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Résumé L'auteur a déterminé les relations taxonomiques existant entre 65 souches de lactobacilles isolés du vin et 4 souches de collection, à l'aide de l'analyse adansonienne. Sept phénons 80 et deux phénons 72 sont décrits: ces deux derniers correspondent aux sous genres Streptobacterium et Betabacterium. Deux phénons 80 sont assimilables aux espèces Lactobacillus casei et Lactobacillus plantarum. Les autres phénons comportant plus d'une souche ne correspondent à aucune espèce décrite.Ce travail montre que l'on peut mettre en évidence les caractères phénétiques les plus représentatifs pour les regrouper ensuite dans une clé d'identification et que l'on peut juger de la valeur taxonomique d'un caractère d'intérêt pratique.
Numerical taxonomy of lactobacilli isolated from wines
Summary The author has established the taxonomic relationships between 65 strains of lactobacilli isolated from wines and 4 named cultures, by means of adansonian analysis. Seven 80 phenons and two 72 phenons are described. The latter correspond to the subgenera Streptobacterium and Betabacterium. Two 80 phenons answer to the species L. casei and L. plantarum. The others 80 phenons of more than a strain do not correspond to any known species.This study shows that we can isolate the most representative phenetic characters and gather them again in an identification key and that we can appreciate the taxonomic value of a practical character.

Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié comparativement des souches de Brettanomyces isolées de vins de diverses origines et dans diverses circonstances. En plus des tests habituels de classification, portant surtout sur les caractères morphologiques et sur la fermentation et l'assimilation des différents sucres, il a été procédé notamment aux mesures des intensités respiratoire et fermentatives, à l'établissement des bilans analytiques des produits secondaires formés, à l'étude des besoins en facteurs de croissance.Ces Brettanomyces provenant de vins appartiennent à deux espèces nouvelles, différentes des espèces isolées de la bière. Les auteurs proposent de les nommer Brettanomyces vini et Brettanomyces schanderlii.  相似文献   


Observations on the mycoflora of green and senescent leaves of Loudetia simplex.—Leaves of Loudetia simplex, a common grass of the moist savannah of Ivory Coast, were collected at different growth stages at the end of the life cycle (December) and during the growing period of the plant (June). The study was carried out by indirect techniques, plating on PDA in Petri dishes aliquots of a suspension 1:1000 (fresh weight/volume) of ground leaves.

The isolates belong mainly to Fungi Imperfecti; the distribution of the Fungi includes 20 Moniliaceae, 13 Dematiaceae, 15 Tuberculariaceae, 4 Melanconiales, 9 Sphaeropsidales, 1 Ascomycetes and a number of sterile hyphae, mainly with dark mycelium.

Most of the isolates are commonly recorded on leaves (Cephalosporium acremonium group, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium spp., Monodictys, Phoma). Also present Nigrospora sphaerica, which seems a typical phyllosphere inhabitant in tropical regions.

Even if the data correspond only to two sampling periods they show a high specialization of fungal forms and a succession of microfungi from young to senescent leaves of L. simplex.  相似文献   

Freléchoux F., Meisser M. and Gillet F. 2007. Secondary succession and loss in plant diversity following a grazing decrease in a wooded pasture of the central Swiss Alps. Bot. Helv. 117: 37 – 56. Reduced cattle grazing pressure in the Alps has caused the reforestation of many subalpine pastures during the last decades. To understand the dynamics of natural reforestation and to evaluate how this change affects plant species diversity, we described the vegetation of a wooded pasture in the central Swiss Alps (Sembrancher, Valais) using the integrated synusial method. Based on stratified vegetation relevés in 27 plots,we defined 11 community types at the synusial level (two tree-layer, five shrub-layer, and four herb-layer synusiae), and four community types at the phytocoenosis level (pasture, tall forbs and scrub, wooded pasture and forest). The spatial distribution of these four phytocoenoses suggests that they represent successional stages after abandonment, and that the pathway of vegetation succession depends on the aspect. We suppose that on northern oriented, cool and shady locations, abandoned pastures first develop towards tall-forb meadows and scrub with Alnus viridis, and then to a preforested stage with Picea abies and Larix decidua. In contrast, on western oriented, warm and sunny location, Larix decidua (mainly) and Picea abies directly colonize the abandoned pastures, but further succession finally leads to the same pre-forested stage as on northern slopes. Plant species richness was highest in open areas and decreased by 25% as tree cover increased from 6% to 65%. According to our successional model, plant species diversity is lost more rapidly on northern slopes (with species-poor green alder scrub) than on western slopes (with species-rich young larch forests), suggesting that northern slopes most urgently need an appropriate grazing management. Manuscrit accepté le 28 mars 2007  相似文献   

