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Durophagous crabs successfully hunt hard-shelled prey by subjecting them to extremely strong biting forces using their claws. Here I show that, for a given body mass, six species of Cancer crabs (Cancer antennarius, Cancer branneri, Cancer gracilis, Cancer magister, Cancer oregonensis and Cancer productus) were able to exert mean maximum biting forces greater than the forces exerted in any other activity by most other animals. These strong biting forces were in part a result of the high stresses (740-1350 kN m(-2)) generated by the claw closer muscle. Furthermore, the maximum muscle stress increased with increasing mean resting sarcomere length (10-18 microm) for the closer muscle of the claws of these six Cancer species. A more extensive analysis incorporating published data on muscle stresses in other animal groups revealed that stress scales isometrically with the resting sarcomere length among species, as predicted by the sliding filament model of muscle contraction. Therefore, muscle or filament traits other than a very long mean sarcomere length need not be invoked in explaining the high stresses generated by crustacean claws.  相似文献   

The increase of the amino acid concentration over different time intervals in artificial nectar (i.e., a sucrose solution) due to pollen contamination was investigated in four Californian plant species (Aesculus californica, Amsinckia lunaris, Brodiaea pulchella, Carduus pycnocephalus), which are important nectar resources for a Californian colony of the butterflyBattus philenor as well as for other insects. The increase of the amino acid concentration in the medium is different in all four species and seems to be determined by a variety of factors including permeability of the pollen grain wall and presence or absence of pores. The results suggest a passive diffusion process of the free pollen amino acids into the medium rather than an active release. Implications from the experiments forBattus philenor and for other nectar feeding pollinators are discussed. A possible complementary effect of free pollen and nectar amino acids is proposed for plant species in which pollen is likely to be knocked into nectar by their flower visitors. A possible evolutionary pathway from nectar feeding butterflies such asBattus philenor to the complex derived pollen feeding habit in theHeliconius butterflies is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Amphibious behaviour in fish has evolved separately many times since the first amphibious fishes, the rhipidistian crossopterygians, ventured onto land about 350 million years ago. This behaviour has resulted in the colonization and eventual domination by vertebrates of the terrestrial habitat. It is generally proposed that aquatic hypoxia, owing to metabolic oxygen consumption and organic decay, was the most important selective force in the evolution of air-breathing vertebrates (e.g. Randall et al., 1981). Modern amphibious fish species give an insight into the reasons for leaving and eventually abandoning the aquatic habitat. Amphibious fishes today leave the water for a variety of reasons associated with degradation of their aquatic habitat, or biotic factors within it.The possible causal factors which may elicit an emergence response are summarized in Fig. 1(a) and (b). Amphibious fish inhabiting closed systems, as typified by freshwater or intertidal pools, may leave water for any of the reasons detailed in Fig. 1(a). The relative importance of any one stimulus is likely to vary between different species. However, it is possible that in closed systems, adverse fluctuations in physico-chemical parameters will have a more important effect in eliciting amphibious behaviour than will biotic factors. In open systems, such as coastal waters or large freshwater bodies, effectively two routes of escape from adverse aquatic conditions are available to amphibious fish. They may move onto land, or alternatively they may move underwater to find better conditions. In such a system, where physico-chemical parameters remain relatively constant, abiotic factors are unlikely to have a significant influence on amphibious behaviour. The dominant stimulus in open systems is possibly the three-way interaction between predation, competition, and short-or long-term food availability (Fig. 1(b)).It is unlikely that any one of the factors discussed in this review will act alone in causing amphibious behaviour, and in this respect the available literature on fish leaving water is lacking. Much of it is fragmentary and partly anecdotal, and the limited amount of experimental work tends to concentrate on individual causal factors. There is evidently scope for detailed examination of emersion in a number of amphibious fishes, testing a matrix of environmental and biotic stimuli, in an attempt to determine in more detail the reasons for such behaviour.  相似文献   

It has been documented in the many-lined sun skink (Mabuya multifasciata) that pregnant females select lower body temperatures (27.6–30.8 °C) than do nonpregnant females and adult males (29.7–35.7 °C). We therefore used the skink to test the hypothesis that the maximization of reproductive benefits should be achieved in pregnant females by shifting thermal preferences towards the levels optimal for embryonic development but entailing relatively small costs of reproduction. Data on adult males showed that temperatures maximizing swimming stamina (indicative of locomotor endurance) fell within the range of body temperatures selected by nonpregnant females and adult males. Data on swimming stamina and feeding performance of pregnant females, nonpregnant females and adult males measured at 26 and 30 °C showed that: (1) pregnancy impaired locomotor and feeding performances, but such impairments did not persist after parturition; (2) the degree of locomotor impairment during pregnancy was greater at 26 °C than at 30 °C, but the degree of feeding impairment during pregnancy was greater at 30 °C than at 26 °C. Pregnant females of M. multifasciata selecting body temperatures at about 29 °C could not only produce good-quality offspring in a relatively short gestation length but also reduce reproductive costs associated with locomotor and feeding impairments to some extent. Thus, data from M. multifasciata validate the above hypothesis.  相似文献   

