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彩万志 《昆虫知识》2002,39(6):464-467,455
文章介绍了虫形飞机的概念和用途,类型,基本结构,设计与制造难点等方面,并简单介绍了我国有关研究情况。  相似文献   

半咸水介形虫tanella opima Chen的种群动态研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
上海芦潮港潮间带1982—1983年季节性沉积物样品中半咸水介形虫Tanella opima的种群动态调查表明,该种为多年生类型,其种群年龄和性比结构均具明显的季节性变化。繁殖活动受水温控制;4—10月产卵,水温不低于16℃;5—10月孵化,水温在20℃以上,种群在温暖季节(5—10月)由7个未成熟龄期的幼虫和成虫所组成,性比以雌性占优势;在寒冷季节(11—4月)则缺失前3个龄期的幼虫,性比以雄性为主。种群中最初2个龄期幼虫在母体壳内成长,这很可能是造成死种群和化石群中极少发现它们的原因。  相似文献   

葡萄碘泡虫Myxobolus acinosus Nie & Li, 1973、似葡萄碘泡虫Myxobolus pseudoacinosus Guo, et al., 2018和茄形碘泡虫Myxobolus toyamai Kudo, 1917形态非常相似, 有着共同的宿主和相同的寄生部位, 是病原鉴定中容易混淆的种。文章基于形态学和18S rRNA基因信息对三者进行了鉴别和分子系统学研究。成熟孢子形态特征的比较分析显示, 三者形态存在显著差异。葡萄碘泡虫与似葡萄碘泡虫18S rDNA序列相似度为98.4—98.8%, 遗传距离为0.013—0.020; 葡萄碘泡虫与茄形碘泡虫18S rDNA序列相似度为96.1—97.2%, 遗传距离为0.038—0.042; 似葡萄碘泡虫和茄形碘泡虫18S rDNA序列相似度为96.4—97.6%, 遗传距离为0.033—0.040。18S rDNA序列比对显示, 葡萄碘泡虫含有15个关键变异位点, 可将该虫与似葡萄碘泡虫和茄形碘泡虫区分; 似葡萄碘泡虫含有5个关键变异位点, 可将该虫与葡萄碘泡虫和茄形碘泡虫区分; 茄形碘泡虫含有33个关键变异位点可将该虫与葡萄碘泡虫和似葡萄碘泡虫区分。18S rRNA二级结构V4区的E23-2构型可将葡萄碘泡虫与似葡萄碘泡虫和茄形碘泡虫区分, 而V7区的H43构型可将茄形碘泡虫与葡萄碘泡虫和似葡萄碘泡虫区分。以上表明, 三者无论在形态上还是在遗传上均具有独立物种的特征。系统发育分析显示, 葡萄碘泡虫、似葡萄碘泡虫和茄形碘泡虫为系统树中分化较晚的一支。  相似文献   

蚁形郭公虫生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶辉  王文 《昆虫知识》1999,36(2):86-88
蚁形郭公虫Thanasimusformicarius(L.)属鞘翅目(Chlaptera),郭公虫科(Cleridea),为小蠹虫重要的捕食性天敌[1]。蚁形郭公虫的幼虫和成虫均表现出较强的猎物搜寻和捕食能力,可以借助小蠹虫释放的聚集信息素确定小蠹虫的行踪,并能挖掘隧道深入到树皮内捕食蠹虫[2,3];此外,该虫的主要捕食时期与多种小蠹虫的发生期相吻合,对春季出现较早的小合虫具有显著的控制效果[4]。90年代初,为对正在美国大湖地区迅速蔓延的纵坑切梢小蠹实施生物控制,美国农业部特地从欧洲引进了20…  相似文献   

本文报道重庆市江北县家鸭肠内获得标本10条,经鉴定为多形属一新种——重庆多形棘头虫。本文详细描述了此新种的形态并与近似种台湾多形棘头虫进行了比较。  相似文献   

太湖现生介形虫   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
分别于1989年和2004年两次共采集了43个太湖表层沉积物样品,检查发现其中的34个样品中含有现生介形虫,共计12属15种,其中Dolerocypria taalensis,Fabae formiscandona cf.fabaeformis,Physocypria kraepelini和Darwinula stevensoni等4个种最为常见和数量最多,构成了太湖现生介形虫群中的优势成分。长期以来,国内有学者将水体矿化度180mg/l作为介形虫生存的低极限值,由此认为矿化度低于此值的太湖等水体中不存在介形虫(杨留法,1986,1992)。本次调查和国外的相关资料证明,淡水介形虫可以在矿化度低于180mg/l的水体中生存。  相似文献   

