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Summary The application of the overfeeding technique (interruption of the competition during larval development) to the study of larval competition in two-strain cultures of Drosophila melanogaster demonstrates the following points: (1) viability is a function of competition time; (2) viability becomes more frequency-dependent as competition time increases; (3) the dynamics of the inner subpopulation (adults that have passed all their development in a crowded condition) and outer subpopulation (adults coming from larvae recovered by interruption of competition) vary with time as regards frequency-dependence; and (4) the wild type strain Oregon is the active agent in competition with the strain cardinal.  相似文献   

We present various methods to record cardiac function in the larval Drosophila. The approaches allow heart rate to be measured in unrestrained and restrained whole larvae. For direct control of the environment around the heart another approach utilizes the dissected larvae and removal of the internal organs in order to bathe the heart in desired compounds. The exposed heart also allows membrane potentials to be monitored which can give insight of the ionic currents generated by the myocytes and for electrical conduction along the heart tube. These approaches have various advantages and disadvantages for future experiments that are discussed. The larval heart preparation provides an additional model besides the Drosophila skeletal NMJ to investigate the role of intracellular calcium regulation on cellular function. Learning more about the underlying ionic currents that shape the action potentials in myocytes in various species, one can hope to get a handle on the known ionic dysfunctions associated to specific genes responsible for various diseases in mammals.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of Drosophila melanogaster natural populations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Electrophoretic studies of the degree and pattern of polymorphism at two third-chromosome loci, esterase-6 (Est-6) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM), were carried out in three Drosophila melanogaster populations collected from different localities in Iraq: Mosul, Tuwaitha, and Basrah. The results show that only the Tuwaitha population was polymorphic for both loci; the other two populations were polymorphic for Est-6 and monomorphic for PGM. The allele frequency changes at both loci were followed for 20 generations in an experimental cage derived from the Tuwaitha population; it was found that there is a deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at both loci toward the homozygote.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 59 gene loci coding for enzymes (50) and larval proteins (9) has been studied in sympatric populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from insular and continental origin. The average number of alleles per locus, the mean proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity are similar both within and between species. There are however some significant differences between D. simulans populations in the genotypic frequencies for four polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

Many biotic and abiotic variables influence the dispersal and distribution of organisms. Temperature has a major role in determining these patterns because it changes daily, seasonally and spatially, and these fluctuations have a significant impact on an organism's behaviour and fitness. Most ecologically relevant phenotypes that are adaptive are also complex and thus they are influenced by many underlying loci that interact with the environment. In this study, we quantified the degree of thermal phenotypic plasticity within and among populations by measuring chill‐coma recovery times of lines reared from egg to adult at two different environmental temperatures. We used sixty genotypes from six natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster sampled along a latitudinal gradient in South America. We found significant variation in thermal plasticity both within and among populations. All populations exhibit a cold acclimation response, with flies reared at lower temperatures having increased resistance to cold. We tested a series of environmental parameters against the variation in population mean thermal plasticity and discovered the mean thermal plasticity was significantly correlated with altitude of origin of the population. Pairing our data with previous experiments on viability fitness assays in the same populations in fixed and variable environments suggests an adaptive role of this thermal plasticity in variable laboratory environments. Altogether, these data demonstrate abundant variation in adaptive thermal plasticity within and among populations.  相似文献   

B N Singh  A Das 《Génome》1990,33(3):311-316
Six natural populations (three urban and three rural) of Drosophila melanogaster from India were analysed for chromosome inversions, revealing the presence of 19 different paracentric autosomal inversions. One new inversion has also been detected in a laboratory stock established from flies collected from Kerala. In total 20 different paracentric inversions in Indian D. melanogaster have been detected during the present study, and of these, 4 are common cosmopolitans; 2 are rare cosmopolitans; 7 are recurrent endemics; and 7 are unique endemics. The quantitative data clearly show that the urban populations are different from the rural ones with respect to inversion polymorphism.  相似文献   