The protohistoric rock engravings of the region of Mount Bego, located in the Alpes-Maritimes, in the municipality of Tende, include more than 40,000 figurative engravings, such as corniforms, daggers, halberds, axes, reticulates, appendage reticulate, rectangular or oval beaches, anthropomorphs, geometric figures and radiant circles that we consider as an ideogram and more than 60,000 non-figurative signs, such as isolated cupules, isolated cupules of cells, small beaches of cupules, scattered clouds of cupules, bars, which although not figurative are all highly significant. All these engravings, inscribed on more than 4150 rocks spread over 1500 hectares, in eight high mountain valleys, most often made with small cups, were not carried out at random. They have been traced in relation to economic concerns, cosmogonic myths and cultural traditions of the farming and pastoral peoples of the Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Alps during propitiatory rites. It was a period corresponding to the climatic optimum of Chalcolithic where during the summer, in the lower valleys, cultivated fields and pastures dried up. The economic preoccupations of the populations who then occupied the regions located on both sides of the Southern Alps were essentially turned towards the search for water to irrigate cultivated fields and pastures, as evidenced by the petroglyphs inscribed on the rocks: sinuous lines evoking creeks or irrigation canals, rectangular or oval beaches, water catch basins, isolated wells, isolated wells, wells or scattered cups of rain or reticulates, which represent cultivated fields and pastures connected to natural holes or cracks that evoke springs and streams. During propitiatory rites, the engravers addressed the god of the storm, master of the lightning and dispenser of the fertilizing rain, to the great goddess, goddess-mother or goddess-Earth, arms raised in a position of receptivity for collect rain from the sky and bring in spring, with the return of vegetation, abundance to humans.  相似文献   

Résumé Diverses réactions histochimiques (A.P.S. et bleu de toluidine) démontrent que l'épiderme du Gymnarchus niloticus est riche en mucopolysaccharides. Ils se rencontrent à la fois dans le cytoplasme des cellules superficielles de l'épiderme et au niveau des organes récepteurs cutanés de la ligne latérale. Les mucopolysaccharides dans les cellules épidermiques superficielles sont neutres.Les mucopolysaccharides des cavités intraépidermiques des organes de type B et C et du canal de l'organe de type A sont métachromatiques, La métachromasie est due à la présence d'un radical acide carboxylé. Les particularités dans la constitution et la répartition du mucus au niveau de ces trois organes résident dans le fait que l'invagination de la cellule sensorielle de l'organe de type A est occupé par du mucus neutre et que le cytoplasme de la petite cellule de l'organe de type C contient du mucus acide de même nature que celui de la cavité intraépidermique.Il faut admettre que l'origine des mucopolysaccharides réside dans les cellules de soutien qui entourent la cellule sensorielle.
Histochemical investigation of the mucopolysaccharides in the epidermis and lateral line sensory organs of gymnarchus niloticus
Summary The mucopolysaccharide content of different epidermal structures in Gymnarchus niloticus has been demonstrated by two histochemical methods, periodic acid Schiff (P.A.S.) and toluidine blue. Mucopolysaccharides are present in the cytoplasm of the superficial cells and in the three specific cutaneous sensory organs of the lateral line system, type A, B and C.The superficial epidermal cells contain only neutral mucopolysaccharide.The mucopolysaccharides of the intraepidermal cavities in the type B and C organs as well as in the pores of the type A organ are acid; the metachromatic reaction of the toluidine blue demonstrates the presence of an acid carboxylic radicle.Histochemical analysis of the pore contents of the type A organ reveals that the mucus in the pore is acid while that of the sensory cell invagination is neutral.Histochemical differences were determined between the two sensory cells of the organ type C: the cytoplasm of the small sensory cell contains acid mucopolysaccharides while that of the large sensory cell is free of it, although the cytoplasmic invagination (extracellular) of the latter is filled with acid mucus.The results suggest that the mucus in each organ type is produced by the supporting cells surrounding the sensory cells.

