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Summary The ability to remove ultraviolet (UV)-induced pyrimidine dimers from the nuclear DNA of yeast was examined in two radiation-sensitive (rad) mutants and one methyl methanesulfonate-sensitive (mms) mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The susceptibility of DNA from irradiated cells to nicking by an endonuclease activity prepared from crude extracts of Micrococcus luteus was used to measure the presence of dimers in DNA. The rad7, rad14 and mms19 mutants were found to be defective in their ability to remove UV-induced dimers from nuclear DNA. All three mutants belong to the same epistatic group as the other mutants involved in excision-repair. All three mutants show enhanced UV-induced mutations. The rad14 mutant also shows epistatic interactions with genes in the other two UV repair pathways.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is the single, most frequently isolated human fungal pathogen. As with most fungal pathogens, the factors which contribute to pathogenesis in C. albicans are not known, despite more than a decade of molecular genetic analysis. Candida albicans was thought to be asexual until the discovery of the MTL loci homologous to the mating type (MAT) loci in Saccharomyces cerevisiae led to the demonstration that mating is possible. Using Candida albicans mutants in genes likely to be involved in mating, we analysed the process to determine its similarity to mating in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We examined disruptions of three of the genes in the MAPK pathway which is involved in filamentous growth in both S. cerevisiae and C. albicans and is known to control pheromone response in the former fungus. Disruptions in HST7 and CPH1 blocked mating in both MTLa and MTL(alpha) strains, whereas disruptions in STE20 had no effect. A disruption in KEX2, a gene involved in processing the S. cerevisiae pheromone Mf(alpha), prevented mating in MTL(alpha) but not MTLa cells, whereas a disruption in HST6, the orthologue of the STE6 gene which encodes an ABC transporter responsible for secretion of the Mfa pheromone, prevented mating in MTLa but not in MTL(alpha) cells. Disruption of two cell wall genes, ALS1 and INT1, had no effect on mating, even though ALS1 was identified by similarity to the S. cerevisiae sexual agglutinin, SAG1. The results reveal that these two diverged yeasts show a surprising similarity in their mating processes.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a DNA damage checkpoint in the S-phase is responsible for delaying DNA replication in response to genotoxic stress. This pathway is partially regulated by the checkpoint proteins Rad9, Rad17 and Rad24. Here, we describe a novel hypermutable phenotype for rad9Δ, rad17Δ and rad24Δ cells in response to a chronic 0.01% dose of the DNA alkylating agent MMS. We report that this hypermutability results from DNA damage introduction during the S-phase and is dependent on a functional translesion synthesis pathway. In addition, we performed a genetic screen for interactions with rad9Δ that confer sensitivity to 0.01% MMS. We report and quantify 25 genetic interactions with rad9Δ, many of which involve the post-replication repair machinery. From these data, we conclude that defects in S-phase checkpoint regulation lead to increased reliance on mutagenic translesion synthesis, and we describe a novel role for members of the S-phase DNA damage checkpoint in suppressing mutagenic post-replicative repair in response to sublethal MMS treatment.  相似文献   

HO endonuclease-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be repaired by the process of gap repair or, alternatively, by single-strand annealing if the site of the break is flanked by directly repeated homologous sequences. We have shown previously (J. Fishman-Lobell and J. E. Haber, Science 258:480-484, 1992) that during the repair of an HO-induced DSB, the excision repair gene RAD1 is needed to remove regions of nonhomology from the DSB ends. In this report, we present evidence that among nine genes involved in nucleotide excision repair, only RAD1 and RAD10 are required for removal of nonhomologous sequences from the DSB ends. rad1 delta and rad10 delta mutants displayed a 20-fold reduction in the ability to execute both gap repair and single-strand annealing pathways of HO-induced recombination. Mutations in RAD2, RAD3, and RAD14 reduced HO-induced recombination by about twofold. We also show that RAD7 and RAD16, which are required to remove UV photodamage from the silent HML, locus, are not required for MAT switching with HML or HMR as a donor. Our results provide a molecular basis for understanding the role of yeast nucleotide excision repair gene and their human homologs in DSB-induced recombination and repair.  相似文献   