Genetic rescue has been proposed as a management strategy to improve the fitness of genetically eroded populations by alleviating inbreeding depression. We studied the dynamics of genetic rescue in inbred populations of Drosophila. Using balancer chromosomes, we show that the force of heterosis that accompanies genetic rescue is large and allows even a recessive lethal to increase substantially in frequency in the rescued populations, particularly at stress temperatures. This indicates that deleterious alleles present in the immigrants can increase significantly in frequency in the recipient population when they are in linkage disequilibrium with genes responsible for the heterosis. In a second experiment we rescued eight inbred Drosophila populations with immigrants from two other inbred populations and observe: (i) there is a significant increase in viability both 5 and 10 generations after the rescue event, showing that the increase in fitness is not transient but persists long-term. (ii) The lower the fitness of the recipient population the larger the fitness increase. (iii) The increase in fitness depends significantly on the origin of the rescuers. The immigrants used were fixed for a conditional lethal that was mildly deleterious at 25°C but lethal at 29°C. By comparing fitness at 25°C (the temperature during the rescue experiment) and 29°C, we show that the lethal allele reached significant frequencies in most rescued populations, which upon renewed inbreeding became fixed in part of the inbred lines. In conclusion, in addition to the fitness increase genetic rescue can easily result in a substantial increase in the frequency of mildly deleterious alleles carried by the immigrants. This can endanger the rescued population greatly when it undergoes recurrent inbreeding. However, using a sufficient number of immigrants and to accompany the rescue event with the right demographic measures will overcome this problem. As such, genetic rescue still is a viable option to manage genetically eroded populations.  相似文献   

When 41 populations from Africa (south of the Sahara) and Indian Ocean islands were analysed for their chromosomal inversion polymorphism, 34 rearrangements were found, including the four common cosmopolitans (In(2L)t, In(2R)NS, In(3L)P and In(3R)P), four rare cosmopolitans (In(2L)NS, In(3R)C, In(3R)Mo and In(3R)K) and six African polymorphic ('recurrent') endemics. Mean inversion frequencies per major autosome arm were positively and, generally, highly correlated to each other. There was no altitudinal nor latitudinal cline of inversion frequency, except for one African polymorphic endemic. Significant longitudinal clines were detected for In(2L)t, In(3L)P and In(3R)K; in all cases, inversion frequencies decreased eastward. Principal components analysis and ANOVA made it possible to distinguish three groups of populations. A high level of polymorphism was found in populations from west tropical Africa. The other low altitude populations from the mainland were moderately polymorphic, whereas the lowest levels of polymorphism were those of high altitude populations and of Indian Ocean islands. Moreover, some regional and local differentiation was also found. The frequency of unique autosomal inversions was not different from those found in Asia, Australia and America, but was significantly higher than that in Europe and North Africa. A West-East differentiation was also observed for the African polymorphic endemics. The present geographic pattern suggests a long, patchy evolution with restricted gene flow, followed by the modern period with numerous recent migrations linked to human transportation.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic [alpha]-proteobacteria Wolbachia is widely spread among arthropods and Filariidae nematodes. This bacterium is transmitted vertically via a transovarian route. Wolbachia is a cause of several reproductive abnormalities in the host species. We analyzed the isofemale lines created using flies collected from Drosophila melanogaster natural populations for infection with the endosymbiont Wolbachia. Wolbachia were genotyped according to five variable markers: the presence of insertion sequence IS5 in two loci, the copy number of two minisatellite repeats, and an inversion. Overall, 665 isofemale lines isolated from the populations of D. melanogaster from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Caucasus, Central Asia, Ural, Udmurtia, Altai, West and East Siberia, and Far East in 1974 through 2005 were used in the work. The samples from Ukrainian, Altaian, and Middle Asian populations were largest. The infection rate of D. melanogaster populations from Middle Asia, Altaian, and Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Moldavia, and Belarus) with Wolbachia amounted to 64, 56, and 39%, respectively. The D. melanogaster population from the Caucasus displayed heterogeneity in the genotypes of this cytoplasmic infection. The Wolbachia genotype wMel, detected in all the populations studied, was the most abundant. The genotype wMelCS2 was always present in the populations from Middle Asia and Altai and was among the rare variants in the D. melanogaster populations from the Eastern Europe. Single instances of the Wolbachia genotype wMelCS occurred in a few flies from the Central Asian and Altai populations, but was not found this genotype in the other regions.  相似文献   

