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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae TIF3 gene encodes the yeast homologue of mammalian translation initiation factor eIF-4B. We have added six histidine residues to the C-terminus of Tif3 protein (Tif3-His6p) and purified the tagged protein by affinity chromatography. Tif3-His6p stimulates translation and mRNA binding to ribosomes in a Tif3-dependent in vitro system. Furthermore, it binds to single-stranded RNA and catalyses the annealing of partially complementary RNA strands in vitro. In parallel experiments, RNA annealing activity could also be demonstrated for mammalian eIF-4B. A role for Tif3/eIF-4B and RNA annealing activity in the scanning process is proposed.  相似文献   

A Pause  N Sonenberg 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(7):2643-2654
eIF-4A is a translation initiation factor that exhibits bidirectional RNA unwinding activity in vitro in the presence of another translation initiation factor, eIF-4B and ATP. This activity is thought to be responsible for the melting of secondary structure in the 5' untranslated region of eukaryotic mRNAs to facilitate ribosome binding. eIF-4A is a member of a fast growing family of proteins termed the DEAD family. These proteins are believed to be RNA helicases, based on the demonstrated in vitro RNA helicase activity of two members (eIF-4A and p68) and their homology in eight amino acid regions. Several related biochemical activities were attributed to eIF-4A: (i) ATP binding, (ii) RNA-dependent ATPase and (iii) RNA helicase. To determine the contribution of the highly conserved regions to these activities, we performed site-directed mutagenesis. First we show that recombinant eIF-4A, together with recombinant eIF-4B, exhibit RNA helicase activity in vitro. Mutations in the ATPase A motif (AXXXXGKT) affect ATP binding, whereas mutations in the predicted ATPase B motif (DEAD) affect ATP hydrolysis. We report here that the DEAD region couples the ATPase with the RNA helicase activity. Furthermore, two other regions, whose functions were unknown, have also been characterized. We report that the first residue in the HRIGRXXR region is involved in ATP hydrolysis and that the SAT region is essential for RNA unwinding. Our results suggest that the highly conserved regions in the DEAD box family are critical for RNA helicase activity.  相似文献   

We identified and mapped RNA-binding sites of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae translation initiation factor eIF4G1 and examined their importance for eIF4G1 function in vitro and in vivo. Yeast eIF4G1 binds to single-stranded RNA with three different sites, the regions of amino acids 1-82 (N terminus), 492-539 (middle), and 883-952 (C terminus). The middle and C-terminal RNA-binding sites represent RS (arginine and serine)-rich domains; the N-terminal site is asparagine-, glutamine- and glycine-rich. The three RNA-binding sites have similar affinity for single-stranded RNA, whereas the affinity for single-stranded RNA full-length eIF4G1 is about 100-fold higher (approximate K(d) of 5 x 10(-8) M). Replacement of the arginine residues in the middle RS site by alanine residues abolishes its RNA-binding activity. Deletion of individual RNA-binding sites shows that eIF4G1 molecules lacking one binding site are still active in supporting growth of yeast cells and translation in vitro, whereas eIF4G1 molecules lacking two or all three RNA-binding sites are strongly impaired or inactive. These data suggest that RNA-binding activity is required for eIF4G1 function.  相似文献   

The mechanism of ribosome binding to eucaryotic mRNAs is not well understood, but it requires the participation of eucaryotic initiation factors eIF-4A, eIF-4B, and eIF-4F and the hydrolysis of ATP. Evidence has accumulated in support of a model in which these initiation factors function to unwind the 5'-proximal secondary structure in mRNA to facilitate ribosome binding. To obtain direct evidence for initiation factor-mediated RNA unwinding, we developed a simple assay to determine RNA helicase activity, and we show that eIF-4A or eIF-4F, in combination with eIF-4B, exhibits helicase activity. A striking and unprecedented feature of this activity is that it functions in a bidirectional manner. Thus, unwinding can occur either in the 5'-to-3' or 3'-to-5' direction. Unwinding in the 5'-to-3' direction by eIF-4F (the cap-binding protein complex), in conjunction with eIF-4B, was stimulated by the presence of the RNA 5' cap structure, whereas unwinding in the 3'-to-5' direction was completely cap independent. These results are discussed with respect to cap-dependent versus cap-independent mechanisms of ribosome binding to eucaryotic mRNAs.  相似文献   

