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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of second-stage juveniles (J2), males, and females of Meloidodera floridensis, M. charis, M. belli, and Verutus volvingentis reveals detailed characteristics of the head region, lateral field, phasmid, body striae, vulva, and perineal region. In M. charis and M. belli the en face pattern conforms to a basic pattern in which the labial disc is surrounded by six lips (sectors) of the first head annulation. In J2 the head has additional annulations, whereas in males annulation is replaced by longitudinal blocks. Conversely, J2 and males of M. floridensis and V. volvingentis each have a unique derived face pattern with fusion of various lip components and with head annulation. All six lips of females of M. charis and M. belli are fused, whereas females of M. floridensis and V. volvingentis have distinct lateral lips. Lateral fields vary among species, with only slight differences at the anterior and posterior ends of the lateral lines and in the spatial relation of the lines to phasmid openings. Phasmid openings are present in adults of Meloidodera spp., but were not observed in adults of V. volvingentis; in this respect, the female perineal pattern of Verutus is different from Meloidodera spp, The very large vulva (± 48 μm long) of V. volvingentis is in sharp contrast to the minute vulva (± 6 μm long) in a population of M. charis from San Bernardino. Morphological characters revealed by SEM will be most informative when investigated throughout Heteroderidae and incorporated with additional characters for a phylogenetic analysis of the family.  相似文献   

Atalodera ucri, Wouts and Sher, 1971, and A. lonicerae, (Wouts, 1973) Luc et al., 1978, induce similar multinucleate syncytia in roots of golden bush and honeysuckle, respectively. The syncytium is initiated in the cortex; as it expands, it includes several partially delimited syncytial units and distorts vascular tissue. Outer walls of the syncytium are relatively smooth and thickest near the feeding site of the nematode; inner walls are interrupted by perforations which enlarge as syncytial units increase in size. The cytoplasm of the syncytium is granular and includes numerous plastids, mitochondria, vacuoles, Golgi, and a complex network of membranes. Nuclei are greatly enlarged and amoeboid in shape. Although more than one nucleus sometimes occur in a given syncytial unit, no mitotic activity was observed. Syncytia induced by species of Atalodera chiefly differ from those of Heterodera sensu lato by the absence of cell wall ingrowths; wall ingrowths increase solute transport and characterize transfer cells. In syncytia of Atalodera spp., a high incidence of pits and pit fields in walls adjacent to vasctdar elements suggests that in this case plasmodesmata provide the pathway for increased entry of sohttes. The formation of a syncytium by species of Atalodera and Heterodera sensu lato, but a single uninucleate giant cell by Sarisodera and Hylonema, indicates a pattern of host responses that may be useful, with other characters, for phylogenetic inference for Heteroderidae.  相似文献   

We captured, ectoparasite-combed, and blood-sampled cave-roosting Madagascan fruit bats (Eidolon dupreanum) and tree-roosting Madagascan flying foxes (Pteropus rufus) in four single-species roosts within a sympatric geographic foraging range for these species in central Madagascar. We describe infection with novel Bartonella spp. in sampled Eidolon dupreanum and associated bat flies (Cyclopodia dubia), which nest close to or within major known Bartonella lineages; simultaneously, we report the absence of Bartonella spp. in Thaumapsylla sp. fleas collected from these same bats. This represents the first documented finding of Bartonella infection in these species of bat and bat fly, as well as a new geographic record for Thaumapsylla sp. We further relate the absence of both Bartonella spp. and ectoparasites in sympatrically sampled Pteropus rufus, thus suggestive of a potential role for bat flies in Bartonella spp. transmission. These findings shed light on transmission ecology of bat-borne Bartonella spp., recently demonstrated as a potentially zoonotic pathogen.  相似文献   

SEM examination of second-stage juveniles (J2) and adults of Atalodera ucri, A. lonicerae (syn. Sherodera lonicerae), Thecavermiculatus sp. (undescribed new species), T. andinus, and T. crassicrustatus revealed new characters. A primitive en face pattern with six separate lips occurs in J2 of Thecavermiculatus spp. examined and in about half the polymorphic A. lonicerae. A derived en face pattern with fused adjacent submedial lips occurs in the other half of A. lonicerae and all A. ucri. Posteriorly, the J2 head of all species is annulated. The primitive en face pattern also occurs in males of A. lonicerae and Thecavermiculatus spp., and posteriorly the head of these species consists of plates. Fewer plates occur rarely in males of A. ucri. Males of A. ucri have a derived en face pattern where lips are fused and the head is annulated. Fusion of lips occurs rarely in males of A. lonicerae. Females of all species have similar derived en face patterns. En face patterns of J2 and males o f Atalodera and Thecavermiculatus may aid in species identification and to elucidate intergeneric relationships, but en face characters shared by the two genera are primitive and are not useful for demonstrating monophyly. Perineal region of females indicates the closeness of the vulval-anal distance, as a derived character, which is shared by Atalodera and most Thecavermiculatus spp. suggesting possible monophyly. T. andinus, while having a similar en face pattern to J2 of other Thecavermiculatus species, lacks the derived character of the perineal region. Phasmid openings were not observed in adults of any of the species examined.  相似文献   

