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Actin microfilaments and microtubules are important cytoskeletal proteins that regulate endothelial repair through alterations in cell shape and through regulation of cell migration following wounding of the endothelium. Upstream pathways have been identified in the regulation of actin and microtubule organization, especially small GTPases. Recently, there have been numerous proteins suggested to be capable of regulating interaction between microtubules and microfilaments to mediate microtubule regulation of endothelial repair, an important process in limiting injury to the artery wall and in reducing the extent of arterial disease. If disrupted, a rapid repair mechanism is important in reestablishing the integrity of the endothelium in order to reestablish its function as a macromolecular barrier, a thromboresistant surface, and a biologically active tissue. Strategies to improve repair should alter the pathobiology of the atherosclerotic plaque and thus improve the prognosis of patients with atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Methods of amperometry and potentiometric titration were used to follow dark respiration (DR) and apparent photosynthesis (AP) in the fucoids Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol, Fucus vesiculosus L., and F. serratus L. from the Barents Sea littoral by the end of the 40-day-long polar night. The macroalgae were shown to manifest species-specific low rates of photosynthesis and respiration. However, in spite of their low photosynthetic status due to the effects of subzero temperature and prolonged low or zero illumination, the macroalgae have been able to restore DR and AP to the initial level already by the day 9; the ability to restore AP depended on the level of illumination. The study of the changes in the carbonate–bicarbonate system in the light and darkness demonstrated that the macroalgae grown in darkness, in contrast to those grown in twilight, could absorb bicarbonate in darkness; however, they lost this capacity after two-day-long illumination at an irradiance of 7 mol/(m2 s). Bicarbonate uptake in darkness and the capacity to restore the systems of photosynthesis and respiration in fucoid cells are discussed in the context of algal energy metabolism under the polar night conditions.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The material for this study is drawn from two sources, (a) investigations of the fish fauna in the inner Oslofjord between 1897 and 1967, (b) fish landing statistics available since 1872 at the Oslo fish market.2. The investigations of the fish fauna reveal that 4 species of fish — 2 sharks and 2 arctic bullheads — have disappeared from the deep waters of the Oslofjord where they were known to exist in 1897. We assume that unfavourable conditions, great changes in temperature or lack of oxygen in the stagnant deep water to which these species belonged have been injurious to their propagation and survival.3. The annual fluctuations in the landed quantities of fish are great, but nevertheless there exists a marked decreasing trend since about 1930; total landings in recent years are less than 1/10 of what they were 30 or 40 years ago.4. The fluctuations in the landings of cod, herring and mackerel are studied in some detail. Three periods (of 20 to 22 years' duration) from 1872 to 1932 show increasing average landings of cod: 44, 57, and 74 tons respectively; in the period 1933 to 1955 landings decreased to an average of 16 tons per year. The effect of fluctuating year classes is discussed.5. The landings of herring and mackerel were very good between 1911 and 1919 or 1920 with a maximum of 1500 tons of herring and 800 tons of mackerel. In the following years there was a trend of decrease with a few years of moderately good landings. Mature mackerels are immigrating into the fjord for feeding and spawning, while mature herrings, to a major extent, are supposed to belong to a local stock. The highest landings of both species are due to extremely great catches of young fish, and the success of the fishery in any one year, therefore, dependent of a successful spawning and hatching one ort two years before.6. In conclusion, the attention is drawn to the fact that there are reasons to believe that the profuse growth of bacteria in the polluted waters seems to be injurious to the hatching of fish eggs and to the survival of fish larvae (Dannevig 1945,Oppenheimer 1955).
Veränderungen der Fischfauna und der Fischerei des Oslofjords seit der Jahrhundertwende
Kurzfassung Das Material zu dieser Untersuchung stammt aus zwei Quellen: (a) vier Untersuchungen über die Fischfauna des Oslofjords im Zeitraum zwischen 1897 und 1967, und (b) Statistiken für den Zeitraum von 1872 bis 1964 über die Fischmengen, die im inneren Oslofjord gefangen und an die Fischhalle in Oslo geliefert worden sind. Ein Vergleich der Resultate mit den vier Untersuchungen über die Fischfauna zeigt, daß vier Arten von Tiefwasserfischen aus dem inneren Oslofjord völlig verschwunden sind, nämlichEtmopterus spinax, Somniosus microcephalus, Artediellus uncinatus undIcelus bicornis, die beiden zuletzt genannten wahrscheinlich schon vor 1930. Eine Anzahl anderer Arten, die früher häufig waren, sind jetzt selten. Statistische Erhebungen über die im Oslofjord gefangenen Fische lassen erkennen, daß die Erträge seit den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren stark zurückgegangen sind. Gleichzeitig hat die Zahl der Fischer abgenommen. Es wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß die Veränderungen des Oslofjords sich besonders in den letzten 30 Jahren für mehrere Fischarten als schädigend erwiesen haben. Diese Auffassung wird unterstützt durch die Untersuchungen vonDannevig (1945) undOppenheimer (1955), die gezeigt haben, daß die reiche Bakterienflora des Oslofjords für die Entwicklung der pelagischen Fischeier schädlich ist.