Je tiens à remercier le Docteur T. Szabo, dont les conseils pour la présentation de ce travail m'ont été des plus précieux.

Ce travail a été aidé par le contrat No. 659-535 de la D.R.M.E. conclu avec le Docteur T. Szabo, Maître de Recherche au C.N.R.S. Avec la participation de Madame L. Planque, technicienne au C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Les larves et les adultes de la bruche du haricot se nourrissent de deux types d'aliments différents, mais proches en ce qui concerne la composition en hydrates de carbone: les larves consomment des graines de Phaseolus vulgaris et P. coccineus, les adultes s'alimentent principalement avec le pollen de diverses plantes.L'activité des larves et des adultes a été étudiée sur 22 substrats, en vue de préciser les caractéristiques de leur équipement osidasique. Les recherches ont montré que les larves et les adultes possèdent un équipement très important en - et -glucosidases, en - et -galactosidases, ainsi que des activités très importantes sur certains polysaccharides, notamment l'amidon et la pectine, mais l'activité est faible sur les hémicelluloses étudiées, notamment la xylane, l'arabinogalactane et la glucomannane. Les activités sur la carboxyméthylcellulose et la cellulose, ainsi que l'inuline, sont nulles.La corrélation étroite entre la composition en hydrates de carbone de la nourriture et les activités glycosidasiques du canal alimentaire chez les larves et les adultes permet une utilisation optimale des ressources trophiques en hydrates de carbone. Le parallélisme frappant entre le système glycosidasique des larves et celui des adultes a pour explication la ressemblance entre la composition en carbohydrates du pollen et celle de l'endosperme de haricot.
Summary Adults and larvae of Acanthoscelides obtectus eat two different types of food, similar in carbohydrate composition: larvae eat seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus, adults eat principally pollen of various plants. The authors have studied the digestive activity of larvae and adults on 22 different sugars, in order to investigate activity of their glycosidase enzymes. Larvae and adults have a very important complement of - and -glucosidases, - and -galactosidases, and very high activity against certain polysaccharides, notably starch and pectin. The activity is weak on the hemicelluloses tested, notably on xylan, arabinogalactan and glucomannan. No activity is found on carboxymethylcellulose, cellulose and inuline.The close correlation between the carbohydrate composition of the food and the glycosidase activity of the alimentary canal in both larvae and adults enables optimal utilization of carbohydrate resources. The striking parallel between the glycosidase systems of adults and larvae is explained by the similar carbohydrate composition of pollen and bean endosperm.

Analysis of the evolutionary conservation and change of the Y human specific Hae III 2.4 kb repeated sequence were studied between man and anthropoïd species after restriction with EcoRI endonuclease. In chimpanzee, blocks of these repeats are absent, the remaining copies being interspersed with other sequences. A close similarity of the restriction patterns of these sequences is found between gorilla and man.  相似文献   

The genus Pachyerymnoceras, with four new species,is described for the first time in Western Algeria. The genus first appears in the Middle Callovia (Coronatum Zone) as in Saudi Arabia. It is represented in the Saida region by uncommon P. praecox nov. sp. followed during the Upper Callovian (Athleta Zone) by specimens belonging to P. flamandi sp. nov., P. kmerense nov. sp. and P. saidense nov. sp. Every species is represented by a dimorphic pair.Pachyceratidae are put into Perisphinctaceae. If Pachyerymnoceras arises from Erymnoceras, a genus suddenly appearing during the Middle Callovian on northern and southern Tethyan borders, the origin of Erymnoceras is still unknown. Three phylogenetic hypothesis are considered here. Erymnoceras may have evolved during Lower Callovian: 1) from serpenticonic Tethyan Pseudoperisphinctinae like Choffatia (Subgrossouvria); 2) from Tulitids via ellipticoncic Bullatimorphites (Kheraiceras); 3) through a double lineage arisen in Subboreal and Tethyan platyconic Proplanulitids.Pachyceratids have a wide paleobiogeographic distribution in NW Europe and on the Tethyan margins. The genus Pachyerymnoceras evolves in Ethiopian Province of the Tethyan Realm. Some species migrate into Indo-Malagasian Province and others, through the south Tethyan border came to Europe were they are found restricted to Upper Callovian (Athleta and Lamberti Zones). Therefore this migration has a duration of two or even three zones.  相似文献   