肾形纲的代表属肾形虫属是土壤间隙生境中最为重要的纤毛虫类群之一,其中的某些种类也常见于湖泊、池塘等淡水水体中[1—7]。Foissner 1993年修订后的肾形虫属(包括30个种),其将迅捷(快速)肾形虫Colpoda fastigataKahl,1931,固囊肾形虫C·matritensisOcariz,et al·,1965和莫氏拟肾形虫Paracolpoda maupasi(Enriques,1908)Lynn,1975等纤毛虫作为莫氏肾形虫C·maupasiEnriques,1908的同物异名[2]。之后,Foissner又报道了2新种和1新亚种[3,8]。因为原生动物现代研究技术是始于近几十年,所以不少纤毛虫种类的形态分类特征还未被详细地研究…  相似文献   

雷朝亮  吴家全 《昆虫知识》1992,29(5):294-296
黑膝愈片隐翅虫在武昌一年发生1代,以成虫越冬;成虫、幼虫均能捕食同翅目、缨翅目昆虫的若虫及鳞翅目昆虫的卵与初孵幼虫;成虫在一年中于4月中、下旬,7月上、中旬有二次活动高峰期。  相似文献   

杨杰 《化石》2003,(1):16-18
昆虫是我们最熟悉的动物之一,美丽的蝴蝶,勤劳的蜜蜂,惹人恼恨的蚊子、苍蝇等,我们几乎随时随地都能看到它们。从干旱的沙漠到江河纵横的湖泊,从赤道热带雨林到两极冰天雪地的苍原,从动、植物的体外到体内,昆虫都成功地侵入并存活繁衍着。目前已经记载的昆虫超过80万种,占整个动物种类总数的3/4还强,其中仅鞘翅目就有33万多种,超过昆虫纲以外所有动物种类的总和。昆虫种内个体数量也往往十分惊人,一窝非洲蚂蚁可以多达24万头,危害草原的蝗虫,迁飞时更是可多至几亿至十几亿头,真是铺天盖地,所过之处寸草不留。自从有…  相似文献   

淅西早寒武世牙形类及高肌虫   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  

昆虫机器混合系统是以昆虫为载体,运动性能优异的新型昆虫机器人.本文首先提出昆虫机器混合系统的定义,分析其主要特点;进而结合蜜蜂机器人的研制,评述该领域的主要研究成果.在此基础上,概括了昆虫机器混合系统的研究框架,从神经生理机制、行为刺激方法、电极组织接口、刺激控制微系统和无线数据传输等几个方面归纳其主要研究挑战,分析其发展趋势,并展望了实现生物智能和机器智能融合的昆虫机器混合系统.  相似文献   

Dragonflies are excellent flyers among insects and their flight ability is closely related to the architecture and material properties of their wings.The veins are main structure components of a dragonfly wing,which are found to be connected by resilin with high elasticity at some joints.A three-dimensional (3D) finite element model of dragonfly wing considering the soft vein joints is developed,with some simplifications.Passive deformation under aerodynamic loads and active flapping motion of the wing are both studied.The functions of soft vein joints in dragonfly flight are concluded.In passive deformation,the chordwise flexibility is improved by soft vein joints and the wing is cambered under loads,increasing the action area with air.In active flapping,the wing rigidity in spanwise direction is maintained to achieve the required amplitude.As a result,both the passive deformation and the active control of flapping work well in dragonfly flight.The present study may also inspire the design of biomimetic Flapping Micro Air Vehicles (FMAVs).  相似文献   

Molecular marker systems in insects: current trends and future avenues   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Behura SK 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(11):3087-3113
Insects comprise the largest species composition in the entire animal kingdom and possess a vast undiscovered genetic diversity and gene pool that can be better explored using molecular marker techniques. Current trends of application of DNA marker techniques in diverse domains of insect ecological studies show that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), microsatellites, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), expressed sequence tags (EST) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers have contributed significantly for progresses towards understanding genetic basis of insect diversity and for mapping medically and agriculturally important genes and quantitative trait loci in insect pests. Apart from these popular marker systems, other novel approaches including transposon display, sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (S-SAP), repeat-associated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers have been identified as alternate marker systems in insect studies. Besides, whole genome microarray and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assays are becoming more popular to screen genome-wide polymorphisms in fast and cost effective manner. However, use of such methodologies has not gained widespread popularity in entomological studies. The current study highlights the recent trends of applications of molecular markers in insect studies and explores the technological advancements in molecular marker tools and modern high throughput genotyping methodologies that may be applied in entomological researches for better understanding of insect ecology at molecular level.  相似文献   

凝集素是一类能够识别特异性糖并与之非共价结合的蛋白或糖蛋白,因其具有特定的识别受体,在免疫系统和发育过程中发挥了重要的作用。鳞翅目昆虫凝集素的相对分子质量一般都相对较小,且活性在该类昆虫的不同发育时期各不相同,说明凝集素活性的诱导机制较为复杂。本文分析了目前国内外初步探索的几种鳞翅目昆虫凝集素及其相关的外源凝集素。  相似文献   

Farrodes nymphs are specialized periphyton/biofilm scrapers. Their maxillae are the most specialized mouthparts, but other elements, with their systems of variously modified setae, are designed to obtain and transport food particles to the pharynx with a minimum of loss. The morphology and adaptations of these mouthparts and related head areas, as well as associated musculature, are described.  相似文献   