Host feeding is the consumption of host tissue by the adult female parasitoid. We studied the function of destructive host feeding and its advantage over non‐destructive feeding on host‐derived honeydew in the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). We allowed parasitoids to oviposit until they attempted to host feed. We either prevented or allowed host feeding. Parasitoids had access to sucrose solution, with or without additional access to honeydew. Parasitoids that were allowed to host feed did not have a higher egg load 20 or 48 h after host feeding than parasitoids prevented from host feeding. Host feeding did not increase the number of eggs matured within these periods, nor did the time spent host feeding positively affect any of these response variables. On the other hand, the presence of honeydew did have a positive effect on egg load 20 and 48 h after host feeding compared with parasitoids deprived of honeydew. Parasitoids with access to honeydew matured more eggs within these periods than honeydew‐deprived parasitoids. Host feeding increased life expectancy, but this effect was nullified when honeydew was supplied after the host‐feeding attempt. In conclusion, feeding on honeydew could be an advantageous alternative to host feeding in terms of egg quantity and longevity. This applies especially to parasitoids exploiting Homoptera, because these parasitoids can obtain honeydew from the host itself. It is possible that destructive host feeding has evolved to enable females to sustain the production of high‐quality anhydropic eggs, which may be important in the parasitoid's natural environment. We argue that future studies should take natural alternative food sources into more consideration.  相似文献   

The effect of including thyme by-products from the distillation industry into the diet of pregnant ewes on the final quality of lamb meat was evaluated during meat storage in modified atmosphere. A total of 36 Segureña ewes were randomly assigned to three homogeneous groups. One group was fed a basal diet (BD) as control (C), whereas the diet of the other two groups was modified by substituting 10% (T1) and 20% (T2) of the BD with pellets made from 50% barley and 50% distilled thyme leaves (DTL). Meat spoilage (total viable, psychrotroph (PSY), moulds and yeasts, Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), colour (CIELab coordinates, metmyoglobin) and sensory characteristics of fresh lamb meat packed in modified atmosphere packaging (70% O2 : 30% CO2) were analysed after storage at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. In general, the DTL-containing diet inhibited lipid and pigment oxidation in fresh lamb meat. Lower PSY counts and content of secondary oxidation product (TBARS) as a result of adding DTL to the ewe diet, whereas surface redness (a* values) was significantly higher on days 7 and 14. It can be concluded that thyme by-products from the distillation industry could be used as a source of natural antioxidant and antimicrobial in the feed for ewes.  相似文献   

A swarm of honeybees (Apis mellifera) is capable of selecting one nest-site when faced with a choice of several. We adapt classical mathematical models of disease, information and competing beliefs to such decision-making processes. We show that the collective decision may be arrived at without the necessity for any bee to make any comparison between sites.  相似文献   

The composition and contribution of different host species in the dynamics of vector-borne zoonotic parasites are particularly relevant for public health. Hence, the study of host selection by vectors is fundamental. Developmental stage and infection status are factors that may modulate vector feeding behavior. In the semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystem of South America, the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan causing Chagas disease, includes the triatomine vector Mepraia spinolai and several vertebrate species. In this field study, we examined whether M. spinolai exhibits an opportunistic feeding behavior dependent upon developmental stage and/or infection status. We found that M. spinolai does not feed according to the relative availability of vertebrate species. In addition, early stage nymphs (first/second instars) fed on twice as many different species as middle (third/fourth instars) and late (fifth instars and adults) M. spinolai, with the former feeding on native rodents and lizards and the latter mostly on rabbits. Infected and uninfected M. spinolai showed similar feeding profiles. Wild triatomine species might be described as stage-dependent selective blood feeders, as a consequence of the temporal and spatial scale at which host-vector interactions occur, highlighting that all developmental stages might be infected and capable of transmitting T. cruzi.  相似文献   

There are now numerous preclinical reports of various experimental treatments promoting some functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Surprisingly, perhaps, the mechanisms that underlie recovery have rarely been definitively established. Here, we critically evaluate the evidence that regeneration of damaged pathways or compensatory collateral sprouting can promote recovery. We also discuss several more speculative mechanisms that might putatively explain or confound some of the reported outcomes of experimental interventions.  相似文献   