Light-acclimation processes are central to allowing photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems to span from high light conditions, that are 10-fold higher than the light levels required to saturate photosynthesis, to the deep sea with extremely low light levels. In dim light systems, nutrient levels are often high, and cells maximize the absorption of light by increasing the cellular pool of pigments. The upper limits of light absorption are constrained by the package effect, which ultimately restricts the benefit of the light absorption associated with an increase in cellular pigmentation, thus decreasing the cost/benefit ratio relative to the metabolic cost of manufacturing cellular light-harvesting pigments. At extremely low light levels in the deep sea, chloroplasts are sequestered in numerous organisms; however, these species are not obligate autotrophs and supplement a heterotrophic/mixotrophic existence with opportunistic autotrophy. While low light acclimation is based on maximizing light absorption, photosynthetic systems under high light, in addition to decreased light-harvesting cross sections, rely on energy-dissipation processes to avoid light-induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus and other free radical susceptible cell structures. Dissipation of excess light energy represents the largest sink of the absorbed light in high light environments; however, these processes remain largely unstudied and are rarely quantified. Cells supplement their energy-dissipation processes through increasing the capacity to remove high-light-generated radicals and/or inducing vertical movement. Improved understanding of strategies remains central for the understanding of algal distributions in nature and has broad industrial implications.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in the perihypoglossal nuclei of the monkey were mapped after injections of horseradish peroxidase in various cerebellar cortical regions. In general the findings are in accord with those made in the cat. The flocculus receives a heavy bilateral projection from the nucleus prepositus, particularly from its caudoventral part, and from the nucleus of Roller. There is an apparently scanty projection from the nucleus intercalatus. The uvula receives a rather similar projection, but in the prepositus the cells projecting to the uvula are on the whole situated more dorsally and rostrally than those supplying the flocculus. The projection to lobules VII-VIII is distinct. More scanty projections have been found to the paramedian lobule and the anterior lobe. The different but partially overlapping sites of origin in the prepositus of fibers to the flocculus and uvula indicate the presence of a topical pattern within the perihypoglosso-cerebellar projection, as in the cat (34). In the monkey the two regions of origin appear to coincide with two particular cell collections in the prepositus (12). Both small and middle sized cells project to the cerebellum, as they do in the cat (9, 48). The nucleus supragenualis nervi facialis in the macaque is morphologically different from the corresponding nucleus in most other mammalian species (12), but it contains labeled cells after injections in the flocculus, uvula and other cerebellar regions. A considerable number of cells in the abducent nucleus are labeled after injections in the flocculus and the posterior vermis.  相似文献   

It is standard genetic practice to determine whether or not two independently obtained mutants define the same or different genes by performing the complementation test. While the complementation test is highly effective and accurate in most cases, there are a number of instances in which the complementation test provides misleading answers, either as a result of the failure of two mutations that are located in different genes to complement each other or by exhibiting complementation between two mutations that lie within the same gene. We are primarily concerned here with those cases in which two mutations lie in different genes, but nonetheless fail to complement each other. This phenomenon is often referred to as second-site noncomplementation (SSNC). The discovery of SSNC led to a large number of screens designed to search for genes that encode interacting proteins. However, screens for dominant enhancer mutations of semidominant alleles of a given gene have proved far more effective at identifying interacting genes whose products interact physically or functionally with the initial gene of interest than have SSNC-based screens.  相似文献   