The RAD1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for the incision step of excision repair of damaged DNA. In this paper, we report our observations on the effect of the RAD1 gene on genetic recombination. Mitotic intrachromosomal and interchromosomal recombination in RAD+, rad1, rad52, and other rad mutant strains was examined. The rad1 deletion mutation and some rad1 point mutations reduced the frequency of intrachromosomal recombination of a his3 duplication, in which one his3 allele is deleted at the 3' end while the other his3 allele is deleted at the 5' end. Mutations in the other excision repair genes, RAD2, RAD3, and RAD4, did not lower recombination frequencies in the his3 duplication. As expected, recombination between the his3 deletion alleles in the duplication was reduced in the rad52 mutant. The frequency of HIS3+ recombinants fell synergistically in the rad1 rad52 double mutant, indicating that the RAD1 and RAD52 genes affect this recombination via different pathways. In contrast to the effect of mutations in the RAD52 gene, mutations in the RAD1 gene did not lower intrachromosomal and interchromosomal recombination between heteroalleles that carry point mutations rather than partial deletions; however, the rad1 delta mutation did lower the frequency of integration of linear plasmids and DNA fragments into homologous genomic sequences. We suggest that RAD1 plays a role in recombination after the formation of the recombinogenic substrate.  相似文献   

In wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a checkpoint slows the rate of progression of an ongoing S phase in response to exposure to a DNA-alkylating agent. Mutations that eliminate S phase regulation also confer sensitivity to alkylating agents, leading us to suggest that, by regulating the S phase rate, cells are either better able to repair or better able to replicate damaged DNA. In this study, we determine the effects of mutations that impair S phase regulation on the ability of excision repair-defective cells to replicate irreparably UV-damaged DNA. We assay survival after UV irradiation, as well as the genetic consequences of replicating a damaged template, namely mutation and sister chromatid exchange induction. We find that RAD9, RAD17, RAD24, and MEC3 are required for UV-induced (although not spontaneous) mutagenesis, and that RAD9 and RAD17 (but not REV3, RAD24, and MEC3) are required for maximal induction of replication-dependent sister chromatid exchange. Therefore, checkpoint genes not only control cell cycle progression in response to damage, but also play a role in accommodating DNA damage during replication.  相似文献   

A number of DNA damage-inducible genes (DIN) have been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the present study we describe isolation of a novel gene, Din7, the expression of which is induced by exposure of cells to UV light, MMS (methyl methanesulfonate) or HU (hydoxyurea). The DNA sequence of DIN7 was determined. By comparison of the predicted Din7 amino acid sequence with those in databases we found that it belongs to a family of proteins which includes S. cerevisiae Rad2 and its Schizosaccharomyces pombe and human homologs Rad13 and XPGC; S. cerevisiae Rad27 and its S. pombe homolog Rad2, and S. pombe Exo I. All these proteins are endowed with DNA nuclease activity and are known to play an important function in DNA repair. The strongest homology to Din7 was found with the Dhs1 protein of S.?cerevisiae, the function of which is essentially unknown. The expression of the DIN7 gene was studied in detail using a DIN7-lacZ fusion integrated into a chromosome. We show that the expression level of DIN7 rises during meiosis at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. No inducibility of DIN7 was found after treatment with DNA-damaging agents of cells bearing the rad53-21 mutation. Surprisingly, a high basal level of DIN7 expression was found in strains in which the DUN1 gene was inactivated by transposon insertion. We suggest that a form of Dun1 may be a negative regulator of the DIN7 gene expression.  相似文献   