The mammalian translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is a prototype member of the DEAD-box RNA helicase family that couples ATPase activity to RNA binding and unwinding. In the crystal form, eIF4A has a distended "dumbbell" structure consisting of two domains, which probably undergo a conformational change, on binding ATP, to form a compact, functional structure via the juxtaposition of the two domains. Moreover, additional conformational changes between two domains may be involved in the ATPase and helicase activity of eIF4A. The molecular basis of these conformational changes, however, is not understood. Here, we generated RNA aptamers with high affinity for eIF4A by in vitro RNA selection-amplification. On binding, the RNAs inhibit ATP hydrolysis. One class of RNAs contains members that exhibit dissociation constant of 27 nM for eIF4A and severely inhibit cap-dependent in vitro translation. The binding affinity was increased on Arg substitution in the conserved motif Ia of eIF4A, which probably improves a predicted arginine network to bind RNA substrates. Selected RNAs, however, failed to bind either domain of eIF4A that had been split at the linker site. These findings suggest that the selected RNAs interact cooperatively with both domains of eIF4A, either in the dumbbell or the compact form, and entrap it into a dead-end conformation, probably by blocking the conformational change of eIF4A. The selected RNAs, therefore, represent a new class of specific inhibitors that are suitable for the analysis of eukaryotic initiation, and which pose a potential therapeutic against malignancies that are caused by aberrant translational control.  相似文献   

The ribonucleoprotein complex telomerase is critical for replenishing chromosome-end sequence during eukaryotic DNA replication. The template for the addition of telomeric repeats is provided by the RNA component of telomerase. However, in budding yeast, little is known about the structure and function of most of the remainder of the telomerase RNA. Here, we report the identification of a paired element located immediately 5' of the template region in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase RNA. Mutations disrupting or replacing the helical element showed that this structure, but not its exact nucleotide sequence, is important for telomerase function in vivo and in vitro. Biochemical characterization of a paired element mutant showed that the mutant generated longer products and incorporated noncognate nucleotides. Sequencing of in vivo synthesized telomeres from this mutant showed that DNA synthesis proceeded beyond the normal template. Thus, the S. cerevisiae element resembles a similar element found in Kluyveromyces budding yeasts with respect to a function in template boundary specification. In addition, the in vitro activity of the paired element mutant indicates that the RNA element has additional functions in enzyme processivity and in directing template usage by telomerase.  相似文献   

R Coppolecchia  P Buser  A Stotz    P Linder 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(10):4005-4011
We have isolated a gene, STM1, which encodes a new translation initiation factor from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene acts, if present on a multicopy plasmid, as a suppressor of a temperature-sensitive mutation in eIF-4A. The single copy STM1 gene is not essential, but disruption causes a slow growth phenotype. Analysis of polysomes from a strain carrying a disrupted stm1 allele shows a clear defect in translation initiation as shown by a strong reduction in polysomes and an increase in the monosomes. Sequence analysis revealed interesting features of the putative Stm1 protein. Comparison of the entire protein sequence with databanks showed some similarity with the human eIF-4B protein. The Stm1 protein has potential RNP1 and RNP2 motifs characteristic for RNA-binding proteins. The protein also contains six highly conserved direct repeats of 21-26 amino acids and one partial repeat.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4A is an essential protein that, in conjunction with eIF4B, catalyzes the ATP-dependent melting of RNA secondary structure in the 5'-untranslated region of mRNA during translation initiation. In higher eukaryotes, eIF4A is assumed to be recruited to the mRNA through its interaction with eIF4G. However, the failure to detect this interaction in yeast brought into question the generality of this model. The work presented here demonstrates that yeast eIF4G interacts with eIF4A both in vivo and in vitro. The eIF4A-binding site was mapped to amino acids 542-883 of yeast eIF4G1. Expression in yeast cells of the eIF4G1 domain that binds eIF4A results in cell growth inhibition, and addition of this domain to an eIF4A-dependent in vitro system inhibits translation in a dose-dependent manner. Both in vitro translation and cell growth can be specifically restored by increasing the eIF4A concentration. These data demonstrate that yeast eIF4A and eIF4G interact and suggest that this interaction is required for translation and cell growth.  相似文献   