Fluorescent conjugates of the lectins soybean agglutinin (SBA), Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin (LOT), and Limulus polyphemus agglutinin (LPA) bound primarily to amphidial openings and amphidial secretions of viable, preinfective second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita races 1 and 3 (Mil, Mi3) and M. javanica (Mj). No substantial difference in fluorescent lectin binding was observed among the populations examined. Binding of only LOT and LPA were inhibited in the presence of 0.1 M competitive sugar. Structural differences in amphidial carbohydrate complexes among populations of Mi 1, Mi3, and Mj were revealed by glycohydrolase treatment of preinfective J2 and subsequent labeling with fluorescent lectins. A quantitative microfiltration enzyme-linked lectin assay revealed previously undetected differences in lectin binding to nonglycohydrolase-treated J2. Freinfective J2 of Mj bound the greatest amount of SBA, LOT, and WGA, whereas J2 of Mil bound the most LPA.  相似文献   

A procedure for extracting eggs of Meloidogyne spp. from soil was developed by modifying and combining certain existing techniques. Egg masses were elutriated from the soft, gelatinous matrices of the egg masses were dissolved, and the dispersed eggs were stained to facilitate counting. Data on egg population densities thus obtained facilitate the study of population dynamics of Meloidogyne spp. and the analysis of root-knot epidemics.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of the winter survival dynamics of Meloidagyne spp. was developed by considering the roles of egg hatching and juvenile mortality and the initial populations of eggs and juveniles at the onset of winter. Two distinct patterns of juvenile dynamics appear which depend upon the numerical values of the model parameters. The model predicts whether eggs or juveniles are the major component of overwintering nematode populations at any time prior to planting. The model could be elaborated to include egg viability and differential mortality of eggs but at some cost in ease of mathematical analysis. A general procedure for fitting the proposed model to experimental or observational data is outlined.  相似文献   

Bartonella species are blood-borne, re-emerging organisms, capable of causing prolonged infection with diverse disease manifestations, from asymptomatic bacteremia to chronic debilitating disease and death. This pathogen can survive for over a month in stored blood. However, its prevalence among blood donors is unknown, and screening of blood supplies for this pathogen is not routinely performed. We investigated Bartonella spp. prevalence in 500 blood donors from Campinas, Brazil, based on a cross-sectional design. Blood samples were inoculated into an enrichment liquid growth medium and sub-inoculated onto blood agar. Liquid culture samples and Gram-negative isolates were tested using a genus specific ITS PCR with amplicons sequenced for species identification. Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana antibodies were assayed by indirect immunofluorescence. B. henselae was isolated from six donors (1.2%). Sixteen donors (3.2%) were Bartonella-PCR positive after culture in liquid or on solid media, with 15 donors infected with B. henselae and one donor infected with Bartonella clarridgeiae. Antibodies against B. henselae or B. quintana were found in 16% and 32% of 500 blood donors, respectively. Serology was not associated with infection, with only three of 16 Bartonella-infected subjects seropositive for B. henselae or B. quintana. Bartonella DNA was present in the bloodstream of approximately one out of 30 donors from a major blood bank in South America. Negative serology does not rule out Bartonella spp. infection in healthy subjects. Using a combination of liquid and solid cultures, PCR, and DNA sequencing, this study documents for the first time that Bartonella spp. bacteremia occurs in asymptomatic blood donors. Our findings support further evaluation of Bartonella spp. transmission which can occur through blood transfusions.  相似文献   

The relative DNA content of hypodermal nuclei of preparasitic, 2nd-stage larvae was determined cytophotometrically in 19 populations belonging to 13 species of Meloidogyne, Heterodera and Meloidodera. In Meloidogyne hapla, M. arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica, total DNA content per nucleus is proportional to their chromosome number, indicating that chromosomal forms with high chromosome numbers are truly polyploid. M. graminicola, M. grarninis and M. ottersoni have a DNA content per chromosome significantly lower than that of the other Meloidogyne species. Within Heterodera, species with high chromosome numbers have proportionally higher DNA content, indicating again polyploidy. DNA content per chromosome in Meloidogyne is one third that of Heterodera and one haft that of Meloidodera floridensis. The karyotypic relationships of the three genera are still not clearly understood.  相似文献   

