acclimated fish are very close to lake water concentrations for [Na(+)], [Cl(-)], [K(+)], and osmolality, whereas [Ca(2+)] continues to be regulated well above ambient levels. However, [Mg(2+)] rises to a much greater extent (fourfold in 48 h); final plasma levels in lake fish may reach 12 mmol L(-1) but are still much lower than in lake water (36 mmol L(-1)). At the same time, urine flow rate decreases drastically to <5% of river water values; only the renal excretion of Mg(2+) is maintained. Both gill and kidney Na(+),K(+)-ATPase rapidly decline, with final levels in lake water fish only 30% and 70%, respectively, of those in river water fish. Metabolic rate also quickly decreases on exposure to lake water, with O(2) consumption and ammonia-N excretion rates eventually falling to only 60% and 30%, respectively, of those in river fish, while plasma ammonia rises fivefold. The fish appear to be benefiting from a metabolic holiday at present because of decreases in iono- and osmoregulatory costs while in lake water; elevated plasma [Mg(2+)] and ammonia may be additional factors depressing metabolic rate. If the lake continues to dehydrate, these benefits may change to pathology.  相似文献   

To evaluate shell and bone buffering of lactic acid during acidosis at 3 degrees C, turtles were submerged in anoxic or aerated water and tested at intervals for blood acid-base status and plasma ions and for bone and shell percent water, percent ash, and concentrations of lactate, Ca(2+), Mg(2+), P(i), Na(+), and K(+). After 125 days, plasma lactate concentration rose from 1.6 +/- 0.2 mM (mean +/- SE) to 155.2 +/- 10.8 mM in the anoxic group but only to 25.2 +/- 6.4 mM in the aerated group. The acid-base state of the normoxic animals was stable after 25 days of submergence. Plasma calcium concentration (?Ca(2+)) rose during anoxia from 3.2 +/- 0.2 to 46.0 +/- 0.6 mM and ?Mg(2+) from 2.7 +/- 0.2 to 12.2 +/- 0.6 mM. Both shell and bone accumulated lactate to concentrations of 135.6 +/- 35.2 and 163.6 +/- 5.1 mmol/kg wet wt, respectively, after 125 days anoxia. Shell and bone ?Na(+) both fell during anoxia but the fate of this Na(+) is uncertain because plasma ?Na(+) also fell. No other shell ions changed significantly in concentration, although the concentrations of both bone calcium and bone potassium changed significantly. Control shell water (27.8 +/- 0.6%) was less than bone water (33.6 +/- 1.1%), but neither changed during submergence. Shell ash (44.7 +/- 0.8%) remained unchanged, but bone ash (41.0 +/- 1.0%) fell significantly. We conclude that bone, as well as shell, accumulate lactate when plasma lactate is elevated, and that both export sodium carbonate, as well as calcium and magnesium carbonates, to supplement ECF buffering.  相似文献   

The rate of active H+ secretion (JH) across the luminal cell membrane of the turtle bladder decreases linearly with the chemical (delta pH) or electrical potential gradient (delta psi) against which secretion occurs. To examine the control of JH from the cell side of the pump, acid-base changes were imposed on the cellular compartment by increasing serosal[HCO3-] at constant PCO2 or by varying PCO2 at constant [HCO3-]. When serosal [HCO3-] was increased from 0 to 60 mM, cell [H+] decreased, as estimated by the 5,5-dimethyloxazoladine-2,4- dione method. JH was a saturable function of cell [H+], with an apparent Km of 25 nM. When PCO2 was varied between 1 and 20% at various serosal Km of 25 nM. When PCO2 was varied between 1 and 20% at various serosal [HCO3-], the PCO2 required to reach a maximal JH increased with [HCO3-] so that JH was a function of cell [H+] rather than of cell [HCO3-] or CO2. The proton pump was controlled asymmetrically with respect to the pH component of the electrochemical potential for protons, microH. On the cell side of the pump, a delta pH of < 1 U was required to vary JH between maximal and zero values, whereas on the luminal side a delta pH of 3 U was