The translation initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E) is involved in the recognition of the cap structure at the 5' end of eukaryotic mRNA and facilitates ribosome binding. Subsequently, additional initiation factors mediate ribosomal scanning of mRNA and initiator AUG recognition (Shatkin, A. J. (1985) Cell 40, 223-224; Rhoads, R. E. (1988) Trends Biochem. Sci. 13, 52-56; Edery, I., Pelletier, J., and Sonenberg, N. (1987) in Translational Regulation of Gene Expression (Ilan, J., ed) pp. 335-366, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York). We show here that initiation factor 4E is functionally conserved between the unicellular eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammals. Although the amino acid identity of the factors from both species is limited to only 33%, mouse eIF-4E can substitute for yeast eIF-4E in vivo without major effects on cell viability, growth, and mating. This finding provides a starting point for new experimental strategies to investigate the structure-function relationship of eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF-4E.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF4G) plays a crucial multimodulatory role in mRNA translation and decay by interacting with other translation factors and mRNA-associated proteins. In this study, we isolated eight different RNA aptamers with high affinity to mammalian eIF4G by in vitro RNA selection amplification. Of these, three aptamers (apt3, apt4, and apt5) inhibited the cap-dependent translation of two independent mRNAs in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. The cap-independent translation directed by an HCV internal ribosome entry site was not affected. Addition of exogenous eIF4G reversed the aptamer-mediated inhibition of translation. Even though apt3 and apt4 were selected independently, they differ only by two nucleotides. The use of truncated eIF4G variants in binding experiments indicated that apt4 (and probably apt3) bind to both the middle and C-terminal domains of eIF4G, while apt5 binds only to the middle domain of eIF4G. Corresponding to the difference in the binding sites in eIF4G, apt4, but not apt5, hindered eIF4G from binding to eIF4A and eIF3, in a purified protein solution system as well as in a crude lysate system. Therefore, the inhibition of translation by apt4 (and apt3) is due to the inhibition of formation of initiation factor complexes involving eIF4A and eIF3. On the other hand, apt5 had a much weaker affinity to eIF4G than apt4, but inhibited translation much more efficiently by an unknown mechanism. The five additional aptamers have sequences and predicted secondary structures that are largely different from each other and from apt3 through apt5. Therefore, we speculate that these seven sets of aptamers may bind to different regions in eIF4G in different fashions.  相似文献   

The Ded1 protein (Ded1p), a member of the DEAD-box family, has recently been shown to be essential for translation initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we show that Ded1p purified from Escherichia coli has an ATPase activity, which is stimulated by various RNA substrates. Using an RNA strand-displacement assay, we show that Ded1p has also an ATP-dependent RNA unwinding activity. Hydrolysis of ATP is required for this activity: the replacement of ATP by a nonhydrolyzable analog or a mutation in the DEAD motif abolishing ATPase activity results in loss of RNA unwinding. We find that cells harboring a Ded1 protein with this mutated DEAD motif are nonviable, suggesting that the ATPase and RNA helicase activities of this protein are essential to the cell. Finally, RNA binding measurements indicate that the presence of ATP, but not ADP, increases the affinity of Ded1p for duplex versus single-stranded RNA; we discuss how this differential effect might drive the unwinding reaction.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4A is the prototypic member of the DEAD box family of proteins and has been proposed to act as an RNA helicase to unwind secondary structure in the 5'-untranslated region of eukaryotic mRNAs. Previous studies have shown that the RNA helicase activity of eIF4A is dependent on the presence of a second initiation factor, eIF4B. In this report, eIF4A has been demonstrated to function independently of eIF4B as an ATP-dependent RNA helicase. The biochemical and kinetic properties of this activity were examined. By using a family of RNA duplexes with an unstructured single-stranded region followed by a duplex region of increasing length and stability, it was observed that the initial rate of duplex unwinding decreased with increasing stability of the duplex. Furthermore, the maximum amount of duplex unwound also decreased with increasing stability. Results suggest that eIF4A acts in a non-processive manner. eIF4B and eIF4H were shown to stimulate the helicase activity of eIF4A, allowing eIF4A to unwind longer, more stable duplexes with both an increase in initial rate and maximum amount of duplex unwound. A simple kinetic model is proposed to explain the mechanism by which eIF4A unwinds RNA duplex structures in an ATP-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Kainuma M  Hershey JW 《Biochimie》2001,83(6):505-514
Translation initiation factor eIF1A is a highly conserved, small, acidic protein that is required for cell growth in yeast. Biochemical studies in vitro implicate eIF1A in dissociating ribosomes, promoting methionyl-tRNA(i) binding to 40S ribosomal subunits, scanning of mRNAs and recognizing the AUG initiation codon. To elucidate the pleiotropic functions of eIF1A in vivo, the factor was depleted by placing its gene behind the repressible GAL1 promoter. After Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were shifted to glucose medium, depletion of eIF1A was seen after 3-4 generations, corresponding with cessation of cell growth. Polysome profiles of the depleted strain showed ribosome run-off from mRNAs, indicating that eIF1A is involved in the initiation phase of translation. A decrease in free 40S ribosomes and an apparent increase in free 60S ribosomes were attributed to the formation of 40S subunit dimers. The result suggests that one of the functions of eIF1A is to prevent formation of 40S dimers. Mutant forms of eIF1A lacking either the positively charged N-terminal region or the negatively charged C-terminal region were constructed and tested for their ability to confer cell growth as the sole source of eIF1A. Either deletion supports cell growth, albeit at a slower rate, and causes a reduction in polysomes, although eIF1A lacking the N-terminal region is more deleterious. Therefore the charged terminal regions contribute to, but are not absolutely essential for, eIF1A function.  相似文献   