DNA contents in squashed cells of the adult frog hypothalamic preoptic region (HPR) were measured using the Feulgen and UV cytophotometry techniques. The histone-DNA ratio in the cell nucleus was determined by means of a combined Feulgen-heparin-Alcian blue staining procedure. The nuclei of the vast majority of HPR cells have a diploid DNA content. However, in cells of this group the mean values of DNA amount and the distribution range were always higher than those in hepatocytes used as a diploid standard. Such a heterogeneity in DNA content in the diploid part of HPR cell population could apparently suggest some differences in the nuclear chromatin arrangement to be always higher in spring before the frog spawning, and it seems to be characteristic of this type of cells. About 1 per cent of cells with hyperdiploid surplus of DNA (H2c cells) as well as of tetraploid cells (4c and 2c X 2 cells) is found in HPR in frogs sacrificed both in winter and in summer. The quota of these cells has no reference either to the frog's age or to the annual cycle. The fact that the mean DNA values in H2c and 4c cells are much higher than in the standard cannot be explained by the presence of different amounts of nuclear proteins only. It is suggested that at least some part of the highest DNA values may be due to an actual extra DNA synthesis in a small constantly existing pool of HPR cell population.  相似文献   

In the past decade, initiated by the response-to-injury hypothesis of Ross and Glomset, the endothelium has been implicated in atherogenesis but as a passive participant--more involved through its absence than its presence. The hypothesis stated that endothelial desquamation due to an undefined injury led to platelet adhesion to the exposed basement membrane, and infiltration of serum lipoproteins. The subsequent release from the platelet alpha-granule of a potent smooth muscle cell mitogen and chemoattractant--the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)--was postulated to cause the intimal proliferative response that is known to be important in atherosclerotic plaque development. Recent evidence from several laboratories indicates that the endothelium has the potential to play a more active role in plaque development than simply contributing to pathological sequelae resulting from the loss of the nonthrombogenic surface provided by the endothelium. First, the endothelial cell (EC) is the site of attachment, and possibly activation, of blood-borne monocytes which enter the vessel wall as an early event in experimental atherogenesis. We have obtained in vitro evidence that the expression of monocyte binding sites on the surface of EC is a regulatable process and that increased EC turnover and certain exogenous agents acting on EC cause increased monocyte adhesion. Similar events may be responsible for focal adhesion of monocytes to the endothelium in vivo following hypercholesterolemia. Secondly, EC in culture are capable of chemically modifying low density lipoprotein (LDL) by a free radical oxidation process that renders the LDL toxic to proliferating cells and recognizable to the scavenger receptor of monocyte-derived macrophages. Thus, by oxidation of LDL, the EC have the potential to play an active role both in the formation of lipid-laden foam cells and in the accumulation of necrotic tissue which are hallmarks of the atherosclerotic lesion. Thirdly, cultured EC have been recently shown to secrete multiple mitogens for cultured smooth muscle cells. One of these mitogens appears to be closely related, if not identical, to PDGF using the criteria of receptor binding and biochemical and immunological similarity. Production of growth factors by EC is a regulatable process that is stimulated by exogenous agents such as endotoxin and phorbol esters which cause severe injury to cultured EC. Such a regulatory mechanism may participate in the in vivo proliferation of vascular SMC during the atherosclerotic process.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The time has come to proceed from forms of givenness of the word to forms of the word as such. They can, if you like, be called external and inner structures. Humboldt, however, preferred to speak of the external and inner forms of the language. Shpet adopted precisely this distinction. Why did this problem interest Shpet? Already in [Appearance and sense], he had set the task of returning to the source of pretheoretical, living science. Shpet wrote that the outer cover of words and logical expressions obscure the objectified meaning and that it was necessary to remove another cover from the objectified sign so as to grasp a certain genuine intimacy, and in it the fullness of being (Shpet, 1914. Pp. 5-6). We shall keep in mind this major undertaking posed by this scientist. The existence of the inner form of words should not come as a surprise. That same year (1914) Ortega y Gasset wrote that material objects have a third dimension. However, we cannot see or touch it: "For just as depth needs a surface beneath which to be concealed, the surface, or outer cover, in order to be so, needs something over which to spread, covering it" (Ortega y Gasset, 2000. Pp. 62-63).  相似文献   

Electrical potentials from the eye (ERG) and from the contralateral visual cortex were recorded in response to flashes of white and of colored light of various intensities and durations. The evoked potentials were found to parallel the behavior of the ERG in several significant respects. Selective changes in the ERG brought about by increasing the light intensity and by light adaptation led to parallel selective changes in the cortical responses. The dual waves (b1, b2) of the ERG were found to have counterparts in two cortical waves (c1, c2) which, in respect to changes in light intensity and to light adaptation, behaved analogously to the two retinal components. The responses evoked at high intensity showed only the diphasic c1-potential. As stimulus intensity was lowered the c1-wave decreased in magnitude and a delayed c2-component appeared. The c2-potential increased in amplitude as light intensity of the flash was further reduced. Eventually the c2-wave, too, decreased as stimulus reduction continued. There was no wave length specificity in regard to either the duplex b-waves or duplex cortical waves. Both appeared at all wave lengths from 454 mµ to 630 mµ. The two cortical waves evoked by brief flashes of colored light showed all the behavior to changes in stimulus intensity and to light adaptation that occurred with white light.  相似文献   

