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Cerebral lateralization, an evolutionarily ancient and widespread phenomenon among vertebrates, is thought to bestow cognitive advantages. The advantages of lateralization at the individual-level do not necessarily require that the entire population share the same pattern of lateralization. In fact, directional bias in lateralization may lead to behavioural predictability and enhanced predator success or prey evasion. Recent theory has suggested that population-level lateralization may be favored if individuals are better able to perform coordinated behaviours, providing a distinct advantage in cooperative contexts. Here we test whether the highly social, cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher shows lateralized responses to a social stimulus. We found population-level biases in males; on average male N. pulcher use their right eye/left hemisphere to view their mirror image. Individual females had a preferred hemisphere, but these preferences appeared not to be directionally aligned among females. We discuss these results in the context of coordinated social behaviour and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

We determined and compared the efficiency of thermoregulation of Rhinella arenarum in the Monte desert (Argentina) in two seasons, dry and wet. In the field, we measured body temperatures, micro-habitat temperatures and operative temperatures; while in the laboratory; we measured the selected body temperatures. Our results show a change in the thermoregulatory strategy of R. arenarum that is related to environmental constraints on their thermal niche. R. arenarum has the ability to be plastic and combine two strategies: (i) a moderate thermoregulator in the wet season, where thermal resources are available such that body temperature is maintained within the set points and physiologicial and behavioral processes are optimized; and (ii) a thermoconformer in the dry season where the thermal environment is more homogeneous and there is greater time invested in searching for food.  相似文献   

The social environment in which an animal lives can profoundly impact its physiology, including glucocorticoid (GC) responses to external stressors. In social, group-living species, individuals may face stressors arising from regular interactions with conspecifics as well as those associated with basic life history needs such as acquiring food or shelter. To explore the relative contributions of these two types of stressors on glucocorticoid physiology in a communally breeding mammal, we characterized baseline GC levels in female colonial tuco-tucos (Ctenomys sociabilis), which are subterranean rodents endemic to southwestern Argentina. Long-term field studies have revealed that while about half of all yearling female C. sociabilis live and breed alone, the remainder live and breed within their natal group. We assessed the effects of this intraspecific variation in social environment on GC physiology by comparing concentrations of baseline fecal corticosterone metabolite (fCM) for (1) lone and group-living yearling females in a free-living population of C. sociabilis and (2) captive yearling female C. sociabilis that had been experimentally assigned to live alone or with conspecifics. In both cases, lone females displayed significantly higher mean baseline fCM concentrations. Data from free-living animals indicated that this outcome arose from differences in circadian patterns of GC production. fCM concentrations for group-living animals declined in the afternoon while fCM in lone individuals did not. These findings suggest that for C. sociabilis, stressors associated with basic life history functions present greater challenges than those arising from interactions with conspecifics. Our study is one of the first to examine GC levels in a plural-breeding mammal in which the effects of group-living are not confounded by differences in reproductive or dominance status, thereby generating important insights into the endocrine consequences of group-living.  相似文献   

Corticosterone is an important hormone of the stress response that regulates physiological processes and modifies animal behavior. While it positively acts on locomotor activity, it may negatively affect reproduction and social activity. This suggests that corticosterone may promote behaviors that increase survival at the cost of reproduction. In this study, we experimentally investigate the link between corticosterone levels and survival in adult common lizards (Lacerta vivipara) by comparing corticosterone-treated with placebo-treated lizards. We experimentally show that corticosterone enhances energy expenditure, daily activity, food intake, and it modifies the behavioral time budget. Enhanced appetite of corticosterone-treated individuals compensated for increased energy expenditure and corticosterone-treated males showed increased survival. This suggests that corticosterone may promote behaviors that reduce stress and it shows that corticosterone per se does not reduce but directly or indirectly increases longer-term survival. This suggests that the production of corticosterone as a response to a stressor may be an adaptive mechanism that even controls survival.  相似文献   

In winter, dabbling ducks gather in large flocks and males compete not only for food resources but also for mates. Setting up a social hierarchy is one way to reduce the costs of conflicts, but the position in the hierarchy has implications for individuals, for instance their susceptibility to conflict and interference, hence to social stress. We investigated relationships between linear social dominance and corticosterone levels, baseline levels and induced-stress response, in captive male mallards Anas platyrhynchos and pintails Anas acuta during the winter period. We hypothesised that corticosterone responses would reflect the costs associated with social stress. From previous work on dominance and corticosterone in wintering birds, we expected that, where the social hierarchy is linear, there would be (1) no relationship between social ranks and baseline corticosterone levels and (2) a significant positive relationship between dominance ranks and responses to acute stress. Our results demonstrated the existence of a linear hierarchy in both species (h' = 0.95 for mallards and h' = 0.97 for pintails), and we found that pintails had on average more corticosterone than mallards. The relationship between dominance and corticosterone responses followed the predictions, with no differences for baseline levels and an attenuated response to induced-stress for subordinates. We discuss these results in the perspective of the cost-benefits of dominance and wintering strategies of waterbirds.  相似文献   