A novel DNA helicase has been isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This DNA helicase co-purified with replication factor C (RF-C) during chromatography on S-Sepharose, DEAE-silica gel high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Affi-Gel Blue-agarose, heparin-agarose, single-stranded DNA-cellulose, fast protein liquid chromatography MonoS, and hydroxyapatite HPLC. Surprisingly, the helicase could be separated from RF-C by sedimentation on a glycerol gradient in the presence of 200 mM NaCl. The helicase is probably a homodimer of a 60-kDa polypeptide, which by UV cross-linking has been shown to bind ATP. It has a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity, with a Km for ATP of 60 microM. The DNA helicase activity depends on the hydrolysis of NTP (dNTP), with ATP and dATP the most efficient cofactors, followed by CTP and dCTP. The DNA helicase has a 5' to 3' directionality and is only marginally stimulated by coating the single-stranded DNA with the yeast single-stranded DNA-binding protein RF-A.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor IF1 is an indispensable protein for translation in prokaryotes. No clear function has been assigned to this factor so far. In this study we demonstrate an RNA chaperone activity of this protein both in vivo and in vitro. The chaperone assays are based on in vivo or in vitro splicing of the group I intron in the thymidylate synthase gene (td) from phage T4 and an in vitro RNA annealing assay. IF1 wild-type and mutant variants with single amino acid substitutions have been analyzed for RNA chaperone activity. Some of the IF1 mutant variants are more active as RNA chaperones than the wild-type. Furthermore, both wild-type IF1 and mutant variants bind with high affinity to RNA in a band-shift assay. It is suggested that the RNA chaperone activity of IF1 contributes to RNA rearrangements during the early phase of translation initiation.  相似文献   

The small natural product wortmannin inhibits protein synthesis by modulating several phosphatidylinositol (PI) metabolic pathways. A primary target of wortmannin in yeast is the plasma membrane-associated PI 4-kinase (PI4K) Stt4p, which is required for actin cytoskeleton organization. Here we show that wortmannin treatment or inactivation of Stt4p, but not disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton per se, leads to a rapid attenuation of translation initiation. Interestingly, inactivation of Pik1p, a wortmannin-insensitive, functionally distinct PI4K, implicated in the regulation of Golgi functions and secretion, also results in severe translation initiation defects with a marked increase of the phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2alpha. Because wortmannin largely phenocopies the effects of rapamycin (e.g. it triggers nuclear accumulation of Gln3p), it likely also inhibits the PI kinase-related, target of rapamycin (TOR) kinases. Importantly, however, neither inactivation of Stt4p nor Pik1p significantly affects TOR-controlled readouts other than translation initiation, indicating that these PI4Ks do not simply function upstream of TOR. Together, our results reveal the existence of a novel translation initiation control mechanism in yeast that is tightly coupled to the synthesis of distinct PI4P pools.  相似文献   