Checkpoint gene function prevents meiotic progression when recombination is blocked by mutations in the recA homologue DMC1. Bypass of dmc1 arrest by mutation of the DNA damage checkpoint genes MEC1, RAD17, or RAD24 results in a dramatic loss of spore viability, suggesting that these genes play an important role in monitoring the progression of recombination. We show here that the role of mitotic checkpoint genes in meiosis is not limited to maintaining arrest in abnormal meioses; mec1-1, rad24, and rad17 single mutants have additional meiotic defects. All three mutants display Zip1 polycomplexes in two- to threefold more nuclei than observed in wild-type controls, suggesting that synapsis may be aberrant. Additionally, all three mutants exhibit elevated levels of ectopic recombination in a novel physical assay. rad17 mutants also alter the fraction of recombination events that are accompanied by an exchange of flanking markers. Crossovers are associated with up to 90% of recombination events for one pair of alleles in rad17, as compared with 65% in wild type. Meiotic progression is not required to allow ectopic recombination in rad17 mutants, as it still occurs at elevated levels in ndt80 mutants that arrest in prophase regardless of checkpoint signaling. These observations support the suggestion that MEC1, RAD17, and RAD24, in addition to their proposed monitoring function, act to promote normal meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(5):1323-1339
The gene for a microtubule-associated protein (MAP), termed MHP1 (MAP- Homologous Protein 1), was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression cloning using antibodies specific for the Drosophila 205K MAP. MHP1 encodes an essential protein of 1,398 amino acids that contains near its COOH-terminal end a sequence homologous to the microtubule-binding domain of MAP2, MAP4, and tau. While total disruptions are lethal, NH2-terminal deletion mutations of MHP1 are viable, and the expression of the COOH-terminal two-thirds of the protein is sufficient for vegetative growth. Nonviable deletion- disruption mutations of MHP1 can be partially complemented by the expression of the Drosophila 205K MAP. Mhp1p binds to microtubules in vitro, and it is the COOH-terminal region containing the tau-homologous motif that mediates microtubule binding. Antibodies directed against a COOH-terminal peptide of Mhp1p decorate cytoplasmic microtubules and mitotic spindles as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy. The overexpression of an NH2-terminal deletion mutation of MHP1 results in an accumulation of large-budded cells with short spindles and disturbed nuclear migration. In asynchronously growing cells that overexpress MHP1 from a multicopy plasmid, the length and number of cytoplasmic microtubules is increased and the proportion of mitotic cells is decreased, while haploid cells in which the expression of MHP1 has been silenced exhibit few microtubules. These results suggest that MHP1 is essential for the formation and/or stabilization of microtubules.  相似文献   

R D Gietz  S Prakash 《Gene》1988,74(2):535-541
The RAD4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for the incision step of excision repair. We have cloned the RAD4 gene and determined its nucleotide sequence. RAD4 encodes a somewhat basic protein of 754 amino acids (aa) with an Mr of 87,173. RAD4 contains several groups of 4-7 consecutive basic aa residues that could be involved in DNA binding and it also contains an alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix motif for DNA binding. Like several other DNA repair proteins of S. cerevisiae, the C terminus of RAD4 protein is highly acidic.  相似文献   

To investigate cell cycle regulation at the S or G2 phase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have isolated mutants displaying supersensitivity to hydroxyurea (HU), a chemical that inhibits DNA replication. Such mutants, which we have named hydroxyurea sensitive (hys), defined four linkage groups and we characterized the hys2 mutation in this study. The hys2-1 mutant displays temperature sensitive growth and a constellation of phenotypes indicating defective DNA metabolism. At the restrictive temperature, hys2-1 cells arrest as large budded cells with a single nucleus at the neck of the bud and a short spindle. The hys2-1 mutant exhibits increased rates of chromosome loss and recombination. Additionally, hys2-1 appears to accumulate incompletely replicated DNA that can be detected by a pulse field electrophoresis assay. Finally, deletion of RAD9 in a hys2-1 strain decreases the percentage of arrested cells, suggesting that an intact RAD9-checkpoint is required for the cell cycle arrest in hys2-1 cells. HYS2 encodes a 55 kDa protein that is essential for viability at all temperatures. Taken together, these data suggest that Hys2 plays a role in DNA replication.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the posttranslational conjugation of ubiquitin to various cellular proteins marks them for degradation. Interestingly, several proteins have been reported to contain ubiquitin-like (ub-like) domains that are in fact specified by the DNA coding sequences of the proteins. The biological role of the ub-like domain in these proteins is not known; however, it has been proposed that this domain functions as a degradation signal rendering the proteins unstable. Here, we report that the product of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD23 gene, which is involved in excision repair of UV-damaged DNA, bears a ub-like domain at its amino terminus. This finding has presented an opportunity to define the functional significance of this domain. We show that deletion of the ub-like domain impairs the DNA repair function of RAD23 and that this domain can be functionally substituted by the authentic ubiquitin sequence. Surprisingly, RAD23 is highly stable, and the studies reported herein indicate that its ub-like domain does not mediate protein degradation. Thus, in RAD23 at least, the ub-like domain affects protein function in a nonproteolytic manner.  相似文献   