Summary Euglena, gracilis chloroplasts and mitochondria can be seen as a network. This diverticulated structure of the plastidome is only observed in non-dividing cells, during the cell cycle or during the stationnary phase of growth. We have used successions of serial sectioning (0.5 m thick) to reconstitute chloroplast network in three dimensional model.  相似文献   

Résumé Le programme biogaz au Burundi a démarré par la création d'un Département chargé de la mise au point de stratégies de vulgarisation de nouvelles sources d'énergie. Au sein de ce Département on a établi les constats suivants: (1) la nécessité de former des cadres et d'établir un inventaire de la biomasse biodégradable au Burundi; (2) un problème de collecte des déchets et de distribution du gaz et des effluents dû à l'habitat dispersé; (3) l'existence de collectivités (écoles, hôpitaux, casernes); et (4) l'évacuation dans le lac Tanganyka des déchets des usines agro-alimentaires. En conséquence le Burundi a fait appel à trois formes de coopération. Un financement de l'Administration Belge de la Coopération au Développement a permis l'éstablissement d'un centre de démonstration et d'un laboratoire responsables de recherches, cours de formation, démonstration et suivis scientifiques et techniques. Un financement du Gouvernement Burundais permet à trois experts chinois la réalisation de digesteurs pilotes à raison de cinq à six par province. Un financement de la GTZ permet la diffusion de la technologie par le biais de la mise en place d'une structure (bureaux régionaux, formation de techniciens maçons et de multiplicateurs potentiels) et la construction d'installations.
Summary The Burundi biogas programme started with the setting up of a new Department with the overall responsibility for the popularization of new sources of energy. The biogas programme started because : (1) it was felt necessary to train staff and to establish an inventory of the biodegradable biomass in Burundi; (2) a largely scattered habitat complicated both the collection of domestic waste and the distribution of gas; (3) there existed large communities like schools, hospitals, etc.; and (4) the fact that Lake Tanganyka was more and more used as a dumping area for the wastes of the agro-industrial industry. Thus three cooperation programmes were started. From Belgium a funding by BADC allowed setting up of a demonstration centre and laboratory to promote research on biomethanation, to train personnel and permit scientific and technical follow-up of biomethanation projects. Three Chinese experts were recruited to help realize pilot digesters in all the provinces. And finally a programme funded by West Germany realized the dissemination of the technology through the country with the training of peasants via local training centres.

Resumen El programa de biogas de Burundi empezó con la creación de un nuevo departamento con la misión de popularizar nuevas fuentes de energía. El programa de biogas empezó porque (1) se creyó necesaria la formación de personal y el establecimiento de un inventario de la biomasa biodegradable en Burundi, (2) el hábitat muy desperdigado complica tanto la recolección de basuras domésticas como la distribución de gas, (3) existen comunidades numerosas como escuelas, hospitales etc. y (4) el lago Tanganika se estaba utilizando cada vez más como un basurero para los desechos de la industria agro-industrial. Así pues se iniciaron tres programas de cooperación: Bélgica mediante la financiación del BADC permitió la creación de un centro de demostración y de un laboratorio para promocionar la investigación en biometanación, formar al personal y permitir un seguimiento científico y técnico de los proyectos de biometanación. Se ha obtenido la colaboración de tres expertos chinos para ayundar a la realización de digestores piloto en todas las provincias. Y finalmente un programa financiado por Alemania Occidental se encarga de la distridución de la tecnología por todo el país formando campesinos a través de centros de formación locales.