Nestling begging in passerine birds is a complex behaviour that is shaped by a multitude of ecological factors and could be physiologically mediated by varying levels of steroid hormones. Previous research has shown links between sibling competition and testosterone and corticosterone in several bird species. The spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) is a medium sized passerine in which nestlings compete intensively for resources, often resulting in marked size hierarchies that can have profound effects on their fitness. We tested the hypothesis that an increase in sibling competition levels would result in increases in testosterone and corticosterone in this species. To this end we conducted a brood size manipulation, creating small, medium and large broods. This manipulation had the expected effect on morphology: nestling size and mass decreased with increasing brood size. Androgen levels varied in response to brood size manipulation but, contrary to expectations, the largest concentrations were found in reduced brood sizes. Corticosterone levels increased with increasing brood size, but this effect disappeared when we corrected for the time taken to process nestlings. Cell-mediated immune response was found to decrease with increasing brood size and testosterone levels. The results suggest that the proposed link between testosterone and corticosterone and sibling competition does not hold in this species, and underlines the diversity of species-specific responsiveness to steroids.  相似文献   

We compared the penetration of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema scarabaei (AMK001 strain), S. glaseri (NC1 strain), Heterorhabditis zealandica (X1 strain), and H. bacteriophora (GPS11 strain) into third-instars of the scarabs Popillia japonica, Anomala orientalis, Cyclocephala borealis, and Rhizotrogus majalis. When larvae were exposed to nematodes for 6-72 h larval mortality and nematode establishment rate and occasionally speed of kill often showed the same pattern within nematode-white grub combinations. But no two nematodes or white grub species had the same pattern for these observations for all white grub or nematode species, respectively. Mortality, establishment, and speed of kill followed a similar pattern for H. zealandica, S. glaseri, and S. scarabaei, but there was no clear relationship for H. bacteriophora. Significant nematode establishment was only observed after at least 48 h exposure in most nematode-white grub combinations. Faster establishment was observed only for H. zealandica in A. orientalis and R. majalis (after 24 h) and for S. scarabaei in P. japonica and R. majalis (after 12 h). Nematode establishment after 72 h in the different scarab species was generally low for S. glaseri (<1.5%) and H. bacteriophora (<3%), higher for H. zealandica (2-5%), and the highest for S. scarabaei (1-14%). However, in another experiment establishment was generally higher after 96h exposure. Nematode penetration sites were determined by comparing nematode establishment in larvae with mouth, anus, mouth+anus, or none sealed with glue. The trends for each nematode species were very similar in the different white grub species. H. zealandica and H. bacteriophora showed excellent cuticular penetration ability but may also penetrate through mouth and/or anus. S. glaseri also penetrated through the cuticle but lower establishment in larvae with mouth or mouth+anus sealed suggested that the mouth is an important penetration site. S. scarabaei showed a preference for the mouth as a penetration site, but it showed some cuticular penetration ability and may also use the anus as a penetration site. The methodology used cannot exclude that cuticular penetration also included penetration through the spiracles. To fully understand the effect of nematode and white grub species on nematode virulence, future studies will have to compare host immune response to the penetrating IJs and the role of the symbiotic bacteria in these interactions.  相似文献   

Competition among males for a limited number of females may result in the expression of condition-dependent alternative mating tactics. In such cases, decision rules mediating mating tactic expression are likely to be influenced by a male's external as well as internal environment. For example, experimental studies with anuran amphibians (frogs and toads) indicate that changes in the social-acoustic environment alter the probability that an individual adopts a calling versus non-calling "satellite" mating tactic. However, there is considerable variation in the behavioral responses of individuals in such studies, suggesting that physiological differences among individuals play an important role in tactic expression. For instance, recent models predict that natural elevation in adrenal glucocorticoids during vocal production alters androgen production and/or neural activity to mediate transitions between reproductive tactic expression in anuran amphibians. Using corticosteroid injections, we show that elevation in circulating corticosterone levels significantly increase the probability that free-ranging male Great Plains toads (Bufo cognatus) and Woodhouse's toads (B. woodhousii) adopt a non-calling satellite tactic. Corticosterone-induced behavioral transitions occurred rapidly (<1 h) and independently of fluctuations in circulating androgen levels, suggesting a direct effect of glucocorticoids on brain centers controlling vocal production. We discuss our findings in the context of behavioral studies that alter the social-acoustic environment to examine its influence on tactic expression.  相似文献   