eIF-4A is a eukaryotic translation initiation factor that is required for mRNA binding to ribosomes. It exhibits single-stranded RNA-dependent ATPase activity, and in combination with a second initiation factor, eIF-4B, it exhibits duplex RNA helicase activity. eIF-4A is the prototype of a large family of proteins termed the DEAD box protein family, whose members share nine highly conserved amino acid regions. The functions of several of these conserved regions in eIF-4A have previously been assigned to ATP binding, ATPase, and helicase activities. To define the RNA-binding region of eIF-4A, a UV-induced cross-linking assay was used to analyze binding of mutant eIF-4A proteins to RNA. Mutants carrying mutations in the ATP-binding region (AXXXXGKT), ATPase region (DEAD), helicase region (SAT), and the most carboxy-terminal conserved region of the DEAD family, HRIGRXXR, were tested for RNA cross-linking. We show that mutations, either conservative or not, in any one of the three arginines in the HRIGRXXR sequence drastically reduced eIF-4A cross-linking to RNA. In addition, all the mutations in the HRIGRXXR region abrogate RNA helicase activity. Some but not all of these mutations affect ATP binding and ATPase activity. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the HRIGRXXR region is involved in the ATP hydrolysis reaction and would explain the coupling of ATPase and RNA-binding/helicase activities. Our results show that the HRIGRXXR region, which is QRXGRXXR or QXXGRXXR in the RNA and DNA helicases of the helicase superfamily II, is involved in ATP hydrolysis-dependent RNA interaction during unwinding. We also show that mutations in other regions of eIF-4A that abolish ATPase activity sharply decrease eIF-4A cross-linking to RNA. A model is proposed in which eIF-4A first binds ATP, resulting in a change in eIF-4A conformation which allows RNA binding that is dependent on the HRIGRXXR region. Binding of RNA induces ATP hydrolysis, leading to a more stable interaction with RNA. This process is then linked to unwinding of duplex RNA in the presence of eIF-4B.  相似文献   

MicroReview Control of translation initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first observations regarding the control of translation initiation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were made by Fred Sherman and his colleagues in 1971. Elegant genetic studies of the CYC1 gene resulted in the formulation of 'Sherman's Rules' for translation initiation as follows: (i) AUG is the only initiator codon. (ii) the most proximal AUG from the 5' end of a message will serve as the start site of translation; and (iii) if the upstream AUG codon is mutated then initiation begins at the next available AUG in the message. Hidden within these rules is the mechanism of eukaryotic translation initiation, as these very same rules were later shown to apply to higher eukaryotic organisms and were formulated into the scanning model. However, only in the past five years has yeast been taken seriously as an organism for studying the mechanism of eukaryotic translation initiation. The basis for this is that the yeast genes for at least four mammalian translation initiation factor homologues have been identified and the number is growing. Similar factors suggest similar mechanisms for translation initiation between yeast and mammals. For some translation initiation factors, the genetics of yeast has provided new insights into their function. A mechanism for regulating translation initiation in mammalian cells is now evident in yeast. It seems clear that the molecular genetics of yeast coupled with the available in vitro translation system will provide a wealth of information in the future regarding translational control and regulatory mechanisms. The purpose of this review is to summarize what is known about translational control in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Ribosome binding to eukaryotic mRNA is a multistep process which is mediated by the cap structure [m(7)G(5')ppp(5')N, where N is any nucleotide] present at the 5' termini of all cellular (with the exception of organellar) mRNAs. The heterotrimeric complex, eukaryotic initiation factor 4F (eIF4F), interacts directly with the cap structure via the eIF4E subunit and functions to assemble a ribosomal initiation complex on the mRNA. In mammalian cells, eIF4E activity is regulated in part by three related translational repressors (4E-BPs), which bind to eIF4E directly and preclude the assembly of eIF4F. No structural counterpart to 4E-BPs exists in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, a functional homolog (named p20) has been described which blocks cap-dependent translation by a mechanism analogous to that of 4E-BPs. We report here on the characterization of a novel yeast eIF4E-associated protein (Eap1p) which can also regulate translation through binding to eIF4E. Eap1p shares limited homology to p20 in a region which contains the canonical eIF4E-binding motif. Deletion of this domain or point mutation abolishes the interaction of Eap1p with eIF4E. Eap1p competes with eIF4G (the large subunit of the cap-binding complex, eIF4F) and p20 for binding to eIF4E in vivo and inhibits cap-dependent translation in vitro. Targeted disruption of the EAP1 gene results in a temperature-sensitive phenotype and also confers partial resistance to growth inhibition by rapamycin. These data indicate that Eap1p plays a role in cell growth and implicates this protein in the TOR signaling cascade of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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