We describe the molecular cloning of a 6-kilobase (kb) fragment of yeast chromosomal DNA containing the RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When present in the autonomously replicating yeast cloning vector YEp24, this fragment transformed two different UV-sensitive, excision repair-defective rad3 mutants of S. cerevisiae to UV resistance. The same result was obtained with a variety of other plasmids containing a 4.5-kb subclone of the 6-kb fragment. The UV sensitivity of mutants defective in the RAD1, RAD2, RAD4, and RAD14 loci was not affected by transformation with these plasmids. The 4.5-kb fragment was subcloned into the integrating yeast vector YIp5, and the resultant plasmid was used to transform the rad3-1 mutant to UV resistance. Both genetic and physical studies showed that this plasmid integrated by homologous recombination into the rad3 site uniquely. We conclude from these studies that the cloned DNA that transforms the rad3-1 mutant to UV resistance contains the yeast chromosomal RAD3 gene. The 4.5-kb fragment was mapped by restriction analysis, and studies on some of the subclones generated from this fragment indicate that the RAD3 gene is at least 1.5 kb in size.  相似文献   

To investigate chromosome segregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we examined a collection of temperature-sensitive mutants that arrest as large-budded cells at restrictive temperatures (L. H. Johnston and A. P. Thomas, Mol. Gen. Genet. 186:439-444, 1982). We characterized dbf8, a mutation that causes cells to arrest with a 2c DNA content and a short spindle. DBF8 maps to chromosome IX near the centromere, and it encodes a 36-kDa protein that is essential for viability at all temperatures. Mutational analysis reveals that three dbf8 alleles are nonsense mutations affecting the carboxy-terminal third of the encoded protein. Since all of these mutations confer temperature sensitivity, it appears that the carboxyl-terminal third of the protein is essential only at a restrictive temperature. In support of this conclusion, an insertion of URA3 at the same position also confers a temperature-sensitive phenotype. Although they show no evidence of DNA damage, dbf8 mutants exhibit increased rates of chromosome loss and nondisjunction even at a permissive temperature. Taken together, our data suggest that Dbf8p plays an essential role in chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for excision repair and is essential for cell viability. RAD3 encoded protein possesses a single stranded DNA-dependent ATPase and DNA and DNA.RNA helicase activities. Mutational studies have indicated a requirement for the RAD3 helicase activities in excision repair. To examine the extent of conservation of structure and function of RAD3 during eukaryotic evolution, we have cloned the RAD3 homolog, rhp3+, from the distantly related yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. RAD3 and rhp3+ encoded proteins are highly similar, sharing 67% identical amino acids. We show that like RAD3, rhp3+ is indispensable for excision repair and cell viability, and our studies indicate a requirement of the putative rhp3+ DNA helicase activity in DNA repair. We find that the RAD3 and rhp3+ genes can functionally substitute for one another. The level of complementation provided by the rhp3+ gene in S.cerevisiae rad3 mutants or by the RAD3 gene in S.pombe rhp3 mutants is remarkable in that both the excision repair and viability defects in both yeasts are restored to wild type levels. These observations suggest a parallel evolutionary conservation of other protein components with which RAD3 interacts in mediating its DNA repair and viability functions.  相似文献   

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