required. Cell [H+] regulates JH by determining the availability of H+ to the pump in a relationship resembling Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Increasing luminal [H+] generates an energy barrier at a luminal pH near 4.4 that equals the free energy (per H+ translocated) of the metabolic driving reaction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and compare the blood metabolic responses obtained after a single maximal exercise in elite and less-successful athletes and to investigate whether these responses are related to sprint performance. Eleven elite (ELI) and 14 regional (REG) long sprint runners performed a 300-m running test as fast as possible. Blood samples were taken at rest and at 4 minutes after exercise for measurements of blood lactate concentration [La] and acid-base status. The blood metabolic responses of ELI subjects compared to those of REG subjects for pH (7.07 ± 0.05 vs. 7.14 ± 1.5), sodium bicarbonate concentration ([HCO(3)(-)], 8.1 ± 1.5 vs. 9.8 ± 1.8 mmol·L(-1)), hemoglobin O(2) saturation (SaO(2)) (94.7 ± 1.8 vs. 96.2 ± 1.6%) were significantly lower (p < 0.05), and [La] was significantly higher in ELI (21.1 ± 2.9 vs. 19.1 ± 1.2 mmol·L(-1), p < 0.05). The 300-m performance (in % world record) was negatively correlated with pH (r = -0.55, p < 0.01), SaO2 (r = -0.64, p < 0.001), [HCO(3)(-)] (r = -0.40, p < 0.05), and positively correlated with [La] (r = 0.44, p < 0.05). In conclusion, for the same quantity of work, the best athletes are able to strongly alter their blood acid-base balance compared to underperforming runners, with larger acidosis and lactate accumulation. To obtain the pH limits with acute maximal exercise, coaches must have their athletes perform a distance run with duration of exercise superior to 35 seconds. The blood lactate accumulation values (mmol·L(-1)·s(-1)) recorded in this study indicate that the maximal glycolysis rate obtained in the literature from short sprint distances is maintained, but not increased, until 35 seconds of exercise.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) may play a cardioprotective role during hypoxia or ischemia. We hypothesized that cardiac tissue from hypoxia-tolerant animals might have high levels of specific HSPs. We measured myocardial HSP60 and HSP72/73 in painted and softshell turtles during normoxia and anoxia (12 h) and after recovery (12 or 24 h). We also measured myocardial HSPs in normoxic rats and rabbits. During normoxia, hearts from the most highly anoxia-tolerant species, the painted turtle, expressed the highest levels of HSP60 (22.6+/-2.0 mg/g total protein) followed by softshells (11.5+/-0.8 mg/g), rabbits (6.8+/-0.9 mg/g), and rats (4.5+/-0.5 mg/g). HSP72/73 levels, however, were not significantly different. HSP60 levels in hearts from both painted and softshell turtles did not deviate significantly from control values after either 12 h of anoxia or 12 or 24 h of recovery. The pattern of changes observed in HSP72/73 was quite different in the two turtle species. In painted turtles anoxia induced a significant increase in myocardial HSP72/73 (from 2.8+/-0.1 mg/g normoxic to 3.9+/-0.2 mg/g anoxic, P<0.05). By 12 h of recovery, HSP72/73 had returned to control levels (2.7+/-0.1 mg/g) and remained there through 24 h (2.6+/-0.2 mg/g). In softshell turtles, HSP72/73 decreased significantly after 12 h of anoxia (from 2.4+/-0.4 mg/g normoxic to 1.3+/-0.2 mg/g anoxic, P<0.05). HSP72/73 levels were still slightly below control after 12 h of recovery (2.1+/-0.1 mg/g) and then rose to significantly above control after 24 h of recovery (4.1+/-0.7 mg/g, P<0.05). We also conclude that anoxia-tolerant and anoxia-sensitive turtles exhibit different patterns of myocardial HSP changes during anoxia and recovery. Whether these changes correlate with their relative degrees of anoxia tolerance remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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