The enzyme dipeptidase-A (DIP-A) in Drosophila melanogaster is coded by a second chromosome locus that is polymorphic for three allozymes in natural populations. DIP-A appears to be the only enzyme in D. melanogaster capable of hydrolyzing the dipeptide glycyl-L-isoleucine, since flies homozygous for null alleles at this locus have no detectable glycyl-L-isoleucine-ase activity. DIP-A activity occurs in many tissues and throughout development, but is particularly high in the larval midgut, suggesting an important role in protein digestion. These observations suggested an experimental design for investigating the adaptive significance of genetic variation in DIP-A activity. Fitness components of DIP-A variants could be estimated and compared under two environmental conditions (defined diets under axenic conditions). In the restrictive environment, the essential amino acid L-isoleucine is provided only in the form of glycyl-L-isoleucine, whereas in the permissive environment, L-isoleucine is provided in free form. We predicted that DIP-A activity would be essential in the restrictive, but not in the permissive environment. The results reported here clearly contradict this prediction. Two stocks homozygous for DIP-A null alleles from different geographic locations are each viable on the restrictive diet. Furthermore, relative viability experiments in which null allele larvae compete with larvae having DIP-A activity provide no evidence for even a partial reduction in egg to adult survival on the restrictive diet. Apparently, the null allele larvae have some alternative mechanism for obtaining L-isoleucine from the dipeptide, even though no glycyl-L-isoleucine-ase activity can be detected in vitro. These results, along with the viability of null alleles for many other enzymes, support the idea that eukaryotes have an intricate network of alternative biochemical pathways through which the same necessary function may be achieved. Such "buffering capacity" makes it very difficult to analyze the effects of enzyme variants on fitness components.  相似文献   

Gustatory stimuli allow an organism not only to orient in its environment toward energy-rich food sources to maintain nutrition but also to avoid unpleasant or even poisonous substrates. For both mammals and insects, sugars-perceived as "sweet"-potentially predict nutritional benefit. Interestingly, even Drosophila adult flies are attracted to most high-potency sweeteners preferred by humans. However, the gustatory information of a sugar may be misleading as some sugars, although perceived as "sweet," cannot be metabolized. Accordingly, in adult Drosophila, a postingestive system that additionally evaluates the nutritional benefit of an ingested sugar has been shown to exist. By using a set of seven different sugars, which either offer (fructose, sucrose, glucose, maltodextrin, and sorbitol) or lack (xylose and arabinose) nutritional benefit, we show that Drosophila, at the larval stage, can perceive and evaluate sugars based on both nutrition-dependent and -independent qualities. In detail, we find that larval survival and feeding mainly depend on the nutritional value of a particular sugar. In contrast, larval choice behavior and learning are regulated in a more complex way by nutrition value-dependent and nutrition value-independent information. The simplicity of the larval neuronal circuits and their accessibility to genetic manipulation may ultimately allow one to identify the neuronal and molecular basis of the larval sugar perception systems described here behaviorally.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity can allow animals to adapt their behavior, such as their mating effort, to their social and sexual environment. However, this relies on the individual receiving accurate and reliable cues of the environmental conditions. This can be achieved via the receipt of multimodal cues, which may provide redundancy and robustness. Male Drosophila melanogaster detect presence of rivals via combinations of any two or more redundant cue components (sound, smell, and touch) and respond by extending their subsequent mating duration, which is associated with higher reproductive success. Although alternative combinations of cues of rival presence have previously been found to elicit equivalent increases in mating duration and offspring production, their redundancy in securing success under sperm competition has not previously been tested. Here, we explicitly test this by exposing male D. melanogaster to alternative combinations of rival cues, and examine reproductive success in both the presence and absence of sperm competition. The results supported previous findings of redundancy of cues in terms of behavioral responses. However, there was no evidence of reproductive benefits accrued by extending mating duration in response to rivals. The lack of identifiable fitness benefits of longer mating under these conditions, both in the presence and absence of sperm competition, contrasted with some previous results, but could be explained by (a) damage sustained from aggressive interactions with rivals leading to reduced ability to increase ejaculate investment, (b) presence of features of the social environment, such as male and female mating status, that obscured the fitness benefits of longer mating, and (c) decoupling of behavioral investment with fitness benefits.  相似文献   

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