Eleven isolates of Radopholus similis from various banana-growing areas around the world and one isolate of R. bridgei from turmeric in Indonesia were compared using DNA and isoenzyme analysis. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a fragment of ribosomal DNA (rDNA), comprising the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and the 5.8S gene. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in this rDNA fragment were used to compare the 10 isolates. The analysis of this rDNA region revealed little variation among the isolates tested. However, data also were obtained by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of total DNA, and a hierarchical cluster analysis of these data arranged the R. similis isolates into two clusters. The first cluster consisted of isolates from Nigeria, Cameroon, Queensland, and Costa Rica; the second was comprised of isolates from Guinea, Guadeloupe, the Ivory Coast, Uganda, and Sri Lanka. The isolate of R. bridgei from turmeric in Indonesia appeared to be more divergent. This grouping was consistent with that obtained when phosphate glucose isomerase (PGI) isoenzyme patterns were used to compare the R. similis isolates. The results from both RAPD analysis and PGI isoenzyme studies indicate that two gene pools might exist within the R. similis isolates studied. No correlation could be detected between the genomic diversity as determined by RAPD analysis and either geographic distribution of the isolates or differences in their pathogenicity. The results support the hypothesis that R. similis isolates have been spread with banana-planting material.  相似文献   

Recent molecular and karyologic studies have significantly modified delimitation of Lilium. However, despite the importance of pollen evolution in the genus comprehensive studies with electron microscopy and evaluation of pollen evolution are lacking. Therefore, we studied pollen morphology in a sample of 65 individuals from 37 taxa covering all the sections distributed in the world, using scanning electron microscopy. Our collection of 49 individuals from 21 taxa covering all five sections in China was also included in the database. We found pollen tetrads in L. bakerianum. Based on present and previous studies, our results suggest that pollen from L. formosanum should be classified as a new type, Formosanum. Combined with morphological and molecular evidence, pollen sculpture patterns appear to reflect phylogenetic relationships and are useful for species or subsection delimitation. Based on a comprehensive survey and correlation with potential functional implications, we propose the following hypothesis: evolution of an exine sculpture shows pollen type trends from Martagon → Callose → Concolor → Formosanum. The evolutionary trend regarding pollen sculpture and size could be related to selective pressure to adapt to environmental conditions. Pollen size and shape showed a significantly positive correlation with annual precipitation, and smaller pollen grains appear to adapt better in habitats with extreme conditions. Evolution trends in exine sculpture do not appear to be definitively correlated with pollen size and shape.  相似文献   

The chromosome of Thermotoga maritima strain MSB8 was found to have an 8,870-bp region that is not present in its published sequence. The isolate that was sequenced by The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in 1999 is apparently a laboratory variant of the isolate deposited at the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSM 3109) in 1986. This newly sequenced region from the DSMZ culture was located between TM1848 (cbp, cellobiose phosphorylase) and TM1847 (the 3′ end of a truncated ROK regulator). The new region contained seven genes: a beta glucosidase gene (bglA), three trehalose ABC transporter genes (treEFG), three xylose ABC transporter genes (xylE2F2K2), and the 5′ end of a gene encoding the ROK regulator TM1847. We present a new differential scanning fluorimetry method using a low pH that was necessary to screen potential ligands of these exceptionally thermostable periplasmic substrate-binding proteins. This method showed that trehalose, sucrose, and glucose stabilized TreE, and their binding was confirmed by measuring changes in intrinsic fluorescence upon ligand binding. Binding constants of 0.024 μM, 0.300 μM, and 56.78 μM at 60°C, respectively, were measured. XylE2 ligands were similarly determined and xylose, glucose, and fucose bound with Kd (dissociation constant) values of 0.042 μM, 0.059 μM, and 1.436 μM, respectively. Since there is no discernible phenotypic difference between the TIGR isolate and the DSMZ isolate despite the variance in their genomes, we propose that they be called genomovars: T. maritima MSB8 genomovar TIGR and T. maritima MSB8 genomovar DSM 3109, respectively.  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is an electroactive bacterium, capable of reducing extracellular insoluble electron acceptors, making it important for both nutrient cycling in nature and microbial electrochemical technologies, such as microbial fuel cells and microbial electrosynthesis. When allowed to anaerobically colonize an Ag/AgCl solid interface, S. oneidensis has precipitated silver nanoparticles (AgNp), thus providing the means for a surface enhanced confocal Raman microscopy (SECRaM) investigation of its biofilm. The result is the in-situ chemical mapping of the biofilm as it developed over time, where the distribution of cytochromes, reduced and oxidized flavins, polysaccharides and phosphate in the undisturbed biofilm is monitored. Utilizing AgNp bio-produced by the bacteria colonizing the Ag/AgCl interface, we could perform SECRaM while avoiding the use of a patterned or roughened support or the introduction of noble metal salts and reducing agents. This new method will allow a spatially and temporally resolved chemical investigation not only of Shewanella biofilms at an insoluble electron acceptor, but also of other noble metal nanoparticle-precipitating bacteria in laboratory cultures or in complex microbial communities in their natural habitats.  相似文献   