During the G1 phase of the cell cycle, replication origins are prepared to fire, a process that is referred to as origin licensing. It was often pondered what a cell's fate would be if not all of its replication origins were licensed and subsequently activated during S phase. One obvious prediction was that S phase would simply be prolonged. As it turns out, however, the consequences are much more complex. A short G1 phase enforced by premature entry into S phase, or other events that negatively affect origin licensing, will ultimately compromise the cell's ability to complete DNA replication before entering mitosis. As a result, the cell becomes genomically unstable when it attempts to repair unreplicated DNA during anaphase. Thus, the density of active replication origins in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells determines S phase dynamics and chromosome stability during mitosis.  相似文献   

Filial cannibalism (the eating of one's own offspring) occurs in a variety of taxa, but is especially prevalent in fishes with parental care. Recent research supports a central tenet of parental-investment theory; that is, parents consume their offspring when it maximizes their lifetime reproductive success. This review outlines the theoretical framework used to explain the adaptive significance of filial cannibalism, evaluates experimental studies to test some predictions of this theory and discusses how the occurrence of filial cannibalism affects other aspects of a species' reproductive ecology.  相似文献   

In place of a 'normal' external vagina, female spotted hyaenas bear a fully erectile, penis-sized clitoris through which they mate and give birth. Early hypotheses on the evolution of this organ have focused on its signal function, because the erect phallus is used by both sexes as part of submission or appeasement displays. However, a quite different hypothesis is suggested by recent data on the ecological function of female aggressiveness, and on the role of androgens in the development of aggressiveness and male genital development. In this view, the female phallus may have originated as an unselected side effect of selection for androgen-mediated bellicosity, a major advantage in the extraordinarily competitive hyaena social system.  相似文献   

Human infrastructure and disturbance play an important role when animals select resources in human-modified landscapes. Theory predicts that animals trade food intake against costs of movement or disturbance to optimize net energy gain and fitness, but other necessary resources may also constrain the decisions, e.g. when animals repeatedly need to return to a central location, such as a nest, waterhole or night roost. Central place foraging theory states that the probability of occurrence of an animal decreases with the distance to the central location while selectivity for food items or foraging sites providing high net energy gain should increase with distance. We studied foraging patterns of common cranes Grus grus feeding in an agricultural landscape adjacent to a wetland to which they return for night roost. We used availability of spilled grains on harvested fields and distance to human settlement as proxy for site quality (i.e. increased likelihood of increased net energy gain with increased food availability and less disturbance). As predicted by theory, our results clearly show that cranes were more likely (more than twice as high resource selection function scores) to select foraging sites close to roosts. However, contrary to predictions, the selection of high quality sites in terms of high food availability decreased with distance to roost sites. Nevertheless, our results indicate that cranes were more likely to select sites with low risk of human disturbance far from roost sites, and were more tolerant to disturbance close to roost sites. How different species respond to the local and environmental conditions will increase the understanding of the species’ resource requirement, and also where in the landscape to prioritize conservation or management actions (e.g. mitigation of human disturbance and crop damage prevention to sustain agricultural production).  相似文献   

We investigated alloparental interactions and conditions which could facilitate or prevent the expression of alloparental behaviours in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), a long-lived seabird which nests in high-density colonies around Antarctica. Observation sessions were carried out during the crèche stage on 48 identified pairs and 50 identified chicks in a 217-nest subcolony. As the season progressed, young were fed less often by their own parents because these were increasingly absent from the breeding site and less responsive to their offspring’s solicitations. As a consequence, young and particularly those with a low body mass, coming from a two-chick brood, opted for gradually soliciting more from other adults to obtain food, preferentially those nesting in their direct vicinity. Unsuccessful breeders represented a low and constant part of the adult population and were not specifically solicited by unrelated young. Despite the increasing chick demand, only 4.1% (3 out of 73) of alloparental solicitations resulted in feeding, which is negligible compared to parental feeding. To investigate factors that could trigger the appearance of alloparental care, we carried out comparisons with king (Aptenodytes patagonicus) and emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) which represent the closest species for which data on alloparental behaviour were available. Our results show different trends to those observed in these species and three factors may explain the low occurrence of alloparental behaviour in Adélie penguins: (1) the low and constant proportion of unsuccessful breeders, (2) the absence of chick selectivity towards unsuccessful breeders, and (3) the late period of chick accessibility for potential alloparents.  相似文献   

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