In local application of substances with a mediator action (adrenaline, acetylcholine, histamine) and blockers of specific receptors (dihydroergotoxin, inderal, atropine and of subcutaneous dimedrol) together with dicaine it was possible to reveal a distinct presence in the cornea of the eye of the mediator receptors capable of influencing one another. Pharmacological analysis permitted a supposition to be made that there were two receptor systems in the sensory nerve endings of the cornea; these systems were in reciprocal inhibitory relations; due to this their regular influence on the processes of excitation and inhibition is effected in the sensory nerve ending.  相似文献   

Under chloralose narcosis, employing the evoked potentials method, studies have been made on the projection of the posterior hypothalamus to the frontal cortex in 1-30 days old kittens. The animals were divided into 3 age groups: 1-9, 10-19 and 20-30 days. Studies of the EPs in different points of pericruciate zone showed that these potentials are observed in all the investigated points from the first days of postnatal life. The latent period of responses in the youngest animals varied from 40 to 80 ms, exhibiting insignificant fluctuations depending on the cortical zone investigated. From the very beginning of postnatal life, in the same cortical zone the EPs may be observed in response to stimulation of the ischiadic nerve as well. In older animals, the latent period of the EPs decreases in all the points, the decrease being most significant near the crucial fissure. To the 30th day of postnatal life, the EPs in this zone with respect to their latency and configuration became quite similar to those in adult animals. In the third age period, the latency varies from 6 to 10 ms in the focus of maximum activity; with the removal of the recording electrode from this zone the latent period of the hypothalamo-cortical responses increases up to 30-40 ms. Overlapping of the EPs in response to central and peripheral stimulation was observed at all age periods.  相似文献   

Chosen at random 38 diastolic preparations of human hearts from persons having not any cardiac pathology, as demonstrate the postmortem examination, have been investigated. The left ventricle casts have been made during the first 24 hours after death according to a strictly fixed technique by means of filling the cardiac chambers with polymere mass--protacryl--under a physiological pressure of the diastolic filling. The trabecules are arranged as a spiral from the apex of the ventricle up to the atrioventricular fibrous ring, with approaching the apex the spiral step increases and the trabecules straighten. The left ventricle cast is devided into some planes, the envelopes and the trabecularity lines are measured. Average values of the shift in the trabecularity lines I, II, III and in the cross sections B, C, D, E are defined in relation to the plane A and in every case in relation to the previous plane Cn-1. The data obtained are presented in tables and diagrams. The greatest shift demonstrate the trabecularity lines I running predominantly along the posterior wall of the left ventricle in the planes B and which are situated nearer to the atrioventricular ring projection. Owing to the presence of the spiral-shaped course of the trabecules, it is possible to suppose that it influences the blood stream twisting clockwise in the left ventricle during the diastole phase. This indicates the necessity to work out some new constructions of artificial cardiac valves, securing the twisted blood stream. The condition mentioned should be taken into consideration while making prostheses of the cardiac valves.  相似文献   

Our model proposes that pollen tube growth is a form of cell movement where the tube tip can be considered analogous to a migrating cell which leaves a trail of extracellular matrix (the spent pollen tube) behind. We demonstrate that the tube cell can convey the sperm cells to the ovule and effect fertilization even in the absence of the pollen grain and the spent pollen tube. Adhesion is an integral part of cell attachment and movement in animal systems. We show that in vivo-grown pollen tubes grow beneath the cuticle of the stylar transmitting tract epidermis and directly adhere to one another and the outer wall of the epidermal cells. A fibrous wall material is found to cover the tip of the pollen tube cell wall and the surface of the transmitting tract cells where the two adhere. Fixation methods to preserve adhesive compounds were used. The pollen-tubes grown in vivo, but not in vitro, show star-shaped clusters of F-actin microfilaments in the region back from the tip, as seen by rhodamine-phalloidin staining. These configurations are similar to focal adhesions seen in moving animal cells.  相似文献   