Many insect species harbor Wolbachia bacteria that induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), i.e. embryonic lethality in crosses between infected males and uninfected females, or between males and females carrying incompatible Wolbachia strains. The molecular mechanism of CI remains unknown, but the available data are best interpreted under a modificationrescue model, where a mod function disables the reproductive success of infected males’ sperm, unless the eggs are infected and express a compatible resc function. Here we examine the evolution of CI in the mosquito Culex pipiens, harbouring a large number of closely related Wolbachia strains structured in five distinct phylogenetic groups. Specifically, we used a worldwide sample of mosquito lines to assess the hypothesis that genetic divergence should correlate with the divergence of CI properties on a low evolutionary scale. We observed a significant association of Wolbachia genetic divergence with CI patterns. Most Wolbachia strains from the same group were compatible whereas those from different groups were often incompatible. Consistently, we found a strong association between Wolbachia groups and their mod-resc properties. Finally, lines from the same geographical area were rarely incompatible, confirming the conjecture that the spatial distribution of Wolbachia compatibility types should be constrained by selection. This study indicates a clear correlation between Wolbachia genotypes and CI properties, paving the way toward the identification of the molecular basis of CI through comparative genomics.  相似文献   



Endophytic bacteria that have plant growth promoting traits are of great interest in green biotechnology. The previous thought that the Azoarcus genus comprises bacteria that fit into one of two major eco-physiological groups, either free-living anaerobic biodegraders of aromatic compounds or obligate endophytes unable to degrade aromatics under anaerobic conditions, is revisited here.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Light, confocal and electron microscopy reveal that Azoarcus sp. CIB, a facultative anaerobe β-proteobacterium able to degrade aromatic hydrocarbons under anoxic conditions, is also able to colonize the intercellular spaces of the rice roots. In addition, the strain CIB displays plant growth promoting traits such nitrogen fixation, uptake of insoluble phosphorus and production of indoleacetic acid. Therefore, this work demonstrates by the first time that a free-living bacterium able to degrade aromatic compounds under aerobic and anoxic conditions can share also an endophytic lifestyle. The phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rDNA and nifH genes confirmed that obligate endophytes of the Azoarcus genus and facultative endophytes, such as Azoarcus sp. CIB, locate into different evolutionary branches.


This is the first report of a bacterium, Azoarcus sp. CIB, able to degrade anaerobically a significant number of aromatic compounds, some of them of great environmental concern, and to colonize the rice as a facultative endophyte. Thus, Azoarcus sp. CIB becomes a suitable candidate for a more sustainable agricultural practice and phytoremediation technology.  相似文献   

Optical (fluorescence) and acoustic in-situ techniques were tested in their ability to measure the spatial and temporal distribution of plankton in freshwater ecosystems with special emphasis on the harmful and buoyant cyanobacterium P. rubescens. Fluorescence was measured with the multi-spectral FluoroProbe (Moldaenke FluoroProbe, MFP) and a Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer (SCF). In-situ measurements of the acoustic backscatter strength (ABS) were conducted with three different acoustic devices covering multiple acoustic frequencies (614 kHz ADCP, 2 MHz ADP, and 6 MHz ADV). The MFP provides a fast and reliable technique to measure fluorescence at different wavelengths in situ, which allows discriminating between P. rubescens and other phytoplankton species. All three acoustic devices are sensitive to P. rubescens even if other scatterers, e.g., zooplankton or suspended sediment, are present in the water column, because P. rubescens containing gas vesicles has a strong density difference and hence acoustic contrast to the ambient water and other scatterers. After calibration, the combination of optical and acoustical measurements not only allows qualitative and quantitative observation of P. rubescens, but also distinction between P. rubescens, other phytoplankton, and zooplankton. As the measuring devices can sample in situ at high rates they enable assessment of plankton distributions at high temporal (minutes) and spatial (decimeters) resolution or covering large temporal (seasonal) and spatial (basin scale) scales.  相似文献   

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