<正> The problem of flapping motion control of Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) with flapping wings was studied in this paper.Based upon the knowledge of skeletal and muscular components of hummingbird, a dynamic model for flapping wing wasdeveloped.A control scheme inspired by human memory and learning concept was constructed for wing motion control ofMAVs.The salient feature of the proposed control lies in its capabilities to improve the control performance by learning fromexperience and observation on its current and past behaviors, without the need for system dynamic information.Furthermore,the overall control scheme has a fairly simple structure and demands little online computations, making it attractive for real-timeimplementation on MAVs.Both theoretical analysis and computer simulation confirms its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Timema is the most basal genus of Phasmatodea and the sister group to the remaining stick and leaf-insects (Euphasmatodea). An autapomorphy of all phasmids is the paired prothoracic exocrine defence glands. In this study, the anatomy and innervation of the defence glands in Timema petita and Timema chumash are described and compared with the data on Euphasmatodea. In all phasmids, the glands consist of a cuticular epithelium, a secretory epithelium and muscular fibres that compress the lumen. In Timematodea, the muscular part of the gland is less developed than in Euphasmatodea and the ejection of the defence secretion depends on the dorsal longitudinal neck muscles. On the neuroanatomical level, Timema petita and Timema chumash lack neurons that are involved in the independent contraction of the gland in euphasmids. In both studied species of Timema, neck muscles play an active role in the gland function which is not observed in any other phasmid. Considering the basal position of this genus, this supports the hypothesis that in euphasmids, the muscular part of the gland evolved from the dorsal longitudinal neck muscles. Additionally, the same nerves that innervate the dorsal longitudinal neck muscles in all Polyneoptera also innervate the defence glands in phasmids.  相似文献   

Abstract. The problem of similarity is one of explaining the causes of striking resemblances between patterns and architectural themes that recur in organisms at various scales of biological organization. Classical explanations that have considered only the alternatives of homology and analogy overlook similarities of form that are primarily a consequence of fabrication, conveying little information about evolutionary relationships or functional role. When viewed at successively higher magnifications and when mapped onto a phylogeny, patterns of delicate cancellate microsculpture and granular microprotuberances on the surfaces of larval shells of marine gastropods fail to meet the predictions of exclusively historical or exclusively functional explanations, but are shown to be rich in fabricational information. Similar patterns suggest that early biomineralization of the initial organic shell is under weaker biological control than the processes that modulate assembly of the multi-layered, hierarchically-organized composite materials of the adult shell. Some patterns suggest remote biomineralization, without direct influence of living tissue. Scanning electron microscopy of larval shell features reveals previously undetected variation on basic themes that may have implications for the traditional disciplines of systematics, functional morphology, and fabricational morphology. The integration of the approaches of the traditional divisions of biology is required for full explanation of similarity and to generate a unified set of principles for the analysis of form in living and fossil organisms.  相似文献   

杨海东  白明  李莎  路园园  马德 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1322-1330
【目的】昆虫的翅非常精巧与灵活,翅脉及翅关节的形态及功能长久以来受到众多领域科学家的广泛关注。由于历史条件的限制,昆虫翅的研究主要集中在翅脉,即使少量的有关翅关节形态的研究也主要是停留在二维形态数据分析的层面上。更重要的是,各骨片内部形态结构还未见报道。本研究的目的就是为了重建翅关节骨片内部和外部复杂的三维形态结构,全面呈现利用传统形态学方法无法获得的形态学信息,进而深入探究昆虫翅的形态与功能的关系。【方法】本文利用显微CT对鞘翅目4种金龟进行了扫描,通过计算机三维重建技术,对折叠和展开状态时后翅关节各个骨片(第1, 2和3腋片及中片)的内部和外部的三维形态进行研究,展示和分析昆虫翅关节内部与外部形态结构和空间运动的复杂性。【结果】翅关节骨片的三维重建模型及虚拟切面图展示了其复杂的外部形态,主要表现在表面曲率的不均匀变化和部分结构的互相遮挡两个方面。前者主要表现骨片表面具有突起、沟槽、弯折以及外长物等。后者指各骨片均呈现了不同程度的弯折,有的弯折还会互相接触,最终形成筒状结构,这样不可避免造成部分结构被遮挡或包裹。三维重建模型的断层图显示了翅关节骨片并非是实心的结构,而是分为两层:靠近表皮的为高度骨化的外骨骼,而靠近骨片核心则为疏松的类似海绵状结构。本文还展示了各个骨片在后翅折叠状和展开状态下的空间位置,并对所研究的4个科的翅关节骨片的三维形态进行了比较。【结论】翅关节骨片具有复杂的内部和外部形态结构。关节骨片的内部海绵结构和外层强烈骨化的双层结构,可能与其尽量减小骨片的重量和节约运动能量,同时又尽量保持骨片的刚性结构的形态适应策略有关。此类形态适应在材料学、空气动力学等领域具有重要的仿生学意义。  相似文献   

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