Major glyco- and phospholipids as well as betaine lipid 1,2-diacylglycero-O-4'-(N,N,N-tri-methyl)-homoserine (DGTS) were isolated from five species of marine macrophytes harvested in the Sea of Japan in summer and winter at seawater temperatures of 20-23 and 3 degrees C, respectively. GC and DSC analysis of lipids revealed a common increase of ratio between n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of polar lipids from summer to winter despite their chemotaxonomically different fatty acid (FA) composition. Especially, high level of different n-3 PUFAs was observed in galactolipids in winter. However, the rise in FA unsaturation did not result in the lowering of peak maximum temperature of phase transition of photosynthetic lipids (glycolipids and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)) in contrast to non-photosynthetic ones [phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)]. Different thermotropic behavior of these lipid groups was accompanied by higher content of n-6 PUFAs from the sum of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs in PC and PE compared with glycolipids and PG in both seasons. Seasonal changes of DSC transitions and FA composition of DGTS studied for the first time were similar to PC and PE. Thermograms of all polar lipids were characterized by complex profiles and located in a wide temperature range between -130 and 80 degrees C, while the most evident phase separation occurred in PGs in both seasons. Polarizing microscopy combined with DSC has shown that the liquid crystal - isotropic melt transitions of polar lipids from marine macrophytes began from 10 to 30 degrees C mostly, which can cause the thermal sensitivity of plants to superoptimal temperatures in their environment.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that despite having a clear seasonal fluctuation in fecal testosterone concentration, the significantly lower testosterone levels found in velvet stags of the nonseasonal breeder muntjac (Muntiacus sp.) apparently did not stop their spermatogenesis as in other deer species. In the present study, in vitro cultivated Leydig cells isolated from adult stags of three native deer species of Taiwan were treated with androstenedione, with or without adding human chorionic gonadotropin. Results showed that, unlike the two seasonal breeders, sika deer (Cervus nippon) and sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), Leydig cells of velvet muntjac had no dramatic reduction in or even maintained the full capability of their testosterone productivity compared with the hard-antlered stage. The decrease in fecal testosterone level observed earlier in muntjac during the velvet period was probably due to a reduction of number of Leydig cells. These results support the hypothesis that testosterone production in muntjac during its velvet period might never be low enough to trigger the quiescent phase of the reproduction cycle.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental process in ecology because it influences the dynamics, genetic structure and persistence of populations. Furthermore, understanding the evolutionary causes of dispersal pattern, particularly when they differ between genders, is still a major question in evolutionary ecology. Using a panel of 10 microsatellite loci, we investigated at different spatial scales the genetic structure and the sex-specific dispersal patterns in the common vole Microtus arvalis, a small colonial mammal. This study was conducted in an intensive agricultural area of western France. Hierarchical FST analyses, relatedness and assignment tests suggested (i) that females are strongly kin-clustered within colonies; (ii) that dispersal is strongly male-biased at a local scale; and (iii) long-distance dispersal is not rare and more balanced between genders. We conclude that males migrate continuously from colony to colony to reproduce, whereas females may disperse just once and would be mainly involved in new colony foundation.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of the African four-striped mouse, Rhabdomys pumilio, was investigated using complete sequences of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) and a combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and conventional cytogenetic banding techniques (G- and C-banding). Two cytotypes (2n=46 and 2n=48) were identified by cytogenetic analysis. There is no evidence of diploid number variation within populations, difference in gross chromosome morphology or of subtle interchromosomal rearrangements at levels detected by ZOO-FISH. Analysis of the mtDNA cytochrome b resulted in two major lineages that correspond roughly to the xeric and mesic biotic zones of southern Africa. One mtDNA clade comprises specimens with 2n=48 and the other representatives of two cytotypes (2n=48 and 2n=46). The mean sequence divergence (12%, range 8.3–15.6%) separating the two mtDNA clades is comparable to among-species variation within murid genera suggesting their recognition as distinct species, the prior names for which would be R. dilectus and R. pumilio. Low sequence divergences and the diploid number dichotomy within the mesic lineage support the recognition of two subspecies corresponding to R. d. dilectus (2n=46) and R. d. chakae (2n=48). Our data do not support subspecific delimitation within the nominate, R. pumilio. Molecular dating places cladogenesis of the two putative species at less than five million years, a period characterised by extensive climatic oscillations which are thought to have resulted in habitat fragmentation throughout much of the species range.  相似文献   