The rooting capacity of leaves isolated from a vegetative clone ofAnagallis arvensis L. exposed to 9 hours of light (75 W m−2) at 22 °C and 15 hours of dark at 12 °C a day is significant only in F1 young leaves and not in adult ones. The rooting capacity of the young leaves and of the vegetative shoots is greater in longer photoperiods. The leaves make roots even under weak (14 W m−2) irradiance. The rooting capacity of the leaves is diminished and even suppressed by exogenous sucrose (14,60 ×10−3M). This inhibition may be counteracted by IAA (10−6M). When leaves and shoots are taken from clones under long (16 h) photoperiods, or in constant irradiance, they progressively lose their rooting capacity during the treatment. Rooting capaoity is regained if the clones are returned again to “short day” (9 h) condition.   相似文献   

Summary Cotyledonary cells are submitted to fractionation by isopycnic centrifugation. Small intact protein bodies are collected in the densest zones (d=1.205–1.237 g/cm3). Fragments of larger bodies are gathered in zones of lower density (d=1.205 g/cm3). Small dense bodies are largely sedimentable after dilution, whereas fragments of the large bodies dissociate into a dense sedimentable clot and into floating elements which contain most of the globulins and all of the albumins. Among the dissociated floating components are the BAPA-active endopeptidases and the trypsin inhibitors (BAPA=-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide). A caseolytic activity remains with the dense mass. The localisation of the albumins, globulins, proteases and trypsin inhibitors is discussed. Relations between solubility, structure and function are considered.
Abréviation BAPA -N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide  相似文献   

Résumé Les observations photoniques et ultramicroscopiques concernant les Blastodinium, parasites de Copépodes, étudiés à tous les stades de leur développement intra-intestinal nous ont apporté les résultats suivants:Le Trophocyte subit de profondes transformations nucléaires avant de commencer à se diviser (éndettement nucléolaire et passage des grains ribonucléoprotéiques dans le cytoplasme); les sphères archoplasmiques liées aux noyaux se divisent avant eux et apportent leur contribution dans les synthèses membranaires; la division nucléaire est une pleuromitose simple, sans cinétochores et sans centrioles: on peut observer tous les stades définis de, la mitose, exceptée l'interphase; la métaphase est très difficile à saisir, surtout dans les espèces à mitoses accélérées. Les faisceaux de microtubules contenus dans les plasmodendrites qui perforent les noyaux toujours en mitoses au cours de la sporogenèse, ne sont jamais en contact avec les chromosomes; nous avons entrevu leur rôle dans la cyclose hyaloplasmique. Durant les phénomènes sporogenétiques, un cycle régulier de condensation chromosomique s'effectue, sans perte de DNA. Dans les stades peu condensés, l'arrangement fibrillaire des chromosomes est inorganisé, puis ceux-ci montrent un agencement en séries d'arceaux réguliers qui disparaît dans les stades les plus condensés.L'enveloppe nucléaire joue un rôle prépondérant dans la traction, l'orientation et la ségrégation du matériel chromosomique. Nous avons recherché également une série d'explications concernant le déterminisme des phénomènes de condensation chromatique.Dans cet exemple précis, noyaux et phénomènes mitotiques démontrent parfaitement cette situation intermédiaire des Dinoflagellés, entre Bactéries et Eucaryotes.
Nuclear structures of Blastodinium Chatton (parasitic dinoflagellates)Division and chromatic Condensation
The mitotic mechanism in Blastodinium Chatton has been studied by photonic and electronic microscopy. Divisions of the archoplasmic spheres precede that of the nuclei and their movements are interconnected. Stages of mitosis follow one another without interphase; they are telescoped, which makes the study of the chromosome cycle more difficult. Progressive condensation of nuclei and chromosomes takes place in the various sporogenetic layers within the same parasite. Cytophotometric measurements show that there is no loss of DNA during successive mitosis. The nuclear envelope plays an important part in the traction, orientation and segregation of the chromosomes. The cytoplasmic invagination which perforate the nuclei contain considerable masses of microtubules whose role in the activation of the hyaloplasmic cyclosis and membranous synthesis is suggested.—In longitudinal section, the chromosomes show a fibrillar arrangement in regular arches in the non-condensed stages and irregular arches in more condensed stages, with a lesser diameter.—The type of nuclear division is a very simple pleuromitosis without kinetochores and centrioles; the role of the nuclear envelope in the chromosomal mechanism appears to be preponderant.

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