Ectogenesis, or the use of an artificial womb to allow a foetus to develop, will likely become a reality within a few decades, and could significantly affect the abortion debate. We first examine the implications for Judith Jarvis Thomson’s violinist analogy, which argues for a woman’s right to withdraw life support from the foetus and so terminate her pregnancy, even if the foetus is granted full moral status. We show that on Thomson’s reasoning, there is no right to the death of the foetus, and abortion is not permissible if ectogenesis is available, provided it is safe and inexpensive. This raises the question of whether there are persuasive reasons for the right to the death of the foetus that could be exercised in the context of ectogenesis. Eric Mathison and Jeremy Davis have examined several arguments for this right, doubting that it exists, while Joona Räsänen has recently criticized their reasoning. We respond to Räsänen’s analysis, concluding that his arguments are unsuccessful, and that there is no right to the death of the foetus in these circumstances.  相似文献   

An “error theory” is developed which can be applied to determine the stability of a macromolecular translation machinery which reproduces itself. It is shown that the overall effects of a multitude of possible error versions of macromolecules can be treated statistically, and that such a statistical approach is of considerable usefulness in the theoretical treatment of complex macromolecular systems. The theory is developed within the context of a detailed treatment of the “frozen accident” hypothesis for the origin of the genetic code. A model is described which permits some thermodynamic characterization of the components involved in the code nucleation. The model also proves useful in resolving a stability “paradox” described by Orgel, which relates to the translation stability in present-day organisms and mechanisms of ageing. It indicates that any experimentally found decrease in translation accuracy with age is probably not due to an inherent instability in the translation apparatus. Relevant experiments are suggested.  相似文献   

After investigations performed concerning the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the m. gracilis, m. rectus femoris, m. adductor longus and m. semitendinosus in 100 dogs transplanted on the perineum in order to form the rectal closing apparatus, according the technique elaborated, it has been stated that reaction of the blood bed of the muscle flaps in all experimental series is identical. During the restorative process of the disturbed hemocirculation in the muscle flap and in the intestinal closing apparatus built, certain phasesness in development of adaptive reactions is observed, that corresponds to the known syndrome "economization" microcirculation.  相似文献   

Summary The choriocapillaris is a fenestrated capillary bed located posterior to the retinal pigment epithelium. It serves as the main source of supply to the photoreceptors, retinal pigment epithelium, and other cells of the outer retina. The permeability of these capillaries to intravenously injected ferritin (MW — approx. 480,000; mol. diam. 11 nm) was examined in the mouse, rabbit, and guinea pig, each of which is characterized by a different type of retinal vascularization. In all three species, the bulk of the ferritin remained in the capillary lumina, where it appeared to be blocked at the level of the diaphragmed fenestrae. Some ferritin was present in endothelial cell vacuoles. The results confirm previous work on the rat choriocapillaris and indicate that the barrier function of the choriocapillary endothelium is present even among species in which the retinal circulation differs significantly.Supported by NIH grant EY03418  相似文献   

Brachyury, the blastopore and the evolution of the mesoderm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of Brachyury and other T-box genes in the differentiation of mesoderm and endoderm of vertebrates is well established. Recently, homologues of Brachyury have been isolated from an increasing number of diverse organisms ranging from Cnidaria to vertebrates and insects. Comparative expression and function analysis allows the origin of the mesoderm and the evolution of the developmental role of Brachyury gene family in metazoans to be traced. The data suggest that an ancestral function of Brachyury was to designate a blastoporal region that had distinct properties in induction and axis elongation. A subset of blastoporal cells expressing Brachyury and other genes that convey specific mesodermal functions may have segregated as a distinct cell population from this region in the course of mesoderm evolution.  相似文献   


In contrast to the huge amount of research on Turkish migration and migrants, the diasporic politics of the Turkish Kemalist state constitutes a neglected research subject in the scholarship on Turkish diaspora. How does the Turkish state reach out to its nationals and expatriates abroad? In what ways does the Turkish Republic seek to make Islam (as it does in Turkey) into an instrument legitimizing its politicizing and mobilizing enterprises? To explore these questions, this article investigates the long-distance Kemalism engaged in by the Turkish state to Turkify and secularize its nationals in the diaspora, using its activities in Australia as its case study. In sketching out trans-Kemalism's dimensions, the analysis directs attention to the intimate relationship between the political and religious fields of transnationalism manufactured by the state. The paper concludes that the intense political polarization in Turkey in the present makes the future of trans-Kemalism abroad somewhat uncertain.  相似文献   

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