Individual hormone profiles can be important generators of phenotypic variation. Despite this, work on the consequences of hormone profiles has traditionally ignored the large inter-individual variation within natural populations. However, recent research has advocated the need to explicitly consider this variation and address its consequences for selection. One of the key steps in this process is examining repeatability in hormone profiles and their links to behavioral traits under selection. In this study we show that individuals within a free-ranging population of the Australian lizard Egernia whitii exhibit temporal repeatability in their circulating baseline testosterone concentrations as well as their aggressive response towards conspecific intruders. Furthermore, we show significant, sex-specific links between testosterone and aggression. Specifically, testosterone and aggression is negatively linked in males, while there is no relationship in females. As conspecific aggression has significant consequences for fitness-related traits (parental care, mating strategies) in this species, inter-individual variation in testosterone concentrations, through their effects on aggression, could have important implications for individual fitness. We discuss the potential causes and consequences of hormonal repeatability as well as provide explanations for its sex-specific links with aggression. Specifically, we suggest that these patterns are the result of alternative hormonal pathways governing aggression within Egernia and may indicate a decoupling of aggression and testosterone across the sexes.  相似文献   

磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, PEPCK, E.C.是水生生物糖异生代谢的关键限速酶. 实验以杂食性罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)、温和肉食性卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)、凶猛肉食性军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)三种不同食性海水养殖鱼类为研究对象, 以糊精为饲料糖源, 分别设置不同饲料糖添加水平(低糖组LD、中糖组MD、高糖组HD)等氮等能饲料, 每种鱼分别随机选取60尾体格均匀的幼鱼进行为期8周的饲养实验, 同时克隆卵形鲳鲹胞质型PEPCK基因cDNA全长序列, 以期探讨不同饲料糖水平对不同食性鱼类PEPCK活性及其mRNA表达的影响. 结果显示: 卵形鲳鲹PEPCK基因cDNA共2652 bp, 含1个编码624个氨基酸的开放阅读框, 三种不同食性海水鱼类PEPCK的生物信息学比较分析显示相似度达90%以上, 在结构和功能上具有较高的保守和同源性. 养殖实验结果显示: 随着饲料糖水平的增加, 三种鱼肝脏中PEPCK酶活性均降低, 其中卵形鲳鲹、军曹鱼HD组PEPCK活性比LD组分别显著降低28.05%和26.03% (P0.05). 而其肝脏中PEPCK mRNA表达水平同样均随饲料碳水化合物水平增加而受到抑制, 其中罗非鱼、卵形鲳鲹、军曹鱼中LD组PEPCK的mRNA分别是HD组的100倍、4.3倍和4.77倍. 结果表明鱼类的糖异生能力可能与其食性有关, 三种鱼PEPCK酶活性与基因表达量随着饲料糖水平的增加而受到显著抑制, 且mRNA表达抑制程度随食性不同而具有较大差异, 以杂食性罗非鱼受抑制程度最高, 凶猛肉食性军曹鱼受抑制程度最低.    相似文献   

Paternal care during early development influences pup survivorship in the monogamous and biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Moreover, paternal pup retrievals impact development of adult offspring aggression and the neuropeptide vasopressin, yet little is known about the underlying mechanisms of these developmental changes. Because testosterone can increase arginine vasopressin and aggression, we hypothesized that paternal pup retrievals increase testosterone levels in prepubertal male P. californicus pups. Male pups were assigned to one of three groups: hormonal baseline, nonretrieval control, or retrieval. On postnatal days 18-21, all pups and the mother were removed from the cage, and the focal male pup was placed either outside of the nest to elicit paternal retrievals (retrieval group) or in the nest to discourage paternal retrievals (nonretrieval group). Testosterone was elevated at 45-min, but not 90-min, post-manipulation in retrieved compared to nonretrieved pups. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between pup retrievals and testosterone in the 45-min group. This rapid testosterone rise in response to paternal retrievals may facilitate an increase in aggression and vasopressin in adult offspring. Therefore, this period of development previously viewed as hormonally quiescent may be more active in response to paternal behavior than previously thought.  相似文献   

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